The Huron Expositor, 1950-07-07, Page 3cegficz,KPLAYREFRESHED MAX ''T, MSO Rensall Public' School Holds Annual Picnic The annual picnic of Hensall Public School .was held at the Lions Park, .Seaforth, Wednesday - afternoon, with a large number of children and mothers attending _Mlle affair was much enjoyed and the time being spent 1 i bathing and sports. Winners a sports are as fol 1gws: Pre-school children, Gregory Spencer, Sylvia Henderson, Eunice Adair; boys, 6, 7, 8, Buddy John Ston, Billy McKinnon; girls, 6-10, Geraldine Harburn, Norma Pass- more; boys, 9-11, Wayne chuter, 1 , Bill Lavender; girls, 9-11, NIerilyn Anderson, Margaret Moir; boys, 11 to 13, Gerald Flynn, Bob Bell; girls, , 9-11, Ruth Soldan, Margaret Reid; three-legged race, boys, Ger- ald Flynn and Jim Orr, Bill Fink and Wayne Muter; girls' three- legged race, Carol Mclvlurtrie and Gladys Moir, `Margaret Reid and Margaret Moir; wheelbarrow race, Murnie Twitchell and Murray Har- burn, Gerald Flynn and Don Koeh- ler; marsifmallow race, Mrs. Lloyd Adair; needle threading,. Mrs. T. Lavender's side. Pupils were ac- companied by the principal, J. F. Blackwell, and assistant teachers, Miss Gray, Miss Avery and Mrs. R. Cook. Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Goddard, Beth and Peggy left Saturday for a three weeks' vaoation. Rev. P. A. Ferguson occupied the pulpit in the United Church Sun- day morning and delivered a very inspiring message, The choir ren- dered an anthem, "Seek Ye the Lord." Rev. W. J. Rogers, Mrs. Rogers and Carol Ann are on vacation for the month of July. Mrs. \J. G. Reid of Port Rowan, who has been the guest of Mrs. Berth;>t, Bell, returned home on Sun- day. Mrs. Orville Twitchell and Mer- nie left Sunday for Port Colbornec where they will visit with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Davidson. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cook, London, visitedover the week -end with Mrs. Catherine Devlin. Mrs. Geo. Hess .has returned home after visiting with her daugh- ter and son-in-law, •Mr. and Mrs. Laurie McCloy, Toronto. Mrs. Elgin McKinley, who under - ',vent an appendix operation in Clinton Hospital, is improving nicely, Over 200 attended the induction service held in the United Church Thursday evening, June 29, for the Rev. W. J. Rogers, formerly of Blyth. Mr. Rogers will minister to Hensall and Chiselhurst charges. Rev. D. A. MacMillan, of Northside United. Church, Seafortb, was in charge of the service, preaching the sermon. Rev, H. J. Mahoney, of Main St. United Church, Exe- ter, addressed the minister. Miss Greta Laramie was at the console of the church organ and the choir, was under the direction of S. G. Rannie,Mr. Rogers is a graduate of Emmanuel College of 1943, and was appointed chairman of Huron Presbytery for the coming year. A reception was held in the school room to meet Mr. and Mrs. Rogers end their little daughter, Carol Ann. Delicious refreshments were served •by the Chiselhurst ladies. The schoolroom was a bower of beauty with baskets of peonies and 2arnations. Union services will be observed during July and August. During July, Rev. P. A. Ferguson, of Car- mel Presbyterian 'Church, will oc- Highest Cash Prices for DEAD STOCK / Horses, $5.00 ea: - Cattle, $5.00 ea. Hogs, 50 per cwt. According to Size and Condition Call Collect SEAFORTH 15 DARLING & COMPANY OF CANADA, LiMITED cupy the. 