HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1950-04-14, Page 8EON Evo, • it 4), t ;ft Auromo, y, QASci4Avr __(4.1)ARANTEE rocnOt404, 4k, IOENT sicKmgas ;RGLARY AND WINOSTORIVI. Xepresenting Conapantee who •"' give Security with. Service 00/30 AGENTS FOR ON'I'ARIO 1413RBSIIERMAN'S MUTPAIj FIRE INSURANCE Infermation gladly given. WATSON & REID M. A. REID - Proprietor bsurance & Real Estate PHONE 214 : SEAFORTH FOR SALE Duplex, solid brick. All modern tenveniences. Good investment. Modern Double House on Centre St., with 2 acres of land. Good in- vestment. New Brick House on James St.' Possession arranged. • Dwellings on Louisa St. Immedi- ate possession. M. A. REID IREAL ESTATE : PHONE 214 LEMON'S TAXI ALL PASSENGERS INSURED Phone: 162-J or 162-W ww NOW ON HAND Car of D. & H. S -T -O -V -E C -O -A -L Seaforth Supply and Fuel LTD. PHONE 47 N WS` r TOWN Announcement. —Mr. and ¥i'. Joseph Connelly, of MoKillop,witds to. announce the engagement of their second oldest daughter, Rlta Elizabeth. Eileen, to Mr. Fergus Patrick Kenny, son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Kenny, of London, the marriage to take place in St. Mary's Catholic Church, Loudon, on April 29, at 9 a.m. Northside W. A. Meets.—Group 3 of the W.A. of Northside Church met at the home of Mrs: A. Hutt COAL We have: • NUT COAL • STOVE COAL o HARD COAL BRIQUETTES • ALBERTA DEEP SEAM LUMP • STOKER COAL William M. Hart Phone 784 Seaforth -010311111111111111111111111111 EASTER DANCE ST. COLUMBAN Friday, April 14 under the auspices of s' ST. COLUMBAN C. W. L. Norman Carnegie Band Admission 50c DANCING 9:30 TO 1:00 AM. 4111111111111111111 MI MI IMMO IIIII MI Nil MI MS 111111111111•11111111.1 el 1111111111111111110. Scott Memorial Hospital REQUIRES: 1. General Caretaker, duties to commence April' 23, 1950. Apply in writing, stating age and qualifications. (Preference given to man with mechanical ability). 2. Domestic Help, immediately—Good working conditions. • Apply to the Superintendent • SCOTT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Seaforth Numuminsameinamommemiammumuuswinumur BUDGIES From Blue Jird Aviaries, Hamilton BABY BUDGIES — All Colors Guaranteed Talking Strain. For sale at BALDWINS HARDWARE STORE, SEAFORTH April 13, 14 and 15 — Also Cages COME IN AND HEAR A TALKING BIRD Dick the Upholsterer Is Now Showing a Complete New Styling in Upholstering and Slipcover Fabrics MODERN, RE -DESIGNED and CUSTOM- BUILT FURNITURE — ONE WEEK SERVICE — For further information— Phone 342-W, Seaforth G. A. WRIGHT Wood Products Workmanship Guaranteed O 0 0 0 <> 0 0 0 0 0 J. A. BURKE ° ▪ Funeral. Director 0 and Ambulance Service 0 D1)13141N - ONT. 0 0 Night or Day Calls: 0 40. Phone 43 r 10 o 00000000000 O 0 0 0 0 0 0' 0 nGte' WHITNEY ' iinerai Director Deatorth tuNtitr AVICE titiA6_,,henDittil beds WIAIV$Aittoo, o 5> 00000000 ° W. J. CLEARY Seaforth, Ont. LIC,ENSED EMBALMER 0 ANDTUNERAL DIRECTOR 0 0 Night or Day Calls 335 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BOX Ittritud iliotrbitt 0 AMBULANCE0 0 Prompt and c areal attention. 0 HosidtalBea 0 momrtas mu ALt 0 1, • • 4> 0 OCCASIONS libilea1,0 ,,'" .0 0 ' . PRONNEt: git, t',Atottoya .66 41), '0 Rea. 8954! or 18; Store 0 0 ' etY.000000....6t0k*IttOtto . „ son on Tuesday evening with art attestdaaeeaof14 meMbers and 10 visitors. The meeting ePeued1V Singing Hymn 000, "Tae Time To Be Hoy' and lifiaa Edith Hoag led in prayer. The .Soripture lesson wa.s read by Mrs.. Walden. A, poem, "He is Rin," was -read by Miss Hoag. After a short business per- iod, the remainder of the evening was spent in. playing crokinole. Prize winners were Mrs. R. Sav- auge and Mrs. Crawford. Lunch was served by the social cominit- tee. St. Thomas' Ladies' Guild Meets. —The monthly meeting of St. Thomas