HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1950-07-07, Page 1� 1 tfi fkr�Y�s a .r:; (i iN i Y'+tgrrsi Pi , u c.is y f r Ninety-first . Year Whole Number 4307 • Seaforth L.O.L. Held Its Annual Picnic Wednesday The pupils of S.S. 12, McKillop, under the direction of their teacher, Mrs, Charles Macdonald, undertook as their year's pro- ject, the compilation of a history of the school section. Shown above are the members of the Entrance class at work at the final stages of the production. Left to right, front row, are Marjorie McClure, Jimmy Axftnann and Mary Macdonald; back row, Betty Axtmann, Dorothy Cuthili and Iris Byermann. On Wednesday evening, June 28, 13,e L O L, and L-O.B.A. Lodge Donations Aid In Building members and their families held their annual picnic at the Lions.' TT Sark- A pot -luck supper was en- Winthrop joyed, and races for both young':' ho p Playing Field and old were held. The winners were: Pre-school age, Bruce Dale; young girls, Mar- lene Forbes; girls, 14 and under, Elizabeth Habkirk; young wo- snen's races,•Phyllis Forbes; guess the ,beams in ,- hat/0, ., Mrs... Adan Forbes; kick the slipper, Mrs. Mel- vin Dale; capture the marshmal- lows, Floyd Dale; most graceful walker, Mrs. Adin Fprbes; shoe scramble, Floyd Daley and Phyllis Forbes; bean relay, Phyllis Forbes' team; plate race, Elizabeth Bab - kirk and Garnet NMeCIinchey ; guessing the numbers, boys, Bruce and Floyd Dale; girls, Marlene Forbes. Sports committee was Mrs. Gar- net McCllnchey, Mrs, Wm. Miller and Wilma McLean, convener. • Induct Minister in McKillop Charge On Thursday evening, June 29, a goodly number of members and adherents of the McKillop pastoral charge gathered, in Cavan United Church, Winthrop, for the induc- tion of their new minister, Rev. H. Fs Livingston, B.A., formerly of Brownsville, Oxford Presbytery. Proceedings were in charge of Rev. A. Lane, of Brussels, who ad- dressed the people, while Rev. Wm. Mair, of Thames Road, addressed the new minister. After the proceedings lunch was Served by the ladies of the three congregations, following which a social period was presided over by W. T. Dodds. . Those present were introducled to Mr. and Mrs. Livingston by Robert Campbell, of Duff's; Leon- ard Leeming, of Bethel, and R. Mc- Warl6.ne, of Cavan. • BRUCEFIELD Mr. and Mrs. D. Herne, London, and Mr. and, Mre., W. Henry and Cam spent the week. end at Port Elgin. Mrs. A. Paterson and Miss Mar - fon spent the 'week -end with Mr. and Mrs. B. Sholdice. Mr. Lawrence Smillie, of Erin, visited over the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. H. Berry. • Mr. and Mrs. G. Griffith and daughter were week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs: G.'"Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. Shan Neil and fam- ily, of Glencoe, are visiting Mr. mud! Mrs. W. Stackhouse and Eva. Mr. and. Mrs. B. Kaiser and Mrs. 1. Kaiser of Detroit, have been visiting Mrs. II, Zapfe and other relatives. Mrs. Kaiser, Sr., intends staying for sone time. Miss Elizabeth Scott, London, Visited Miss M. Swan. and Mrs. A. Ham on the holiday. Mrs. -E. Forrest, of London, vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs'. A. Mc- Queen during the week -end. Miss Ruth Scott has joined the Straff of the 'London Life Insurance Co. in London and Miss Blanche Zapfe is attending emmer school At the University of Western On- tario: At -the morning service in bhe Milted Church tui Sundaj*,. ,mem- bers of the Lobb family from Mieh- Oait, eaftg able „, ,, -•, Work Progressing On Community Project At Winthrop. Work on the Winthrop playing ,field is progressing rapidly as dis- trict residents live rallied with contributions of cash andlabor to- wards the project. The field is located on land purchased 'tirom John Montgomery, across