HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1950-06-30, Page 4fi ▪ TAP P HURON EXPOSrrOA AIN,aQ . Q. Lassified. Ads.. Classified Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates: FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND. ETC. -Per word: lit week 1 Cent 2nd week • % Cent 3rd week ',fi Cent Minimum charge, first insertion, 25 Cents Each figure,'initial and abbrgviation counts as one word Card of Thanks. In Memoriam Notices. Coming Events -+1 cent per word. Minimum, 60 cents per week, Enquiries may be directed to a Box No„ c/o The Huron Expositor, for 10 cents extra Ten cents additional will be charged if ads in above class are not paid within 10 days of date of final insertion_ Births, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. , Auction Sales. Notices to Creditors, Etc. -Estes an application_ Coming Events I' r'S SIMPLY GREAT DANCING AT the Crystal Palace Ballroom, Mitchell, every Friday night, to the music of Don Robertson and His Ranch Boys. 4306x2 Personals SKINNY MEN. WOMEN I GAIN 5 TO 15 lbs. New pep, too. Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for double results: new healthy flesh; new vigor. New "get acquainted" size only 60c. All druggists. HYGIENICSUPPLIES (It USHER Goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list 6 samples 25c: 24 samples 51.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-73. NOVA -RUBBER CO-. Box 91. Hamilton. Ont: Property For Sale FOR SALE --COTTAGE WITH GOOD :tarn on lot in Egmondville- ApPIS to ROY McMANE, Egmondville. 4306x2 FOR SALE -NEW HOUSE, RANCH style: felly modern; oil ftrrnaca air conditioned, Can be taught with down payment and monthly payment plan, C. G. I.8T, John Street 4286-t! FOR SALE New House, Modern, Seven Rooms, James St. Immediate occupation. PHONE 353 Notices To Creditors Tenders Wanted TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the undersigned for the painting of the classrooms of Seaforth Separate School Work to be done early to July. Tenders to be in by Saturday, June Srd. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. JAMES J. CLEARY, Secretary, Seaforth, Ont. 4801-tf Poultry CHICKENS FOR SALE ---400 ROCK X Red, 8 weeks old. WARD KNOX. Phone 23 r 12, or R.R. 1, Blyth. 4304x2 EGGS UP IN PRICE Meat Soaring DON'T MISS OUT ON THE HIGH prices you are bound to get this sum- mer and fall for eggs and Poultry meat Prompt delivery on Chicks day old to eight weeks, non -sexed, pullets, cockerels. Turkeys. day old to four weeks, non -sex- ed, sexed hens, sexed Toms. Reduced pricm for July. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited FERG•US - ONTARIO 43o6-2 For Sale pox SALE -6 LITTLE CHUNKS. AP - ply to JACK RIVERS, Seaforth_ 4306x1 KE NOTICE to CREDITORS F° new; ainECT RALE -ERIC Apply to oJOEHN W. MODELAND. Phone 660 r 4. Seaforth. In the Estate of SARAH JANE BROWN 4306-1 ALL -PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS FOR SALE -GOOD CHEER KITCHEN against the Estate of Sarah. Jane S' range. all -white enamel, in good ctn- Brown. date of the Township of Tucker- dition. CHART.F)S FORREST, Mensal:. smith, in the County of Huron, Spinster, 4306-1 deceased, who died on the 17th day of May, 1950. are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to. the undersigned on or before the 17th day of July. 1950, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. I FOR SALE -PLAYPEN, LARGE SIZE. 'DATED at Seaforth, this 27th day of m good condition. Reasonable_ MRS. FRANK SHALE. Centre St-. Seaforth. June, 1950. 4306x1 F OR SALE - CONVERTIBLE PLUE baby buggy : used only one year. In good condition. PHONE 46 r 11 Dublin. 4306x1 McCONNELL & HAYS, FOR SALE -12 ACRES OF HAY. Seaforth, Ontario, clover and timothy mixed. Apply H. Solicitors for the Executor. JONES. Phone 675 r 31, Hensall. 