The Huron Expositor, 1950-06-02, Page 71 CHAPTER: 'IX Orilolndap Sat Michael. IrHara, of . tho Mewed, is sur maned to ap- pear before his chief, Inspector MacDonald,, who outlines to Moo the known details of a crime committed in the north- ern wigs. 'OO'Flara sets out on the trail and comes upon the deserted cabin of the murder- _ ed Jean Gharian. He break In and comes face to face with Laura Gharian, widow of the slain man, who has been burn, ing some papers. O'Hara flnde Nickey Creuse locked in art. other room and liberates him. Nickey accuses Laurel of the murder of his sister and Ghat.. Ian.Crouse and O'Hara spend the night at the cabin, and the next day O'Hara bring, Crease to headquasters,,He leaves a sealed envelope with inspector Macdonald. "if 1 do not re' Pent.In nix Jaye, open It," be*, says. Macdonald agrees, and O'Hara takes the first train north for Le Pas. Here he ar- rests the half breed, Duv i and •tercets him to drive to Laure's cabln. Here Duvaland- denly attacks O'Hara. O'Herare life in, saved by Laurie* plead. ing- She tells Duval she will go back With O'Hara of her own free will, It is a hard ase elgnnent for O'Hara, for be not only believes Laure guilty but is In love with her. The three set out together. He set his teeth, and mushed on through the snow. Already they" had travelled miles. It would soon be time to stop for noonday rations, as the dogs already were showing hunger; they balked at little or nothing, snapped at each other; and the breed's whip cracked sharply in the frosty air. The team 'had, come to a narrow bit of trail between two clumps of willows. On one side were, steep rocks crusted with ice, f Be- tweeh the boulders the open rents were •filled, with bluish snow; it took a keen eye • to detect the dan- gerous ° slides along the brink of the precipice. Duval had spoken Girls Leaving School This Year Will Find Worthwhile, Work At the B. of M. Thousands of girls in towns and villages across Canada are finding Interesting; well paid work at the Bank of Montreal. It offers them jn"st those advantage's that a girl .most appreciates when she's starting out to earn her living. • There's a good opening salary, and all members of the B. of --M. staff enjoy Group Accident and Health Insurance. Hours are good, too, and the girls find the Bank a clean, pleasant place to work in. But what'you'il probably enjoy, most is the personal nature of the job. In most B. of M. offices you're in constant contact with the public, meeting people and. helping them all the time. You'll be acting, too, as an important member of a friendly team of men and women who enjoy their work and take pride in their profession. If you like the look of a job with the B. of M., drop in and have a word with J. K. Irvin, the manager at Hensall. He'll be glad to tell you more about the work and its opportunities. ■ ProcIa ati Under authority of By -Law No. 111, for the Town of Seaforth, no dogs shall be allowed to run. at large in the Town of Seaforth from June' 1st* to September 1, 1950. Apy dogs so found funning at large, contrary to this By -Law, shall be liable to be killed and the owner or harborer prosecuted. TAKE plOTICE ! _ - ••.-�, .. All complaints must be in written and specific form, and thecomplainant pre- pared to appear as a witness in any charges made following their complaint. J. E. KEATING, Mayor. Your Business Directory LEGAL McCON TELL & HAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. PATRICK D. :McCONNELL H. GLENN HAYS County Crown Attorney SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 A. W. SILLERY Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Phone 781, Seaforth SEAFORTH - ONTARIO OPTOMETRIST JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Optometrist Eyes examined. Glasses fitted. Phone 791 MAIN ST. - SEAFORTH Hours: 9- 6 Wed. 9-12.30; Sat. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. VETERINARY J. 0, TURNBULL, D.V.M. Announces that D. C. MAPLESDEN, D.V.M. will be associated with him in Veterinary Practice commencing June 1, 1950. AUCTIONEERS HAROLD JACKSON Specialist in Farm and House - lurk' Sales. Licensed, in Huron and Perth Counties, Prlcee., reasonable; sat- isfaction guaranteed. For information, etc., write or phone HAROLD JACKSON, 14 on 661, Seaforth; R.R. 4, Seaforth, EDWARD W. ELLIOTT Licensed Auotioneer Corregpondence,promptly answer- ed. Smmediate arrangements can be made for sale dates by phoning 203, Clinton. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. JOSEPH L. RYAN Bpeeiallet in farm stock and im- plements and household effects. Satisfaction guaranteed, Licensed In Huron and Perth Counties. For particulars .and open dates, write or phone JOSEPH L, RYAN, Stratford ]EL 'P:. 1, Dublin. 'Phone 40 r 6, Seaforth Dat1t L[n,, , 42.17x52 Goderloh MEDICAL SEAFORTH CLINIC E. A. MOMASTER, B.A., M.D. internist P. L. BRADY, M.D. Surgeon Office Hours: 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., daily, except Wednesday and Sun- day. EVENINGS: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday only, 7-9 p.m, Appointments made in ad,vance are desirable. JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon IN DR. H. H, ROSS' OFFICE Phones: Office 5-W; Res, 5-J. Seaforth Iii. M. W. STAPLETON DR. ROSS HOWSON Physicians and Surgeons Phone 90 Seaforth DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine, University of Toronto. Late assistant New York Opthal- mei and Aural Institute, Moore - field's Eye and Gold -en Square Throat Hospital, London, Eng. At COMMERCIAL HOTEL, Seaforth, third Wednesday in every month. 53 Waterloo St. South, Stratford. JOHN C. GODDARD, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 110 Hensall C.N.R. TIME TABLE Goderich Seaforth Stratford. GOING EAST (Morning) (leave) A.M. 6.40 6.20 (arrive) 7.16 (Afternoon) P.M. Goderich (leave) 3.00 Seaforth 3.46 Stratford (arrive) 4.40 GOING. WEST (Morning) A.M. Stratford (leave) 10.,45 Seaforth11.30 Goderich (arrive) 12:20 (Afternoon) P.M. (leave) 9.35 10.21 (arrive) .. c ...... , 11,00 .d J.4rn4 of it'd: 4iausly:t1 d ,before, but he negotiated .It ppw• •W,.i:t' *.oad.er- fu1 skid :and, speed. Cine Med, Came .tlu3 swayed, but he gai)ied ,•#Ina,- gess-pole so deftly that OJiiare,mer tpiled at. the r en's skill. No wonder he had carried Laure safely awar on that day: Following in theig fpotstep3; with more thought of there than of himself, O'Hara, took nit heed. of the snow and toe that the sledge runners. had cut loose. A mass of it suddealy. gave under his feet. He slipped over a sheer rock, striking his head .sharply on its keen edge, fell into a snow - filled crevice, and caught on the jagged rocks ten feet below. A rending pain shot through him - then oblivion, e, • How long he lay unconscious he never knew. He sank deep down into velvet blackness, and came out of it in stinging, pain. At first he could not aee. "Then he tried -to lift his right arm and could not; it hung helpless. A throbbing pain swept every limb. He tried to think and seemed to be wrapped in a gray mist: Then he remembered how he had fallen. He struggled to h__ ie� knees and tried to clutch at fife slippery ice with his left hand. He gripped a bit of the ledge and clung to it, hia eyes still blinded by ,the pain in his head. The' wide stretch of snow about him seemed to reel crazily, to be dyed . all colors of the rainbow. Then, knowing him- self caught and *helpless, he called for help, shouting to them -Duval and the weman. Where were they? He tried to raise himself so he could see over the rocks. The trail dropped from the ledge, where he had fallen, into the snow barrens. For miles there showed no other break, only the rise and fall of drifted snow on a flat land where only the tops of young spruce trees showed above the white waste. The ice fields stretched endlessly; and the wind swept across them with light \flur- ries of dry snow, frosted spums of the great frozen drifts beyond. Duval had halted the sled and was looking back. O'Hara shouted to him. "Duval! Come back. I'm helpless. Come back!" For an instant the breed seemed to hesitate. Then his long whip