The Huron Expositor, 1950-09-15, Page 3A 4 Nkra.itOrt r W s, Of; .Earl - ,_uturnn Nuptial Early autumn Rowers and •Pink• ` " L and white streamers decorated the home of the bride's father for the wedding at 2:30 o'clock Saturday afternoon of Bernice June, young- est daughter of Mr. Joseph Hack- -well, Walton, to Mr. Donald James Gray, grandson of Mrs. James A. Gray, 165 Brunswick St., Strat- ford. Rev. R. G. Hazelwood offici- ated and Mise Mary Dennis, of Walton, played the wedding music. During the ceremony Misses June and Audrey Hackwell sang "Be- cause" and "I'll Walk Beside You." Given in marriage by her father, the bride looked lovely in a white DON BRIGHTRALL GENERAL INSURANCE Auto Wind. H W &Accident: Life, Fire, Burglary, Bonds GOOD COMPANIES --LOW RATES PHONE 299 : SEAEORTH satin gown fashioned with fitted bodice, net yoke embroldered.with pearls, and lily point sleeves,. The full skirt extended into a train. A matching headdress, encrusted with pearls, held her fingertip veil, and she carried a bouquet of red roses. Mrs. Campbell Way, of Walton, was matron of honor for her sis- ter. She wore a blue satin gown with headdress and mittens 'harm- onizing with her gown, and car- ried a bouquet of pink roses. Ger- aldine Dennis, of Walton, was flower girl in a pink taffeta frock with matching poke bonnet and mittens. She carried a nosegay. Mr, Howard McLaughlin,T Toronto, o was best man. For travelling the bride donned a .blue threeepiece suit with which she wore navyaccessories and a gardenia corsage. On their return Brom a wedding trip to Northern Ontario, Mr. and Mrs. Gray will make their home in Stratford. Farmers, Attention Do you want to see a silo being filled entirely mechanically? Then come to J. W. VanEgmond & Son's farm, 2 miles north of Clinton on No. 4 Highway, on Thursday, Sept. 28th, where' this operation will be continuous throughout the day. Fox Corn. Harvesting Equipment will be used. EVERYBODY WELCOME Guests attended tine wending 4641 A,oront•i Reel egtee, N.Yu "^ towel And $t tford, Tie 4ride a graduate of the Stratford Gen- eral Iio§lpital, CONSTANCE The Constance Mission Band met in the classroom of the church on Sunday, Sept. 10, the meeting opening with the Mission Band Purpose, followed by Hymn 463. Minutes of the last meeting were read by‘ Janet McGregor, and Mrs. Dale read the Call to Worship. Hymn 404 was sung and Laurel Dale took the collection; which amounted to 70c. The Scripture lesson, the 23rd Psalm, was read by Muriel Dale. The benediction was read, followed by the roll call with 14 present. Hymn 426 was. sung and Marilyn Taylor and Laurel Dale gave out the papers and the World Friends. The meet- ing closed with the Lord's Prayer. Food For Warmth Any person who diet is not bal- anced properly feels the cold more often than a well-fed person. These crisp September mornings require a good breakfast. Make sure that your diet is up to par. A Happy Time Old age ,can be a healthy, happq time of life provided it has been proprly prepared for and ap- proached with a healthy mental outlook. When retirement age draws near; special activities should be developed to give mean- ing and interest to the days of re- laxation. It is of highest import- ance that men and women should begin to plan for their declining years well in advance. Cert_ECZ TRADE MARK REG. belongs in your ice box Qp Q eopen,. With Increased_ Attendances Schools reopened Sept. 5, B.S. No 10 with a new teacher, •Mie Cox. There are 17 pupils, two new ones having started, Eleanor Key and Betty Dohnage. Miss Little, i in. charge of S:S. No. 12. There are also two new pupils, Elaine Beat tie and. Kenneth Glanville. At S. No. 6 Mr. Foster Fowler is 'in charge, with 39 pupils. New ones are Ileen Smith, Margaret Hillen Faye Little, Joan Pryce, Elsie Doig and Janet McKercher. On Sunday, October 29, Cavan United Church will,celebrarte the 75th anniversary of this congrega- tion. The guest speaker on the occasion. AVM be the Principal of Alma Girls' College, the Rev. S. J. Mather, M.A., who will speak at both services. Invitations are be- ing sent out to all former mem- bers who can be located. Sunday, Sept. 17, is Rally Day. The regular service and the Sun- day School of Cavan Church are combining, to be held at the regu- lar hour of 2:30. Preparations are in progress to ,make this .a very interesting service. Please show your interest in the Sunday School your attendance. The W:M.S•. and W.A. met at the home of Mrs. William Somer- ville on Wednesday, Sept. 6, with fifteen ladies present. Mrs. E. Toll presided. The theme of the meeting was "T•he Spirit of the Cross." The worship service on Japan, as given in the Missionary Monthly, was followed. The poem written by Kagawa