HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1950-05-05, Page 8c ,7713!1 '!1 9i ay. Jt i ss s Tq HO* An.._"At dome id RQngrieg let keel Met +Pres-. an Clinreh' a'be invited. 'to an Qle" at t6xe -Manse and later r.. IEICIAIJZE IN IJ E, AUTOMOBILE, CASUALTY, GUARANTEE BONDS, ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS BURGLARY AND WINDSTORM Representing Companies who give Security with Service ALSO AGENTS FOR ONTARIO TERES1IERMAN'S MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE ,information gladly given. WATSON & REID SM. A. REID - Proprietor ]insurance & Real Estate PHONE 214 SEAFORTH kto 0,14rch aei ;;aolrooru or day evening, May a, Hospital Aid To Meet. --The reg uiae meeting of the Women's kTos- pital Aid to Scott Memorial no;6-, pital will be held in., the • NUMMI' Residence on Tuesday, May 9, at 8:16. p.m. - Announcement. — Mr. and Mrs. John Ruston, of Egmondville, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Doris Marie, to Mr. Clifford Kelly, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kelly, of London, the wed LEMON'S TAXI ALL PASSENGERS INSURED Phone: 162-J or 162-W ding to take glees. on May- 20 at St. "'Peter's Cathedral, London, Ont. Ladles' Aid Hears Travel Talk. --tiers. IL D. Smith presided over the regular meeting of the Ladies' Abl ut First Presbyterian Church Tuesday afternoon and opened the meeting with prayer. Kra, Jas. M. Scott gave a word picture of her trip to England, Ireland and Scot- land by air and showed snapshots taken on the visit. Mrs. J. E. Keat- ing and Mrs. M. R. Rennie played a piano duet, "Melodies of the British Empire." Mrs. Robt. Eber- hart closed the meeting with prayer. lA delicious lunch was served by the lunch committee. M May Meeting of Seaforth W. The May meeting of the Seaforth Women's Institute will be held Tuesday evening, May 9, at 8:30, at the home of Mrs. John McGre- gor. This will be a child welfare meeting with Miss Clare McGavin, Women's Hospital Aid PENNY SALE at BOX FURNITURE STORE • May 8-May13 Tickets : 25 for 25c May -Time is Furniture - Time NOW SHOWING A Large Assortment of Living Room, Dining Room, Bedroom, Kittli4n Furniture BED SPRINGS, SPRING -FILLED AND FELT MATTRESSES Large stock of Inlaid and Felt Base Linoelums, Congoleum and Rexoleum Rugs WILTON AXMINSTER RUGS G. A. WHITNEY Furniture : Funeral and Ambulance Service Phones: Day 119 - Nights sand Sundays 65 SEAFORTH ONTARIO "Where Your Money Buys the Full Measure" D. H. McINNES Chiropractic - Foot Correction COMMERCIAL HOTEL Monday, Thursday 1 to 8 p.m. WILSON C. OKE Real Estate & Insurance "We Insure Everything Insurable" House, furniture, furs, jewellery, farms, automobile, accident and sickness, liability, fire and theft. Office Located: N.W. corner of Goderich & Main St. PHONE 689 : SEAFORTH FOR SALE Duplex, solid brick. All modern conveniences. Good investment. Modern Double House on Centre St., with 2 acres of land. Good in- vestment. New Brick House on James St. Possession arranged. Dwellings on Louisa St. Immedi- ate possession. M. A. REID REAL. ESTATE : PHONE 214 CLEVE CARTER'S UAXI • COURTEOUS SERVICE • PASSENGERS INSURED Phones: NIGHTS 346-R DAYS 182 A PLAY HenPeckedHenry will be presented In WALTON Community Hall —on— FRIDAY, MAY 5th at 8:15 p.m. Sponsored by THE Y.P.U. OF DUFF'S UNITED CHURCH Admission - 40c and 20c FILMS FRIDAY, MAY 5th S.S. NO. 9, McKILLOP•..10:30 a,m. S,S. NO. 4, McKILLOP., 2:30 p.m. MANLEY 8:30 p.m. THURSDAY, M;4Y 11th BEECHWOOD 10:30 a.m. ST. COLUM BAN 2:30 p.m. S.S. NO. 12, McKILLOP 8:30 p.m. Sponsored by the FEDERATION OF AGRICULTURE Everybody Welcome BEATTIE BROS. SELLING OUT THE OLD ESTABLISHED FIRM, KNOWN AS BEATTIE BROS., IS SELLING OUT Our lease expires June 30, 1950, and we hope to meet all our Customers in the weeks leading up to the above date! We will feature SPECIAL PRICES on many lines