HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1950-07-21, Page 4cu ra k}r rip Lassified Ads. 1a sified Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates: FOR SALE, WANTED. LOST AND FOUND, ETC.—Per word: hat week 1 Cent 2nd week % Cent and week ' Cent Minimum charge. first insertion25 Cents • Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word Card of Thanks, In Memoriam Notices, Coming Events—a cent per ward. Minimum. 60 cents per week. Enquiries may be directed to a Box No., c/o The Baron Expoottor, for 10 cents extra. Ten cents additional will be charged if ads in above chase are not paid within 10 days of date of final insertion. Births, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. Auction Sages, Notices to Creditors, Etc.—Rates on application. Property For Sale FOR SALE --THREE BUILDING LOTS at extreme west end of James St. Apply W. E. SOUTHGATE, Seaford... 4309xtf FOR SALE—NEW HOUSE, RANCH style: fully modern: oil furnace, air condition. Can be bought with down payment and monthly 'payment plan. C. G. LEE, John Street 428641 FOR SALE New House, Modern, Seven Rooms, James St. Immediate occupation. PHONE 353 SUMMER COTTAGE For Sale or Rent Four bedrooms. All conveniences. APPLY TO BOX 886 HURON EXPOSITOR 4804x3 Poultry FOR SALE -400 ROCK X NEW RAMP 'pullets, laying. APPly URBAN DUCHAIOME, Hensall, Ont. Phone 91 r 7, Zurich. 4309-1 PULLET BARGAINS While They Last Wanted WANTED—MALE BOARDERS. AP - ply to ELLA J. ARMSTRONG. Phond 8774. 4300-1 Ten weeks old White Leghorn, Black Minorca X White Leghorns, New Ham.p X White Leghorn, Wihite Leghorn X Barred Rocks. $65.95 per hundred. Also day old and started chicks. uon-sexed, pul- lets, • cockerels. Turkey bargains. Two week old Bronze, White Holland, 93 cents. Three week old $1.03, four weeks $1.13. Also day old Turkeys non -sexed, sexed tams, sexed hens. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited FERGUS — ONTARIO Work Wanted - MOTHER'S HELPER — 13 -YEAR-OLD .LYl girl desires work as 'mother's helper daring holidays. PHONE 851 r 4. 4309x1 EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER -TYPIST desires work in evenings. Typing of all kinds, manuscripts, letters, etc. Also interested in part-time bookkeeping during evenings. PHONE 53-W after 5 P.M. 4308x2 4308-2 For Sale Help Wanted SALESMAN WANTED = TO SELL roofing and insulation. Commission basis. Write Box 834, HURON EXPOSI- TOR. 4275-tf WANTED — GENERAL MAID, MID- dleaged. for desirable home of one adult, London. Reply, stating age and qualifications and references, Box 893, 9389 2 HURON EXPOSITOR. VOR SALE—A GOOD USED FURNACE. Apply G. A. WHITNEY. Phone 119 or 65. 4309-1 FOR SALE -7 PIGS, SIX WEEKS OLD. JACK GLEW. 'Phone 63J, Sea - forth.. -.. _. .. - 4309-1 FCR SALE—DOUBLE CAR GARAGE. 16x20, frarne construdtion- Apply NORMAN MacLEAN, Egni ondville. Phone 241W. 4309-1 FOR SALE -2 -YEAR-OLD REGISTER - ed Hereford bull. Apply GORDON HORNER, Seaforth. Phone 661 r 2. x1 Auction Sales Coming Events YOU WILL FIND THE .CRYSTAL Palace Ballroom, Mitchell, one of the beauty spot}; in Western Ontario. Danc- ing every Friday night to the music of Don Robertson and His Ranch Boys. 4308x2 THE EXECUTIVE OF THE JUNIOR Farmers and Junior Institute will meet Friday night at 8:30 p.m., in the High School, Seaforth. All metabers of the executive are urged to attend 4809x1 AUCTION SALE OF T.B. JESTED Dairy Cattle and Pigs, at Lot 10, Con- cession 10, Hullett Township. three roads east of Londesbaro. on Monday. July 24, at 2 o'clock: 1 pure bred Registered Jersey cow. milking, 9 years old, bred July 4: 1 Jersey cow. 8 years old. milk- ing, bred July 13: 1 Durham cow, 7 years, with veal calf 300 lbs., bred June 6: 1 Holstein cow. 2 yeah old. with veal calf, bed June 18: 1 Holstein cow, 2 years old, with veal cn1f; 1 Durham heifer; 2 Ayrshires: 4 Holstein heifers. all recently bred; 4 Holstein heifers not bred; 1 grade Holstein Jersey bull 13 months old; 20 weaned pigs 7 weeks old; 1 sow and 7 pigs five weeks old: 2 sows with pigs one week old: 2 sows due August 2: 2 sows bred May 29. Terms—Cash. GEORGE C. DUBS. Proprietor; Harold Jackson. Auctioneer. 