The Huron Expositor, 1950-06-02, Page 4HELP WANTED FEMALE The Bell Telephone Company of Canada offers you a permanent position as Telephone Operator at CLINTON Pay while training; scheduled increases. Five-day week EXTRA PAY FOR SUNDAY AND EVENING WORK Two years High School preferred. Apply Chief Operator CLINTON rri I�! CI *Aged Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates: volt SALE., WANTED. LOST AND FOUND, ETC,—Per word: lot week 1 Cent End week i • t!4 Oent 8rd week 1 Cent Minimum . charge. first insertion05 Cents Each Swam. initial and abbretdatien manta as one word. Papa of Thanks, In Memoriam Notices. Coning Events --1 cent per ward Minimum, • G.Q. Genie_ Per week. Mnquir'ies awg, 3 directed to Bra No., c/o The Huron Expeeitm', for 11 cents extra. Ten cents additional will be charged if eds in above elan are not paid within 10 days • of date on, arid ieeertion. 16ir'tbo. Marriages and Deaths inverted free of charge. Auction Sales. Notices to Orediaora, Eta—Racks on application, For Rent FOR RENT—.WILL RENT BEDROOM. With or without board. PHONE 691-M, Seaforth. 4302-1 For Sale ' FOR SALE -5 -YEAR-OLD MARE. AP - Ry to ERIC ZIEGL.F,R Phone 687W, evenings.' 4302-1 von SAT:61-9 LITTLE PIGS, WEAN - 1: ed. Apply to JOHN McGAVIN. Phone 652 r 42, Seaforth. 4302-1 FOR SALE—MAN'S C C.M. BICYCLE. balloon tires; one year old. PHONE 783 after',6 p.m. 4302-1 FOR SALE — '37 WXI.LYS COUPE; cheap. PHONE 666 r 15, Seaforth. 4302x1 FOR SALE -10 YORK PIGS, 6 WEEKS old. Apply to RAY McKINNON, R.R. 2, Kippen. Phone 657 r 33, Seaforth- 4302-1 FOR S ALF.--3-BURNER COAL OIL a. stove with oven, both in good con- dition. Apply to MRS. J. J. POLLARD. Phone 1344. Seaforth. 4502-1 FOR SALE --THOROUGHBRED BLACK Cocker Spaniel. 11/4 Years old; well trained PHONE 24, Seaforth. 4302-1 FOR SAI.31—A BLACK PONY MARE, 4 years old. Apply PETER SIMP- SON. Phone 667 r 2, Seaforth_ 4302x1 FOR. SALE -8 ;PIECES. DINING ROOM suite. practically new. Smith's Gro- cery Store. MBS. JOHN SMITH. Phone 42. 4102-1 FOR SALE—QUANTITY OF MIXED grain, Alaska oats. barley, storing wheat. Apply JAMES LANDSBOROUGH. Phone 665 r 16, Seaforth. 4301x3 FOR SALE—FOLDING BABY BUGGY, grey, storm, cover, chrome mudguards and trim, 'in good condition; also child's crib mattrans, like new, used only short time. PHONE 1874. 4302-1 FOR SAVE.—LATHAM RASPBERRY n'anta • original stock direct from nursery, May, 1948. Now ready for .trans- planting. Price 50 planta, 85.00. PHONE 597-W, Seaforth. 4302-1 FOR SAVE—NEW SINGER SEWING machines. electric and treadle_ Re- pairs to alt makes. SINGER SEWING CENTRE, 78 Ontario St., Stratford. 4223-tf FOR SALE: PLANTS — TOMATOES, Cahbatre and Cauliflower of the fav- orite variety, not in container, therefore more plants' for your money. Apply to MRS. GORDON H. SCHWALM (one block north of the United Church), Hensall. 4302-3 FOR SALE -100 -ACRE FARM; EX- cellent buildings: Hydro: good water : 41 acres sowed in grain, 42 acres in grass; 5 acres elm ,bash. Lot 20, Concession 14, Grrv. For further particulars apply to FMT'Elt LITOWSKI, Brussels, Ont, R.R. 2. Phone 43-7. 4302x3 FOR SALE—IN MITCHELL, 6 ROOM - ed' frarfie house, 3 bedrooms, living room, .dining room, kitchen, one-piece bath, hot water tank, furnace; 2 acres land; good :` barn with Hydro and water. Apply ALEX FLYNN, Mitchell: on , the premises after 4 o'clock. 4302-1 FOR SALE — BEATTY ELECTRIC washing machine, good condition; Suarton radio, table model. may be, tried out: 1,.1 dozen antique kitchen chairs: roll top oak writing desk; 2 rocking chairs ; Parlor chair. Apply to JOHN PI:1.'HICK, North Main St, Seaforth. 