HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1950-10-20, Page 4if 1 Classified Ads. Classified Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates: FOR BALE. WANTED. LOST AND POEN/4.. ETC.—Pas ward: let Creek 1 Cent 'led week % Cent lird week % Ceras >!Minna= charge. first insertion25 Cats Each figure. trivial and abbmweadaaa c otmL r ace road. Card of Thanks, In Memoriam BoIIiom, Coming En' —1 gent per wced. >or;•,;canf,• 50 cents per week. Ersoubies may be directed m a Bos No.. e/. '!he Stag Hspasiter, Loa 31 naafis extra Tee cent. additirmal wa31 be charged d ads to abuse class see not paid within 10 days of date of final insertion.. Births, ldarria8es and Dente inserted free o8 dmr•ge. Auction Saler, Notices to Creditors. S,ta.--Bates rel ap9licatioa. Personals ' SKINNY MEN. WOMEN'- GAIN 5 15 lie. New pep, too. Try femme,. (hires Toni Tablets for doublet results; new healthy tush; new vigor. New "get acsmarntod" toe ONLY 60e All drag - grate. HYGIENIC SUPPI ins, (M U B BE R Clods, mailed postpaid in plain. sealed envelope with price list 6 sam,plcs 25c 24 sample 51.00- Mail -Order Dept T-73 NOVA -RUBBER CO_ Box 91, Hamilton, On. TOIE O wanXPEE2tIE.1;C.ED FARMFR, WZ Dan now residing in Hol land, de:: -e, eta- ploymete on Heron Gooney farm lnter- eaaed persons please contact JAN DE BOER, on farm of Edison Forrest. Hee- 4319-3 Work Wanted Wanted LUMBER BEST PRICES PAID FOR 4/4 OAK, Elm, Maple, Birch, C1serry, Walnut Promre payments. See or write JAMES COLE VURNITUJRiE COMPANY, Ingor- soe. 4321.2 AC+CO3LMODATION IS URGENTLY needed for RCAF. faatnies in the Center: area Anyone having two or more furrrehed c,r unfurnished rooms for rent. please write F/LT. WATSON, 11.0 -AF-, C'linwn, or phone Clinton 282, load 52_ 4321-1 Help Wanted - 8.1J — CAPABLE WOMAN OR girl to look after child during day and some evenings. Apply Box 921, HUR- ON EXPOSITOR. 4321-1 WANTED—WOMAN FOR KITCHEN " work ad TASTY GRILL - 4121x1 STENOGRAPHER WANTED Fully experienced manufacturing office - App I in own Handwriting, stating qualifications and salary expected, to stenographer for BOX 920 The Huron Expositor 4320-2 Poultry F OR SA LE --171 HAM PSHIRE - ROCK pullets. GEORGE LEITCIL Phone 841 r 24, Seaforth. - 4321-1 run SALE -100 ROE LEGHORN - SUS - .es nuilebspriced reasonably. A. E. CROZIER, R.S. 2, Seaforth. Phone 667 r 22, Seaforth. 4321-1 PULLETS FOR SALE 700 New Hamp Pallets, hatched June 14 790 New Harp Rock pullets, hatched June 21. 600 Barred Rock pullets, laying. 400 Leghorn Rock pullets, hatched May 18th. Moore's Poultry Farm PHONE 666 r 3 - SEAFORTH 4314-t! Notices HAVE YOUR PAINTING PROBLEMS done the economy way by an expert eprayman. Wallpapering a apecialty- wallpapering and brash painting. All work guaranteed. For free estimator phone 780. HAROLD FINLEY, Seaforth. 4307-tf RADIO REPAIRS — WHEN YOUR radio won't work, bring it to TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. and take ft home the same day—any day. Opposite Dick Hoose. Phone 347-R, Seaforth, 4295-tf BARNS CLEANED AND WETTEWASH- ed following T. B. test- Brand new sprayer capable of 1,000 pounds pressure - Work done to inspector's satisfaction. Phone 44 r 9, Dublin. FRED HARBURN, Staffs 4801-tf COURT OF REVISION Town of Seaforth THE TOWN OF SEAFORTH WILL hold a Court of Revision on the 1910 Assessment Roll, on THURSDAY, NOV. 2nd, at 8:15 p.m. All appeals mast be in the han.ls of the Clerk prior to October Slat. D. H. WILSON, Clerk. 4321-2 TWP. OF STANLEY Court of Revision ' M9. COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP of Stanley will hold a Court of Re- vision on the 1951 Assessment Roll in the Township Hall, on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 6th, at 10 a.m- All appeals must be in the hands of the Olerk not later than October. 