HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1950-11-10, Page 3NOVEIWE R 101 1950 4fiensallegion, andWomen's Auxiliary Attend Services NEWS OF HENSALL A splendid representation of members of the 'Canadian Legion and the Women's Auxiliary attend- ed divine worship in Carmel Pres- byterian Church on Sunday even- ing, Nov. 5. Rev. W. J. Rogers,, of the United Ohurch, read the Scrip- ture lesson and pronounced the T MARKerirtar-/ REG. WORK REFRESHED SURGE MILKERS DAIRY MAID Hot Water Heaters J. B. HIGGINS PHONE 56 r 2 BAYFIELD Authorized Surge Service Dealer benediction, Rev. .R. H. Sander' son, in ich tenor voice, offered the solo, "3 Gave My Life For Thee." The choir, under the direction of the organist, Mr. Nicol, A.C,JC,O., sang "Ah Even When the Sun Was Set," in which the trio was taken by M'rs. C. Forrest, Mrs. P. Fergu- son and Mrs. Tiberio. During .the service a two -minute period of sil- ence was observed. Bugler Fred Beer sounded the Last Post. Rev. P. A. Ferguson, chaplain, and min- ister of the church, delivered a stirring address, "Facing Up To Things." We quote: "We live on a world plane. Life demands stern things. Sin and pride won't let us rest. We live in a time of transi- tion. Faith will shape the charac- ter of the new day. God's truth is always the same. In pardon there is fellowship with God, new life and new hope." Next Sunday,, Nov. 12, Rev. R. H. Sanderson will con- duct both services in. this church. The vocal and piano pupils of Mr. Nichol will present a recital in the church on Monday evening, Nov. 13. W. M. S. Meeting Mrs. Cross presided for the monthly W.M.S. meeting which was held in the ,United Church school- room on Thursday afternoon, Nov. 2. Following the Lord's Prayer, Mrs, J. Horton presented the devo- tional period. Prayer was offered by Mrs. Hess, and minutes read. The president stressed the special HURON COUNTY FEDERATION OF AGRICULTURE will holds its Annual Meeting, Banquet and Dance on Wed, Nov. 22,1950 THE EXECUTIVE WILL MEET IN CLINTON at 11 a.m., with the general business meeting being held in the Clinton Town Hall at 1:30 P.m. THE BANQUET AND DANCE will be held in CARDNO'S HALL IN SEAFORTH at 7:00 p.m., with the HON. WALTER E. HARRIS, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, as . guest speaker. Program and Music provided by Ernie Hewitt and his entertainers. 1 • • thankoff'erifxg'serpice Seltet1uledi Xor Sunday morning at 'w,blfoli Dr; Grierson .s'Poke. The vislitng eon6- mittee reported 'having called ori twenty-four shut-ins. Mira'. Ballan— tyne named the following nominat- ing ominating committee to prepare the new slate of officers for 1951: Mrs. C. Cook, Mrs. Sherritt and Mrs. Hess. Discussion took place,• re the young people's banquet. Mrs. C. CookMrs.at and Blatchford were ap- pointed kitchen conveners, and) "Mrs. J. Helton and Mrs. R. Pat- terson, table conveners. All mem- bers are requested to present at the December meeting' their dona- tions of clothing for the bale. Mrs. Geiger gave a fine report of the sectional meeting at Grand Bend. Mrs. Geiger urged the members' to "know your God, your Church, your Missions." Mrs. Coates rendered a beautiful solo, "We'll Keep It Rolling 'Round the World," accom- panied by Mrs. Sherritt. Miss •Consitt gave a graphic de- scription of the study chapter, "The Belief Of Japan." At the close, Miss Consitt and Mrs. Geiger gave a dialogue representing "The Unit- ed nited Church in Canada, and the Church of 'Christ in Japan." A short prayer by Mrs. Grose ended the meeting, which was largely attended. On Remembrance Day, Saturday, Nov. 11, business places will re- main closed from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. All citizens are invited to attend the Remembrance Day service, which will he held' by the Cana- dian Legion in the Town Hall, Hensall, at 10:45 a.m. The regular