from the Winthrop school. President of the association is Ken Bettles, while W. E. Hawley is secretary. Donations received, in addition to those appearing on Page 6 of this issue, include the fol- lowing: Volunteer work o n Winthrop Community ventre; A. Dolmage, plowed 4 acres and gave 8 hours extra time; L. Dolmage, disked 4 acres, also tractor and packer, 3 hours extra; R. Dolmage, manual labor, 8 hours; P. Mc- Laughlin, manual labor, 10 hours; L. Godkin, manual labor, 11 hours; J. Leeming, manual labor, 11 hours; D. McClure, tractor and manual labor, 8 hours; G. Betties, tractor, rolling and disking 4 ac- res, 6% hours; R. Elliott, manual labor, 3 hours; K. Cuthill, manual work, 3 hours; L. Cuthill, manual work, 3 hours; K. Betties, manual work, 5% 'hours; E•, Anderson, manual work, 3 hours; W. Dol - mage, manual work, 6 hours; H. Dodds, manual work, 3 hours; K. Beattie, manual work, 4% hours; R. Chambers, manual work, 3 hours; W. Chambers, manual work, 3 hours; G. McClure, manual work, 3 hours; B. Boyd, manual work, 3 hours; H. Johnston, tractor and drag, 3 hours; R. Dolmage, Manual labor, 5 hours;_ -M. Cook, manual labor, 5 hours; Alex Kerr, manual labor, 5 hours. • STANLEY The following is the report of S. S. No. 7, Stanley: From Grade 8 to Grade 9: Mae Coleman, Grace Forrest, Kenneth Stephenson: To Grade 8: William Consitt, Kenneth Porter. To Grade 7: Gerald Cole- man, Marion Lemmon, James Love, Floyd Turner, Phyllis Workman. To Grade 5: Ivan Coleman, John Coleman, Harold Parsons. To Grade 4: Donald- Forrest, Norma Love, Marion Turner, Ruth Turn- er. To Grade 3: Jean Turner. To Grade 2: John Consitt, Marion Forrest, Wayne Love, Donald Par- sons, Glen Reichert, Leroy Work- man. -= Mrs. Laurabelle Reichert, Teacher. • Presentation To Crown .Attorney The staff at the County Court House, Goderich; made a presenta- tion to Crown Attorney H, Glenn Hays, in honor of his approaching marriage. Judge T. M. Costello read the address, and the presentation was made by Mrs. Mable Gray, Clerk of the mai4strate'•s court. A number of Mr. Hays' Seaforth and district friends gathered at the summer home of Mr. Harold Jack- son ackson 'ii9'ednesday evening and :pre- sented him with, a gift prier to his tnarriage4 . RE-ELECTED . Miss Alice Daly, Seaforth, who last week was re-elected President of the London Diocese Council of the C.W.L. Transfer Nurse To Goderich District The Huron County Health Unit Board announced this week the transfer of Miss Dorothy Wick, Reg.N., from the Clinton district. to take over duties as public health nurse for Goderich. Miss Wick is a graduate of the Women's -College Hospital, Toron- to, and received her public health training at the University of Tor- onto. She has had previous public health experience in the Victorian Order of Nurses, Toronto, and has been on the Health Unit stair for the past year. .An additional nurse, coming July 15, will be placed: iu Goderich to serve an outside district and will assist in the town whenever neces- sary. The Health •Unit maintains a -branch office at the Goderioh Town Hall, which will be used ,by the two public health nurses. • EGMONDVILLE Mr, and Mrs. H. Coombs had as visitors on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. H. Whitmore, of Lucan, Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Coombs, Mr. Charles Chapman, Mrs. Jack McKay and Sharon and Mrs. E. Dudley, all of London. Mrs, Bert Haney and family left last week for Calgary by motor, where they will join her husband and make their future ,home. Mr. and Mrs. William Hayter, of Detroit, were guests of Mr. and Mrs, James Finlayson, Mrs, A. Ericson, of London, ac- companied by Frieda, a little Aus- trian girl, were guests of Mrs. Mes- senger. _ Mts. Norman MacLean held ..a nyloh plastic demonstration