4306-3 4306x1 NOTICE to CREDITORS FDR SALE -CHESTERFIELD AND 1 chair: oak dining -room table, 3 extra In the Estate' of ELIZABETH TUDOR leaves (square) ; 1 small buffet. PHONE scorn, late of Bayfield, Ontario, Mar- 270 aSter 6 :30 p.m. 43063:2 rigid Woman. FOR SALE -SUNSHINE WINE BABY CREDITORS AND OTr1ERS HAVING pram, all cream lined: as good as claims against the abo.'e 'estate are n:w. Apply to MRS. ALLAN TOWNS - required to send full particulars of suchEND, Hetrsall. Box 32. 4305-2 -ams to the undersigned Executor on or before the 8th day of July A.D., 1950, FOR SALE -FRESH STRAWBERRIES after which date the estate's assets well at the patch. H. T. BLANCHARD, be distributed, having regard only to R.R. 4. Walton. Phone 837 r 5. claims that have then been received. 4305x2 THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY, Lon- don. Ontario, Executor, by ELMER D. BF.T.T. LC-, Solicitor, Exeter, Ontario. 4305-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Rotate of CHARLES ALEXAN- DER, late of Kipper, Ontario, retired. CREDITORS AND OTHERS HAVING claims against the above estate are re- quired to send full particulars of such elaims to the undersigned, on or before the fiat day of Arty, A -D., 1950, after which date the estate's assets will be dis- tributed, having regard only to claims that have then been received. • W. G. COCHRANE. Exeter, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors. 4304-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of DUNCAN Mc8ELLAR ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Duncan /Angel - Aar, late of the Township of Hibberd, in the County of Perth, Farmer. deceased. who died on the 4th day of May, 1950, are hereby notified to send in full par- ticulars of their claims to the undersign- ed on or before the 7th day of July, 1950, after which date the assets will be dis- tributed, having regard only to adaims then receive& DATED at Seaforth, this 12th day of June. 1950. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executrix. 43043 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of MARTIN RYAN A L L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Martin Ryan, late of the lbws of Seaforth, in the County of Huron. Labourer. deceased. who died on the 10th day of April, 1950, are hereby notified to send in fuH particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 7th day of July, 1950, after which date the assets will be -distributed having regard only to claims then receiv- ed. DATED at Seafostb, this I2th day of June, 1950. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Mate. FOR SALE -10 -ACRE FIELD OF AL- falfa with a sprinkling of clover. Apply ARTHUR ANDERSON. RR. 2, Hensall. Phone 675 r 5, Hensall. 4306x1 NEW IDEA FARM EQUIPMENT - Manure spreaders, mowers, aide de- livery rakes. loaders and elevator;. Qual- ity machines at right prices. NEW THEA DISTRIBUTORS, Goderich, )nt. Carlow 2821. 4305x3 POR SALE -NEW SINGER SEWING machines, electric and treadle. Re- pairs to all makes. SINGER SEWING CENTRE, 78 Ontario St, Stratford. 4223-tf FOR SALE -BUCKSAW. NEVER US- "- wicker fernery. zinc 'lined: loud speaker for radio ; large iardinere, green: smaller iardrnere. green; small hooked mat; braided mat; man -s heavy over- coat, worn one winter. size 40: woman's print dream, worn once. size 16: picture. "The Madonna." Apply Bax Ab?, HUR- ON EXPOSITOR. 4306x3 SUMMER COTTAGE For Sale or Rent Four I sirooms_ All convenience.