The Huron Expositor, 1950-06-16, Page 4ii 11 sified Ads. assiaed Ads. Inserted At New Low Cash Rates: FOR BALE. WANTED, LOST AND FOUND. ETC. --Per words let week 1 Cent end Reek % Cent 8rd week lit Cent Minimum charge, iitnt insertion25 Cents Each .figure, initial and abbreviation manta use one woad. card of Thanks. In Memoriam Notices. Coming Event --1 oat per word. 50 cents per week. Breguiri,er may be directed to a Boa Na, o% The ,Bursar Expositor. for 10 cents extra- Ten xtraTen cents additional will be charged if ads in above class are net paid within 10 days of date of mini imertione Births. Marriages and Dentin, inserted free of eh•tge. Auction Wee. Notices to Ceediitom. Eta ---Bates on Minimum. Coming Events ALTERATIONS ARE NOW BEING made to your Favorite Ballroom, The Crystal Palace, Mitchell. Dancing continue every Friday night as usual, to the Music of Don Robertson and 131.13 Ranch Boys. For Sale Personals SKINNY MEN, WOMEN! GAIN 5 TO 15 lbs. New pep, too. Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for double results; healthy flesh; new. vigor_ New "get size only 60c All druggists. SUPPLIES in IIB B E R ailed postpaid in plain. sealed enve • with price list. 6 samples 25c: 29 samples 31.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-73. NOVA -RUBBER CO.. Box 91. Hamrlton, Ont. PLANTS FOR SALE. --GOOD TOMATO plants, at the d14 price. Apply to WILLIAM MURRAY. Egmondville. Phone 664 r 4, Seaforth. 4804x1 FOR SALE 7 TAMWORTH PIGS, ready to wean; 3 Tamworth sows, bred six weeks. Apply LORNE WILSON. Phone 658 r 21, Seaforth. 4304-1 VOR SALE -ONE DEROST GASOLINE stove: 2 rocking chair*: number of linen table cloths, never used. Apply to ANNA BOWLAND, Rat. 4, Seaforth_ 4304x1 FOR SALE -RED POLL BULL, EIGHT months old, Registered; T.B. tested: also Tamworth boar, 41,4 months old. FRANCIS COLEMAN_ Phone 838 r24304 . POR $ALE -TWO PURE BRED SHORT - horn bulls. 12 months old, by a good son of Klaymore Elector; T.B. tested. Apply to GEORGE L. REID, Varna,48Un . • GIN • • 1 O'er SALE - REGISTERED SHORT- horn bull, 16 months old; •McCormick - Deering bean scaler in good condition - Apply GORDON F.I.IJOTT, Brucefseld. 4304-1 FOR SALE -8 LARGE TA3fWORTH grid York weanlings, 7 weeks old. HENRY EN7iENSBERGER, R.R. 5 Sea - forth. Phone 889 r 25. Seaforth. 4304-1 For Rent FOR RENT - APARTMENT ABOVE of ee ; recently modernized; automatic heating; garage. Available July 1st- Ap- ply DR. J. A. MUNN. 4303-tf FOR SALE -NEW SINGrnt SEWING machines, electric and treadle. Re- pairs to all makes. SINGER SEWING CENTRE, 78 Ontario St-, Stratford. 4223-11 Wanted -A TYPEWRrr- WANTED_ TO RENT -A Apply to GEORGFi T - LEY. Phone 849 r 14, Seaforth, 4304-1 wANTBD-MUSIC' TEACHER FOR S. S. No. 6. McRM0p. Apply STAN- LEY IHLLEN, R.R. 2, Walton. 4304-1 FOR RENT -CABIN TRAILER. SIT- uated in Turnbull's Grove (3 miles north of Grand Bend), electric lights, water. ' Trailer -6 bunks, built-in cup- boards. ice box, water supply, extra can- vassed room, screened; 320 per week; $15 per week June, Sept. PHONE 666 Ir 15. 4304x1 VOR SALE -NEW 1950 ELECTRO - home 3 -tube F.M./A-M. radio and three -speed record player, complete with F.M. antenna. Won on a draw; cost 3350.00. Beet offer over 3225 takes this set. PRONE 215, Seaforth. 4304x1 FOR SALE: PLANTS - TOMATOES, Cabbage and Cauliflower of the fav- orite variety, not in container, therefore more plants for your money. Apply to MRS. GORDON H. SCHWALM (one block north of the United Church), Hensel). 