at her home on Wednesday evening, when 17 ladies Were ,present. Mrs. Orch- ard eondueted the' display of rbeau- tifnl nylon plastic tn'ateria1s. Miss Alice Daly Again Heads Diocese C. W.L. Miss Alice Dalv, of Seaforth, was reelected president of the London Diocese Council, Catholic Women's League, meeting at, .Goderich, on Saturday afternoon. Inthe closing hours of the 30th annual convention, at the Sunset Hotel, delegates re-elected by ballot the entire executive. Fifty- one nominations were posted. Other officers are: First vice- president, Mrs. E. J. Mansell, Til- bury; 2nd vice-pres., Mrs. Mel. Walters, London; 3rd vice -ores.: Mrs. M. J. Fitzpatrick, Windsor; secretary, Mrs. Herman MacMil- lan, Ingersoll; treas., Mrs. T, M. -Kelly, Sebringville. Delegates created the office of recording :secretary, and Mrs. P. L. McManus, of Windsor, was elected. Mrs. Jas. Freeman, River- side, presided over the election. Conveners of standing cammit- tees are: Education, Mrs. E. J. Marnell; publicity, Mrs. Mel Wal- ters; citizenship, Mrs. M. J. Fitz- patrick; welfare, Mrs. Clifford Tay- lor; immigration, Mrs. A. L. Deslippe, Windsor; organization, Mrs. W. H. Dorland, Stratford; Catholic Action, Mrs. J. F. O'Doh- erty, Windsor; finance, Mrs. James Freeman. Mahaffy Family Gather At Picnic Approximately 80 members of bhe Mahaffy family gathered at the Lions Park, Seaforth, on June 24, for their thirteenth annual picnic. Members were present from Lon- don, Hensall, Dublin, Mitchell, Pt. Colborne, Elimville. Staffa, Crom- arty, Bayfield, St. Pauls, Seaforth and Exeter. During the afternoon a program of sports was presented. Follow- ing is a list of the winners: Boys and girls under five, Gwen Mahaf- fy, Douglas Bingham; boys, 6 to 8 years, Ken Bingham; girls, 10 to 12. Mary,Barbour; girls, 1.2 to 14, Ruth McLean,' Gladys Chapman; young ladies' race, Ruth McLean, Gladys Chapman; young men's race, Ross Dining, Gorden Aikens; married ladies' race, Mrs. Bill Mc- Lean. Mrs. Lorne Hay; married men's race, Bill McLean, Lorne Hay; floral contest for ladies, Mrs. Lorne Hay; puzzle contest for men, Cecil Dilling, -Ross Hoggarth; balloon race, Ila Aikens, Lorne Hay; oldest person present, Joseph Linton; youngest person present, Richard Eickmeyer. The retiring president, Arthur Mahaffy, conducted the business meeting following supper, at which the executive for 1951 was elect- ed: President, Wes. Mahaffy: vice- president, Wm. McLean; secretarY- treasurer, Ethel Mahaffy; lunch committee, Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Barbour, Mr. -and Mrs. Rojaert Mc- Lean, Mr. and Mrs, Wilson Broad - foot; sports committee, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mahaffy, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Dilling, Ross and Hazel Dil- ling. The 1951 executive meeting Will he held at Arthur Mahaffy's, Lon- don, on a date to be decided. Mem- bers are asked to be present, It was agai decided to hold the 1951 ureunion t Lions Parlc, Sea.forth — con Illations to the Lions Club on their ,beautiful park and for the excellent conveniences provided. Best wishes and regrets were re- ceived from those unable to at- tend. Among these was a letter from Mrs. E. H. Payne, Moose .Taw, - and one from Dr, W. G. Mahaffy, Cropper. Clic'. ENSALL BRIGADE NSWERS CALL SOLDAN FARM Announce Results of Hen- sail ensail School Exam- inations. Iensall lire brigade received, a hurried call to a fire in a car at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Soldan, one-half mile' south of JIensall, on Thursday just at noon. The car was parked in the drive- way at the time, It could have been serious but for the fact that the truck driver of the Exeter Creamery driving in to get the cream, noticed it on fire. He pull- ed it away from the