•. APPLY TO BOX 885 HURON EXPOSITOR 4304x3 Motor Cars For Sale 49 48 48 48 48 48 48 40 4304-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS 40 In the Estate of NORMAN RUSSELL DORRANCE A L L PERSONS HAVING CLAn43S against the Estate of Norman Russell Penance, sate of the Township of Mc- Killop, in the County of Huron. deeeased,. who died on or about the 6th day of June, 1950, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 10th day of July. 1950, full particulars of their Claims. T%m.dinteiy after the said last men- tioned date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed sanonget the parties ,entitled thoreta, having regard only to clafrhs of which the pndcraigned shall then halo tenth, to the etehfsien of alt others, and' the eadoreignnt ' will not be liable to itoy pemon *6 ciimt the undeehign. ed shell he • �tintt* uotiee, for the aedefs so 4ahtetikatig r any pert thereat A'1`]s i ti` t5i Igth day of 38 38 38 37. CHEV- DE LUXE SEDAN CHEV. SEDAN CHEV. COACH at 51450.00 CHEV. COACH CHEV. FLEETMASTER SEDAN Radio. sun -visor, whitewall tires. PLYMOUTH 5 -PASSENGER COUPE CHEV. FLEETMASTER SEDAN Two-tone Green DODGE SEDAN in good condition CIiEV. SPECIAL DE LUXE COACH PLYMOUTH SEVAN Priced for quick sale a: 5225.00 DODGE SEDAN CHEV. COUPE CHEV. COACH 2 '36 CHET. COACHES --one for 9225 35 37 DODGE SEDAN for 6195.00 CHET7. t,4 -TON PiCK-UP MANY ()rat* MODELS TO CHOOSE ROM BRUSSELS MOTORS "hale Heine ol', i§ekbez Ikea OP dlt Notices N OT10E-A RECEPTION WILL BE held in the New Community Centre, Seaforth, for Mr. and Mrs. John Flan- nery on Friday, June 80th:.. Everybody welcome. 4306-1 RADIO REPAIRS - WHEN YOUR radio won't work, bring it to TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR, and take it home the same day -any day. Opposite Dick House. Phone 847-R, Seaforth, 429541 BARNS CLFANED AND WHITEWASH - ed fallowing T.B. tett Brand new sprayer capable of 1,000 pounds pressure. Work done th inspector's satisfaction. Phone 44 r 9, Dublin. FRED HARBURN, Staffs. 4301-tf Cards Of Thanks T WISH 'r0 THANK THOSE WHO SENT cards or gifts to me while 1 was in 'the hospital,^ also special thanks to Dae. Howson and Stapleton and the nurses and• staff of Scott Memorial Hocpital. 4306x1 ART ANDERSON I WOULD LIKE TO 'THANK EVERY one for the treats, cards and visits while I was a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth. I also would like to express my thanks to the nurses and staff of the 'hospital. 4306x1 ORVAL HARRISON I • WISH TO THANK THE VARNA Orange Lodge and the Goshen W.M.S. and all the friends and neighbors who sent me flowers, gifts and cards and eall- ed to see me while a patient in Clinton and London Hospitals, and also those who came to visit me after I came home. 4306-1 W1M. HAYTER THE UPSHALL FAMILY WISH TO thank the many friends and neigh- bors for the kindness and sympathy ex- tended to then during their recent sad bereavement, also to thank those who -ent flowers. loaned car: or helped in any way. Special thanks to Rev. D. Glenn Campbell and Mr. G. A. Whitney. Births FREEMAN -At Scott Memorial Hospital, on June 22, to Mr, and Mrs. Melvin (Freeman. Brucefield, a eon. VODDEN-At Scott Memorial Hospital, on June 24. to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Vodden, Seaforth, a daughter. WEBER --At Smtt Memorial Hospital. on June 25, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Weber, Exeter, a eon. SCOTT -In Berwyn. 111., on June 22, to Mr. and M. William Scott, a daugh- ter --Kathleen Wfnnifred_ MacTAVISH-In Amsterdam, Holland, on June 17, to Captain and 'Mrs. 1. E. Mac- Tav-ish, a son-lan Lachlan PEACOCK -Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Pea- cock, Ottawa (nee Pearl Harpole), are happy to announce the arrival of their son, Gary Charles. at Grace Hospital. Ottawa. Thursday, June 22, 1950. A brother for Terry. Help Wanted ALESMAN W SELL ANTED - T S rooting and insulation, Cptnmissian basis_ Write Box 684, HURON EXPOSI- 4275-tf TOR. Deaths PURCELL--In London, on Friday, June 23, Matthew Purcell, in his 79th year. WOODS -In Seaforth, on Friday, June 23, Kate Rebecca McMann, widow of the late William, Woods. BRUSSELS Donald S. McRae, B.A., has com- pleted his course at Toronto Medi- oal College and received his de- gree on June 16. Donald is the only son of Mrs, McRae and the late Dr. Thos. T. McRae, who prac- tised for so many