HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1950-09-29, Page 4tis assified Classified Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates; FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND. ETC ---.Pee word: lot week 1 Cent 2nd week % Cent 3rd week % Cent Minimum charge, flint insertion25 Cents Each figure. initial and abbeevlatlen counts as one word Card of Thaule, In Memeriam Notices, Coming Even --1 cent per word. Minimum, 50 cents per week. Eiquirlee may be directed to a Boa No.. c/o The'Uuron Expmltor, for 10 cents extra. 'ren cents additional will be charged if ads in above class arra not paid within 10 days of date of anal insertion. Births, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. Auction Sales. Notices to Creditors. Etc.—Rates on application. Personals Livestock Wanted HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (RIJ BBE R Goods 1 mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25c ; 24 samples $1.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-73, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. • Notices NOTICE --BABY SITTING, EITHER daytime ur evening. CALL 488-W. Seaforth, 431881 NC/TIGER-ED. EENNFWO'ES, Ft re- tricaan, wiring and repairs, oil heat- ing appliances: $60 wiU convert your Present +•ange into convenient oil -burning efficiency. Easy terms. Can arrange monthly payments. PHONE 680-W. 4.31ar- vis St., Seaforth. HAVE YOUR PAINTING PROBLEMS done the economy way by an expert aprayman. Wallpapering a specialty: wallpapering and brush painting. All work guaranteed. For free estimates Phone 780. HAROLD FINLEY, Seafarth. 4307-tf RADIO REPAIRS — WHEN YOUR radio won't work, bring it to TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR, and take it home the same day—any day. Opposite Dick House_ Phone347-11, Seaforth. 4295-tf BARNS CLEANED AND WHITEWASH - ed following T.B. test. Brand new sprayer capable of 1,000 pounds pressure. Work done to inspector's eatisfaction- Phone 44 r 9, Dublin. FRED HARBURN. Staff a. 4801 -ti molt. SALE -- BROWN GABARDINE .i' coat; cloth winter eowt with fur col - VILLAGE of HENSALL Tar, bath sized 11-16. $7.50 each. PHONE 366. Seaforth. 4318-1 Court of Revision On UP TO 65.00 EACH FOR DEAD OR Disabled Horse:, Cows, Hogs, at your farm. Prompt service. Phone Collect Wm. Sproat. Seaforth, 655 r 2. WIL- LIAM STONE SONS, LIMITED, Inger- soll, OnL Lost and Found 'jOUNO- - AT SEAFORTH FALL FAIR, on F„ day, gold locket. Apply to Box 912. HURON E.YF'OSITOR- 4318-1 LOST A MEMBER OF THE BAN- nskburn Pipe Band lost his plaid during the parade. Finder please return to NELSON HOWE, Cromarty. 4318x1 For Sale -WOR SALE -2 BUSHELS CARROT. Phone 169, Seaforth. 4313x1 FOR SALE- COLONY HOUSE, 71x1S. Apply to ALEX McNAB. Phone 125-11, Seaforth. 4328x2 FOR SALE ---SUNSHINE STROLLER IN good Shape. BOX FURNITURE STORE. Seaforth. 431881 FpR,SALE—GESTETNER DUPLICAT ang machine, in perfect running or- der. PHONE 277, Seaforth. 4318-1 Assessment Roll NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A Court of Revision of the Assessment WOR SALE --- .12 GAUGE MARLIN Roll of the Village of Hensall for the year 1951, will hold its first meeting in shotgun, matted rib, coApply with the "Down Hall on Friday, September 29th, plug,gcase. Just like new. Apply ERIC at the hour of 8 p.m. MUN ROE, Seaforth. 4318x1 FOR SALE — McCORMICK-DEERING corn binder. in gaxl shape. ROSS PEPPER. R.R. 3, Mitchell. Phone 3t; r 22, Dublin. 4818x1 James A. Paterson MUNICIPAL CLERK 4318-1 CLERK'S NOTICE Of First Posting Of the fepth- F'OR SALE --BARN, APPROXIMATELY 22 x 25, situated in Brumfield. Ap- ply to HUGH F. BERRY, or Phone 659 ✓ 22. Seaforth. 