HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1950-04-21, Page 5} ti t f 1 LEMON'S TAXI ALL PASSENGERS INSURED Phone: 162'J or 162-W • COURTEOUS SERVICE • PASSENGERS INSURED Phones: DAYS NIGHTS, 182 34,6-R AND HELPS YOU FURNISH IT WISELY ! Living Rom Furniture, Bedroom Suits, Mattresses, Springs, 'Chrome Kitchen Sets Occasional ,Tables and Chairs FLOOR COVERINGS OUR SPECIALTY Let us give you an estimate—FREE—on Mastic Tile, Rubber Tile, Linoleum Tile. We sell and lay all types of Floor Coverings. • BOX FURNITURE STORE Funeral & Ambulance Service OFFICE 43 NIGHTS 595-W or 18 Thlsm Week At the . Seaforth thgh Si BY WALLY News of interest from ,S.D.11,S. this week deals mainly, with the open house being held Fridley eve- ning. The whole school will be op- en to the eyes of the public, as the students show the work which they do during a• school year. Feature presentation of the evening will be a Fashion Show, (put on by the Home Economics students, of Grades 9, 10 and 11. Commercial classes will be demonstrating their ability at the typewriter, while people interested in Latin will be pleased to know that Latin films will be shown in' the ,Latin room. Boy's. from the shop will demon- strate woodwork, draughting, elec- trical work and tinsmithing. The latter is a new course added to the curriculum of the .manual training work. While this is going on, ,girls in the Home Economicsrroom will also be demonstrating the facili- ties of this course. An added fea- ture will be shell -craft 'under the guidance of 'Mrs. Scott. In the A'gricultu're • room, colored' Kodachrome slides' will be project- ed. One lot of slides were taken around Niagara Falls, showing beauty spots. These slides picture many of the students at work on their home project, a project which runs from April until October, and it is a necessity that this be com- pleted each year to obtain a stand- ing in Agriculture. These pictures• were taken by the Agriculture teacher, L. B. Morrison: Experiments are to be perform- ed in the Chemistry Laboratory by students 'of Grades 12 and; 13. To demonstrate some of the extra cuts ricular activities, some enlarging is to be diene by one of the mem- bers embers of tle Camera Club. Girls' chorus of the Glee Club will present several musical Mims bers, under the direction of Mrs. J. Stevens, as an added feature. All other rooms in the school will be decorated with note -books and Town of Seaforth Proclamation aylight Saving Time The Council of the Town of Seaforth has instructed me to declare Daylight Saving Time adopted for the Town of Seaforth dur- ing the period of May 1st, at 2:00 a.m., to October at 1:00 a.m., and respectfully request the citizens to observe same. Mayor. J. E. KEATING, , "GOD SAVE THE KING" Ammommina. beauty counselor Complimentary Skin Care Make-up Analysis FRANCES McLEAN Phone 392-W NOW ON HAND Car. of D. & H. S -T -O -V -E .0 -O -A -L Seaforth Supply and Fuel LTD. PHONE 47 ON NATIONALLY ADVERTISE Washing Machines Easy, Locomotive 99.50 up ELECTRIC STOVES . • McCLARY-SUNSHINE-BEACH Coaly Wood Stoves ... 15% off Refrigerators - -APARTMENT SIZE Use Our Convenient Budget Plan... Small Monthly Payments See the New 1950 Sunworthp Wallpapers artwork done entirely by the esti dent. Don't forget this. ,big evening off: entertainment at the High Selatrl tonight, Friday, at .8:3e P.m. Cadet inspection time is rapidly closing in on the students, 1;0 T classes are taken up with march- ing and drilling for this annual, event. As soon as the campus dries up the drilling will be done .out- side. Date set for the inspection is Monday, May 29 — only rive weeks away! Our Bugle Band, consisting of 16 members, is "bi}ay as bees" get- ting etting in shape for the affair. It is hoped' that the band will. soon be well enough trained to leave, the building' and parade in the vicinity of the school. Talent morning