HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1950-07-14, Page 3•at•At. ,•••"• Ana 7, UM' Huiiett Coulicil Report At Special Meeting A special meeting of Hullett Council was held Monday in the Corainunity Hall, Londesboro, at 9 P.M. for the purpose of reading the engineer's report on the Raithby Municipal Drain and general busi- DON BRIGHTRALL GENERAL INSURANCE Auto, Wind, Health & Accident; Lite, Fire, Burglary, Bonds GOOD COMPANIES—LOW BATES PHONE 299 : SEAFORTH Kirkton Garden Party 6:00 P.M. Softball Game EXETER vs. ST. MARYS 7:30 P.M. 'Super Juvenile Contest (DO NOT MISS THIS!) 9:00 P.M. All-Star Professional Program Fair Grcunds, KIRKTON WEDNESDAY, JULY 19 Refreshment Booth on Grounds Wool Wanted All Wool shipped to JACKSON'S is Graded in Seaforth and full settlement made from them. H. M. JACKSON SEAFORTH Phones: 3-W and 3-J ness, the reeve and all members of council 'being present. ,The mine utes of the regular meeting of July 3 were read and adopted on Motion of Jewitt and Leiper. The engineer's report on the Raithby Munieipal Drain was theft read. A "majority of the ratepay- ers on this drain were in attend- ance. After discussing different Portions of the report, the follow- ing motion was presented: By Geo. C. Brown and Archie! Young: That we provisionally adept\ the engin- eer's report on the Raithby 'Mun- icipal Drain, the clerk to have the by-laws printed and hold a court of revision' on August 21, 1950, at 5 p.m. A letter was read from Clinton Women's Institute regarding the Area History •book for Old Home Week. Jewitt and Leiper: That we buy one page of advertising in the Clinton Womea's Institute Old Home Week Book,' the clerk to draft a suitable ad. for the town- ship. Carried. Leiper and Young: That we take out insurance with the'Howick Fire Insurance Co. for $11,000 on the Hall .and $2,500 on the contents. Carried. Jewitt and Leiper: That we buy a lot from Gordon Radford, 50 feet wiA and the full depth of lot, for the sum of $175, deed to be ob- tained as soon as possible. Car- ried. Jewitt and Brown: That accounts as approved be paid: Women's In- stitute, Clinton, $1; insurance, $81.00. Leiper and Young: That we now adjourn to meet on Thursday, August 3, at 8 p.m. The regular monthly meeting of Hullett Township Council was held July 3 in the COmmunity Hall, Londesboro, at 7 p.m. The reeve Annismimm. beauty counselor Complimentary Skin Care Make-up Analysis FRANCES McLEAN Phone 392-W and all inembern Of 4110,1 eoundll were moment. T410 D4108 special meeting of tine 263v,pre read. - Yonng: That t/te init Intee -f .1.11116 4 and special 'meeting of Sun& 2,1:1, be adopted as read. Carried. A letter from tire ,Seaforth Agri- cultural 'Society, requesting a grant for their Fair was read. Moved W TOM Lifter and W. R. Jewitt: That we give a grant of $35 to the Seaforth Agricultural 'Society. Car- ried. At this time the township acci- dent insurance was discussed. There were three agents spoke to the council: Mr. Bernard Hall, Mr. Jack Howard and 'Mr. Frank Cow- an. Moved by Geo. C. Brown and W. R. Jewitt: That we take a comprehensive policy with Gener- al Accident Insurance Co, for $269.51 premium with limits of ten, fifty and one hundred thous- and dollars, and the policy be plac-, ed w,jth Bernard Hall, Blyth. Car- ried. At this time George Radford was heard4egarding the building of a township garage to hold the town- ship machinery, Mr, Radford dis- cussed plans and expenditure. This was laid over for a special meet- ing. Moved by Tom Leiper and Arch- ie Young: That the accounts as read and approved be ordered paid. Carried: Salaries, $102.75; s,up- plies, $2.81; hospitalization, $6.70; grants, $35; sheep valuator, $3.90; drains, $208; road account, $6,- 801.64. *Leiper and Brown: 'That we now adjourn to meet on July 10 to read, the report on the Raithby Munici- pal Drain and general business. HOWICK Howick Council met in the Clerk's office according to adjourn- ment, Reeve E. H. Strong in the chair and all members present ex- cepting Deputy Reeve H. Gowdy. The minutes of the last regular meeting, court of revision on the Wills Drain and special meeting were read' and on motion of Gib- son and Hargrave were adopted as read. CEMENT BLOCKS Immediate delivery HURON CONCRETE