4318-1 VOR SALE --GIRL'S THREE-PIECE RED • snore suit.. size 3 or 4. Apply MRS. ROSS GORDON. Phone 849 r 21, Sea - 4318x1 Voters' List FOR SALE — HONEY, AMBER, IN your own containers; 12e a pound. WALLACE ROSS, Seaforth. Phone 135-J. 4317-2 (Section II, Form 4) VOTERS' LIST, 1950, MUNICIPALITY OF THE VILLAGE OF HENSALL, COUNTY OF HURON port SALE — BUILDING LOT ON North Main St. For further particu- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I lays apply to MRS, J, W. FREE, or have complied with Section 8 of The Phone 68, Seaforth. 4317-tf Voters' Lists Act and that 1 have punted FOR SALE—HEATING STOVE: SIX dining room chairs; 1 buffet. Apply to MRS. HERBERT COOMBS, Egmond- va7le. Phone 670 r 41, Seaforth, 4318-1 up in my office at Hensall, on the 20th day of September, 1950, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Mun- icipality at the Municipal Elections, and that such lists remains there for inspec- tion. And I hereby call \rpon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law, the last day for appeal being the 11th day of October, 1950. DATED this 22nd day of September, 1950. James A. Paterson Clerk of the Village of HensalL 4318-2 Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of WILLIAM S. HOGG A LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of William S - Hogg, late of .the Township of McKillop. County of Huron, deceased, who died on or about the llth day of August, 1950, are hereby notified to send in to the un- dersigned on or before the 20th day of October, 1950, full partiendaas of their claims. irately after the said last men- tion d date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned ,hall then have notice, to the exclusion of all others, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim the undersign- ed shall not then have notice, for the asfsets so distributed or any part thereof. DATED at Seaforth, Ont., this 25th day of September, 1950. ALVIN W. SILLERY, Seaforth, Ontario, -Solicitor for the Estate. 4318-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of SARAH JANE COLEMAN A L L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Sarah Jane Coleman, late of the Township of McKil- lop, County of Huron, deceased, who died 071 er about die 12th day of September,. 1950, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 20th day of Ogtober, 1950, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said last men- tioned date, the assets of the said estate will be dfatributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard oniy to claims of which the undersigned shall tares have notice, to the exclusion of all others, and the undersigned will not be liable be any person of whose elaim theundersign- ed shall net then have notice, or the asses so distributed or any part thereof. DATED at Seaforth, ,this 25th day of September, 1950. ALVIN W. SILLERY, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitor for the Estate. 4318-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF the Estate df James Jordan, late of the VHiage of Dublin, in the County of Huron, Gentle- man, Deceased. ALL PERSONS RAVING ANY CLAIM against the late James Jordan, who died on ok.,:pbout the 24th day of Sep- tenfber, 1949, are required to send par- ticular, of their chafing to the under- signed Cm or before the 16th day of November, 1a50, after which date 618* assets, °COM deceased will be distribute& DATED at Toronto, this 18th day of September, A.D. 1950. LYALL JORDAN, Administrator of Fa to of James Jordan 1 v 'bin S6heitorb : Tloi(•LE & McrVER, 87 didfi"'Yetid a d5Feet ilortiato,. Ontario. 