house. Ac- cording to Fire Chief Ed. Fink, the curtains on the windows . of the house were scorched, (Public School Promotions rade 8 to Grade 9—Jerry Ran- niet Jean Lavender, Jeanne Soldan, Ruth Soidan, Audrey Walsh, Mar- lene Petzke, Gertrude Bell, Ron Pa#more, Ron Chuter, LeRoy Pet- ers et ers Par Gerald Moir. Grade 7 to Grade 8—Bob Bell, Jack Henderson, Eudora Hyde, Joan Johnston, Don Koehler, Gor- don Lavery, Grace McLeod, Carol McMurtrie, Gladys Moir,. Marilyn Mousseau, Jim Orr, Carol Rich- ardson, Judy Shaddick, Nita Smith, Margaret Stephan, Murney Twit- chell, Lola Volland, Corinne Smale (conditional), Glen MacKenzie (conditional), —'J. F. Blackwell, Principal, Grade 6 to Grade 7—Marilyn An- derson, Bill Fink, Bill Lavender, Tom Lavender, Wayne McBride, Ted Norminton, Elsie Snaith, Mar- garet Reid, Wayne Welsh. Grade 5 to Grade 6—Bob Bayn- ham, Jim Baynham, Graham Far- quhar, Gerald Flynn, Jim Hyde, Bill Kerslake, Tillie Kirk, Bob Lav- ery, Phyllis Lostell, Margaret Moir. Ray McKenzie, Ron McKen- zie, Don McLaren, Joyce Peters.— Miss Winnifred Gray, Teacher, Grade 4 to Grade 5 — Wayne Chuter, Murray .Harburn, Marlin Hildebrandt, Joan Koehler, Donel- da Lostell, deck McKenzie, Charles Mickle. 'Mary Ann Rannie, Wayne Reid, Eric Smale, George Smith, Gwen Spencer. Grade 3 to Grade 4—Katherine Anderson, Ronald Anderson, Ruth Donaldson, Roderick Ferguson, Terry "Forrest, Beth Goddard, Jean Henderson, Jane Horton, Buddy Johnston, Joan Kerslake, Donald Kyle, Jerry McClinchey, Jean Noakes, Donald Reid, Kenneth Richardson, Gerald Regele, Donald Smale, Jimmy Smelt( (condition- al), Margaret Smillie, Margaret. Smith, Marilyn Smith. — Miss R. Avery, Teacher. Grade 2 to Grade 3—Joyce Fab- er, Wayne Forrest. Geraidine Har- burn, Patsy Jones, , Billy McKin- non, David Noakes, Norma Pass- more, Dianne Rannie, Jerry Reid, Sharon Srmillie, •'Ruth Townsend, Danny Holmes, • Grade 1 to Grade 2—Lucy Adair. Keith Anderson, Bryan Bonthron, Billy Brown, Marjorie Donaldson, Neil Forrest, Glenn Kenuings, Steve Kyle, Harry Moir. Howard Rannie, Billy Shaddick, Jackie Stephan, Leo Tiberio, Donald Vol- land.—Mrs. R. Cook, Teacher, Bell Family Reunion The 27th annual reunion of the Bell family was held at the home of Arthur Elliott, Thedford, on Sat- urday, July 1, with about 70 being present. The weather was threat- ening, but a good line-up of sports, under direction of Mrs, George Patterson and Mrs. Earl Watson, was carried out, as follows: Boys, 1-5. Louis Elliott, Jackie Schenk; girls, 6-8. Vest Watson, Joanne and Caroline Elliott; boys, t -l0, Fred Elliott; girls, 10-14, Sheila Watson, Melda Elliott; boys 11.14, Albert Watson, Clare El- liott; young ladies, Donna Murch, Aldene ym; young men, Don Steph Delmar Miller; married la s, Rosalin Schenk, Gertrude Patterson; married men, Bill Mor- ley, Harold Bell; grandmother's walk, Mrs. Thos. Bell; relay, clothes . pins, Mrs. C. Stephen's side; ladies kick the slipper, Al - dem): Pym; men's kick the slip- per, Bill Morley; spot race, Alvin Pym; soda biscuit race, Albert Watson; youngest person Present, Gwen Penhale; coming the long- est ongest distance, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Houston, Seaforth. It was decided to hold the 1951 picnic at the Lions Park, Seaforth, on the 30th of June. Officers elected are as follows: President, Andrew Houston; see- retary-treasurer, Mrs. Wilbert Dil- ling, Hensall; sports, Mr. and Mrs. Reg Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mc- Lean, Mrs•. Beatrice Munn and Jack Brintneil; table -committee, Mrs. Dave McLean, Mrs. William Brintnell, Mrs. Wes. Venner, Mrs. Glenn Bell. Former Minister Dies After celebrating half a century in the ministry only. a few weeks ago, the Rev, J. E. J..Miliya.rd, 304 Central Ave„ London, died Friday night