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leilleteeflefilt Year
W11010 eillMeber, 4306
Depaxting Hensall Pastor
Presented With Many. Gifts
Church Organizations As -t
semble For Farewell
The schoolrooin of the United
Church, Hensall, lovely with a
floral " background of haskete .of
peondes, roses and carnations., was
the scene of a delightful affair
Tuesday evening, when the con-
gregations of Hensel' and, Chisel -
burst gathered for a farewell pres
entation for Rev: and Mrs. R. A.
Brook, who left this week • for
Bluevale, where Mr. Brook recent-
ly accepted a call to be minister
of the United Church there.
George Follick very ably filled
the position of chairman, •and an
enjoyable program was given, con-
sisting of vocal solos by S. G. Ren-
nie and Benson Stoneman.; read-
ings, Miss M. Ellis and Miss Vel-
ma Ferguson; • violin solos, Miss
Greta Lammie and Jarvis elorton.
Accompanists were Miss Gladys
Daker and Miss Greta-Laminie.
Mr. and Mrs. Brook were called
to the platform and were present-
ed with the following gifts: A gift
to Mrs,. '13fook of a Cake plate from
the Hensall-Exeter Women's Chris-
tian Temperance Union, Mrs. 4E.
Geiger doing the honors; to Mr.
and Mrs. Brook, a gift from We
Evening Auxiliary of a teapot and
hot water pitcher, address read, by
Palm Gladys Luker, presentation
by Mrs. Lillian Hyde; from the
Wohelo Class, a coffee table, ad-
dress read by ,Miss Luker, presen-
tation by J. F. Blackwell and Dave
Kyle; from the Young People's Un-
ion.of Chiselhurst, a gift of money
to Mr. Brook, Miss Shirley Boyce
reading the address and Russell
Ferguson making the presenta-
tion. Mr. Brook was presented
with a well -tilled purse of money
firom the congregations of Hen -
salt and Chiselhurst, the address.
readby J. F. Blackwell with pres-
entation by J. Ferguson..
Mr. Brook, en behalf of Mrs.
Brook and himself, expressed
grateful thanks for the lovely gifts
presented to them, and stated that
the best years of his life were the
twelve years he spent in Hensall,
and how much he had enjoyed, the
fellowship spent with eoth congre-
gations. He spoke highly of Rev.
W. J. Rogers, of Blyth, who will
succeed 'him.
Delicious refreshments w e r e
served, convened by Miss K. Scott.-
- Decorations were in charge of Mrss
,Deseedales and Mrs. Howard,
Scene. The schoolroom; was filled
to capacity for the event.
Following are the addresses:
Dear Mr. Brook: Some weeks
ago we listened with regret to
your announcement of your inten-
tion to move to Bluevale. Although
deep in our hearts- we had a feel-
ing that eventually this misfortune
would be ours, we had come to
know you and think of you as our
very own.. This past Sunday, how-
ever, has brought us to fully re-
alize that you are leaving us for
other fields of work. Before you
go, we of Chiselhurst and Hensall
congregations, would. like W ex-
press our sincere appreciation for
ache work you have done here.
Throughout your years with us you
have always been a willing helper
in any of .our undertakings, not
only in church Work alone, but the
community actieitiesas well. We
are especially appreciative of your
messages from week to week and
on other occasions. They have all
been an inspiration in our lives.
Your home visits, too, have been
of great value to us in bringing
.11 comradeship and blessings. You
have been a faithful leader and
have Worked shoulder to shoulder
in. all church activities. Some we
remember especially that you have
taken part in are: Taught ethe
Bible Class at Chiselhurst, led the
Young People's Society, helped
with the Wohelo Mese, acted as
Superintendent of the Sunday
School when' necessafy, assisted in
the choir end helped in canvassing
for fund e for church improve-
ments. Even your hobbies have
been a benefit to us.
You have also given freely of
your time for worthwhile activi-
ties outside the church—as chair-
man of the Red Cross Societe, dur-
ing the war, and as a member of
the village Library Board. We are
very thankful for all tthis help and
Now at this time of parting, may
We assure you that -you, have won
many lasting friendsbiPs. We know
that you will make many' new
friends in your new field of en-
deavour, but we sincerely hope
that you will always remember the
fellowship that we have had to-
-We feel that we would like to
allow you our gratitude in a ma-
terial way, so would ask ybu to
accept this gift With our best
Wishes to yeu and Mn. Brook for
your future •happiness.—Signed on
behalf of the Chieelhurst and Hen -
get' Congregation•a.
Rev: and Mrs. Brook: Dear
Friends: Prior to your dep:arture
from our midst we wish to. take
this opportunity of letting you
know how much we have upprece
Med your efforts with vs and the
interest you have had in us, -as an
Evening Auxiliary group. .Your
wise counsel and helpful services
will be greatly missed.
fro sheer' Our appreciation to
yon, eire wish to present you with
Italie gifts the •Symbel of Mir effete
(Centietted on Page 4)
seeesse.,:•,, ea,e.,,,e,'SseSeeee.