was read by Mrs. William •Dadds. The Japan- ese hymu, "Holy Spirit, We Hum- bly Pray," was sung by Dorothy Dodds. The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. T. Settles, and Mrs, William McSpadden led the meet- ing in prayer. The first chapter of the new study book on Japan was given by Mrs. Wm. Church. Miss Ethel Dennis brought a very wonderful report to the meeting of • s. the Branch meeting held at Sarnia. Mrg. Livingston closed,the meetings s with prayer. Lunch was served by Circle 4. We are sorry to hear Mrs. H. Blanchard is in Stratford General S Hospital. :Mr. and Mrs. Russell Maddess and Lillian, of Milverton, visited with Mr. and Mrs'. Ralph Davidson. The many friends of Mr. Sol Shannon will be sorry to hear he is In Scott Memorial Hospital. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dolmage were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Steinman, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Steinman and daughter, Jean, Wm. Schaefer and Allan Bossenee, all of Tart - stock; Harry Schaefer, of Strat- ford; Mr. and Mrs. Alf Steinman, of Guelph; p Mr. Emerson and Arn- old 'Steiman, Mrs. Edna Garner and Miss Eva Garner, all of Bright; Miss Mabel Lebegut, of Brantford, and Mrs, M. Re -Don, of Davenport, Iowa. THURSDAY andFR AFORTH FALL FAIR September 21-22 Opening Ceremonies ROBERT McCUBBIN Parliamentary Assistant to 'the Minister of Agriculture, will officially open the Fair FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22nd, at 3 p.m. BIG PARADE SCHOOL CHILDREN IN COSTUME 12:30 P.M. BANDS IN ATTENDANCE • GRANDSTAND PERFORMANCE Huron -Perth Regional Shorthorn Show • Harness Races • Foot Races • Pony' Races • Baby Show • Ponies To Ride • Two Field Crop Competitions • Baby Beef Calf CIub • Swine Club • Girls' Garden Club THURSDAY EVENING FEATURE Under the auspices of the Seaforth Chamber of Commerce • MUSICAL PROGRAM • MANUFACTURERS' AND MERCHANTS' DISPLAYS Admission — 25c See details in Advertisement on another Page! ADMISSION Adults 50c IUSSELL',BOLTON I'r Sident Cars 25c • BINGO 8:30 P.M. School Children in Parade -- FREE E. B. ,GOUDIE Sec.-Treas. Delay is Dangerous Even the smallest wound can become dangerous if it is not pro- perly looked after. When infec- tion sets in even a minor wound can become a- dangerous, expen- sive proposition. Small cuts and scratches should be washed im- mediately, sterilized and covered with a sterile dressing. Sunlight a Sterilizer One of nature's*finest sterilizers is sunlight. When a room is flood- ed with sunlight many disease germs in the air, on the floor and furniture are safely killed off. This alone is sufficient reason to keep drapes and blinds well opened to allow atlequate sunlight. through the house. . Dormant But Not Dead Because of the dramatic de- crease in diphtheria in recent years many parents hold the mistaken belief that diphtheria is practical- ly extinct. This is not the case. While diphtheria is much less com- mon than some years ago, it is by no means defeated. It is merely held in check. Only by immuniza- tion can we protect our children from the dangers of this disease. Health At Home Pasteurization of milk can be easily and effectively carried out at (home or at camp. The milk need merely be heated to a tem- perature of 175 to 180 degrees Fahrenheit, cooled quickly and placed .in a cold place until used. A floating dairy thermometer for use in this work can be purchased; for- a few cents at most drug stores. Don't take the needless risk of drinking raw milk. Not For Women Only Many men have the mistaken impression that cancer is a disease of women but statistics show that many cancers, .particularly of the face, stomach, mouth and lip and prostate are more frequently found in men than in women. Many forms of cancer are curable, par- ticularly if they are discovered early. Don't hesitate to see your doctor immediately if you suspect you may have cancer. Science On`the March The steady advance of science has pushed tuberculosis from its former place as the leading cause of death in Canada. Tuberculosis can be cured. Protect yourself from this disease by having per- iodic chest x-rays. These examina- tions discover tuberculosis before symptoms become apparent, mak- ing cures easier, quicker and cheaper. banger Number One Diseases of the arteries and heart have in recent years become the leading cause of death in Can- ada. Medical research is constant- ly investigating new methods of control of these diseases but at the present time the cardiac suf- ferer's chief hope lies in careful co-operation with his doctor. Many persons with "heart conditions" live happily for many years be- cause they observe the precau- tions specified by their physician. Period