in St. Joseph's -Hospital. Born at Harley, Ont.. 73 years ago, he was ordained in 1900 and prior to his retirement in 1938, he /as minister of Hyatt Ave. Church, Loudon, Charges served by Mr. Milly'at'd included: Morpeth, Mala - hide, '1ntbro, Birr,. Hensall, Lis- tewe1,..l ingevlile, Central Church, t Ontitnue4 on Page 4) In Business Since John Beattie Seaforth's Oldest Busi- nessman Sells Business To Stedman Bros. Ltd. A new era for Seaforth's oldest businessman began on Saturday. On that day John Beattie disposed of his business -to Messrs. Stedman Bros., Ltd., of Toronto, and for the first time in sixty years the Beat- tie name disappeared from among those business places on Main St. In 1890 Beattie Bros., which in- cluded -Mr. Beattie, then a young man of 22, and his brother Robert, purchased the grocery and pork packing business of James. McGin- nis, located on the corner adjoin- ing the bowling green. Later the firm built the brick block, now oc- cupied by Gordon Dick, grocer, and Hugh Thompson, shoe repair. Af- ter a number of years Mr. Beattie took over his brother's interest, but continued to operate under the. firm name of Beattie Bros. In lf0: Mr. Beattie sold out the bioek and bought the block of stores next to the Commercial Hotel, where he opened the first 5c to $1.00 store in Seaforth. A new and more mod- ern store was opened in 1935 in the present location in the Cardno Block, 'where the new owners will continue to serve the public. Stedman Bros. are carrying out extensive alterations to the prem- ises and are doubling the • floor capacity by use of the adjoining store, that formerly was used by Cardno Bros, grocery. During his 60 years in Seaforth Mr. Beattie who last October celebrated his 82nd birthday, has occupied a prominent place in the business and community life of Seaforth. Always ready to render assistance to any cause for the good of the town, his talents have been in continuous demand through the years. An ardent sportsman, he has been active in bowling, curling and fishing. He is a past president and active member of the Seaforth Lions Club. Annual' Thomson Reunion is Held The twelfth annual Thomson re- union picnic was held at the farm home of Mr. and. Mrs. Norman Alexander, near Londesboro, on Saturday. June 17. Despite the cold weather, a most enjoyable af- ternoon was spent. After the sport events, the older children and young people had a stirring ball game, while the ladies prepared a most delicious supper in the spa- cious living and dining room of the host's large residence. After the bounteous supper, ice cream and all good things that go to make up this annual event, the clan was called to order for the business period. Officers elected were: Past presi- dent, Elgin Thomson; president, Albert Alexander; vice-president, Herb Britton; secretary -treasurer, Hannah Pepper: sports commit- tee, Gwen and Joan Britton, Gor- don and Lorne Thompson; lunch committee. Mrs. Hannah Work- man, Mrs. Albert Alexander, it was decided to send a dona- tion to the Manitoba relief fund.. The 1951 reunion is to be held in Jowett's Grove, Bayfield, on the second Last Saturday in June. • There was a young girl in the choir Whosevoice went up hoir and hoir Till one Sunday- night, It went nut of sight, And they found it next day in the spoir. • 'Bus Conductor (helping stout woman aboard); "lou should take yeast, ter help yer to rise better." Stout Woman: "Take some yourself, lad, and then ye'it be bet- ter bred." CALLED TO BAR Kenheth Edward Keating, son of Mayor J. E. Keating and Mrs. Keating, who was called to the bar last Thursday at Osgoode Hall, Toronto. Mr. Keating served overseas with the R.C.A.Ir. for two years af- ter graduating from the Sea. forth High Shhoot. - •. 