Since Saturday, July 1, is a
national holiday and places of
business will be closed, stores
will be remaining open Friday
night with usual Saturday dos-
ing hours.
• • - • • • •
Annual Meeting Held At
The Old Forge, in
W. T. Teall was elected presi-
dent of the Seaforth Lions Club at
its annual meeting Monday even-
ing at the 'Old Forge,' Bayfield. Mr.
Teall succeeds E. C. Chamberlain.
Other officers elected include:
1st vice-president, H. E. Smith;
2nd viceepresident, F. Kling; 3rd
vice-president, Dr. J. 0. Turnbull;
secretary, W. E. Southgate; treas-
urer, M. A. Reid; tail twister, A.
W. Sillery; lion tamer, J. A. Mur-
ray; directors, I A. Baldwin and
Elmer Larone.
The year's work was reviewed
at this meeting and dinancial state-
ment read by W. T. Teall, in the
absence of M. 4. Reid, the club
The retiring president, E. C.
Chamberlain, thanked the mem-
bers for the co-operation he had
received during the past year, and
at the same time called upon the
president-elect to take over his
new duties.
The chib was informed that Dr.
E. A. McMaster and H. E. Smith
were attending the Lions conven-
tion in Gravenhurst.
Newlyweds Feted At
Community Centre
Seaforth and District Memorial
Community Centre was the scene
-a"-baPPY- gathering on -Wednes-
day evening when about 200
friends and neighbors assembled
to do honor to Mr. and, Mrs'. Sam
McClure, recent newlyweds.
Dancing was enjoyed, after
which Robert McMillan read an
address and Stewart Dolmage pre-
sented Mr. and Mrs. McClure with
a purse of money. Later in the
evening the bridal couple passed
around the wedding cake. Mr.
Stewart Dolmage was master of
Accident At Lions Park
Erroneously Reported
The following information was
handed to The Expositor concern-
ing the accident suffered by James.
Flannigan, which appeared in last
week's issue:
"James Flannigan, 15 -year-old
son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Flanni-
gan, was injured while lying on the
ground watching a scuffle between
two other boys. He was deliberate-
ly kicked in- the face -'-by another
boy and suffered a broken jaw. It
was a brutal and unprovoked as-
sault, and though no charge was
laid, the assailant will pay doc-
tor's expenses."
Considerable ivory is obtained
kom vast stores of mastoden and
Mammoth tusks found in Siberia
and elfewhere.
James J. Sims, son of Ma
James Sims, Seaforth, has re-
cently been appointed assist-
ant principal at the Seaforth
Public School. M. Sims was
principal at Kerisall Park
School, Lerition. •
Special Services
Held for Bayfield
Church Centenary
The first Swo special services to
mark the 100th anniversary of the
forming of Trinity Church Parish
Bayfield, were -held oa Sunday
June 18 and June 25. On June 18
the service was conducted by the
rector, Rev. LaVerne Morgan, and
the special speaker was the Dean
of Huron, Very Rev. R. C. Brown,
of Si. Paul's Cathedral, London.
The service was so inspiring that
it will live lottg in the memory of
those' who were present. One was
carried back a hundred yeamee when
the pioneers gathered for worship
in the log schoolhouse, some walk-
ing from Varna and the Town
Owing to unfortunate circum-
stances, the redecorating has not
been completed, and so chairs were
Used to seat the congregation. A
public address system was used so
those outside cued take part in
the service.
Following the morning prayer
and the hymn of dedication, the
church, wardens, J. E. Hovey and
Lloyd Scotchmer, proceeded to the
front of the church. Mrs. R. H. F.
Gairdnera read the offertory sent-
ences and Miss Mabel Hodgins the
following list of memorial gifts:
Cathedral lighting fixtures, in
memory of Lloyd Clifford Arnott
Hodgins, given by his sister, Miss
Mabel Hodgins, Toronto, and Mrs.
Cameron McNeil, of Cleveland;
altar desk, in memory of Eliza-
beth Gairdner Scott, given by her
mother, Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdner;
chancel rug, in memory of James
Harvey Lambert, given by Mrs.