Ladies' Guild met at the home of Miss Florence Fowler with twenty-two entbusiastic members prevent. The president, Mrs. W. R. Shaw, presided and the meeting opened with the reading of the 23rd Psalm by Mrs. Gerald Snow- den, after which prayers were of- fered for the parish and the Lord's Prayer in unison. Both the secre- tary's and treasurer's reports were adopted as read. The new group system is proving fruitful, accord- ing to the reports given by the cap- tains. president thanked ev- erywae•lor the co-operation in con- nection with the Lions .1:Nub ban- quet. Mrs. Riley's was the lone birthday for April. The sale of everyday cards is going like the proverbial hot cakes. A report on the post office booth for the fall bazaar was given by Mrs. George McGavin, Quite a pleasant inova- tion will take place in the fall when the choir will be entertained by the Guild, Finally the highlight of the afternoon became apparent when the able convener of the ap- ron committee, Mrs. Fred Scarlett, showed the many aprons which were modelled by Miss Dorothy Parke and Mrs. Carman Roweliffe, after which Mrs. Scarlett was un- animously thanked for her untir- ing efforts. The ladies were pleas- ed to welcome four new members. The May meeting will be held in the Parish Hall and will take the form of a social for the novelty booth. Mrs. W. Oldfield moved a vote of thanks to the hostess of the afternoon. The meeting -closed with the benediction, after which a dainty lunch was served and a social afternoon spent. o Dies - Dies In Kitehener.—A funeral service was held at the George W. Baldock Funeral Home, ,Simcoe, on Thursday at 2 p.m. for Mrs. Ross (Ann) Shaw, 83, of Simcoe, who died in St. Mary's Hospital, Kit- chener, on Monday. Burial was in Oakwood cemetery. She had been ill for only a brief period. Born in Tuckersmith Township, 1VIiis. Shaw was a daughter of the late Mr. and, Mrs. John McGregor. She attend- ed the Simcoe Church of England. One brother, John McGregor, of Riverhurst, Sask.,survives her. Her husband, James Shaw, died 10 years ago. Death of Martin Ryan. — The death occurred on Monday evening of a well known resident of Sea - forth in the person of Martin Ryan, in his 70th year. He was ,- e', - ENTER AT YOUR STORE .."4. Nl ...at THE rt MARSHALL "GOLDlLEE Conte TWO CONTESTS WITH ONE ENTRY! By bringing•your finished entry to our store, you qualify for the Big Marshall 'Golden Jubilee' Contest. 50 Big Prizes -Over $4500 in value AND IN ADDITION We will pick o lucky winner from entries received at our store and will give a beautiful Marshall 'Golden Jubilee' Mattress as a special contest prize - see it on display • enter today. FINISH THIS LIMERICK Marshaff a name meaning real For fifty years has been best To cuddle you deep And lull you to slowp (Add you, own lost inn and 1. it in on the coupon) Closing Limerick Line Name Address City or Town Prov BRING TsitScOUPoN TO G. A. WHITNEY Furniture Store - Seaforth SEE THE GOLDEN JUBILEE MARSHALL IN OUR DISPLAY WINDOW Call 'at our store and get ' a FREE guess on this Golden ttubilee Mattress.' 1 G. A. WEITNEY, rurniture Funeral arid Ambulance Service • '* PlitiNH8 nay, tio; NtititA suAdayA 65 , SAA601-r Orr?: sescisEeasiszas taken to Seott Massiabrial Heapital on Ssinday, alOnliassing attended services On Stindaas;rning. Mr. Ryan carne to Sea** about 25 years ago Pram iUp. just 'eat of Walton. Tike4-apit Of the late Richard Ryan and Annie O'Reilly, he was ifilmarried, .but. is. survived by one brother, Joseph Rya, of Brussels, and twq slaters, Miss Ellie Ryan, of Weat Lorne, and Mrs. Frank Klein, of St. Marys. The funeral was held. Thursday morning from W. J. Cleary's Fun- eral Parlors to St. James' Church, with Rev. T. P. Hussey officiating. Interment was in St. James' ceme- tery, the