HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1950-05-19, Page 4sifted Ads. tssiiied Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates: FOR SALE. WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC.—Per word: lat week 1 Cent lad week % art s week % Cent Minimum charge, first ineer4,ion.. - 25 Cents Each figure, iuftial and abbreviation counts ea one word. Card a Thanks, In Memoriam Notices, Coming Eves:la-1 cent per word. 50 , cents per week. Ll ugt hies may be directed to a Box No.. c/o The Huron Expositor, for 10 cents extra. Ten cents additional will be charged if ads in shove deals are not paid within 10 days of date of Said hasertyoa. Births, Marriages and Deaths 'inserted Erse of charge. Auction Saha. Notices to Oreditore, Etc.—Rafter on application. Minimum, Coming Events Teachers Wanted DURING THE ALTERATIONS OF THETEACHER WANTED — PROTESTANT C hal Palace Ballroom, Mitchell. teacher for S.S. No. 12, McKillop Township. State Wary expected and qualifications_ Apply to MRS. OSCAR CUTHILL, Secretary -Treasurer, R.R. 4, Walton. 4300-2 rya dances will continue every Friday night, and when completed will be one of the finest ballrooms in any rural sect i on4300x2 Lost and Found 1 OUND--BOY'S COAT. IN FAIRLY good eonditdon, in yard of A_ Y. Mc- Lean, M.P. Owner may have same by proving property and paying ad. 4299-13 Personals SKINNY MEN, WOMEN 1 GAIN 5 TO 15 lbs. New pep, too. Try famous Oatrex Tonle Tablets for double results; newhealthy flesh; new vigor. New "get acquainted" size only 60e. A11 druggists_ HYGIENIO SUPPLIES (R 1158 E R Goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-73, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamiiton, Ont. Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of ALEXANDER SINCLAIR A L L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against ,the Estate of Alexander Sin- clair, late of the Town of Seaforth. Coun- ty of Huron, Gentleman. deceased, who died on or about the 6th day of May, 1950, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 10th day of June, 1950, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said last men- tioned date, the assets of the said estate will be diatributed amongst the parties entitled thereto. having regard on1Y to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. to the exclusion of all others, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim the undersign- ed shall not then have notice, for the assets so distributed or any part thereof. DATED at Seaforth, Ont, this llth day of May, 1950. ALVIN W. SILLERY, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitor for the Estate. 4300-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of ALFRED R. BOX A L L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Alfred R. Box, late of the Town of Seaforth, Ontario. deceased, who died on or about the 29th day of April 1950, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 26th day of May, 1950. full particu- lars of their claims. Immediately after the said last men- tioned date. the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims .of which the undersigned shall then have notice, to --the exclusion of all ethers and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of obese claim the undersign - „ed sball not then have notice, for the assets so distributed or any part thereof. DATED at Seaforth, this 2nd day of May, 1950. ALVIN W. Ser T,FRY, Seaforth, Ontario, . Solicitor for the Estate. 