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The Huron Expositor, 1950-09-08, Page 8
SPECIALIZE IN RIES AUTOMOBILE, CASUALTY, GUARANTEE BONDS ACIDENT AND SICKNESS +!URGL-ARY AND WINDSTORM ,Representing Companies who give` Security with Service &FAQ AGENTS FOR ONTARIO a RTIRMAN'S MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE Information gladly given. WATSON & REID ffi. A. REED - Proprietor Insurance & Real Estate RHONE 214 SEAFORTH FOR SALE Modern Cottage with furnace and 'garage. Early possession. Duplex, solid brick, All modern nveniences. Good investment, Dwellings on Louisa St. Immedi- ate possession. M. A. REID 11IEAL• ESTATE PHONE 214 LEMON'S TAXI ALL PASSENGERS INSURED Phone: 162-J or 162-W FOR SALE On No, 8 Highway, close to Sea- dorth, 3% acres with good 7 -room *owe; inside plumbing; also barn send henhouse. Two good wells. Priced to sell. ON LOUISA STREET Five -room house; two porches; donble-car garage. Possession in 3S days, Tvyo and half acres in Egmond- fle. Thisis a good building site. Priced for quick sale. For prices and terms call WILSON C. OKE Real Estate and Insurance PHONE 689 SEAFORTH THE Imam EXPOSITOR • NEWS OF THE TOWN Hospital Aid Meets Tuesday --- The regular meeting of the Wo- men's Hospital Aid .to Scott Mem- o/ ial emorial Hospital will be held Tues- day, Sept. 12, at 8:15 p.m., at the nurses' residence_ Announcement. - Mr, and Mrs. David McLean announce the en- gagement of their only daughter, Mary Wilma Joyce, to Mr. James Keith MacLean, son of Mr. and Gladioli 15c a Dozen PURCELL FLOWER GARDENS Phone 145R Seaforth COAL We have on hand: Stove Coal • Nut Coal • Buckwheat Coal • Alberta Coal • Stoker Coal Unloading 2 cars of Nut Coal this week. William M. Hart Phone 784 Seaforth seser eereeseneerseftesseereeerressese- FOR SALE 6 -ROOM, 1% Storey Frame House, with three-piece Bathroom, Garage. Situated on Chalk St. Prompt possession can be given. 7 -ROOM HOUSE -3 -piece bath- room, hot water heating, Hydro, garage; two lots. Situated on Cen- tre St. Priced reasonable. Prompt possession. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance S. Real Estate Broker SEAFORTH : ONT. PHONES: Res. 220, Office 334 You Be the Judge! We think our Footwear Values are the Best in Huron County! Come in and let us prove it. The New "TROT ABOUTS" for Men are Smart, and only $4.95 a Pair WILLIS' SHOE STORE "The Little Store With the Big Values" SEAFORTH • Brighten Your Home with New Floor Covering Battleship, Inlaid and Canvas Back Linoleum. • Congoleum, Rexoleum & Marboleum, with many Patterns to choose from. • Congoleum a n d Rex- oleum Rugs, in all sizes. • Rubber Tile and Marboleum Squares Let'us measure and quote a price on your room. Carpet by the Yard, and Carpet Rugs in all sizes G. A. WHITNEY 'Furniture Funeral and Ambulance Service Phones: Day 119 - Nights' and Sundays 65 SEAFORTH 7 ONTARIO "Where Your Money Buys the Full Measure" 4 0 0 0 0* 0 0 0 0 ' ry _J. A. BURKE O . Funeral Director O +►" and Arlabulance Service 0 DUBLIN - ONT. O Night or Day Calls: 0 �4Y 'Phone 43 r 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 06000 G. A. VV`HIPNEY a VitheraI Director ' Wadi rs,,RetifOrthVrOb S7 d:i t 4364 °bl'll y' d !"