4302-3 FOR SALE -100 -ACHE FARM; EX cellent buildings: Hydro; good water; 41 acres sowed in grain, 42 acres in grass; 5 acres elm, bush. Lot 20, concession 14, Grey. For further particulars apply to PETER LITOWSKI, Brussels, Ont-, RR - 2. R2. Phone 93-7. 4302x3 Help Wanted Notices LMOWERS AWN MO $BAB>'FN.Fik . repaired.A. O LEAKY, Serif NOTWE-WiI,.L TTIE ?pow O took a long grey matt an mitt Cft. ,for her own, at the Presbyterian Mens Club supper on Tuesday evening. please Pii'rime 98 and make the exchange: . 4804-1 Poultry CHICKENS FOR SALE -400 ROCK X Red, 8 weeks old. WARD KNOX. Phone 28 r 12. or R;R. 1, Blythe 4304x2 SALESMAN WANTED - TO SELL roofing and insulation_ Commission basis. Write Box 834, HURON EXPOSI- ,I.OR. 4275-tf FOR SALE -COOK STOVE (DOHER- ty), warming closet, reservoir, new fire -box ; floor -length mirror, bevelled Pate; walnut frame and stand; antique bed (wadnnt) ; large walnut wardrobe. EARL VAN EGMOND. Phone 663 r 5. 4304-1 WANTED AT ONCE TWEDDLE Canadian Approved ' Chicks and Turkeys AT REDUCED PRICES FOR JUNE AND JULY Chicks day old bo eight weeks, non -sex- ed, pullets, cockerels. Turkeya, day old to six weeks, non -sexed, sexed hene, sexed Toms_ Ask for our Bargain Prices on four and six week old turkeys_ Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited FERGUS, ONTARIO LIFEGUARD FOR SEAFORTH LIONS PARK Witting to assume responsibilities and teach swimming. Apply to SUMMER COTTAGE For Sale or Rent Four bedrooms. All conveniences. APPLY, TO BOX 88.5 HURON EXPOSITOR 4304x3 FOR SALE By Tender Field of standing hay on Seaforth Agricultural Grounds. Contadt- E. B. Goudie Secretary -Treasurer. 4304-2 Tenders Wanted TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY 1 the undersigned for the painting of the classrooms of Seaforth Separate School_ Work to be done early in July. Tenders to be in by Saturday, June 3rd. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. JAMES J. CLEARY, Secretary, Seaforth. Ont. 4301-tf 'FENDERS WANTED 4304-2 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD 33F- fects, at home of Mss_ Bert Hanes', on Saturday, June 24th, at 1:30 p.m., 13:e miles east and 1r, miles south of Eg- mondville, across. _from Sprout's Tile Yard. H. JACKSON, Auctioneer; E. P. Chesney, Clerk. 4304-1 Frank Kling PHONE 19 - SEAFORTH 4303-tf TENDERS WILL BE i1ECEIVED UP TO Saturday, June 24. for the erection of a new ferule. approximately 600 feet, to be of cedar posts and two cables, for S.S. No. 2. McKillop. Plans and specifications may be seen at the home of Secretary. Joseph T. Hugill Secretary -Treasurer RR. 2, SEAFORTH 4303-8 Property For Sale FOR SALE -NEW HOUSE. RANCH style; fully modern; oil furnace. air conditioned. Can be bought with down payment and monthly payment plan. C. G. I.F.F, John Street. 4286-tf RADIO REPAIRS - WHEN YOUR radio won't work, bring it to'PERR,Y'S RADIO REPAIR. and take it home 'the same day -any day. Opposite Dick Bothe. Phone 347-R, Seaforth. • 4295-tf BARNS CLEANED AND WBI'.CEgWASH- ed following T.R. test. Brand lone sprayer capable of 1,000 pounds pressure. Work done to inspector's satisfaction. Phone 44 r 9, Dublin. FRED HARBURN, Steffe- 4801-tf nomo u ilmmmmllimlm em ommons Garden Party Varna on Grounds of Church TUESDAY, JUNE 27th Program by R.C.A.F.' School, Clinton Supper served from 6 to 8 p.m. ADMISSION: 75c and 40c Auspices Varna United Church CLEARING AUCTION *ALE OF Household Effects and Miscellaneous Items, on the premises, one mile south of Bayfield, on Blue Water Highway No. 21, Stanley Township. The undersigned auc- tioneer has been instructed to sell by pub- lic auction on Wednesday, June 21st, 1950, commencing at 2 o'clock p.m, sharp: Extension ladder, 32 ft; step ladder; grindstone; garden tools; clothes wring- er; various pictures and frames; 5 oak and wicker rocking chairs; dining room chairs; kitchen chairs : kitchen tables; din- ing room tables; dressers; kitdhen cup- boards; leather couch, like new ; parlor furniture; some antiques; settee; combin- ation writing desk; mantel clock ; radio; music cabinet; flower stands and pots: chamber nets ; sealers and crocks; silver- ware; glassware; various quilts; comfort- ers and sheets ; linens ; full line of kitchen utensils ; crockery ; oak rocking chair ; Morris chair; drop-leaf table; Coleman lamp ; lantern; coal heater; single har- ness; hand horse clipper: small clipper; iron gate, 12 feet long ; gas barrel; scythe, and many articles too numerous to mention. Everything is in first-class condition and will be sold without re- serve. Terms -Cash. FRANK KEEGAN. Proprietor: Alvin Wainer, Auctioneer. 4304-1 FOR SALE -A STOREY AND A HALF frame house on Main St., Egmond- ville, near the Church; 1/5 acre land: garage; hard and soft water. Possession immediately. Apply to W. A. STAN - BURY, Egmondville. Phone 668 r 13. 4304-1 HOUSE FOR SALE -6 -ROOM HOUSE with three-piece bathroom, built-in tub, pedestal basin, furnace, hardwood floors, full basement, all cemented ; large garden. Apply to Box 884, HURON EX- POSITOR. FOR SALE New House, Modern,. Seven Rooms, James St. Immediate occupation. PHONE 353 Notices To Creditors TENDERS FOR COAL AND COKE Federal Buildings-Provinoe of Ontario QEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED TO the undersigned and endorsed "Tender for Coal" will be received until 3 p.m. (E. D.S,T.), Thursday, June 22, 1950, for the supply of coal and coke for the Dominion Buildings thronghont the Province of Ontario. Forms of tender with specifications and conditions attached can be obtained from the Purchasing Agent, Department of Pub- lic Works, Ottawa, and the Supervising Architect, 36 Adelaide Se East, Toronto, Ont_ Tenders should be made on the forms supplied by the Department and in accord- ance with departmental specifications and conditions attacher) thereto Coal dealers' Demise numbers must be given when tend- ertirg. The Department reserves the right to demand from any succeasfue tenderer, be - Sore' oweirding the order, a security deposit ark the form of a certified cheque on a ciibrteted bank in 'Canada, made payable 'to the oder of the Honoarble the Minister .of" Pilate Works et(aal to 10aper emit of ,the srodunt of 'the,3ender. or Bearer Ronde of: the Dominion of Canada or of the Can - tan. National Railway Company and ifsconetitnent companies meonlittionaaly ntyfed as to Minctyal and Interest by i1Je iJ,imeatiest of Canada; or 110 *foreinen- lli (lei NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of CHARLES ALEXAN- DER, late of Kippen, Ontario, retired. CREDITORS AND O1•Hr.RS HAVING claims against the above estate are re- quired to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned, on or before the first day of July. A.D., 1950. after which date the estate's assets will be dis- tributed, having regard only to claims that have then been (received. W. G. COCHRANE, Exeter, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors. 4304-3 taenda :and ti6603110 oltaitta 4f re• matto n ,an odd amoti'ift, aer'ttrity p �as a'varalafad/ 91t lei', fo lufddti of &3i cenirent. 31 d. 19Oi 0, o k1' ll, NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of DUNCAN McKELLAR A L L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Duncan McKel- lar, late of the Township of Hibbert, in the 'County of Perth. Farmer. deceased. who died on the 4th day of May, 1950, are hereby notified to send in full par- ticulars of their claim; to the undersign- ed on or before the 7th day of July, 1950. after which date the alsets will be dis- tributed, having regard only Pto dlaims then received, DATED ' at Seaforth. this 12th day of June, 1950. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executrix. 4304-3 EXECUTORS' SALE OF PROPERTY AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS At the home of the late Alfred Stafford. at the Village of Walton, on FRIDAY, JUNE 23rd, at 1:30 p.m. the following: Bedroom suite; dining room table; 2 bedroom chairs; kitchen chairs; side- board; chest of drawers; drophead sewing machine; glass cupboard; kitchen. stool; NOTICE to CREDITORS Cards Of .T' T WW1 TO THANK -444.4 WOW •W40 were so kind, to me hile I was an the Hospital. to all those w1141 seek cards and gifty. to Ore. BradY 'and 3)SalMeator. and to nurses and hospital ataif- who were so kind to me. 4304x1 • MRS. J. el, GOVENIACK MI li111mImIIIiIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIINVINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIImllllll11111llllllllmlllllVill MRS. N. R DORRANCE AND STAN - ley wish to express their sincere thanks to relatives, friends and neighbors for the many kind seta of sympathy dur- ing their recent bereavement, anti for the many acts of kindness during Mr. Dor- rance s illness_ They would particularly like to thank Rev, D. Glenn Campbell, Dr. Gorwill, Mr. G. A. Whitney, the Nurses at Scott Memorial Hospital, those who loaned cars, helped in the home, sent flor- al tributes and cards or helped in any way. 4304-1 - PLAY - 'Coveralls' Presented by Elimville Talent, in Brucefield S. S. Room MONDAY EVENING JUNE 19th at 8:30 Sponsored by Group 1, W. A. Admission - 50c and 2ric NOTI(E The Town Scales will be closed every Saturday afternoon during the re- mainder of June; July and August, from 1:00 p.m. on. Arrangements may be made for any special weighing by /Phoning 20. Public Utility Commission. Phone 100-J Seaforth 2 clocks- 5 small tables; kitchen cabinet. 2 step ladders: extension ladder; .22 rifle: �. cook stove: couch; quantity of Alberta coal; approximately 3 squares of asbestos shingles; lawn mower; coal oil stove; coal oil heater; wheelbarrow ; quantity of garden and carpenter's tools; dishes: glassware; cooking utensils, and numerous other articles. At the same time and place there will le offered for sale, subject to reser:e hid and other conditions of sale, the residence and appurtenant lands of the said deceas- ed. This property consists of a remodel- led 114 storey frame house, 241 x 181, with a good cellar; also a good worshop 241 x 141 on the said property. There is said to be a good dug well, and a good garden. Terms -On Property, 10% down, and balance in 30 days. For particulars apply to the undersign- ed. DATED this 7th day of Jane, A.D. 1950. W. J. HUMPHRIES AND EDWARD DOUGAN, Executors of the Eatate of Alfred Stafford. in the Estate of MARTIN RYAN A L L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Martin Ryan, late of the Town_ of Seaforth, in the Oounty of Huron. Labourer, deceased, who died on the 10th day of April, 1950, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 7th day of July, 1950, after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then receiv- ed. DATED at Seaforth. this 12th day of June, 1950. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Estate. 4304-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of NORMAN RUSSELL DORRANCE ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Norman Russell Dorrance, late of the Township of Mc- Killop. in the County of Huron- deceased. who died 'on or about the 5th day of June, 1960, are hereby notified to send in to the undersignedon or before the 10th qday of July, 1960. full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said last men- tioned deme, the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, leaving regard only to elaims of which the gnderaigned shall then have ndtice, too the exclusion of all Mimeo and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim the nnderalem. ed ebill not then have notice; for the Meets eo distributed or any part thereof, DATED, at Seaforth, this 19th day of Jane, 1950, ALV114•.W.- tilHALERY, gotiforin, Ontario,. " So1313e 1 for Gla ; uate. - 48044 ,ata r4lt^, �� S h�Pii Edward W. Elliott, Clinton, Ontario, Auctioneer, 41303x2 Motor Cars For Sale FOR SALE - 1934 PLYMOUTH DE Luxe Coupe. PHONE 67-M, Sea - forth. "4304-1 FOR SALE -'31 MODEL 'A' FORD; 3 new tires. In good running order. Apply to ANGUS McKAIG, Cromarty Phone 12 - 19, Dublin. 4304x1 1935 1941 SEAFORTH MOTORS CHEV.-$125.00 DODGE PICK-UP Stock box and tarpaulin Chevrolet - Oldsmobile • SEAFORTH PHONE 141 48 C$EV. FLEETMASTER a Radio, sun -visor, whitewallSEDAN tires. 48 48 48 PLYMOUTH 5 -PASSENGER COUPE CHEV. FLEETMASTER SEDAN Two-tone Green CHEV. SEDAN 46 CHEV. SEDAN 41 40 38 38 37 35 35 34 37 35 FORD rfi TON PANEL -495.00 48 47 DODGE COACH -New motor DODGE SEDAN DODGE SEDAN CHEV, COUPE P11 TIAC SEDAN CHEV. STANDARD COACH -$200 DODGE SEDAN DODGE SEDAN FORD 8 -TON STAKE -3125,00 OHEVROLET Priced to sell at 31495 CHEVROLET Priced to sell at 3999.00 20 OTHF.T MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM BRUSSELS MOTORS ,'s 'lie Herne of Better Used Cars" bPE2 EVERY EVENING BROWN -fa ,Geiraral +wad I1 trine Deeni- tat. Owen Sound,.. ere eT:ufie 18. to ntr. and Mm letrry'Wog?' (nee Aline Den- nis). a son. .A !mother for Jimmie, HORNS -At Scott Memorial ifespita1. oat June 8, to 91r, and,Mws. Donald Horne, R.R. 1. Seaforth, a son. MILi,JOR-,At Soon ?Jeremiad Haeyital. on June 11, to Ma'. and Mrs. 'George Miller, Seaforth, a daUghber. Successfully Completes Commercial Course as Miss Pauline Williams, grand: daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sol Wil- liams, Seaforth, was one of the graduating class who received spe- cial awards last Friday night in graduation exercises (held in St. Mary's High School, Kitchener. Miss Williams successfully com- pleted the commercial course con- ducted by that school.: 1ngford, reatr of TO/4# Memorial Church, teeter, and St. Arg l Hem aI , c e Anglican Church, Paul's �,ca G Officiated. InterMent wall' in Exe- ter cemetery, Additional Hensall News on Pages 3 and 5 Men's Club Entertains Their Ladies About 100 men and women at- tended Ladies' Night of the Men's Club of First Presbyterian Church Tuesday evening. Supper was serv- ed by the Ladies' Aid. H. E. Smith welcomed the guests and Rev. D. Glenn Campbell expressed his grat- itude at having the ladies present. Mrs. F. Kling, Jas. T. Scott and Walker Hart sang solos, and Rev. Campbell showed colored films of Alaska and Jasper Parke Lodge. 1950 ENGLISH VANGUARD A FULL-SIZED FAMILY CAR 70 Horse, Valve-in-ftead, Removable Sleeve Motor, Full Oil Pressure System, Heavy New Improved Air -Conditioned Heater. This Car is loaded with all the New Features, and along with its gas consumption is one-third less than our Canadian -built cars ! SEE AND DRIVE THIS CAR BEFORE YOU BUY ANY CAR! WE HAVE A- • 1948 • 1948 • 1949 • 1950 • 1950 • 1937 • 1948 • 1950 • 1950 FLEETLINE CHEVROLET SEDANETTE FLEETLINE OLDSMOBILE SEDANETTE 1/2 -TON FORD PICKJUP 1/2 -Ton. MERCURY PICK -UP -New la -TON CHEVROLET NEW PIOK-UP CHEVROLET COACH FOUR -CYLINDER FORD COACH NEW AUSTIN SEDAN HUDSON SEDAN -New, See us for New or Used Cars or Trucks, with terms up to 24 months J. E. HUGILL . SALES & SERVICE Phone: Clinton, 616 r 34 Seaforth, 667 r 6 COAL New. Low Summer Prices on our Famous BLUE COAL are now In effect. You'll want to take advantage of these low Spring prices right away and get your order in now for our good, clean trade -marked Coal. `LORNE E. HAY PHONE 10 HENSALL GRAND , Bl 1�TiD DANCI�N��,..;.. EVERY SATURDAY Presenting NEIL M SAY' and His Orchestra DANCING NIGHTLY from June 24th Lions Hold Ladies' Night in Stratford About 100 members of the Lions Club and their guests attended the annual ladies' night held Monday evening at the Stratford Golf and Country Club. - The evening's entertainment be- gan with a roast turkey dinner, followed by a varied program, which - included club swinging, toasts, addresses, and professional entertainment. 0. A. Barber pre- sented perfect attendance buttons to 33 members. Favors were giv- en to the ladies. ;1l J. I. CASE , FARM MACHINERY FOR SALE NEW MACHINERY ON HAND Spring Tooth Cultivator 1 Standard "D" Tractor 1 VAC Row Crop, with Eagle Hitch Waterloo Bronco and Garden Tractors on hand. T. 8 Tractor Spreader on Rubber Tractor Mowers on Rubber Forage Suction Blower Case Baler with automatic tie and ventilated bale USED MACHINERY' ON HAND Several Used ' Horse Mowers 1 Model "D" John Deere, Model "B" Several Used Plows -2 and 3 furrows NUMBER OF ELECTRIC FENCE POSTS Rowclifte Motors PHONE 147 t tt bRTH, ON'T. High School Girls Hold Fashion Show Grade IX girls of the Seaforth District High School held a fashion show on Thursday afternoon in the school, when each girl invited cher mother or adopted a mother for the day. The girls displayed the sun dresses they had made during the year- The show was under the direction of Mrs John Stevens. Those who wrote the script were Nancy,. Nott, Louise Shortreed, Margaret Parker, Ruth McLean, and those reading it were.G. Chris- tie, Marion Laudenbach, Jean Sie- mon and Charleen Corlett. Legion. Holds Annual Decoration Day Service Seaforth branch of the Canadian Legion 'held its annual decoration day service on Sunday in Victoria Park. The members `fell in' in front of the post office and mar,h- ed to the Cenotaph, where a short service was conducted by Padre T. Dale Jones. The parade was head- ed by the Seaforth Highlanders Band. In the morning the graves of de- ceased service personnel in Dub- lin, St. Columban, Harpurhey, Eg- mondville and Seaforth cemeter- ies were decorated. HENSALL For Fun in the Sun • Be Ready For the Hot Weather