4)11'4 port SALEWINGHAM WHITE EN- amel range, nearly new, with water front, or combination 4 -plate electric range, plus coal or wood heater. PHONE 667 r 16, Seaforth. 4318-1 FOR SALE --GOOD 024,E1•,R CIRCU- lating heater ; McClary "Royal Charm" range. Will burn either coal or wood. Both nearly new. PHONE 10 r 16, Dublin, or 80, Seaforth. 431881 FOR SALE—NEW SINGER SEWING machines, electric and treadle.. Re- pairs to all makes. SINGER SEWING CENTRE, 78 Ontario St., Stratford. 4228hf FOR SALE—MAROON BABY BUGGY with runners; child's 3 -piece coat set; also a number of 7 -inch pipes. Apply to GORDON CAMPBELL, Royal Apart- ments. 4318-1 VOR SALE— SMALL COMPLETE CIR- cu•lar men's.hosiery plant, includes 52,000 yarn stock ; may be moved. 34 500 will handle. Box 914, HURON EXPOSI- TOR. 4318-1 19'50 FOR SALE — COAL AND WOOD s4ovet ..chesterfield suite; breakfast room suite; some lumber: tarpaulin; con- 4,9 CHEV. goleum rug: chairs. Situated on Gordon Ebliott's farm. 1% mites south of Walton. - MRS. J. H. HUMPHRIES, Walton. Help Wanted W(A—'QAPA�BLE WOMAN AOR genApply to B x 91 e, B URON a$X OSOSITOE, Property For Sale FOlt SAT E -ti ROOM FRAME ROUSE with basement; large garden; good location. Reasonably priced, Early poS- scssion, Apply Box 909, HURON EX- POSITOR. ' -- 4317x3 .FOR SALE — HOUSE, Be.RN AND large garage in the Village of Brus- sels. with all modern conveniences. Barn egpripped to house over 500 laying hens. PHONE 64 r 12, Brussels. 43163 10R S A r E 1'EREE BUILDING LOTS at extreme west end of James St. Apply W. E. SOUTRGATE, Seaforth, 4309xtf FOR SALE—NEW HOUSE, RANCH style; fully modern; oil furnace, air conditioned. Can be bought with down payment and monthly payment plan, C. G. LEE, John Street. 4314 -ti Poultry port SALE -250 NEW HAMPSHIRE X Leghorn pullets, Spruceleigh strain, 5s/, months old, laying. Apply to JAMES LAN�DSBOROUGH, R.R. 3, Seaforth. Phone 665 r I6; 4318x3 PULLIrIh FOR SALE—NEW EAMP- shire pullets, 6 months old; else Rock and Ramp. Cross -Breda. These are big, healthy pullets, and laying well. WM. T. LIVINGSTON. Phone 847 r 31, Sea - forth. 4318x1 PULLETS FOR SALE 700 New Ramp Pullets, hatched June 14 700 New Home Rock pullets, hatched June 21. 600 Barred Rock pullets, laying. 400 Leghorn Rock pullets, hatched May 1 &th. Moore's Poultry Farm PHONE 666 r 3 SEAFORTH 4314-tf Auction Sales AUG'rtON SALE OF 30 BEEF AND Dairy cows, at Lot No. 31, 6th Con- cession of Goderich 'P swnsh' mile t tp, 1 mil south of Porter's Hill, on Tuesday, Oct. 3rd, :it 7 o'clock p.m. (E.S.T.). consisting of Durham, Hereford;, Holsteins and Jerseys. Some are fresh, some springing, some milking, balance due .in Spring. These cattle are all T.B. tested; 5 young calves. Terms --Cash, A. E. TOWNS - /FEND & SON, PropFietors; Edward W. Elliott. Auctioneer. 4318-1 AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, Implements, Feed and Household Ef- fects, at Lot 2, Concession 1, rHuilett Township, 2s/. miles west of Seaforth, or 6 miles east of Clinton, on No, 8 High- way, on Friday, October 0th, at 1 p.m. Ishe (IRS IT.): Ir. HORSES - Chestnut 11El. ) to !horse 10 years old: . hay mare 10 years old. PURE .BRED CATTLE --3 Register- ed Shorthorn cows with calves at foot ; Registered Shorthorn heifer due in De- cember ; Registered Shorthorn heifer two years odd; Registered Shorthorn heifer 1 year old. ( All registration papers avail- able,). GRADE CATTLE—Durham cow 9 years old, in calf : *Jersey cow 10 years I p1d, in calf ; Jersey type cow. 5 years old, in calf ; 2 yearling Durham heifers; 3 yearling Durham steers; 