HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1950-04-14, Page 5,t.cw- I};,.: %S,p ,•v y i( ,;11%11 ;n I l:,:�l 1, ,a�.. EI, r y M .1•.. i�.11.+ } vl, ' flraaJYu IJ t,;t;�. rd n, I g�:, ° 1 it l ;,t ,., �; I;, IF+rtl 1 ff f.. .ten ,� + .:J v,. �,.. .t•::..y +I f Sr.,,.pf IYu�'t t<. �"'., lfll I, i,l yl„6vi� !, {,y I. il?,1 JA I Ir �il.ulfi t> _r F r}dd E'4S �,1 £,d„• ,� I "_ .:. I i t 1 ft,: i, +• I'..;{ {�.'-' �vvE:;,” I r+ ,1•;, � I •. . L ..,;f � �r � �'r*t I,. ,, i� r° �It Eu c l t�., SE {F ;li ,+. r„C7 1kr ill b�'.'� Ety l.'i:.:fl h�; „` s heauty. WMW counselor BY WA10-Y L'e Ilene to Dilia"Vrt u0 „ g�Y x'fi:s' .. ,i f„ i�+,.rY'•l I�A'' a j +{1 rr''�at rf, 1' +;�`,�{1� It �l I. � r t `l t'�nC.irr9nT11 '1 r' ,. mP n Caro After a three Year period in the best team in the finals and 1 =Make•u which the Stanley Cup has been in went off with top honors, p Analysis the hands of the Maple Leafe, the This year the cup is on its. wayc;o•:k�1,f will one again return to Am- back to the 1 FRANCES MCLE'AN cup wx e g t U.S.A., as 'the New , Phone 89$-W erican soil for the 1949-50 hockey York Rangers downed the Mont- Y%� �,��t sLr <y�^�h,"s f.•, ' "�', � s.� sr, a ���, �<s 3,�,, season. For six years the cup has real Canadiens in their series. 'De v h.E been in the possession of a Cana- troit Red Wings came through �,� * £, E i ,.£ £ ,•; F'rh . {Lys series with flying .' Ganadiens than team. In 1944 thetheirying colors—r'<� v? HS��, „�, t;: 4 f -E's, ;'x2,2:<.'•'.; came through their series success- colors which almost fell as they�i;:Mv�{';j'x:i3�,.%gin fully) to cop the cup. Then in 1945 hooked up with the Mapleos in ag �IIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIINNNNiNpiNNNN1 the Maple Leafs proved to be the full series 'of seven games after top team in the finals. Once again they took their Sunday, night gameat� y -a one -goal over- in 1946, the Stanley Culp went to from the Leafs b EUCHRE-DANCEthe Montreal team. Ma le Leafs time eriod ame, to win the P P g were not yet -out of the running, round.; for in 1947-4+8-49 they proved to be New, York 'Rangers have had DUBLIN PARISH HALLpossession of the cup three times in their history, in the years 1928,% 8:30-1 1933, and lastly_fn 1940. The Red ,....£. Wings from Detroit have also WILSON C. OLE reigned supreme for three $n P years. Tuesda April 18 'They overcame their opponents mY/!teal • Estate & Insurance the 1926, 1937 and 1943 series for the .Stanley Cup. McQuaid -Delaney We Insure Everything Insurable" d AF House, furniture, furs, jewellery, The Memorial Cup finals are Orchestra !arms, automobile, accident and still ,being played off. In the East- • ern division two teams' are still <£�. fire and theft liability, , . psi . LUNCH SERVED eligible, ,the Guelph Biltmores and e 1 the Montreal Ganadiens, who are Office Located: PARENT - TEACHERin a best -of -seven now playing off N.W. corner of Q,oderlch & Main St. PHONE 689 - ,SEAFORTH series which commenced Tuesday ASSOCIATION' - evening in the Montreal Forum. This was a 4-2 fixture in favor of 4NINlINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIfNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIII�IIIIIIININNIIIIIIIIIII the team from Quebec. Port Arthur Bruins downed Brandon Wheat Kings 6-2 in the deciding game of their best -of -sev- en round. 'The victors are now faced with Regina Pats in a simi- 'THIS IS THE STYLE for teenagers and beyond along the roads of lar series, starting at Brandon to- Britain any week-end—shorts, a shirt, a sweater or a blouse, and a o't night (Thursday). The winner will bicycle.