For Precaution Every Fall the insidious terror of poliomyelitis, the dreaded infan- tile paralysis, stalks the land The mother of every Canadian child lives in dread of this crippling dis- ease. While science has notyet solved the polio problem it has made many advances. The im- portant thing for mothers to re- member is to secure medical ad- vice immediately any suspicious symptoms become evident—par- ticularly if other cases of polio have been reported in the neigh- bdrhood. Problems In. Corn Breeding Corn breeding is a major prb- ject of the Dominion Experimental Station at Harrow. New inbred lines are being developed and num- erous •single and double cross com- binations are tested each year. Hundreds of experimental hybrids are produced but only a few ever reach oinillercial production. The corn br eder is not satisfied with a niedittere odiict but strivea,Por • du• 'the idt ai, though t ii hati r beeeW,f4 to l$4t. Tilrongbent. .the breeding P,ro• cerise, the corn breeder is faced with WARY probiews, mat ' b ,rgust develop i$ e4 Ines whioli possess qualities that are desired in the 4inal hybrids. It requires at least five or six generations of in- breeding to stabilisethe inbred' lines before they can be used in making • the single and . double cross hybrids, During this period they must be studied for their albil- itytlto combine with other inlareds td produce good (hybrids. Inbreed- ing reduces the size and vigor of the corn plants generally, never- theless, there is a marked differ- ence in vigor among the inbred lines. The breeder attempts to produce inbreds that have fairly strong roots and sturdy stalks and are easy to maintain. This means thatthe ears•mu t s be ofa fair size and the tassels large enough to produce ample pollen for seed set- ting. The inbreds are also studied for their ability ba I to reeltoler- ate t s or t ate disease and insect pests such as stalk rots and corn borers. The stabilized inbreds are cross- ed in as many combinations as possible. These combinations, or experimental hybrids, are placed in preliminary tests and the best selected for further testing. The superior hybrids ,are finally tested in competition with the best com- mercial hybrids. Throughout the period of in- breeding and the making of ex- perimental crosses the pollinations must be controlled. As isolation is impossible, the pollinating is done by hand. This means that the ear shoots and tassels must be bagged to guard against contam- ination from foreign pollen. Weather conditions during the pollinating period have a very im- portant bearing upon the season's work. Drought at this time causes poor pollen production and poor seed setting. Heavy rains accom- panied by high winds may destroy the ear and tassel bags and ruin many of the crosses. Fortunately, however, the majority of the ma- terial is saved most years and pro- gress can be made. ,f. CEMENT BLOCKS Immediate delivery HURON CONCRETE PRODUCTS Phone 684 Seaforth -y--•----v- o--er-v-...-1 Highest Cash Prices for DEAD STOCK Horses, $5.00 ea. Cattle, $5.00 ea. Hogs, 50 per cwt. According to Size. and Condition Call Collect SEAFORTH 15 171341:[M`1«t1..1i.i: i OF CANADA, LIMITED Upholstering Chesterfields and Occasional Chairs Repaired and Recovered Factory Guarantee Free Pick-up and Delivery Stratford Upholstering Co. 42 Brunswick St., Stratford For further Information enquire at Box's Furniture Store SEAFORTH , NEW TRACTOR TIRE WINS MANY FRIENDS Farmers acclaim the new Super Sure -Grip . the new Goodyear tractortire thatpulls through where other tires bog down. In field tests against competitive tired it got tractors through slippery ground under heavy drawbar pulls where other tires slipped to a complete stall! Come in and we'll show you how this new tire can save you time and money. SEAFORTH MOTORS PHONE: 141 CHEV –OLDS—SALES AND SERVICE MORE PEOPLE RIDE ON GOOD/WAR TIRES THAN 014 ANY OTHER KIND A21 0 TDOOR. WORIER' YOU NEED THIS GREAT FOOD EVERY DAY /.sed WHOLE WHEAT 6 lX''.ea deet,/ You must eat, right to feel right! Health authorities say we need whole wheat in our diet. It contains vital food elements. And NABISCO SHREDDED WHEAT is made from 100% whole wheat! En- joy delicious, golden NABISCO SHREDDED WHEAT and MILK 'tomorrow. Serve those crisp, toasty biscuits COOKED or fresh from the package! SW -149 £xcellence Flour' GIVES PERFECT SATISFACTION Notice to Farmers WE ARE BUYING WHEAT FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Best Prices Paid This Week GIVE US A CALL Let us have Samples. We will be buying from pow on. TURGEON GRAIN and PROCESSED FEEDS SEAFORTH, ONTARIO PHONES 353 a 354 r Itt n.tsi 3luLfl.�.l.,�{l%��el.. ,, e,.r.u4>Gi�d�xf 54,.'. •�,�.t i �„4,1i ,. d, J. V r �