4302x1 Notices LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED AND .repaired. A. O'LEARY, Seaforth. 4299-6 SEE THE NEW FLEURY -BISSELL Rapid Easy tractor spreader on dis- play at V. J. LANE'S Farm_ Phone -'`46 r 12, Dublin 4301x2 RADIO REPAIRS — WHEN YOUR radio won't work. bring it to TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR, and take it home the same day—any day- Opposite Dick House. Phone 347-R, Seaforth- 4295 -ti BARNS CLEANED AND WHITEWASH - ed following, T.B. test. Brand new sprayer capable of 1,000 pounds pressure. Work done to inspector's satisfaction. Phone 44 r 9, Dublin. FRED HARBURN. Staffer 4301-tf MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL THE NEX,T MEETING OF THE HURON County Council will be held in the Council Chambers, Court Hoose, Gode- rich, commencing MONDAY. JUNE 12th at 10:00 A.M., D.S.T. Ail accounts, notices of deputations and other business' requiring the attention: of Council, should be in the hands of the County Clerk not later Than Saturday, June 16th. N. W. MILLER, County Clerk, Dederick. 9302-2 Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of ALEXANDER SINCLAIR ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Alexander Sin- clair. late of Die Town of Seaforth„ Coun- ty ,of Huron:, 'Gentleman, deceased, who tiled on or aliont the 6th day of May. 1950,, dire hereby notified to send in to the ttnderaigned,on or before the 1002 day of Jolie, 1950;• fall oarticnlars of their '•clsliry Ir iediately" after the said (sat men - HOW• date the week of the said estate' xiYlll be dratm` ted. amongst the tattled. rued 'then having regard duty to tyl Of whi tlenutfderisigned shall then e race, .the eirchalon•of..aS others, fie; nhdezkigned will not be Setae to Pietabir Of , hose chins the aad*slgn- iilierll not home. notice,. fax the 80 t 'ted lit low part there02 rarttr, oat., this lint day w. SIMMS, th a th'e 1204 a. Tenders Wanted TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the undersigned for the painting of the classrooms of Seaforfb Separate SchooL Work to be done early in July. Tenders to be in by Saturday, June 3rd. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. JAMES J. CLEARY, Secretary, Seaforth, Ont 4301-tf Help Wanted WANTED—CAPART.F GIRL OR WO- man for full or part time house- work. PHONE 782. Seaforth. 4302-1 SALESMAN WANTED — TO SELL roofing and insulation- Commission basis. Write Box 834, HURON EXPOSI- TOR. 4275-tf SALES GIRL WANTED ONE SALES GIRL REQUIRED FOR Dry Goods Department. Please apply by letter-, stating age and experience. STEWART BROS. SEAFORTH 4302 - Property For Sale FOR SALE -6 -ROOM HOUSE IN A-1 condition, with bathroom and furnace; covered with Insul Brick. Large barn. Situated on North Main St. Apply Box 881, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4302x1 FOR SALE,—NEW_ HOUSE, RANCH style; fully modern; oil furnace, air conditioned. Can be bought with down payment and monthly payment plan. C. G. LEP John Street. 4286-tf FOR SALE New House, Modern, Seven Rooms, James St. Immediate occupation; PRONE 353 Motor Cars For Sale For a BRITISH SMALL CAR See "THE SMALL MAN" at DUNLOP'S British American Service 9301-2 1946 1939 1935 1941 CHEV. SEDAN Heater and radio PLYMOUTH SEDAN Extra good condition. CHEV.