The Huron Expositor, 1950-10-06, Page 45, 4vm Fan lassified Ads ss: • THE, IfilTRON EXPOSITOR • Classified Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates: FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC.—Per word: 1st week 1 Cent 2nd week % (lent 8rd week 3,6 Cent Minimum chargefirst inaertion25 Cents Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. Gard of %%asks. In MemoriesI Notices, Coming Events -1 cent per word. Minimum, 50 gents per week. Enquiries may be directed to a Box Na, eke The Enron ExPooltor. for 10 cents extra. Ten "nts ,94ditio8al will be °barged if ads in above class are not paid within 10 days of date of final insertion. Births, Marriages land Deaths inserted free of charge. Auction Sales, Notices tet Greaten,. Ete--Eatee on aPPlication. Coining Events AMEETING OF THE HURON COUNTY Irappers. Association will be held on Saturday, October 7, at 8 P.m., in the Agriculture Board Rooms. Clinton. Mr. E. Meadows, of the Department of Lands and Forests, .G(111, will be the &Omitsl speaker, and will discuss same of the changes in the licensing and zoning laws - Everyone welcome. 4319-1 Wanted WAN 1 sill TO RENT — HOUSE OR " apartment. unfurnished, required im- mediately in Seaforth. PHONE 133-W, Seaforth. 4319x2 Personals SKINNY MEN, WOMEN I GAIN 5 TO .15 lbs. New pep. too. Try forams Ostri, Tonic Tablets for doublet results; new healthy flesh; new vigor. New "get acquainted" size ONLY 60c. All drug- gists. 11YGIENIG SUPPLIES (It 1111 Goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25c: 24 samples $1.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-73, NOVA -RUBBER CO.. Box 91, Hamilton. Ont. Help Wanted - - - WANTED --CAPABLE WOMAN FOR general house work: part time only Apply to Box 913. HURON EXPOSITOR., HELP WANTED Work -Wanted •K‘. X PE R1EN C ED FARMER, VVI DOWER. now residing in Holland, desires em- ployment on Huron County farm. Inter- ested persons please contact JAN DE BOER, on farm of Edison Forrest, Hen - 4319 -3 Livestock Wanted UP TO $5.00 EACH FOR DEAD OR Disabled H.orses, Cows, Hogs. at your farm. Prompt service. Phone Collect Wm. Sproat. Seaforth. 656 r 2. WIL- LIAM STONE SONS; LIMITED, Inger- soll, Ont. Poultry VOR SALE -250 NEW HAMPSHIRE X " Leghorn pullets, Spruceleigh strain, 53,•'., months old, laying. Apply to JAMES LANDSBOROU GEL RE. 3, Sea f o rt h. Phone 665 r 16. 4318x3 PULLETS FOR SALE Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of ELIZABETH GILLESPIE A LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Elizabeth Gil- lespie, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased who died on the 8th day of May, 1950, are hereby notified to send in full par- ticulara of their claims to the undersign- ed on or before the 27th day of October, 1950, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 4th day of October, 1950. MeCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors. 4319-3 700 New H -amp Pullets, hatched June 14 700 New Hemp Rock pullets, hatched June 21. 600 Barred Rock pullets, laying. 400 Leghorn Rock pullets, hatched May 11fils. Moore's Poultry Farm PHONE 666 r 3 SEAFORTH 4314-tf For Sale -won SALE-- BEAN STRAW. to JOHN McCLOY. Phone Hensall. APPLY 10I -W, 4319-1 FOR SALE—ROCKING CHAIR; ARM- ' chair and table. Apply Box 916, HURON EX POSITO R. 4319x1 port SALE—,DINETTE SUITE, 6 -PIECE, ' red leather seats. Will sell buffet i separate. PHONE 162-J, Seaforth. 4319-1" FOR SALE—CORNER BUILDING LOT on North Main St. For further par - HURON COUNTY REQUIRES TWO ticulars apply to MRS. J. W. FREE. or Home. Clinton, Ontario. Good wages with 4317-tf " Domerecs for the Huron County Phone 68. Seaforth. board and lodging. Provided. Essecesseal FOR SALE — WELL-BRED DURHAIVI applicants can commence work immedi- bull. 11 months old. red roan ; sire. ately, please contact xi, mares r„ Levita Prince No. 283947; also a young Jacob, Matron, County Roane, Clinton, York hog, 6 months old. Apply to JOS. Ontario. !CARLIN. Phone 661 r 24, Seaforth.