Lambert, of Detroit; wine cruet, in
memory of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Elliott and their deceased children,
given by Mr. W. J. Elliott and sis-
ters; altar fontals, pulpit and
prayer desk hangings in green, in
memory of Elizabeth Gairdner
Scott, given by -the Trinity Club;
altar frontals, pulpit and prayer
desk ,hangings in purple, in mem-
ory of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander
Cameron .and their son, Charles,
given by the Cameron family; sil-
ver chalice and bread paten, in
(Continued on Page 5)
First Church Joins
in Anniversary
More than 1500 people assembled
in Knox Presbyterian Church, God-
erich, east -Sunday, evening in a
service of witness commemorating
the 75th anniversary of the Pres-
byterian Church in Canada. The
service was under the direction of
the HuronsMaitland Presbytery,
a n d represented Presbyterian
Churches in all parts of Huron
Rev. Alexander Nimmo, of Wing -
ham, Moderator of Presbytery, was
in charge of the service and was
assisted by Rev. R. G. MacMillan,
Moderator of Session, Goderich,
and Very Rev. C. H. McDonald,
former moderator of the general
A choir composed of 200 voices
led in the service of praise, direct-
ed by W. H. Bishop, organist and
choir director of Knox Church, as-
sisted by Harold Victor Pym, of
Wingham, and I. B. Jamieson, of
Seaforth. "Holy Art Thou" was
sung as an anthem by the massed
choirs, and a quartette composed
of M..R. Rennie, F. E. Willis, Jas.
T. Scott of Seaforbh, and Ralph
Henderson, Goderich, sang "While
the Years Are Rolling By."
The ohoir and clergy gathered
outside and ' entered the church
singing "The Church's One Foun-
dation," and were joined in sing-
ing by the congregation.
The Prayer of Invocation was
said by Very Rev. C, H. McDon-
ald, of Bluevale, and the pastoral
prayer be Rev. R. G. MacMillan.
The congregation was led in the
Act of Re -dedication by Rev. A.
Nimmee followed by the Apostle's
Creed. •
Rev. Prof. David W. Hay, of
Knox College, Toronto, gave an
inspiring sermon on "The Glory of
All enduring power comes from
God. There never was a time when
Man was -more powerful than now,
nor when humankind stood in more
darrger than today. Dr. Hay spoke
of the theology of the Presbyter-
ian Church which exemplifies the
glory, majesty and sovereignty of
God and faith in Jesus Christ,
All ministers of the church are
equal in rank because emery min-
ister is a bishop as interpreted in
the New Testament, a bishop is
one who has charge of the word
and bhe sacraments for ,a particu-
lar congregation. Above this there
is no higher office in the church.
"For this truth our fathers- shed
their blood." When King George
is in Scotland he worshipa in a
Presbyterian Church, but not as
head of the church ,but as a mem-
The whole world was made for
the glory of God. -Man was made
for that glory but when be breaks
loe.se he is like a beautiful chan-
delier, the prisms, of which reflect
lieht and beauty. When it is. 'brok-
eft the source of Its power and
light are cut off"We proclaim
the coming of Jesus Cbrist that He
might lift us up to the source of
His light and power, and lite be -
ging for us again.
The service was concluded With
the benediction by Very Rey. C.
it MacDonald, D.D.
Announce Results Lions Park Is Work In
At Seaforth District Schools Scene of Many I di t B
The following are the results o
the fine' examinations Lowey
and Middle School at Seaforth Die-
trict High School. Studeuts whose
names appear below have been
promoted to the next grade. Sale
jectss in brackets are those in
which the student did not obtain
standing. The names of students
who were not promoted are omit-
ted from this list.
Grade IX -A
Bolger, Marilyn; Boyd, Bede
(Hon.); Brown, Jean; Caldwell,
Isabelle; Chamberlain, M arion
(Hon.); Chesney, Car o 1,
(Geography) ; Christie G w e n,
(Hon.); Connelly, Cecelia (Ag.
Sc.); Finnigan, Bee (Hon.); Hen-
derson, Lorne; Hillis, Barbara;
Holmes, Marjory (Math.); Hunter,
Joan (Hist., Math.); Jordan, Bar-
bara; Laudenbach, Marion (Hon.);
Lee, Lucielle (Hon.); Litowski,
Ann; Maier, Thelma; MacLean,
Ruth; Martin, Edna (Hon.); Mor-
ris, Mary (Hon.); Nott, Nance
(Hone; Pullman, Ruth; Schade,
Muriel; Shortreed, Louise;
rnan, Jean (Hon.); Sloan, Flor-
ence; Smith, Margaret; , Snell,
Jean; Storey, Elsie; Walden, Mar-
Grade IX -B
Allan, Robert (Ag. Sc.); B ton,
M-alcolm (Hon.); Broadfoot, ev-
erly (Math., Fr.); Caldwell, Ro ert
(Geog., Fr.); Dale, Murray;
patrick, James; Flannigan, James,
Haugh, Alan; lioggarth Al; Hop-
per, James (Fr., Greog.); Hunt,
William (Hist., Geog.); Larone,
Kenneth; Lee, Ray (Fr.); McIl-
wain, George (Fr.); IVIcKindseY,
Donald; McMillan, Sandy; Mc-
Phee, Floyd; Montgomery, Lyle
(Geog.) ; Morris, Jerry (Hist.,
Geog.); Nigh, William; Oliver,
Glen (Ag. Sc.); Pepper, Cecil;
Scott, Robert; Whyte, John; Zieg-
ler, Bud.