—$125.00 DODGE PICK-UP Stock box and tarpaulin SEAFORTH MOTORS Chevrolet - Oldsmobile PHONE 141 SEAFORTH 47 46 FORD—Heater ; low mileage 40 DODGE COACH 39 FORD COACH 37 FORD COACH 36 FORD COACH OLDSMOBILE Heater, defroster, radio DALY MOTORS Ford - 1lfaharch Sales & Service TELEPHONE 102 : SEAFORTH 49 49Q 48 CHEV. FLEETLINE COACH 48 cRadioI. , CHEV. SEDAN Two-tone in color; radio, sun -visor ; many extras. :HEV. COACH Metallic paint job FLEETMASTER SEDAN sun -visor, many extras 48 /I PLYMOUTH 5 -PASSENGER COUPE 48 441 38 37 37 35 35 46 37 CttEV. SLR)AN DODGE COACH, with new motor DODGE SEDAN PONTIAC SEDAN CHEV. STANDARD COACH Reconditioned and new paint job CHET V. STANDARD COACH—$200 DODGE SEDAN OHEV. 1/4 -TON PICK-UP FORD 8 -TON STAKE—$125.09 35 reap /TON PANEL -495.00 2 SPECIALS '48 CHEVROLETS Priced to sell at 81495 47 CHEVROLET , Priced -to sell at 8999.00 ERUSSELS MOTORS e`l`ks liver. of Bella. via Cela . Az OPIIN EVERY EVENING( AUCTION SALE OF PROPERTY IN the Village of Egnrondyille, one block west of Church. will be held Friday eve- miig, Jane 9th, at 8 .o'clock. Seven naom frame :house in fair state of repair ; good garden. Terms -10% down, balance 30 days. Reserve bid. ESTATE OF LATE JOHN NICHOLSON. For further par- ticulars apply to A- W. SILLERY or Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. 4302-2 AUCTION SALE OF 80 DAIRY AND reef -type Cows, at Lot No, 31, 6th Concession of Goderich Township, one-half mile south of Porter'a Hill, on Tuesday. Juue 6th, at 7.30 p.m., D.S.T. Cows con- sist of Holsteins, Jerseys, Guernseys and Durhams. Some have recently freshened, balance to .freshen soon. A number of calves. All cattle are T.B. tested and will be sold under the usual guarantee. Terms—Cash. A. E. TOWNSHEND & Son, Proprietors ; Edward W. Elliott, Auc- tioneer. 4802-1 CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF T.B. Tested Holeteins, Horses, Machinery and Household Effects, at Lot 29, Zion. 5, East Wawannsh, 8 miles north and half mile east of Auburn, on Thursday. June 8th, 'at 1:30 Am. Included in sale is team of horses 8 years old, 1600 tbs. ; 14 Holstein cows, freshened recently; 6 year- old Holstein heifers and 8 Holstein heif- er calves. Farm machinery, milking ma - thine and household effects, practically all new all -enamel Clare Jewell cook stove, waahing machine and other household ef- fects. Terms—Cash. JOSEPH BROPHY. Proprietor; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. 4302-1 AUCTION SALE QF HOUSEHOLD Furnishings at the residence of Mrs. Jane Stimore, Walton, on Friday, ,lune 9th, at 1 :80 p,m, : 1 chesterfield; 1 leath- er rocker; 6 dining room chairs; 6 kitchen chairs ; 1 large rug ; large quantity of floor covering;, 8 -ft round table; 8-fta square table; kitchen cupboard ; organ ; sewing machine (Raymond) ; electric washer (1 year old); electric iron; buffet; 2 rockers; 3 bedroom suites ; pressure cooker: electric radio: radiq,stand: elec- tric table lamp; hot plate; couch; 3 small tables; coal oil stove and oven; quilt box; 2 coal scuttles; lawn mower; garden tools; barrels ; chop boxes: step ladder: brooder stove; chicken feeders and foun- tains; about 200 sealers of fruit; kitchen cooking utensils; garden ecualer; 1 Diana Banner gook stove: I Quebec heater; 1929 Overland Whippet car. Terms — Cash. MRS. JANE STIMORE, Proprietress: Harold Jackson, Auctioneer ; E. P. Ches- ney, Clerk. 