‘, 4319-1 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of FRANCIS JANE STOREY Lost and Found A LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of France.Jane Storey. late of the 'Township of McKillop, in the County of Huron, Spinster, de- ceased, who died on the 7th day of Aug- ust, 1950, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the '27th day of October, 1950, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then rec,eived. DATED at Seaforth, this 4Lh day of October, 1950. MeCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor. 4319-3 N. W. MILLER. ()Jerk, Coderich, Ontario. Tenders Wanted VOR SALE—WESTINGHOUSE FOUR - 431943 -4 burner electric stove, in good condi- tion, almost new; also cook stove, like new. Apply to HAROLD JACKSON. Phone 661 r 14, Seaforth. 4319-1 TOWNSHIP OF TUCKF,RSMITH Tender For Etue Drain • TrA..ENDERS wtPa RECEIVED BY the undersigned for the construction of the Etue Municipal Drain TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH Tender must be in a lump sum for the whole job and a bond in the form of 10% of the tender must accompany such tender. The open work in the job must be com- pleted by December lst, 1950, and all other work by June 1st, 1951. Tenders must be sealed, plainly marked "Tender" and mailed or delivered to reach the Clerk by 8 p.m. (E.S.T.), October 7th, 1950. lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted - Plans and specifications may be seen at the Clerk's Office. E. P. Chesney Clerk, TOWNSHIP OF TUCKEIRS.MITH 4918-2 Notices RLDERLY LADY HAS AGCOMMODA- "' tion for a boarder. Also garage for rent. Apply Box 915, HURON EXPOSI- TOR. 4319x1 MOTICE—BRING ALONG YOUR AXES; sledges and hammers and have .them fitted with suitable handles, hand -made of good material. JOHN ELDER, Handle - maker and Saw Sharpener, Flensald. 4319x1 VOTICE—E1). BENNEWTES, ELEC- 4' tricia-n,, wiring and repairs, oil heat- ing aopliances; 660 will convert your Present range into convenient oil -burning efficiency. Easy terms. Can arrange monthly payments. PHONE 680-W. Jar- vis St, Seaforth. 4318-3 HAVE YOUR PAINTING PROBLEMS done the economy way by an expert elmayman. Wallpapering a specialty; wallpaperhig and brush Painting. All work guaranteed. For free estimates phone 780. HAROLD FINLEY, Seaforth, 4301- 'p ADIO REPAIRS — WHEN YOUR 44' radio won't work. bring it to TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR, and take it home the same day—any day. Opposite Dick Haase, Phone 347-11, Seaforth. 4295-tf BARNS CLEANED AND WHITEWASH - ed following T.B. test. Brand new sprayer capable of 1.000 pounds pressure - Work done to inspeetor's" satisfacticrn. Phone 44 r 9. Dublin. FRED HARBURN, Staffe. 4801-tf CLERK'S NOTICE Of First Posting Of the Voters' List (Section II, Form 4) VOTERS LIST, 1980, MUNICIPALITY OF THE VILLAGE OF MENSAL', COUNTY OF HURON WI/TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT have Complied with Section 8 of The Voters' Lillis Act and that 6 have posted up in ray office at Hensali,_ on the 20th day Of September, 1950, t10 rofaSI Portions entitled to vote in the geld Man- icilcality at the Municipal Elections, and that such lists remains there for insPec- Mon. And 1 hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any eriturs 03 niniesions corrected according fie Bev. the lest day for tipped being the 1* ,da,v of October, 1950. ;DATED thli, ascii a sourater. 4050. rSoli ie' k1L 413194 63ER EVERT EVEIVRE " ' ' • ; .; • TNOR SALE—QUANTITY OF BALED -1. alfalfa hay in the field_ Must be re- moved in the next few days. Apply to JAMES LANDSBOROUGH. Phone 665 r 16. Seaforth, 4319-1 NOTICE to CREDITORS T.OST—STRAYW) FROM LOT 10, CON. 28, Hibbert, sandy edlored Collie. An- swers to "Sandy." Reward. Phone 690 r 2, Hensull. PERCY WRIGHT. 4319x1 In the Estate of ELIZABETH McELROY A L L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Elizabeth Mc- Elroy, late of the Tovrn of Seaforth, in the County of, Huron, Widow, deceased, who died on the 13th day of August, 1950, are hereby notified to send in full particu- lars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 27th day of October, 1950, after which date the assets will be dis- tributed. having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 4.18, day of October. 1950. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth. Ontario, Solicitors for the Administrator. 43194 FOR SALE—BEAUTIFUL ROSEWOOD Spinet desk, grand large octagon legs and finish is perfect_ Apply EARL VAN EGMOND, Escrnondeille, Phone 663 r 5. 