Grade XsA13 •
Bradburn, Beulah (Hon.); Dieg-
al, Yvonne; Drager, (Hist.,
Math.); Drager, Rita (Hist.);
Fowler, Donna (Ag, Sc.; John-
ston, Leona (Fr.); Lillico, Marian;
McArthur, Margaret (Hon.); Mc-
Naughton, Willa (Hist.); Millar
Marjorie (Geog., Math.); O'Keefe,
Betty (Hist., Math.); Shannon,
Elizabeth (Geog., Math.); Stevens,
Doris (Gebg., Hist.); Watson, Alice
(Hon.); Watson, Ione (Hon.);
Ducharme, Tom; Eyre, Marvin;
Habkirk, Leslie; Keyes, Douglas;
McGa,vin, John; Martin, Fred;
Ross, Alfred (Hist., Geog.)';
Schade, Elgin; Willis, Kenneth.
Grade X -CD
Axtmann, Rosa (Fr.); Boyd,
Ruth; Doyle, Patricia; Hick ne I I,
Mary (Math., Latin); Lane, Pa-
tricia (Hon.); McCartney. Eileen
(Hon.); McNaughton, Ba r b r a
(Geog.); Wallace, Diane (Math..
Latin); Burki, Frederick; Bick-
nell, Peter; Knight, Harold
(Hon,); Laudenbach, Michael; Mc•
Lellan, Donald; McSpadden, Leslie
(Hon.); Murphy, Tom; Rowland,
Gordon; Sills, George (Math., Fr.) ;
Stewart, Douglas (Hon.); Wheat-
ley, Larry (Latin).
Grade X1
Addison, Betty; Anderson, Eric;
Armstrong, Marie ( P. H. E.) ; Bak-
er, Garfield.; Barry, Loretta (PH,
E.); Brugger, Patricia (Ag. Sc.,
Fr, P.H.E.); Chapman, Gladys;
Collins, Gladys (Eng.. Hist, Ag.
Sc); Dilling, Bernice (Hon); Doi -
mage, Bernice; Dressel, Gerald;
Frieday, Elaine; Frieday, Shirley
(Hon.); Hillis, Marilyn (Hou.);
Jacobi, Harry; Keyes, Rut h
(Hon.); Knight, Berva (Fr., Lat);
Lake, Lillian (Fr); Lane, Fran-
ces; Laudenbach, John (Fr); Mc-
Millan, Eric (Alg., Ag. Sc., Fr);
McCartney, Eleanor (Hon); Mc-
Phee, Shirley ; Meir, Patricia
Morris, Loretta; Mowat, Diane;
Nicholson, Barbara; Parsons, Rob
ert; Rennie. Ronald (Hon); Riley,
Grace; Shaw, George; Smith, Lor-
raine (Hon.); Storey, Mavis; Turn-
bull, Flora; Wallace, James
Walsh, Katharine ; Wes t cot t.
Blanche (PILE.); Wright, Bar-
bara (Fr., Lat.).
Bechely, Michael; Blanchard,
Keith; Bolton, Arthur; Caldwell,
Jean (Pr.); Dale, Donald; Glan-
ville, Joyce; Johnston, Helen
(Hist., Fr., Ag. Sc); Johnston, Ir-
win (Eng., Ag. Sc., Fr); McKind-
sey, Gordon; Morris. Gregory:
Murphy, William; Oliver, Mavis;
Pepper, Hann a b; Ryan, Joan
(Hon); Sills, Mary Lou (Hon):
Stephenson, William (Hon); Tra-
quair,-Robert (Ag. Sc.); Wheatley,
Joan (Hon); Leeming, . Norma;
Elgie, Eleanor.
The three top ranking students
In each grade are as follows:—
Grade IX, Nancy Nott (91.0%);
Marion Chamberlain (851%);
Gwen Christie (824%).
Grade X Leslie McSpadden(84.9%), Eileen McCartney (83.6
%), Patricia Lane (83.2%).
Grade XI — Bernice Dilling
(8701%), Shirley Frieday (835%),
Marilyn Hillis (834).
Grade XII- Mary Lou Sills
(81.4%), Joan. Wheatley (79,5%),
William Stephenson (78.%).
