HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1950-05-26, Page 3AlinlYeraery ,Church on „panda, exa,Y• Stewart, SA, nr Xtheardiue. )1. con usissikswisoisiss ooli Wanted All W001 shipped to JACKSON'S is Graded in Seafortb and full settlement made from them. R M. JACKSON SEAPORTH Phones: 3-W and 3-J ege Tit gen, PhIPPP4, 40't Thia 010 largest 'in any eMiNeeet OOP 4rin. Each. Mrs. J. K. Irvin 'Kea boatefie at MaY meeting of the &wild Circle Evening Auxiliary. 'There wa.s a spleedid attendanee. The' chair was taken by President Mrs. Win - soled the devotional, l'it'aith in 3413. garry Roy read- ing the Scripture lesson; Mrs. Al- vin Eeralahe gave the etudy of the continued miesitanary Work in Ja- an ertiele from tile Presbyterian, Record, while Mrs. Lawrence Bay. The pause that refreshes Announcement • MR. JOHN E LONGSTAFF REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST wishes to announce that he has pur- chased the Optical practice from ROSS SAVAUGE, and has opened his office in THE CARDNO BLOCK (One door South of Savauge's Store) PHONE 791 : SEAFORTH llefreetkinante Were. aerie& and the enea Mother's Day was fittingly ob- served in Carmel Presbyterian Church SnatlaY naerning last, Rev. A. rerguson occupied Ida own pulpit and. based: his tholighte frona the *eine, "(led works thre'llgh home." Hp was aspieted during the service by Mr. George Tinney, sup- erinteadent of the Sandal chool. cupied the choir loft and for their selection sang, "Childheed Years Are Spreading O'er Us." Misa Shirley Bell rendered a solo, "Jesus, Lover Of My Squl." The Senior choir sat in the front pews of the church. The Scripture les- son was read by Miss Anne Hil- debrandt. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. :Campbell and two saas cif Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Vol - land, received the ritee of baptism. Huron County 'Women's Chris- tian Temperance tinion convened Tuesday afternoon at Main Street tnited •Church, Exeter, for its an- nual tonvention. Mrs. R. A. Brook, cOoMY-nreaidlent, took the chair„ The devotional .period was in charge of Mrs. C. Pennington, of Goderich. Mrs. C. W. Down ex - CEMENT BLOCKS Immediate delivery HURON CONCRETE PRODUCTS Phone 684 : Seaforth tag Year; IA the Vlower Mlealoii•etae Vert it was' stated, that •150 vis10 :had hew Made the ate4 and. 'being sent out to the Mee. Rev. H. 3." Snell, ininieter James St. United Church, Exeter, was guest speaker, basing +Ids thORghts 914 0.0 Eighth Psalm, 5th verse: "Tou hast. made libal a lin:: tle lower than the tinge's, and bast crowned him with- glory and ban^ or," Mr. Snell, in 11, very tore/10 address, stated that 163 million dellare ball been speat on Piper in, 1949. We cannot compute the -afraid to diseints the position that we take. He was pleased, that Her- on County had, an organization and said it must go ahead and defend and support it. Mrs. Brook, county president for the past seven years, thanked the organization for their co-00Pration and tendered her .resignation. Mrs. Geo. johneton, Goderich, conducted 'the election, which reaulted as Sol - lows: Advisory presidents, Mrs. E. J. Miners, Exeter; Mrs. G. John- ston, Goderich; Miss Jean Murray, Hensall; Mrs. C. W. Downs, Exe- ter; past president, Mrs. R. A. Brook; president, Mrs. Chas. Pen Mrs. E. Geiger; corresponding sec- retary, Mrs. P. J. Ce,ntelon, Gode- rich; recording secretary, Miss A. Consitt, flensall; treasurer, Mrs. Wm. Peters, Goderich; superin- tendents of departments: Evange- listic and Christian Stewarship, Mrs:. E. Geiger, Hensall; drugs and narcotics, Mrs. W. C. Pearce, Exe- ter; Flower Mission, Mrs. C. W. Downs, Exeter; medal contest, Mrs. J. Amy, Exeter; press secre- BEAT OLD MAN WEATHER! "se Murphy Paints FOR ALL EXTERIOR SURFACES LOOK BETTER • LAST LONGER Phone 17 Specify Murphy Paints and NARVO for your next paint job ON SALE AT JOHN BACH Seaforth 000, ExOteri 141y4, )!,fJ en, Henson, Attit:V ValioneY, of Main at. -0144,,e111,11,02, Exeter, reechoed ORYPV,',0T0410-aceordian, solos, Mrs; ed• -04;0016, with. Mrs. F. ApPlellY, enetiMlarilst. Mrs. T. DoUghertY, gatktotilhe convention. to be held Tettarto in September. iir,Tenflin by Mrs. G. joliasten, of 4;3;00040, convener of the vista:ti- tion assembled„greatly deplore the inereaating 'appearances hi our Weekly and daily newspapers and in, many other periodicals Mich worthy causes as the Red; cr•es. the salliation Army and many ap- peals With the name of a brewer or distiller attached as the spin- ster, a the advertisement; be it