'pulpit in ttile I'p•nited March, and; during Augliet ''Rev, W. T. Rogers, minister of the 'Unit ed Ohdreh, will be the speaker in Carmel. Church. An accident Occurred Friday af- ternoon two miles and half north- east ortheast of Heneall. Wilbert Dilling, east of Hensall,. accompanied by his daughter, Bernice, travelling south of the township road, and Mrs. Leona Petty, Detroit, travel- ling west, crashed broadside into the Dilling car at the intersection. Mrs. Petty was taken to the office of Dr. J. G. Goddard, who,took her to Clinton Hospital for x-rays, which revealed a sprained) ankle. Damage to the cars was slight. The accident was investigated by Po- lice Constable Elmer Zimmerman, Exeter. Anna May and her trained hors- es, Buckshot the calf, trained dog and company of dancers, presented a very fine concert at the Com- munity Arena Thursday evening, to a Iarge and appreciative crowd. A splendid variety shgw of musi- cal numbers and' animal tricks was enjoyed by everyone. Proceeds were gratifying. The Evening Auxiliary of the United Church enjoyed a picnic at Seaforth Lions Park Wewnesday afternoon. - There was a large at- tendance of members, mothers and children. A picnic supper was serv- ed, which left nothing to be 'de- sired, followed with sports in charge of Miss Winnifred Gray and Miss Avery. Mrs, C. 'M. Hedden and Herb spent the holiday and week -end in Dresden with Mr, and Mrs. Harold Hedden, Bobby and Jimmy. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Walker and. Mr. and Mrs. G. Gould and Diane spent the week -end in Toronto. Hooper - Stephan A wedding of interest took place in Empress Ave. United Church, London, Saturday, July 1, at three o'clock, when Rev. A. D. Boa, uncle of the bride, united in mar- riage Pearl Stephan, eldest daugh; ter of Mr. and Mrs. George Smale, of Hensall, and William C. Hooper of Exeter. The bride looked charm- ing in a street -length dress of white figured nylon sheer with white accessories, and wore a cor- sage of red roses. Mrs. Fred Pet- ers, of Hensall, was matron of honor, wearing a dress of white figured jersey with white accessor- ies and corsage of red roses. Fred Peters of Hensall attended the groom. After a wedding dinner served at the Knotty Pine, Lon- don, Mr. and Mrs, Hooper left amid showers of confetti on a wedding trip to Northern Ontario, the bride travelling in a wing blue tricotine suit with white accessor- ies. Mr. and Mrs. Hooper will re- side in Exeter, where the bride will conduct a nursing home. Among the 37 farmers of Huron County, who toured the State of Ohio last week in connection with t h e conservation development, were Jack Faber, Harold Elder, James McAllister, John Alexander, Earl Campbell and Arthur' Ether- ington. The trip was sponsored• by the Huron Crop Improvement As- sociation. Members of the party left by chartered bus on Thursday morning from Clinton and return- ed Sunday morning, They visited Malabar Farm and many other in- teresting farms in Ohio. R. G. Ben- nett represented the Department of Agriculture, and the party was headed. by Warden Cecil Johnston, of Ashfield. Kennedy - Atkinson In a charming ceremony at Laid- law Memorial Church, Hamilton, Helen, daughter of Mrs. Atkinson and the late Robert M. Atkinson, and LAC. E. Rosa Kennedy, of Summersid.e, P.E.I., son of Mr. and Mrs. E, A. Kennedy, of Hamilton, formerly of Hensall, exchanged marriage vows. Rev. J. A. Tuer officiated. Mr. John Atkinson gave his niece in marriage. The bride was lovely in a white gabardine suit with navy blue accessories, and she carried a white Bible adorned with an orchid, stepanotis The More You Look at Tractors The Better a CASE Looks MADE FROM 100% WHOLE WHEAi . it's whole wheat in its most popular form! In summertime, don't skip the great food you need —whole wheat. It contains vital food elements. And NABISCO SHREDDED WHEAT is made from 100% whole wheat. Serve crunchy NABISCO SHRED- DED WHEAT ... with luscious strawberries, raspberries, or any fresh fruit ... for a summer treat! 