The following students will re
ceive Intermediate Certificates for
suceessfully completing Grades IX
and X; Axtmann, Rosa; Boyd,
Ruth; Bradburn, Beulah; Burki,
Peederick; Diegal, Yvonne; !Doyle,
Patricia, ; Ducharme, Thomas;
Eyre, Mervin; 'aabkirk, Leslie;
Bicknell, Peter; Johnston, Leona;,
Keyes, Douglas; Knight, Hareld;
u0, .Patricia; ricia ; Laudenbach, Mich-
ael; Lillico, Marion; McArthur
Margaret; McCartney, Eileen; Mc
Gevine John; McLellan': Donald;
McSpaelden, Leslie; Martin, Fred-
eriek;e Morris, Loretta; Murphy,
Tataiee Rowland, Gordon; Schade
Elgin;e Sills, George; Stewart,
Douglae; Watson, Alice; Watson,
Ione; Wheatley, Larry; Willis
The 'following students will re-
ceive Secondary School Graduation
Diplomas for successfully complet-
ing Grades .XI and XII: Bechely,
Michael; Blanchard, Keith (three
option);; Bolton, Arthur; Dale,
Donal Elgie, Eleanor; Glanville,
Joyce; Leeming, Norma; McKind-
sey, Gordon; 'Morris, Gregory;
Murph, William; Oliver, Mavis;
Pepper, Hannah; Ryan, Joan;
Sills, Mary Lou; Stephenson, Wil-
liam; Wheatley, Joan,
Public School
Grade I to Grade II
lionours — Kenneth. Albrecht,
Ruth Anne Allen, Karen Butt, Lar-
ry Byerman, Wendy Carpenter,
Marlene Carter, Darlene Coughlin,
Donald Craig, Evdlyn Dick, Emily
Ellitt, Sally Fox,, Pearn McLean,
Bruce Miller, Donald .Muegge,
Lloyd Pethick. Anne Troutbeck.
Pase—Grace Beuerman Donne
May Berger, Clayton Connell,
Aileen. Eaton, Billy Pinder, John
Patterson, Billy Muir, Dorothy
Roes, Janet Rowcliffe, Gloria, Beu-
erman, Garth Flannigan, Billy
Grade II to Grade III
Honour—Carl Berger, Bryan
Brady, Larry Dale, Carol Dennis,
Lynda Dobson, Sharon Doig, Don-
ald Eastman, Robert Elliott, Jack
Hoff, Gordon Miller, Barbara
Plumsteel, Bobby Reith, Jimmy
Sentries, Merilynne Woodcock,
Pase — Bruce Austin, Andrew
Calder, Nancy Corby, Judith Crich,
Raymond Drager, Barbara Dun-
gey, Margaret Elliott, Barry Flem-
ing, Philip Hoggarth, Billy Holmes,
Murray McFadden, Linda Sav-
auge, Wayne Walmsley, Donald
Grade III to Grade IV
Honours—Judith Boshart, Kath-
ryn Boslis re Joan Boyc, Ellett
Calder, Billy Carpenter, Agnes
Carter, Glen Coutts, Robert Gov-
enlock, Betty Muegge, Karen Nich-
olson, Madelon Tovesend, iCeraig
Pass -,Donald Albrecht, Joan
Bach, Stewart Bannerman, Bever-
ley Beacom, Keith Benneweis,
Paul Besse, Murray Carter, Har-
old Dalrymple, Ann Dick, Ken-
neth Drager, Eric Eaton, Brian
Flannigan, Mary Ellen Gorwill,
Derek Jones, Gene Nixon, Mar-
garet Reeves, Douglas Rowcliffe,
Ray Scoins.
Grade IV to Grade V
Honours—Mavis Bennewies, Roy
Dungey, June Dupee, Sharon Hoth-
arn, Sandra Savauge, John Scott,
Beverly Dunlop.
Pass—Ronald Bannerman, John
Boshrt, Tommie Broome. Joan
Charters, Peter /Dale, Joan Dick,
Donna Ducklow, Ken Dupee, Doug-
las Hiali, Patricia Horton, Shirley
Kleber, Donald McClinchey, Paul
McNlater, 'Marlene Miller, Mal-
colm Munroe, Isabel Shannon,
Richard Watson.
Grade V to Grade VI
H 0110U I'S —Rabb Albrech, Murle
Cooper, James Crich, Ruth Croz-
ier, Keith Eaton, Keith Pethick,
James Scott, Annette Townshend.
Pass—Murray Butt, Sandra Dun,
gey. Dorothy Fisher, Marion Mc-
Ilaain, Alice Nixon, Ruth Pinderrt.
RobeSnell,. Corrie Vanden -
burg. Robert Wright.
Grade Vi to Grade VII
Honours—Marlene Austin, Larry
Berger, Barbara Boshart, Neil
Broadfoot, Brian Cates, Alice
Christie. Erma Drager, Carole
Glew, Elizabeth Habkirk, Jimmy
Higgins, Ronald Mason, Bruce Mc-
Fadden, Robert McGonigle, Mar-
jorie Pethick„ Billie Roberton, Gary
Schultz, Ronald Scoins, Betty
Simpson, Kenneth Thompson,
Pas—Daisy Beacom, Ralph Ben-
nevaes, Shirley Bennewies, Floyd
Dale. Charlie Dungey, Audrey
Praiser. Clayton Hogg. Grant Mc-
Clinchey, Douglas Scott, Connie
Grade Vet to Grade VIII
Honours—Lis .Charters, Hugh
Gorwill, Betty 'Goudie, Richard
Neale Billy Scott, Ruth Teall.
