The Huron Expositor, 1950-06-02, Page 3Scerieof ! r fy ` " d lug • 91he beautiful white altars of St, Columban Church were adorned with white snapdragons and fern for the wedding on Saturday morn- ing at 10 o'clock, when Miss Mary Josephine Doyle, daughter or ' Mr. and 1Mrs. Joseph M. Doyle, St. Columban, became. the bride of Mr. Norman •Daniel O'Connor, son of Mrs. Agnes O'Connor and the late Daniel O'Connor, Dublin. Rev. if. DON BRIGHTRALL • GENERAL INSURANCE Auto, wins, Health &. Accident; Life, Fire, Burglary, Hands GOOD COMPANIES -LOW RATES PHONE 299 : SEAFORTH \CEM .NT BIJOCKS Immediate delivery HURON CONCRETE PRODUCTS Phone 684 Seaforth J. O'Drowski, P.P., St. Columban, officiated at the Marriage cere- mony and at the Nuptial High Masa. Mrs. Vincent Lane presided at the organ and the soloist was Mrs. Thos. Kale, Seaforth, who sang "Ave Maria" at the Offertory and "-On This Day, 0 Beautiful Mother," during the signing of the register. Given in marriage by her father, the bride were a gown of white satin with square neckline, embroidered with seed pearls and crystal beading. The gown was fit- ted to the bodice, extending into a train; the sleeves were lily -point- ed over the wrists. Her fingertip illusion veil was caught with a white helmet -shaped hat edged with pearls, and she carried a bou- quet of calla lilies. The maid of honor was Miss. Patricia Doyle, sis- ter of the bride, wearing a full- length gown of yellow marquisette with Peter -Pan collar, buttoned to the waist, with matching sash and bouffant skirt; she wore a bonnet - styled hat and yellow marquisette gloves and carried yellow carna- tions tied with orchid ribbon. The bridesmaids were Miss Barbara MacDougall and Miss Sylvia Grant of Detroit, wearing identical gowns of aqua marquisette with Peter - Come to Clinton on CLINTON DAY " Saturday, June 3rd Specials Galore At Every Store Sponsored ,by CLINTON AND DISTRICT CHAMBER OF COMMERCE CLINTON Under auspices of Seaforth Lions Club and Branch 156, Canadian Legion ALL PROCEEDS FOR MEMORIAL CENTRE $500 in Valuable Prizes - 18 Games for $1.00 DRAWING FOR $49.75 MIXMASTER .See display of valuable prizes at Seaforth Produce Store. BRING All. YOUR FRIENDS TO THIS BINGO ON Friday, June2, 1950 SEAFORTH & DISTRICT MEMORIAL COMMUNITY CENTRE - PRIZES - 1. Combination Magazine and Lamp Table Value 523.00 1. Clothing Enseml,leValue 525.00 S. Pressure Cooker Value 519.95 1. Steam Electric IronValue $21.95 5. Occasional Chair .Value 523.50 6..22 Calibre Repeating Rifle Value 518.00 7. Gladstone Rag Value 523.50 8. Automatic Toaster Value $22.50 5. Presto Canner Value 525.50 10. 1 Radio Value 530.95 11. Sandwich Toaster Value $10.95 12. Silver Tea Service Vane $30.00 13. 1 8 -Day Clock Value $20.00 14. 1 Bag Sugar Value $15.00 15. 1 Radio ._ Value $30.95 16. 1 Kodak Tourist Camera A Value $25.25 17. 1 Tricycle Value $19.75 18. $100.00 IN CASH Everyfourth Bingo will be a Special for $25.0.0 1GAMES FOR VALUABLE PRIZES, ALL FOR $1.00 Bingo starts at 8:30 p.m. in SEAFORTH & DISTRICT MEMORIAL COMMUNITY CENTRE We Need Your Used Tires! _ 1 \ :� a\A L ,r sts 1.111)11 ES�, ars is. DOMINION '"ROYAL MASTER" SWAG ,wdSAVE HERE See us TODAY' DOMINION ROYAL ,. - "AIR RIDE" . L. Jones Cor. Main & Goderich Sta.. PHONE 362 190 • Pan collars, buttoned to the waist, matching sashes, bonnet -styled hats and gloves, and carrying yel- low carnations. The best man was Frank O'Connor, Dublin, and fthe ushers were Mr. Thomas Doyle and Mr. Louis Doyle. The wedding breakfast was served at the Royal Hotel, Mitchell, and later a recep- tion was Held at the home of the bride's parents. The bride's. mother received the guests wearing a navy blue silk ensemble with matching accessories and corsage of red ros- es. The bridegroom's mother as- sisted, wearing a printednavy silk gown with matching accessories and corsage of pink roses. Mr. and