to clear THE NAME "BEATTIE" HAS MEANT BARGAINS FOR MANY YEARS, AND WE WILL MAINTAIN THAT POLICY TO THE END ! A most cordial invitation is extended to everyone to come and see us. We waist to thank you in . person for your CONTINUED CONFIDENCE, and have a 'word o Good Cheer with you all. 1:pii• Sincerely yours, JOHN BEATTIE BEATTIE BROS. ,r! 6 of the Children's Ebel*pr staff, God- erich, as guest epealler. The roll call will• be answeredeby a gift of new or good used Clothing, suitable for a ohild of any 1,9,e up to 16 years, these artibl40 be sent to the Shelter. Moo leite. Robt. Dal- rymple will ;give a 4picnonstratiqn on smocking. The "letteh commit- tee will be: Sandwiches, Mrs. Rus- sell Miller and Mrs. Alf. Brown; tarts, Mrs. Wm. O•idfiebd ' and Mrs. Jas. Brown. St. Thomas' W. A,: Meets.—On Tuesday the W.A. of St. Thomas' Anglican Church met at the rec- tory with a good attendance, with Mrs. T. Dale Jones- -president, in the chair. A May Litany, the mem- bers' prayer and Lord's Prayer were recited in unison. Mrs. J. B. Higgins read the Scripture; taken from the 46th Psalm. All reports were adopted as read," Ntrs. Jones and Miss Dorothy Parke gave in- teresting reports from the WA. annual convention held in London recently. The membe's decided to send a bale of good secondhand clothing to Rev. H. E, -Webb, Fair- view, Alta., the articles to be left with Mrs. Parke assoon as pos- sible. The meeting closed with the benediction. C. W. L. Holds May Meeting.— The May meeting of the Catholic Women's League was held in St. James' School Hall Tuesday eve- ning with a very good attendance. The new president, Mrs. John Hotham, Jr., opened the meeting with prayer, followed by the read- ing of the minutes by the secre- tary, Mrs. Joseph Rowland. The monthly reports were given by the different officers. Plans were made for the catering at the sale of Mr. Devereaux on May 31. The presi- dent, Mrs. J. Hotham, and Miss Margaret Dunn were the delegates elected to attend the annual con- vention at Goderich, Juue 22 to 29. The meeting closed with prayer, after which a delicious lunch was served by Mrs. F. Dinwoodie and Mrs. C. Trott. ifgg First Presbyterian Universe First Presbyterian Church. -10 am.," Bible. Class' and Sunday, School; 11 a.m., "Beyond Belief— Trust"; junior congregation; 7:Q0 p,ul�, "'Basic Analysis of Christian- ity, Rev. H. Douglas Stewart, of Knox Presbyterian Ohuroh, Kin- cardine, will be the guest speaker at both services. ---Rev. D. Glenn Campbell, Minister. St. Thomas' Anglican Church.— Sunday, May 7: Fourth Sunday af- ter fter Easter -10:'00 a.m., Sunday School; 11:00 a.m„ Holy Commun- ion; ommunion; 7 p.m., Evensong. St. Mary's, Dublin, 2:00• p.m. — Rev, T. Dale Jones, Rector. Group III of Northside W. A. Meets.—Mrs. E. C. - Chamberlain was hostess on Tuesday evening to Group 3 of the W.A. of North- side Church. Eighteen members and two visitors were present. The meeting opened with a poem, "Three Seasons," and a prayer by Miss Edith Hoag. Hymn 550, "Abide With Me," wasy,aung and. Miss Ida Cooperled he prayer. The' Scripture lesson, Matthew 5:1-16, was read by Mrs. N. Knight, A piano duet, "The Jolly Blackmiths" was played by Misses Marion .Chamberlain and Gwee,dcdlyn Chris- tie and was much enjoyed. A read- ing, "What's the Use," was given by Mrs. Heale. Roll call was an- swered with a .Beatitude. It was decided to. hold an anniversary tea on. the lawn of Mrs. M. Berger on June 20. A story, "Hbw Chicago Feted Mts. Savino" Was told by Mrs. Walden. A solo, "Tell Me the Old, Old Story," was beautifully sung by Mrs. Berger, The closing hymn was 266, "Jesus, Lover of My Soul," and a synopsis of the writing of the hymn waeegiven by Mrs. Heale. The, president closed the meeting with 'prayer. -A dainty lunch was served by the social committee. The president moved a vote of thanks to the hostess and the Mizpah benediction-.,1goi ght a pleasant evening to a clw, Church' - ,T Northside United Church. Rev. D. A. MacMillan, Minister: 10:00 a.m., Sunday School and Adult Bible Classes; 11 a,m., Worship ; Sermon theme, "Blessed Are the Meek"; 11:30 a.m., Junior congre- gation. Evening service withdrawn Death of Alfred R. Box.