3 spring cal ✓es. ! All cattle are T.B. tested. IMPLEMENTS —V.A. Case tractor (new), etlurpped with Ilighta. starter and pulley: 2 -furrow hy- draulic plow: Fleury -Bissell 11 -plate don- bre disc (nearly newt : 3 -set. -tion drag bar- ' rows; 2 -section spring tooth harrows; walking plow : single row scuffler ; 3 -drum steel roller: Massey -Harris hay loader; M.rH. 10-f t rake : Me -Corm ick -Deering mower, 6 -ft. cut; turnip drill: set of sleighs; wagon and sliding rack; wagon box; fanning mill: 2,000 lb. scales ; top buggy; 135 feet of hay fork rope (nearly newl ; hay fork ; slings; block and tackle; pulleys; set of breeching harness: 'horse collars ; forks and shovels ; grain sacks; numerous other articles. FEED— Approximately 20 tons of mixed hay. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS—De Laval No. 12 cream separator; glass cupboard; side- board; dresser; eihairs; extension table; small table; 2 -burner hot plate; dishes; sealers, and numerous other articles. Terms—Cash. No reserve as farm is sold. JOHN H. COOPER, Proprietor; Edward W. Elliott. Auctioneer, 4318-1 Motor Cars For Sale ROIL SALE—MODEL "A" COUPE, IN first-class condition. Apply to HAR- OLD FREE. Phone 06, Seaforth. 4319-tf CHEVROLET SEDAN 4318,1 FOR SALE—RENDES NYLON, GUAR- "' against everything: full replacement if they run, snag or tear within guaranteed period, Place order with your distributor. SUSAN BEN- NEWIES. Jarvis St. Phone 680-W, Sea- forth- •1318-3 Tenders Wanted TENDERS pi. CLERK OF THE TOWNSHIP OF Hallett will receive tenders for the digging of the RAITHBY MUNICIPAL DRAIN, up to MONDAY, OCTOBER 2nd, at 1:00 p.m. Open portion of Main, approximately 1100 feet. Tile portion Main, approxi- mately 1119 Jineal feet, 6 -inch tile: 1166 lineal feet, 8 -incite tile: 1100 lineal feet, 10 -inch tile; 865 lineal feet, 12 -inch tile. Branch approximately 883 lineal feet, fi. inch tile - Plans and specifications may be seen at the Office of the Clerk, Geo, W. Cowan, Londeaboro. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Geo. W. Cowan, CLERK. 4318-1 TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH Tender For Etue Drain TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the undersigned for the construction of the Etue Municipal Drain TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH Tender must be sit a lump sum for the whole lob and. a band in the form of 10% of the tender must accompany such tender. The open work in the soh mast ibe com- pleted by December 1st. 1050, and all other work by June est, 1951. Tendert' must be sealed, plainly marked "Tender" and marled or delivered :to reach the Clerk by 8 p.m. (E.S.T.), October 7th, 1950. (Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Plans and specification may ,be seen at the Clerk's Office. E. P. Chesney Clerk. TORtNBIIIP OF TUOKERSMl'I' i 4818-2 49 48 48 47 40 39 39 37 37 3G DE LUXE COACH CHEV. SEDAN 4OHLEV. COACH Two-tone in color CHEV. FLEETLINE COACH Two-tone in color PLYMOUTH SEDAN CHEV, SEDAN In excellent condition: radio. CHEV. 5 -Passenger Coupe PONTIAC COACH CHEV. COACH. in good condition ; loaded with extras. NASH SEDAN CHEV. COACH 42 OEEV. ?•h -TON 'PICKUP MANY OTHER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM BRUSSELS MOTORS "The Home of Better Used Cars" 4 OPEN EVERY EVENING Cards of Thanks RUTH PINDER WISHES TO THANK the many friends for kindness shown her while a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital. 4318x1 MR. WILFRIED MALONEY AND FAM- ily wish t.r express their sincerest appreciation the many acts of kind - nese' shown them in their recent sad be- reavement in the loss of a loving wife and another. 