31, 1950. (Signed) FRED S. WATSON Township Clerk, Bayfield, On4ario- 4321-2 NOTICE Court of Revision Twp. of Tuckersmith NOTICE JS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A Court of Revision on the 1951 Assess- ment Roll of the Township of Tuckeramith, will hold its first sitting in the Town Hall, Seaforth, on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24th at 10 a_m- for the purpose of hearing appeals. E. P. Chesney, CLERK. 4820-2 Notices To Creditors NOTICE Township of Hullett Court of Revision Tim coilNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP of Mullett will hold a Court of Re- vision on the 1951 AtiotompMrM Ron in the Commanity, il'ell, Imndesbbrb. on F3tlbAj NI'sl11T. OCTO81"R 27th, 1950 sit tat) rami. alit AJYb 1s ,,the I11 .lite hands i itd' vlArle tilt oYs bdlSoi', tiff§ 14th day of Sl8tiili(i#" NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Etate of THOMAS N. FORSYTH. late of Kippen, Ontario, Retired_ CREDITORS AND OTHERS HAVING claims against the above estate are required to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned Executers on or before the 6th day of November, AD. 1950. after which date the est 's mets wild be distributed. having regard oaty to claims that have then been te:r.c.i♦ed. WILLIAM J. F. BELL. RB.. No. 2. Kippen, Ontario, and MRS. MARY Mc- AJ.LISTER,. R R. No. 1, Zurich Ones ea Executors, by W. G. COCHRANE, Soak - tor, Exeter. Onar io. 4320-3 Property For Sale mon Saim.—trinom BUILDING LOTS 11 at eartrente west end of Jaime. et. Apply w. E. SOi17HGATS, F OR RAi,R NEW HOUSE, RANCH style; fully modern: oal furnace, air conditioned. Oen be bought with down Payment and monthly payment plan C. G. L. John 'Street. 4314-tt Coming Evens V.OU WILL HAVE LOTS OF FUN dancing again at the Costal Bali- , Mitchellevery Friday ni3dit, to the music of Don Robertson and his Ranch Boys. 4320x2 For Sale _ �j eS SALE -ONE FULL PANEL CRIB, large $ine. Phone 323, or apply MRS. JACK MOORE, blain SL 4321x1 Motor Cars For Sale FOR ¢ a t 90-1936 FORD COACH. LN eaceiient condition. DUNLOP'S B. A. SERVICE STATION- 4321x1 GOOD VALUES In Used Cars, Trucks and Tractors Cars FORD '3s SEDAN FORD MODEL •A' SEDAN IDODGE -35 SEDAN NASH '38 SEDAN FORD '29 COUPE C±UIVROLET '38 COACH FORD '49 SBDA_V Trucks FORD -32 PICK-UP FORt) '35 PANEL FARGO '38 1 -TON CHEVROLET 3 -TON CHASSIS WITH CAB Tractors MccORall CK-DFERIVG 10-20.—A bar- gain_ CORD '49 TRACTOR—Almost new FORD '45 TRACTOR—Completely over- 1 hauled COCKSHUTT 70--A-1 shape, overhaul- ed, verhau - ed, goad tires. DALY MOTORS Ford - Monarch Sales & Service SEAFORTH 4321-1 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN — Custom NOTICE to CREDITORS15° 50 In the Estate of ELIZABETH GILLESPIE AL L PERSONS- HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Elizabeth Gil- lespie. late of the Town of Seaforth,; in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased. who died on the 8th day of May. 1950. are hereby notified to send in full Par- ticulars of their claims to the undersign- ed on or before the 27th day of October. I910, after which date the assets -.vie be dutr:iouted, having regard only to chum then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 4th day of October, 1950. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seeforth, 'Ontario, Solicitont for the Executor=-. 4319.3 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of FRANCIS JANE STOREY A L L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Frances Jane Storey, late of the Township of McKillop, in the County of Huron. Spinster. de- ceased, wino died on the 7th day of Aux--; ust, 1950, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 27th day of 42 October, 1950, after which date she assets will be distributed, }raring regard only to claims then received, 49 49 radio, air conditioning, wbitevrall tires'/ sun visor, many other extras CHEVROLET SEDAN CHEVROLET DE LUXE COACH CHEVROLET FLEETLINE SEDAN 48 CHEV. FLEETLINE COACH H Two-toneg een- 148 148 47 40 i CHEV. CHEV. Gonne. SEDAN COACH COACH PONTIAC COACH 40 CHEV. SEDAN In excellent condition; radio, 37 36 SO DATED at Seaforth, this 4t5 day of October, 190& McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforti,, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor, 43194 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of ELIZABETH McELROY A L L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Elizabeth Mc- Elroy, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron. Widow, deceased,. who died on the I3th day of August. 