—Alfred R. Box passed away on Saturday morning, April 29, at his late resi- dence, Jarvis St.,in his 74th year. Mr. Box had been in failing health for the past year, death being at- tributed to a sudden heart attack. Deceased was born 4.n Seaforth, the son of the late Mr. W. T. Box, furniture merchant in Seaforth for many years, and the late Mrs. Box. in early life Mr. Box was a prom- inent member of the Seaforth Fire Brigade and acted in the capacity of Fire Chief for many years. He conducted an ice cream parlor and confectionery store on Main St. for 32 years. Married in 190e to Miss Annie MacKay, who predeceased, him in 1948, he as survived by one son, William Box, of Seaforth; al- so two brothers, E.•L. Box and E. J. Box, both of Seaforth, and one sister, Mrs. H. Minett, of Toronto. The funeral was held on Monday from his late residence, with Rev. D. Glenn -Campbell, of First Pres- byterian • Church, officiating. In- terment was in Maitlandbank cem- etery, the pallbearers being Reg. Kerslake, W. D. Smith, E. H. Close, J. J. -Cleary, J. M. Scott and Les. Fleming. The flower -bearers were F. E. Willis, W. McDonald, M. E. Clarke, Max Hadfield and. Keith Sharp. Former Resident Dies in Detroit. —Many friends in Seaforth will re- gret to learn of the passing of Frederick Oscar Reid, son of the late J. H. Reid, of Seaforth, , on April 18 at his home, 5398 Maple- wood Ave., Detroit, Mr. Reid had been in failing health for about two years, but passed away sud- denly from a heart attack. De- ceased was born in Seaforth and was in his 56th year. He attended both public school and Seaforth Collegiate.-Instithte, and began his career in life as a banker in Ot- tawa, later going to Detroit, where he was connected with the Ameri- can Agricultural Chemical Co. for 25 years. He was twice married, both wives predeceasing him, but he is survived by one son, Donald Reid., of the American Air Force, stationed in New Mexico, and one daughter, Mrs. Kenneth Render, of Detroit; also a brother, Arthur P. Reid, of Toronto. A brother, Leslie Reid, and a sister, Miss Ger- trude Reid, and his parents prede- ceased him. Mr. Reid was a mem- ber of the Masonic Lodge and al- so a member of the United Church. The.. funeral was held April 21 from a funeral home in Detroit, with interment in a Detroit ceme- tery. ' LOCAL : BRIEFS • • Mr. James Sleeth, of Detroit, spent the week -end with his aunt, Mrs. W. M. Stewart and Mr. Stew- art, and other friends. • Mr, and Mrs. R. A. Walter, of Dundas, were week -end guests of Mr. and •Mrs. J. E. Willis, Mrs. Walter remaining to attend the funeral of the late A. R. Box, Hospital Day • FRIDAY, MAY 12th 1 • Inspection of Hospital 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. • Tea in purses' Residence 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. •. EVERYONE WELCOME ! THE Fordson Major The World's Hardest -Worked Tractor On Display at Daly Motors Ford - Monarch' Sales and Service SEAFORTki *Os .A Ice ykes, of KalPePae ky` spent a eves days witlh }et" aunt, ,Mrs, F, Duxi.gey, at, T1* .Polkr; neercial. s Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Martie; and Mrs. Pall, of Clinton, tver'Ok Sunday gloats of Mr. and Mrs.; Lew Tebbu,tt. • Messrs. Frank Case, J. 5, Hig- gins and George Krusespent the week -end in the Wiarton district on a fishing trip. • Mr. and Mrs. Graham S. Vance. and children, of Toronto, Were here Monday attending the funeral of the late Alfred R. Box. • Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Oke