9309-1 Livestock Wanted U'P TO 85.00 EACH FOR DEAD OR Disabled Horses, Cows, Hogs, at your farm. Prompt service. Phone Collect Wm. Sproat, Seaforth, ,655 r 2. WIL- LIAM STONE SONS. LIMITED, Inger- soll, Ont. For Rent FOR RENT—FURNISHED HOME IN Hensall. Companionship objective. Suitable for retired couple or single lady. References required. Write Box 891, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4308-2 Farms For Sale 50-AORE FARM, WITH BUILDINGS and never -failing drilled well: Lot 16, Concession 4, Township of Hibbert; 11,(2 miles south of Village of Dublin on County Road. All seeded. MRS. JOHN' JORDAN, Dublin. 4309-1 Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (R U B B E R Goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list 6 samples 26e; 24 samples 81.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-73. NOVA -RUBBER CO.. Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. In Memoriam • THE HURON EXPOSITOR' Dentistry .. Past And Present LAMONT—IN LOVING MEMORY OF a dearly beloved Eon, A627 Tpr. Hec- tor J. Lamont, missing July 25, 1994, lat- er presumed killed in action at Verrieres, France. There is a mother and dad who miss you sadly. And find the time long since you went, And we think of you daily and hourly But try to be brave and content. But the tears that we shed are in sil- ence. And we breathe a sigh of regret, For you were ours and we remember Though all the world forget. —Mother and Dad, Brothers and Sisters. 4309-1 Canada's railroads run farther east and farther west than any other railroad in North America. iltUlallIfInflifittUtifIneeerere (By Harvey Day in The Country Guide) Dental troubles are as old as the human race, and we who live in an age of anesthetics must consider ourselves lucky that we -are not treated by the primitive methods in vogue centuries ago. According to archeologists, prehistoric man sometimes suffered with dental caries, though bad teeth were com- paratively rare when people lived on natural foods such as fruit and raw meat, which they tore with their teeth and were forced to mas- ticate before swallowing. Many of our dental troubles are due,. not to sweets as is generally imagined, but to the pulpy, denatured foods that civilized people consume. AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD Funi.•hinge in Harpurhey. just west of .m.Seaforth. on Wednesday, July 26th, at LakeviewCasino 1 p.m.: Jewel kitchen range tg� con- dition): 2 kitchen tables, drop, leaf table: oak sideboard : 3 couches; walnut side- board; 2 leather couches: mahogany a- piece parlor suite; 3 -piece reed set: 21 antiques, settee and platform rocker :I writing desk ; rosewood piano.: organ; ex- tension table: number small tables: stands and rockers; hall rack and mirror: ward- robe: 3 furnished bedrooms, dresser:, stands, beds, springs and mattresses, toilet sets, pictures, books, trunks. quilt boxes: curtain ; clocks : lamps ; dishes ; kitchen utensils, and other articles; cistern pump and sink, laa-n mower. Terms — Cash. ESTATE OF LATE SARAH BROWN; Joseph Grummett, Executor of Estate; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. 4308-2 RASPBERRIES ARE RIPENING NOW! Order yours at 35e quart box. MRS. RA — DIO REPAIRS WHEN YOUR ANGUS ROBERTSON, R.R. 2, Kipper. radio won't work, bring it to TERRY'S Phone Hensall 684 r 12. 4309x2 RADIO REPAIR. and take it home the same day—any day. Opposite Dick House. Phone 347-R, Seaforth. 4295-tf Notices NOTICE—BABY SITTING BY RELI- able High School girl. Reasonable rates. PHONE 683-M. 4309-2 NOTICE—LAWN MOWERS SHARPEN - ed and repaired. A. O'LEARY, Gode- rich St. East. - 4308x4 HAVE YOUR PAINTING PROBLEMS done the economy way by an expert sprayman. Wallpapering a specialty: wallpapering and brush painting. All work guaranteed. For free estimates phone 780. HAROLD FINLEY, Seaforth. 4307-tf FOR SALE—KITGHEN CABINET, NA- tural finish, porcelain top; good eon - .,m dition. MRS. CLIFFORD HOEGY, R.R. ' 1, Walton. Phone Brussels 48 r 27. 