whirled, the huskies answered with sharp yelps, the sled lurched forward and broke into wild flight. O'Hara shouted again, furless - y, desperately. Then he tried. to climb, and fell forward into the snow, the burning ache in his broken arm and the dizzy blind- ness besetting him, while the cold seized. him and. held him like ,a vise. Icicles were forming on his hair and in the corners of his eyes. He breathed with difficulty. Soon he would be unable to move. He struggled* madly, but every move- ment increased the agony. Duval was, escaping with . his, spriso_ner; they had abandoned him to his fate. His fate? How well he knew what it would be! After long ag- ony he would freeze to death. And afterwards, perhaps before the end -wolves! He Was able to make little ef- fort after that, but fell into a kind of twitching stupor. The pain in his head was horrible. The sooner the biting cold got in its work, the better. He no Ionger tried to SURGE MILKERS DAIRY MAID Hot Water Heaters J. B. HIGGINS PHONE 138 • , SEAFORTH Authorized Surge Service Dealer Seaforth Monument Works T. PRYDE & SON Memorial Craftsmen Seaforth Exeter Clinton Seaforth Showrooms Open Tuesday See Dr. Harburn for appoint- ment any other time, or Phone 41-J, Exeter. THE McEILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y. HEAD OFxEICE-SEAFORTH, Ont. th!nit, hge buried lest arna !i Seth s ; eetli back the groans which enra llis line, Once• his ha,. went is pistol, abut he did loot : ? the , weapon ,"from the ho hte , lslease God;' hs woni� ` e li rgan, `got Bite a cowarty aft!. face mortal agony. l -le telt ChM of it -creeping into hi es. Again that deadly '.twat eg SOW Wee The cold enfoleledr lire►. Like a mantle„ lie raised, hie heed feel h. t he u • l see n b c d bng y u. Qi oil . but wastes• of eteow and: • above.. them the inexorable Arctic .sky. .Then he grew dizzy u.gain,' dizzy and unearthly cold, only the buru- ing. Pain in his broken aria keep- ing Mira conscious of life. Objects swam before his eyes. He lost all reckoning of time. A face haunt- ed -her face. His stiff lips form: ed a word and whispered it- "Laure." A long time after that he *heard l s.i'but took no cit of ' herrn.'; Plid ands the pa , rwereki.still: s; over ld body; ' hen the \,weir he would •eea:se to fog) ain. He altnoat ha+ attained l tiler' *(oint of detachxnei)tt Tree +liiph ,Ile could view elle suffering his r 4f t f!h ng which had +began lllm telt, with impersonal calm oat cal* : Was death, . he gusp. eted. Strange, how people feared ,it' Suddenly he felt human hands busy with him,His. head Was lift bask pressed to his lips. He opened his eyes, caw, her face. close •to his, heard her icor: "Put : your arm about . me, lift yourself .on my shoulder, m'sieur!" "Loupe," he gasped faintly. "You're hurt -but how?" She busied . herself trying to lift his head• upon her arnd and force brandy down his throat: "Can you get up, m'sieur?" (Continued Next Week) A softball meeting was held re- cently in the Clinton Radar School to draw up the 1950 Intermediate Group 3 men's schedule. Hugh R. Hawkins, the convener of this group, acted as chairman. A win- ner in the 'A' group must be de- clared by August 15. All postpon ed` games are to be played within ten days after the postponement. Teams standing first and third and second and fourth at the end of the regular schedule, will play elf for the championship. The team entered from the Clinton Radar School will get a bye into the "B" group playoffs, A double schedule was prepared with all the night games starting at 8:15 in all towns, and, that twi- light games will start at 7:00, The only twilight games are thope play- ed at Clinton Radar and Centralia R.C.A.F. All •other teams have floodlights and will 'play all their home games under such. Tentative umpires were named for this season and are as follows: Lucknow, Clark Finalson, Hugh 'Cummings; Centralia, Tom Bigley; Clinton Radar, F/S. Thompson; Wingham, Mike Carmichael, Bill Tiffen; Goderich, Sid Shenton, Bili Barlow; Seaforth, Angus MacLean. Managers of the six teams are: Wingham, Chas. Crossett;, Sea - forth, Frank Kling; Clinton Radar, J. Lynch; Centralia. Tom Miller; Lucknow, Chas. Webster; Gode- rich, Bob Ginn. One game has already been play- ed in this group; this was the game between Centralia and Sea - forth. Intermediate 'A' Grouif3 Schedule OFFICERS: President, E. J. Trewartha, Clinton Vice -Pres. - J. L. Malone, Seaford( Manager and Sec.