4319x1 VOR SALE—REACH RANGE, 6 LIDS. white enamel. reservoir, deep fire box ; burns wood or coal. Apply to LEWIS T. TEBBUTT, Jarvis St Phone 288-W. 4319x1 FOR SALE -6 HOLSTEIN HEIFERS, about 1 years old. Also 5 Durham heifers weighing about 650 pounds each. JOSEPH S. O'REILLY. Phone 46 r 3. Dublin_ 4319x1 FOR SALE—NEW SINGER SEWING machines, electric and treadle. Re- pairs to all makes. SINGER SEWING CENTRE, 78 Ontario St., Stratford. 42284f VOR SALE—COAL OR WOOD RANGE; -4 I single bed with spring mattre,s and springs; 2 congoleum ruga, 6x9. 9x9: 1 Jersey cow. T.B. tested. to freshen in March. Apply LEO STEPHENSON. af- ter 6 p.m. Phone 841 r 13, Seaforth. 4319x1 FOR SALE—KENIDES NYLON, GUAR- ' anteed against everything; full replacement if they run, snag or tear within gtiaranteed period. Place order with your distributor. SUSAN BEN- NEVVIES. Jarvis St Phone 680-W, Sea - forth. 43184 Motor Cars' For Sale 1942 HARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTOR- CY9LE; good condition. DUN- LOP'S B. A. SERVICE STATION. 4319x2 VOR SALE -1947 CHEVROLET SEDAN in perfect condition. Apply to CHAS. CASE, Seaforth. 4319-1 FOR SALE 1941 er; good condition HUDSON SEDAN—Radio, heat - $695 1935 CHEV. PICK-UP $195 1934 DODGE SEDAN $245 1,929 MEV. SEDAN SEAFORTH MOTORS PHONE 141 . SEAFORTH 4319-1 $95.00 49 48 47 CHEV. DE LUXE COACH CHEV. _COACH Two-tone green. OFIEV. COACH 40 PONTTAC,COAbH 40 39 38 37 36 CHEV. SEDAN In excellent condition; radio. circv. COUPE DODGE COACH NASH SEDAN Gfrov. COACH -4226.00 42 MEV. Y2 -TON TrICICUP MANY OTHER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM I31USSELS MOTORS "The Heine of Better Used Care' NOTICE to CREDITORS Property For Sale •SALE -6 -ROOM FRAME HOUSE 1 with base,me.nt: large garden; good location. Reasonably priced. Early Pos- session. Apply Box 909, HURON EX- POSITOR. 4317x3 FOR SALE—THREE BUILDING LOTS at extreme west end of James St. Apply W. E. SOUTHGATE, Sealorth. 4309xtf In the Estate of THOMAS PETER HUSSEY A LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Thomas Peter Hussey, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron. Parish Priest, de- ceased. who died on the 10th day of Sep- tember, 1950, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 27th day of October, 1950, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 4th day of October, 1950_ - McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ountric. Solicitors for the Executors. 4319-3 pOR SALE—NEW HOUSE, RANCH 4' style; fully modern; oil furnace, air conditioned. Can be bought with down payment and monthly payment plan. C. G. LEE. John Street 4314-tf NOTICE to CREDITORS Auction Sales CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM Stock, Feed and Implements, at Lot No. 23, Bronson Line, Concession 12, Stanley Township, 11/4 miles south and 1 mile east of Bayfield, or 9 mil% north of Zurich, on Wednesday, October 18th, at 1 p.m. (Standard Time): HORSES— Percheron mare, 6 years old; Percheron mare, 10 years old. CATTLE -4 Polled Angus cows 5 years old, due in February; 3 Hereford cows 5 years old, due in Feb- ruary ; Hereford cow 9 years old, due in February ; 9 Polled Angus baby beefs; u'll these cattle are T.B. tested and subject to re-tast in 30 days. PIGS -2 Yorkshire sows, bred; 19 Yorkshire plan. 11 weeks old. SHEEP --2 Leicester ewes; 4 Suffolk ewes; 1 ewe Iamb. FEED—Approximate- ly 16 tons of mixed hay; approximately 1,000 bushels of mixed grain. HOYLE- MENTS—M.-H. No. 81 tratter, equipped with lights, starter and P,T,O.: tractor cab suitable for No. 81 or No. 22 M.:11. tractor: M. -H. bean puller and :outlier (factory made): 2 -section double disc; M. -H. No. 26 2 -furrow tractor plow; M- IT. cultivator (power lift); M. -H, manure spreader on rubber (tracter hitch); M. -H. No. 5 7 -foot cut binder; M.H. 13 -run fertilizer drill% grain roller; McCormick - Deering 6 -ft. cut mower; 10 -ft. hay rake • steel land roller; rubber tire wagon (600/r x 16" tires) ; 4 -section drag harrows; Clinton fanning mill (with motor) ; set of harness; horse collars; forks, shovel, logging chains; numerous other articles. THOMAS H. SCOTCHMER, Proprietor; Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer; K. W. Colquhoun, Clerk. 