���'w�i��� �{ 0 O W. J. CLEARY O Seaforth, Ont, 0 LICENSED EMBALMER O AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR O Nights or Day .Calls -335 O O 0 0 ©0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 00 o 000 O C>OOd00000 BOX 0 3utterl erbice 6 AMBULANCE 0 b Prompt and, C&re ui attention, k' Ito8»itall ed 1tOW its+ Pak Ali, 0 feit0Mita:a. e ..g9640:th' 1$'t tittl M d� 0 Mrs. Robert MacLean, of Tucker.. smith, the wedding to take place' early in October. Hold Plastic Nylon Demonstra- tion. --Mss. Euos Boshart was hos- tess to about twenty ladies Wed- nesday evening at a plastic nylon demonstration, which was present- ed by Mrs. Angus MacLean. Mrs. John Muir won the special prize. Announcement- - Mrs. Marion Lee announces the engagement of her daughter, Maisie Kerr, to Wil- liam Richard. Robinson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Robinson, the marriage to take place at three o'clock, September 16, in Grace United Church, 'London. Fireside Group Meets. -The Fire- side Fellowship Group of First Church met for their first autumn meeting Tuesday evening at the, church when they enjoyed a pot- luck supper. Miss Alice Reid, the president, was in the chair and conducted the business when plans were made for the fall activities. Rev. D. Glenn Campbell closed the meeting with prayer. Teachers Resume Their Duties. Amour the teachers returning to their respective schools this week were; Miss Margaret Grieve, Miss Gladys Thompson, Miss Lau- ra McMillan, Miss Marjorie Bick- elI, Miss Rhia Hills, Miss Cecelia L.oran, Miss Kessie Grieve, lvliss ,Peg Grieve, Miss Josephine McIv- er, Miss Mary Hagan, Miss June Shaw and Francis Huisser: Seaforth W. 1. Meets Tuesday-- Seaforth Women's Institute will hold its September meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 12, at 2 p.m„ at the home of Mrs. Paul Doig. This will be the Agriculture and Cana- dian Industries meeting, with Miss Pearl Patterson guest speaker. Mrs. Eldon Kerr and Mrs. R. M. Scott will be in charge of the meeting. Those in the lunch com- mittee are: sandwiches, Mrs. Isaac Hudson, Mrs. Elmer Cameron; tarts, Mrs. David Papple, Mrs. E. Whitmore. • St. Thomas' W. A, Meets. -The W.A. of St. Thomas' Church met in the rectory with the president, Mrs. T. Dale Jones, in the chair, with a good attendance. The meet- ing opened with the Litany and the Lord's Prayer in unison, Miss C. Holmes read the Scripture from St. Matthew 6. The members were glad to hear that word was receiv- ed on the bale from Rev. Mr. Webb of Fairview, Alta„ also from Mr. Pitt, principal of the Indian Resi- dential School at Cardstone, Alta., and the Rev. Mr. Zimmerman, Mo- hawk Institute, Brantford. All the reports were accepted. The 1951 church calendars have been order- ed. The collection was received, and Mrs. T. Dale Jones closed the meeting with prayer and a social time was spent. W. A. Makes Presentation. -The September meeting of Group 3 of the W.A. of Northside United Churoh was held at the home of Mrs. B. F. Christie Tuesday eve- ning with an attendance of 24. The meeting opened with prayer by Mrs. A. W. Gardiner and Hymn 358, "Jesus Calls Us O'er the Tu- mult.' Miss Ida Cooper led in prayer. The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. C. Schultz and Miss Mary Frances Schultz sang a solo. A reading, "The Golden Key," was given by Mrs. J. G. Wallace. A humorous reading entitled, "Anat- omy," was given by Mrs. Helmar Snell. Hymn 390, "Work For the Night is Coming," was sung and a social half-hour was spent when Mrs. Gardiner was presented with a leather-bound hymnary, after which Mrs. Gardiner presented each with a piece of wedding cake. Ladies Aid Holds Fall Meeting. - The first Pall meeting of the Lad - les' Aid Society of First Presbyter- ian Church was held in the 'base- ment on Tuesday with a good at- tendance. present. After' the •min- utes and treasurer's report were read and approved, several items of business were discussed. fit was decided to hold the annual bazaar on Saturday, Nov. 