Mrs. O'Connor left on a honeymoon trip to Florida and Cuba. The bride chose for travelling an aqua gabardine suit with luggage tan coat, white straw hat and match- ing accessories. Guests at the wed- ding attended from Detroit, Rose- ville, Belleville; Dearborn and Tor- onto. Personals; Patrick Flannery, John Flannery, Miss Beachie, of Preston, and. Mrs. Lawrence, of Wellesley, Mr. and. Mrs. Frank Stock and son, London,. with Mr. and Mrs. John Meagher; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Coyne, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Atkinson; Mrs. Vincent .Gooder and son, Lon- don, with her mother, Mrs. Louis Dorsey; Mrs. Kenneth Etue and two sons,. Zurich, with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. J. Molyneaux; .Misses Marie and Geraldine Dillon, Inger- soll, with their parents,. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Dillon; Mr. and Mrs. Robinson, Mr. •and Mrs. Reese and Miss Mary woods, Detroit; Joseph and Misses Mary and Kathleen Givins, London, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ryan and son, and: Mrs. M. Con- nolly, Kinkora, James and Blair Givins, Wingham, all attending the funeral of Mrs. John Woods on vednesday; Mrs. C. A. Trott, Sea - forth, and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Get - ler, Chatham, with Mrs. A. M. Looby; Miss Loraine Jordan, Lon- don, i4ith her parents, Mr. and, Mrs. Joseph Jordan; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Healy, Blyth, with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Donnelly; Miss Mar- garet Atkinson, Toronto, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph At- kinson; Mr. and Mrs. Hubert O'Reilly attended the Kelly -Ruston wedding in London on Saturday, when Mrs. O'Reilly was matron of honor for her sister, the bride, for- merly Miss Doris Ruston; Mr. and Mrs. John Meagher in London; Mr. and Mrs. Dan O'Rourke and Mrs. Walter carpenter attended the fun- eral of a relative in Kinkora last iiflUtl�4T si11t�,:vt= ..rF' 'I ,aLrh 4 vae.�: t�f N." WHERE THERE'S &CZ' TRADE MARX PEG. THERE'S HOSPITALITY The smiling prize-winning entries in the baby show at the Hensall Fair are, left to right, 10 -months -old Laura Ann with mother, Mrs. George Grenier. Dashwood, third prize; 10 months• old Larry Glen, with mother, Mrs. Ken McLean, Kippen, second prize, and William Brian, 8 -months -old, with mother, Mrs. Carl Decker, Zurich, first prize. Popular Couple . Wed in Hensall United Church • The United Church, Hensall, on Saturday, May 20, at 2 p.m., was the scene of the wedding of Jean Lenore, daughter of Mr. and, Mrs. Edward Norminton, Hensall, to Arthur Melville Traquair, son of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Traquair, Hensall. Rev. R. A. Brook per- formed the double ring ceremony in a setting of forsythia, ferns and snapdragons. The wedding music was played by Miss Greta Lam- mie, while Mr. Benson Stoneman was soloist. The bride was escort- ed by her father, who gave her in marriage. She wore a bouffant gown of white chantilly lace and marquisette over taffeta and an heirloom platinum necklace of em- eralds and diamonds. Her flowing veil was secured by a coronet of seed pearls. The bridal bouquet was of white roses, sweet peas and ivy. Miss Georgia Cook, London, attended the bride and wore yel- week; Mrs. T. J. Molyneaux, Mrs. Fergus Stapleton and Mrs. Thos. Butters in Kitchener. Receive, First Communion A group of seven-year-old chil- dren received their First Commun- ion at St. Patrick's Church Sunday morning. Rev. Dr. Ffoulkes gave an impressive sermon, taking as his text: "Suffer little ctildren to come unto Me." The first communi- cants were Louise O'Rourke, Diana Kistner, Catharine Feeney, Joseph Flanagan, Jimmy Shea, Harry Ry- an, Billy McLaughlin, Richard Stapleton,Bobby Stapleton and Ed- ward Feeney. Dies in Montreal