4319-2 In the Estate of THOMAS ALFRED TAY- LOR. late of the Village of Hensall, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, De- ceased. A LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of the above de- ceased are required to file the same with the undersigned Solicitor for the said Estate, on or before the_ 23rd day of October. A.D. 1950, after which date the assets will be distributed amongst the Parties entitled thereto having regard only M the claims of which notice shall have been given - DA ED at Clinton October, A.D. 1950. F. „FINGLAND, R.C.,Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor For the said Estate. this 2nd day of 43193 NOTICE to CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF the Estate of James Jordan, late of the Village of Dublin, in the County of Huron, Gentle- man, Deceased. A LL PERSONS HAVING ANY CLAIM against the late James Jordan, who died on or about the 24th day of Sep- tember, 1949, are required to send par- ticulars of their claims to the under- signed on or before the 15th day of November, 1950. after which date the assets of the deceased will be distributed. DATED at Toronto, this 18th day of September. A.D. 1950. LYALL JORDAN, Administrator of Estate of James Jordan By his Solicitors: DOYLE & McIVER, 67 Richmond Street W, Torun to, Ontario. 4317-8 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of WILLIAM S. HOGG A LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS "` against the Estate of William S. Hogg, late of the Township of McKillop, County of Huron, decimsed, who died on or about the lith day of August, 1950, are hereby notified to send in to the un- dersigned on or before the 20th day of October, 1950, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said last men- tioned date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then hare notice, to the exclusion of all others, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim the undersign- ed shall not then have notice, for the assets so distributed or any part thereof. DATED at Seaforth. Ont., this 25th day of September. 1050. ALVIN W. SILLERY, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitor for the Estate. 43184 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of SARAH JANE COLEMAN A 1.1. PERSONS HAVTNG CLAIMS " against the Estate of Sarah Jane Coleman, late of the Township of McKil- lop, County of Huron. deceased, who died on or about the 12th day of September, 1950, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 20th day of Odtober, 1950, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said last men- tioned date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, to the exclusion of all othero, and the undersigned will not be liable to any Person of whose claim the undersign- ed shall not then have notice, for the assets so distributed or any pert thereof. DATED at Senforth. this' 25th day of September, 1950. AritIllW. SILLERit, stator*, Ontario. Solicitor for the &tate, 48184 Cards of Thanks Shooting for the Moon (By Lewis Milligan) Arthur C. Clarke, a British sci- entist, who has claimed that in twenty years it will be possible tO. travel around the moon in a rocket is DOW afraid , that the Russians may beat him to it. Mr. Clarke is assistant secretary of the British Interplanetary Society and a for- mer government research worker. He has been studying recent Rue- sian books and. articles on the sub- ject, which he says indicate that they are very much interested in shooting for the moon. That is an enterprise in which we can heart- ily wish the Russians complete success, for it may divert them from their desire to dominate the rest of the world if they can add the moon to their list of satellites. But they may be keeping that orb in reserve so that when they have conquered the earth they will not be in the position of Alexander the Great, who is said to have wept because there were no more worlds to conquer. Why anyone should want to go to the moon or even to fly around it, is a mystery to me. So far, I have never had • the least desire to go up in an airplane, not so much because I am afraid of a crash, but because I can readily imagine what it is like, having