HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1950-04-21, Page 4;c; ossified, Ads. classified Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates: FOR (;,&1E, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC. -Per word; 1st week 1 Cent 2nd week 3k' Cent 3rd week Cent Mininhum charge, first insertion25 Cents Each figure, initis) and abbreviation menta es one word, card of Tbanki,lp, Memoriam Notices, Coming Events -1 omit per word. Minimum, 60 cents per week. Enquiries may be directed to a Box No., c/o The Huron Expositor, for 10 cents extra. Tea cents additional will be charged if ads in shovedans are not paid within 10 days of date of final insertion. Births, Marriages end Deaths inserted free of charge. Auction Sales. Notices to Creditors, Eta -Rates on application. Coming Events MORE AND MORE DANGERS ARE coming to the Crystal Palace Ball- room, Mitchell, every Friday night, to enjoy dancing to the music of Don Rob- ertson and his Ranch Boys.• 4296x2 Property For Sale • POR SALE --NEW _ HOUSE, RANCH style; fully modern- oil furnace, air conditioned. Can be bought with down prLyment and monthly payment plan. C. G: LEE. John Street 4286-tf FOR SALE New House, Modern, Seven Rooms, James St. Immediate occupation. PHONE 353 NOTICE PAPERHANGING AND PAINTING.- HAROLD FINLEY, Ord St..� Sea - forth. ATi EN 11ON. CAR OWNERS t-DUPLI- cate keys for all antomobtles now made at SEAFORTH MOTORS. 4295-3 WILL THE PERSON WHO IN ERROR •' took the wrong topcoat at Seaforth Community Centre on April 19, please re- turn same as his doesn't ft. 4296x1 R. S. H0DONALD Personals • ITYGIENIC SUPPLIES (R U.B B E R Goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25c: 24 samples 11.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-73. NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton. Ont Help Wanted WANTED - RELIABLE GIRT FOR general housework. Phone 853. SCOTT'S POULTRY FARM. 4296-1 WANTED - GIRL F 0 R GENERAL homework: afternoons and Satur- days. , PHONE 364, Seaforth. SALESMAN WANTED - TO SELL roofing and insulation. Commission basis. Write Box 834, HURON EXPOSI- TOR. - 4275-t£ WANTEYY D -A PROTESTANT HOUSE - keeper, reliable, under 50 years of age, for a smart middleaged widower. Modern home. Write Box 869, HURON RA POSITOB. 4296x1 RADIO REPAIRS - WHEN YOU radio won't work. bring it to TERRY'S i RADIO REPAIR„ and take it home the came day -any day. Oppesite Dick House. Phone 347-R, Seaforth. 4295-tf NOTICE TO THE CITIZENS OF SEA- fordi and surrounding districts: The -Shell Gas Station, situated on the west end of Goderi8l Street, has changed hands. It will now he operated under Norman Hickey. We will carry a large variety of stock repairs and garage accessories. So first time by. give us a try. Our aim is - to please and serve our customers as they desire. NORMAN HICKEY. 4296x3 Lost and Found LOST--CHIIA'S KIDDIE CAR, WITH pedals. Red -blue trim. Finder please advise Box 870, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4296-1 LOST -LADY'S GOLD ELCO WRIST watch, in Exeter or Hensall, Wednes- day evening, April 12. Finder please phone HENSALL 136-W. Reward. 4296-1 For Sale Wanted �>TANTPSD-50 USED 600a16 TIRES FOR trade-in on new Goodyear De Luxe 11-Weat8ters. Liberal allowance. Drive safety with new tir.¢;. SEAFORTH 'OTORS. Phone 141. 42963 Poo t 'OR SALE - AT 31OORE'S POULTRY FARM 450 Leghorn X Rock Pullets, hatched Feb. 16 500 Barred Rocks, hatch- ed March 9th Day old, sexed and mixed chicks and poultry supplies. MOORE'S POULTRY FARM B.R. 3. SEAFORTH Phone 666 r 3 - Seaforth Moor Cars For Sale FOR SALE -1932 CHEV. SEDAN,-, IN good running order. Quantity of loose hay. Apply to WM. STOREY. Phone 849 r 15, Seaforth. 4296x1 49 ti 0R earat, .R - GIR'S SPRING COAT r and hsize 2.LPHONE 253-W 4296x.1 FOR SALE -50 BUSFFI S CLINTON seed oats. MFRVIN DEITZ. Phone X23 r 13. Dublin. 