4318-1 MR. GEORGE MOON' AND FAMILY wish to express their thanks and appreciation for the acts of ldndness, message of sympathy and beautiful floral offerings received 4'rom relatives and friends during the illness and death of n dear wife and mother, especially thank- ing Dr, McMaster and Dr, Brady, Nurses of Scott Memorial Respite!, and Rev. Mr, - Gardiner. 4318-1 MR. EDWIN RUNT AND FAMILY DE- sire to commas their sincere thanks and appreciation to their friends and neighbors for their many sets of kindness, sympathy and beautiful floral trtbtrtee e�idid to llbem daring their recent sat' bereavefrierit In the death of a dear wife and meteor. Special thanks roc Ilan, H. E, Livingstone, W.M.S. and W.A. of Dun Church,' Ttr. O. A. Whitney acrd D. Stapleton a8sd Howson. 4818.1 , Wanted' WANTED — T W 0 QFNTLEMEN boarders, PHQN1 2034, Seaforth. 4818-1 Births BRAY—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Sept. 23, to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bray, Seaforth, a son. GODDARD—At Clinton Hospital, on Fri- day, Sept. 22, 1950, to Dr. ` Mrs. J. C. Goddard, Hensen, a son—Jahn Davis. WOLTERBEEK—At Scott Memorial Hos- ' pital on Sept. 25, to Mr. and Mrs. Dirk Wolte,rbeek, R.R. 4. Seaforth, a son, COLSON—At Scott II/emeriti] Hospital, on ;Sept. 23, to Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Cal - son, R.R. 1, Blyth, a son—Kenneth Ar- thur, Deaths MALONEY—fin London, on Sunday, Sept. 24, Elizabeth Jane Murray, beloved wife of Wilfrid Maloney, of McKillop, in her 45th year. BARBOUR--In Seaforth, on Wednesday, September 27, Harriet C. McKellar, be- loved wife of James Barbour, of Hib- bert, in her 60th year. Seaforth Fair ('Continued from Page 1) Ruth; Mrs. Clarence Rapien, R,R, 2, Walton (Joan) ; Mrs. Fred El- liott, Seaforth (Lynda Susan). Six months to one year, inclu- sive—'Mrs. Frank Hart, Stratford, (Bobby) ; Mrs. Francis Coleman, Seaforth (Gerald); Mrs. Jas. Rob- ertson, Goderich (James Angus). One year to 18 months, inclu- sive—Mrs, Michael McGrath (Wil- liam Michael), 'Seaforth; Mrs. Keith. Webster, Blyth (William James); Mrs. A. Cronin, St. Colum. - ban (Leo). Best baby in show—Mrs. Frank Hart, 51 Louise St.', Stratford; 2nd, William Michael, son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael McGrath, Seaforth. Children's Pet Show Persian cat—Douglas Riley, S.S. 3, HulIett; cat, any other breed; C. Keyes, Chas. Green, Marjorie Riley,- Jack Bedard; Angora rab- bits, pair, Ruth Teall, Dorothy Jackson; rabbits, any other breed, Peter Dale, Wayne Dinwoodie, Murray Carter, Robert Wright; best dog in the show, Jack Baker, Brian Brady, Mrs, N. McLean, Ruth Teall; dog showing least re- semblance to any, breed, Billie Chesney, Donald Matthews, Judith Crich, Marilyn Woodcock; pair Homer pigeons, Peter Dale; pair Fantail pigeons, Ron Trewartha, Richard Heale, Ross :Willson, Doug- las Riley; pail; any other breed pigeons. Diane Haugh, Neil Haugh, Murray Carter; pair Bantams, Douglas Riley, John Scott, Wm, T. Turnbull, Alice Nixon; fancy fowl. Douglas Riley, D. Haugh 2nd and 3rd, Wm. Turnbull; most unusual uet, Ruth Teale, Charles Green, Joan Bach. Heavy Horses Township Special, Zimmerman, Tavistock; Wm, Dale, Clinton; O. A. Bannerman. Best handled colt, A. Schluter, Linwood, 1st. and 2nd. McMichael Special, best foal, Fred Roney, Mitchell; H. Bolger, Wal- ton. Best heavy ,horse on grpunds, Zimmerman Bros, Heavy Dralight '— Brood mare with foal, H. Bolger; foal of 195Q, H: Bolger; filly or gelding, $ years or over, Zimmerman Bros, 1st and 2nd; Wm, Dale, 3rd aerie 4th; filly or gelding, 1 year old, Wm. Dale; sweepstakes, Zimmerman Bros. Light Draught—Brood mare with foal by side, Fred Roney; foal of 1950, Fred Roney; filly or gelding, 4 years or over, Wm. Dale, est and 2nd; filly or .gelding, 3 years old, Fred Roney; filly or gelding, one year old, Fred Roney; sweep- stakes, Wm. Dale. Percheron or Belgian — Brood mare with foal by side, A. Schlut- er, lst and 2nd; foal of 1950, A. Schluter. 