monthly meeting of the Evening Auxiliary takes place in bhe United Church schoolroom on Monday night, Nov. 14. Mrs'. H. Faber win' present the devotional period, and Mrs. J. Corbett will gave the study. All members are urged to be present. All donations for the bazaar are asked; fol- at this meeting. The Evening Auxil- iary bazaar will be held in the United Church schoolroom on Sat- urday afternoon, Nov. 25, from 3 to 5:30, under the auspices of the W.M.S. Afternoon tea will be served. W. M. S. Thankoffering Service At the W.M.S. Thankoffering ser- vice in the United Church Sunday morning, Nov. 5, Rev. W. J. Rog- ers introduced the guest speaker, Rev. Dr. R. Grierson, Londesboro, ordained minister and medical mis- sionary, who had spent a period of 37 years in Northern Korea. Dr. Grierson is the Last surviving mem- ber of a group of five who began the work there in 1898. The speak- er gave a challenging message in which he enlisted our sympathy and prayers for this distressed coun- try and its churches; elevated our opinion of Korean people, and gave a bird's eye view of theSork done by the United Church in North Korea. The choir chose the an- them, "God's Lovely Dwelling," solo parts being taken by Mrs. R. Broderick and Mr. S. Rannie. Beau- tiful flowers were dedicated to the memory of Able Seaman. Benson Dick, R.C.N., son of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McDonald are shown following their marriage at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Stevens, Walton. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James McDonald, of Grey Township. The couple will live on the 8th Line of Morris Township. WED IN DUBLIN CHURCH Garnet, of Eatetel,, ydfited :0014,1410 in RipleY la&t PPIV, Moat'. and Mrs ,Tach B,obflneio Fa of London epenit S'nudaY wi'ti} Mr, and Mrs 'Mule§ ei!huu Mr. and lkl'irs xa0ksoz Wood 4744 Bobby visited with, Mr. and MMus. Bob Robinson, rKirkton, on, Sim' day. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bell and tall" ily, of Exeter, visited on Saturdaly evening with Mrs. Thos. Bell. Miss Donna Murcdl and Frank Walsh visited on Sunday ,with Mr. and Mrs. P. Murch. Mr. and Mrs. G. Pen'hale visited, with Mr. and Mrs. Faber, Hensall, on Sunday. CLINTON The W.A. of Ontario St. United Church served a turkey dinner to 150 members of Murphy L.O.L. No. 701, in the church hall on Friday evening, Nov, 3. Rev. G. G. Bur- ton, of Centralia, was guest' speak- er and gave a good address on "Education For Democracy." The Sundla.y School executive of Ontario St. United Church was held ort Thursday evening last at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stew- art. After routine business it was decided to have the Sunday School Christmas tree concert on Wednes day evening, Dec. 20, and commit- tees for the same were selected. The host and hostess served de- licious' refreshments after the meet- ing. Mr. and Mrs. F. Townsend and Mrs. M. Wiltse visited friends in Auburn on Sunday. Mrs. W. T. Henry is very ill in Clinton Hospital. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Norman Ball in her recent bereave- ment in the loss of her sister, Mrs. Robert Watkins, 'who died sudden- ly last week. DUBLIN Del 4 li,a *Weir Q`ligaxke,yy wWitrOtypSs ll free. ei ,� ao Survive Tliepalititears Peter X.. `11:441 lld'eagber, -al* Mort y, ant U Rourke anti W41:14m. 111exyet.,, Burial was in St. Patrick's eE#Pne- terq. The funeral lugs;,• was Cele• iren a�w ) braced :by Rev. J. R. FfoulkeS,, gig C.D.L. hyl 'fz fl Scouts Guests of St. Marys Group Sixteen Boa- Scouts and their Scoutmaster, Roy . Boyd, were guests of the St. Marys troop Tues- day night. Extended a Welcome by Scoutmaster Lawrence. May, the evening was spent in Hallowe'en games and stunts and el course, a bountiful 'lunch was enjoyed. E J. Hingst and Scoutmaster Boyd transported the boys to the stone town.