and. Mrs. Pearl Way, of Seaforth, spent Sunday with Mr. and 'Mrs. R. Dal- las ineTuckersmitle. • Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig Lauden- bach and sons, John, Michael and Marian Laundenbach, of Seaforth, and Joe Laudenbacli,, of Royal Roads, B.C„ were' in London on Thursday attending the graduation of Miss Katherine Laudenbach as a nurse. (Additional Local on Page 5) DEW -WORMS Always Fresh Phone: FLOYD McPhee (44-W) or TED SAVAUGE (120) FOR SALE 7 -ROOM FRAME, HOUSE—Pat- ent OUSE—Patent shingle siding; Hydro; town water, Garage. Situated on East William St. Priced reasonable. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance & Real Estate Broker SEAFORTH ONT. PHONES: Res.'220, Office 334 Annual Meeting HURON FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION SF +. �imemeriumeimemisi. WALTON Community Hall Thursday, May 11 8:30 p.m. JAS. CARLIN - . Pres. A. W. DICK - Secretary 1INI0flIIIIII111IInI11I1IIIIIIIIIIIIn11uIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIR WAKE UP YovrtiCar It was a- hard winter for your car .... let us put it into, tip-top condition now, with our special SPRING CHECK-UP for pleasant, thrifty Summer driving. DRIVE IN TODAY Seaforth Motors • SEAFORTH. 1111IIIIUIIIIIIIKIIullllll111111 l 1111llllllllllll 1111llllllllMIIIllllllllllllllllllllll 1111llilllllllllllll NOW.. PLAYiNf+I -- THiU�t9DA`F:, RIOAY, SATURDAY " THE FIGHTING O'FLYNN " with. DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS, Jr, — HELENA CARTER This is a Picture of rousing, colorful, historical whoopla — with the zest of high adventure — the thrill of reckless Romance, MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY " SO THIS IS NEW YORK " with HENRY .MORGAN - VIRGINIA GREY - 'RUDY VALLEE This one has something new in Laughter — Action — and Love! A frisky and funny collection of nonsense. NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY " MY DEAR SECRETARY with LARAINE DAY KIRK DOUGLAS KEENAN WYNN — HELEN WALKER He chased her - . . 'til she caught him! The funniest 100 minutes on Film! Coping: "FLAMINGO ROAD" With Joan Crawford — Zachary Scott A COAL SUMMER PRICES ARE IN EFFECT Order yqur supply NOW! Wiliam M. Hart Phone .7$4 , Seaforth beauty counselor Complimentary Skin Care - Make-up Analysis FRANCES McLEAN Phone 392-W IN STOCK Ten -Test • Masonite Plywood Gyproc Beaver Board Arborite Ten -Test Blocks Finishing L' . e Masons' Lime Spraying Lime • Asphalt Shingles Cedargrain Shingles Roll -Brick Siding and Roll Roofing • INSULATION - Loose - • 2 -inch Batts ,3 -inch Batts Insulated Siding •• LUMBER, SASH AND DOORS Storm Sash made to order CUSTOM • MILLWORK. PLACE YOUR ORDER FOR CEMENT NOW I Seaforth Supply - & Fuel Co. PHONE 47 •SEAFORTH Dick the, Upholsterer Is Now Showing a Complete New 'Styling in Upholstering and Slipcover Fabrics MODERN, RE -DESIGNED and CUSTOM- BUILT FURNITURE — ONE WEEK SERVICE — For further information- - Phone 342-W, Seaforth 6. .A. WRIGHT Wood Products Workmanship Guaranteed First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth SUNDAY, MAY 7th Spring Thankoffering Services 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. REV. H. DOUGLAS STEWART, of 'Kincardine will be the guest speaker. Mr. Stewart is a former Seaforth Boy, and is one of the prominent young preachers, of the MORNING SERVICE-11a.m. SERMON—"Beyond Belief—TruSt" SERMON—"Basic Analysis of Christianity" SOLO—"Consider and Hear e!'" Wooler Trio: Mre,W. A. Wright, .1. T. Scott, D. R. Stewart Miss Marion Westin DUET—"Ahide With Me" Lyte Mrs. Prank Kling, Miss M. P. Patterson . QUARTETTE—"Lord, Let lale-Live Today" Moeire Mrs. ,p, Fling, Miss tenore Habkirk, Mr. James T. Scott, Mr. Fred E. Willis SPECIAL ORGAN RECITAL AT 6:30 P,M. THE CHURCH ORGANIST, 1. B. JAMIESON THIS IS YOUR IN VITATION TO COME ! Organist and Choir Leader. REV. b. GLENN CAMPBELL