resolved that we continue to ap- peal to, the management of news papers and periodicale of oiir *- approval, believing the money, got- ten bY 'the sponsors in many casea comett4rom the familiee tweeting assistance, It is resolved that al- cohol Os. be prohibited and alco- holic education for Canadian yonth be emphasized. Be it resolved, the Lorene Day Act be better enforc- e& Tbe ladies of Main St. Church served n delicious sapper., ST. COLUMBAN The rctonthly meeting of the C. W.L. was held with the president, Mrs. T. Morris, in charge. The meeting opened with prayer and the minutes as read were adopted. The treasurer's report showed a balance, of 379.45. The following coaveners were appointed: Maga- zine convener, Mrs. Wm. McMil- lan, with Mrs. Jos. Connolly and Mrs. Michael Murray as aeaist- ants; Purgatorial Society, Mrs. Jarnes McQuaid, and Mrs. Joseph DoYle. Mrs. Wm. McIvor and Mrs. MeMillan were appointed to visit NOTICE ! Salvage WANTED LOUIS HILDEBRAND WE WILL PICK UP Iron and All Kinds of Metal, Rags Highest Cash Prices paid. ibis a ilea with a fir Of light -bald Wednesday ,Aafteration,_, MaY 17, at the home Of Vra. A101,01- Tha Tall Cell Wass' MienVerad ID" "your birthday." The afternoon and 50 Yards of' tlaaneletto into a. layette to be forwneded tO the Children's Shelter tit 'Goderich, used clothing brought to the 'Meet - lag by the members. After this the buginess part ef the meeting Was conducted. If -Santee of the last meeting were read and adopted. It was moved and seconded that 650 be'„,sent to tbe Winnipeg Relief Fund. A card of thanks was read from Mrs. Cnarles Eyre for box af treats sent her, also Personal thanks for same from Mrs. E. Whitehouse. The meeting was brought to a close by singing "God Save the Xing," and a 'de- licious lunch was served by the hostess end her committee. BAYFIELD The Trinity Club of Trinity An- glican Church held a successful "Daffodil Tea" at the home of Mrs. Ted Davies on Thursday afternoon last. The rooms were tastefullY decorated with spring flowers. Mrs. Davies received the guests and John Howard poured. The tea- room assistants were Mrs. May, nerd Corrie, Mrs. Alfred Scotch - mer, Jr., Mrs. Larry Clow, Mrs. T. H. Mack, Mrs. Ernest Hovey and Mrs. LaVerne Morgan. Mrs. Keith Pruss, of London, spent the week -end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Parker. Mrs. John MacLeod, Sr., return- ed home on Saturday after spend- ing the winter in Detroit and Rom- eo, Mich. Mr. Donald MacLeod, of Port Dover, and Mr. and Mrs. Ar- thur Sullivan and David, of Rom- eo, spent the week -end with their Dr. and Mrs. Robin Hunter and family, of' Toronto, were at their home in the village over the week end. Miss Betty Lou Larson, of Lon- don, spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Reheny Larson. Mrs. Manley Thomson, of Chica- go, has arrived to visit her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jack MacKenzie. Mr. Jim Day, of Detroit, spent the week -end in the village. He is preparing to build a new home on Huron Terrace. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ferguson, of London, spent the week -end with the former's mother, Mrs. Margar- et Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stewart, of Hamilton, -spent the week -end at their home in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Smith, Lon- don, were guests of the former's grandmother, Mrs, Chas. Parker, over the week -end. Rev. LaVerne Morgan and T. H. Mack were in London this week attending the Synod of the Diocese of Huron. is wimp DO VAcqUiti) . TRADE.: Mt .CAKFREE Trade-in your old tires on brand fitew GoodYears- We'll buy the unused miledgerin faux old worn tires. Our plan makes it eaay to get the safe, road -gripping traction of big. mileage Goodyear tires . . drive 'in today! SEAFORTH MOTORS PHONE: 141 CHEV-OLDS.-SALES AND SERVICE MORE PEOPLE RIDE ON GOOPATEAR TIRES THAN ON ANY OTHER KIND WINCEIELSEA Miss Jean Humphrey of Kirkton, spent Wednesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs. John Batten, Mr. and Mrs. George Kellett and Mr. and Mrs. Harry .Armstrong attend- ed the reception in Hensall on Thursday night gicen in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cooper. Mrs. W. Walters, of London, spent the week -end at the home of her son, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wal- ters. Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn. Kerslake and Mr. and Mrs. Don Penhale and family spent Sunday with Mrs. William Veal of Exeter. A large crowd attended the Mother's Day service at the church on Sunday and two babies were baptized. Mr. and Mrs. George Kellett spent Sunday in Clifford at the home of Mrs. L. Schaus and her son, Charles, the occasion being Mrs. Schaus' 91st birthday. ;Miss Betty Bailey, of Exeter, spent the week -end with her par- ents, Mr. and, Mrs. Joe Bailey. Master Sheridan Penhale spent the week -end with his grand- mother, Mrs. W. Veal, and return- ed home with his parents on Sun- day. Mrs. M. Dobbs and Mrs. Clifford Brock and family, of Elimville, and Mr. and Mrs. William. Dobbs and children, of Langdon, spent Sun- day withu Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Brock. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Armstrong spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs, John Batten. The fine weather of the past couple of weeks has enabled most of the farmers to get their entire spring crops in. Miss June Walters attended a trousseau given by Mrs. H. H. Cowen, of Exeter, in honOr of her daughter, Marion. Mr. and Mrs. Haines and Mr. and Mrs. Reed, of St. Marys, visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Horne on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Walters, Margaret and Danny attended a funeral in St. Thomas on Monday. Mr. Clarence Ford, of Kitchen- er, spent the week -end with his parents here, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ford. 4 date with a smooth and smart young beauty with an exciting habit of being in the lead! It's Oldsmobile -the car that was first with Hydra -Matic Drive* -first with Futuramic Styling. And now Olds is first again -in performance, beauty, safety and durability! New improvements in its already famous Futuramic Styling ... new, more beautiful interiors ... new, sparkling colors ... newly strengthened Body By Fisher! It's far and away the finest Oldgmobile ever! Whatever feature you set stock by, you'll find Oldsmobile has it in bountiful meagure. Make a date today -with the car that marks your good taste as well as your sound judgment. See your Oldsmobile dealer! 'Standard equipment on the Rocket-Engined"88", optional at extra cog on the "76". • A GENERAL 1,110TORs VALUE MOTORS . IN Under auspices of Seaforth Lions Club and Branch 156, Canadian Legion ALL PROCEEDS FOR MEMORIAL CENTRE 8500 in Valuable Prizes - 18 Games for $1.00 DRAWING FOR $49.75 MIXMASTER See display of valuable prizes at Seaforth produce Store. BRING ALL YOUR FRIENDS TO THIS BINGO ON RL, June 2, 1950 SEAFORTH & DISTRICT MEMORIAL COMMUNITY CENTRE ' "1:4Cornhination Magazine and 10. 1 Radio Lamp Table Value $23.00 1. Clothing EnsembleValue 525.00 3. Presstire Cooker Value 519.95 1. Steam Electric Iron Value $21.95 5. Occasional Chair -Value 523.50 5. .22 Calibre Repeating Rifle Value 518.00 7. Gladstone Rag Value 523.50 Automatic Toaster Value $22.5o 9 Presto Canner Value 525.50 Yaine $30.03. 11. Sandwich Toaster .,Value $30.95 12. Silver Tea Service Vaue $30.00 13. 1 8 -Day Clock Value $20.00 14. 1 Bag Sugar Value 515.00 /5. 1 Radio Value 330.95 16. 1 Kodak Tourist Camera Value 525.25 17. 1 Tricycle Value 519.75 18. $100.00 IN CASH Every fourth Bingo will be a Special for $25.00 18 GAMES FOR VALUABLE PRIZES, ALL FOR $1.00 Bingo starts at 3:30 p.m. in SEAFORTH & DISTRICT MEMORIAL COMMUNITY CENTRE BEST STRAWBERRY JAM The best recipe for homeenade strawberry jam so far tetted in the' kitcheries of Consumer Sectien, Department of Agriculture, Ot- tawa, was found to be. made from. whole berries and enough lemon juice to give the jain a jellylike Cll. PAINTS for lasting beauty and protection Your paint dollars go farther when ,you use C -I -L PAINTS. They cover better, look better, last longer, than cheaper paints . . . actually cost less in the long run. That's why so many painters recommend C -I -L PAINTS ... why so many home -owners rely on them to s -t -r -e -t -e -h paint dollars. Your choice of 22 enduring colours, also black And white. TRUTONE WHITE The paint that cleans itself Intensely white -and mays white. 29% improved hiding strength makes TRUTONE WHITE an even hotter buy than before. Coats less because it goes farther than ordinary whites. SEE YOUR C -1-L PAINT DEALER His experienced advice may save you money, assure more satisfactory results. Whether it's a big, job or a little one, see your C -I -L Paint Dealer first For outside trim TRIM and TRELLIS Specially made for doors, windows and other outside trim. Dries quickly, holds colour and gloss much longer than ordinary out- side paints. 6 eakrara and black.