HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1950-04-14, Page 4ossified Ads. osseasewesnog Classifted Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates: FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC. -..Per word: let week 1 Cent 2nd week • % Cent 3rd week 36 Cent Minimum charge, first insertion, - , 25 Cents Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts eo one word, (:lard of Thanks, In Memarioan Notices. Coming Eve -1 coat per word, Mtnimuas, 50 cents per week. Ent;u;ries mrty be directed to a Box No., c/b The Huron I:speoitor. for 10 cents extra Tea cents additional will be sleeved if ads in above ohms are not paid within 10 days of date of final insertion. Births. M•arr'iagea ,and Deaths inserted free of *barge. Auction Sales, Notices to Creditora, Etc. -Rates on applicator. Lost and Found STRAYED ONTO THE FARM OF Archie Parsons, Town Line, west of Kippen, small black, longhaired dog. PHONE 100 r 13, HensalL 4295x1 Coming Events YOU'LL HAVE THE TIME OF YOUR life dancing to the good old tyre music of Don Robertson and his Ranch Boys, at the Crystal Palace Ballroom, Mitchell, every Friday night, 4294x2 A RECEPTION FOR MR. AND MRS. r.. ken will be held on Tues- day, April 18, at Walton Community Hall. Music by Pierce's Western Band. Admission at popular prices, Lunch will be served. 4295-1 For Sale POR SALE - FOUR -BURNER ELEC- uric range. HURON EXPOSITOR. FOR SALE - SPRAYED APPLES. Phone Clinton 613 r 24. FRED Mc- CLYMONT, 4287x10 FOR SALE - QUANTITY OF RED Clover seed. Apply GEORGE WHEATLEY. Phone 849 r 14, Seaforth. 4295x1 FOR SALE -4 COCKSH'U1T FERTILIZ- er drill, 41 disc, in good condition; 1 1980 Model A Oar in good running con- dition. Apply to CALVIN HORTON. Hensall. Phone 73 •r 31. 4295-1 Qe.E'D FOR SAI E-A QUANTITY' OF ▪ Alaska oats and barley mixed, fit for seed; also some red clover seed. Apply to JAMES LANDSBOROUGH. Phone 665 r 16, Seaforth. 4295-3 FOR SALE - 1934 MODEL JOHN Deere trac-ior on steel, 12-24 HLP., in good running order. Priced for quick sale (3125,00). Apply Box 861, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4295-1 OR SALE -POULTRY EQUIPMENT. L including Warner electric brooders; also Dr. Salsbury poultry remedies, KEN MOORE, Moore's Poultry Farm. Phone 666 r 3, Seaforth. 4293-3 Tt OR SALE -NEW SINGER SEWING machines, electric and treadle. Re- pairs to all makes. SINGER SEWING CENTRE, 78 Ontario St, Stratford. 4223-tf 'OR SALE -1 GASOLINE POWER washing nraehine, good as new; 1 Coleman gas iron; 1 Coleman 3 -burner • slies s,...ee with oven: also 1 six -tube Phenols battery radio, in perfect order. Apply to DONALD CRICIL R.R. 3, Sea - forth. Phone 614 r 3, Clinton. 4295x1 PIANOS -ANNUAL SPRING SALE OF used pianos. Such well-known makes as Heintzman, Mason & nisch, Weber, Nordheimer, etc. Special prices and terms during this sale. - Write for list of bar- gains. HEINTZMAN & CO. LIMITED, 242 Dundee St., London. 4293-8 POE SALE - JOHNSON SEAHORSE motor, 5 H -P.; Johnson Seahorse mot- or, 8 HP.; boat frame with 2 -inch step in bottom; brass screw nails and chrome marine fittings ; frame all sanded •ready for plywood; saw frame with mitre and fence in table with two 10 -inch saw plates : new emery with six stones, Ap- ply BERT HANEY, R.R. 4, Seaforth. Phone 655 r 24, Seaforth, 4295•'2 Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS in the Estate of MARY ANN STOREY ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Mary Ann Storey, tate ofr the Townahip of McKillop, in the County of Huron, Spinster, deceaa- ed, who died on the 14th day of Febru- ary, 1950, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on ar before the 28th day of April, 1950, after which date the aeaets ] be distributed, having regard only to Maims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 5th day of April, 1950. McCONNELL & HAYS. • Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Administrator, 4294.8 NOTICE to CREYTORS In the Estate of JAMES R. SCOTT ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Eetate of James R. Scott, late of the Township of Tuckersmith, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, de- ceased, who died on the 21steeday of March, 1950, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 23th day of April, 1950, after which date •the meets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATEDat Seaforth, this 5th day of April, 1960. o - McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors, 4294-8 NOTICE to CREDITORS ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of William Richard Archibald, late of the Township of Tuck- erana4th, in the County of -Huron, Retired Farmer, deceased, who died on the 29th day of October, 1949, are hereby notified to send infull particulars of their claims to the Undersigned on or before .the 48th day of April, 1950, after which date the Executors will proceed to distribute the said estate among the persons- entitled thereto, hav- ing regard only to claims which they shall then have notice, DATED at Barrie, this 274h day of March, 1950. BOYS & BOYS, 1308 Owen St, Barrie, Ont, Solicitors for Executors. 