PRODUCTS Phone 684 • Seaforth Centralia R.C.A.F. Flyers edged Seaford). Bosharts 4 to 3, itt an, ex, hibition softball tilt at Lions, Park, Seaford', Tuesday night. Jacobsen, started on the mound for the Flyers with five lhatters swinging out, and two heading for first with walks. In the fifth Gray- er relieved him with four strike- outs and allowing one free pass. Andrews took over the duties on the mound for the visitors in the seventh. One batter swung out, while 'he sent five to first. O'Shea went the route for the locals with two strike -outs credited to him and chalking •up five walks against him- self. Proctor started the scoring in the game early in the first inning when he slammed out a home run. Moved by Gibson and Hargrave: That we instruct the clerk to con- firm order of C. C. Parker, re steel for Hanifiton bridge. Carried. Moved by Gibson and Newton: That Bylaw No. 7 of the Township of Howick for the year 1950, as read the third time, be finally passed. Carried. Moved by Hargrave and Newton: That the road accounts as approv- ed he paid, Carried. Moved by Newton and Hargrave: That the following accounts be paid: Relief. $59.74; W. P. Coop- er, trucking tile, Hastie Drain, $5; Amos C. Martin, tile for Hastie DraM, $52.50; R. A. Spotton, tab- let on Memorial at Fordwich, $270, Philip Hartung, sheep killed by dogs, $10; Everett Armstrong, sheep killed by dogs, $26; Roy Simmons, fox pup bounty, $1.50; John Hupfer, fox bounties, $8; Gordon Underwood, burying ani- mal, Gorrie P.V., $2; James Sang- ster, dog tax refund, $2; P. Durst, Part salary $80, postage $5, O.A.P. $5, registrations, $2.24. - Total, $528.98. Moved by Gibson and Hargrave: That we do now adjourn to meet again at the clerk's office on Aug. 5, or at the call of the reeve. Car- ried. TRADE MARK REG Entertain econornicallq TAO Was Seafortb's only run until the seventh frame, when O'Shea. advanced home on. his single; Smith's grounded ball, fumbled 'by the pitcher, and 'Curly Krieger's dottlale. In the eighth innings Elea ler made it to home plate when he bit OUt a singjte; Stewart sacrille- ed, and Cameron and Proctor walk- ed. .Tack then stole home. The third stanza was the only time that Centralia was able to score. Jacobsen, the pitcher, slug- ged as home run; ,Carragher sing- led; Andrews doubled, while Car- ragher headed home. Olark sing- led, sending Andrews to the plate. Armstrong and Barkar flied out, while Sasso got to first on an in- field fly dropped by the catcher. While the local catcher bunted for the ball. Clark advanced to bring in the fourth Centralia run. Rib- alkin then'flied out to end this big innings. Bedford Dungey, Seaforth, was the lucky winner of the coffee mak- er. The draw was made in con- nection with the programs distrib- uted by the softball club. Umpires — Hubert, plate; Mc- Leod, bases. Centralia ... 004 000 0,00-4 7 4 Seaforth .. 100 000 110-3 9 2 Centralia Flyers—Carragher, 3b; Andrews, 1.f., p.; Clark. 2b.; Arm- strong, c.; Barkar, c.f.; Sasso, r.f.; Walsh, lb.; Ribalkin, lb.; Donald, s.s.; Pickering, s.s.; Weinber,. s.s.; Grayer, Thornton, 1.f.; Jacobsen, p. ,Seaforth Bosharts—Cameron. 2b; Proctor, Ib,; O'Shea p,; Smith, 1. f.; s.s.; Woodcock, c.; Knight. 3b.: Messenger, 3b,; Eis- ler, c.f.; Sills. r.f.: Stewart, r.f. * * * A small lull has come up in the Bosharts schedule due to the Sea - forth Lions Club 15th Annual Sum- mer Carnival. No home games are scheduled to he played until Fri- day, August 4, when the Clinton Radar team is to be here. A game with Lucknow, originally slated to be playea Friday of this week. bas been postponed until a later date. Goderich fans will see their In- termediates and Seaforth hodk Up in the Edith Gooderhant Park, Goderich, next Tuesday evening under the lights, Thursday, July 20, the Flyers from Centralia will play hot to the locals in a twi- light game. Try Huron Expositor Want Ads, Phone 41, Seaforth, SEIF0111111 15th ANNUAL LIONS, CLUB Summer CARNIVAL LIONS PARK, SEAFORTH BIG NIGH Wednesday - Thursday - Friday JULY 19th - 20th - 21st • PARADE LEAVES TOWN HALL FOR PARK EACH EVENING AT 7:30 P.M., HEADED BY A BAND PROGRAMME WEDNESDAY • COMPTON-SIMMONDS, with Buddy Her- rick, Acrobatic Juggler; Herb. Camp, old- time Fiddler and Comedian; Professor Stanley and