4296-1 CHEV.. SEDAN Two-tone in color., 4.8 CHEV. SEDAN FOR SALE - SPRAYED APPLES. Phone Clinton 613 r 24. FRED Me- CLY-MONT. 4287x10 FOR SALE - ONE NEW LADY'S • bicycle, los than regular value. H. NOTICE -TO THE '` Ham" OR DAME. Kippen. 4296x1 PUBLIC 11 old. SA JOHN E.IGS. McLEAN, R.R. 1,, Sea10 OR 12 s HAVING DISPOSED OF OUR COAL. forth. 4296-1 Feeds and Locker Service business, all I FOR SALE -SPRING SHORTIE COAT, ovg hese ur aceonnts are now due. color tonrquoise, good condition: size Those who have Locker Boxes in our 16. Reasonably priced. PHONE 53-J. Locker that are,in• arrears, or short term I , 4296x1 rentals, please bring'4hem np to date now, I W. R. DAVIDSON. { R S 4LE-SOLID OAK CABINET Ont.' dewing machine, in first-class shape. JACK PETHICK, North Main St. I 4295x1 3 '48 CHEV. COACHES 48CHEV. FLEETLINE COACH ,Two-tone grey. 48 38 37 2 36 35 35 31 30 46 37 35 Auction Sales FOR SALE - QUANTITY OF SEED AUCTION SALE OF PROPERTY AND oats which tests 40 lbs. to the bushel Card Storage Plant- on MainStreet in 3. A. PETRIE.. Brucefeld . -- the Town of Mitchell, an Friday,' April 28, 4296- at 1:30 p.m.: Building approximately 40/ OR SALE -25 TAMWORTH AN by 100', equipped with 2 freezing nsecbines. ri Will be offered in one unit or machinery York pigs, ready to wean. Also thr One office safe. Terms -Prop- good calves. W. D. WILSON, Bruceiield ei'ty, 20% down: balance in 30 days, Re- I Phone 658 r 33, Seaforth. 4296- serve bid.MITCHELL PRODUCE LTD., F°R SALE--MASSEY-HARRIS 11 -HO Proprietor; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. fertilizer drill. Apply ARTHUR AN AUCTION SALE OF HOUSI6HOLD EF- DERSON, R.R. 1, Seaforth. • 1 D ree 1 E feels in Tawn of Seaforth, opposite , Creamery, Saturday, April 29th, at 1 p.m.: Beach range (large fire box); Quebec heater; drop leaf table: kitchen chains; arm chairs ; oak dung room suite; oval walnut living room table; number of rock- ers; small tables; end tables; occasional chairs; hall tree; 4 furnished bedrooms; day bed; mirrors•; 2 mantel clocks; card table: electric (amps; hot plate; electric table model radio; battery radio; Power King 7 -inch saw, combination, hand saws, tools ; garden tools; Western saddle; kit- chen utensils; dishes; curtains; grips ; blanket; hinns • quantityof plank; lum- ber: pile of kindling wood. Terms -Cash. JOHN QUIQLEY, Proprietor; E. P. Ches- ney, Clerk; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. 4296-2 ACTION SALE OF FARM STOCK and Implements and Household Effects at Lot 24, Conreseion 9, Morris Township, Monday, April 24th, at 1 o'clock: HORS- ES --Team of .horses. IMPLEMENTS - Oliver tractor on rubber, fully equipped, nearly new; 2 -furrow Oliver tractor plow ; 2 spring tooth cultivators; 2 sets drag harrows; McCormick -Deering binder, 6 -ft. eat; Massey -Harris mower; Massey -Harris spreader; M. -H. seed drill; fertilizer disc drill, 11 runs; M. -H. hay 'trader; 2 steel tire wagons, with rack and eliding rack : walking plow; 2 single furrow riding plows; brooder stove; sap buckets and pan; 2 fanning rants : 1 steel tire baggy: 1 rubber tire buggy; Renfrew scales, 2,000 lbs.; horse collate ; 2 sets double harness; set of single harness ; some household efe feet!. Terms -Cash. PAT QUINN, Pro- prietor ; E. P. Chesney, Olerk; Harold Jackson Auctioneer. 4296-1 AUCTION SALE OF 35 YOUNG DAIRY and Beef -type Cows (Holsteins, Jer- seys, Dnrhams and Poll Angus), at Lot No. 31, 6th Concetssion of Goderich Town- ship, one-half mile south of Porter's Hill. on Tuesday, April 25th, at 2 p,m:, consist. ing of: Six RReglatter�ed Holstein cows ; 12 cows recently freshened and others dne in late April and ?day; a number of young grass cows; 10- young' - beef -type calves. I Also a quantity of cedar posts. The above cattlgare an T.B. tested and sold under the osnal guarantee and are some of . the best cattle we have ever bad to offer. Please Note: If seeding is in pro- it'ress, sale will be at 7 p.m. Tuesday eve- ning; further notice through CKNX Radio Station on sale tbroadcast., Terms --Cash. A. E. TOWNSEND & SOM. Proprietors: K. W. Coleinhouu, Clerk; Edward W. EI- /tett, Auctioneer. 