•A nation of cyclists, the British are also the world's greatest Py �an�d now advance against the. winners manufacturers of the two -wheeled machines, exporting nearly two of the Eastern group for the cup, million every year. In the first eleven months of last year the U. S. In Allan 'Cup competition, Cal- alone bought over a quarter -million dollars worth. The latest in We will pay a Premium of 2c per pound for Bary Stampeders will now face the British bicycles will be shown at this year's British Industries Fair, Fort Frances Canadians after beat- May 8th through 19th'in London and Birmingham. The manufae- Heayy Hens on Mondays and Tuesdays 'of : Ing Kamloops Elks four games to turers are claiming new safety features and light alloy frames reduc- each week, one. 'ing the weight of standard road models by about twenty pounds. I Sherbrooke Saints and Toronto Marlboros were lined up against OUR PRICE ON . APRIL 17 and 18 — 28c one another Wednesday in Sher- brooke in the Eastern Senior fin- Dollar Chief 'Talks Silver Delivered at either Seaforth or Dublin al ir.� ereeted the club with his own cos• tume—a flaring skirt; lady s.bon- 0�0°""- ♦ -"`� 1 net and floor mop. All the same i` . the stare won out the game 5-3. AND HELPS YOU FURNISH IT WISELY! Living Room Furniture, Bedroom Suits, Mattresses, Springs, Chrome- Kitchen Sets Occasional Tables and Chairs FLOOR COVERINGS OUR SPECIALTY Let us give you an estimate—FREE—on Martin Tile, Rubber Tile, Linoleum Tile. We sell and lay all types of Floor Coverings. i BOX FURNITURE STORE Funeral & Ambulance Service OFFICE 43 NIGHTS 595-W or 18 FOR SALE 7 -ROOM FRAME HOUSE—Pat- ent shingle siding; Hydro; town water, Garage. Situated on East William St. Priced reasonable. GET OUR PRICES BEFORE SELLING shorts, worn by Boy Scouts with r�'; pnS'�•Pl�ruxR>I}.�.+t�1.+rpa�fi MEMO B.at.Vlge eJ N�4A1"41-r^I,nfC .•• r; good intentions and by- shapely SEAFORTH ONT, b l i Creamerythehave Young misses with ever better, taken long strides forward in of Britain's Chancellor of the Exchequer (the keeper the British u n last few weeks and set base- IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIINI!!1:1!1111 III' S,ee Gordon Mervin for the ball on its ears. Stars, Pacific Coast r , andHollywood League team, appeared recently in In aids of the +blind., --(Adv,). Packers shorts, light -sleeved rayon shirts, and angea of ZION ®ul�try • The Idea of these shorts is to these s 1 Q Oyl� 0 Just A Smile TWO • Tubb visited with Mr. and Mrs. increase the speed and comfort of Norris Sillery recently. „ Phones: DUBLIN 68 SEAFORTH 170-W the players. The players offenlose speed and stamina—"they sweat it PHONE �� SEAFO�T� ited with Mrs. Aima Tubb and fam- out"—in the heavier, conventional ily on Sunday. formed man, but it was no go. The flannel, below-the-knee pants. to the office boy. "Do you know Portland Manager Bill Sweeney McFadzean on completion of ir.� ereeted the club with his own cos• tume—a flaring skirt; lady s.bon- 0�0°""- ♦ -"`� 1 net and floor mop. All the same i` . the stare won out the game 5-3. AND HELPS YOU FURNISH IT WISELY! Living Room Furniture, Bedroom Suits, Mattresses, Springs, Chrome- Kitchen Sets Occasional Tables and Chairs FLOOR COVERINGS OUR SPECIALTY Let us give you an estimate—FREE—on Martin Tile, Rubber Tile, Linoleum Tile. We sell and lay all types of Floor Coverings. i BOX FURNITURE STORE Funeral & Ambulance Service OFFICE 43 NIGHTS 595-W or 18 FOR SALE 7 -ROOM FRAME HOUSE—Pat- ent shingle siding; Hydro; town water, Garage. Situated on East William St. Priced reasonable. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN zn- J:1mJmr DAA bNI LMS pictured here were seen at an exhibition of handwrought silverware and jewelry London. They were 1 r�'; pnS'�•Pl�ruxR>I}.�.+t�1.+rpa�fi MEMO B.at.Vlge eJ N�4A1"41-r^I,nfC .