1950, are hereby notified to send in full particu- lars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 2711, day of October, 1910, after which date the assets will be dis- tributed, having regard only to claims then received - DATED at Seaforth, this 4th day of October, 1950. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Administrator. 4319-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of THOMAS PETER HUSSEY A LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Thomas Peter Hussey, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, Parish Prime, de- ceased, who died on the 10th day of Sep- tember, 1950, are hereby notified to rend in fan particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 27th day of October, 1950, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, thin 4th day of October, 1950. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executon. 4319-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of THOMAS ALFRED TAY- LOR, late of the Village of Hensall, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, De- ceased. A L L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of the above de- ceased are required to file the tame with the undersigned Solicitor for the said Estate, on or before the 23rd day of October, A.D. 1950, after which date the assets will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto. having regard only to the claims of whidh notice shall have been given. DATED at Clinton this 2nd day of October, A.D. 1950. F. FONGLAND, K.C., Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor For the said Estate. 4319-1 NOTICE to CREDITORS in the Estate . of ROBERT JAMES WRIGHT A L L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Robert .James Wright. late of the Township of Stanley, County of Huron, deceased, who died on or shout the 10th day of August, 1950, are hereby notified to send in to the un- dersigned on or before the 7th day of November, 1960, full particular, of their claims. Immediately after the said last men- tinned,,date,..the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the Parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims et which the undersigned shall then have notice, t, the exclusion of all others, and the understated will not be )table 00 any Penton of whose claim the undersign - lid shall not then have notice for the assets so distributed or any Dart thereof- ATIED at Seaforth, rth, 41L1A 12th day of October, 1960. ALVIN W. Sfl LEI .Y, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitor for the tetete. 39 NASH SEDAN CHEV. COACH—$225.00 GJILC. 1 -TON TRUCK- mini/tired with racks. Will be sold at a sacri- fice CHEV. ?4 -TON PICKUP FARGO 1 r _-TON STAKE TRUCK MANY 01'Dna MODELS TO CHOOSE BRUSSELS MOTORS "The Home of Better Used Cara" OPEN EVERY EVENING Auction Sales AUCTION SALE OF PROPERTY AND Household Effects, at corner of James -and North Main SL, in Town of Seaforth. Saturday, October 2816. at 1 pat: Full line of household effects including a large wanti.-y of dishe. PROPERTY—Sin- room frame house with basement, in fair condition, on lame lot approximately 50 feet by 135 feet. Terni --Chattels, cash: 1 property. 10';, dowr, and balance In 30 1 days. Reserve bid- GORDON DUPEE, Proprietor: Harold Jackson. Auctioneer, 4321-7 AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EF- fects, on Side Street. in the Town of Seaforth, on Wednesday, October 25th, at 1 p.m.: Clare Jewel white enamel rook stove with reservoir a like newt: coal oil shove: Quebec beater; extension table: kitchen chairs : sideboard: small tahnrs : rockers: organ and stool : secretary with oval glass front; buffet: hall rack: dining room chairs: large wardrobe: 2 furnished bedrooms ; day bed; floor coverings ; quan- tity of dishes and kitchen utensils : wash- ing machine; tubs : boiler: Lawn mower: step ladder; garden toobi and other art.. ides. Terms — Cash. MRS. JOSEPH HOGG Proprietress: Harold Jackson. Auc tiorteer, 4321-1 Tenth Annual Sale of REGISTERED HEREFORDS The undersisrned will sell by Public Auction for Stutt Bros. 2 miles northeast of Forest, 1/4 mile east of Highway 21 Saturday, October 21st 30 HEAD 14 Bulls around one year old 16 Bred Heifers All Cattle T.B. Tested Bulls Blood Tested Heifers Calfhood Vaccinated 10 Bulls by Ellis Domino 18th C.F.: 4 Bulls by M. B. Real Emblem 2nd; 9 Heif- ers by M. B. Real Emblem 2nd bred to Ringwood Crusty; 7 Heifers by Ellis Dom- ino 18th C. F., bred to Ringwood Crusty. Ringwood Crusty is a half-brother to the 1950 Denver Champion. Lunch available at Farm. Sale under cover. Sale at 1 p.m., sharp. Catalogue on Request. W. S. O'NEIL, E. M. LESTER. LINC. WHITE -- Auctioneers. 4320x2 AUCTION of Cabin Trailers AT CENTRAL SCHOOL, NORTH CODE/RICH, ONTARIO on ST., Saturday, Nov 4th, 1950 at 2:00 p.m. One Cabin Type Trailer, 30 regulation width Teo Cabin Type Trailers, 18 feet long, resonation widths. These Waiters are suitable for theFnae of Contractors, Municipal Road Depant- mente, or can he used as Citbina, Tennis—Cash MATT GAY OR., Auctioneer X. 'toil', /2.4ma, 'Clerk, Cat*llty Of' Huron feet long, ll FOR SALE -2 QUEBEC HEATERS, medinan size. alightly used. Apply to J7 ELLIOTT. Seaforth. 43229-2 La/OR SAI BLACK AND WELITE EN- " amel cook stove; good coad+•t'ir" Priced reasonable. PHONE 663 r 21, Sea- fore/a_ 43221-1 FOR. SALE — MOTOR FOR GENT'S Whizzes bicycle, reasonable; also 3 sure)' pig=- Apply ROY VODDEN, KB - 2, Seaforth. 4321x1 shut ins and newcomers- The vis- iting committee for October is Mrs. W.er and Mrs. E. Mc- Bride, e-' Bride aid the I fewer committee for the church for ' Novemoer will be Mrs. E. McBride and Mrs. H. Dal- rymple; nominating committee, Mfrs. Hinton, Mrs. Peck and Mrs. "Workman; program committee. Mrs. T. Kay. Mrs. Elverson Ander- sen and Mrs. E. Kyle. Mrs. Work- man repel ted that Mrs. (Rev-) Snell, of Exeter, will be the guest speaker for the birthday.. party on Nov. 1. Mrs. Alexander and Mrs. Hinton reported on the Sectional meeting which they recently at- tended at Grand Bend. Miss Helen Love favored with an instrumental, "Home -Coming' March-" Mrs. R,obt. Elgie gave the study book, "The United Church Re-enters Japan Through Reinforcements," and Mrs. Hinton gave the poem, "Autumn" Mrs. Robt. McGregor moved a vote of thanks to Mrs. Peck for the use of her home, and Mrs- Elgie gave a short treasurer's reptirt- The closing hymn was 550 and the ben- ediction in unison. Lunch was serv- ed by Circle No. 1. FOR SALE -2 REGISTERED YORK sows, due December 1st., Apply to GORDON HORNER. Pbone 661 r 2Sea- forth- 4321x1 FOR SALE — SPRAYED APPLES: Kings, Greenings, Delicious, Russets, and cider apple,. Phone Clinton 613 r 24. FRED McCLYMONT. Varna 4321e2 FOR SALE -2 PURE BRED SHORT - born bulls, 9 and 11 months old_ red - Apply to OLIVER WRIGHT. Phone 847 r 2, Seaforth. 4321=1 pots SALE—QUANTITY OF WOOD; also quantity of turnips. Apply to DOMINIC MURRAY, 45 r 9, Dublin. 4321s1 FOR SALE --CORNER BUILDING LOT on North Main St. For further par- ticulars apply to MRS. J. W. FREE, or Phone 68, Seaforth. 4317-12 FOA SALE—FRAME KITCHEN, 12x16, three-ply lumber- inside walls and ceil- ing a;,' matched fir. Can be moved. Apply H AHOLD MALONEY. Seaforth. 4321x1 FOR SALE—NEW SINGER SEWING machine,, electric and treadle. Re- pairs to all makes- SINGER SEWING CENTRE, 78 Ontario 8t, Stratford 4223-t! FOR SALE—CONN C MELODY SAXO- phone, silver-plated and recently re- conditioned and with a new mouthpiece. Complete with case and a bargain at 512.5. JOHN eLUMTREE, Clinton. Ont. 4321x3 R SALE -1 BEDROOM SUITE. SELL ing for lack of space: 2 carpe' rags. 92x92 and 9'x12': 1 kitchen table, and a number of 'good windows. Apply to ORVILLE DALE. North Main St 4321x1 VLOR SALE — CLARINET IN GOOD shape and accordian in fair shape: 2 pairs skate_, sizes 6 and 7; 5 oak cbairs and dining table to match; 2 good pil- lows: boy's rubber tired wagon, large size; boy's bicycle: 36 sacics for 52.00. WILLIAM MacKAY. East William Street. or Phone 224-3. 4.320x3 Cards of Thanks MR AND MES. EARL M- DICKSON and family desire to thank their many friends for the kind expressions of sympathy extended to then during their recent bereavement and special thanks to Rev. D. Glenn Campbell and Mr. C. A. Whitney. 43111x1 MR AND MRS. WILSON ARMSTRONG and famaiy wish to express their sin- cere thanks to the many relatives, friends and neighbors for their kind exprnsions of sympathy and acts of kindness shown to them Bering their recent sad bereave- ment ereavesmerit Special thanks to Rev, Mr. Mac- Millan, Mr. Whitney, and to those who loaned cam. 4321x1 In Memoriam ING—IN LOVLNG MEMORY OF A dear son and brother, Kenneth King, who passed away four years ago, on October 18, 1946. Loving and kind in all his ways, Upright and just to the end of his days: Sincere and true in heart and mind, Beautiful memories he left behince —Ever remembered by his mother, Mrs. Grace King, and. his Sisters and Brothers. 4321x1 TAYLOR—In MEMORY OF OUR DEAR son and brother, Pte. Sidney Taylor, killed in Germany, October 14. 1944.. It's loriesorrie at home without you, son. And sad the weary way. For life is not the same to ua Since you were called away. There's many a lonely heartache, Often a silent fear. But always a beautiful memory, Of a son we loved so dear. 4321x1 Births HOFF--At Scott Memorial Wendel, on October 15, to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hoff. Seaforth, a eon. McCONNELL—At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, PT! October 16, to Mr. and Mrs. P. D. McConnell, Seaforth, a daughter. Deaths MILLER—In Seaforth, on Friday, Oct. 13, Gertrude B. Young, dearly beloved wife of W. C. Miller, Tuckersmith, in her 5 ith year. KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Hodgert and daughter, of Exeter, were Sun- day visitors with Mrs. Schilbe and Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. R. Torrence and Mr. and Mrs. H. Torrence and son, of Porter's Hill, visited on Sunday with Mr. H. lvison and Jean. Mr. and Mrs. lvison Torrence, of Mitchell. visited on Sunday with friends in the community. Mrs, Minnie Little, of London, spent Sunday with friends in the village. Mr. and Mrs. .Joe Beokler, Zur- ich, visited on Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. J. Cochrane. o Mr. and Mrs. W. Horney, of Exe- ter, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Gackstetter. W. M. S. Meets The W.M.S. of St. Andrew's Unit- ed Church met on Thursday after- noon at the home of Mrs. R. M. Peck, The president, Mrs, Winston Workman, opened the meeting with the theme and,Hymn 280 was sung. The Scripture was read in unison and brief meditation follow- ed with prayers by Mrs. Allan Johnson, Mrs. Emerson Kyle, Mrs. E. Jarrott, Mrs. John Anderson, Mrs. Emerson Alderson and Miss Grace Tremeer. Hymn 280 was sung. Mise Helen Love favored with a piano instrumental, "in the Sweet Bye and Bye." Mrs. Hinton gave a poem, "Friend in Need." Twenty=three members answered the roll call and six visitors were present. A letter was read from the„Varna Auxiliary, thanking the ICtppen ladies for invttatioll to birthday party which they accept- ed, Mrik Hinton reported she alug ' ti. StOadf;ooh had .called OIi (i t tfalV. m. CROMARTY Miss V. Albrecht has returned to her duties as nurse at the honie of Mr. Jas. Scott. after spending a week or two with friends at Mil- verton and Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Allen at- tended the Provincial plowing match at Alliston. Miss Betty' McKellar, of Strat- ford, spent the week -end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle Cornish, of Seaforth, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hamilton. Mrs. Maclntosh and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ramsay and family spent Sunday in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Allen have returned home after spending their honeymoon in Ottawa. North Bay and Barrie. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Barr and son. John Lyn, of Stratford, and Mr. Jas. Muir. of St. Marys, visited on Sunday with Mrs. Duncan .McKel- -1 ar. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wallace on Sunday were: Tom Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. John David- son, of Carlingford; and Mrs. Em- ma Pepper and son, Gowan, of Avonton, Robert Laing and Alex Gardiner have returned home from extend- ed • trips through the Western Provinces and also the Southern States. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Allison, of Morden. Manitoba, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Will Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kemp and Audrey. of Mitchell. visited with Mrs. M. Houghton. Jimmie Ramsay enjoyed a two- day bus trip to Detroit, being one of the contestants of the Beacon - Herald contest. A special thankoffering service was conducted in Cromarty Church ,by Rev. M. Keyes. of St. Marys. The mixed quartette sang a very appropriate number. The Marion Ritchie Auxiliary held their thankoffering service in the basement of the church with Mrs. Erskine, of Monkton, the Presbyterial president, as guest 3 -POINT HOOK-UP You Ever Saw Be sure to see the NEW EAGLE: HITCH on the Model "VAC” 2 -Plow Case Tractor Rowcli{fe Motors P%oltle 147 &eafor& tr t ilt .1V ri !x. speaker. The address was very in- teresting nteresting and impressive. The members of the ,W.M.S. were in- vited guests. Lunch was served, and a social hour spent. BRUCEFIELD The October meeting of the WA. of Brucefieid United Church was held on Tuesday, Oct. 10, at the home of Mrs: Gordon Elliott, with 32 members presenkt, Miss Mary Swan and lb's_ Harry Dalrymple took charge of the devotional part M. of the meeting. rs, Dalrymple read the topic on "Thanksgiving." Mrs. Gordon Elliott took the chair for the business part of the meet- ing. After reports, the Creed was repeated in unison and the roll call was answered by a verse on, "Thanksgiving." The minutes were read and approved. An invitation was received from the W.A. to at- tend the meeting at Varna Oct. 19, which was acceptid. Nov. 24 was set for the date of the bazaar, and a committee was appointed with Mrs. H. F. Berry as general con- vener, A committee was also ap- pointed to work with the Board to help plan the kitchen and school room after the installation of the furnace. The president brought no- tice that the Orpheus Choir will be heard in the church on Wednes- day, Nov. 1. Group 3 was in charge of a short program with Mrs. W. Henry giving a humorous reading. Mrs. W. Scott conducted a contest, and lunch was served. Mr, and Mrs. W. Scott are holi- daying in Algonquin. Miss Evelyn Howard, Toronto, visited Over the week -end with Mrs. C. Haugh. - Mr. and Mrs. B. Shoulice visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Paterson. Mr. J. Bowey and Mrs. J. Grain- ger, of Exeter, spent Sunday in the village. Mrs. H. Dayman is holidaying in Detroit. The Boy Scouts held a very suc- cessful Apple Day on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Orland Johnston spent the week -end in St Cathar- ines- Week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. Henry were Mrs. A. Henry, son and daughter of Pontiac, Mich. Co-, asphalting Sing St., $i,789.30; J. Traquair, supplies. Fire PePt., $7.20; Exeter District High EchoD) rates, $2,430.09; J. A. Peterson, salary $175, expenses, Godericb, $32.50; G. R. Hess, printing, $80 50; C. W. Leonhardt, salary, $123.32; J. Price, labor, streets, $28.70; R. McArthur, labor, streets, $2,40; Hensall P.U.C., Hydro, Hall, $9.01; Children's Aid • Society, expenses, $39.10. Total, $4,798:80. Hoy and Jones: ' That the bills and accounts as read be paid. Car- ried. Jones and Luker: That we authorize the reeve to get in touch with other municipalities as re- gards Remembrance Day, Nov. 11. Carried. Parke and Hoy: That we now adjourn to meet Nov. 5, Death of Mrs. George Brown Mrs. Mary Brown, highly esteem- ed resident and wife of the late George Brown, passed away at the Riverside Nursing Home, Mitchell, Sunday- afternoon, Oct. 15, in her 94th year. The former Mary Ann Blatchford, she was born in Us - borne Township, and had been a resident of Hensall for over sixty years. Mrs. Brown resided with her daughter, Mrs. J. H. Wilson, Stratford, for some years, where she received the very best of care, but her daughter having met with a serious accident, was unable to look after her. She was a member of Hensall United Church and Wo- men's Missionary Society. Surviv- ing are one son, Mervyn, Hensall; one daughter (Pearl), Mrs. J. H. Wilson, 169 Ohurch St., Stratford, and one brother, Dr. B. Blatchford, Salem, Ore. Mr. Brown predeceas- ed her in 1935. Private funeral services were held from her late residence, Main St., Hensall, Wed- nesday, Oct. 18, at 2:30 p.m., Rev. W. J. Rogers of Hensall United Church officiating, assisted by Rev. R. A. Brook, of Bluevale United Church, a former pastor, who paid high tribute to her life and her fine Christian character, Inter- ment w•as in Exeter cemetery. The regular meeting of the W. M.S. was held Tuesday afternoon at 2:30. The worship service with the theme. "Christ's Disciples Bring Light," was taken by Mrs, T. Baird. Mrs. Ross Scott took the reading' from the words of Kagawa and Mrs. Allan offered prayer. The autumn thankoffering service will be 'held on Sunday evening, Nov. 5, when Dr. Wm. Godfrey, Home Missions Superintendent and Pres- ident of the Martime Conference, will be the speaker. Miss E. Bowey gave the talk on Temperance and Mrs, R. Allan on Christian Stew- 1 ardship. The study book, "The United Church Re-enters Japan l Through Reinforcements," was ab- ly taken by Mrs. J. McDonald and Mrs. E. R. Stanway. The meeting closed with a hymn and prayer by the president. - HENSALL Children's photos a speciality. For early Christmas appointments Phone 5, Hensall. ANN'S STUDIO, Bayfield. Paper Drive Saturday, Oct. 21. Magazines and papers, tied in bun- dles and placed in front of homes in the morning, will be appreciat- ed. Sponsored by Hensall Girl Guides- 4320-2 (Continued from Page 1) Officers installed were: N.G., Bro. Ed. Corbett; Y.G., Cliff Weido; re- cording sec., W. R. Dougall; finan- cial sec., P. L. McNaughton; treas., Geo. Glenn; Warden, Garnet Mous- seau; Conductor, Alex McBeath; R.S.N.G., Percy Campbell; L.S.N.G., Ross Richardson; R.S.V.G., Chas. Hays; L.S.V.G., Clarence Volland; R.S.S., Wm. Parke; L.S.S., Milton Lavery; O.G., Jas. McAllister; I.G., Harold Parker; Chaplain, Wilbur Jones. A vote of thanks was ten- dered by P.D.D.G.M. Earl Campbell and P.D.D.G.M. Lloyd Hudson, to D.D.G.M, Bro. Boyce and staff. Lunch was served. The regular meeting of Hensall council was held Tuesday evening, Oct. 10, at 8 p.m., in the council chamber with all members present. Minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted on motion of Parke and Luker. C. W. Leonhardt, utility man, re- ported re speed signs needed n the streets, Clerk to write