4 .w V•61V14/ Var. 12 bad Sittl ulf tl', Erie1 yrlt►se • I,'r w.r.,r., a 40 il.. I1C }II i�• See Hie Model "DC" If You've Been Wanting More Power • Here's a 3 -plow tractor that's nimble -footed in row -crop work. In plowing and disking it does as much in four days as a 2 -plow size does in a week. It costs less per acre for fuel and upkeep. Its fuel - saving fourth gear handles light work at lower engine speed. It has Case ENDURANCE, for extra years of life. Come in and ask about it now. • Rowdiffe Motors PHONE 147 • SEAFOI.TH, ONT. AsSileetemi Pictured above are Mr, and Mrs, Denis J. Nolan, following their marriage in St. Patrick's Church, Dublin. The bride is the former Mary Anna Givlin, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Givlin, McKillop, and the groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. James Nolan. The couple will reside in McKillop. St. Patrick's Separate School Results Released for Dublin The following is the report of promotions at St. Patrick's Separ- ate School: Grade VIII to IX—Bernard Cos- tello, Joan Evans, Alice Feeney, Pat FIannery, Anne Tomlinson. Grade VII to VIII—Patricia Cos- tello, Theresa Feeney, Jack Ryan. Grade VI to VII—Phyllis Butters, Margaret Darling, Hardy Dillon, Rose Mary Feeney, Frank Flan- nery, Marie McLaughlin, Kenneth Stapleton, Wayne Thornton, Mar- ion Tomlinson. Grade V to VI—Terry Crich, Rob- ert Cronin, Kenneth Feeney, Jos- eph Holland, Betty Kramers, Pat Ryan. Grade IV to V—Honors: Donald Klinkhamer, Rose Mary Flannery, Pat Feeney; Pass: Neil Stapleton, Glenn Butters, Danny Costello. Grade III to IV—Theresa Duch- arme, Jerry Dantzer, Carl Kramers, Louise Darling. Grade II to 1I1—Honors: John Klinkhamer; pass: Angela Duch- arme, Marjorie O'Reilly, Paul Aslin, Cecelia Feeney. Grade I to II—Honors: Cathar- ine Feeney, Diane Kistner; pass: Wm. McLaughlin, Edward Feeney, Richard Stapleton, Robert. Staple- ton. Personals: Mr, and Mrs. George Coyne and Miss Mary Atkinson, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Atkinson; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Meagher and children, of London, with Mr. and Mrs. John Meagher; Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Cunningham, Toronto, with Mrs. Kathleen Feen- ey; Mr. and Mrs. Peter Groshok, London, with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Costello; Mr. and Mrs. John O'Reil- ly and children, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. O'Reilly; Miss Bar- bara Holland and Edward Holland, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Holland; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nich- ol, .Clinton, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans; Miss Dorothy Don- nelly, Goderich, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Donnelly; Mr. and Mrs. George Holtshauer. Galt, with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Burns; Murray Holland, Windsor, with Mr. and lilies of the valley. Her only attendant, Miss June Kennedy, the groom's sister, was in a light grey gabardine suit, with accents in pink, and she carried a white Bible with sweetheart roses and lilies of the valley. PO. Garnet Scharf, R. C.A.F., Trenton, was best man. Ushers were PO. Don Blunderfield, R.C.A.F., Centralia, and Mr. Jack Atkinson, brother of the bride. The church was lovely with a flor- al bac,kgrodnd of snapdragons and carnations. Mrs. A. Jacason was at the console of the church organ, and the soloist, Miss Irene Ward - rope, sang "Because;" "The Lord's Prayer" and "I Love Thee." A re- ception for one hundred guests was held. at the Winter Gardens. The bride's mother wore a navy printed silk with white costume and corsage of Queen Elizabeth roses. The groom's mother was in pink taffeta with Rapture roses and' blue corn flowers In her