has come and gone again. A new "twist" in tal- ent was performed Tuesday. Gwen- dolyn Christie and Marion 'Cham,• berlain gave forth with two piano duet numbers, showing the 'versa_ tality of their fingers on the hey - board. New trophies and academic awards come into the limelight this week. Eight trophies are now ready for competition. Donated' through the kind generosity of some citizens of •Seaforth district, five of these trophies will be pre- sented to each of the students with the highest standings in each of the five forms. One trophy will go to the student with the highest agricultural standing, while the other two will be used as trophies for the track and field meet=one for girls, and one for boys. An award, well worth working for;"'has been donated to the school by G. A. Whitney. Student obtain- ing btaining the highest average in the en- tire school will receive either a Boshart cedar chest, if that stu- dent is a 'girl, or a writing desk if the student is a boy. Because this award came to light so late in the season, all students wishing to try for the award) will have to write all their final examinations, which tentatively commence June 12. This award will prove very valuable to the winner, whether, girl or boy. All girls in the graduating class have an extra gift coming to them. Each of the 14 girls who are in Fifth Form, will receive a minia- ture chest which will be useful as jewel boxes. These chests were donated by E. L. Box. DUBLIN The Parent -Teachers' Associa- tion sponsored a social evening in the Parish Hall on 'J uesday even- ing. Thirty tables of progressive euchre were in play, prizes being won by Mrs. H. Holland and John L. Malone. Bucky chair prize went to Mrs. Dominic Murray. Lunch was served .and music for dancing was furnished by the Delaney -Mc. Quaid orchestra. ZION elidays are over and sehoo1 IMO ape Mr. Mulford has organized ' a bolus' and girls' bo>'tball team, ',Cl ,)unior and Settigr Glee Q1u11 is practising to cornlpete in the Ii estival in Goderich ne*,t Wedges' day April 26. ' Wer are glad to see Eric Eaton back,.'to school after an absence of two wonths„ since his accident. In connection with the hockey games held last week; Bruce Mc- Fadden was interviewed !by,!CKNIC.. on a‘ -'sport broadcast. 'There are still a few pupils ab- sent-from b-sent from school with ,measles, On April 18 the boysfrom .Roam I cleaned up the front walk and lawn. Now we must clean tip, the yard.. From Where do all these papers, bottles and tins come? LOCAL BRIEFS ' • •Mrs. Charles Corlett, Charlene, Donald and Billie, of Seaforth; Mr. and -Mrs. Glenn Corlett, of Walton; Mr. and Mrs, Harold Corlett, of London; Prof, A. V. Corlett, of Queen's University, Kingston, and Mr. F. Kelly, of Guelph, visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Corlett, of Monkton, last week • Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hays, of London, spent• the week -end with his mother, Mrs. R: S. Bays. • Mr. Hamer, of Scott Memor- ial Hospital, was in Toronto .last week attending a convention of the Accounting Institute for Ontar- io Hospital Association and the De- partment of Health. It was held in St. Michael's Hospi 'al, -and con- tinued for three days. • • Miss Joan Charters is spending a few drays with Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Chesney. • Prof. James R. Scott and Miss Katie, ,of Toronto, were week -end guests of Mrs. H. R. Scott. • Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hays and Patricia, of Detroit, spent the week end with Mrs. R. S. Hays.. • Mr. and Mrs. Neil',Patrick and children, of London, were week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs, Montgom- ery Patric): in Tuckersmith, • Mrs. Herbert Fowler, of the Huron Highway West, is not en- joying the best of health. • Mr. John Gordon. Wilson is in Scott Memorial Hospital, suf- fering