•• r; sorAtl 1by thA Sea�9,+?Ans Clui►; SEAFORTH ONT, in aid of tlxo �tllrld�--�''w�+ilv��'� PHONES: Res. 220, Office 334 of Britain's Chancellor of the Exchequer (the keeper the British "No, thanks," replied the depart- of Export Board, aniorganization formed ; and Sir Cecil byChief tish business'smen to IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIINI!!1:1!1111 III' S,ee Gordon Mervin for the spfiing salvage drivO being spun, r , soredi by :the S@aforth lions Club ' Choose For Comfort In aids of the +blind., --(Adv,). By Shoes should be chosen for their ZION Mr. and Mrs. Aubert -Roney and Charles, and .Mr, and Mrs. Bert 1 Q Oyl� 0 Just A Smile TWO • Tubb visited with Mr. and Mrs. Norris Sillery recently. utas after eating, destructive acids Mr. and Mrs. Ross. Pepper vis- PHONE �� SEAFO�T� ited with Mrs. Aima Tubb and fam- pression and, add ten years topour ily on Sunday. formed man, but it was no go. The Mrs, Rena Stacey and Mowet are to the office boy. "Do you know both laid up with the ,flu. McFadzean on completion of Mr. and 'Mrs. J. Malcolm had the missus went to the stove and as their guests on Friday, Mr. and tell lies?" Mrs. W. M. Graham and Mrs. Geo. Roller work will commence at Graham and on 'Sunday their "'Airy!" she shrieked. "'Ere you are, just 'ome after doin' two guests were Mr. and Mrs. Ross salesmen." Murdie, Seaforth. SEAFORTH Mrs. Geo. Gibbs spent a few days make the kitchen fire draw!" with her daughter, Mrs. Dalton Traveller, addressing village res- ident: "What's limit Malcolm and Mr. Malcolm last week. - Husband: "Who was that you IINIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIilllllllllllllll McKILLOP Peter Papineau The death of Peter Papineau, well-known and highly respected resident of Strathroy, passed away suddenly at his home on Friday, April 7, in his 89th year. Mr. Pap- ineau was married. to. Jane Clarke on Dec. 21, 1892, who survives- al- lso soone daughter, Mrs. Pearl Tull, of 'Ylt. Brydges; two grandsons, Clarke, Mt. Brydges, and, Edwin, of London. Mr. Papineau was well known in this district, , having farmed with Mr. Win. Thompson, of McKillop, and later was employ- ed, with the cheese factory which used to operate south of the • vil- lake of Kin'burn. Mr, and Mrs. Papineau moved to Strathroy, where they have raided for the past 43 Years. Mr. Papineau was emplpyed as night watchman for the Canadian Canneries Ltd. He was a faithful member of the Unit- a ed Church of 'Canada. ''Funeral ser- vices were conducted by Rev. R. y R. 'Conner, of London, on Monday, April 10, at 3:30 p.m., 'from the Dennings Funeral Parlors, Strath- roy, with interment in Strathroy cemetery, Those attendiing the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Ephriam� ' Clarke, Mrs. Oliver Anderson, .Mrs., Lorne Lawson, Mr, and Mrs. How- ard Armstrong and Miss- Edna, Mrs. Neil Hopper, .Mr. Geo. Taylor +y -and Mr. William_ Britton. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN zn- J:1mJmr DAA bNI LMS pictured here were seen at an exhibition of handwrought silverware and jewelry London. They were Insurance & Real Estate Broker ,in provided by ,(from left to right) Mr. John Kenney, urh , as Chief • Your husband looks like a brit- )rant man. I 'suppose he knows practically everything."