pallbearers being Joseph Ryan, Lawrence Ryan, Norman Rowland, Lew Rowland, John Lane and Joseph Lane. Death of J. J. Pollard. — The death occurred on Monday of Joshua John Pollard, at his home on Centre St., Seaforth, in his 86th year. He had been in failing health for some time. He was born in Usborne Township Feb. 4, 1865, son of the late William and Elizabeth Pollard. In 1869 the family moved to lot 28, con. 13, McKillop, which was at that time solid bush with the exception of a one -acre clear- ing where a house stood, This house still stands and is now oc- cupied by Percy Taylor. Mr. Pol- lard survived the black diphtheria epidemic of 1873, which claimed his older brother, and took 'ten lives within a radius of one and a quar- ter miles of his home. Mr. Pollard went to work on the farm when he was quite young, and helped clear it and. bring it into produc- tion. He was married Feb. 14, 1900, to Margaret Ann Brown, Blyth, who died in 1903. On. Nov. 28, 1905, he married Mary Catherine Thiel, second daughter of the late Henry and Catherine Thiel, East Wawanosh. He sold the farm in 1912, and bought a house and 14 acres in Blyth, where he operated a small dairy and poultry farm for 13 years. In 1926 he bought, a pro- perty in Seaforth, where he has lived since. Surviving are his wife and a son, William H. Pollard, of Stratford, and two grandchildren, William J. and Robert E. The fun- eral was held Wednesday at 2:30 p,m, with Rev. D. A. MacMillan officiating. Interment was in Brus- sels cemetery. The pallbearers were Jas. Henderson, Frank La- mont, Geo, Eaton, Fred Scarlett, Frank Kling and Lorne Ruddy. First Presbyterian Church. ---10 a.m., Bible Class and Sunday School; 11 a.m., "The Economy of God"; JUnior Congregation; 7 p.m., "The Beatitudes: 7, Peacemakers." 8:15, Y.P.S. Fireside; film of China will be shown.—Rev. D. GI nn Campbell, Minister. Northside United Church.—Rev. D. A. MacMillan, Minister: 10 a.m., Sunday School and Adult Bible Classes; 11 a.m., Worship; sermon subject, "Easter's Afterglow"; 11.30 a.m., Junior Congregation; 7 p.m., Worship; sermon subject, "The Challenge of Missions!'3t4 cordial welcome to all services. LOCAL BRIEFS • Miss Florence Laidlaw, of Tor- onto, spent the Easter vacation with her sisters, the Misses Maude and Olive Laidlaw. • Miss Harriet Russell and Mr. John J. Jacques, of Toronto, were Easter guests of Mrs. J. B.. Rus- sell. • Mr. Walter Boswell of Lott - D. H. McINNES Chiropractic - Foot Correction COMMERCIAL HOTEL Monday, Thursday 1 to 8 p.m. Euchre and Dance Sponsored; by the Seaforth Women's Institute CARDNO'S HALL TUESDAY, APRIL 18th 8:30 p.m. LADIES PLEASE BRING SANDWICHES Lucky Lunch Prize ADMISSION 50e Music by Murdoch's 'Orchestra 011111111••• RogersMajestic PERSONAL RADIO Operates on Hydro or self-con- tained batteries. $49.95 A I` Terry's Radio Repairs Also Tubes, Batteries, Aerials and Repair's to All Makes and Models of Radios._ PHONE 347-R Opposite Dick House Seaforth,' don, spent the Haaster holidays, witii his *yenta. M. 0.40, Mrs. R. C.' RasWell, • Mr. Allan Ryan. of HanUlton; Franii. Ryan, of TOronto; Ulas. Mary Ryan, of theUniversity of Western Ontario, Louden, and Mrs. Camilla Ryan, of Loring, were Easter guests, of Mrs. Thos. O'Loughlin. • Mr. and Mrs. Alex Jamieson, of Toronto, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. L 13. Jamieson for Eas- ter. • Flight Cadet Howard Cartmill. of Clinton, was the guest of Miss Patsy Brugger over Easter. • Mrs. George Hills and Miss Rhia Hills, of Tormito, Omit the Baster holidays at their home in Egmondville. • Miss Marjorie Bickel', of Tor- onto, was an Easter guest with her aunt, Miss Elizabeth Freeman. • .Miss Annie Brodie, of Toron- to; Mies Jean Brodie, of Kirkland Lake, and Mr. Hector Murray, of Parkhill, were