4809x2 FOR SALE—FRAME BARN, APPROX- imatoly 601 x 60', timber construc- tion; good condition. Priced for quick sale. Apply GORDON HORNER. Phone 661 r 2, Seaforth. 4309x2 FOR SALE — QUANTITY WHITE brick; mattress; cant iron kettle; cor- ner cupboard; 2 cistern pumps ; few wash- boards ; 2 screen doors. CLARENCE Wonderful opportunity for first-class REEVES, Seaforth. 4309x1 Hairdresser to operate well established Beauty Parlor, or become partner without investing. BARNS CLEANED AND WHI7>•;WASH- ed following T.B. test. Brand new sprayer capable of 1,000 pounds pressure. Work done to inspector's satisfaction. Phone 44 r 9, Dublin. FRED HARRURN. Staff a. 9301-tf HAIRDRESSER'S OPPORTUNITY FOR SALE—CHESTERFIELD AND 1 chair, 910.00: small buffet, $5.00; oak dining room, table, square, .three extra leaves, 910.00. PHONE 270 after 6:30 p.m. 4309-2 pOR SALE—KITCHEN CABINET AND jack-knife table,in good. condition. Apply to MRS. WILLIAM PEPPER, Hen - salt. Phone 41-W, Hensall. 43091 F — OR SALE --NEW SINGER SEWING machines, -electric and treadle. Re- pairs to all makes. SINGER SEWING CENTRE, 78 Orvtario St, Stratford. 4223-tf tIOR SALE—ALLIS-CHALMERS COM - bine, Model 60, in go -,d condition: al- e() a Johnson rift gas engine, nearly new. Apply BLACKWELL BROS., R.R. 2, Hen- sall. Phone Zurich 88 r B. 4308x2 OR SALE — RADIO. DEFOREST- 'Croasley console, beautiful tone; per- fect dondition and good appearance. Also furnace blower for hot air or hot water. Permits using cheap coal. Perfect condi- tion: quiet motor. PHONE 24, Seaforth. 4309-1 FOR SALE A Quantity of Good RECLAIMED 'BRICK Apply Stedman Stores or Cardno Bros. PHONE 82 — SEAFORTH 4309-1 BARGAINS IN USED TRACTORS 1942 FORD-F`ERGt7 ON TRACTOR FORD-FERGUSON TRACTOR .FORD411111GUSON TRACTOR 1 Cit I-°xRAMTOE AL' MOTORS i tlNG6n>ll cti S#I&• 811d &Mee Il. Reply Box 473 Wingham, Ontario 4309-1 Motor Cars For Sale $1119 .00 BUYS A CHEVROLET "5 Fleetline Sedan, spe- cial De Luxe: underseat heater, block heater, new tires. In excellent condition. DUNLOP'S B. A. SERVICE STATION. 4308x2 49 49 48 2 48 DODGE COACH OHEV._COACH 10,000 miles; metallic green. CHEV. FLEETMASTER SEDAN '413 CHEV. COACHES CHEV. FLEETMASTER SEDAN Radio, sun -visor, whitewall tires. 47 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 40 38 37 36 36 34 49 37 DODGE SEDAN in gond condition PLYMOUTH SEDAN NASH SEDAN CHEV. COACH PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE CHEV. SEDAN CHEV. %-TON PICK-UP GHEV. %-TON PICK-UP MANY OTHER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM BRUS'SRLS MOTORS "The Home of Better Used Cars" OPEN i5'VB1LY tV'ENINVI:•. GRAND BEND DANCING NIGHTLY Egyptian dentists knew a great deal about drilling and filling teeth under crude anesthetics. Hemlock mixed with honey was one, and if too much hemlock was administer- ed, the patient died. Another and much less satisfactory method was to crack the patient on the skull with a wooden mallet wrapped in felt, so that he was knocked un- conscious. One can well imagine the patient ringing the dentist's bell and then, his courage evapor- ating, scuttling down the street for dear life. There is no question that these ancients were skilled, for dentists in the States were astonished re- cently when excellent false teeth and castings made by the Incas• of South and Central America, and al- so by the Etruscans (about 1,000 B.C.), were exhibited in New York. Dentistry was lather tardy in developing in Britain. When teeth were drawn the patient was first made drunk, after , which the of- fending teeth were wrenched from his mouth by crude forceps. His- tory records that Queen Elizabeth often cried herself to sleep be- cause her teeth ached, and once she groaned aloud to Bishop A)1 - mer, "Will no one help me? Must I endure this torture to the end of my days?" The good-hearted Bishop replied. "There is but one cure for tooth- ache, Your Majesty. Allow the doctor to pull the offending tooth; but if you are afraid, allow him first to extract one of my teeth." What a man! Dentistry in the past was a rough and ready affair. The bar- bers, who let blood and pulled teeth. were required to hold a lic- ense and belong to a guild, other- wise they could be fined sh.8/6 (a third of 10 guinea) on the spot. A good tooth -drawer was a priv- ileged n'dan and commanded excel- lent fees. . . . In the reign of Henry IV one Matthew Flint was paid sixpence a day out of the na- tional Exchequer on condition that he would, without additional pay- ment, draw the teeth of any citizen in pain. This seems to be the fore- runner of the National Health Scheme. The law was hard on those who abused their privileged position as tooth -drawers, and a case is re- ported of Richard Fryer, a renown- ed tooth -drawer, who was fined £40—a tremendous sum in those days—"for carelessly and improvi- dently making an assault with his forceps on Joan, wife of Richard Tuell, and when drawing the tooth, broke with it the jaw, tore the tongue and wickedly drew blood from her!" All who have suffered at the hands of dentists will sym- pathize with Joan. In every fair and market place during the Middle Ages, the dental booths were prominent, the skilled "drawer" being recognized by his belt and necklace of teeth, and the toothpick -stuck jerkily in his hat. They were powerful, ruthless, dex- trous men who flung the patient to the ground, thrust his head be- tween their legs, and yanked the offending tooth with pliers and as little pain as possible, At one period tooth -pulling was Neil McKay and -His Orchestra t111{111333 11111111{IIli11, 1111111lIIl!1ll3lll You Have a Lucky Number, Too If you're a little skeptical about there being such, things as lucky numbers, here's your proof. Take the Number 41, your Expositor phone number for instance; thousands have found it their lucky number for filling any need from find- ing lost pets and valuables to securing scarce articles. You'll find it lucky, too, whether you want to rent a room, get a job, extra cash, or find help for home or office. Try it for luck today, remember it's so easy to place an Exrositor Want Ad— just telephone 41. Expositor Want Ads Bring Results. Water -Borne Disease Water forced into the nostrils during a 'feet first" jump into the water not only stings unpleasant- ly npleasantly but may carry dirt and germs to the tender surfaces of the nose, throat and sinuses. Diving is a far smoother and more graceful way of entering the water but, if you can't dive, don't be ashamed to hold your nose while you take the plunge. Ice Cream Cool There's nothing more appetizing these hot summer days than a dish of creamy, delicious ice cream. Nutritionists tell us that in addi- tion to being a first-class "cooler - offer," ice cream is just loaded with ingredients the body needs and at the same time it lacks the high sugar content of many confections and soft drinks. HEY KID'S! Ask your Dad to get you a p2012 BASEBALL GAME/ A new, exciting game all the kids 'on the street will want. You can play the game with Dad, pitch curvesslow balls just like the real thing and yet you can carry the game around in your pocket. And all you have to do to get this swell game is to tell Dad to bring his car in to us fora... `` TIRE, BATTERY AND `t% AN BELT INSPECTION and we'll give him a free baseball game for you. He'll want this free inspection, because it will save him trouble later on. Make sure you tell Dad he's under no obligation to buy anything! COMPLETE Tanning in Time Sunshine is wonderful and a fine even coat of tan looks so vigor- ous and healthy. But acquiring the tan can be a painful and danger- ous experience if the elementary rules of safety are ignored. Take your sunshine in small doses until the tan begins to show. Then`eyou can afford longer exposures with- out risk of painful burns. GOOD- EAR TIRE SERVICE menu can make a real contribu- tion to nutrition. Growing chil- dren, expectant and nursing moth- ers, active workers and those who are trying to regain health and strength frequently need more food in a day than they can com- fortably consume in three meals. The secret is in eating the right between -meals food at the right time between meals. Between -Meal Snacks Between -meal snacks that are planned to supplement the day's an after dinner diversion among the very rich. James IV of Scot- land enjoyed few pastimes better than watching teeth being pulled, and the victims yelping with ter- ror. 1f, when that monarch visit- ed a fair, no teeth were being drawn, peasants were rounded up and dragged forward' protestingly, and for their inconvenience were paid a few pence in order that the King might not forego his normal pleasure, Alternately, jails were combed for the more vicious in- mates. A man was chief engineer to a former Amir of Afghanistan when that dictatorial potentate was af- flicted by violent toothache. At great cost he sent to India for a British dentist who assured him that he would suffer no pain if his decayed teeth were extracted. The Amir was dubious. "First extract the tooth of a soldier," he ;ordered. When this was done, and the soldier had confirmed the painless- ness of the operation, the Amir commented. "Soldiers are brave and are used to suffer uncomplain- ingly. Pull the tooth of a peas- ant." A peasant was subjected to the operation which he said was pain- less. "Poor living has made him tough." said the Amir. "Send for a dancing girl." The unhappy wench had a grin- der hauled painlessly from het mouth, at which the Amir grunted, "Women feel pain less than men." Eventually, after many subjects had gaps in their mouths, he was satisfied and submitted to the op- eration. The complete absence of pain so delighted him that he gave the dentist a double fee as well as a ruby the size of a pigeon's egg. Recently the British Minister of Health received a small padkage containing a set of false teeth. With it was a note• which read, "These never fitted, but now, un- der the New Health Act, I have been fitted with teeth that chew." Ili'the last year nearly six mil- lion Britons have been fitted with dentures that have converted chew- ing from an ordeal into a pleasure, though there are still many who refuse to believe that false teeth can be anything but a penance and a trig. One man I know formerly bad dentures that fitted so badly that he always took them out be- fore meals! Modern dentistry has made such tremendous strides that today no one need fear the dentist's chair, for even drilling—the most fear- some part of any dental operation —can be rendered painless; and though the dentures you buy may have a bite of 170 poun.s pres- sure, which is the bite of the av- erage set of natural teeth, they are strong enough to enable you to chew any foods, no matter how tough. But dentisty does not stop at erttracting teeth, filling them, and designing dentures. Modern den- tistry is preventive. The dentist is happiest when he can stop your teeth from decaying. There are communities like those which live on the island of Tristan da Cunha and in some islands in the Hebrides, who are virtually free from dental caries; as are many tribes in Africa, India and else- where. These peoples have been the subject of intensive investiga- tion, and scientists now know most of the causes of decay. Some years ago a panel of emin- ent medical men, including Sir Harry Baldwin, honorary dental surgeon to the King, issued a manifesto which stated that good teeth go with correct feeding, and that decay is caused mainly by an acid produced by the fermentation of starch and sugary particles which remain in the mouth and are derived chiefly from white bread, confectionery, sugar and sweets. in order to combat this, people should eat raw fruit, raw vege- tables and nuts—all of which re- quire mastication. Potatoes were particularly recommended, and all fgpd in }4rbich Vitamin D is pre- sent: egg yolk, fish, fats. Ala feocls containing calcium: cheese, spinach, radish, cabbage, melons, lettuce, Walnuts and bran. No Substitute Vitamin pills have their uses but they cannot be a substitute for good food. If a person does not eat a proper diet the remedy is a change of diet rather than the ad- dition of pills, doctors say. A well- balanced diet supplies all the nut- rients needed by the body under normal conditions. The Food Budget Housewives with an eye on the budget never discard the liquid part of canned vegetables. This liquid, which is useful in stews and many other dishes, generally con- tains about one-third of the water- soluble vitamins and one-third of the minerals found in the vege- tables. Well -Fed Starvation A person may believe that he is well fed, yet his tissues and cells may actually be starving if he eats chiefly sugars and starches and neglects to eat sufficient protein and mineral foods. The quantitY of food consumed is no indication of an adequate diet if the basic rules of nutrition are neglected. Hensall Motor Sales Dodge - DeSoto Sales, Service Open Evenings and Sundays until 1.0 p.m. YOUR AUTHORIZED GOODYEAR DEALERS HENSALL PHONE 31 HENSALL Mrs. P. A. Ferguson is at Kin - tail instructing at the children's camp: At the recent examinations of the Royal Conservatory of MusiC, Toronto, the following pupils of J. L. Nicol were successful in pass- ing their piano exams, all with honors: Elaine Bell, Mary Ann Rannie and Bill Fink. Plan Class Reunion The Wohelo Class of Hensall United Church is planning a re - The Library will be closed the first two weeks in August, closing July 29th and reopen August 15th. All •books are due July 29.—(Adv.). (Continued from Page 1) week -end visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Basil Edwards. rte rr•�i; :.�, u,'i f; JULY 2L J! union •picnic at Jowett'e rG4itsovq'''" Bayfield, ori Saturday, ,$epte)A11t 2, at 2 o'clock to which ol4~ Tnellt+ hers of Miss M. Ellis's former -Sun- day School Classes are invited. The program will include sports et S o'clock, supper at 5, and a 'ball • game after supper, Old Timergvs., Present Class, In case of•tue1e- ment weather the picnic will be held in Hensall Community Arena. Additional Hensall Newel on Page SUMMER DRESS SALE 25% OFF ! 25% OFF ! 25% OFF ! ' YES, LADIES! TUDOR'S ARE CLEARING THEIR ENTIRE STOCK OF SUMMER DRESSES AT RIDICULOUSLY LOW PRICES! Included are Hampton Crepes, Spun Charms, Shan Rays, Spun Shans and •Sun Dresses. All are 100% washable. Imagine a $3.95 Shan Ray is now yours for only. 2.95 THESE ARE RF3ATe BARGAINS, BUT AOT NOW! Get a couple at this low price. Also Marked Down 25% Are Our Shorts - These include the famed Shamrock Corduroy, Sanforized Denim' and Cottons. TUDOR'S Ladies' Wear - Dry Goods PHONE 70 ' •- HENSALL Used CAR 47 39 31 49 42 SPECIALS MERCURY SEDAN. Recent- ly overhauled in our own shops. Very good shape. FORD COACH—Black; very good motor. Excellent tires, plus our usual overall inspec- tion. CHEVROLET SEDAN. New paint job, combined with a good motor. TRUCKS INTERNATIONAL KB3 ONE - TON EXPRESS. Very good condition. Low mileage. DODGE 2 -TON CHASSIS AND CAB. New motor. TRADE OR TERMS — at — Hensall Motor Sales Dodge, - DeSoto Sales and Service Open Evenings and Sundays until 10 p.m. gopimamplawillelglieme J. I. CASE FARM MACHINERY FOR SALE NEW MACHINERY ON HAND A 6 Combines Spring Tooth Cultivator 1 Standard "D" Tractor 1 VAC Row Crop, with Eagle Hitch Waterloo Bronco and Garden Tractors on hand T. 8 Tractor Spreader on Rubber Forage Suction Blower DC 4 Tractor USED MACHINERY ON HAND 1 Drophead Hay Loader (new condition) 1 Manure Spreader 1 Dump Rake (Bargain) 1 Used Horse Scuffler Several Used Horse Mowers 1 Model "D" Several Used Plows — 2 and 3 furrows • Rowcliffe Motors PHONE 147 SEAFORTH, ONT. . t,9 • Time passes' quickly and before we fully realize it another year has gone by. This is particularly true in regards to subscriptions. We think we paid that subscrip- tion just a few weeks ago, whereas actually it was many months ago. So just to make sure you are up to date, will you please check the date on the label on your copy of The Huron Expositor. if the date shown is earlier than July 21, 1950 then you are re arrears. If this is the case, your remittance would be appreoiated. Either drop into the Office or mail the amount to The Huron^ Expositor, Seaforth. Thanks a lot, iltli 7r