4. Mrs, E. Butt and Mrs. W. 3. Thompson san,g a pleasing duet entitled, "I'lI Under- stand When Jesus Calls Again," accompanied by Mrs. M. R. Ren- nie. Mrs. J. E. Patterson, the guest speaker, gave a most helpful talk based on Psalm 23, a psalm much loved and one which she brought out is her talk that reaches ev- eryone -the sick, 'lonely, discour- aged, sorrowing, poor, rich, young and old After Mrs. H. E. Smith closed the meeting with prayer, Announcement Miss Marion Mason A.T.C.M. Piano and Theory will enroll pupils for the 1950-51 class for the Fall term Beginning Sept. 5, 1950 PHONE 137 - Seaforth Choice Gladioli Bloom FOR SALE ANY OCCASION HAROLD FREE PHONE: Day 96 : Evenings 366_, DANCING in Cardno's Hall Monday, Sept. 11 MUSIC BY Don Robertson and the Ranch Boys Sponsored by the L.O.L. OF SEAFORTH ADMISSION - 75 CENTS Hoarding Coal is GOOD PROTECTION ! We have all Good Coals and you should have your requirements. Willis Dundas PHONE 192-M, or Box Furniture Store Phone 43 Until Office is Established $150.00 Cash Prises AT THE Seaforth and District Community Centre MONSTER BINGO Thursday, Sept. 14th Centre Open 8 p.m. - Play Starts 9 p.m. 18 GAMES FOR 50c Seating Accommodation for 1500 Players LOOKING EPS a BARGAIN . . USED aCAR or TRACTOR? Then call in and see our stock drd TORS oniii Sales lk $erviee EAPORTII ■ lunch was served with Mrs. J. Mac- Tavish and her social committee in charge. First Presbyterian Church. -10 a.m., Bible Class and Sunday School. Services will be held at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.-Rev.'D. Glenn ,Campbell, Minister. St. Thomas' Church, Seaforth.- Rector, Rev. T. Dale Jones: Sept. 10: 10 .a.m., Reopening of Sunday School; 11 a.m., Morning Prayer; 2 p.m., St. Mary's, Dublin; 7 p.m., Evensong.- Rev. C. L. Langford, M.A., Exeter. • Northside United Church. Rev. D. A. MacMillan, Minister: 10:00 am., Sunday School and Adult Bible Classes; 11 a.m., Worship; sermon text, Mat. 5:10; 11:30 a.m., Junior Congregation; 7 p.m., Wor- ship. Rev. E. S. McGrath will speak on behalf of the Lord's Day Alliance. A cordial welcome to all. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111 * Weddings * 111111111111 l I 111111111111111 i 111111111111111111 Watterworth - Clarke. -A pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin E, Clarke, Seaforth, Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock when their daughter, Ethel Mae, became the bride of Mr. Reg- inald Watterworth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Watterworth, Glen- coe. Rev. 'D. A. MacMillan, of Northside United Ghuroh, of iciat ed at the ceremony .in the pres- ence of about thirtjj guests. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a gown of white vel - vera rayon, fashioned with TuI1 skirt, sweetheart neckline, and lily point -sleeves. Her headdress matched her gown, and she car- ried a bouquet of pink gladioli. The bride was attended by ther sister, Mrs. John Smith, as mat- ron of honor, wearing a turquoise taffeta dress with headdress to match. She carried pink gladioli. Mr. John Lamont, of New Liske- ard, was the best man, and Mr. John Smith ushered, Mr, Ernest Clarke, brother of the bride, play ed the wedding music. At the re- ception following the ceremony Mrs. Clarke wore gray nylon with navy blue accessories and gladioli corsage. Mrs. Watterworth, mother of the bridegroom, was wearing gray sheer with navy accessories and pink gladioli in corsage. Fol- lowing a motor trip through North- ern Ontario, Mr. and Mrs, Wetter- worth will reside in the Royal Apartment, Seaforth. Guests at the wedding were present from Sea - forth, Glencoe, London and Grand Valley. OeAttigere tekt • Dies in Toronto. -News of the death on Saturday last of Marg- aret McMichael, beloved \rife of Mw. E. Chittenden, of Toronto was received here by Mr. and Mrs. M. McDerm•id, Goderich St. Mrs. Chittenden was born in McKillop, the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William McMichael, and was in her 73rd year. In failing health for some time, she passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Melinski, She is survived by her husband; four daughters, Mrs. W, J. Padgett, Claremount; Mrs. Wm. Halloway and Mrs, Melinski. Tor- onto, and Mrs, Townsend, of Mont- real; one son, Richard Chittenden, of Toronto, and one brother, Mr. Frank McMichael, of the United States. Mr. and Mrs. Ohittenden lived in McKillop following their -marriage and later moved to Sea - forth, and 25 years ago moved to Toronto. The funeral was held from her late residence on Tues- day with interment in a Toronto cemetery. Brother Dies in Stratford. A highly esteemed resident of Strat- ford, James Thomas Ritchie, died early Saturday at his . home, 305 Albert St, Mr. Ritchie, who cele- brated his 76th birthday on July 27, was born in Tuckersmith Town- ship. He was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Ritchie, and had been in failing health since early spring and had been gravely ill for the past week. Prior to going to Stratford 20 years ago, Mr. Ritchie had been engaged as a blacksmith in Brussels and car- ried on the sanho business after taking up residence in Stratford. A Presbyterian in religion, Mr. Ritchie was a member of Knox Church. His wife, the former Laura Mae Oster, died 14 years ago. Surviving are one son, James Frederick, Stratford; one daugh- ter, Mrs. Jack (Mary) Stadelman, Kitchener; a brother, Jack Rit- chie, Galt; two slaters, Mrs, Jean McIntosh, of Listowel, and Mrs. Charles Brodie, Seaforth, The body rested at the Heinbuck Funeral Home until Monday 'afternoon, when funeral service was held at 2 o'clock, with burial in Avondale cemetery. rtev. J. E, 'Taylor, of Shakespeare Presbyterian Church, officiated. Pallbearers were Win. and Gordon Ritchie, Galt; Blair and Malcolm McIntosh, Cran- brook; Walter Oster, Blyth, and Howard Oster, Windsor, Attend- ing the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Blair McIntosh, Mr. and Mrs. Mal- colm McIntosh, Mrs. Dan Huether, Mrs. Agnes Cameron, all of Brus- sels; Miss Mary Mclntosh,A4s- towel; Jack, William, Gordon and Miss Joan Ritchie, Miss Mary r,.nox, Miss Ann Gramm, George Keyes, all of Galt; Mrs. Lillian Stadelman, Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Oster, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oster, George and Mary, Blyth; Charles Brodie, Seaforth, and Tyndall Ritchie, V./Ingham, LOCAL BRIEF S i M:r, and Mrs. Walker rHart spent the week end -iii Toronto, w 'Vries Janet Clut was in Tor - Vet the os er the weekend; • M. acid MM .A, ICluliiiton on;d drsyy shay �eiit Ole y�`1) .ie xr,z tib R 4�1W r0i,, �73x 4 d +it days in town this week. • Miss Evelyn Cardno spent a week's holidays in Toronto. • Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lawson, and Mrs. Oliver Anderson and family„ of Auburn, were .guests on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. John Finlayson. - • Miss Carol Chesney has re turned, after spending a few days with Miss Joanne Clifton. • Mrs. J. 3. Sclater is gi'siting in Toronto. • Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hember- ger and family spent the week -end in Exeter. • Mrs. Theresa Maloney spent the week -end at the home of 