Easter guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brodie. • Misses Norma McColl sand Shirley Muir, of Brantford, were Easter guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Muir. • Mr. and Mrs. J. K. 13. Brown and Stephen, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. ,Sam Phillips and Ronnie of Chatham, were guests of Mr. and Mrs 3. M. Govenlooln for Eas- ter. • Mr. and Mrs. George Scofield, Miss Nancy Scofield and Miss Margaret Perkins, of Detroit, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Case for the Easter week -end. " • Misses Muriel and. Margaret Hudson spent Easter in Galt with their sister, Mrs. F. Eo1royd. • Mrs. J. P. Bell a patient in Scott Memorial •Hospital. • Mrs. J. C. Greig is in Sarnia, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. IJ. D. Clark. • Miss Ruth Shinen and Mr. Maurice Goodman, of Toronto, were Easter guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Shinen. • Mrs. R. J. Bellamy has return- ed from Regina where she attend- ed the funeral of her mother. • Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Milton and Dudley, of Montreal, are Easter guests of Mrs. F. S. Brugger. • Mrs. Charles Stewart has re- turned home after spending the past few weeks in Windsor, Mr. Donald Stewart accompanied her here to spend the Easter vacation. • ,Miss Janette Wilson, of To- ronto, is spending two weeks with her sister, Mrs. Kenneth McQuaig• • Mr. and Mrs. Thos Legg, of Goderich, spent Good riday with Mrs. Legg's brother, Mr. Geo. Mc - Gavin and Mrs. McGavirt. • Mr. John Stewart, of Strat- ford, called on friends in town on Monday. . • Mr. and Mrs. Warren Ament and family, of Detroit, spent the Easter week -end with his parents, Mr. a d Mrs. Wm. Ament. • /Miss Lenore Hahkirk spent ster Monday in Toronto. • Mr. James Kelly, of Sarnia, was an Easter guest of his par- ents Mr. and .Mrs. Wm. Kelly. • Miss Marion McGavin, Strat- ford, spent the Easter week -end with her parents, .Mr. and Mrs. George McGavin. • Mr. and Mrs. Donald Fortune and family, of Woodstock, and Mr. Lionel Fortune, of London, spent the week -end' with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fortune. • Miss G. Marchini and Mr. Ken Keating, of Toronto, were Easter guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Keat- ing. • Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McLean were guests at the Switzer-Dqupe wedding at Kirkton on Saturday. • Mr. and Mrs. Warnock have moved from the Royal A'fts. to the apartment owned by Mr. Isaac Hudson. • Mr. Howard Kerr and son, Ian, of Toronto, were guests of his Nether, Mrs. Janes Kerr. •• Mr. Gordon Rennie, of Sand- ridge, was a week -end guest of his parents, .Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Ren- nie. • Mr. and Mrs. elvkin Bid and son, Ronald, of Harm ;sand Miss Evangeline Reid, of London, were Easter guests of Mr. M. A. Reid. • Master Paul McMaster is spending the Easter holidays with relatives in Sarnia. • Miss Rhia Hill and Miss Laura McMillan, of Toronto, spent Easter at their homes in *gmondville. • Dr. Reid Edmunds, of Brant- ford, was an Easter guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kling. • Mr. and Mrs. Sam J. McKen- zie and family, of Georgetown,.were Easter guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jno, Camino, Mr. .Nelson Cardno and Miss Helen Campbell. • Mrs. M. H. McKenzie, of Osh- awa, and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Gov- enlock, of Waterford', were Easter guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Gov- enlock ,and Mrs. Mae Dorrance. • Mr. and Mrs. Joe Carpenter and family, Of Chatham, •spent Sat- urday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Crich. • Miss Lillian Southgate spent the week -end with Miss Fergus Bell in