-Treas. - M. A, Reid; Seaforth. DIRECTORS: E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; J. L. Malone; Seaforth; S. H. Whit. more; Seaforth; Chris. Leonbardt, Bornholm; Robert Archibald, Sea - forth; John H. • MeEwing, Blyth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; Hugh Alexander, Walton; Harvey Fuller, Goderioh. AGEINTS:' J. E. Pepper, Bruoefleld; R. F. McKere'her, Dublin; George Ac Watt, Blyth; r. P. Prueter, Brod-' Mogen; Selwyn ,, Bakerb Ilnuntels. June June June June June June June June June. .lune June June June June June 1-Wingham at Lucknow Clinton at Goderich 3 -Centralia at Wingham 6-Seaforth at Clinton Lucknow at Centralia 7-Wingham at •Goderich 8 -Clinton at Centralia 9-Goderich at Seaforth Lueknow at Wingham 10-Wingham .,at _.Clinton Seaforth at Lucknow 13 -Centralia at Goderich 14-Lucknow at Clinton 15-1Seaforth at Wingham Goderich at Centralia 17-Winglfam at Goderich 19 -Clinton at Wingham 20-Goderich at Lucknow 2i-Wingham at Seaforth 22 -Centralia at Lucknow • Goderich at Clinton Jun:: 24-Goderich at Seaforth June 26-Wingham at Centralia Lucknow at Seaforth Jerre 28 -Centralia at Clinton Lucknow at Goderich Seaforth at Wingham June 30 -;Centralia at Seaforth Goderich at Lucknow July 3 -Clinton at Seaforth July 5-Lucknow at Wingham Seaforth at Centralia Clinton at Goderich July 7-Wingham at Lucknow Goderich at Centralia July 10-Goderich at Wingham Clinton at Lucknow July 12-Lucknow at Goderich July 13-Wingham at Centralia July 14-Goderich at Clinton Lucknow at Seaforth July 17 -Centralia at Wingham Lucknow at Clinton July 18-Seaforth at Goderich July 19 -Clinton at Centralia July 20-Seaforth at Centralia July 22 -Clinton at Lucknow July 25 -Centralia at Goderich July 26-Wingham at. Clinton July 27-Seaforth at Goderich Lucknow at Centralia Zone "C" of the Legion, which organized late last year, will be off to a better start this season, SOLUTION TO BOXWORD PUZZLE ACROSS 1. Watch 4. Clock 7. Via 8, Anvil 10. Mount 11. Avenge 15. Lap 16. Eczema 19. Umpire 22. Rivet 23. Acme 25. Regal 26. Tinge 27. Early 30. Tie 31. Assets 34. Occult 37. Sod 38. Whorl 40. Ridge 41. Inure 42. Rhea 45. Odium 46. Aerate 49. Aplomb 52. Rap 53. Galaxy 56. Broom - 57. Rifle 58, III 59. Knave 60. Dwelt DO W'N 1. Wampum 2. Trump 3. Hater 4, Clam 5. Ode 6. Keg 7. Villa 9. Viz 12. Varlet 13. Never 14. Entry 17. Cereai 18. Edges 20. Meteor 21. Ionic 24. Catch 28. Assert 29. Ledge 32. Stream 33. Elder 35. Climax 36. Usual 38. Wrong 39. Oriel 43. Hermit 44. Appal 47. Ebbed 48. Arose 50. Pyre 51. Off 54. Ark 55. Aha •. according to the schedule, The league got under way on Tuesday, May 30, with all six teams seeing action. The Tuesday tussles were in Clinton, Goderich and Hensall. May $0 -Exeter at Clinton Seaforth at Goderich Mitchell at Hensall June 2-Seaforth. at Exeter Cli .ton at Hensall Goderich at Mitchell June 9 --Exeter at Mitchell Goderich at Clinton Hensall at Seaforth June 9-Goderich at Exeter Hensall at Clinton Mitchell at Seaforth June 13 -Exeter at Hensall Clinton at Seaforth Mitchell at Goderich June 16 --Clinton at Exeter Seaforth at Mitchell Goderich at-Hensall June 20 -Exeter at Seaforth Mitchell at Clinton Hensall at Goderich June 23 -Mitchell at Exeter Clinton at Goderich Seaforth at Hensall June 27 -Exeter at Goderich Seaforth at Clinton Hensall at Mitchell June 30-Hensall at Exeter Clinton at Mitchell Goderich at Seaforth July 4 -Exeter at Clinton Seaforth at Goderich Mitchell at Hensall July 7-Seaforth at Exeter Clinton at Hensall Goderich at Mitchell July 11 -Exeter at Mitchell Goderich at Clinton Hensall at Seaforth July 14-Goderich at Exeter Hensall at Clinton Mitchell at Seaforth July 18 -Exeter at Hensall Clinton at Seaforth Mitchell at Goderich July 21 -Clinton at Exeter Seaforth at Mitchell Goderich at Hensall July 25 -Exeter at Seaforth Mitchell at Clinton --'--.H nssall at Goderich July '28 --Mitchell at Exeter Clinton at Goderich -Seaforth at Hensall Aug. 1 -Exeter at Goderich Seaforth at Clinton Hensall at Mitchell Aug. 4-Hensall at Exeter Clinton at Mitchell Goderich at Seaforth 'ntinui�cl Mage' a•,pp1'icatlon' ,fere+ 141110:'*,the re- Inainder to. gives co ebbe nepector whet, 'nealin tit ke the ll rat held; inenee .'ono Phese tag 040)4*. he nearefuily pat awry where they can be fluieWfoil! when reyuir- ed; net only by ,tile grower tinrselfr Amt . by other members of the faau- ily should he not be at ltome when, the inspector ,calls. It is ale() elm- Seated that the family should know all the planting details ig each field and that a note containing. this lnfortnation •be attached to the tags.. when they are put away, thus;;: avoiding delay when the inspector; arrives on the farm. • Keeping Milk Production Recorder Keeping a milk production re- cord is almost a must for the ef- ficient management and improve- ment'of a dairy *herd. Milk yields differ .with different cows and what. are thought to be good producers, often prove to be a. disappointment when put to the acid teat of a pro-. duction record. At the. Experimental Farm, Nap - pan, N.S., each milking of every cow is weighed and recorded. And J. G. Crowe, of the Farm, considers it is time well spent. vi es disposal, milk weig ing ,nese and• also, tau n..- r... by 'auachine or::;hand. trouble can, be nvoide special attention ol'. tnf when an unuliu I detrlinek as abee}uied. ' Above all, milk inetituetin*, ,, ti orrd's. ,area necessity; `3n carry •Qat a : lh. er.d */#0Veme,)l't Pt*: Tills can only;rbc .done{ IPeetie, ,fully when heifers from 'the •blgb-, .est producing cows,•are ,kept loin herd replanenients Records aro a, 'means of deteeMitlinK•tlhe ability' of herd bells to sire dalrghters of 1 ;merit. CO -OOPS DO Blip BU$iNESS. For the first time in Canada, it; is expected that farm co-operatives will exceed tine 'billion dollars in 1949, when returns are all in from over que million members. $H EEP RAISING -DEC -LINING,. The livestock `" survey of the Dominion Bureau of Statistics show that sheep have been declin- ing steadily for the past five. years.. YOUNG AND OLD - LET'S ALL GO TO YOUTH FOR CHRIST on- SAT. NICHT IN THE CLINTON HIGH SCHOOL Hear Rev. Albert Hughes, D.D., Toronto Founder of Muskoka Bible Conference - PASTOR, BIBLE TEACHER and WRITER YOU WILL THRILL TO LANCE-NORRIS and his Xylophone BOB NORRIS (13 years old) and his cornet MARGARET NOR.RIS (10 years old) on the piano DON'T MISS IT! We'll Be Looking For You JUNE 3rd - 8:00 P.M. NOTICE IT IS CONTRARY TO THE BY-LAWS' OF THE TOWN OF SEAFORTH TO PUT .. GARBAGE AND GLASS OF ANY KIND IN OUTDOOR OR IN- DOOR TOILETS AND CLOSETS The Council has had several complaints regarding this practice, and if con- tinued the services of the Town Scaven- ger will be denied the offenders. • SEAFORTH TOWN COUNCIL yr, of :new }• eteit l' y different wallpapers .... see them at 1 BAL]J-W1N HARDWARE SEMI -TRIM ED WALLPAPERS The Commerce will be there! The united trading nations of the world will be there -to buy and sell in one of the earth's great free markets. All the people of the world can not attend in person, but the work of their hands and minds will be there ... to ,speak for them in the common language of trade and commerce. 1 The Canadian Bank of Commerce will be there ... Our branch on the Trade4air grounds is ready to supply accurate, detailed information about Canadian markets and opportunities '.. - information from nearly 600 branches across Canada to help you do business. rt CANADIAN B K OF COMME'RCE Nearly 600 tranches across Canada and in Landon, Eng., New York, San Frandsen, Los Angels, S.aYI., Portland, Ors., and the Btalsh Mist ladles Correspondents throughout the World E010 Tiny Pa*' Braddith is zrs The 4,' mifikeration Bxi]ilsyt�' s.:. - .Li4 xi.. t *wn aA.N