cor- sage. A navy blue suit with white hat and an orchids corsage was worn by the bride for going away. The couple will.reside in Summer - side P.E.I., and they will visit in Montreal and Quebec City enroute. Prior to marriage the popular bride *as feted at many showers held in her honor, and 150 were present at her trousseau tea held at the home of her mother in Hamilton. Miss Betty Mickie and Mr, Bill Mickie motored to Niagara. Falls Friday last on a pleasure trip. Mrs. R. A. Orr was hostess at her home Monday evening, for the June meeting of the Arnold Circle Evening Auxiliary of Carmel Pres- byterian Church, with President Mrs. Wm. Brown in the ehair. It- ems from Glad Tidings and' the Records were given by Mrk. Fred Peters and Mrs. P. A. Ferguson. Mrs. Chas. Forrest spoke on the 75th anniversary held at Goderich. Mrs. Ferguson presented an inter- esting report of her recent trip to Montreal, Roll call was answered by a missionary in British Guiana. The topic, "Korea" was taken by Mrs. Harvey Hyde. Mrs,, Stewart Bell gave a report of the Presby- terial held at Clinton, Miss Jean McQueen was appointed treasurer. Luncheon was served, t-�.ta�ti • and Mrs, J. V. Flynn; Mr, and.Mrs. Charles Krauskopf, Detroit, Miss Ursula Krauskopf a n d Jerome Nicholson. London, with Mr. and Mrs. ,lames Krauskopf; Miss Rose Mary Holland, Windsor, with Mrs. M. Shulman and Pat Maloney; Mr. and Vire. Harold Schmuck and, daughter. Kathleen and Carol Ann, Kitchener, with Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Molvneaux; Miss Kate O'Con- nell, Misses Mayme and Elizabeth Weber, London, with Miss Molly O'Connell and Mrs, Elizabeth Brux- er; Martin Feeney, Kitchener,•witt his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Feeney: Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Gooder. and son, London. with Mrs. Louis horsey; Miss Loraine Jor- dan, London, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Josegh Jordan; Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Kaye, Chatham, with Mrs. M. Coyne; Frank Doyle, Tor- onto. with- his mother. Mrs. James Doyle: Miss Bridget Costello and. Janet Jordan are spending a week at Grand Bend: Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Dill at London; Mr, and Mrs. 11. Pugh and son, Glenn, at Clair- monte: Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Moy- lan and Mrs. Hubert Miller, Water- loo, with Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Mor- ris; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kraus- kopf. of Tillsonburg, with Mrs.. Louis •Krauskopf; Mr. and Mrs• W. J. Stewart and son, Bill, at St. Thomas and other points. JULY Used CAR 46 47 31 49 42 SPECIALS CHEVROLET FLEETMAS- TER SEDAN. Black. Radio, clock, beater. A real bar- gain argain for some person. MERCURY SEDAN, Recent- ly overhauled in our own shops. Very good shape. CHEVROLET SEDAN. New paint job, combined with a good motor. TRUCKS INTERNATIONAL KB3 ONE - TON EXPRESS. Very good condition. Low mileage. DODGE 2 TON CHASSIS AND CAB. New motor. TRADE OR TERMS — at — Hensall Motor Sales Dodge - DeSoto Sales and Service Open Evenings and Sundays until 10 p.m. 1114110 Now that your birds are get- • ting outside, give them the best possible range care. If pos- sible. avoid using last year's range. Change it to prevent di- sease.Provide plentyofshade,and stove feeders and waterers once each day. And keep range clean. RIN-O-SAL TRIIATED BIRDS DO BITTER depend on IA for Poultry Service MOORE'S POULTRY FARM Phone! 