1st and 2nd; filly orgleld- (Continued on Page. 2) KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McLean and Mr, and Mrs. Robt. MoGregor and Jim were guests of Kitchener friends recently. Mrs. Wheatley, of Saskatoon, Sask., returned home after spend- ing a pleasant holiday with Kip - pen friends. Mr, .John C. Doig, of Grand Rap- ids, Mich, is expected home this week to spend the week -end with his mother and Janet. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hutbard, of Detroit,'were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert. Dayman, Mrs. Day - man returning with them and spending a very pleasant week, Mrs. Strauss, of New York, who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Dayman, returned home ac- companied by' her brother, Mr. Robert Dayman, who will spend a pleasant holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mans,britlge of Toronto; spent a week recently with Mr, and Mrs. Norman Long. Miss Isabelle Alexander of To- ronto'and Miss Jean Alexander of London were recent visitors with their parents, Mr. and 'Mrs, W. Alexander. Mr. and Mrs,_ A. Gackstetter and Gail Ann visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Enos Herdman, Cen- tralia. M,r, and Mrs. J. Caldwell, of Exe- ter, visited recently with Mr. .and Mrs. E. Anderson. Mr. Thos. Munro, who has spent several weeks at Fox Point, has returned to his home here. Miss Erica Shultz, of London, visited recently with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. S.hult.z.- Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be observed in St. Andrew's United Church here on Sunday, Rally Services Held Sunday last was' observed as Rally Sunday in St- Andrew's Church here. The printed order of servile was followed and special Music was presented by four girls of the intermediate Class, namely, EIaine Bell, Bonnie Kyle, Lofe Me- Lellen and Ann Sinclair. Donald Bell sang the ever ,beautiful bio, "Bless This Hotlse"' and Mrs, • t'no. Sinclair told the story. Ii r. and liars, Gordon Wright, of Lorne Park, vibited his mother, Mrs. James Wright, last Week, prior • p this leaving for Victtrria, , B.C., where Mr, Wright Will attend an educational eenVenticn, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stewart, of Niamo, B,,C,, visited' the forul,er's• aunt, Mrs„ ..amen Wright, andlothr er reiatllres - reant1y. HENSALL The Hensall-Zurich unit of the Teachers' Federation met at the White School, east of Hensall, for their September'meeting. Twenty- two teachers attended, Mr. and Mrs. C. Trott, Mrs, Chambers and Miss Clarke, of the Clinton Radio School staff, were welcome guests. The topic was "Art Through the Grades," and an exhibit of 175 pic- tures from kindergarten level through Grade VIII, was on dis- play. During the open diacussiorn period on this and other problems, lunch was served. If you are teach- ing in this vicinity and are not a member' of another group, this is your invitation to attend these monthly meetings. • AFTER THE SHOW • AFTER THE GAME • AFTER SHOPPING 013 JUST ANY TIME Stop At the - SHELL STATION DRIVE IN FOR CURB SERVICE Hot Dogs, Homburgs, Pop Cigarettes, Ice Cream A Phone Call ,Will OFder