4302-2 CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF 50 head of T.B. Tested. Registered and Grade Cows and Younz Cattle. W. F Nairn, auctioneer, will sell by public auc- tion on Lot 9, Concession 7, Hibbert,:11/4 miles west of Monro, 5 miles southeast of Dublin, at Fred Carbutt's MaD levicw Farm. on Thursday, June 8th, at 1 p.m., sharp, the following: 10 Registered Dual Purpose Shorthorn cows, fresh and spring- ers ; 7 Registered Dual Purpose heifers, due in fall; 2 grad, Hereford cows. with calves; 5 grade Hereford cows, heavy springers: 10 Heref-rd and Palled Angus steers and helfire, r'='ng 2 Fear ; 1 Reg- istered Shorthorn bull 10 months old: 6 grade Holstein cows, fresh; 7 grade Hol- stein cows, springers: young calves. The above cattle are a choice lot; all young Battle, in good condition. All will be sold with a guarantee. ell] T.B. tested. Pedi- grees can be produced day of sole. If you are in need of cow; that will produce milk and beef, don't miss this sale. No reserve. Terms — Cash. WALLACE STROUD, Proprietor; W. E. Nairn, Auc- tioneer. 4302-1 A N IICTI O SALE F PROPERTY TY N O O ER AND Household Effects in KiDDen, on Sat- urday, June 10th, at 2 o'clock: PROP- ERTY—,,_ storey frame house covered with brick siding, situated on Na. 4 High- way; Hydro: good well; barn; approxi- mately 71, acres of land. Immediate pos- session. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS—Kit- chen range: glass cupboard; 6 kitchen chairs, like new; Thor electric washing machine" dining roam extension table: drop-leaf table; quilt boxes; day bed; 3 rocking chairs ; ' nitmber of occasional chairs; heater stove; small cabinet; num- ber of tables; corner whatnot; Seamstress sewing machine; cabinet radio; spindle bed; dhest of drawers: couch; commode chairs; quilts and bedding; dishes and silverware: coal oil stove; 150 rods of woven wire fence: quantity of new limo - her; 4 cords of wood; 2 colony houses (12x15 and 8x10); garden tools; exten- sion ladder; lawn mower: wheelbarrow: 35 bushels oats. Property will be sold subject to reserve bid, 20% down, balance in 30 days. Chattelu—Cash. ESTATE OF THE LATE CHARLES ALEXANDER. Prop; Mrs, Elizabeth (Mark, Miss Edna Alexander; Executrices ; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer; E. P. Chesney, Clerk. DANCERS' FAVOBITE B`Aiy[,Ro0M is the Crystal Psidacet ;[yiitdren. Dancing every Friday night to the music of Ontario's outstanding 01d Tyne Dance Band, Don Robertson and His Roush Boys. 4802x2 Personals D YGIENIC SUPPLIES (R U It B E R Goods) mailed postpaid in Plein,, sealed envelope with price list 6 samples 25c 24 samples $1.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-73 NOVA -RUBBER CO., Boa 91, Hamilton Ont. Poultry DON'T BUY Until You Send For Our Reduced Prices For June Day old, started chicles two, three, four and five week old, non -sexed, pallets, cockerels, 12 Pure Breeds, 18 cross breeds. Older pullets. Turkeys, three breeds in day old, two, three and four week old, non -sexed, sexed .hens, sexed Tome. Free catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited FERGUS - ONTARIO , 4801-2 Cards Of Thanks McKELLAR FAMILY WISH TO thank all the neighbors and friends for the many kindnesses and expressions of sympathy shown in their ascent sad bereavement; also the staff and doctors in attendance at Scott Memorial Hospi- tal. 4302x1 I WISH TO EXPRESS MY SINCERE thank: to all tho a who called, sent flowers, cards and treats to me while a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital; to Rev. D. Glenn Campbell, to Dr. J. A. Gox'will, also the nursing staff of the Hos- pital who were especially kind to me. 4302x1 MRS. JAMES HILL MRS. WILBUR MILLER DESIRES TO express her sincere appreciation for the fruitflowers and cards sent her and visits made while she was a patient in Slott Memorial Hospital: siso to thank Dra. P. L. Brady and E. A. McMaster. and the nursing staff for their kindness, 4201.1 T WISH TO THANK ALL THOSE WHO were so kind to the while