4298-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS the Estate of, WILLIAM SMITH A L L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Wiliam Smith, late of the Town of Seaforth, deceased. who died on or about the 14th day of April, 1950, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 26th day of May, 1950, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said last men- tioned date. the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, to the exclusion of all others, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim the undersign- ed shall not then have notice, for the assets so distributed or any part thereof. DATED at Seaforth, this 2nd day of May, 1950. . ALVIN W. SILLERY, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitor for the Estate. 4298-8 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of BRIDGET FLANNERY A L L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Bridget Flan -i nery, late of the Village of Dublin, de- ceased, who died on or about the 30th day of December, 1949, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 26th day of May, 1960, full particulars of their elainw.' Immediately after .the said last men- tioned date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, to the exclusion of all `others, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim the undersign- ed shall not then have .notice for the assets so distributed or any part thereof. DATED at Seaforth, this 2nd day of May, 1950. ALVIN W. SILLERY, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitor for the Estate. 4298-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS rn ` In the Testate of FLORENCE SMLTH A L L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Florence Smith, late of the Town of Seaforth, Ontarlo, deceased, Who died on or about the 21st day of May, 1947, are hereby notified to send in: to the undersigned on or before Gm 26th day of May, 1980,^ full paetimilars of their claims. • Irnnaediately after the said last men- tioned date, the assets of the raid estate will be distributed- amongst the `parties entitled thereto,havin y and only to damns of whicthe undersigned shall then have Ootice, to the excitation of all others, 4, anal the undersigned will riot be liable to emy.veteran of,'Whoee claim the nndet'aign- gglhrall Mite 'then have notice for the kiei qts 'distelbddted; Or any vast thereof. P+►1 ba ;gad ddy of Oltir lea art4 Wanted WANTED — MEN'S GOLF CLUBS : must be in good condition, with atoel shafts. with or without `bag. Apply Box 878, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4300x1 Property For Sale VOR SALE—NEW_ HOUSE, RANCH 1 style; fully modern: oil furnace, air conditioned. /Can be bought with down payment and monthly payment plan. C. G. I,F.F, John Street. 4286-tf FOR SALE New House, Modern, Seven Rooms, James St. Immediate occupation. PHONE 353 Notices T AWN MOWERS SHARPENED AND repaired. A. O'LEARY, Seaforth. 4299-6 let RADIO REPAIRS — WHEN YOUR radio won't work, bring it to TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR, and take it home the same day—any day. Opposite Dick House. Phone 347-R, Seaforth. 4295-tf DRY CLEANING PICK-UP AND DE - livery, 9 a.m„ Tuesday and 9 a.m. Friday. For this quick service customers are requested to leave their cleaning at FRANK KLING'S before these hours. GODERICH FRENCH DRY CLEANERS. Cliff Lowery, Prop. 4300-1 TN 1'141•, MATTER OF THE LAW SO- ciety of Upper Canada, and in the matter of Harold Graham Meir. Appli- cant_ TAKE NOTICE that the undersign- ed, who was disbarred as a bar- rister and struck off the Roll of Solicitors pursuant to a report of the Discipline Committee adopted by the Benchers of the Law Society in Convocation on the 17th day of June, 1948, has submitted to The Law Society of Upper Canada an application for re -instatement as a bar- rister and solicitor. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any person desiring to make any repre- sentations with respect to such applica- tion is requested to communicate in writ- ing with the Secretary of the Law Society of Upper Canada, Osgoode Hall, Toronto. DATED at Seaforth, this 8th day of May, 1910. H. G. MEIR, Applicant. 4299-2 NOTICE HENSALL SCHOOL BOARD GIVES notice that all Children beginning school in September must have reached their sixth birthday on or before Decem- ber 31, /950. Parents of these children are asked to register them with the Principal before June 9th_ John F. Blackwell Secretary -Treasurer, HENSALL SCHOOL BOARD 4300-1 For Sale pee, SALE—BABY'S HIGH CHAIR AND carpet sweeper. PHONE 305-J, Sea - forth. 4300x1 FOR SALE—YOUNG YORK HOG. FIT for service. Apply JOE CARLIN, R. R. 4, Seaforth. Phone 661 r 24. 1300.1 FOR SALE—.MEDIUM SIZE OIL I3URN- er, in first-class 'condition. Will be sold ,reasonable. PHONE 789. •1300-1 WEANLING PIGS—SIX GOOD PIGS for immediate sale. Apply to HAR- OLD DIGNAN, Hensall. Phone 91 r 18. Zu rich. 4300-1 PLANTS FOR SALE—STRAWBERRY .planta, ready for planting. Apply to JAMES BARRY, Egmondville. Phone 668 r 15, Seaforth. 4298-3 FOR SALE—ONE HOLLAND BICYCLE and one Canadian bicycle, in tiirat- 01aa3 condition. May be seen et JOHN SINCLAIR'S, Kippen. Phone Seaforth 657 r 91. 4300x1 FOR SALE -42-45 HARLEY-DAVIDSON nfbtordycle. in good condition: nice appearance. Will sell or trade. Also a maroon baby buggy and man's bicycle. PHONE 691-W, Seaforth. 4300-1 FOR SALE—NEW machines, electric pairs to all makes. CENTRE. 78 Ontario SINGER SEWING and treadle. Re - SINGER SEWING St., Stratford. 4223-tf FjOR SALE—TIMBER FRAME BARN, 0o be removed; 24' x 40,'; 20 -foot Poets. 8fr timber; 2 storey. Apply to MRS. ADRIAN PORTEOUS, West St.. Seaforth, 4298x2 FOR. HALE --s350 ACRES GOOD AGRI- cultural farm ;'barn 40x60, drive shed 40: 7 -room dwelling; Hydro available. Si r • in Stanley. Township. 3 miles from B • efield. Apply H. C. LAWSON, Realtor, s, 'nton. Phone 351-w. 4298-3 MO YOU ERNIZE HOME Attract ve Saving ONLY LIMITED 6 PPLY PER MONTH All Latest Designs Manufacturers graded development sam- ples and sub -standards in resistant attrac- tive porcelain enamel. Recessed type heavy steel bath tubs for built-in settings, 645.00 to 455.00. Heavy steel double laundry tubs, a new plumbing development with many 'new features, etrenmlined tubular stand, soap ledge and non -drip back, pierced for deck faneet to conceal all pipet finished inside and °I/beide, 425.00 to 233.00. Variona sizes • of single and double flat rini or drainboard sinks. If gouda not entirely satisfactory money will be refunded. V. C. JOI-INSON StreetsVille, Ontario 'Wlitrebotlee foot of Main Street lynONE 257 , BOx. 923 1, . • diked e•<.zuial. tl OP Wanted SALESMAN WANTED - TO SELL roofing and insulation. Commfeaiou baste. Write 13oy 884, HURON EXPOSI- TOR. 411716-t3 WNCI ANTED_ — YOUMAN WANTS full time work,; willing to try any- thing. PHONE 534, Seaforth. 4600-1. ANTED — LADY' TO CANE FOR YYYVV9 semi -invalid . in your home_ Can furnish room. Apply Box 877, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4300-2 IXTANTED—CAPABLE WOMAN TO DO cleaning at Nurses' Residence and do hospital sewing. • Apply to SUPERIN- TENDENT, Scott Memorial HeopiMI 4300-1 Cards, t:7 TwaalEN's P1E $OSP�'� �trD •ro Sco6t Memorial �kveplk;zl :cy�h ho Munk the merelaaate. th0 Bi 1} School mires for the posters, 'and a 't 1. ,qse who donated or helped in array way' at the Penny Sale. 4300x1 THE SINCLAIR FAMILIES WISH TO express their sincere thanks and ap- precietjpn for the many acts of kindness and ..sympathy, floral tributes andcards, extended he then during their recent sad bereavement_ 'A - 9;300x1 I WISH TO THANK ALL THOSEWHO in any way made my eters, in Scott Memorial Hospital. more pleaaakit by send- ing cards, letters, flowers, .eho6olatea, or other treats, and the