Mystery Lady. • SEAFORTH HIGHLANDERS BAND • GERMAN BAND with its Comedy Team • ANN MAY and her Troupe of Perform- ing Horses, Calf and Dogs. • FIREWORKS THURSDAY • PET PARADE • AMATEUR CONTEST • GERMAN BAND WITH ITS COMEDY TEAM • ANN MAY and Her Troupe of Perform- ing Horses, Calf and Dogs. FRIDAY • ANN MAY and Her Troupe of Perform- ing Horses, Calf and Dogs. 5 • GERMAN BAND WITH ITS COMEDY TEAM • SANDY CHRISTIE, Famous Scotch Com- edian, with a Cast of Five Artists and Pianist. BINGO GAMES — a _ DANCING MECHANICAL RIDES PRIZE DRAWING: WEDNESDAY — Lady's or Gent's Tip Top Suit THURSDAY—FRIGIDAIRE * FRIDAY 1950 CHEVROLET PET PARADE PRIZES—$5.00, $3.00, $2.00 IN EACH CLASS 1st—Best Costume for person with Pet 2nd—Best Decorated Bicycle 3rd—Best Decorated Wagon or Doll Buggy Parade will Assemble in Victoria Park at 7 p.m. THURSDAY, JULY 20th Amateur Contest CONTESTANTS WILL COMPETE IN TWO AGE GROUPS 1st -15 years and under—$10.00, $5.00, $2.00 2nd—Over 15 years—$15.00, $10.00, $5.00 All entries must be in the hands of Dr. E. A. McMaster by Saturday, July 15th i0 FREE PARKING 0 ADMISSION 25 CENTS • CHILDREN (UNDER 12) FREE Proceeds for Lions Welfare, Maintenance Lions Park and Pool issasomeriotoiagromilwodwaoiogysoosiggragil000mismo-irworum. 4111t. OF JULY NUPTIAL A. wedding of much interest in the coMmunity took place in St. Co/Mahan ',Church on Saturday, at 980 a.ta„ when Rev. rather O'Drowski, assisted by Rev. Vin- cent Eckert, of Rochester, N.Y., uncle of the bride, United in mar- riage Mary Clotilda, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Maloney, of McKillop, and Leonard; John Mor- rison, of Hamilton, son of Mr. James Morrison, of Kinkora, and the Tate Mrs. Morrison. The bride, given in marriage by her father, was pretty in a gown of white nyon lace over satin, extending in- to a ,slight train, with full length sleeves and Brussels net veil em- broidered in laee. Site carried a shower bouquet of red roses. The bridesmaid was Miss Theresa L. Maloney, who wore yellow. nylon and a wreath of forget-me-nots and a bouquet of tea roses. The junior bridesmaid was Miss Joan E. Maloney,' gowned in rose satin with, a wreath of forget-me-nots, while the flower girl, Miss Betty Haggerty, of Mitchell, was in blue taffeta. The groomsman was Mr. Michael Morrison, of Kinkora, and the ushers were John J. Maloney, brother of the bride, and Thomas Morrison, brother of the groom. Mrs, Vincent Lane played the wed- ding music and Miss Lorraine Row- land was the soloist and sang "Penis Angelicus" and "On This Day, Oh Beautiful Mother," The groom's gift to the bride was a wrist watch, to the bridesmaid, Limoges china, to blie junior bridesmaid, a locket, and to the flower girl, cross and chain. Fol- lowing the ceremony a reception was held at" the home of the bride, when Mrs. Maloney received in a dress of wine figured sheer, white felt hat with white and wine feathers, and the groom's mother wore a grey figured crepe dress with matching accessories. There were over ninety guests at the re- ception, among them being Rev. Vincent Eckert and James Eckert, of Rochester, N.Y.; Mr. and Mrs. O'Rourke and Frank Jacobs, Ham- ilton: Mr. and Mrs. Leo Draners. and Norman Eckert, Timmins; Mr. and Mrs. Louis P. Maloney and family, Detroit; Mr, Frank Gris- brook and Miss Moore, Toronto; Miss Anne Rhinehart and Miss Theresa Maloney, London; Frank McQuillan and Harold Medalak, Kitchener, and Miss Brown, De- troit. For their wedding trip the bridal couple motored to Wasaga Beach, Midland and Niagara Falls, and on their reurn will reside in Hamilton. DUBLIN hat R942'14%00,5 ice . 444-4m9iir :c0.4 • • • '• • • •a. Talent for Lions Amateur Contest There will be two classes, according to age. lst—Up to and including 15 years 2nd—Over 15 years Prizes in First Class—$10.00, $5.00, $2.00 Prizes in Second Class—$15.00, $10.00, $5.00 Those wishing to take part, kindly contact DR. E. A. McMASTER, befofe July 15. 