Pass—Vlarion Besse, Ena
co, James Watson,
Grade to Grade VIII
Honours -e Hazel Bannerman,
Marion Dick, Margaret Hember-
ger, Durl Hopper, Bobby Hubert,
Sheila McFadden, Helen McGon-
Pass—Margaret Breome, Jack
Crozier, Larry Eaton, Bill Flanni-
gan, Berhara Praiser, Cecilia Frets-
er, Bill Hoff, Marilyn Kling, Jack
McIlwai, Marilyn McPhee, Patsy
Munroe, Gierdon Pullman, Marjorie
Riley, Iran Carter, Lila Dalrymple,
Don Taylor.
Grade VIII to Grade IX
Honour--4l4a.rilyn Butt, Elaine
Dale, Marie Hunt, Evelyn McPhee,
Ronald Muir, Ted Savauge, Bili
Pass—Etilly Bannerman, Olive
Bannerneara Lleyd Bell, Bill Ben-
nett, Wayne Ellis, Charles Riley,
Francis Sebitatz.
n ca es usy unt
Picnics, Reunions
About 125 members of the school
and district of SS. No. 12, McKie
lop, met at the Lions Park Friday
evening for a get-together, to mark
the 60th anniversary of We school
A program of races and games was
enjoyed, after which a delicious
supper was served.
Mrs. Nan Macdonald, who has
been the teacher in that section
for six year, was presented with a
travelling bag, and Miss Mary Mac-
donald with an over -arm purse and
compact. Jimmie Axtmann, Mar-
jorie McClure and Dorothy Cuthill
made the presentations. Mrs. Mac-
donald has accepted a position in
the school at the R.C.A.F. Station,
Anderson United Church picnic
of Kirkton was held at the Lions
Park, Seaforth, on Saturday, when
a program of races was run as
Boys and girls, 1-6, Caroline
Bearss, Elaine Hawkins; boys and
girls, 6-10, Elaine Hawkins, Allan
Hawkins; girls, 10,12, Beverly
Bickell, Lenore Sperling; boys, 10-
12, Jimmie .Bearss, Robert Robin-
son; girls, 12-16, Gwen I3earss,
Gloria Bell; boys, 12-16, Jimmie
Bearss, Donald Oke; kicking the
shoe, Leone Sperling, Mrs. Clar-
ence Hawkins; married men, Clar-
ence Hawkins; spot race, Leona
Oke; lifesaver, men's relay
stretch race, Mrs. R. G. Ratcliffe.
The Pepper renuion was held at
the Lions Park on Saturday with
about 125 members present. A pro-
gram of races was \run off, with
the following results:'
Childrn, 1-3, Keith Malcolm,
Donna Gordon; girls, 4-5, Bonnie
Barker, Dorothy Pepper; boys -5-7,
Mervyn Pepper; girls, 5-7, Carol
Pepper; boys 7-10, Wayne Pepper;
girls, 7-10, Mary Van Horne; boys,
10-12, Eric McIntosh; boys, 12-15,
Cecil Pepper, Carl Stewart,
The youngest child present was
Florence Lillie, London; young
men's race, Leslie Pepper, Ross
Gordon; peanut race, Ross Gor-
don, Mervyn Pepper; grab bag,
Henbert Crich; time race, G. Pep-
per, Mrs. Jas. T. Malcolm; shoe
scramble, Mr. and Mrs. F. Falcon-
er; ladies kicking the slipper,
Gladys Pepper; men kicking the
slipper, Carl Stewart; longest mar-
ried couple Mr. and Mrs. 'Charles
Pepper, of Toronto.
During the afternoon a cheque
and a telegram arrived from John
Pepper, of Deloraine, Man., which
were much appreciated.
Officers elected are as follows:
Past president, Alex Pepper, Sea -
forth: president, Dalton Malcolm,
Dublin; sports committee, Mrs.
Austin Mathieson and Mrs. James
Elliott, Seaforth. The picnic next
year will be held at the Lions Park
The last Saturday of June. Guests
were present from London, Dun-
gannon, Clinton, Seaforth and To
Seaforth Women's Institute held
their annual picnic at the Lions
Park, Seaforth, on Monday with a
large attendance of members aud
friends. Supper was served at 7
o'clock, Neil Crozier being the
winner of the lucky plate. The
prize for the youngest childpre-
ent was won by Ann Cameron,
and for the lucky wedding anni
versary, by Mr. and Mrs. Eldon
Results of the sports were as
ollows: Boys and girls under
school age, June McLachlan, Elean-
or Kyes; boys, 8 and under, Billy
Campbell, Kenneth Papple; girls,
8 and under, Nancy Pepper, Penny
Tabor; boys, 10 and under, Ken
Coleman, Douglas Hugill; girls, 10
and under, Lorna Dinwoodie, Mary
Brown; boys, 12 and under, Brute
Coleman, Ken Coleman; girls, 12
and under, Ruth Crozier, Jessie
Brown; young men's race, Deug.