4296-1 4296x1 VCR SALE - WARNER ELECTRIC ▪ brooder stove; new last year; also a good work horse. Apply ROY LAWSON. Phone 667 r 16. 4296x1 FOR SALE -IO YORK AND TAM - worth chunks, 11 weeks old. GRANT MacLEAN. Phone 84 r 31, Hensall. 4296x1 FOR SALE -SET OF HOUSE SCALES, 240 lbs. capacity ; good as new. Ap- ply Box 868, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4296x1 -t OR SALE --QUANTITY QUANTITY OF ALFALFA seed. Apply to GEORGE LEITCH, 13.R. 1, Clinton. Phone 841 r 24, Seaforth. 4296x1 FOR SALE -SET OF PINE STAIrtS, 3 sections of cedar roof. 14 -ft. rafter; quantity of wood lath. HAROLD FIN - LEY. 4296x1 FOR SALE --MAPLE CORDWOOD, 12r" and 14" long. JAMES NASH. R.R. 5, Seaforth. Phone 852 r 4. Seaforth. 4296-1 AOR SALE -QUANTITY OF ALFALFA •L, and timothy seed. Apply to MARTIN MURRAY, R.R. 1, Dublin- Phone 28 r 9, Dublin. 4296x1 FOR SALE -MAN'S BICYCLE, A-1 condition; maroon Sunshine folding baby carriage. PHONE 691-W, Seaforth. 4296-1 FOR SALE - GRAY BABY PRAM, newly lined, new mattress. In good condition. Apply to MRS. JOSEPH ROWLAND. Phone 3224, Seaforth. 4296-1 ri OR SAT.F -APPLE WOOD, SUITABLE for stove wood: also woodshed, suit, able for garage, size 15x20. Apply to M. H. D3an'Z. Phone 20 r 18, Dublin. 429841 VOR SALE-MONTCALM BARLEY. 95 • per cent germination; Grade No. 1: Clinton Oats, 98% germination, Grade No. 1: Cascade Spring Wheat: also s young calf. PHONE 656 r 11, Seaforth. 1 n 4296x1 (1LEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM Stock, Feed and Household Effects at Lot No. 15, Concession 5, McKillop Town- ship, 214 miles east and 21 metes north , of Seaforth, on Monday, April 24th, at 1:80 p.m., consisting of: HORSES- I Sorrel mare, aged; bay horse, aged.S OAT- I TLE -Holstein cow 4 years old, recently freshened; Hereford X Holstein heifer, 3 Years old, recently freshened; Hereford X Holstein heifer 3 years old, pasture bred ; Hereford X Durham heifer 3 years old, t pasture heed; 2 Hereford X Holstein cows d' years old. Pasture bred; Hereford X Holstein cow 5 yeS;sa old, pasture bred; $ yearling Hereford steers and heifers ; It heifer calves." PIGS -••7 cbunks, three months 'old. IMPI:EMSINTS-M.-f. 11 - 'oboe fertilizer drill: McCormick -Deering denpheld hay loader; l2cCormick-Deering 6 -ft. cut mower with oil bath; McCormick - Deering side delivery rake; New Idea Manure spreader; farm wagon; 16 -foot flht rack and eliding Pack; cultivator; set of 'drag barroom; Renfrew electric cream sep tor: 150 feet hay fee* rope; hay fork; aline chant; bag Creek; 26 -ft. ex - -Maslen . ladder,; 2,004 -Ib. ' beam scales; `,•Whale heat; riding plow; cotter; rubber tire buggy: set of Backhand hal vefa : 4far'd collars; feed hex; forks; is valt, . J'ntld.l�.:'►iYtti/iA elite • etude attic*. A itlid 40. at obi/Atwell. -., O. ;ln. t(oi, Zee Jr ds Ir}I artlif r.aniter hire' Y r 44,4-: SEED FOR SALE -A QUANTITY OF Alaska oats and barley mixed, fit for seed: also some red clover seed. Apply to JAMES LANDSBOROUGH. Phone 665 r 16, Seaforth. 4295-8 VOR SALE -NEW SINGER SEWING machines, electric and treadle. Re - epee, to all makes. SINGER SEWING CENTRE, 78 Ontario St., Stratford. 4223 -ht VOR SALE -10-20 INTERNATIONAL Taactor in good working condition; cheap for quick sale. A quantity of alfalfa seed. Apply to DAVID TRIM- MER, R.R. 3, Kippen. Phone 677 r 8. Hensall. 