I was in the Hospital, to all those D who sent ant cards. sewers end gifts ; also Dr. Brady and Dr. McMaster, and to Nurses and Hospital Staff, who were so kind to me. MRS. JOHN CUMMINGS 4302x1 THE FAMILY OF THE LATE MRS. Maly Bach wish to thank their many fr'ends and neighbors for the kindness and sympathy shown them at the time of their recent bereavement. They par- ticularly wish to thanti Rev. J. V. Woelfte for his kind sympathy and comforting w,,rds. Dr. W. E. Pridham and the nu -se' 'tc ctra'n,.t G' -r"-" H-apital. The, would also like to thank all those who 'ent cards and flower, loaned cars or assisted in any a -ay. • 4802-1 Your best bet—Want Ads. Read them in The Huron Ex- positor. Phone 41. Seaforth. 4 ANNOUNCING . . . The opening of a Beauty Salon at the home of Isobel McCall 8th Conession, Morris. Machineless and Cold Wave,; Permanents a Specialty . r Operator a graduate of Mar ,, vel Hairdressing School, Hamilton. For appointments CALL 17 r 7 — BRUSSELS Manitoba Relief Fund v SPECIAL CONCERT BY R.C.A.F., CLINTON, CHORAL GROUP Sunday Evening, June 4th IN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Seaforth Immediately after the evening service a concert will be given by the R.C.A.F., Clinton Radar School Choral Society, in aid of the Manitoba Relief Fund. This group of male voice sing' . has given of its time and money for this we )4t while objective, and the support of the%t'le community is solicited. A retiring collection will be taken and the whole devoted to the fund. -DON'T FORGET! • Time—Sunday, June 4th, at 8:30 p.m. • Place—First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth WESTCOTT--To Mr. and Mm. Clare Westcotk..gn Wednesday, May 14. a son —Jan Howard. WILSON --In Scott Memorial Hospital, an June 1, to Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wilson, MdKillop, a son. DENNISON—Mr. and Mrs, Russell Den- nison (nee I0'argaref Ballard, Reg N.), of London, and formerly of Hensall. are very happy to announce the arrival of "their daughter, Ruth Marilyn, at Vic- toria Hospital, London, Tuesday, May 23. 1950. Deaths rAYLOR—In Seaforth, on Thursday, June I, Elizabeth Leitch, widow of the late Henry Taylor, in her 91st year, KERR—In Detroit, on Friday, May 26, Amelia Jane Morrison,-- widow of the late Alexander Kerr, in her 77th year. MILES—Suddenly, in Edmonton, Alta, on ,May 20, 1950, Allan Miles, beloved hus- band of Minnie Gordon, for some years assistant in the office of Drs. Scott & Mackay, of Seaforth. Military funeral from the home at 12421 - 102 Ave., May 33. BRUCEFIELD Mrs. James Lazenby, Belleville, and Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Lazenby, St. Thomas. were holiday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rathwell and Jack. Mr. Thos. B. Baird has accepted the position of secretary -treasurer for the Stanley School Area, it v. -as announced at a meeting on May 12. Mr. Baird will have his ollice at his residence. Mr. and Mrs. R. Scott spent the week -end in London. The Boy Scouts canvassed Bruce - geld and immediate vicinity in aid of the Manitoba flood relief on Sat- urday. They collected around $150. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hill, of Strat- ford, were week -end guests with relatives. Rev. E. R. Stanway is attending Conference in London this week. Mr, and Mrs. A. Zapfe and Wayne, of London, spent the weer{ end with friends. Mr. and Mrs. D. Herne, of Lon- don, were visiting the latter's par - Mr. and Mrs. W. Henry, ov- er the week -end. k -end. e 1''le ladies of the W.A. of the i nited Church are holding their an;lt:al visitors' day meeting on Wednesday, June 7, at 2:30. All ladies in the congregation are cordially invited to attend. At the morning service in the United Church on Sunday, two new elders, Mr. Alvin McBride and Mr. Gordon Richardson, were ordain- ed.' At the evening service the Oddfellows Lodge held their an- nual church parade. Members and visitors from all district lodges and visiting Rebekahs in large num- bers attended. Rev. E. R. Stanway delivered a very forceful sermon, his subject being, "Fear God, Fear Not To Touch God." The choir rendered an anthem and Mrs. Stan- way sang a beautiful solo. After the service members returned to the lodge rooms when several members and visitors spoke. Congratulations are extended to Mr. Cam. Henry, who received a gold medal in English and Philoso- phy at the University of Western Ontario. He will receive his B.A. degree at convocation this Satur- day. HENSALL The W.M.S. of the United Church are holding r. baking sale and tea in the schoolroom of the church on Saturday. Mrs. R. G. Love, of Caro, Mich., was a guest last week with her sister-in-law, Mrs. J. E. McEwan, and while here attended the initia- tion ceremony' of the Order of the Eastern Star held in the Exeter Chapter rooms on Wednesday, at which Dr. Floyd Day, of Timmins, Worthy Grand Patron of Ontario, was a distinguished guest. A number of members of the I.O. O.F. and Amber Rebekah lodges attended special services in Bruce - field United Church Sunday at 7 p.m., and were addressed by the minister, Rev. E. R, Stanway. All the lodges of the district were re- presented. Mrs. Stanway rendered a lovely solo, and the choir,- under the direction of Mrs. J. R. Mur- doch, rendered an anthem, Mrs. Ezra Kipfer was in Toron- to last week attending the gradua tion of her son. Ray Oesch. Miss Irma Kipfer, Toronto, accompanied her. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Scott expect to leave shortly 'for Guelph where they will take up residence. The Girl Guides, with their cap- tain, Edith Bell, enjoyed a hike to the bush Saturday afternoon. Re- freshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Simpson, .'illy and Bobby, of Detroit, were week -end visitors with Mrs. L. Simpson. The many friends of T. C. Joynt will regret to learn suffered a heart seizure this week and is con- fined to his room. Dr. Eunice Oestreieher, of Lon- don, was a week -end guest with Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Cook and fam- ily. .. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pepper were in Tiverton over the week -end anal attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Donald MacArthur, held on Monday. The bingo held in the Legion Hall Saturday night was well pat- ronized, many attending from Stratford and Clinton. Winner of the door prize was Fred Beer, of Hensall, the ticket being drawn by Mrs. Jos; Steep, Clinton. Many val- uable prizes were given away dur- ing the evening. Mr, and'Mrs. Kenneth Saunders and Mr. E. J. MacEwan, of Sarnia, were week -end guests with Mr. and Mrs. A. D. MacEwan. Mr. `and Mrs. Harry Stewart, of Seaforth, and Mrs. Clifford Cox and little son, Derry, Toronto, call- ed recently on Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle and family. A doctor bas discovered that radio is sodletimes beneficial in cases of deafness. On the other. ilatid deAfiress is dopletiale0 b'b1le^ fk1al `iii canis of radio. ,., 1 4,,7..1,t in !ftufl Stride the ostrich dovei'd 2i feet with each step. and Mrs N. lJ, 1Gook, MIAs Eleanor Nookand Mr and Mra. R. O. A•opkinson, Hamilton, 