Keyes, Bruce Coleman; young lad-
ies' race, Elaine Upshall; married
men's race, Bob McLachlan, Elmer
'Cameron; married ladies' race,
Mrs. Jim Keyes, Mrs. Ross Chap-
man; fat man's race, John Gordon;
fat ladies' race. -Mrs. Gordon Pap -
pie; mens kicking the slipper,
Gordon Papple, Jim Chapman; lad-
ies kicking the slipper, Mrs. Gor-
don Horner, Phyllis, Boyce; wo-
men hitting the dummy, Mrs. E.
Whitmore; wonaen searching for
the moon, Mrs. Andrew Crozier;
men's best leg show, Jim Chap-
man; boys' wheelbarrow race, Ken
and Bruce Coleman; men's wheel-
barrow race, Bob ,MLachlan and
Jim Chapman; graceful w-alking,
Cecil Oke and Mrs. Ross Chap-
man; shoe scramble, Jim. Chap-
man, Ruth McLean; milk bottle
race, Cecil Oke's side; chair race,
Sandy Pepper's side.
Dr. and Mrs. Bechely
Mark 25th Anniversary
Dr. and Mrs. F. J. Bechely mark-
ed their twenty-fifth wedding an-
niversary by attending et hot tur-
key dinner for the family at the
home of Mrs. Bechely's sister, ,Mrs.
H. L. Watson, of Caledonia Ter-
race, Goderieh, on Friday last.
During the evening Mr. and Mrs.
Bechely were presented with a
silver candelabra.
School Board and Parents
Take Part in Siorts-,
The annual school picnic, of St.
James' School was held on the
school grounds en vv ednesday af-
ternoon with a record attendance.
Members of the school board were
present, in addition to mothers of
the children. A number of races
took place, the results being as
floes, 6 and 7 Years, Genie Din-
woodie, Donald Matthews; girls, 6
and 7 years, Margaret A. Rau,
Pamela Stapleton; boys, 8, 9 and
10 years, Kenneth King, William
Corlett; girls, 8. 9 and 10 years,
Mary A. Reynolds, Lorna Dinwood-
ie; boys, 11 and 12 years, Joe Wil-
liams, Ronald Frieday; girls, 11
and 12 years, Ruth Sills, Shirley
Bedard; (boys, 13 and over, Fergus
Rowland, Bob Ruston; girls, 13 and
over, Mary Lou Ruston, Elaine
Eltue; pre-school boys, Paul Mat-
thews, Paul Rau; girls, Joan Rey-
nolds, Mary A. Kenney.
Kicking the shoe—Boys, 10 and
under, James Ironside, William De
Jong; girls, 10 and under, Lorna
Dinwoodie, Mary A. Reynolds;
boys, 11 and over, Ronald Frieday,
Hank Middegaal; girls, 11 and oy-
er, Elaine Etue, Ruth King.
Scramble Shoe—Boys, 10 and un-
der, Jas. Ironside, Kenneth King;
girls. 10 and under, Lorna Din-
woodie, Joanne Middegaal; boys,
11 and over, Jackie Matthews, Bob
Ruston; girls, 11 and over, Helen
Middegaal, Margo Etue.
Wheelbarrow—Boys, 10 and un-
der, William Corlett and Kenneth
Klieg, Louis Nigh and Gene Din-
woodie;' boys, 11 and over, Fergus
Rowland and John Nigh, Bob Rus-
ton and Ronnie Williams.
Stepping Stones—Boys, 10 and
under, William and James Iron -
side, Kenneth King and Wm. Cor-
lett; girls, 10 and under, Lorna Din-
woodie and Joanne Middegaal,
Theresa Etue and Rose Etue; boys,
11, and over, Wayne Dinwoodie and
Joe Williams, Bob Ruston and
Garry King; girls, 11 and over,
Mary Lou Ruston and Ruth Sills,
Shirley Bedard and Margo Etue,
Hopping—Boys, 10 and under,
Kenndth King, Wm. Corlett; girls,
10 and under, Mary A. Reynolds
and Marie Rowland; boys, 11 and
over, Fergus Rowland, Ronnie Wil-
liams; girls, 11 and over, Helen
Middegaal, Ruth King.
Three -Legged Race—Boys, 10 and
under. Kenneth King and William
Corlett, Louis Nigh and Gene Din-
woodie; girls, ail ages, Helen Mid
degaal and Ruth Sills, Theresa
Etue and Jeannine Bedard; boys,
11 and over, Fergus Rowland and
John Nigh, Ronnie Williams and
Wayne Dinwoodie.
Sack Race—Boys. 10 and under,
Kenneth King, Teddy O'Leary;
girls. 10 and under, Mary A Rey-
nolds, Joanne ,Middegaal; boys, 11
and over, Fergus Rowland, Ronnie
Williams; girls, 11 and over, Ruth
Sills, Helen Middegaal.
Book Race—Girls and boys, 10
and under, Michael Malone, Rose
Etue; girls and boys. 11 and over,
Jackie Matthews, Helen Middegaal.