4296-1 FOR SALE -2 RIDING PLOWS, 1 walking plow, seed drill, cultivator, corner cupboard, 2 cistern pumps, 2 doors, number of 7 -inch stovepipes, quantity •1 white' brick, 2 cloth rugs, tea caddies. CLARENCE REEVES, Seaforth. • 429:;x1 PONTIAC SEDAN DODGE SEDA..--450.00 CHEV. COACH -,Reconditioned with new paint job. ' HU O EXPOSITOR • d For Rent 1„ ARAGE R RENT -G ONd `ST o �{la,Rl -n,•e" block went of Main. PHONE 881 after 6:00 p.m. 4296-1 In Memoriam PIPER-IN LOVING MEMORY OF OUR dear mother. Mrs. William Piper, who t,ase,l away nine Years ago; April 24th. Asleep in God's beautiful garden, a_.s in God's wonderful keeping, Un we shall meet her again. -Lovingly remembered by daughter. Violet. 4296x1 '36 CHEV. STANDARD COACHES HUDSON SEDAN -Custom radio & heater. Priced to sell -$300.00. CHEV. STANDARD SEDAN --4200 DODGE SEDAN FORD COACH FORD COACH CHEV. 1/2 -TON PICK-UP FORD 3 -TON STAKE -8125.00 FORD 1 -TON PANEL 398.00. MA OTHER VALUES BRUSSELS MOTORS "The Home of Better Used Cars" OPEN EVERY EVENING REDDEN -IN LOVING MEMORY OF A kind husband and father. Ceorge Ed- ward 'Redden. who passed away in St. Catharines General Hospital, April 19th, 1927. -Ever remembered by his wife Cath- erine M. Redden, and family. "Gone but not forgotten." 4296-1 Births WILDFONG-Ju Scott 'Memorial Hmpita1 on April 10, to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wild- fong, R.R. 2, Walton, a daughter. HURRAY -In Scott Memorial Hospital, en April 12. to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Murray, R.R. 6, Seaforth, a daughter. SCOTT -In Scott Memorial Hospital, on April 15, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Scott, Cromarty. a son. DIGNAN-4Mr. and 'Mia. Harold Dignan, of Hensall, Ont., are very happy to an- nounce the birth of. a baby boy, April 13. ANDERSON -At Alexandra Marine and General Hospital. Goderich, on April 13. to Mr. and May. Oliver 4adenson (nee Bernice Lawson), of .Auburn, s: daugh- ter. POR SALE -BLACK FAILLE DRESS, worn once, size 38: black suit, size 40; 2 spring and fall coats, new, size 40, both grey; grey dress. size 40. All in good condition and will be sold reason- ably. Apply to Box 867. HURON EX- POSITOE. 7 Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS alt SAI,'t" aC A �, rtNS(11�` _ sl: Hol:s>r If P : 7' e tttit . tihhsdn fiihihern 1fi 8 1P.; boat frame Wiith 2 -trach kir' isittiea1 '1(8883 acre* liana wind, olirasi +, 'u' fie lroting� Sl'mYid tall ittitrded r bteN l�YS(�drd1"cod yre �I. •fJt firl•fit e kind F[itic. 004, •40400y y kr� fol / Deaths PARKINS -In Seaforth, on Moiday. April 17, Arthur James Parkins, in his 59th year. SMITH -In Seaforth, on Friday, April 14, William W. Smith. in his 72nd year. MARTIN -In Seaforth. on Wednesday, April 19, Harry Martin, in his 85th year. SUTHERLAND -In Seaforth, on Tuesday, April 18, Jean Carnochan Dickson, widow of the late Andrew D. Suther- land, in her 77th year. in the Estate of MARY ANN STOREY ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Mary Ann Storey, late of the Township of McKllop, in the County of Huron, Spinster, 'deceas- ed. who died on the 14th day of Febru- •,rv. 1950. are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 28th day of. April, 1950, after which date the easels will be distributed. having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth. this 5th day of April, 1950. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Administrator. 4294-8 CHELSEA4.. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Dobbs and Mr. and Mrs. Wm; Dobos, of Glen .airn, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Brock. - Mr.'and• Mrs. Henry Ford visited on Saturday with their daughter and s'in-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. New- man Baker, of Wellborn. . Mr. and Mrs. Milton Brock and Mr. and Mrs. Norman .Brock, of :.'ion, were Sunday visitors with \-1r. and Mrs. Joe Bailey. . Mr. and Mrs Ralph Batten, of Exeter; spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Batten. Miss Jean Humphrey, of Kirk - ton, and Mr. and Mrs. John Batten were Sunday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bailey have returned to their home in the vil- lage after spending the winter with their daughter, Mrs. Alf. Col- lier, of Kirkton. • Haile Selassie claimed descent from Solomon and the Queen of Sheba. -- Canadians ate three times as much ice cream in 1948 as in 1939. NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of JAMES R. SCOTT ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of James R. Scott, late of the Township of Tuckersmith, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, de- ceased. who died on the 21st day of March, 1950, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 28th day of April, 1950, after 4?'hich date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 5th day of April, 1950. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors. 4294-3 Cards Of Thanks MRS. J. F. RITCHIE AND DAUGICDER wish to express their appreciation to the many friends and neighbors for the lovely gifts and kind sentiments they re- ceived at a going -away party held in their honor on Tuesday night, April 11. MRS. JIM IUTCRIE AND MARILYN I WANT TO THANK ALL THOSE WHO were so kind to me during my illness at St Joseph's Hospital, London ; those who visited me; those who wrote to me and sent cards, flowers, gifts and treats; also thanks to Dr. McMaster. MSS. A. E. CLEMENCE 4296-1 MR. FRED SMALLACOMBE A ND family wish to thank their many friends and neighbors for kindness and sympathy shown them during their re- cent sad bereavement, and for the many beautiful floral tribute,, cards and let- ters, and to those who offered cars. Spe- cial thanks.to Rev. A. E. Hinton and Dr. .7. C. Goddard. 4296-1 P{ at FAMILY OF THE LATE JOSHUA J. Pollard would like to thank their many friends and neighbors for the kind- ness and sympathy shown them at the time of their recent bereavement They would like to especially thank Rev. D. A. MacMillan, Dr. M. W. Stapleton, Dr. Ross Howson and nurses and staff of Scott Memorial Hospital. They would also like to thank all those who sent flowers, cards. or assisted in any way. 4296-1 WE WISH TO EXTEND OUR THANKS to the staff of Scott Memorial Has - vital, and especially to Mrs. Leeming. to Rev. G. 'Hazlewood, of Walton. and Rev. C. W. Down. of Exeter: to•Caven Church. the W.A. and W.M.S. and the Sunday Sehool. and all others who sent flowers. loaned cars- and in so many ways did so much to help Tighten the passing of a dear sister and wife. MRS. I. A Wi rr n. M. TEN1NANT R. 'K. Mn3A LANE HAVING SOLI) 011R COAL, I•ws.D. and Locker Service in Hensall. it is with sincere regret we sever a business of slinost eighteen years' duration. We take this opportunity of thanitine our many metomem for the kind and generous env- -tort given u8 dnrine this 4iine, particu- larly through the war yearn, when"Gov- ernment regulationsmeager enpplies tied thoqn a i tv 1 were not alwaYs the beat,. recommend to yon_our sueeessor, . Mrrecommend Lorne V..B'ay; who will carry on With the same high nullity -feels thst we-'2l- wav9 enideavottred to obtain; and trust yl *111 fa•6dr b our �ft( a ftl- with e - hued Date roue ltilt9ga. Aland Yo'st.e1 135',-I heti to"remain. attraG ly DAVinShctg ,_ it • SPRING Calls For Our Money -Saving Engine Tune -Up • Make Spring and Summer driving a real pleasure and an economy. Our engine tune-up gives smooth- er power, faster pick- up, quieter • running as well as big savings in fuel and oil. Seaforth Motors SEAFORTH WINTHROP Alta :Glazier spent the yea - 4034 ee- a 134- with- his mother in Clinton.,, Mr. Robert McBride celebrated Itis birthdaly at his Home #n l .ippen 0335 WedneschiY last. Many of.his relatives and close friends called to wish him health and happiness for the future. Mrs. Reid Torrance returned to her home in Bayfield last Friday after having been visiting her sis- ter and father the past week. Mr. Norman Jarrott is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Jarrott, near Hillsgreen. A sign of spring is the usual shipments of fertilizer that are ar- riving in Kippen these days, through the local agent, Elzar Mouaseau. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Beattie and family, of Winghain, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Mc- Bride over Sunday. Mr. T. N. Forsyth, while attend- ing the morning services at St. An- drew's Church, Kippen, took a weak spell and -had to be assisted to the home of Mr. Wm. Sinclair. A. doctor -was called and he rallied rapidly, - which his many friends will be MO to know. 'Mrs. H. Blanshard has returned home from visiting her daughter in Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Mel. Niohol and family, Stratford; Miss )dith Blan- shard, of Fordwieh, and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Watson, of Walton, spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Blanchard. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McClure and family, of Walton, visited with Mr. and Mrs. John McClure, Mr. Andrew Montgomery, Brant- ford, and Miss Shirley Montgom- ery, London, spent the week -end at their home. Sunday School will be held at Cavan Sunday School at 1 o'clock, April 23. Among those attending the fun- eral of Mrs. McFarlane from a distance were: Mrs. I. Watt, of Chatewagway Basin, Que.; Mr. H. M. Tennant and Mr. and _MTs. Al- lan Tennant, of Ottawa; Mrs, R. W. Craw, Toronto; Mr. David Mc- Farine and Lloyd, of Almonte; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tennant, Lam- beth; Rev. C. W. Down, Exeter ; Mr. and Mrs, Stanley King, Strat- ford; Miss Christina Dickson, of Brussels; Mrs. Clare Smith and, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Miller, Lis- towel; Miss' H. Frii,tz, Mr. and'Mrs. Frank Ceeland, Mr. Thompson and Mrs. Cliff Ha'penny, Listowel; Nellie Kearney,_Beatrice Dow, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Clark and Earl Dow, of Cromarty. /Attention Home Builders! Lots Now Available in New West End Survey at $10.00 per Lot . Building to be started within six months of date of purchase of lot. • Work to supply the fol- lowing services will be commenced at once: Hydro, Water, Surface Drainage and Streets.: PLANS AVAILABLE AT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE First come, first choice. • You Have a Lucky Number, Too ,- If you're . a little skeptical about there being such things as lucky numbers, here's your proof. Take the Number 91, your Expositor phone number for instance; thousands have' found it their lucky number; for filling any need from find-' ing lost pets and valuables to securing scarce articles. You'll find' it lucky, too, whether you want to rentroom, geta job, extra cash,or fin help 1p Yor home or ofice. Try ft for ludek today, remember its so easy tO p 4 pl�rve At Expositor Want Ad -44 i 3 itiltelephone t 4 Iter' Warit Ad* Willi cdv�l> '?l Y' BAYFIELD will be a special speaker from Groderieh. The members are re - attested to bring Bible picture cards, Bible -story books and a donation of money for British HENSALL (Continued from Page 1) church schoolroom Friday after- noon at 3 p.m., the chair taken by the president, . Mrs.' W. 