an attack of pleural pneu- monia. • Miss Winnifred Saauge arriv- ed safely in. Sweden by air on Thursday last. • She left Dorval, Montreal, on Tuesday of last week. • Rev. and. Mrs. Richard Foster, of Cresswell, Mich., were visitors on .'4pay with. Rev. and Mrs., T. Dale Jones, • Miss Ruth Joynt returned to Toronto after spending the holi- days with .her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Joynt. • Mrs:" Geo. Elliott, of Toronto. is here attending the funeral of her mother, the late Mrs. A. D. Sutherland. d ' ' • Mr. and, Mrs. Oreon •Hall and David of Toronto, spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Stevens. • Mrs. J. W. Patterson under- went an eye operation on. Thurs-. day morning in Stratford' General Hospital. • Mrs. Wm. Watson, of Trenton, spent a few days with Mrs. Wm. Stevens. • Miss Marian Watson has re- turned from Galt, where she was visiting relatives. • Mr. .Reg. Pryce returned, to Hornepayne, Ont., after spending his Easter holidays with friends in town. • Mrs. E. A. Corbett, of Toron- to, is in town attending the fun- eral of her sister, the late Mrs. A. D. Sutherland. Mrs. Herb Britton and Joan vis- ited with her niother, Mrs. H. Workman,, in Hensall on Friday. Miss Mary E. Graham, of Dres- den, with Mr. and Mrs. Morley Lannin on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Rogers, of Windsor, visited on Thursday with his sister, Mrs. Elmore Kleinfeldt and Mr. Kleinfeldt. Mr: and Mrs. Kingsley Salton and, family visited with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Britton, on Sunday. Mrs. Albert Roney visited her daughter, Mrs. Bert Tubb and Mr. Tubb on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wright spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Rosa Pepper. Mrs. Alex Roney and Hazel vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott, Seaforth, on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bushfield, Mrs. Sadler, Mr. and Mrs. L. Han- non and Roy, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bark,er and Terry visited with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Jeffery on Sunday, celebrating Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bushfield's 25th wedding annivers- ary, also Spencer Jeffery's birth- day. Ronald and Edna Patterson vis- ited on Thursday with their uncle 'and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Morley Lannin. Eioctrical 1$ pp1iances - . Tinsm‘ithinti P E 61 • ta, Slar CROMARTY Personals: Miss Hazel Hamilton with Mr.' and Mrs. Bruce Balfour, Sault Ste. Marie; Misses Dorothy and Donna Norris and Helen Wal- ker, London, at their homes here; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wallace and sons, Carlingford, with Mr. and Mrs. George Wallace; Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Huckin, Belmore, with Mr. and Mrs. William Hamilton; Betty McKellar is nursing at Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth; Dr. J. L. Turnbull, Strathroy, was the guest preacher at Cromarty Church Sunday morning; Gordon Hough- ton, Ailsa Craig, is holidaying at his home; Duncan McKellar is re- ported seriously ill in hospital at Seaforth, following a major oper- ation. Miss Hazel Hamilton has 're- turned home after a week's vaca- tion with her sister and brother-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Balfour, at Sault Ste. Marie. Rev. G. Young and Mrs. Young spent. Tuesday at their cottage in Forest. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wallace and aorta, Keith and Kenneth,. of Car- lingford, visited! with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wallace, Mr. and 'Mrs. 