years in Br'us sels. Getting 'his Arts degree at the Univegsity of Western Ontario, and on his release from four years in the Air Force, he began his course in Medicine at Toronto. He now joins the staff at St. Joseph's Hospital, Toronto. CONSTANCE Mrs. John Pepper and family, of Hensall, visited Mr. and Mrs, Al- fred Buchanan on Sunday. _Mrs. C. Montgomery was on a motor trip to Anderson, Indiana. last week, and while there attend- ed the graduation exercises of her niece; Beulah Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Reekie and family. of Brantford, spent the week -end with Mr. Ti. Britton. Mrs. Robert McMillan returned With them for aesfew days. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Adams and family, of Londesboro, spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dexter. Mrs. James Dale is spending a few days in Kitchener with her daughter, Mrs, Art Bromley. The W.M.S. ladies of Constance United Church were pleased to at- tend a meeting of Northside W.M. S. on Tuesday evening and hear Miss Sybil Courtice, returned mis- sionary from Japan. Dublin Butchers NOTICE TO CUSTOMERS ! No custom killing during weeks of July 3rd and August 7th • - • FRIEND and WHETHAM DUBLIN - ONT. 1-' MOWERS and SWEEP RAKES WILL BE NEEDED WITHIN THE NEXT WEEK OR SO ! If you have any doubt about their helpful- ness - just ask the man who owns one. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY and FREE INSTALLATION • DALY MOTORS Ford - Monarch Sales & Service SEAFORTH Make This a Date! SEAFORTH LIONS CLUB 15th Annual Summer Carnival Three Big Nights WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY - FRIDAY JULY19-20-21 LIONS PARK, SEAFORTH • AMATEUR CONTEST • WHEELS OF FORTUNE • MIDWAY • ENTERTAINMENT • DANCE MAJOR PRIZE ,DRAW WATCH FOR FURTHER DETAILS WINTHROP The W.M.S. and W.A. of Cavan United Church, Winthrop, will meet on Thursday, July 6, at the home of Mrs. Frank Johnston. The meeting will be on temperance, with Mrs. Roy Lawson, Seaforth, as guest speaker. Public School Teacher Presented With Gift On Wednesday afternoon, at the Public School, Raymon Mulford was presented •by the teaching staff with a suitable gift prior to his leaving for Guelph, where he will supervise physical training in the schools of the City. Mr. Mul- ford has been very active in sports since coming to Seaforth three years ago. Presented With Life Membership To W. A. Mrs, T. Dale Jones was present- ed with a life membership to the Women's ,Auxiliary of the Diocese of Huron last Tuesday evening at a meeting of St. Thomas' W.A. in the church, Rev, T. Dale es conducted the devotional p od. Miss Doro- thy Parke presented Mrs. Jones with the W.A. badge and Mrs. J. B. Higgins, the certificate. CROMARTY Mrs, Duncan McKellar has re- turned to her home and is feeling much improved. Mrs. D. M. Plebe'', who has spent a few days with her brothers, Rus- sell and Bert Butler, has returned to her home in Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. J. Kemp and daugh- ters spent Sunday with Mrs. Houghton. Guests who attended the Scott and Cadick wedding on Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Dan. McKellar and sons, of Buffalo; Mr. and Mrs, Carl Weitzman and Douglas, of Niagara Falls, 'U.S.A., and Mr, and Mrs. Denton Taylor, of Burlington; and Rev. R. G. MacKay and Mrs. MacKay, of Tiverton. Very successful anniversary ser- vices were held in the Presbyter- ian Church on Sunday with Rev 11. G. MacKay. of Tiverton, in the pulpit. The choir assisted with the verb: fine music with Mrs. Ken Mc- Kellar as. organist. A male chorus was sung at each service by Robt. Laing. Gordon Laing. Eldon Allen, Frank Stagg. Donald Scott, Lloyd Scu'sdahl and Ernest Templeman. An anthem was sung by the whole choir at each service, and Marion Flugard. of Ingersoll, sang a solo ,11. the morning service. Cromarty Presbyterian Church '.vas the setting for a pretty wed- ding on Saturday at 3 p.m., when Rev. R. G. MacKay, of Tiverton, 111ited in marriage, Margaret Eliza Scott, daughter of Mrs. Scott, of Cromarty, and the late R. J. Scott, and Frank Wesley Cadick, son of Mrs. Charles Cadick, of London, and the late SIr, Cadick. The bride looked lovely in a white satin floor length frock with yoke of lace with satin veil, trimmed with appliqued satin patterns. Attending were two bridesmaids. Miss Shirley Wal- lace, of Cromarty. and Miss Len- ore Cole, of Ottawa, who wore orchid and yellow with embroider- ed nylon net over dresses. The maid of honor. Miss Phyllis Tanner of Sarnia. wore a dress of green taffeta with embroidered nylon ov- erdress. Mr. Robert Laing and Mrs. Lorne Cadick were the ush- eds. Murray Cousins. London, was groomsman. Mrs, K. McKellar play- ed the wedding music and accom- panied Miss Margaret lugard, of Ingersoll. when she sang dfring the signing of the register. A re- ception was held at the home of the bride's mother when guests were present from Ottawa, Buffalo, Niagara, London, St. Thomas, In- gersoll, Ilderton and Burlington. The happy couple left later on a trip to Muskoka, and on their re- turn will reside in London. HENSALL (Continued from Page 1) tion and good will. -Signed. The 'Evening Auxiliary of Hensall Unit- ed Church: Miss Ellis. honorary president; Lillian Hyde, president; Gladys Luker,,secretary. Rev. and Mrs. R. A. Brook: Dear Friends: We are gathered together tonight to honor you both for the fine service you have rendered our Church during the past 12 years. We have not words to express our grateful appreciation for your de- voted and often self-sacrificing in- terest in our Class activities, and most particularly in cases of sick- ness. trouble and tragedy. IMMUESIIiEIBiEENIMIEMnII(nlNEE RECEPTION And DANCE 1118 for MR. AND MRS. GEO. PETHICK FRIDAY, JUNE 30th 17alton Community Hall Canadian Ramblers' Music EVERYONE WELCOME 111'11 11 I���IIIiIII� I�IH�1II�ID IiI IUI 1,'1;11 YOUR Blue Coal Dealer WANTS YOU TO KNOW Blue Coal is the Cleanest fuel on the market to -day. Why burn smoky or oily fuels when you can have the cleanest fuel by calling your BLUE COAL DEALER? LORNE E. HAY HENSALL Pho-ne9. -Office 10; HoUce 673 r 4 Erupts .'Vitelnized' reedit As a slight token of the respect and esteem in which you are 'held' byue -we askyou• to accept this gift (a coffee table). May you en- joy every. success In your new spheres of Iabor. - Signed: The Wohelo Class of Hensall United Church: . J. Blackwell, President; Gladys Luker, Secretary; Miss El- lis, Teacher. The degree team of Huronia Lodge, Clinton, visited Amber Re- bekah Lodge, Hensall, Monday eve- ning and conferred the degree on three candidates; Mrs. Hugh Mc - Ewan, Jr., Mrs. Pearl Stephan and Mrs. J. Peebles, in an initiation ceremony. Mrs. J. Nediger, Clin- ton, was soloist. Mrs. Anna C. Walker, N.G., of Amber Lodge, con- ducted the opening ceremonies of the meeting. There was an attend- ance of nearly one hundred, with thirty-five attending from Clinton. Luncheon was served, Doctors Mervin and Norma Hop- kinson, of Kingston, are spending a few days visiting at the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Elder and family, of Hamilton, and Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Passmore, of Aylmer, visited Sunday last with Mr. and Mrs. J. Passmore. Mrs. James Sangster is at pre- sent a patient in Clinton Hospital in the interests of her health. Rev. and Mrs. R. A. Brook left Wednesday of this week for their new home at Bluevale. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Simpson and family, of Detroit, spent the week- end with Mrs. L. Simpson. Hensall Defeats Lucan Hensall defeated Lucan 4-3 in a W.O.A,A. ladies' softball game play - ted in Lucan Thursday night last week. Eileen Kelly on the mound for the winners allowed only nine hits, Morgan and Appleton shar- ed the pitching duties for Lucan. Betty J. Moir sparked the Hensall attack with three hits in four trips to the ,plate. Robb was leading hit- ter for Lucan. with three hits in three times at bat. R H E Hensall ...... 