hospital staff who were so kind to me. 4300x1 MRS. JANE RILEY Poultry CHICK PRICES REDUCED RO. P„ SIRED GOVERNMENT AP- proved from puilorum free breeders; 12 Pure breeds, 13 cross breeds to dhoose from. Day old or started, non -sexed, pul- lets, cockerels, older pullets_ Also Tur- keys, three breeds, non -sexed, sexed hens, sexed tonne Free Catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries LIMITED FERGUS, ONTARIO 4299-2 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE OF 30 YOUNG DAIRY and Beef Oows at Lot No. 31, 6th Concession of Goderich Township, one- half mile south of Porter's Hill, on Tues- day, May 23rd, at 7:30 p.m. (D.S.T.). These cows consist of the usual type cows we have been offering for sale in the past. Some of these cows are recently freshen- ed, the balance to freshen soon; 1 Regis- tered Holstein heifer, and a number of calves. All cattle are T.B. tested and will be sold under the usual guarantee. Terms—Cash. A. E. TOWNSHEND & SON, Proprietors; K. W. Colquhoun, Clerk ; Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer. 4300-1 AL) UOTION SALE OF 35 HEASCOTCH Shorthorns, 30 Females, 5' Bulls, fea- turing Imported and Popular Canadian bloodlines; two imported heifers, one by Pittodrie Return by Pittodrie Upright; one by Calrossie Highland Leader by Kirk - ton Baronet; the get and services of our imported sire. Lawton Ranker, by Bapton Winalot; dam, Lawton Rosewood by Law- ton Jamie, are featured: 18 females are bred to this sire; several have calves at foot; 6 open heifers; 5 bulls (4 are by Lawton Ranker). Sale is called to settle a partnership. Every animal will sell to a new owner. Herd fully accredited. Heif- ers and young cows are vaccinated. Sale on May 31st, 1950, 1:30 p.m., Daylight Saving Time, at the farm, located on Highway No: 8, two miles east of Sea - forth. Auctioneers: W. S. O'Neil, Lin- coln White, H. Jackson. For catalogues, write WM. DEVEREAUX & SON, Sea - forth, Ont. 9300-2 AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK. AT Lot 23, Concession 14, McKillop Town- ship, 11/4 south and 1 mile west of Wal- ton. on Monday, May 22nd, at 1:30: 1 Durham cow due June 1st; 1 Brindle cow fresh; 1 Hereford cow, fresh; 1 black cow, due in June; 1 Holstein cow due in August: 13 Durham and Hereford year- lings; 1 Hereford calf. All cattle have been recently tested and no reactors 11 York pigs, 175 obs. IMPLEMENTS—In- ternational all -steel hay loader; 3 -drum steel roller; truck wagon; gravel box; stiff tooth tractor cultivator; spring tooth cultivator; out -throw tractor disc; 8 -inch grain grinder; 6 -ft. McCormick mower; 1 set breeching hornets; neckyokes; whiflietrees; Ford troctor; 1 set of double disc; 1 set of sleighs and flat rack; 1 M.- H. :H. mower 6 -ft. cut; 1 team scutfler. Terms --Cash. .TOE CHAPMAN, Proprietor: H. Jackson, Auctioneer. 4300-1 Motor Cars For Sale FOR SALE—'42 DODGE SPECIAL DE Luxe Sedan, reconditioned motor re- cently installed; body, paint, etc., in good condition. Apply after 6 to KEN DA.MM, Kippen. 4299-3 newt SALE—MERCURY "118," 1942 DE Luxe, 5 -passenger Club Coupe, built- in radio, telescope aerial, heater, defrost- er, slip covers, new battery, new tires, motor recently overhauled; beautiful vel- vet black finish. Owner driven since new. Best offer takes it. Owner has new car. May be seen after 5:10 p.m_ at R. W. EBERHARTS, Egmondvine_ 43Q0 - See the NEW MORRIS 40 miles per gallon of gasoline. DUNLOP'S B.A. SERVICE STATION SEAFORTH - ONT. 4298-2 49 48 48 2 2 2 47 40 38 37 37 34 46 37 CHEV. SEDAN Two-tone in color; radio, sun -visor; many extras. PONTIAC SEDAN PLYMOUTH 5 -PASSENGER COUPE '48 CHEV. FLEETLINE COACHES '48 CHEV. SEDANS '48 CIfEV. COACHES GHEV. COACH DODGE COACH DODGE SEDAN PONTIAC SEDAN CHEV. STANDARD