666 r 3 Seaforth 1' an,fxdG We, d Sunday (1 ()ID Q l d Annual Pc1110 On Thursday the Sunday aahopl and congregation_ of St. Thomas' Anglican Church held their annual Picnic at the 'Lions Park. There was a good attendance. Supper was served with ice cream for ev- eryone, donated by Mx, George Jackson, .after which a program• of race s and sports was held.. Prize winners were as follows: Girls six and under, Janet Row- cliffe, Marion Flewitt; boys, six and under, Dickie Kruse, Bobbie Palin; girls,' eight and. under, Bar- bara Dungey, Marion Flewitt; boys eight and under, Doug. Rowcliffe, Ray Scoins; .girls, 12 and under, Marlene Austin, Sally Nott; boys, 12 and under, Ronnie Scoins, Fred- die Flewitt; young ladies, Marjorie Riley, Margaret Brown; young men, Charlie Riley, Freddie Flew- itt; married ladies, Mrs. Carmen Rowcliffe; married men, Rev. T. Dale Jones; plate throw, junior, Charlie Dungey; plate throw, sent- ior, George Flewitt; bean transfer, Marjorie Riley; spoon and egg race, junior, Margaret Brown; sen- ior, Mrs. J. Riley; patch and pin, junior, Marlene Austin and Ronnie Scoins; senior, Jean Agar and 'Ken Larone; last swallow, Lila Dal- ymple, Jimmy Higgins; •lucky spot, Rev. T. Dale Jones,. guess- ing contest, Mrs. R. G. Parke. Rev. T. Dale Jones conducted a peanut scramble, and the children then enjoyed a ball game. KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs. Jim Demant, of London, were the week -end guests of • Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Caldwell. Mr. John C. Doig, of Grand Rap- ids. was a week -end guest of his mother ands sister, Miss Janet. "Now, Henry, if your father can hang the curtains in one hour and your mother can do it also in an hour, how long would it take there together?" "Two hours, counting the argu- ments" They were riding on horseback in the country. Stopping for a rest, the horses rubbed necks affection- ately. That's just what I'd like to do," sighed the boy. "Go ahead," said the girl, "it's your horse!" ITS FRAGRANCE IS SEALED IN VACUUM at. CEMENT BLOCKS Immediate delivery HURON CONCRETE PRODUCTS Phone 684 Seaforth NOTICE ! Salvag WANTED LOUIS HILDEBRAND,=-- WE WILL PICK UP Iron and All Kinds of Metal, Raga Highest Cash Prices paid. END BLOWOUT DANGER Goodyear LifeGuard Safety Tubes give you positive protection against blowout danger —make blowouts as harmless as slow leaks. LifeGuards are economical in the Iong run ... outlast several sets of tires ... can be used in any tire new or now in use. Drive in for complete details. SEAFORTH MOTORS PHONE: 141 CHEV—OLDS—SALES AND SERVICE MORE PEOPLE RIDE ON GOOD" T EAR TIRES THAN ON ANY OTHER KIND A25 Stedman 5c to $1.00 Stores Wish to Announce to the Residents of Seaforth and Vicinity the Purchase of Beanie's 5c to $1.00 Store • - • Stedman's have been associated with Mr. John Beattie for a good many years, and it will be our, aim to give you the same courteous treatment that will warrant your continued patronage. • - • TIIE STEDMAN POLICY OF GUARANTEED SATISFAC- TION WILL APPLY IN THIS STORE AS IN ALL STEDMAN STORES. IF FOR ANY REASON YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED WITH ANY PURCHASE IT CAN BE RETURNED AND YOUR MONEY WILL BE CHEERFULLY REFUNDED. • - • We are now working on the store next door, and when the work is completed Seaforth will have one of the Finest and Most Complete Variety Stores in Ontario. • - • WATCH FOR NEW OPENING DATE A TRIBUTE! Stedman's have been in the Merchandising Business for 43 years, a long time, but Mr. John Beattie had celebrated many annivers- aries before we 'started and to have held the confidence of the public for so many years is proof that he has set a pattern that we will be proud to follow, and we take this opportunity of offer- ing a Farewell Salute to one of Canada's Foremost Pioneer Merchants, and we know you will join our Company in extend- ing to Mr. Beattie many Happy Days in his Leisure Life. - • - • Stedman 5c to $1.00 Stores 11