., • "Don't be silly. He doesn't even suspect anything." • of the Economic 'Co-operation Administration in Britain keeps an SEAFORTH ONT, eye on what happens to Marshall Plan dollars; Lady Cripps, wife PHONES: Res. 220, Office 334 of Britain's Chancellor of the Exchequer (the keeper the British "No, thanks," replied the depart- of Export Board, aniorganization formed ; and Sir Cecil byChief tish business'smen to IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIINI!!1:1!1111 III' wagons; electridal appliances. promote sales of British products in the U. S. and thus make Marshall Lawns Rolle d . Aid dollars unnecessary. The exhibition demonstrates the skills of 57 British craftsmen Choose For Comfort and it is coming to the U. & to be sold. By Shoes should be chosen for their ample—will help build and keep POWER ROLLER Place your order as early as 1 Q Oyl� 0 Just A Smile TWO • possiblek, H. E. SMITH utas after eating, destructive acids may give you an Ugly -Sister ex - PHONE �� SEAFO�T� Phone 122 pression and, add ten years topour "Shame on you," said the 'boss formed man, but it was no go. The NOTE,—Kindly pay Mr. Robt. to the office boy. "Do you know blow-up came in the kitchen when McFadzean on completion of what we do with office boys who the missus went to the stove and each rolling. tell lies?" found it,stone cold. Roller work will commence at "Yes, sir. When they get old enough the firm sends them out as "'Airy!" she shrieked. "'Ere you are, just 'ome after doin' two the west end of town, salesmen." years for arson, and now you can't SEAFORTH d drt•y will p pay (dividends in good make the kitchen fire draw!" LAWN BOWLING CLUB Traveller, addressing village res- ident: "What's limit • your speed through Husband: "Who was that you IINIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIilllllllllllllll R Resident: "We don't have any. You guys can't go through here fast enough to suit us." were talking with outside 'for a whole hour?" Wife': "Oh, that was Mrs. Jones. She didn't have time to come in." Stratford and District �e ail B ■ •evidence tooth decay is most common among • Your husband looks like a brit- )rant man. I 'suppose he knows practically everything."., • "Don't be silly. He doesn't even suspect anything." • • professor: "Give me an exam - plc of indirect taxation." Student: "The dog tax, Mr." Profess=: "Explain." Student: "Tho dog does not have to pay it." heavy consumers- of such sugar f'" np'�� "Did you ever long for death"" ardware products as candy, jam, soft "No, thanks," replied the depart- POWER CLASS! ssocialtion wagons; electridal appliances. like to take away tal experts suggest that protective Regular Brushing Helps Choose For Comfort foods—meat and eggs for ex- Brushg your teeth last thin at Shoes should be chosen for their ample—will help build and keep some vews of the boarding- me, views oardinghouse?" asked the seaside lard. house?" comfort as well as for their ap- , I - t ",;,v ”. 0, -4 We feature these,famous Lou Larry Suits in, de- lightful shades of ' Navy, Grey, Black .and Beige. Styled to suit the half size stouter figures Cleverly tailored; in quality Gabar6 dine and Charmaine. Sizes from 1612 to 24%2. 49.95 0 SMART Blouses TO COMPLIMENT YOUR SUIT Lovely sheer and.,•„crepe blouses in a glorious as. sortment of clever styles in long or short sleeves, Featuring White, Blue, Pink, Yellow, Black and Navy. Priced at 3.95 t0 9.50 Strong Evidence There is strong that STEWARTBROS. Major •evidence tooth decay is most common among you said the conductor, firmly. "We're THE heavy consumers- of such sugar f'" np'�� "Did you ever long for death"" LOWEST PRICED TRACTOR IN ITS products as candy, jam, soft "No, thanks," replied the depart- POWER CLASS! drinks, jellies' and cakes. The den- wagons; electridal appliances. Monthly tal experts suggest that protective Regular Brushing Helps Choose For Comfort foods—meat and eggs for ex- Brushg your teeth last thin at Shoes should be chosen for their ample—will help build and keep night, first thing in the morning comfort as well as for their ap- healthy teeth. and after every meal. In four min- pearance. A Cinderella sized shoo a bug to red to wave utas after