Deliver Any .lf . MAKE THE SHELL YOUR HEAD- QUARTERS FOR YOUR CAR NEEDS Washes Polishes Simmonizing Try our CAR LAUNDRY SHELL SERVICE GODERICH ST. PHONE 182 Invest in Your Home There's no better place to put your money. Horne improve- ments increase your family's enjoyment and add to the value of your property. F. H. A. TERMS NO MONEY DOWN 3 YEARS TO PAY • EXTRA ROOMS • NEW ROOF • SIDING • GARAGE • INSULATION • MODERN KITCHEN • NEW FLOORS Estimates Free Fred C. Kalbfleisch & SON, LTD. Zurich Goderich 14>ira. Wildfong, the president, •no be t e ail un d he next • meetingter , Oct. 24, at • Zilricl public school, Travelogues on Florida and Brit- ish Columbia Will be presented, by Mr. Vtlyaatgtt . main and Mrs. Mason of Zuric#; " t any other group of .aachers .wq>tid be interested in having or' seeing this exhibit, get in touch with Mrs. Robert Simp- son, Hensall, • Choir Members Honored Marking its first •practice of the fall season,. Hensall United Church choir ,members and guests spon- sored a delightful pot -luck supper on Thursday evening at 6.30. Dur- ing the course ,of the evening S. G. Ronnie, chairman and choir leader, assisted by Miss Gladys Luker, president, made the presen- tation of Hymnaries to Miss Betty Rowcliffe and Bill Mickle, who made fitting replies. Prior to her departure for the University of Western Ontario, Miss Betty Mickle received a Hymnary. A ]ovel'y ,"thank -you" letter, written by Miss Mickle, was read to the choir by Gladys Luker. Interest- ing remarks were given by Rev. W, J. Rogers. A vote of thanks was extended to the ladies for their work in connection with the affair, after which practice was held. Dr. and Mrs. M. A. Hopkinson, of Kingston, spent a few days at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Cook, and in Goderich with their brother, Mr. K. C. Hopkinson. Rev. David Wren, native Hen - salt district, retired from - tive. ministry for the pa years, has accepted the in as associate minister to Rev. Love at Trinity United Burlington. He had sero churoh 44 years when he to live ill Stratford, He dained in Stratford. A Thanksgiving bingo and will be held in the Town Hensall, Wednesday, Oct, 4, sated' by the Hensjall branch Canadiane Legion. g Rally day services were ed in the United Church morning, Sept. 24. Scholars Sunday School assisted with service and occupied the seats of the auditorium, Mr Corbett, Sunday school s tendent, presided, assisted b C. W. Downs, of Exeter. Bi sons were read by Mary Grace McLeod and 'Shirley man. Mr. 3. F. B1ack.well p ed the story, and the choir ed an anthem, "Suffer Little dren," the soloist being S. nie. Rev. C. Down gave spiring message, basing thoughts from "The Life of Anniversary services we served in Brucefield United Sundae. The guest speaks Rev. Ray McCleary, B.A., B. To- ronto. TJ1e choir was assisted the Huronia male choir of Mrs. J. R. Murdoch was at gan console. of the ac past five invitation Keith Church ed his retired was or Hall spun of the observ- Sunday of the h the front Jack uperin y Rev. Bible les sons Cole man. �Chil- G. Ran nie. in Mark." 7'e Ob Church I' Was D., by Exeter, the or - Hold School Fair Hensall held its annual School Fair Tuesday in the Community Arena, it laeing one of the best fairs ever to have been held in the village. There were 900 entries with oneclass of vegetables hav- ing 41 entries. A parade, two blocks long, formed in front of the Town Hall and included four rooms of Hensall Public School, S.S. 10, Hay, S.S. 1 and 2. Tuck- ersmith, and S.S. 7, Hibbert. Judg es were Harry Strang, Exeter; Winston 'S'hapton, Exeter; Agricul- tural Representatives ; Douglas Morrison, Seaforth; Mrs, Harry Dougall, Exeter, and Miss K. Dow - son, Kirkton. The fair board stat- ed that the school fair is enlarg- ing every year. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Taylor and Paula have returned home after spending a month vacationing with the former's parents at Hope, B.C. Miss Bernice Jinks left this week for London to attend the University of Western Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hedden, Joyce and Linda, St. Catharines, spent the week -end with relatives. Mrs, Alberta Dolin, of San Fran- cisco, was a guest last week with Dr. and Mrs. James W. Bell. Mrs. Donald McLeod Left last eek for Calgary after spending hree months here visiting her iece. Mrs. Florence Joynt, and other relatives and •friends. She as accompanied as far as Tor - w n •-w AUSTIN Cars Are Coming To the Top of the List For DURABILITY, PERFORMANCE and „LOW OPERATING COST A recent Austin owner reports that four adult passengers, with their travelling luggage, • made a trip to Alberta and back again for ONE CENT PER MILE. Austins save enough on their operating costs to cover their yearly depreciation! • Place your order NOW, if interested ALSO HAVE - 1950 Meteor Sedan, loaded with,,accessories 1948 Chevrolets Coach, in beautiful shape Model 'A' Ford, new battery, in nice shape SEE— • J.E..HU ILL AUSTIN SALES Phones: 616-34, Clinton 667-6, Seaforth onto by iklrs..Toynt, Who. 'spent a week'WettingrclotsY andf r e ds there: Mr. Bill lifickle spez 1 lest . week- end in Toronto visiting with rela- tives. • In conjunction with theSeaforth Fail Fair, under Inspector Mode of Exeter, in a showing of a 30 - dozen case of brown eggs by the different egg grading stations in his jurisdiction, which includes Practically all of Huron County, John Henderson's egg grading sta- tion, 0-500, Hensall, took first prize. Members of the Hensall Legion Ladies' Auxiliary are reminded of the Meeting and birthday party to be held in the Legion Hall Tues- day evening, Oct. 3. , G 14' t uto Wive 'ors Phone418-M s Exeter USED CARS USED PARTS Tires, Heaters and Accessories Two Good Steel 'Frailer Boxes with Fenders USED MACHINES 1 INTERNATIONAL CULTIVATOR AND BEAN PULLER 1 20 STANDARD TRACTOR (Real Bargain) 1 20 R.C. TRACTOR 1 80 COCKSHUTT TRACTOR 1 102 SR. MASSEY-HARRIS TRACTOR 1 101 JR. R.C. TRACTOR 1 82 M. -H. STANDARD TRACTOR 1 V.A. CASE - 1 M. -H. P.T.O. CLIPPER COMBINE 1 ALLIS-CHALMERS COMBINE 1 MC -H. CLIPPER COMBINE THESE MACHINES ARE PRICED TO CLEAR 0 SEAFORTH MOTORS PHONE 141 SEAFO'RT$ YOU are invited .: TO VISIT THE RECENTLY REMODELLED,, SEMI SELF -SERVE GENERAL STORE AT D. E. KYLE'S, KIPPEN Commencing Monday, October 2 A Ticket will be given for every cash purchase,.,, amounting to one dollar, and also for every dollar paid on account. EACH SATURDAY EVENING, for three weeks, a dra'-w will take place at 10 p.m., which entities the winner to the Choi of }{re ..-H -'following prizes: 100 Ms. Granulated Sugar Satin Trimmed All -Wool Blanket, N. Chrome Electric Tea Kettle Tickets will by given on Trade, Eggs and SPEICIAL PRICES D. E. KYLE,Kipp'er. PHONE: HENSALL 694 r 14 Second Annual Thanksgiving 1NG Sponsored by Clinton Lions Club CLINTON LIONS ARENA friday, October 6th Door) open at 8 Bingo at '8:30 $500 in Prizes INCLUDING $250 IN SPECIAL . C, PRIZES IN FOUR SPECIAL GA�. _. $25 $50 $75 $100 16 REGULAR GAMES FOR $1.00 25c Each For Each Special Game t, REGULAR PRIZES WILL INCLUDE: i THANKSGIVING TURKEYS • GROCERIES '- • RADIOS *, • ETC. REFRESHMENT BOOTH . Bring a Cushion aa me es remminsimu„,,a mu moms mom einswwisisie .1 } °1J%