'her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Armand Bedour, at Goderich. • Mr, and Mrs. Robert Smith were in Chesley recently, • Mr. and Mr•s. M. R. Rennie have returned from Grand Bend, where they spent the summer holi- days. • Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Scott and family, of Uxbridge, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. James T. Scott on Sunday. • Dr. and Mrs. W. Campbell, of Albany, M., were visitors at The Expositor office on Monday. • Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weiland, of Toronto, are spending their holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H- Weiland, in Egmondville. • Miss Lillian Southgate spent the week -end in Brampton, • Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kerslake and family, of Toronto, visited at the 'home of Mrs. W. E. Kerslake, • Rev. and Mrs. T. Dale Jones have returned from Lions Head and Bayfield, where they spent their vacation. • Miss Betty Quinn spent the holiday in Detroit, • Mr. D. H. Wilson has return- ed from Quebec City, where he visited his father, Mr. John A. Wil- son, who is seriously ill. • Mrs. H. Minett, of Toronto, is ill in Scott Memorial Hospital, and her brother, Mr. E. 3. Box un- derwent a critical operation Mon- day morning. • Mr. and Mrs. Edwin P. Ches- ney, of Tuckersmith, and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Arent, of Kitchen- er, were in Niagara Falls recently. • Rev. and Mrs. D. Glenn Camp- bell have returned after spending their holidays in Rodney. • Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Horton and family and Mr. and Mrs. El- more Stephenson and family have returned from spending a week's holidays at Havelock and Welling- ton. . • Miss Mary Johnstone, of Hamilton, was a week -end guest at the home of Mr. A. F. Cluf, • Mrs. Margaret Morrow left on Thursday on a trip to Calgary, Alta., to visit her sister, Mrs. W. B. Horton. • Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Eb- erhart have returned from Mea - ford, where they visited Dr. and Mrs. F. L. Eberhart. • Gilbert kiunert, .bill Broome and Jim Wallace were in Toronto over the holiday attending the Exhibition. • Mrs. J. H. Best, of Toronto, was a guest this week of Mrs. J. C. Greig. • Mr. and Mrs. Neville 1V1cMil- lan, of Toronto, spent the week -end with the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. M. McMillan. • Miss Vera Hudson, of Lon- don, spent the week -end with her sister, Mrs, Scott Habkirk, • Miss Sheila McFadden has re- turned from Toronto. • Mr. and Mrs. Enos Bosnart and Mrs. J. T. Kaiser were in Tor- onto on Saturday attending the C.N.E. • Mrs. George Lowery and Mrs. Alex Lowery have returned from Goderioh, where Mrs, G, Lowery spent a month. • Mr, and Mrs. C. P. Sills are in London this week, where Mr. Sills is attending the Postmasters' Convention, • Miss Mildred Johnstckie, of Hamilton; Dr, and Hrs. H. J. Hod- gins, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mcltae, of Detroit, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Beat- tie last week. • Mr. and Mrs. Geo. D. Fergu- son have returned from visiting in Toronto and Uxbridge. • Mrs. Jarpes Callander, of Hart - /ley, Man., I"is visiting her sister and, brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. C, Glew, • Mrs, J L. Hhncliley 'has re- turned from Owen Sound, where she -spent the past three weeks. Enroll Now for Fall Music • Classes STANLEY J. SMITH A.T.C.M. Teacher of PIANO, TRUMPET, VOICE, THEORY and Supervisor of Music in Schools All former students have pass- ed examinations with honours. Studios in Seaforth, Mitchell and Exeter For