flown over con- tinents and seas in imagination long before the airplane 'was in- vented. Moreover, I have never had any pressing need to get to a distant place by any other means than those provided by land and water transportation. What's the hurry, anyway? The modern world's in a hurry to go places -- anywhere but where it is at the present time, and the pace is kill- ing, in more ways. than one. Most of our social, economic and inter- national troubles arise out of this feverish haste to go somewhere else. Nations, like individuals, are flying in all directions, some of them merely for the sake of speed, while others think they know where they are going but never get there. or if they do they discover that it isn't quite the place they had anticipated. The world seems to be running or flying away from itself. "Crying for the moon" is no longer a childish. affair since scien- tists are actually devising means of flying to it. And it appears that they will not be satisfied with the moon, but regard it as a mere stop- over or base for flights to the planets—if the British Interplan- etary 'Society really means busi- ness. It even has been suggested that, in view of the rapid increase of the earth's population and the possibility of overcrowding, it may be necessary in the future to start rocket -emigration to other habit- able planets which astronomers tell us lie in our own little corner of the universe. That sounds high- ly fantastical, but it is little more so than many of the present in- ventions and achievements of sci- ence would have appeared to the people on this earth a hundred years ago. But the chalices are that scien- tific man will finally over -reach himself, if be has not already done so in his invention of the atomic bomb. He has something there which he does not know how to control, and the scientists them- selves are now scared of their own contraption and are sorry they in- vented- it. The truth is that mod- ern man is travelling too fast and he does not know where he is go- ing. What he needs is a breathing spell in which to reflect upon the knowledge he has attained and ad- just himself morally and spiritual- ly to his invention. "Knowledge is proud that he has learned so much; Wisdom is humble that he knows no more," wrote the poet Cowper."But where is wisdom to be foun?" asked Job, "God know- eth the place thereof . . . and un- to man He said: Behold the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom." MR. JAi'MES BARBOUR WISHES TO express his sincere thanks aml ap- preciation to his friends and neighbor for their many acts of kindness extended to him during his recent sad bereavement. 4319-1 I WOULD LIKE TO TAKE THIS OP Portunity'of thanking my many friends and neighbors for the many acts of kind nem extended to me while a patient in the Clinton Public Hospital. Special thanks to Drs. Oakes and Burr, and the hopital staff. 4319x1 MRS. WILMER REID In Memoriam EN -EDICT HOLLAND—IN SAD AND Joving Plernory of our dear Benny who died eleven years ago, October 9, 1939 Happy and smiling, always conte,nt. Loved and respected wherever he went To a beautiful life, came a sudden end. He died as he lived, everyone's friend. —Never forgotten by Father, Mother Brothers and Sisters. 4319 - Births RYAN—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Sept. 30, to Ifir. and- Mrs. Zack tisain. R.R. 5, Seaforth, a son. McGRATH—At Scott Memorial illospiy31 on October I, to Mr. and Mn. Eriwar 'McGrath, R.R. 5, Seaforth, a daughter. BROWN—At Scott Memorial Hospital, 00 October 1, to M,r% and Mrs,. James Brown, Egmondville, a daughter. BOWES—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Sept 30, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bowes 'Mitchell, a daughter. FRAISER—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on October 2, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fraiser Seaforth, a son. FISHER—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on October 3, to Mr, antl Mrs.. Edward Fisher, Seaforth, a son. WILBEE—At Scott Memorial Hospital, On October 5, to Mr. and Mrs. William Wilbee, Seaforth, a son. NOAKES—At Clinton Hospital, on Wed nat.:lay, Sept. 27, 1950, to Mr, and Mrs Leonard Noakes, Hensall, -a daughter— Brenda Joyce. GRAINGER—Mr. and Mrs. S. F.. Grain ger (nee Helen Margaret Ament), Lon don, wish to announce the birth of a SAP James Stanley. et St. Joseph's Hos pita], London, on September :30, 1950. Deaths BLANCHARD—In Stratford, on Monday, October 2, Gladys Christina Turnbull, beloved wife of Hiram Blanchard, of McKillop, in her 51st year. STOGD I LL—A t the Sol d iers' ?