—Mitchell. Advocate. 1 DON BRIGHTRALL GENERAL INSURANCE Auto, Wind, Health & Accident; Life, Fire, Burglary, Bonds GOOD COMPANIES—LOW RATES PHONE 299 SEAFORTH 1 � f l k 1,Y> alrL Hlgbest Cash,t Aces d#�� DEAD ST Horses, $5.90 ea:' Cattle, Hogs, 50 per' c* .;• According to Sire„and Condition • Call Collect ”. SEAFORT.I3, Si DARLING & COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED HERE'S THE LOWDOWN ON HIGH MILEAGE The new Goodyear DeLuxe is designed to give you 34% more miles of carefree motoring: Stronger cord construction ... huskier, more flexible shoulders ... wider, flatter tread ... all these features contribute to the biggest value for your tire dollar. Drive in today. Personals: Rev. J. A. Feeney, of London, with his brothers and sis- ters here; Mr. and Mrs. William Stapleton in Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Nicholson, London, with Mr. and Mrs. James Krauskopf; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cleary, Chat- ham, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ev- ans; Miss Dorothy Jordan, of Kit- chener, with her mother, Mrs. Lor- etta Jordan; Norman Kramers and William Feeney in Kitchener and Guelph. Funeral of Mrs. T. O'Rourke The funeral of Mrs. Thomas O'Rourke was held Thursday morn- ing from her late residence to St. Patrick's Church for Requiem Mass at 9:30 a.m. Mrs. O'Rourke died early Monday morning at her home after a lengthy illness. She is , survived by her husband' and four daughters: Mrs. Dorothy Robinson, Dundee; Mrs. Margaret Denomme SEAFORTH MOTORS PHONE: 141 CHEV—OLDS—SALES AND SERVICE MORE PEOPLE RIDE ON GOOD/EAR - TIRES THAN ON ANY OTHER KIND Alt Pictured above are Mr. and cently married in St. Patrick's C riage, Mrs. Duffy was Geraldine of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Dillon, of Mr. Harold Duffy, Ingersoll, Mrs. Wilfred Joseph Duffy, re- hurch, Dublin. Before her mar - Frances Teresa Dillon, daughter Dublin. The groom is the son and the late Mrs. Duffy. Seaforth Monument Works T. PRIME & SON Memorial Craftsmen Seaforth Exeter Clinton Tickets can be obtained from County Federation Directors and Township Federation Secretaries. • • Robert Dick, who paid) the supreme sacrifice in 1945. Evening worship was withdrawn owing to the spe• cia] services being held in Carmel Presbyterian Church, Regular ser- vices next Sunday will be held at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. The monthly W.M.S. meeting Admission to Banquet and Dance — $1.75 Seaforth Showrooms Open Tuesda. See Dr. Harburn for appoint ment any other time, or Phone 41-J, Exeter. Was Nearly Crazy With Fiery Itch— Until I discovered Dr. D. D. Dennis' amazing- ly fast relief — D. D. D. Prescription. World popular, this pure, cooling, liquid medication speeds peace and comfort from cruel itching caused by eczema, pimples, rashes. athlete's foot and other itch troubles. Trial bottle, 35e First application checks even the most Intense Itch or money back. Ask druggist for D. D. D. Prescription (ordinary or extra strength). \vas held in the schoolroom of the Presbyterian Churrh Thursday af- ternoon, at 3 o'clock. An inter- esting program was arranged by Miss Violet Hyde and Miss D. .flair. Aluminum has grown to be a large part of Canadian living W. I. Presents Play Under the auspices of the Wohelo Class of the United Church the Elimvil]e Women's Institute presented the three -act comedy - drama, "Coveralls," in the Town Hall,. Hensall, to a large and ap- preciative audience. Mrs. K. Johns introduced the players. Between acts Misses Audrey Walsh and Marlene Petzke favored' with a vocal duet and Mrs. T. Coates con- tributed a vocal solo. At the close refreshments were served under the direction of Mrs. Lillian Hyde and Mrs. D. Kyle and their assist- ants. Mr. Blackwell was chair- man: The following committee was responsible: Miss Gray and Mr. Blackwell, in charge of tickets; Ed. Corbett, Bloss Pepper, Jack Corbett and Dave Kyle, ushers; J. Harrison, money; Bill Coleman, tickets; Mrs. Broderick and Doro- thy McNaughton. stage committee; Mrs. D. Kyle, program committee. Red Clover Seed MASON WORK • PLASTERING • BLOCKS • BRICKS • STONE For Any Work in the Building Line MATERIALS SUPPLIED . . efit #01tie WINTER AND SUMMER W Opt. LOOSE our be- All Three Types . - ween oesling joist 135 Easy To Apply 5 00' ft . P ..sit Yourself 1 '(4grrx0rrstt, lined; 50 3.75 Caf.tc'n TYPE 80Rr -r , kraft 15"; 75 sa' 4{ t. d •13 line Carton Free Estimates • SEE Huron Concrete Products SEAFORTH For the average home, one day's time is all that is 'required to insulate open attic floors or rafters and keep your home cooler in summer, warmer in winter. Ask for free estimate. Fred C. Kalbfleisch and Son Ltd. Lumber, Shingles and Builders' Supplies WHOLESALE and RETAIL ZURICH and GODERICH Telephones: ZURICH 69; GODERICH 388 Residence Phone: Zurich 162 A very short red clover seed crop is in prospect this year in Ontario. Lack of meadow estab- lished in 1949, coupled with heavy winter killing, reduced the number of meadows suitable for seed pro- duction. Unfavorable weather con- ditions. this fall have further re- duced the potential seed yield. t` ... AN'D THIS IS ALCAN'S TIIrs PICTURE of the first aluminum plant in the British Empire was taken in 1900. That was only 14 years after Charles Martin Hall had ffiscovered how to make aluminum cheaply by using electricity. The plant was erected in semi - wilderness at Shawinigan Falls be- cause the river was being harnessed to provide electricity. Aluminum was the first to use this power. Today Shawinigan Falls has many indus- iul IRTHDAY PICTURE" tries and is a hustling, thriving city. Alcan, too, has been growing dur- ing these fifty years. Today the com- pany has 12 plants providing jobs for 11,000 Canadians and supplying aluminum to more than 1000 in- dependent Canadian manufacturers from coast to coast. On its 50th Birthday, Alcan looks back over half a century of progress — and forward to continued growth with Canada. Px�MI�G� BRUCEFIELD `Excellence Flour' The Late David Tough Many friends and relatives from Detroit, Sarnia, Burford, Delhi, Till'sonburg, Courtland, Innerkip, Listowel, Mount. Forest and many other points, attended' the funeral services for David Tough at Bruce - field, which was conducted Tues- day, Oct. 31, at 2 o'clock at his late residence. Surviving, besides his widow, the former Rachel' Hay, of Brantford, are two sisters, Mrs. Margaret Stevens, of Brucefield, and Mrs. Elsie Davidson, of Dilke, Saskatchewan. Rev. E. R. Stan- way, minister of Brucefield United Church, officiated:. The pallbearers were Ross Scott, Joseph McCully, Basil O'Rourke, Orland Johnston, Alton Johnston and T. B. Baird, while the flower -bearers were Lind- say Eyre, Murray Tyndall, Archie Mustard, Aldie Mustard, Gordon Elliott and Frank McGregor. In- terment was in Baird's cemetery. GIVES PERFECT SATISFACTION • • Notice to Farmers WE ARE BUYING WHEAT FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Best Prices Paid This Week GIVE US A CALL Let us have Samples. We will be buying from now on. • • ALUMINUM COMPANY OF CANADA, LTD. Producers and Processors of Aluminum for Canadian Industry qnd World Markaf8 3 f1h 41 Plants in Shawinigan Falk, Arvido, Isle Mellgne Shipshawd Port Alford, ".404)01$' Waknfl•14.01galon, Taranto, Sohknite. - ' • R I 42.ia fa; ELIMVILLE Messrs. Harvey Sperling, Murray Stephen and Jim Sinclair motored to Sault Ste, Marie last. Thursday, returning Sunday„ where the for mer addteessed a young people's rally there. The trip was through Michigan. Mrs, W, Rorie, Mrs. 'GV, Routly lid 1VY>`S, `iutji 4l'btil McII"vf'11a rdid 'jf TURGEON GRAIN and PROCESSED FEED SEAFORTH, ONTARIO. PROMS 883