COACH Reconditioned and new paint jdb CHEV. COUPE OHEV. %-TON PICK-UP FORD 3 -TON STAKE—$125.00 BRUSSELS' MOTORS "The Home of Better Used Cara" OPEN EVERY EVENING Births CHURC3fll5IARD—.At Grace 1Yenpital, Tar - onto. on friday, May 5, to Mr. and Mrs_ Gordon Churehviard (nee Loki Hender- son) a daughter—Frances Joanne. FELRAR—&t Scott Memorial Hospital, on May 17 to Mr. tend Ml's Everett Felkar, Seaforth, n danglttee GRIEVE --At Victoria • ireepitel, t,ondon, on Sunday, May 14, to Air. and?, Mrs. Davied J, Grieve, L eri'dorf,• a daughter,— Belem Dianne. LEEhMING—At Scott Memorial Hsisiiied. On May 14, to Mr. and Vire. William teeming, len.2, Walton, a daughter' WORDEN�- lkt S'aott Mereorkti H'gajiltal tee Mai 11, to Mr. 'and' Min, Ittleeofl WOrden, Staffs e daughter Marl ares T WISH TO THANK ALL MY NEIGH - bora and friends and the Bruceeeld W.A. for the flowers, fruit andt cards sent to me when I was a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital; aim) to thank' those who visited me or wrote me. Many thanks again. MRS. WILSON McCARTNEY MOM In Memoriam M'c1NTOS1I--1N MEMORY OF JOHN McIntosh, a loving husband, dad and grandfather, who passed away in Detroit, eight years ago, May 21. As with the years we older grow, Our hearts for you will ever pine, Till memory fades and life departs You'll live forever in our hearts, —Your loving wife, son and daughter- in-law and grandchildren. 4300-1 SI3 H NIECES IDT TE S T r and neph., pf, ethq into Jane, Aran Bolger wish loo ee- rOy tlael e+"/irneers thaele to all the friaada fofi their 411ndn4es, incl- sages of empathy end. 'bgautiful floral tributes; also to Rev, J. err' for his words of comfort; special thanks to Dr. Stevens and the nurses and staff of Wing - ham General Hoepltel. 4300.1 Deaths WOODS—In Detroit, on Menday, May 15, Mary Ann Ryan, widow of the late John Woods. BROWN—In Tuckeramith, on Wednesday. May 17, Sarah Brown, in her 85th year. SILLERY—In Seaforbh, on Wiednesdae. May 17, Margaret Matilda Johnston, widow of the late Wm. J. Sillery, in her 88th year. CHESNEY—In Toronto, at 73. Burnside Drive, Martha M., widow of the late George M. Chesney, Seaforth, and mother of the late G. Milton and Lewis E. Chesney, in her 89th year. Resting at her home for service Thursday eve- ning at 8 p.m. Funeral service at Sea - forth Friday at 12 o'clock noon, in Malt - landbank Cemetery. HENSALL Mrs. Mary P. Simpson, Hensall, received wiird that her sisters and brothers-in-law, Mr, and Mrs, Jas. Simpson, Mr. and 'Mrs. Wm. Ost- berg and) her brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. David Laing, who re- side in the flood' area in Winni- Announcement' 'peg have ' been evacuated from their homes, which wexe. Hooded to the • dist floor, and have gone to relatives in the country. J. W. Whiteford and his father, Wellington Whiteford, of Grand Bendy visited last week at the home of Mrs. Mary P. Simpson. A mon§ter 'blue rock shoot, spon- sored poresored by the Kippers Rod and Gun Club, will be held Wednesday, May 24, at Kippen. Shooting starts at 1 p.m„ with 50bird evr ents for the Vennor trophy, at 16 yards. All entries for the cup shoot must be in by 2:30. W. R. Cooper is president of the club, while John Anderson is secretary. At a reception held for Mr. -and Mrs. Jack Cooper, recent bridal couple, was held in the Town Hall Thursday evening, for which event the hall was packed. Mr. and Mrs. Cooper were presented with a well-filled purse of money. Mrs. Manns, who has been spending the winter months in To- ronto, has, returned hoiie. Mrs. E. Geiger is spending a few weeks with her son and daughter- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Geiger, and family in Toronto. Mr. J. R. McDonald, who resides south of Hensall 'on