'left on Thursday of this week by motor to spend a, few days visiting with Dr. and. Mrs: M. A. Hopkinson, in King- ston. ingston. Mrs. Catherine Devlin has re- turned home after visiting wI,th members of her family in Toronto and London. Mr. Laird, Mickle visited his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. T. Mickle at Ridgetown fast Friday. The W.M.S. of Carmel Presbyter- ian Church will observe their 66th anniversary Thursday afternoon, June 8, and will have as their guest speaker Dr. Annable MacEw- an, of London. Invited guest& will be mentlbers of the executive of Huron Presbyterial and societies from the United and Anglican Churches. McEwan - Dixon In. a ceremony in Weston Pres- byterian -Church, Shirley Margaret Dixon, `daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbeg O. Dixon, became the bride of Norris Blair McEwan, Niagara Falls, formerly of Hensall, son of Mrs..' William • Cook, London, and. the late Alpine F. McEwan, Hen- sall. Rev. R.. C. Creelma.n officiat- ed. The church was lovely with a floral background of snapdragons in tall white standards. The solo- ist, Mrs. J. Loudie, sang "The Lord's Prayer" and; "0 Perfect Love." Given in marriage by her father, the bride was gowned in white moire taffeta fashioned with an Elizabethan neckline and full skirt. A matching poke bonnet held her fingertip veil, and she carrieda prayer book with gardenias. Jean E. Walter, maid of honor, wore a gown of 'pink mauve taffeta with matching poke bonnet. She carried a nosegay of harmonizing flowers. John S. Irwin was groomsman, and the ushers were Laurie H. Dixon and Elmer C. Pollock. A buffet luncheon was served in the church parlors to sixty guests. Tlhe bride's mother received in a turquoise dress with a corsage of yellow ros- es and the groom's mother assist- ed4 wearing a gray suit with a cor- sage of pink roses. Following a honeymoon trip to Ottawa and Muskoka, Mr. and Mrs. McEwan will reside in Niagara Falls. Guests were present- from Parkhill, Lon- don, Toronto, Niagara Falls and Hensall. Attending froth Hensall were Mr. and Mrs. A. D. McEwan and Mrs. Harry Smith. The Young People's anniversary service will be held in Chiselhurst United Church Sunday evening at 7:30 p.m. Rev. H. C. Wilson, of Wesley -Willis Church, Clinton, will be the guest speaker. The choir, composed of young people, will furnish an anthem: Mr, Harry Hero, Exeter, guest sbloist, will contribute two selections. Mr. Ross Kercher, president of the Y.P.S., will preside during the service, as- sisted by several members of the society. The morning service will be held at '9:45 a.m.; Sunday School follows at 10:45 a.m. The district annual of South Huron Women's Institute will take place in the United Church. Grand Bend, on Friday, June 9, at 10:00 a m. Mrs. Kerslake and Mrs. J. Paterson are taking cars. Others who will attend are Mrs. Orr, Mrs. Elgie, Mrs. Munn, Mrs. Mousseau and Mrs. Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs. Don Rigby and Donna, and, Betty Bowman and Mrs. John Rigby, Blenheim, were week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Stevq'art McQueen. Mrs. S. 