Word was received here of the death of Mrs. Harry Beale in Montreal on Monday morning fol- lowing a brief illness. Mrs. Beale, who was formerly Miss Nellie King, was a native and former resident of Mitchell, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Michael King, Mitchell. She is survived by her husband, three sons, Harry and Kingsley, Montreal, and Wilfred, Chicago; four sisters: (Gertrude) Mrs. John Baker, (Hannah) Mrs. T. Coffey, (Ada) Mrs. Dr. Hipp and Miss Edna King, all of Detroit: also two brothers, Thomas and Ed- ward King, Chicago. The funeral was held from St. Aloysius Church, Montreal, on Wednesday morning with interment at Montreal. NOTICE! Saturday Nite Closing As we all employ female help, we find it neces- sary to close at 10:30 p.m. during June, July, August and September, to try and meet the regulation hours set by the Department of Labor. It will be impossible for us to continue to 11:00 p.m., as our sales help would be g6ne and we could not serve you in the proper manner we would like. We ask your co-operation in shopping as early as possible, as we want to serve you to our best ability. THANKS FOR SHOPPING EARLY ! W. J. Finnigan Art Wright Wm. R. Smith Gordon McGonigle J. J. Cleary Westcott's Jewellery Gordon Dick Savauges' Jewellery Seaforth 5c to $1 Store Willis' Shoe Store Beattie Bros. Baldwin Hardware Smith's Shoe Store ALSO THE CO-OPERATION OF: Christie'S Meat•Mar'ket Whyte'sButcher Shop Canadian Tire Store Thompso`a's Book Store • ,low nylon marquisette with fash- ioned matching mitts and Quern Anne headdress. She carried or- chid carnations, sweet peas and ivy. Jack Traquair, Hensall, at- tended his brother. The ushers were Robt. Traquair, brother of the groom, and FredSmallacombe, cousin of the bride. The reception was held at the home of the bride's parents. Guests were present from Embro, Toronto, Windsor and Guelph. For their motor trip east the bride wore a navy faille suit with navy and white accessories and a gardenia corsage. Chief Petty Officer Maurice Tud- or arrived in Hensall this week from Halifax, where he has been taking a special 8 -months course. Heis visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Tudor, on his way to Victoria, B.C., to join his ship. On June 15 he will leave with his ship Uganda, and will not return un- til-afteacChristmas. He leaves Fri- day by motor on a 4,500 -mile trip to meet his wife and two sons, John and James, in Victoria. Mr. Milton Russell and- son, Homer, and David and James Sangster arrived home from Chel- sea Lake with a big catch of pike and pickerel. Mr. Charles Cooper, well-known resident of Hensall, died at his home here on Wednesday follow- ing a week's illness. He was in his 72nd year and was an agtive member of Carmel Presbyterian Church, also an elder and a mem- ber of Masonic Lodge No. 224, A.F. and A.M. He is survived by his widow, the former Lottie Upshall. A public funeral will be held from Bonth9ron's funeral home on Fri- day at 2 p.m., under the auspices of the Masonic Lodge, with Rev: P. A. Ferguson officiating. Inter- ment will be in Baird's cemetery. Pupils of John L. Nicol, A.C.C.O., will be heard in recital at Carmel Presbyterian Church on Friday. Mrs. Jas. W. Bonthron bas re- turned home after spending the winter in Florida. Mrs. Emily Boyle, Miss Helen Boyle, R.N., and Milton Boyle, of Toronto, were week -end guests with Mr. and Mrs. A. Clark and other relatives. KIPPEN and Mrs. E. McBride. Mr. and Mrs. Gunning and Mr. and Mrs. Westcott and daughters, of Exeter, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Bell. Mrs. Pears Love and family, of Varna, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold ‚Jones. Mr.• and Mrs. Norman Ferguson and Patricia, of Staffa, spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Ferguson and Mrs. W. Schilbe. Mr. and Mrs. Rumble, of Clin- ton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Anderson. Recruit; "What's on the menu tonight?" 