Toronto. • Miss Doris Ferguson and Mr. James .McKague, of Toronto, were Easter guests of Mr..and Mrs. G. D. Ferguson. • ,Miss Rete Duncan, of Windsor and Miss ,Mary Duncan, of London, spent Easter With their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Duncan. • Miss Dorothy Smith, of Ham- ilton, and Mr. Delbert Smith, of the University of Western Ontario, London, spent. Easter with Mr. and Mrs. C. .M. Smith. • Mr. George Daly, of Toronto, spent Easter with 'his mother, Mrs. F. Daly. , • Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barry and Elitabeth Anne, of Stratford, were Week-61dt, guests of Miss M. E. Ttirisbull. • Miss Peggy Willis, of South Easthope, spent taster with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Willis. • Mr. Donald .Munn and Mr. Bill MMus, of the University of We.st- ern, Ontario, London, are spending the Easter vacation with their par- ents, Dr. and Mrs. I. A...kunn., • Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hays, of London; MISS Evelyn Southgate, of Toronto, and Mrs. May Rance IVIe- HintiOn, of Clinton, were* Easter gaeatao Mrs, It. S. Hays. Mt'e alut gra,41. #A, INTAllan Milli enad AM; of 1Kfillhatn1,, lArOxic Sunday meat* of, gra.. R. ji,alglytt. • Afir,,,NeiFille 'lgeMilia, .outt and Mr. Etday louffe, of Vey- ' dun, Que., were Eater.guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. 'VI. McMillan and. '1 aridly. • Mr. and Mrs. John. Edmunds, of Mitchell, and Mr. and Mrs. Jas: Courtois, of St. Thomas, were San - day guests; of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kling.. • Miss Maud Hartry is spending the Easter vacation in Toronto. • Miss. Wilda Hay, of Toronto, is spending the Easter vacation with her mother, Mrs. W. S. Hay. • Miss Winnie SaVauge left on ,Sunday for Montreal from where he took a plane to Sweden to. spend two months. I • Miss Edna Jowett, of Port HurOn, and Mr. Elmer Fowler, of Bluevalea spent Easter with Miss Florence Fowler. • Miss: Jeannette Pethick and Miss Gwen Winterbourne, of Tor- onto, spent the 'Baster vacation with the former's sister, Mrs. F. S. Brugger. • Miss Kathryn Laudenhach, of St.• Joseph's Hospital, London, spent Raster at her home here. • Mr, James Cluff and son, Pat, of Woodstock, were guests this week of Mr. A. F. Cluff and family. • Rev. and Mrs. R. H. Williams and family, of Detroit, Ire guests of Mr. and Mrs. M, McKellar. • Mrs. George Elliott and two children, of Toronto, were Easter guests of Mrs. A. D. Sutherland. • Mr, and Mrs. John McNab and daughter, of Toronto, spett Easter with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex McNab. • Mrs. T. Healy and Miss Mar- ion Healy spent Easter with their aunts, Mrs. L. E. Richard and Miss Olive McCormack. • Mrs. C. Geddes spent a few days in Bayfield this week. • Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Hildebrand of Goderich, spent Sunday with Miss Mary Hildebrand. • Ws. E. H. Close and Dianne were in London a few days this week. • • Mr. and Mrs, Harry Scott, of Welland, and Mr. Donald Scott, of Toronto, were week -end guests of Mrs. H. R Scott. • Mrs. Hugh Williams, of Lon- don, and Mrs. Gordon McKellar and family, of Toronto, spent the Easter holidays with Mr. and. Mrs. M. McKellar. • Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hildebrand, of Kitchener, spent the week -end with his mother, Mrs, Mary Hilde- brand. • Mr. Duncan McKellar, of Cromarty, underwent a Major op- eration on Tuesday in Scott IVIem- °ea! Hospital, and is improving slowly. • Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hays and daughter, Patricia, of Detroit, sipent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Sills. • Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sproat and son, Jeffery, of North Bay, were holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sell Sproat and Mrs. Jas. Sproat. • Misa Marjory Bickle, of Tor- onto, spent Easter week at her home here. • Misses Mary Lou and. Ruth Sills are spending Easter week with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and - Mrs, Gordon Hays, in Detroit. • Misses Mary Helen and Mar- ilyn Yeo, of Holmesville, are visit- ing their 'aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. James Murray. • Mrs. Ellen Bannon spent a few days in Toronto with 'her sister, Mrs. Flynn. • Miss Mary Margaret Cleary and Miss Eileen Masquara, of Bres- cia Hall, London, were Easter guests of Mr. and Mrs James', J. Cleary. • Mr. Isaac Hudson is ill in Scott Memorial Hospital. • Mrs. Jas. M. Scott and Miss Marion T. Scarlett spent the Eas- ter holidays in Toronto. ZION Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Britton spent the week -end with their daughter and son-in-lavv, Mr. and Mrs, Bob Keyes, and Mr. and Mrs. Kinsley, Salton. Mr. and Mrs. James Malcolm re- ceived the sad news of the passing of her'aunt, Mrs. Ellen Britton, at her home in Windsor on Wednes- day. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Britton and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stanlake and Mrs. Work - Man, Exeter, 'on Easter Sunday. CLEVE CARTER'S 6 -AXI • COURTEOUS SERVICE • PASSENGERS INSURED Phones: DAYS 182 NIGHTS 348-R IT'S A DATE The Legion regrets that the Show, "It's a Date," under the auspices of the Canadian, Legiotn; through circumstances beyond their control, will be postponed to ,THURSDAY AND FRIDAY Mayllthand12th • 4 tt ..SS.3ser's.a.'441 • NOW PLAYING —s THWtSDAY, F Fu 4Ay, SATURDAY "Tug'RED DANUBE" wtih WALTER PIDGEON - PETE 14 LAW FORO ETHEL BARRYMORE - ANGELA LANSBURY Beautiful Maria was in terrible trouble—every life that touched hers was never the Same again! Adult Entertainment — MONDAY., TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY "LUST FOR GOLD " with IDA LUPINO and GLENN FORD The scenery shots of Aniziana are exceptionally good 1 sepiatone —It's not a Western, but a historical drama about the Lost Dutch- man gold mine, with action aplenty.' 'Double Feature — NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY " NOTHING BUT TROUBLE" with LAUREL and HARDY and "THE SECRET LAND" in Technicolor STARRING MEN AND SHIPS AND THE U.S. NAVY One of the world's moat daring adventures into the unknown. An account of Admiral Byrd's expedition to Little America. - Coming: "THAT FORSYTE WOMAN" AMINIMINIMMIM111.1.11111111111r Monthly Special Fridy, Saturday, April 14, 15 'SQUARE WASH TUBS 1.59 CROWN HARDWARE PHONE 681-W SEAFORTH 1 Member of the Stratford & District Retail Hardware Assoc. ' IN ,STOCK Ten -Test Masonite Plywood Gyproc Beaver Board Arborite 1 Ten -Test Blocks Finishing Lime Masons' Lime 'Spraying Lime • Asphalt Shingles Cedar -grain Shingles Roll -Brick Siding and Roll Roofing • INSULATION ' Loose 2 -inch Batts 3 -inch Batts Insulated Siding • LUMBER, SASH AND DOORS Storm Sash made to order CUSTOM MILLWORK PLACE YOUR ORDER FOR CEMENT NOW Seaforth Supply & Fuel Co. PHONE 47 : SEAFORTH Help Waned TOWN OF SEAFORTH MAN BETWEEN THE. AGE OF 30 AND 35 YEARS For maintenance of Town Property, Streets, Etc. Applications to be Sent to TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE Farm Machinery 1 Set 28 -Plate Tandem Harrows 1 Set 32 -Plate Tandem Harrows Trac Manure Spreader, on rubber Horse Manure Spreader, on steel Horse Manure Spreader, on rubber 1 P.L. Fertilizer Drill, 13 disc 1 Horse Fertilizer Drill, 13 disc 1 Set 3 -section spring Tooth Harrows 1, Set 2 -section Spring Tooth Harrows 4 Used Tractors, priced to sell; all reconditioned 2 Rubber Tired Wagons, priced to clear. • Seaforth Motors Massey -Harris Sales & Service PHONE 141 SEAFORTH I, • /1