000 040 0-4 13 3 Lucan 030 000 0-3 9 6 The Mitchell branch of the Can- adian Legion B.E.S.L. extends an invitation to Hensall branch to join in the drumhead service, to be held Sunday, July 2. Those who intend going are asked to meet at the Legion Hall, Hensall, at 1:45 p.m. sharp. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Drysdale cele- brated their 35th wedding anni- versary on Friday last. In honor of the occasion members of the family presented them with 35 beautiful coral carnations. A very• successful strawberry and ham festival was held at St, Andrew's United Church, Kippen, Thursday evening, June 22. The affair was well patronized and the door receipts were $197.69. The strawberries and hams were donat- ed. A concert was held with pro- fessional talent from Seaforth and Zurich, including the Zurich quar- tette; readings by Mrs. Newell Geiger, Zurich; and Walker Hart, Seaforth. and Rev. A. E. Hinton rendered. solos. Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Traquair, a recent bridal couple, were honored at a reception held for them at the Pavilion, Bayfield, recently. They were presented with a purse of money. Mr. and Mrs. John Little, Jackie and Dennis, of Exeter, were Sun- day guests with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McEwan. Mrs. J. Selves, 82. who resides with her son, Bert, south of Hen- sall, had the misfortune to fall downstairs last *eek. She was taken to Victoria Hospital, London, by ambulance for x-rays, which re- vealed no broken bones. She is home, suffering with shock and bruises. Members of the Wohelo Class of the United Church' enjoyed a pic- nic at the Lions Park, Seaforth, on Friday. Some 40 members and guests enjoyed a delicious picnic supper, followed with a period of sports. Committees are as fol- lows: Sports, Howard 'Brook, Mrs. Hess; social, J. F. Blackwell, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Kyle, Jack Corbett. Death of Alfred Taylor - Alfred Taylor. well-known resi- dent of the village for over thirty years,- died at his home Friday, June 23. following a month's ser- ious illness. He was born near Exeter and until retiring had been a mason. putting in foundations of many local homes and laid a great many cement sidewalks ip the vil- lage. He was a member of Carmel Presbyterian Church and was an active member; until recent years. Largely attended public funeral services were held from his resi- dence on Monday at 2 p.m.. with Rev. P. A. Ferguson conducting the service, assisted by Rev. W. A. Young, of Guelph, a former minis- ter of Carmel Church. Interment was in Hensall Union Cemetery. Chamber of Commerce Meets A dinner meeting of the Hensall Chamber of Commerce was held in the Commercial Hotel dining room on Thursday last at 7 p.m. Mr. R. L. Stratton, of the Bell Telephone, was guest speaker. Mr. Stratton is regional director cif the Cana- dian Chamber of Commerce, and he outlined the work it is doing throughout Canada., and also the duties of the members of the Chamber of Commerce. Mr, W. C. Spencer thanked the speaker for coming to Hensall and for his fine address. It was decided to hold a ladies' night about the first week in September. A committee was appointed to arrange for a frolic, to be held in the Arena about the end of September. Hensall stores will be open Fri- day night. June 30, till 11 p.m., owing to Saturday, July 1, being a public holiday. Bride -Elect is Honored Mrs. Milton Lavery was hostess at her .home Thursday evening, June 22, for a presentation for Mrs, Pearl Stephan, bride -elect of this week. Fifty -'five relatives, Neighbors and friends gathered for a most delightful evening. Bingo was the highlight of the evening *Mt 'maul prizes won. In the retiree oil the evening Mrs. Stool, dttt Brill oFitodl4,ted•,,*lib an hurt. tiful and costly gifts, including an electric tea kettle, electric eoffee t percolator,tri-lighta e lamP, table wall niirror, electric iron and other useful gifts. The address was read by Miss Gladys Luker, and the pre- sentations made by Mrs. Walker Carlile 'and Mrs. Wm, Parke. A humorous reading by Mrs, R. H. Middleton was much enjoyed. Luncheon was served. The affair was arranged by Mrs. Maude Had- den, Mrs, Walker Carlile and Mrs. Howard Smale, Mrs- Wm, Swale conducted the bingo. The decor- ating was in charge of Mrs. A. Foster arid Mrs. Pearl Passmore. In charge of luncheon were Mrs. Lavery, Mrs, W. Carlile, Mrs. W. Parke, Mrs. J. E. McEwan, Mrs. E. R. Shaddick, Mrs, G. Hess and Mrs. F. Peters. Relatives and guests were preempt from London, Cromarty, and Zumicb. The affair was trek enjoyed. oYed. j m Following is the address: 41Dear Pearl: We are very pleased to be with you on this occasion to offer felicitations on your .aipproaehiing marriage.. For years you have ;been our neighbor and friend, and we regret to see you leave us. Be- cause of your friendliness and kindness in various stages of our community life, we ask you to ac- cept these gifts as reminders of our love and esteem, and our wish that joy and health may accom- pany you and yours in days to conte. -Signed on behalf- of your Hensall Neighbors and Friends. Additional Hensall Newts on Page 3 Domestic Help URGENTLY NEEDED ! Apply to Superintendent Scott Memorial Hospital SEAFORTH HOLIDAY STYLES Be Ready for the Long Week -End at the Beach and the Summer Holidays, Which Mean Playtime! SHAN, RAY DRESSES -So light and cool and ideal for picnics. Thriftily priced at BLUE JEANS -Sanforized Denim, ri 95 GIRLS' 12-20 L■8-14 SHORTS -Sizes 8-20 from 1A9 to Included are Sanforized Drill, Cotton and Corduroy. 3.95 1.95 4.98 'T' SHIRTS -A must for Summer COTTON BLOUSES -Perfect combination with slacks or 1r 1 shorts. Pastels and Plaids, 12-20ij GIRLS' SUN DRESSES with jacket, 7-12 Take an INDIAN BLANKET to the cottage; use it at the beach or protect car seats, ' Large size 4.39 - 4.95 For your shopping convenience we will be open Friday evening, 1.49 2.95 T v D O R' S Ladies' Wear - Dry Goods. PHONE 70 HENSALL Where Did YouGet that Car, Jack? "Oh! I just drove down to JONATHAN HUGILL'S FARM! And, say, he had some nice clean Used Cars -just like new! And I bought this one in 10 minutes. It only had'500 miles. on it. It's one of those 1950 VANGUARDS,with that big, new air-condition heater. And those big wide seats holds our whole family of seven as comfortably as a bug in.a-rrug. Of course he has smile' nice '37 and up models at right prices." BOYS ! BOYS ! If you want a MOTORCYCLE to take that girl of yours to the Bend some Sunday, he has a De Luxe Harley Davidson, 1941 Model 80, 4 -gear transmission, only 23,000 miles; buddy seat, sad- dle bags and lights. This machine is guaranteed in dandy shape and priced right SO, SEE JONATHAN. He'll use you,right and arrange terms to suit your conscience, J. E. HUGILL 3 MILES WEST OF SEAFORTH ON HIGHWAY 8 Phone 667-6, Seaforth - Clinton, 616 r 34 P.S.-Gars will be scarce for the next"60 days, so get your order with us now, for that New Hudson, New Austin, New Prefect, or New Vanguard -stating when you want it, and the color you like best. NIW CABE Portable Elevator for Past Handling of • GRAIN • EAR CORN. • SALES .4' Put away all three crops with one machine. Light enough for one man to move; trailer.; type 'chassis for quick travel: V -belt drive, simple and safe: Built with bronze bearings, many features for endurance: Available with its own engine, belt pulley, or quick -coupling power take -off drive. Rowcliffe Motors PHONE 147 SC/WORTH, ON'1'.