&emorial Hospital, Orillia, on Wednesday, Sept. 20, 1950. John M. Stogdill, son of the late Mr,- and Mrs. "John Stogdill, of Walton, Ont. The funeral service was held on Saturday, Sept 23, 1950, con ducted by the Rev. Alfred Price. Inter- ment was in St. Andrew's Cemetery, Domestic Dangers Danger lurks in the use of many domestic solvents such as ammon- ia and methyl alcohol. The use of such materials in confined spaces such as cupboards., closets and bathrooms may have injurious ef- fects on the user. Whenever these materials are Used all windows and doors should be left open and the materials should be tightly corked when not in use. WE0 \ R E AGENTS for Counter Check Books Printed Gummed Tape MADE BY appkocL.pAPC ,213.9 'JC T 5 Style, for every Vari color, and desir.,. San- and 'Mt THE HURON EXPOSITOR SEAPORTH sage of red and white carnations. Oii their return Mr. and Mrs, Bent- nell will reside ou 'th 'room's farm in Hibbert Township. Smith - Merrier The R.C.A.F. Ohapel at Centra- lia was the scene of a ceremony at which Helen Barbara Joan, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Wesley Mer- ner, Zurich, became the bide of Patrick Harold _Smith, son of Mrs. Smith and the late Patrick Smith. The Rev. Fr. W. Whyte officiated. The bride, who entered the church with her father, wore a white slip- per satin gown with a slight train. Her French illusion veil fell from a satin trimmed headdress, and she carried a bouquet of cream roses and white chrysanthemums. Miss Theresa M. Dietrieh, London, the bridesmaid, chose a gown of heav- enly blue satin with matching net headdress. W. Flynn, of the R.C. A.F., Centralia, was groomsman. Following a reception at the home of the bride's parents, the couple left for their new home in Green- wood, Nova Scotia, the -bride trav- elling in a light beige suit with wine accessories. Mrs. Wilson Carlile was in Lon- don this week attending the Cham- berlain-Coultis wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Voth, Gwen and Jimmy, of Detroit, spent the week -end with Mrs. L. Simpson. Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Manns and Donald, of Toronto, were week end visitors with Mrs. F. Manns, Services in the United Church Sunday morning were conducted by' the minister, Rev. W. 3, Rogers. Holy Communion was administer- ed. Services this coming Sunday, Oct. 8, will be held at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Mrs. L. Tiberio has accepted a position as bookkeeper at Ed. Fink's plumbing shop. A Smile Or Two "Darling, let's get married." "Why the hurry?" "Well, it would put an end to our being just crazy aoout each other!" M • "Can you imagine! MacTavish takes' his girl friend to th thatre every evening." "Is that so? What show is she playing in?" • The shapely chorine addressed the doctor: "I want you to vac- cinate me where it won't show." Doctor: "Okay, my fee is ten bucks in advance." Chorine: "Why in advance?" Doctor: "Because I often weak- en and don't charge anything." • Just as the butcher was about to serve a customer, another woman rushed up and said: "Give me a pound of cat -meat, quick!" Then turning to the first woman. she said: "You don't mind my being served 'first, do you?" "Why no." answered the first customer. "Not if you're as hun- gry as all that!" HENSALL (Continued from Page 1) yellow mums, roses and gladioli. Keith Brintnell, Exeter, was best man, and the ushers were Harold Taylor, brother of the bride, and Roger Venner. The bride's mother chose a blue crepe dress with navy accessories and wore a corsage of pink roses. The groom's mother chose a green crepe dress with gray accessories" and wore a cor- sage of yellow roses. 