'B. Cross. There were 25 members and visi- tors present. A special Easter top- ic was presented by Mrs. Geiger, Mrs. Anna C. Walker, Mrs. G. Glenn, Mrs. Cross and. Mrs. F. Ap- pleby. Mrs. Geiger contributed a reading, "What Christ Means To Me." Mrs. Appleby favored with an appropriate solo, "Alone." Mrs. Sherritt accompanying at the piano. A lengthy business discus- sion was held and many items. of interest brought up. It was decid- ed to pack a 'bale of clothing for the needy of Europe early in June. Miss Katie Scott was appointed a delegate to attend the Presbytery to be held at Clinton April 27. A hymn and prayer concluded the meeting. Mr. Albert Alexander, of Tuck- ersmith, has purchased the resi- dence of Mr. and Mrs. L. Siemon. Mr. and Mrs. Siemon intend to take up residence in Sarnia in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. A. Woodiwiss, of Chatham, spent the week -end with and Mrs. Jack Drysdale. The Arnold Circle Evening Aux- iliary of Carmel Presbyterian an Guiana, A large attenda$1CB toped £o Addional Hen$ P• e Oft ��, ., *Il Mr. and Mrs.' Charles F. Rogers, of Hamilton, arrived on Friday to spend the season at their cottage, "Char -Min." Mrs. F. A. Edwards, who spent the past five months in Waterloo, returned; home on Saturday. - Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Westlake, of Mount Forest, are spending their vacation with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Toms'. and Mr and Mrs. Walter Westlake. Mr. and Mrs. William Avey and family, of London, spent a couple of days last week with the for- mer's sister, Mrs. T. H. Mack and Mr. Mack. Mrs. H. A. Lawson returned to the village on Sunday after ,,pend- ing pend- ing the winter months in Stratford. The annual masquerade and dance, sponsored .by the Bayfield Agricultural Society, was held in the Town Hall on Wednesday eve- ning, April 12. Despite inclement weather, there was a good attend- ance. The following were the prize winners: Girls up to 7 years, Johnny Avey (Portugese Peasant girl). Mary Elliott (skater); girls 8 to 14 yrs., Phyllis Elliott (dice); Joyce Bell (scrubwoman) ; boys to 7 years, Stephen Scotchmer, (Chinaman), Howard Scotchmer (cowboy) ; boys, 8 to 14 years, Don Bell (tramp), Gordon Miller (Rob- in Hood); ladies' fancy, Mrs. Fred Weston (Chinese), Mrs. Wm. Met- calf and Miss Jessie Metcalf (Fam- ily Album) ; ladies' comic, Mrs. Roy Scotchmer (snowman), Mrs. M. Prentice (Maggie-Jiggs) ; gents' fancy, Wm.'Metcalf (family port- rait), Charles Scotchmer (Blue - beard) ; gents' comic, Russell Dav- ison (tramp), Mrs. Ed. Sturgeon (Jiggs). best couple, Mrs. Wm. Metcalf and Miss Jessie Metcalf (Family Album); national costume, Patsy Scotchmer and Mildred Fras- er (Scandinavian). During the evening the presi- dent. A. H. ,Warner, accompanied by C. Diehl, the vice-president, and Mrs. Fred. McEwan, called on Mrs. George Little at her home and pre- sented her with the service diplo- ma in recognition of her years of faithful service to the society. Music for the dancing was sup- plied, by Ken Wilbee's orchestra. KIPPEN Grass Seed of all kinds, and Hybrid Corn Seed at right prices, at DAMM'S STORE, Kippen.— (Adv.) . There appears to be a rush for radio Iicenses at local post offices these days. Cheer'up, radio fansi This may be the last year you will be called upon to require one. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar McBride and family were in London on Satur- day last. , Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Horney, of Exeter, are helping at the home of Arnold Gaekstetter while he is taking treatments in London. Mr. and. Mrs. Ross Green and family, of Mitchell, called at the home of Mr. Jonah Green on Fr„1 d'a'y' last.