Slow Bicycle Race—Bob Ruston.
Relays—Jar Ring, Fergus Row -
land's team; Ball Passing, Elaine
Etue's team; Rope Circle, Elaine
Etue's team,
The closing of the picnic was the
serving of lunch and ice cream,
which was enjoyed by both the
children and adults.
Great Bear, Great Slave and
Lake Winnipeg are all greater in
area than Lake Ontario.
Lois Thomson, granddaugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Fish-
er, Hensel', who graduated
from the Toronto Western
Hospital School of Nursing.
Miss Thomson is the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Thom.
son., Toronto.
Staff Changes, Anii.outf
For Both, Public nu.
High Schools.
The aceivtties arpuuti kpftfpxt
schoels that Mad",tbgs
places during' tbe past -tis onth -
dents began their seneaser- Yeeeesse
time Ne sooner 'lead elle/
closed behind the pupils than' bhe
Boards put ieto action: tbeir Piens ' •
for the neceeseary repairs to We -
buildings that had- been foreaulat- eee
ed daring the academic year
Work to be carried out atatee
Seaforth Distriat High School Mete,
eludes redecorating the Perth hglie
home economics room and teach-
ers' room. New oak doors will re-
place the preeent 'doors at the
south entrance. A drain will ye
built around the entire school to
provide better drainage, and a new
sidewalk will be constructed at
the soubh side of the school.
According to Mr. T. P. Plum- e,
steel, principal, a preliminary
check of the number of pupils for es'
next year reveals that there is a se.
possible 95 for Grade IX. Should e •
this number actually enroll in the
fall, it will necessitate another
classroom with another teacher.
There will be two changes in the
teaching staff next year. Miss
Margaret Stewart, Ailsa Craig, will
replace Mrs. J. C. Stevens, home
iseoriomics teacher. Miss Stewart
graduated from 0.C.,E. this year.
Miss Therese Gallivan, who has
taught in the Cardinal continua-
tion school for.the past two years,
will replace Miss Maris Smith. The
other teachers will include: L. P.
Plunisteel, principal; J. L. Slat-
tery, F. A. Dobson, J. E. Silcox
and Misses R. Fennell and J. Mc-
There will be a few changes in
the Public School. These will be
of 'a temporary nature only- and
will be done at a very minimum
cost. The hoard is in the process
of gathering costs, plans, etc., for
a new building, and with this in
mind, does not wish to spend any
more than what is absolutely nec-
essary. A. new classroom is being
created in the present teachers'
room to take care of increased en-
rollment. An office will be made
in the lower hall, next to the prin-
cipal's room, and on the recom-
mendation of tees County Health
Unit certain changes will be made
to the lighting.
The changes in the teaching staff
include the engaging of Jas. Sims,
as assistant principal, to replace
Raymon Mulford, who has resign-
ed, and Miss Winnie Savauge as
an additional teacher. Other mem-
bers of the staff include Miss S. I.
McLean, Mrs. H. Mason, Miss E.
Elder, Mrs. J. Elli, 'Miss M. E.
Turnbull and D. N. Eastman,eprin-
Seaforthites Among
Normal Graduates
Among the successful students
of the 194950 class at Stratford
Normal School were: Miss Mary
Hagan, Francis Huisser, Miss Jos-
ephine McIver and Miss Lorraine
Rowland, of Seaforth.
Legion Notes
Seaforth branch of the Canadian
Legion is attending the Drumhead
Service in Mitchell on Sunday. The
Highlanders Band and color party
will also be in attendance. Secre-
tary J. E. Silcox has requested a
full attendance of members, who
will meet at 1:30 at the rooms in
the Memorial Centre.
The annual picnic is being held
next Wednesday at the Lions Park
at 4:30 pm. A program of sport&
and entertainment, has been ar-
ranged for the members and their
Junior Farmers Tour
0.A.C., Guelph
Two bus loads of Members of bhe
Seaforth Junior Farmers and Jun-
ior Institutes attended the field
meet at the 0.A.C, Guelph, last
Saturday. Members playing on
Huron girls' and boys', softball
teams toured the grounds and
buildings. A street dance follow-
The members are planning a pic-
nic in 1Bayfield on Friday, Tuly 7,
at 3:30 pm. The girls will be tak-
ing sandwiches, and the boys,
Hold Shower
For Bride -Elect
On Sunday afternoon a group of
friends of Miss Mary Maloney
gathered at the home of her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs, Peter Maloney,
MKitlop, to honor her prior to
her marriage, which takes pleat?,
During the afternoon games an
quiz contests were ettioYed, after
which 'Miss Marion Kale row
eddrese ante Mess, Mary IVIceattglie
lin made the presentation Of
celIaneous articlee to the brideetee
be, which ineluded linens 0Igitac,
etc. Lunch Wee served be'' as
Joseph L Rahn, Mrs. eaelt Melee*
a/le/Ire Pat •Cttottrke. eese: