HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1950-06-09, Page 4;l' re 5l Jified . ✓1R G1 sifictl7Ailinserted At New Low Cash Rates .frog 8A> ,„,WANTED. LOST AND FOUND. ETC. --Per ward: t1•reek 7i 1 cent 1 n - Sri wet* ceat Minim/Pam charge, first ivaertion26 Cents Mach .figure. initial and a2brevdatien eoenla as one word. C%'fiidof ser Memoriam Notice, Comics Even/Si-1 Dart per woad. Minimuma iiU a era's per week. ilbeedriai be *aided to a Boa No., oto The Manor Sepssdtor, for 11 cents extra. Too • omok adds a !piU charged if ads In above dreg are net paid wind* 10 days e?r date ef•c '4t?2s. • BPI ' .ii)ibe inserted 2nss of ehanavi. Auction $alcr. Notacw to Creditor*, Eta—,B•ahr on applications Conti*, Events DANCERS' FAVOD1$E BALLROOM is the Crystal Palace, 'Mitchell. Dancing every Friday night to the music of Ontario's outstanding Old Time Dance Band; Don Robertson and His Ranch Boys. 4302x2 Lost and Found POUND—A, BOY'S BICYCLE. OWNER ▪ may have same by proving Property Hd saving charges. Apply Box 882, URON EXPOSITOR. 4303-1 For Rent FOR RENT — APARTMENT ABOVE office: recently modernized; automatic heating: garage. Available July lat. Ari. ply DR. J. A. liIUNN. 4808-tf Personals T.TYGIENIC SUPPLIES (it U B B E R •Goode) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed ,envelope with Price list 6 samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-78, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont Property For Sale POR . SALE -6 -ROOM HOUSE IN A-1 eondrition, with bathroom and furnace: covered with Incl Brick. Large barn. Situated on North Main St. Apply Box 881, HURON EXPOSITOR , 4308-1 £e OR CAL F,: -NEW HOUSE, RANCH style; fully modgen; oil furnace, air conditioned. Can be bought with down payment and monthly payment plan. e. G. LEE, John Street 4286-tt HOUSE FOR SALE -6 -ROOM HOUSE with three -Piece bathroom, built-in tub, pedestal basin, furnace, hardwood floors, full .basement, ail cemented; large garden. Apply to Boa '884, HURON EX- POSITOR. 4303318 FOR SALE New House, Modern, Seven Rooms, James St. Immediate occupation. PHONE 353 Notices LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED AND repaired. A. O'LEARY, Seaforth. 4299-6 p RADIO REPAIRS WHEN YOUR radio won't work, bring it to TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR, and take it home the same day—any day. Opposite Drck House. Phone 847-R, Seaforth. 4295 -ti BARNS CLEANED AND WHITEWASH - ed following rng T.B. test Brand new sprayer capable of 1,000 pounds preasere. Work done to inspector's satisfaction. Phone 44 n 9, Dublin. FRED HARSHEN, Staffa. 4301-tf MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL TRE NEXT MEETING OF THE HURON County: Council will be held in the Council Chambers, Court House, Gode- rich, commencing MONDAY. JUNE 12th at 10:00 A.M., D.S.T. All accounts, notices of deputations and other business requiring .the attention of Council, should be in the hands of the County Clerk not later Than Saturday, June 10th. N. W. MILLER, County Clerk, Goderioh. ' 4302-2 Tenders Wanted TENDERS -WILL BE RECEIVES) BY the undersigned for the painting of the classrooms of Seaforth Separate School. Work to be done early in July. Tenders to be in by Saturday. June 3rd. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. . JAMES .1 CLEARY, Secretary, Seaforth, Ont. 4301-tf TENDERS WANTED TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED IlP TO Saturday, June 24, for the erection of a new fence, approximately 609 feet, to be of cedar posts and two cables, fur S.S. No. 2, McKillop.. •Plans and specifications may be seen at the home of Secretary. ' Joseph T. Hugill Secretary -Treasurer R.R. 2, SEAFORTH 4303-3 TENDERS FOR COAL AND COKE Federal Buildings—+Province of Ontario EALED TENDERS ADDRESSED TO the undersigned and endoiaed "Tender for Coal" will be received until 3 p.m. (E. D.S.T.), Thursday, June 22, 1930, for the supply of coal and coke for 'the Dominion Buildings throughout ,the Province of Ontario. Forms of tender with specificatdona and conditions attached can be obtained from ;the•-Purehasing Agent, Department of Pub- lic Works, Ottawa, and the Supervising• Architect, 26 Adelaide St East, Toronto, Ont Fenders should be made on the forms supplied :by the Department and in accord- ' apes with departmental specifications and Conditions attached theret'o�, Coal dealers' ;l'icens'e irluttbers mutt given when tend. The Department i,ehervee the right to ddtl'aiid .from any successful tenderer, be- fore awarding the order, a security deposit '4tir ,the .!form of a certified cheque on a eiret-tefed bank in Canada, made Payable ltd the Oder of the lfonounble the Minister df Pitbitc Warks, equal to 10 per cent -of h'a d±(rbttnt of the tender, or Bearer Bonds klf Did Deifiinion of eanada or of the Can- � r#ti +$idtfaaal 18al1way Company and 'p'tit'tient Conip3nies neednditlonaale retteed O M etihe1piil Stili interea .by latolrl4l ori of Cereda, or the eforerhen- ''beedh end ,a; -scuffled, eh e•dfre- Ra x bt alite ri �115r la6ti apex' 4tfi1i111< s a !i2 ie Mitt Help Wanted SALESMAN WANTED — TO SELL roofing and insulation. Commission basis. Write Box 834, HURON EXPOSI- TOR. 4275-t1 WANTED AT ONCE LIFEGUARD FOR SEAFORTH LIONS PARK Willing to assume responsibilities and teach swimming. Apply to Frank Kling PHONE 19 — SEAFORTH 4303-tf For Sale wj OR SALE -3 -YEAR-OLD HOLSTEIN cora ; 6 -year-old Jersey cow. Phone 686 r 12, Seaforth. CI-IARI.F.G LANE. 4303-1 FOR SALE—HORSE-DRAWN OLIVER corn or bean sooner, with bean puller attachments. In! good shape. Apply JOHN SINCLAIR. Phone 657 r 41, Sea - forth. "' 4808x1 FOR SALE—QUANTITY OF MIXED grain, Alaska oats, barley, spring wheat. Apply JAMES LANDSBOROUGH. Phone 665 r 16, Seaforth. 4301x3 pj OR SALE—TWO PURE BRED SHORT - horn bulls, 12 months old. by a good ran of Klaymore Elector: T.B. tested. Apply to GEORGE L. REID, Varna, Ont. 4303-2 FOR SALE—NEW SINGI,`R. SEWING machines, electric and treadle. Re- pairs to all makes. SINGER SEWING CENTRE, 78 Ontario St., Stratford. 4223-tf -peon SALE --COOK STOVE (DOBER- ty), warming closet, reservoir, new fire -box; floor.length mirror, bevelled plate; walnut frame and etand; antique bed (walnut); large walnut wardrobe. EARL VAN EGMOND, Phone 663 r 5. 4303x1 'pion SALE: PLANTS — TOMATOES, Cabbage and Cauliflower of the fav- orite variety, not in container, therefore more plants for your money. Apply to MRS. GORDON H. SCHWALM (one block north of the United Church), Hensall. 4302-3 mon SALE — BEATTY ELECTRIC washing machine, good condition: Sparton radio, table model, may be tried out; S, dozen antique kitchen chairs; roll top oak writing desk; 2 rocking chairs: parlor chair. Apply to JOHN PETHICK, North Main St., Seaforth. 4303x1 post SALE -400 -ACRE FARM; EX- cellent buildings; Hydro: good water; 41 acres sowed in grain, 42 acres in grass; 5 acres elm bush. Lot 20, Concession 14, Grey, For further particulars apply to PETER LITOWSKI, Brussels, Ont., R.R. 2. Phone 43-7. 4302x3 Motor Cars For Sale 'WOE SALE — 1935 FORD COACH. Phone 252, or write MRS. WILLIAM McCLINVHEy, Box 275, Clinton. 4303-1 1935 1941 CHEV.--4;125.00 DODGE PICK-UP Stock box and tarpaulin SEAFORTH MOTORS Chevrolet - Oldsmobile PHONE 141 •SEAFORTH 49 48 48 48 2 48 40 38 37 35 35 49 37 CHEV. COACH Metallic paint job CHEV. FLEETMASTER SEDAN Radio, Bun -visor, whitewall .tires. PLYMOUTH 5 -PASSENGER COUPE CHEV. FLEETMASTER SEDAN Two-tone Green '48 CHL• V, SEDANS PONTIAC COACT1 DODGE COACH, with new motor CHEV. COUPE PONTIAC SEDAN CHEV. STANDARD COACH -$200 DODGE SEDAN FORD 1,4 -TON PICK-UP FORD 8 -TON STAKE—$126.00 3,5 FORD %-TON PANEL -895,00 2 SPECIALS '48 CHEVROLETS Priced to sell at 41495 47 CHEVROLET Priced to sell at 8909.00 BRUSSELS MOTORS \ "The Home of Better Used Care" OPEN EVERY EVENING Auction Sales AUCTION SALE . OP PROPERTY IAl the 'Wage of Eetirondville one block y.8 0tb t in t 6 he clock, d SocCr ren fridne i ' tri fair iters of'repair; good.: • arddka e4 fOegi d cp. incense a9' 7E13'i)Atle OF LATE 31021 stile, Atcttititterl' 42U2. Auction Sales Li] $Qo R FA F5lrnishinga oft the rerJ'ldeaoe of Min. Jane Stlntore, Walton. en Friday. June 9th. at 1r80 p.m.: 1 chesterfield; 1 leath- er rocker; 6 dining rocas chairs; 6 kitchen chairs: 1 large tag; Mange quantity of Boor covering. 8 -ft. round table; 8 -ft. square table; kitchen cupboard: organ: serving machine, (Raymond) ; electric washer (1 year old): electric iron; buffet; 2 •rocker ; 8 bedroom suites; Dreamily, cooker; electric radio; radio stand; elec- tric ble lamp; hot plate; couch; 8 soma tables ; coal eil stave and oven; quilt box; 2 coal mettles; dawn mower; garden tools; barrels ; chop • boxes ; step iadder; brooder stove; chicken feeders and foun- tains; about 800 scalere.,tof fruit; kitchen cookies utensils; garden muffler; 1 Diana Banner cook stove; 1 Quebec heater; 1929 Overland Whippet oar- Tama — Cash. MRS. JANE STIMQRE Proprietreaa; Harold Jackson. Auctioneer ; E. P, Ches- ney, Clerk. 4302-2 CLEARING AUOTION SALE OF (Household Effects, in Village of Hen- sall, on Thursday, June 15th, at 1:80 ram: Kitlehen—Enamelled kitchen range; kit- chen cupboard (large); extension table; 6 chairs; dishes, antique and modern; kit- dhen utensils; writing desk ; aim chair; serving table; S -burner Coleman gas range and built-in oven and table top (enamel like new) ; dining extenaion table; 6 chairs ; sideboard ; oval china cabinet; serving table; small tables; fern stands; rockers; settee; Heintzman piano and bench ; chesterfield ; mirrors : Pictures table 'lamps ; spinning wheel ; occasional chairs; 6 dining chairs ; • pedestals ; mantel clock; 2 card tables; 4 matching chairs; 8 complete bedroom suites ; 'book shelves: wardrobes ; Singer drophead sewing ma- chine; coal oil heater; scatter mats; Wil- ton rugs ; floor coverings ; congoleum rugs; smoking stands; curtains; drapes: cushions; mantel radio; electric iron; toaster; 2 trays; lawn mowers; garden tools : quantity of wood; Maxwell electric washing machine; boilers; tubs; folding ironing board; sealers : crocks ; 4 white chairs :• iron well pump, 24" pipe. Terms —Cash. MRS. JOHN BOLTON, Proprie- tress ; E. P. Chesney, Clerk; Harold Jack- son, Auotioneer. 4308-1 AUCTION SALE OF PROPERTY AND Household Effects in Kippen, on Sat- urday, June 10th. at 2 o'clock: PROP- ERTY -11,e storey frame house covered with brick siding, situated on No. 4 High-' way: 'Hydro; good well; barn: approxi- mately 714 acres of land. Immediate pos- session. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS—Kit- chen range; glass cupboard; 6 kitchen chairs, like new; Thor electric washing machine; dining room extension table; drop-leaf table; quilt boxes; day bed; 3 rocking chains; number of occasional chairs; heater stove; small cabinet; num- ber of tables; cbrner whatnot; Seamstress sewing machine; cabinet radio; spindle bed; dhest of drawers: couch ; commode chairs; quilts and bedding; .dishes and silverware; coal oil stove; 150 rods of woven wire fence; quantity of new lum- ber ; 4 cords of wood; 2 colony houses' (12x15 and 8x10); garden tools; exten- sion ladder; lawn mower; wheelbarrow: 35 bushels oats. Property will be sold subject to reserve bid. 20% down, balance in 30 days. Chattels—Cash. ESTATE OF THE LATE CHARLES ALEXANDER, Prop; Mrs, Elizabeth Olark, Mies Edna Alexander, Executrices; Harrold Jackson, Auctioneer; E. P. Chesr.ey, Clerk. EXECUTORS' SALE OF PROPERTY AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS C S At the hoarse of the late Alfred Stafford, at the Village of Walton, on FRIDAY. JUNE 23rd, at 1:30 p.m. the following: Bedroom suite; dining room table; 2 bedroom chairs ; kitchen •chairs ; side- board; chest of drawers; drophead sewing machine; glass cupboard; kitchen stool.; 2 clocks; 5 small tables; kitchen cabinet; 2 ,:rep ladders; extension ladder; .22 rifle; cook stove; much; quantity of Alberta coal: approximately 3 squares of asbestos shingles; lawn mower; coal oil stove: mal oil heater; wheelbarrow; quantity of garden and carpenter's tools; dishes: eisesware; cooking utensils, and numerous other articles. At the same time and place there will to offered for sale, subject to reser:e bid and other conditions of sale, the residence and appurtenant lands of the said deceas- ed. This property consists of a remodel- led Ita storey frame house, 24s x 10 , with a good cellar; arise a good worshop 24s x 14e on the said property. There is said to be a good dug well, and a good garden. For particulars apply .to the undersign- ed. DATED this 7th day of June, A.D. 1950. W. J. HUMPHRIES AND EDWARD DOUGAN, Executors of the Estate of Alfred Stafford. Edward W. Elliott, Clinton, Ontario, Auctioneer. 4303x2 CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM Stock, Implements, Feed and Furni- ture.—W. E. Nairn, Auctioneer, win eel] by public auction on Lot 22, North Thames Road, on 83 Highway, 7 mile east of Exeter, lr4, miles east of Farqu- har, on Tuesday, June 13, 1950, com- mencing at 12 o'clock, the 'following: HORSES—Team of Clydesdale mares, 5 and 6 years old. CATTLE—a cows due time of sale; 5 cows, milking, Durham and Holstein; 4 vaccinated 1f tstein heifers, 6 months old ; 3 Holstein heifer calves; 3 small calves ; 1 Hereford heifer 6 months old ; 1 Hereford bull, 14 months old. HOGS -5 shoats • 14 young pigs. FOWL 10 hens. GRAIN -4 tons mixed grain; quantity of salt. IMPLEMENTS --55 M. -H. tractor, new starter and lights ; 100 -foot drive belt; Deon steel separator, 26x48, on rubber. with grain elevator and shredder; new M. -H. 3 -furrow plow; new John Deere spring tooth 10 -ft. cultivator; new Bisset tandem disc, 30 plates; M. -H. 9 -ft stiff tooth cultivator; Mc. -D, spring tooth lever harrows ; Deering binder, 6 -ft ; Mc. -D. E- ft. mower; Frost & Wood 5 -ft. mower; International hay loader; steel hay rake: Otaco manure spreader; 'horse spring tooth cultivator: Deering 13 -disc fertilizer drill; corn cultivator; 3 -drum steel roller; 2 sets iron harrows; walking plow; scudier; Fleury -Bisset grain crusher, 12 -inch Plate; 50 -ft, drive belt; fanning mill; set of scales; earn pan and pails; stoneboat: road drag: set of sleighs ; rubber tired wagon ; hay rack and caller rack; wagon box and stock rack; quantity of 3x9 18 feet long, rock elm; quantity of bass- wood and elm 1 -inch lumber; cedar posts; hay fork; slings and lift; M. -H. cream separator with power attachments: milk pails ; 2 large 100stb. milk cans ; 200 ft. cable and pulleys; emery stone; electric brooder; 2 shelters; fountains and feed- ers; iron kettle: I set team harness; new fire extinguisher; whil9et`rees; neckyokes; forks; shovels; carpenters' 'tools, etc, FURNITURE --Heavy duty '2 -plate electric stove; Wingham cook stove, nearly new: extension table and chairs; buffet; bed and mattress; rocking chairs: 2 tapestry rugs; couch; 2 linoleum ruga ; Porcelain table; stool; white buffet; curtains; elec- tric iron: 2 large tables; linen;; quantity of dishes and glassware; kitdren uten- sils, etc. No reserve, farm is sold. Terms —Cash. HERBERT HARRISON, Proprie- tor: W. E. Nairn, Auctioneer 4303-1 Cards df Thanks MOO MRS. WM. G. BELL AND FAMILY, Hensel], wish to thank their rela- tives, friends and neighbors for the sym- pathy and kindness -shown than in their recent bereavement; also for beautifpl floral tributes. Special thanks ttr Rev.; P. Ferguson, the Masonic Brethr*p .pall - hearers, flower -bearers and to :'those' who loaned cars. 48014 MRS. OHARLES COOPER wiSerns TO express to her many friend,. rdlatiees and neighbors her heartfelt thanks and appreciation for acts of kindness, aaes- sages'of sympathy and beautiful floral 'tri- butes extended to her in her recent sad bereavement in the doss of her husband, especially thanking Rev, P, A. Ferguson. Dr, Goddard and the Masonic Order. 4808xi Teee FAMILY OF THE LATE ,Matthew R. Haney wish to eaPress their rate -tee thanks 'to their friends and neighbors for their many kind dela of syiriP Iit18i+ dirritlg their recent bereave- nredit They *Pull particularly like to thank thong Wife sent floral tributes and f ol6,- :Slab Jo thew who hped in the 8 '3l *tar at'ied ears mai Ile led' in tint, dully 4308x1 Iu Memo, • lYl STAiiD -IN T.td ((>:. a X OF a -clear wife« o- er , . lltiyisad- mother; Jessie Isabella ta�j,4��lyo pace - ed away one yew ago, J; pe 4.1,4949. • You deft a beautiful neemory. And a sorrow too gaceat to b@at.old : And to .those who loved end lost yrqu. Your memory will meyer geew, old. —Ever remembered •bx. J nl>Ila;audA . ,Sen, Daughter and Grandson .F 4308x1 KAINE—IN G` 4, . ORY OF Rev. C. C. LOVIN1{arrae, who 4adeae4l away June 9, 1945. • I have lost my soul's eo'mpaI lou, A life linked with my own},, And day by day I miss hignn As I walk through. hie alone:; Friends may think a ;have .forgotten, When at times they see me smile, But they little know the heartache My snipe hides all the whfie,• a 4303-1 —MRS. C. C. KINE Births SILLS—Born June A, 1950, the gift of a daughter (Kathleen Mary), tee Mr. and Mrs. F. C. J. Sills. McSPADDEN—In Bungeasvile, on May 41, to Mr. and Mrs. Sam McSpadden, a daughter. PAPPLE—At Scott Memorial 'HospDi(tal.on June 6, to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pa0ple, a son. 2VIORBJSON—At Scott Memorial •Hnspitei, on .June '7, to Mr. and aura, ',Douglas Morrison, Seaforth, a daughter. Deaths DORRANCE—In Seaforth, on Monday June 5, Norman Russell Dorranee, in his 63rd year. HANEY—In Tuckersntith, on. ,Saturday. June 3, Matthew R. Haney, in his 69th year. CLINTON Wedding bells are ringing for several Clinton girls this week. Mr. and Mrs. M. Aiken..ettendee the graduation exercises at West- ern University, London, on Satur- day, when their son, Arthus•,' re- ceived 'his B.A. degree in his Bus- iness Administration Course at Western. Congratulations are due Mr. and Mrs. Ross Merrill on the arrival of their new son,.Gordon Ralph, Mr, and Mrs. Fletcher Whitmore and son, David, visited relatives in this distrfbt. over the week -end. HENSALL (Continued from Page 1), School to present a concert in Hen- sall on Sunday, June 18, under di- 1ection of. Fit. -Lieut. Harding. Pro- ceeds will be for the Manitoba Flood Relief Fund. Miss Minnie Reid has returned after visiting with friends in. Port Rowan, Toronto and Brantford:'" At the bingo held in the Legion Hall Saturday night, sponsored by The Voice Of Temperance In Ontario, beverage rooms are allowed to remain open till 2 a.m. What possible sensible reason:oan be given for such a late closing hour? The scandal of it is that,•th Iater the closing hour the more ad- vanced the state of intoxication of the beverage room crowd. In Eng- land the pubs are open only for four-hour periods. and then they are closed for two-hour periods, and at 10:30 p.m. they are closed for the day. These shorter hours set some limit to the degree of drunkenness that beverage room drinking can produce. The Huron Temperance Federation protests Against Ontario's late closing hours because it gives too much time for over -indulgence with its consequent drunkennes and degra- dation.—(Adv.), Have .Your PAINTING PROBLEMS DONE THE ECONOMY WAY Sy an Expert Sprayman WALLPAJ'ERING A SPECIALTY Wallpapering and Brush Painting All Work Guaranteed FOR FREE ESTIMATES PHONE 780 HAROLD FINLEY Seaforth Hensall I.adf os' Logien Austllaryr Mee WIn perlGe won, the doer Prize. a basketeOr gberie T11,e tjckoir Diva( 4$n bx •x Mfg lips, of Toronto. 'IhC event wail. well patronized and many prises were given away during the eve- ning. Rev. W. J. Rogers, minister of Blyth United Church, has accept- ed a call to Hensall and Chisel- hurst United Churches. At a spe- cial meeting Mr. Rogers was chos- en by a unanimous vote:. He grad- uated at Emmanuel College, Tor- onto, in 1943, and was appointed Chairman of Huron Preab$tery, for this year. He commences• his du- ties July 1. Forrest - Love Rotation ' The 50th annual Forrest leeVe reunion was 'held' at Grand Bend on Monday with 150 members• of the clan attending f om Grand Bend, Thedford, Seaforth; Kippen, Hensall and points from the U.S.A• A chicken dinner was served with all the trimmings and a .full line of sports run off, directed by Ross Love, Hensall. Prizes for the old- est lady present went to Mrs. Mary Turnbull, Grand Bend, 80 years of age. Hiram Blanchard, of Walton, captured the prize for oldest 'gen- tleman, 85 years young. Honors for youngest ,halev went to Helen Ann Sturdevant, Grand Bend; best look- ing gentleman Garnet Patterson, The 1951 reunion will be held in Bayfield. Officers elected are: President, Robert Lee, Medford', . secretary, Fergus Turnbull, Grand Bend; sports committee: Mrs. Elgin Webb, Carlyle Taylor, Ross Love; lunch, Mrs. Lorne Luker, Mrs, R. Love, Mrs. Albert Keys, Mrs, Wm. Love. - Prize winners in the various sports were: Girls, 4 and under, Valerie Desjardine, Esther Whit- ing; boys 4 and under, Brian Gill, Paul Turnbull; girls, 6 years, Bar- bara Love, KathrynLove; ov e, boys, 8 years, Jerry Love, Ronald Love; girls, 10 years, Norma Love, Mar- ion Forrest; girls, 12 years, Irene Turnbull, Lorraine Taylor; boys, 12 years, Clare Love, Jerry Love; young men's race, Jimmy Love, R. Webb; minute race, Mrs. E, Gill, Mrs. J. E. McEwan; married men's race, Gordon Bianchard, Eric Turn- bull; necktie race, Mrs. Percy Campbell, Garnet Patterson; soda biscuit race, Jimmy Love, Keith Love; relay race, MTs. E. Gill's side. A ball game climaxed the affair. W.M.S. Twenty -Fifth Anniversary In an attractive floral setting of lovely early summer flowers, the Women's n s VIis i ny s o al Society let of y Chiselhurst United Church observ- ed its 25th anniversary in the audi- torium of the church Tuesday af- ternoon, June 6, and had as its guests Auxiliaries • from Hensall, Kippen and former members and friends. One hundred and twenty- five ladies were present for the event. The lovely church, newly re decorated. was filled for the occa- sion. Mrs. Thos. Brintnell, the president, conducted the meeting in a very able manner and also ex- tended the welcome. Mrs, John Glenn presided for the worship period and presented a very inspir- ing message, basing her thoughts from the theme, •"Stewardship." Miss A. Consitt, of Hensall, who helped to organize the branch 25 ears ago. offered prayer. Former members responded to a special otl call in cl.arge of the secretary, :Mrs. E. Chapple, and letters from ormer members from Saskatche- wan and Cebright, Ont., unable to ttend, were read .by the president. n impressive memorial service or twelve departed members was ell, and as each name was called ut a flower was placed in silver ontainers by Mrs. G. T. Wren nd' Miss Annie McTaggart, Mrs. arl Kinsman gave the prayer. Mrs. R. A. Brook, of Hensall, in- roduced the guest speaker, Mrs. mery Desjardine, of Grand Bend, ice -president of South Huron Sec - on, who addressed the meeting in very informative manner, choos- g for her theme, "Checking Up n Ourselves." in which she stat - d thatwomen's place is to set the andard of conduct, and to set it. gh—moral, liquor question, race ejudice and value of prayer. Mrs. Wood, of Grand Bend, gave in- irational highlights from the onference Branch held in Sarnia. ontributing to the musical por- on of the program were piano los by Mrs. F. Appieby, of Hen - 11, and Mrs. Ross Broadfoot, of ppen; ladies' quartette compos - of Mrs. Arnold Gacksetter, Mrs. arold Jones, Mrs. Winston Work - an.' Miss Virginia McClinchey, of ppen, and vocal duet by Mrs. aude Hedden and M'rs. George ass, of Hensall. Accompanists y .1 a A f h 0 C a E t E v ti a in 0 e St hi pr E. sp C C ti sb sa Ki ed H m Ki M H DON'T FORGET TO SEE JONATHAN HUGILL FOR A NEW OR USED CAR! We have the Austin, Vanguard, English 4 -cylin- der Ford and the Hudson, priced from $1,165.00 to $3,000.00. Also a line of Used Cars from $75.00 to a '48 Fleetlitle Chevrolet or Oldsmobile, and., some good Used Trucks. We can sell you New G.M. Pick-ups and Mercury Trucks of all sizes J. E. HUG'ILL PHONE 616 r 34 . ' CLINTON See me personally in the: mornings or evenings, or by appointment. Farm located between Set:forth ' and Clinton, on No. "8 Highway $ 14 - wive 1V!'rJl„ T d Shel'rit and Woe. Toot:; . vc7 �f rhurf, Pcoter, ,was aecompanist,,.fox Qio meolug.,*a, 0ar1"'$tipnfluiae gage. thVete efthanke to thespeakers' anti time contributing to the pre- At the COnch4OuA of .the service a delicious euiiper wasn , served i the schoolroom of the church, the 'tables being very attractive, cen- tred • with carnations in silver con- tainers, pink and white tapers, and the 'head. table Veing centred with a three-tier birthday cake made by Mrs. John Glenn, and artistically decorated by Mrs. Robt. Dalrymple of Egmondville, and ,cut by Mrs. G. T. Wren. Mrs. W. B. Cross and Mrs. Winston Workm on behalf of Hensall and Kippen Auxiliaries, expressed thanks for delightful afternoon. Reception committee was composed of Mrs. Earl Tref- fry, Mrs. W. R. Kinsman, Mrs. G. T. 