1.800, Retires RETIRES John Beattie, in business in Seaforth since 1890, who has sold his business to Stedman Bros. Ltd., of Toronto. Posses- sion was given on Saturday. PICNIC•HELD BY SEAFORTH LEGION Rain Fails To Spoil An- nual Gathering At Lions Park. Rain, which commenced about six o'clock, failed to dampen the enthusiasm of Seaforth Legion members and their families on the occasion of the Legion's annual picnic at the Lions Park Wednes- day afternoon. During the afternoon a program of sports events was •run with President A. W. Sillery, Rev. T.. Dale Jones, Dr. F. R. Howson and Tom Wilbee in charge. Treasurer R. S. McDonald presented the lit- tle ones with their prizes. A softball game, which had been planned, was cancelled, because of bhe rain. Winners were- Girls' • races, 5 years and under, Suzanne Din- woodie, Sherrill Dunlop; girls, 8 and under. Jean Nixon. Margaret Wood; 10 and under, Ruth Sills, Jean Nixon: boys' races, 5 years and under, Thomas Sills, Jimmie Sills; 8 and- under, Larry Powell, Genf? Dinwoodie; 11) and under, Gene Dinwoodie, Larry Powell; girls' wheelbarrow race, Ruth Sills and Anne Nixon; .girls hop on one foot, Ruth Sills, Alice Nixon; boys throw plate, Wayne Dinwoodie. Andy Calder; hand-in-hand, 8 and under, boys. Andy Calder; girls. Jean Nixon; shoe race, girls, Ruth Silts, Lorna Dinwoodie, Margaret Wood; boys, Gene Dinwoodie- • Junior Congregation Is Entertained Groups of children and mothers gathered on the lawn of First Presbyterian Church Wednesday afternoon when the junior congre- gation was entertained. Those in charge were Mrs. J. E. Patterson. Mrs. Donald Eastman, Miss Jean Scott and- Mrs. Keith Sharp. Rev. D. Glenn Campbell conducted the races, kicking the slipper being the highlight of the afternoon's sports. It being Miss Jean, Scott's birth- day. two beautiful cakes were en- joyed during lunch. • ELIMVILLE Mrs, Thomas Bell, Bessie and Florence Bell and Mrs. Charles Stephen and Betty Anne enjoyed a motor trip • to Kingsville, Point Peele, Rondeau'Park and Jack Min- ers' bird sanctuary and visited with Mrs, Lily Hannan and Annie at Kingsville, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Nash at Leamington and Mr. and Mrs. L. C. White, Talbotville. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Murch and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Beil visited with Mr. and Mrs. William Murch at Parkhill on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Otis and children motored up from Lo-rg Branch, New Jersey, to visit with Mrs. Otis' parents, Mi-. and Mrs. Lloyd Johns. Signalman Otis has been with the U.S. Army at Long Branch ans is now transferred to Kingston. Murray Stephen and chums, Kent Jackson and Merton Cham- bers, of London, enjoyed a motor trip north over the holiday week- end. The families of Franklin, Mel- ville, Everett, Del -mar and, Ross Skinner and Mr. and, Mrs. Lorne Eldford attended the Skinner re- union at Stratford on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Pym and fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. A. Cooper and Floyd, Mrs. Tiros. • Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell, Mr. and Mrs. P. Murch and Mr. and Mrs, C. Steph- en, teppen, Donnie and Betty Anne, at- tendetl the Bell reunion at the home of Mr. Art Elliott, Thedford, Saturday. Next y ehr's reunion is to be held at the Lions Park, Sea- forth, on June N. ' ' l' 1 ,fA se MOL' Teachers, Pupils Clarence Trott. - Retirement: Teacheid• • and students in 74ck+ ersmith Sehool Area, 4o. 1 'honor- ed, Clarence Trott, for a number of years supervising principal of ;liie area, on, the occasion of the an-, nual picnic at the Lions Park' Thursday. W. tFrott, resignedw re - cently to ,accept tiile,pritiipalehip,, of a new school- at l,C,A.F- tion, Oiinton.; y , An address was read by