Highway No. 4, obseryhis 94th birthday on Wednesday',May 17. The event was spent quietly at his home as Mr. McDonald, although enjoying fairly good health, is confined to his room One of the most outstanding ev- ents of the kind ill- this part of the Province is the Hensall Stock Fair, which will be held Thursday, May 25, under the auspices of the South Huron Agricultural Socie- ty. Among the many added at- tractions this year will be an old- time fiddlers' contest, old-time square dance and a baby show for children under one year of age. The gala program will open with a parade starting at 1:30 p.m., headed by a band, decorated floats, cars and bicycles. Rev. R. A. Brook, minister of Hensall United Church for the past 12 years, has accepted a call to Bluevale to take effect June 1. Rev. and Mrs. Brook came to Hen- sall from Blyth in 1938. Mr. Brook ,hue had charges at Milverton, Crediton and the Border Cities. Most of their work has been in Huron County. Both Rev. and Mrs. Brook have been very active in the community, Mr. Brook being president of the Red Cross for mane years, while Mrs. Brook has been active in women's circles. Visitors with Mrs. C. M. Hedden over the week -end and Mother's Day were: Mr. and Mrs. Alex Shorthouse and daughter, Gwen, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shorthouse, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Redden, Miss Joyce Hedden, Orville, Lloyd and Vern Hedden, all of St. Cathar- ines. Mrs. James W. Bell returned home Friday last after spending six months at Oakland, California. Mrs. Alda Simmons returned home last Friday after spending the winter in California. The I.O.O.F. and Amber Rebekah Lodges have been invited to at- tend divine service in Knox Pres- byterian Church, Goderich, Sunday evening, May 21. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hess spent the week -end with their daughter` and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. L. McCloy, in Toronto. A bingo will be held in the Leg- ion Hall Saturday night, under the • SMITH BROSU, Dublin WILL OPEN A Canadian Tire Corporation Associate Store THURSDAY, MAY 25 in the Store formerly occupied by W. Arthur Wright. PHONE 792 Ford Tractor Owners Come in and See the Wood Bros. Combine For the FORD Tractor DALY MOTORS FORD -MONARCH DEALER Tel. 102 Seaforth Take Care Of Important Repairs NOW ! Repair spouts and gutters against all kind of weather. Replace leaky and wornout eavetroughs Our work is reasonably priced and fully guaranteed. LET US CHECK YOUR PRESENT FURNACE For Safety and Top Efficiency now .. ' . save fuel and labour later. FOR SAFETY AND ECONOMY Be sure your Plumbing Equipment is in tip-top condition at all times ONE. 61 OltV auspices of the Legion Ladies' Auxiliary. Hensall School Board has given notice that all children beginning school in September must have reached their sixth birthday on or before Dec. .31, 1950.' Parents of these children are asked to regis- ter them with the principal before June 9. The four teachers have been re-engaged for another term, namely: Principal, John F. Black- well; lackwell; assistants, Mrs. R. Cook, Miss Reta Avery and Miss Winni- fred Gray. Miss Helen gangster, e,g4el'i or Victoria Hospital, London, wane" week -end guest with lir. anfkMffe. Jack Drysdale: Mr. Milton Ortwein, of Landon, spent the week -end with Me, and, Mrs. G. M. Drysdale, A baking sale and tea will be held in the schoolroom of the Unit- ed Church Saturday afternoon, June 3, at 3 p.m., sponsored by the women's Missionary Society', - Additional Hensall Ne' on Page 8 CROMARTY Mr. John Scott, of Mitchell, and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stoskopf, of Sebringville, visited with Mrs. Dun- can McKellar. Mr. and Mrs. Mac