and Duys At the Beach! SUN DRESSES 2.95 3.95 JEANS -Blue Denim, sanforized 2.95; Girls, 8-14 1.95 SLACKS -Blue Denim Slacks, full cut 2.49 Others priced from 4.50 to 8.95 COTTON 'T' SHIRTS -S., M., L. 1.49 COTTON TAILORED BLOUSES -Pastels and Plaids 1.75. MIGO BLOUSES -Sanforized 2.50 4.50 SHORTS -Wear the famous Shamrock Shorts! Corduroy --Full cut, non -curl waistband 4.98 Cotton -Open pressed seams, surged, full cut 2.98 HALTERS -White only, .1220 1,49 1.65 Strapless -White, Pink, Yellow 1.00 SUPPORT THE MANITOBA RELIEF FUND -Attend the Con- cert in Hensall United Church Sunday evening, June 18, at 9 p.m. TUDOR'S Ladies' Wear PHONE 70 Dry Goods HENSALL (Continued from Page 1) Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Fink left on Wednesday for Los Angelos, Cal., on the Shriners' annual pilgrimage which lasts five days. They expect to he away two weeks. Mrs. J. F. Blackwell, who under- went an operation in Clinton Pub- lic Hospital Saturday last for an appendix condition, is improving nicely and expects to be home shortly. Mr. Ross Kercber, of Hensall, accompanied by Miss Margaret Kercher, of London, left Saturday morning by plane from Crumlin Airport to fly to Washington, D.C., to spend a ten-day vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Tallman and son, Billy, Mrs. A. Camp and Mrs. Molly Letts, of Lake Orion, Mich., were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beer and fam- ily. Mr. and Mrs. E. Little and fam- ily expect to take up residence in llderton in the near future. (' The door prize won at the bingo Saturday last, -sponsored by the Legion Ladies' Auxiliary, and won by, Mrs. Bertha Moir, was donated by Mr. Harvey Keys, local merch- ant. Mr, and Mrs. Laird Mickle Visit- ed on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Harry Hoffman and family and Mrs. J. A. Spellman at Dashwood. Mr. and Mrs. E. McQueen and Mr. and Mrs. Edison Forrest and little son are spending this week camping at Bayfield. Mrs. Mary Buchanan has accept- ed a position at Grand Bend for the summer months. Mr, and Mrs, Rudy Petzke and family have moved into the lower portion of Mrs. J. D. Stewart's residence. The Late Miss Blanche Petty Miss Blanche Petty, 91, passed away in Clinton Public Hospital Monday -evening, where she had been a . patient, fort the past two weeks, Miss Petty was born on the homestead, 'The Grange,' Hay Twp. where her nephew, Jas. F. Pretty, lives. Shp resided in Toronto for 45 years where she was a furrier by trade, and was engaged in that line of 'business. After leaving To- ronto she spent 21 month's at the Petty homestead, and five months with Win. Petty, ghe was a sister of the late G: C. Petty, who built the first house in Hensall, public ftitieral stivide!'I were held from .the residel}!ce of :her nephew, Jas. P. Petty, tot 2tttt'7,• Con 2 Hay, on 0,`i14831' 0.11 &t 2 p,lµ, , it 1r, C I,I kJn WEED SPRAY GREEN CROSS WEED -NO -MORE AT COST PRICE TO CLEAR STOCK. -at- Seaforth Motors SEAFORTH tiaQ irts • 4 GooDANEAR paARATHoti SETS THE PACE IN THE LOW -PRICE FIELD - •_) ill�i11;�ia';� iii I.II4(L4. ;\ ' 5. . i, 1�` oi11�l� y , Tire buyers get more for their money with this great guaran- teed Goodyear. It's Marathon -setting the pace in the low. price field. It has all the long - wearing qualities that have made Goodyears the World's most popular tire, including the skid -resisting diamond - tread. eieeare 6 oo-ib dither sizesli e OHLY $16.2 5 egoallY loco pii •