'renewing the cerettiony a reception was held in the basement of the church. For their honeymoon to the United States and other 'parts of Ontario, the bride donnea a, fro trotet0 Snell, of E-xeter, the guest sPeaker, spoke impressively on the text, "Show tie the Father and it sufficeth us" The choir, with Miss Gladys Luker presiding at the piano, presented AS an anthent, "Praise the Lord From the Heav- ens," solo •parts being taken •by Mr. Ivy Horton and Mr. George T. Wren. Mrs. Pearl Passmore and Mrs. M. Lavery, of Heiman, ren- dered •two beautiful duets, "Dear To tyle Heart qf the Shepherd" and "Did You Think TO Pray?" At the evening service Rev. W. J. Rogers preached a stirring message entit- led, "The Love of Christ." Mrs. T. Coates, of Henson, provided two touching solos„,"Open the Gates of the Temple" and "The Beautiful Garden of Prayer." The choir of- fered the selection, "Thou Art My Shepherd." The church was pro- fusely decorated with autumn flowers. Very generous collections were received. Besides the solo- ists, the regular choir was ably assisted by Messrs. B. Stoneman, Geo. T. Wren, Mi. and Mrs. Hy. Horton and Mrs. W. J. Rogers, of Hensall. Chiselhurst Anniversary Services Successful and largely attended anniversary services were held in Ohiselhurst United Church on Sun- day, Oct. I. In the afternoon Rev. Mrs. Frank Novak Registered MUSIC TEACHER Teacher of Piano - Singing - Organ Theoretical subjects All grades up to and including A.R.C.T., Toronto. PHONE 582-W OR CALL AT Residence of Jas. T. Scott CTOBERAAW Mrs. William per 'lo Undcio went a serious ogeratIP‘t0MS, cott Bleakorial hospital, Stialortki' -Sat- urday last, is doing her many, friends will be'41,10,Asedto know. A bazaar and home cooking sale will be held in the sch.pol room at the UniteeChurch Saturday, Oct_ 21, from 3 to 5. Afternoon tea wilt be served, sponsored by the Wo- man's Association of Ohiselharst United, Church. Dr, J. A. Spellman and family, of Kitchener, called on Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle and family on Sunday last. The bingo and dance held Wed- nesday evening, fdpopsored by the Canadian Legion, was largefy at- tended, the hall being filled to ca- pacity. The door prize was won by Ted Harburn, Staffa, being a tur- key. Miss Betty Mickle, :of the Una- verSity of Western Ontario, spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle. Additional Hensall News on Pages 3 and 6 SAVE MONEY Purchase any new Massey -Harris Machines Now in our Stock at OLD PRICES! -Iff Ts—ivcludes the following: 1 CLIPTER COMBINE WITH MOTOR Two -Row SELF-PROPELLED CORN PICKER FORAGE HARVESTER ONE-WAY DISCS -41/2' and 6' ALL -CROP LOADERS 2 and 3 -FURROW TRACTOR PLOWS MANURE SPREADERS—Horse and Tractor TANDEM DISC — Spring Tooth Cultivators TRACTORS — All Models ALSO BIG REDUCTION USED TRACTORS '80' Cockshutt '20' Massey -Harris Model 'S' Case 'VA' Case Allis-Chalmers, Model 'B' 101. M. -H. Row Crop 15-30 Massey -Harris 102 M. -H. Super M. -H. Pony 81 Massey -Harris ALSO -1 Allis-Chalmers Combine; 1 3 -furrow Tractor Plow; 1 Cockshutt Spreader SEAFORTH MOTORS PHONE 141 SEAFORTH The Cost of Living Is Going Down at STANLEY BROS. - MODERN MEAT MARIE CLINTON 01 Thanksgiving Weekend Specials Oct. 6-7 OUR OWN MELLO MILD HOME -CURED MEATS ARE ALWAYS A FAVOURITE WITH EVERYONE TOP QUALITY - ' Regular Tender SMOKED HAM Whole or Half per Ib. Mello -Mild Cured SIDE BACON Whole or Half per lb. SLICED per lb. Smoked . PICNIC HAMS 5 to 6 lbs....4., per lb. 55c 55c 59c 59c - LOW PRICES Lean Peameal COTTAGE ROLL per lb. Smoked COTTAGE ROLL HAM ROASTS per lb. 73c Fresh according to cut, per Ib. 63c For a Real Treat Try Our PORK PIES Each 49c -55c,_ Let's have a treat this week-end— Top Quality STEAKS Round, Sirloin, Porterhouse & Wing Steaks or Roasts, per Ib. 85c 41111M=1111111111111i111 We Will Have a Good Selection of Chickens and Turkeys for Thanksgiving Dinner Take Advantage of These LOW PRICES and Save $ $ $ $ luit mid daffy' accesSO 14.14,..;Witit Coik. , ,., , . . , . ';',' .... ... ..,'..1., !P,,,.4..ff,',,T5,,...,.. 'i.;:."':,...'..', 1.;,44'04..v.. ,,,,,, ,,,,,,.!..,;if 1.i',,,,,,Ti,,,,i.,:.4,•,;,,,,.,;','t..,.,...4,7.,,,„ .7,,,,,, o'''.'g' '''.'''.'!,''''Osii', I. ''' liv,i,l,;;,';14'.,.,..,;,,. .N,IT,v".;",".1.-' t-:.. STANLEY BROS. Modern Meat Market Home of FRESH and CURED MEATS Specializing in Ciiitoni and Curing Store Phone 76 — CLINTON — Abattoir 282W