'Wren and Mrs. S. Sararas. Peter Kilpatrick, Kippen, 82 years of age, left by train Monday to spend the summer months with his sitar, Mrs. Logan, Moose Jaw, Sask., and his brother, Dan, in Cal- gary. Mr. Kilpatrick has made his hofne with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kyle, Kippen, for the past 17 years. St. Paul's Anglican Church will observe its 73rd anniversary on Sunday, June 11. Guest speaker will be Rev. C. J. Queen, Ingersoll, with service at 10 a.m, Mrs. J. A. Spellman, Kitchener,' who has been seriously ill for the past months, is at present at the home of doer sister, Mrs. Harry Hoffman, Dashwood. Her condition is now improving. Mrs. John Bolton has sold her residence to Mr. T. Coates, of Hensall Motor Sales. • James D. McLean, of Opportun- ity, Wash, near Seattle, is visiting friends in and around Hensall. Mr. McLean left the district in 1881, and went first to Pembina County, North Dakota, with his parents and homesteaded there, then going to Washington where he has lived for the past 27 years. He is the last of a family of 14, and was Never mar- ried. His mother was Christena Dougall and his father was tibe late, Alexander McLean, of Hensall. He finds very few people that he knows andthe changes in the vil- lage and countryside are very great. Among the people he met in, Hensall that he knew were Frank Woods, Mary Ann Woods and Eliza Woods. Mr. McLean was in Seaforth Thursday 'and called at The Expositor office. COAL New, Low Summer Prices on our Famous BLUE COAL are now In effect. You'll want to take advantage of these low Spring prices right away and get your order in now for our good, clean trade -marked Coal.. ' LORNE E. HAY PHONE 10 HENSALL • Lakeview Casino GRAND BEND. DANCING EVERY SATURDAY ic Presenting NEIL McKAY and His Orchestra DANCING NIGHTLY from June 24th SEAF RTR HIG4ANDVIS Baud Concert. to be held Every Thursday Evening DURING JUNE, JULY AND AUGUST at 8.30 pone. In Victoria Park /• - We are justly proud of our collection of Summer DRESSES . Shan Ray, Spun Charm, Hampton ;Crepe,. Normandie Crepe, Spun Shan, 'Cottons WASHABLE 12-20 3.95 COOL 36-48 4.95 COLOURFUL Half Sizes, Too! 5.95 KIDDIES' DRESSES -7-12 2.45 to 3,95 GIRLS' DRESSES -10-14X - ' 3.95 See the New Styles in Migo Blouses, Stripes and Pastels—All sanforized 2.50 - 4.50 Still a Few SHORTIE COATS Left at the New Low Price TUDOR'S Ladies' Wear ' - Dry Goods PHONE 70 - HENSALL Special Clearance New M -H Machines In Stack No. 11 Tractor Spreaders on Rubber No. 6 Semi -Mounted Tractor Mowers No. 7 Rope -Type Hay Loaders No. 8 All -Crop Hay Loaders No 11 Side Delivery Rakes on Steel (One on rubber) TO CLEAR AT COST One Only 6 -Foot Binder on Steel 2 Only One -Row Corn Scufflers One Only Pressure System • One Only No. 12 Electric Grinder 5 -Gallon Lots of Weed -No -More at Less than Cost To 'CIear. • Seaforth Motors SEAFORTH The Lucan Community Memorial Centre. Celebrate Their OFFICIAL, OPENING IN LUCAN Wednesday • - - - Friday_ June 14 June16 at 8 p.m., Daylight Saving Time Programme WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14th Chairman, Erwin Scott 1. Lucan Boys' and Girls' Band, under the direction of H, C. Robinson 2. "0 CANADA" 3. Lucan Public School 4. Thos. Pryde, M.L.A., South Huron 6: Hon. Thomas L. Kennedy, Minister of Agriculture 7. Junior Farmers 8. Thos. L. Patrick, M.L.A., N. Middlesex 9. Hon. Arthur Welsh, Provincial Secretary 10. Lucan Male Choir "God Save the King" DANCE Adam Frock's' Orchestra Lions Carnival in the Arena Programme FRIDAY, JUNE 16th Harold Corbett, Reeve 1. DANCE TEAM — Feida Freeman and Inez Russell 2. DESS DAVY—A Comic• Settsiltigli=aril liant Young Comedian with a New, Re- freshing Personality, presenthig a Special Brand of Humor for Young and Old, 3. JOAN ROSS --Queen of the Bull Whip 4. ARTHUR. T. LENNOX, London —and— OTHER ENTER.TAJNMENF AND SPEAKERS "God Save the King" DANCE Fletchers' Orchestra, Ilderton. Lions 'Carnival in the Arena COME 'AND SEE' OUR COMMUNITY MEMORIAL CENTRE AND ENJOY AN-E:VENING'g ENTERTAINMENT Admission ` ' Adults, . 50 cents Children, 25 cents 11 1