McKellar and family, of Mitchell, and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Armstrong and family and Mr. and Mrs. Don Wallace, of Seaforth, visited with Mr. and Mrs, Lindsay McKellar. RED CROSS NOTES The knitting conveners of the Red Cross wish to urge all knit- ters of children's socks, stockings, soakers and sweaters, to make..an effort to finish their work and re- turn their articles as soon as pos- sible. They also announce that they have a quantity of wool on hand suitable for knitting into men's socks, which could be shipped to Winnipeg. Who will volunteer to knit a pair? The need will con- tinue for some time. • The workrooms will be open on Friday next, the 26th, for the pur- pfise of receiving finished work and distributing wool. New Street Signs For Seaforth On Wednesday afternoon the Chamber of Commerce completed a project which had been in. pro- gress since last fall. This was the erection of street signs on Gode- rich St. Supervision of the project was under Keith Sharp, chairman of the civic improvement commit- tee. Work in making and erecting the signs was supplied voluntarily by members of the chamber, and the cost of materials was borne by the town. The local fire brigade co-operat- ed in the national 'clean-up' cam- paign by washing down the Main Street. This was done Wednesday evening. COAL New, Low Summer Prices on our Famous BLUE COAL are now in effect. You'll want to take advantage of these low Spring prices right away arid get your order in now for our good, et"ean trade -marked Coal. LORNE .E. HAY PHONE 10 HENSALL Now Available At Scott Poultry Farrns • 12 -WEEK-OLD PULLETS • 6 & 7 WEEK-OLD CAPONS • 2 -WEEK-OLD COCKERELS Hatched May 15 -Mixed Chicks, limited number Last Hatch, May 22 PHONE 853 . SEAFORTH Prices Slashed No Reasonable Offer Refused On Following Machines . . . TRACTORS 101 M.H. Std. Super Tractor New motor, new paint. Extra good condition. 30 M.H. 1 •.C. Tractor Looks and runs like new. 20 M.H. R.C. Tractor ' Two years old; perfect condition. See this one! 81 M.H. Std. Tractor Much better than average condition. 20-30 M.H. Std. Tractor New tires, motor overhauled. Will sell for little more than price of tires. M.H. Pony Tractor Like new; out one season. Big reduction. M.M. Std. Tractor, Model Z Extra good condition. International 1.0-20 New rubber; excellent condition for this model. Oliver Hart Par Power Unit Motor overhauled. MACHINES M.H. Forage Clipper—Demonstrator Big reduction, with corn attachment. M.H. Clipper Combine--P.T.Q. Model Used two seasons,,, Like new, . , M.H. 21-A' Self -Propelled Combine 12 -ft. auger table; used one season. Has scourkleen and pick-up. M.H. 11 -Run Fertilized Grain Drills M.H. 3 -Furrow Tractor Plow SEE US FOR NEW OR USED MACHINES Seaforth Motors SEAFORTH „.',,HONE 141 DRESSES Dozens of Bright, Colourful, Cool Summer Frocks at a price to suit the budget -minded shopper! • Crisp 'Cool Cotton • The Well -Known Shan Ray • Normandie Crepe • Hampton. Crepe • Spun Charm Hampton Crepe, Normandie Crepe -..,..5.95 Always feel dressed up, but be cool with one of these. Comes in large sizes, too! Shan Ray -3.95 You will remember this material from last year, and how it washed and wore so well, but look at the NEW PRICE! Martha Washington Cottons .-0 2.95 - 3.95 Everyone knows' this, famous dress' and how it fits so well. Yes, Ladies, it's second to none in washability and wearability. FOR DAUGHTER — MARTHA WASHINGTON Just in, time for school. She will be proud to say it's a MART A WASHINGTON, just like Mother's! 7-12 .... 2.45 - 3.95 12-14X .... 2.95 TUDOR'S NOW HAVE THE FAMOUS MIGO BLOUSES—In Phstels and Stripes 12-18 4.50 8-12 ........ 2.50 TUDOR'S Indies' Wear PHONE,,„70, Dry -Goods 1IEI tILL 1,`•, Yea.,: t,nk'.�'( ya