4 A highly respected and life-long resident of Hibbert Township, Al- bert Forbes, died at Stratford Gen- eral Hospital following a prolong- ed illness. He was the son of the late Mr, and Mrs. Richard Forbes and was unmarried. He is surviv- ed by one brother, John Forbes, Dublin, with whom he resided. The funeral was held front St.4 Mary's Anglican Church, Dublin, dn Tues- day afternoon. Rev. T. Dale Jones, of Seaforth, officiated at the funeral service, and the choir sang several suitable hymns. The pall- bearers were James Statton, Ar- thur Statton, Glenn Pepper, Ross Pepper, R. S. Aikens and Russell Roney. Burial took place in Mit- chell cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Looby, whose marriage was a June event. were honored at a reception in Looby's Hall Friday night, A Con- gratulatory address was read by Miss .Joan Flanagan and presenta- tion of a purse of money was made by Joseph Donnelly.- The bride- groom gratefully responded on be- half of his bride. Dancing follow- ed to the music of the McQuaid - Delaney orchestra. A group of vol- unteers served lunch. Personals: Rev. Vincent Eckert, C.S.B.. and .Tames Eckert, Roches- ter, N.Y., with their mother, Mrs. Theresa Eckert; Rev, Thos. Mc- Quaid. S.F.M., Scarboro Bluffs, To- ronto, with his mother, Mrs., Joseph McQuaid': Sgt. and Mrs, Jas, New- combe and son. Jimmy, Halifax. NS.. with Mr, and Mrs. William Stapleton; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Counter, Toronto, Mrs. William Byrne and son, Donald, and daugh- ter, Rose Mary, and Mrs. Jean For- tune, Seaforth, with Mrs. Kather- ine Byrne and Miss Monica Byrne; Mrs. Robert Byrne. Hamilton, with her mother, Mrs. Peter Ryan, who is critically ill; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hutchison, Swift Current, with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Friend; Mr. and Mrs. A. Whetham are vacationing at Manitoulin Island; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Molyneaux and children, of Thorold, with Mr, and Mrs. Thos. J. Molyneaux; Mrs. Katharine Er- :ins,Misses Mary and Eileen Ev- ans, Joseph and Frank Evans, of Windsor, at their home here; Mr. and Mrs, Cyril Brown, Kinkora, and Miss Margaret Athiason, Tor- onto, with Mr. and Mrs, Joseph At- kinson; Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Nagle and children. Stratford, with Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Nagle; Mr. and Mrs Lyall Jordan, Toronto, called on friends here; Mr. and Mrs. ,Jim Jordan, Toronto. with Mr. and Mrs. Pat Jordan; Rev. A. R. Looby, C.S.B., Aquinas Institute, Roches- ter, N.Y., and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. (tattler, Chatham, with Mrs. A. M. Looby; Mr. and Mrs. Sedden and two children, Mr. and Mrs. Brud- ereau, Galt, with Mr. and, Mrs, Fred Eckert; Mr. and Mrs, Gene Gi 1'011X, Thorold, with Mr, and Mrs. Dan Costello; Miss Mary Staple- ton and Miss Msrgaret Flanagan are attending summer school in Toronto; Mrs. H. Pugh and son, Glenn, at Sudbury; Miss Rose Mary Feeney and, Miss Phyllis Butters will vacation at Kitcha- gami Camp next week. Doctor: "Have you ever had any trouble with dyspepsia?". Patient: "No—er---that Is only when I try to spell it," fir. ,• •,• ' ' " ' Let us pay your doctor's bilis! Your family's health comes first—enjoy the protection a doctor's care provides — and let Mutual Benefit help pay the bills! Learn today how Mutual Benefit helps pay your doctor's bills—and you have the privi- lege of seeinghim at your home, in his office or gt the hospital! Learn, too, about the surgical benefits included in this plan. Don't delay—protect yourself and your family NOW! MUTUAL BENEFIT offers you this broad protection DOCTORS' BILLS • SURGICAL BENEFIT HOSPITALIZATION MEDICAL DOCTOR'S, BILLS— Substantial payments towards your doctor's bills — paid whether he calls on you at Tour home, or at the hospital —or whether you see him in his office. SURGICAL BENEFIT IN- CLUDED — Generous allow- ances for all operations, in - eluding the reduction of frac- tures. YOU CAN ADD HOSPITAL- IZATION BENEFITS to cover cost of room and board and other expenses incidental to hospital confinement, such as X -Rays, etc, Wide choice of plans. Mutual Benefit Health and Accident Association Mutual Benefit Health and Accident Association Mutual Benefit Health & Accident Assn. W. C. OKE, Main & Goderich Sts., Seaforth, On.t. W. C. OKE Office: Cor. Main and NAME Goderich Sts. Seaforth, Ont. Phone 689 OPEN EVENINGS ADDRESS CITY or TOWN Choose -RIDE low pressure tire See Os Today A. L. Jones Cor. Main & Goderieh Sts. PHONE 362 100