'Nell Lamori4r', of Loddon, ''istted 'with Mr , ancb ) ttrs. Lltiy'id Siiirsddbl. $it' niaddy',., %Tutu, 1$406t 104 0£ 1 n tdil, u 11, r' fro has been spending a few days at the home of his brother, Alex Mc- Dougaid, and with other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Davies, of Thorn - dale, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker. At the home of Mrs. M. Hough- ton on Sunday- were Mr. and Mrs. J. Stapleton, Mr. and Mrs. Len Houghton, of Wingham; Mr. and Mrs. J. Kemp and daugbters, of Mitchell. Leonard Gordon and Frank Houghton returned to their homes in Wingham on Sunday after spending a few holidays here. Mr. and Mra. Win. Patrick, of Wyoming, visited with Mr. and Mrs, Ken McKellar and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Laing on Wednesday. li NEWEST SHORTIE COATS Wool Twills, Gabardine, or New Novelty^ Weaves, in single or dou • ble-breasted models, with full or belted backs. All the best shades of Powder, Royal, Wine, Fawn, Navy and Green: 16.95 to 29.50 New Full Length is Cleverly styled full-length Coats in. box style, fitted styles u smart belted types. There's a grand choice of Gabardines, Alt Wool Twills, Velour Cloths and' Novelty Weaves in: delightful. shades of Green, Fawn, Wine, Royal, Navy, Black, Red and Grey. SIZES 111/2. to 241/ j!}50 up 11 Nylon Dresses Come here to seethese newest Pure Nylon Dresses in their gay prints on right grounds. Full swing skirts, as sketched, in a lovely range of new Spring shades. SIZES 12 TO 18 x.95 • New Printed (repe Dresses Here's a grand new assortment of lovely Spring Prints in dots, floral and moderne patterns. Delightfully styled With short or half sleeves with full pleated skirts. SIZES 12 to 20 10.95 NEW LOW PRICE ON DRAPERY CHINTZ Make up your New Drapes in those gay floral print patterns of good quality Drapery Chintz. Full 36 inch width. SPECIAL.. OTHER DRAPERIES TO 2.95 YARD 98c YARD A '111;51111.11111111111),. STEWART BROS. EGMONDVILLE Mrs. J. McGregor and Mrs. W. Workman attended the Crocker- Waildecker wedding in Detroit last week, and remained for a time to visit relatives. Mr. Ed. Boyes, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Boyes and Mr. Robt. Boyes were in e,yeming on WednesdaY, attending the funeral of. Mrs. Har- old Waters. Robert King has returned to his home from St. Joseph's Hospital, London. School reopened on Monday with a full attendance. Tea was introduced to Canada commereiallyl by the Hudson's Bay Company. FOR SALE 7 -ROOM FRAME HOUSE—Pat- ent shingle siding; Hydro; town water, Garage. Situated on East William St. Pried reasonable. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance & Real Estate Broker SEAFORTH : ONT. PHONES: Res. 220, Office 334 Announcement C. AND B. ENTERPRISES Launderers and Suppliers LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANING Picked up Mondays and Thursdays at your home (Also Aprons and Towels supplied) PHONE YOUR CALLS TO 182, SEAFORTH m n+hi'.�lL,Y.tike'fk SPRING CLEARAN-(E MAKE US A REASONABLE OFFER ! ! 30 M. -H., R.C. with P.L., 2 years old 70 Oliver, completely reconditioned 20 M. -H., R.C. with P.L., 2 years old Farmall H. International with Cultivator 101 M. -H., Sr, good condition 20-30 M. -H., New Rubber 18-36 Hart Parr, on Steel • FOR BETTER USED MACHINES, AT LOWER PRICES, SEE— Seaforth Motors SEAFORTH gy 1 Pou y lir nted- Wi. We will pay a Premium of 2c per pound for - Heavy Hens on Mondays and Tuesdays of each week. OUR PRICE ON APRIL 24 and 25 — 28 Delivered at either Seaforth or Dublin GET OUR PRICES BEFORE SELLING Dublin Creamery and , PoUltry Packers Phones: DUBLIN 68 SE"AFORTH:flO-W , ,.M•'`'°�%1451\.,i,i un. �,A., IL.,,{I..;9•.. .. ,, .w. L - .�.... .. ,. -. ,.. ., • .. m n+hi'.�lL,Y.tike'fk SPRING CLEARAN-(E MAKE US A REASONABLE OFFER ! ! 30 M. -H., R.C. with P.L., 2 years old 70 Oliver, completely reconditioned 20 M. -H., R.C. with P.L., 2 years old Farmall H. International with Cultivator 101 M. -H., Sr, good condition 20-30 M. -H., New Rubber 18-36 Hart Parr, on Steel • FOR BETTER USED MACHINES, AT LOWER PRICES, SEE— Seaforth Motors SEAFORTH gy