Spencer- Jeffery on behalf of the seven"' schools" in the area, and Mr. Trott.' was presented with a wall mirror by Miss Helen Turner. Mr. Trott was also presented with a leather, billfold on behalf of his pupils. The-' teachers who are leaving the area; this year also received gift cheques from the board. The ad- - drgss to.. Mr. Trott follows: Dear Mr. Trott: We teachers, whom you visited every week, felt" we should like to tell you how - - much we appreciated your service as Supervisor in Health and Agri- culture. "Mr. Trott'•s Day" was a - symbol of something special to both teachers and pupils. The .pat- tern your lessons gave the course , were such a practical, professional" help, and with your genuine en-. thusiasm, unfailing good humor, and courteous corrections, inspired greater interest and fresh effort` on all our parts. Because we are going to miss you, we hope sometimes your thoughts *111 turn with pleasant nostalgia to your many Tueker- smith school friends: boys, confi- dently on&dently discussing with Dad the fine points of that good bacon. hogs; girls, slipping a geranium as expertly as Mum; and all, try- ing harder than ever to get on board "Mr. Trott's Train to Health - land." 0 We are certain of your success in your new position and, sorry as we are to lose you, we rejoice wholeheartedly in your promotion. Our good wishes go with you and Mrs. Trott and Miss Anne, and we hope they too will like and enjoy this mirror which is our pleasure to give you .for -your new home. . May it reflect happy times and merry faces is the sincere wish of Helen Turner, Eunice Snow, Win- nifred Campbell, Mary Campbell,. Mrs. Lawson, Mrs. Simpson and Spencer Jeffery. • 90th BIRTHDAY Mrs. James Sproat, well-known Seaforth resident, will celebrate her 90th birthday at the home of Mrs. Barbara Sykes on July 8. • Lady Bowlers Hold Pot -Luck Supper The ladies of the Bowling Club held a pct -luck supper at the bowl- ing green last Thursday afternoon and evening. There were a num- ber of newcomers, who took part and enjoyed the games. The sup- per was everything one could wish and it was the opinion of several of the members that they should) be more of such events. • DUBLIN COUPLE 'ARE HONORED Mr. and Mrs. Denis J. Nolan, of McKillop Township, recent newly- weds, were feted by a group • of neighbors and friends at Duiblin Parish Hall on Monday night. An address of congratulations was read by .Tack Walsh, and presen- tation of a purse of money was made by Frank Bowman, The bridegroom made a suitable reply. An evening of dancing followed, with music by the McQuaictDe- laney orchestra, Lunch was serv- ed by a group of volunteers. Miss Joan Flanagan, teacher at S.S. No. 1. McKillop, completed a successful year by an enjoyable picnic, consisting of various games and a picnic lunch. All her En- trance pupils were successful ,and - will be admitted to high school in' September. The pupils are: Jer- ry Eckert, Cyril Murray, Ursula Givlin, Rose Givlin, Frank Krona - kepi. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Eckert held a family reunion dinner re-, cently. Pereoea1s: Mrs. W. Garbutt, et Oyen, Alta., Mr. and Mrs. R. C McCoomb and son, Ronnie, Owen - Sound, Mr. and Mrs. H. Borth, New' Hamburg, Mrs. James Telford,: Cincinnati, Ohio, Mr. and Mrs. Durst and son, Jackie, Seaforth, Miss Ina Aikens, Kitchener, and Miss Kathleen Sillery, Brueefieid with Mr. and Mrs, R. S. Micelle, Mr. and. Mrs. Joseph Flannigan., at London; .Rev', Vincent Morribiall and Leon Sullivan, Toronto Mit and Mrs. Roy J•Iughes and, Mlcbad Joy, fetrdlt, with Mr. and James, A. Morrison; _ his Zather; ane Donnehy, Reg:N.,aIb, tg." Fergus Donnelly, Tof'otttio, .• �a' their father, Prank I)ottite1I Mary ,Morrison• and Mist Meagher arm a endlit tate P � itt London. • e