the De- partment of Highways re same. J. A. Paterson reported as having col- lected $10,425.20 in 1950 taxes out of a total of $27,421.95, or approxi- mately 38 per cent; also reported on the assessment appeals held in Godericb. Correspondence was read as fol- lows: Children's Aid Society, J. Reid, Fire Marshall of Ontario, De- partment of Municipal Affairs, Hur- on County Municipal Officers' As- sociation, W. Sherriff, County As. sessor A. Alexander, Dept. of Pub- lic Welfare, A. Scholl, H. McAllis- ter, F. Beer, Mrs. Jarrott, C.N.R., Imperial Oil. Crown Attorney H. G. Hays, Huron Expositor, Bell Tele- phone, Dept. of Highways, County Clerk, J. JHoward Society of On- tario—same considered 'and filed. Fire „Chief E. Fink appeared at council's request, re the convention to be held in Toronto Oct, 26-27; also several other matters pertain- ing to fire department matters. Jones and Hoy: That we ask th'e fire chief and his deputy to attend the convention in Toronto Oct. 26- 27. Carried. Parise and Luker: That the clerk notify Hay and Stanley Townships that the Fire Department By-law will he given ,third and final read- ings at the next council meeting, Nov. 15, and all municipalities de- siring protection must have agree - Misfits signed before that date. Car- ried, tills and acc`bunts were read as foil w' : W. Parke, d & k , r@pairs to miivter, *'5.75; A. Spencer & Son, inaater a1, streets, $46.58; j. Den- gougtll; material for catch basin, '$16 At A Ctlark, material for e,atch ;bl,w Co1r11elli�trlietibn hifi(a,sl°ut;del;ylt, 1,161; Harold Parker, W@Fi OW , Hen- sall district farmer, wtho Wag t& en by . Bo tbron's 419t0419fice4 Mier day to Clinton Hospital seriously 111, at date of writing le improved, his many friends will be pleased to learn. • W. C. T. U. Holds'a Meeting The October meeting of the Hen- sall-Exeter ensall-Exeter Union of the Women's Christian Temperance Union was held at the home of Mrs. C. W. Down, Exeter, Tueaday afternoon, et 3 p.m. Mrs. Wm. Cook conducted the devotional period. Prayers were offered by Mrs. Down, Mrs. Cook. and Mrs. A. Amy, Mrs. E. Geiger, Hensall, president of the Union, took the chair for the business ses- sion. A report from the secretary d. Hosed that $30 had been sent to the budget fund and $5 to Tid- ings to help with printing costs_ The study, taken from the clip sheet, was based on the theme, "The Blood Test For Drivers In- volved in Traffic Accidents." Ex- tracts of interest pertaining to this subject were read by Mrs. Lloyd Taylor, Mrs. Wm. Cook, Mrs- S. McFalls, Mrs. Arthur Amy, Mrs. C. Down, Mrs. Herman Powe, Miss A- Consitt,. Mrs. F. Gunning, Mrs, W. J. Pybus and Mrs. F. J. Appleby_ An open discussion followed. Fol- lowing the closing exercises, Mrs - Down served refreshments. AdditionalHensall News on Page 3 BAZAAR SALE OF SEWING, HOME BAK- ING and VEGETABLES Varna United Church WEDNESDAY, OCT. 25 3:00 p.m. TEA WILL BE SERVED Schneider - Orpheus Male Choir (45 Male Voices) will appear at— BRUCEFIELD UNITED CHURCH Wednesday, November 1st 8:30 p.m. This is an outstanding Choir and well worth hearing. ADMISSION 50c CHILDREN 25c Huron -Perth Annual Liberal Meeting TOWN HALL, HENSALL Friday, October 20 8:30 pm. THE HON. GUEST SPEAKER: Robert H. Winters, M. P. • MINISTER OF RESOURCES AND DEVELOPMENT Mr. Winters, prominent Federal Cabinet Member and out- standing speaker, is making his first visit to Huron -Perth. Senator W. H. olding, James N. Corry, M.P., A. Y. McLean, M.P., and other Liberals will be present. fi VERYONE IS WELCOME HURON -PERTH LIBERAL ASSOCIATION W. L. WHYTE, BENSON W. TUCKEY, President. Secretary. itf;;1i t<<,:41/q)i,4A\//hit Tipi.'vjr,0.,l-r Ball Macaulay Have complete stocks of Fir Plywood, Etch - wood, Weldte,f and Plywood Sheetings, to meet your requirements for modernizing your kitchen and playroom. Builders' Supplies BEAPOI TH-._Phone 781 s Lime - Cement CLINTON--409one 97