eating, destructive acids may give you an Ugly -Sister ex - PHONE �� SEAFO�T� from food—particularly sweets— pression and, add ten years topour Wet Feet start to form on the teeth. A tooth- apparent age. Let the salesman April, in most parts. of Canada, brush is much cheaper than a filling. measure your ; foot and fit your means melting snow and running PHONE17 f L" i\i '�" +L.4 Eyl,�l >l�+ shoe corrgctiy. water. It also means wet feet and unless care is taken, coughs and - colds for the whole family. Chil- dren are a particular problem at this time year, but a little c ■ tra. care in keeping them warm and Baldwin Hardware d drt•y will p pay (dividends in good health. IS MAILING ITS "THRIFT TIME” Check His Eyesight W Weal: eyesight may • the cause Spring ��� Summer of a child's schoolworkrk suffering. By having the eyes of a school child age examined periodically you may prevent more serious con- ditions developing. And atOle (atiaJogue same time the child's progress at school may .be considerably help ed. w Sailing distance from Churchill, THIS WEEK Manitoba, to Liverpool, England, is 30 miles less than from Mont It contains an outstanding selection of garden real to Liverpool, tools; farm and dairy essentials; professional precision -made tools; home maintenance needs; In use res t• d b 1 t t 1 s• Friday Saturday A r 1 4 1 �t� ! ! ,SIr+iAE+OiH oar)" she called. "G be with "I'll be with you again soon." "Sooner than think, laity," Major lady. you said the conductor, firmly. "We're THE o wa , spur Ing goo s, lcyc es, & %-Y e , f'" np'�� "Did you ever long for death"" LOWEST PRICED TRACTOR IN ITS ■98 "No, thanks," replied the depart- POWER CLASS! S DARE GALVANIZED WASHTUBS wagons; electridal appliances. Monthly Specials,. made on her that week, and. she ing guest. "I have my own." As the was sleepy "Whose death do you mean?" English BALD"'WIN H Fordson, MAKE SURE YOU GET YOUR COPY NOW! 0 0 Is to a bug to red to wave more genero sly than you do! �' , HYDRAULIC, $234.00 EXTRA PHONE �� SEAFO�T� sir." Passenger: ,"That's quite posy sible; he has a wealthy father; I YSDALE ARDWARE farewell to a friend. ALY MOTORSDR l PHONE17 f L" i\i '�" +L.4 Eyl,�l >l�+ would „feel' to he fret again and once more . dafely in the bosom o0 ilii patnily:�5at'eCnawi .He Friday Saturday A r 1 4 1 �t� ! ! ,SIr+iAE+OiH oar)" she called. "G be with "I'll be with you again soon." "Sooner than think, laity," Major you said the conductor, firmly. "We're • 6 -CUP COFFEE PERCOLATORS - f'" np'�� "Did you ever long for death"" LOWEST PRICED TRACTOR IN ITS ■98 asked the soulful, .dyspeptic young POWER CLASS! S DARE GALVANIZED WASHTUBS man of the practical young wo- man • itvas the fourth call he had p Compare Our Prices —Delivered in Seaforth j,�1■� made on her that week, and. she was sleepy "Whose death do you mean?" Complete with— BALD"'WIN H she Basked In a dry, discouraging STARTER, LIGHTS, POWER TAKE -OFF, PULLEY, WHEEL WEIGHTS — $1Ei00.00 Taxi Driver: 'flour son tips me more genero sly than you do! �' , HYDRAULIC, $234.00 EXTRA PHONE �� SEAFO�T� sir." Passenger: ,"That's quite posy sible; he has a wealthy father; I YSDALE ARDWARE haven't." ' v Mosby had wondered througih allD the wgarY,, tortuous months how it ALY MOTORSDR l PHONE17 f L" i\i '�" +L.4 Eyl,�l >l�+ would „feel' to he fret again and once more . dafely in the bosom o0 ilii patnily:�5at'eCnawi .He Ford - Monarch Deal6k r s 7- - - ❑ 6 w{ Y r p ! 1�{��r:� I7i�' S� _. .,• I. .: �! 4r �s :,.. ., ,...:°I!r .Sf!.,br .,, S�S. x. iY.h, ,<,l. l�,u,•,13d.F141i2,z ,'a •JJ,vG ..,hm•Slef.�l tda .l;v,!„t,.. ...d, 4hx., lu���„}r,ha ,94at ,4 L. b.. 2.: ..i„�+�,, .Y ,�,.1$.,°I�:+. See Our New 1950 Stock of Sunwort ty Wallpapers "The Store That Carries tU $0r