'G. Troyer is very ill at the home of her son, Gordon Troyer. Mr. John Elder, who has been in Hamilton for the past week helping his son, who is a mechani- cal engineer, to erect a substantial fence about the fine residence he had built the past year, costing near $12,000, returned home the end of the week. This is the sec- ond time he bas been there to give Lorne a hand, and is invited to go a third time, likely in July, to build a garage. If there is a busy city in America, Hamilton is sure - The Voice Of Temperance "You don't have to drink," was the heading of an editorial that brought favorable comment from people in every walk of life. It is time that it was admitted on every hand that drinking is not a neces- sity, either for popularity or suc- cess. You don't have to drink to belong to the best society. You don't have to d'rink to .be a suc- cessful salesman. You don't have to drink to have a good time. "You don't have to drink."—(Adv,) Lakeview Casino GRAND BEND DANCING EVERY SATURDAY Presenting on SATURDAY, JUNE 3rd Bill Howe and His Orchestra "Tripit+Tongueing Trumpets" A band like your old fav- orites The Willis Tip- ping Orchestra! featuring 011ie English on Trumpet Beginning SATURDAY, JUNE 10th and test- 4if the seasot4 eilallficKay and His Orchesta ly one. At a double ring ceremony iD, Lfncol;n ltd. United Wind- bar, indbar, Dorothy Agnes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. l;I, Seymour, of Windsor, was married to Ronald. Peter Bell, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Bell, Hensall. Rev. M. Bury officiated. Mr. W. Martin played the wedding music and Mrs. Jean Perriot was soloist. The church was decorated with baskets of snapdragons and tulips. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a 'gown of white satin and lace with fitted bodice and full skirt, a fingertip veil caught to a crown embroidered with seed pearls, and she carried a bouquet of red roses. The bride was at- tended by three bridesmaids in nylon marquisette with -bonnets and mittens to match their gowns. Miss Hazel Seymour, maid of hon- or, in pink, was carrying blue car- nations, Miss Thelma Trimble, in Aqua; carried pink carnations, and Mrs. Betty Sova, in Mauve, carried pink carnations. The groom was attended by his twin brother, Don- ald' C. Bell, Toronto. John A. Bell, Waliaceburg, and William H. Bell, ,• p Heitman, bra:herd' .Of the grOO U. ushered. After a, re-Capt/P11' held the LO :tie, Ha'u,:'Nlitiver',Rid., the couple left on a wedding Trip to Algonquin Park, tike bride travel- ling ix a .powder ..blue suit with navy accessories. On their return. Mr. and Mrs. Bell will reside in. Windsor. Additional Hensall News on Pages .3 ,and 5 New, Low Summer Prices on our Famous BLUE: COAL are now In elect.. You'll want to take advantage of these low Spring •prices right away and get your order in now for our good; clean -trade-marked Coal. LORNE E. HAY PHONE 10 HENSAL► Big Reduction oh SHORTIES EFFECTIVE THURSDAY, JUNE 1st Every Shortie Coat in the Store is drastically reduced for quick selling. Act now! Here is a chance to save yourself the price of a summer dress. All are reduced at least 25%. SIZES 12-20 Green, r - Red - Black - Salmon Pink Navy TUDOR'S Ladies' Wear - Dry Goods PHONE =70 = .10 HENSALL Announcement. The "Old fore" AT BAYFIELD will open under new management on Saturday, June 3rd • Fried Chicken Steaks . - Halrlburgs. _ Hot Dogs - Ice Cream and Soft Drinks will be served. COME IN AND SEE US ! MRS. ERIC ZIEGLER - Proprietress N�wSA 880498 Yes sir, right now, today! The new B -A 88 and 98 gasolines are on sale. Drive in and fill up with new B -A 88 or 98 gasoline. Get new power. Smooth; performance. Ping -free acceleration. And the new . 9Osolines give you against battery strain, gum and Extra money -saving mileage. motoring: So buy a trial tank- ful of new B -A 88 or 98 gaso- line. It's here, now! DUNL B -A SERVICE r'. extra protection carbon troubles. Extra. reliable .a ±na a; pt'I 9' 11f0,rkbrfrl.l7l4