information PHONE EXETER 231 OP Write Box 96, Exeter FILMS Basement of Northside United Church FRIDAY, SEPT. 8th at 8:00 p,m, Under auspices of Women's Assoc- iation, the following Films, with sound, will be presented: 1. SIGHTSEEING AT 'HOME Televisi'on (Educational) 2. IT'S PUN TO SING (L9alie Dell Singers) 9. THREE BRUINS In the WOODS' 4.. CANADIAN 'ROOKIES MYtstilxdl Numbers • Between Filrrls Admission : 25e and 1''le, EVERYONE WELCOME CdUVtesy of shod EPTU/13 44956 a � .RegerstrboRgentTbeatro]f� T$ NOW PLAYING-THURS., FAL, SAT. ---1N TEotuvrCOI,OR, "BLUE GRASS -OI<. KENTUCKY with BILL WILLIAMS - JANE NIGH - RALPH ,MORGANr I An entertaining and thrilling Race Horse Story, of all the joys Mid heartbreaks of the Turf's most glorious clastic! MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY - IN TECHNICOLOR "CHEAPER BY THE DOZEN" with JEANNE GRAIN - CLIFTON WEBB - !MYRNA, LOY Humour mixed with homely sentiment, with just the right amount of pathos is the formula for this Frothy Family Comedy. NEXT THUSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY -IN TECHNICOLOR "THE WIZARD OF OZ " with JUDY GARLAND " and RAY'BOLGER This timeless story, dedicated to "the young in heart," tells of ' the imaginary Land of Oz and the a ventures therein - full of color and song. Be sure td' see it. • COMING: IN ' TECHNICOLOR " JOLSON SINGS AGAIN " with LARRY PARKS and BARBARA HALE AT HANEY'S Our Aim: SATISFIED CUSTOMERS ! THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY ONLY Weiners-Pound First -Grade Butter -Pound Summer Sausage -Pound 43-c. 60�C Clair Haney' Egmondville SPECIALS for McKILLOP FAIR 1. Expositor Office Cup for the School making the most entries per pupil. 2. Favorite Flowers in color for girl winning most Favorite Flowers in color for boys winning the most Donated by The T. Eaton Co. 3. Camera -Donated by Robert Simpson Co. 4. Silk Cushion as prize • for Miss McKillop -donated by Hud- son's, Stratford. 5. Best showmanship of calf -$2.00 given by Dan Costello, 6. Stacey Bros. -$5,00 for Dairy Calf. 7. Dublin Creamery -$5,00 for Dairy Calves. 8. James Curtin -+$3.0,0 for Home-made White Bread: lst, $1.50; 2nd, $1.00; 3rd, 50c. 9. Friend & Whetham-$5,00 Beef Calf. 10. James T, Scott -$10.00 Beef Calves. 11. Whyte's Butcher Shop -$5.00 Beef Calves. 12. B. F, Christie -$5,00 for Beef Calves. • 13. Arnold Westcott-Pearls $5.00, for Beauty Contest. 14. Seaforth Co -op -$5.00, to be divided for best 2% dozen brown eggs and 21/z dozen white eggs. 15. Mac Burns -$2:00 for best showmanship of colt. 16. Art Wright -$2,00 for the first prize for best chocolate cake, • and 50c for cake baked by girl 12 years or under. 17. Sills' Hardware -Knives and Scissors, $8.00. 18. Savauge's Jewelry -Three Pens. 19. Baldwin's Hardware -$10.p0, 20. Norman Covenay, Mitchell -10'0 Chicks. 21. Thos: Butters -Boy's wagon, $5.00 as first prize for pony colt. 22. Mrs. Carl Dalton -2 Canaries, $5.00, as prizes for flowers, 23. Mrs. Bradshaw=$2.0p for best Light Cake using Watkin's Baking Powder, and 50c extra for the cake to be given to the donor; (baking powder can to be shown), A COMPLETE LIST OF DONATIONS WILL SE PUBLISHED LATER Mrs. Eickmeyer, of Goderich, will be present with the Travelling' Library, to get in touch with the School Boards of MoKillop... points. points. 1' ITS AtirraitiltaItiC OUR PRICE Saves Work! Checks biro, • Money -saving Coleman Low -Draft Burner. . • Low -Flame Fuel Satter. • Projuces 51,000 Heat Units Per Hour, • Circulates 19.,800 cu. ft. Warm Air Per Hour, 11 CIRCULATES HEAT like a furnace! IT RADIATES HEAT like a fireplace! y-1119.25 AE SY TRMS'