'Cool, "Oh, we have hundreds of things to eat tonight." Recruit: "What are they?" Cook: "Beans." Upholstering Chesterfields and Occasional Chairs Repaired and Recovered Factory Guarantee Free Pick-up and Delivery Stratford Upholstering ' Co. 42 Brunswick St., 8trattord For further Informatl n enquire at Box's Furniture Store SEAFORTH Messrs. Emmerson Kyle and Frank Wright were in London on Friday attending the Spring Shrin- ers' convention. Mr. W. L. Mellis is having the back part of his shop repaired and the exterior redecorated. Mr. John Jarrott, of the staff of Mickle's Mill at Hensall is off work due to an attack of influenza. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Butt, accom- panied by Alf. Glazier, spent Sun- day with friends in' Stratford. Mrs. Ivy Butt, of Seaforth, spent Sunday with friends in and around Kippen. Mr. and Mrs. Reid Torrance and family, Bayfield, were visitors at the home of Mr. Henry Ivison on Sunday. Miss Battelle Thompson, Bruce - field., spent Sunday with Miss M. R. Whiteman. Rev. A. Hinton conducted the services in the United Church, Ex- eter, on Sunday last. Mr. William Ivison is visiting friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Damm and son, •Ken, attended the gradluation exercises in Toronto 011 Wednes- day last, when the former's nephew, Percy Nelson Pletch, grad- uated. from Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College. Mr, and Mrs. Brill Edwards, of Clinton, called on friends in Kip - pen on Friday of last week. Mr. Elzar Mousseau has purchas- ed from Hyde Bros., at Hensall, a small Allis-Chalmers tractor, to use in his garden operations. Mitts Jean Alexander, of London. apeli', the week -end with her par- entd,, VCr, and 1VIrs. Wm. Alexander. 1Vf . .t d " Mr's. Ivison Torrance, of Mitc'h'ell, spent :Sunday with Mr. tl14viv6.:iL 1", Wool Wanted All Wool shipped to JACKSON'S is Graded in Seaforth and full settlement made from them. H. M. JACKSON SEAFORTH Phones: 3-W and 3-J Farmers THE WAWANESA MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY Canada's Largest Fire Mutual Will Insure Farm Property Against I.c�ss or Damage by Fire or Windstorm "ON .THE ONE POLICY" At the Lowest Rates that provide Safe Insurance On Farm Buildings of Good Construction Equipped with Lightning Rods the rates are especially attractive. NO PREMIUM NOTES ARE REQUIRED The actual value of the property is the only limit set in the Policy Fire Extinguishers are placed with every Policy without cost to the Insured. Get full information from your local agents: D. 1. Brightrall - - J. H. Scott Phone 299 Phone 336 SEAFORTH TODAY57 TIRE VALUE! y�;,�iElvt �cf 04, Here it is, then rd actuallysts l piveed 34%y o more mileage than the eibe replaces. e Goody p rehe new DeLuxe is the great- est tire vin it yavailable safer,tostronger tire \at a standard price. We have the efr teo your car. Whyesi ve in today! GOOpfEAR LIFEGUARD SAFETY . protect you and your car from blowout dangers. BATTERIES 6••pIVEAR owe= for y our car, truck or tractor. Dependable starting P ENSALL :..MOTOR SALES HENSALL PHONE: 31 DODGE -DE SOTO OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 10 P.M: C34 ,,..tai': tf,,.n: #..r.. „itM 7FA A031a `EXCELLENCE FLOUR' GIVES PERFECT SATISFACTION "GOLD STAR" -- All Purpose Flour "EXCELLENCE" - Bread Flour "MAGIC" - Ontario Wheat Pastry "Just Give Them a Trial" • DAIRY RATION • HOG FATTENER • CHICK GROWER Flour • PIG STARTER • CALF MEAL • SOW RATION • HOG GROWER • LAYING MASH • CHICK STARTER • BROILER MASH • HATCHING MASH TURGEON GRAIN and PROCESSED FEEDS Feed Division of Excellence Flour Mills, Limited SEAFORTH, ONTARIO PHONES 353 - 354 FARMERS We will buy your WHEAT, BARLEY, OATS, MIXED GRAIN, an PAY BEST MARKET PRICES is., iv � �Jab.ALWi'+wdi zl