�,�(( Harvey Damnf"ivas the holder Of the lucky ticket on a draw . at Hillsgreen store recently,. The tick- et entitled.the holder to a hand- some new bicycle. Operations ' have again , corn- - rtienced 'at Centralia Air School, Village, Mad Henry Stasilt, of this g , the ig •back on th0 job olperating large bulldozer'. Stun- ' t wolit left roil . card. SMcC a 1'13 f Maly' loot : to S3eltd'. WO Or three j' oil' hf Al �3bli. �l�r (I Mak � i rW.V-L x A V Church will hold. its Easter th k offering meeting on Monday night, Apr. 24, at the home of Mrs. Har- old Bonthron. As this meeting marks the 24th anniversary, all for- mer members and Home Helpers are invited to be present. There 111111l111lll11111111111111I111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 TICE A meeting of the Sea- forth Gun Club will be held in the Queen's Hotel, on MONDAY, APRIL 24th 8'p.m. Purpose— . REORGANIZATION • Come and BRING Your Ideas. Kuril), Twist Scatter Rugs Guaranteed Washable! Red, Grey; Blue, Rose, Turquoise' 3 95 MARTHA WASHINGTON DRESSES aright, Clean Prints. All color -fast. 2.95,3.9 5 Sizes 12 to 52 Sizes 7 to 12 - 2.45, BEDSPREADS—Washable Cotton Spreads " Green, Rose, Wine, Blue 5 95 to 9.95 s• SHORTIE COATS— Sweeping the country this year is the perk little Shortie, with its fitted, belted back; flare back and straight back. Single and double-breasted. 19.50 to 29.50 TUDOR'S Ladies' Wear and Dry Goods PHONE 70 HENSALL 111111N1111111111111111111l1111111111111111111111111111111d1111111111111111111110111iii16 BAZAAR and HOME COOKING SALE in Legion? Hall, HENSALL Saturday, April 22nd Home Cooking and Candy, •Fancy Articles such as Aprons, Pillowcases, Knitted and Cro- cb5ting Articles, ' TEA SERVED — Tea Cup Reading 1 Sale starts at 3 p.m. Sponsored by Hensall Legion Ladies, Auxiliary NOTICE VILLAGE OF HENSALL To all owners or harbourers of Dogs: Please take notice that all dogs shall be kept tied up or under control at all times during the months of April, May, June, July, August, Sep- tember and October, according to Bylaw No. 13, 1948, and any dog found running at large may be impounded and unless redeemed with 48 hours destroyed and the owner fined. —ALSO— All dogs must be tagged, and said tag fastened securely to all dogs, said tag must be secured on or before May 1st, or the owner is liable to a fine. By Order of the Council of the Village of Hensail. J. A. PATERSON, Municipal Clerk. If your car LOOKS her age \\``\\\\i�l1// , 166, � 11 YOUR FAITHFUL CAR deserves a beauty treatment at intervals. Have you hadit carefully cleaned and polished lately? Our experts do a thorough job at a reasonable price. And if you have any traffic scars on body or fenders, they'll touch 'em up to protect against rust. Just say, "Wash, wax and polish", and we'll do the rest .. . QUICKLY. ' A Hensall Motor Sales Dodge - DeSoto Sales & Service • PHONE 31 - HENSALL • Be sure to read Next Week's "COM- ING" EVENTS" for t h e Most Exciting Entertainment News in Years! 1 1111111g1111111111111151151(11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 fat Lawns Rolled POWER . ROLLER Place your order as early as possible. H. E. SMITH P'li;the '122 . NOTE:'-2KindIy Pat Mr. Ritbt. lMeFtadx'ean Op tatitpletion of • each rolling. at mm ince ea a It .' in e troll 'Vv r :w er s, �a ' ewe 'tjildl: � :1,0►. �yyy L t11G VJF7, �' �lluy :� M1 IWI' Ili' '10.11- ' mmunization Clinics - The Huron County Health • Unit has found it necessary to revise the list of Stanley Townshi> Immunization Clines. The following is the new schedule of times and places: TU'SDAY, APRIL 25th, 1950 9:45 a.m.. S.S. No.,_7 10:15 a.m. U.S.S. 1V o. 9 11:00 a.m. U.S.S. No. 1 11:30 a.m. S.S.S. No. 1 - 1:15 p.m. S.S. No. 4E Infant and pre-school children may attend these clinics. - Other clinics in this . area will be - an- nounced at a later -date. Early protection of children against Diphtheria, theria,Woo in Cough, Tetanus and Smallpox is every - parent's obligation. ar Small da )d , vactirlatiKof ,t ' e•rp: � o . t e 'last bftherC1'Tl L. tuft BE WISE 4 ( ( (