4293-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS ALL. P13RSONS li;A,VIN¢ CLAIMS A" hibeld late at Towof nships Valiance M eraith, Itt the County of Huron, Married Qtiran, deceased, whet died on the 51th Of September, 1949, acre hereby note- * send sit fttTI particulars • of their to the Undersigned qn. or before y $'th c(dof AVell, `;1abf95(6, f rr t* sett ;ttrdZkeefifiutieitr11l'.bruceed,14 &UHL the Said tate Watley the venial* "tbitatt40 hit t heY align liac UV thia Otis;,, dtty `li4 Property For Sale Than SAI.- NEW HOUSE, RANCH style; fully modern; oil' furnace. air conditioned- Can be bought with down psyment and monthly payment plan. C. G. J.FF, John Street, 4286-tf Wanted WANTED -TWO ROOMS, SUITABLE for housekeeping ; furnished or un- furnished. PHONE 533, Seaforth. 4295x1 Help Wanted WANTED - GIRL FOR GENERAL, housework: afternoons and Satur- days. PHONE 364, Seaforth. HELP WANTED - EXPERIENCED hairdressers. Apply to Box 863, HUR- ON EXPOSITOR. , 4293-3 SALESMAN WANTED - TO SELL roofing and insulation. Commission basis. Write Box 834, HURON EXPOSI- TOR. 4275-tf Personals SIU1NY MEN, WOMEN! GAIN 5 TO 15 1hr. New .pep, too, Try famous Ostreet Tonic Tablets for double results ; new healthy flesh ; new vigor. New "get arcquaifrted" size only 60e. All druggists. 4295-1 HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (R CHEER Goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25r: 24 samples 31.00, Marl -Order Dept, T-73, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 911 Hamilton. Ont. Tenders Wanted TENDERS WANTED TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED FOR the supplying of 12.5 tuns of treated stoker coal ,to be delivered to the Huron County Hume at Clinton, Ont. Analysis and content to be given. Ali tenders to be addressed to the undersigned on or be- fore the 29th day of April. N. W. MIJ.r.F,R, • Clerk, County of Huron. 4'22295.1 Auction Sales AUC1 N SALE OF HOUSEHOLD Effects.-7he undersigned has receiv- ed instructions to sell by public auction in the Village of Hensall, on Saturday, April 15th, at 1:30 p.m., the Estate of the date MargaretMcAlister; Classic cook stove; Quebec heater; sideboard; glass cupboard; extension table and six chairs ; kitchen chairs ; 2 small tables ; rocking chairs ; day bed ; spool bed; 2 bedroom suites ; magazine stand; cheat of drawers ; trunks; sewing machine; two toilet sets; woollen carpet 11x13; woollen blanket; mattress; table cloths ; drapes; bedspread; quilts; dishes: seal- ers; knives and forks; ironing board; copper boiler; couch; lamps; wash tubs; 8 -burner Perfection coal oil stove; „lawn mower; garden tools, and numerous other articles, Terms -Cash BRUCE WALK- ER, Executor: P. L. McNaughton, 'Clerk; Ed. Corbett, Auctioneer, 4295-1 POSTPONED AUCTION SALE OF House Furnishings, Saturday night, April 15th, at 7:30 p.m., in the i Palace Skating Rink, Seaforth : Quebec cook stove; 3 -piece Chesterfield ,lake new); .lazy -boy chair and stool; odd chesterfield chair; 2 trilight lamps: nnm- ber of table lamps ; 2 walnut end tables walnut telephone table and chair; n+Antal Westminster chime clock ; steel cert table and 4 chairs to match ; child's rocker: 7 - ft. Frigidaire (3 years old) ; 4 -burner Fin- lay electric range: waffle iron: garbage Icans; chest of drawers; 2 modern walnut dressers (new) ; walnut finish iron bed, springs and spring mattress (new) ; bed- room chairs; 2 modern walnut single beds, springs and spring mattresses (matched) ; smoking stands : scatter mate ; silver tea service (grape design) ; dishes end kitchen utensils, and other furniture, Terms --Cash, E. P. Chesney, Clerk: Har- old Jackson, Audtioneer. 4294-2 CLEAM24'C AUCTION SALE OF FARM Stock aral Implements, --W. E. Nairn will sell by public auction on Lot 15, Con. 11, Uaborne, Huron County, 2 miles northwest of Woodham, on Tuesday. April 1811, 1950, 'commencing. at one o'clock: HORSES -,Bay Clyde gelding 5 years old ; 1 brood mare in foal; 1 set harness and collars. CATTLE -40 head of Holsteins, T.B. tested; 2 pure bred cows, fresh; 7 grade cows, fresh ; 8 cows due at sale time; 9 heifers due in September; 6 heifers 1 year old ; 10 heifer calves ; 1 choice grade dmdd- IMPLEMENTS - Wooda' milking machine with three single units ; 4944 Model B J. Deere tractor; J. Deere power lift cultivator; J. Deere hammer mill mounted. on_ skirls with ef- ficient speeds lack ; McCormick -Deering grain binder, Deering ' mower; tedder; Max -Well hay loader; 2 -furrow Case trac- tor plow; set of drag harrows; fanning mill ; seed drill: 14 -plate in -throw disc ; land roller; scuffler ; etc. No reserve: proprietor is giving up farming, Terms --Cash. IRVINE McELREA, Prop.; W. E. Nairn, Auctioneer. Woodham Busy Bees will have lunch booth. 4295-1 CILEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM Stock end implements. at Lot 22. Con. 4, McKillop Twp., 2% north and 1 mile east of Seaforth, on Wednesday. April lath, at 1 p.m.: 1 Clyde ma -e 5 Peers old: 1 Clyde mare 6 years oi,t; 1 aged mare. HARNESS -1 set of back - band harness ; single harness and bones cellars. CATTLE --S choloe young Dur- ham caws, some fresh and others due in Antal ; 8 Durham heifers 2 years old ; 1 Durham eteer"2 years old; 4 Durham heif- ers 1 year old ; 3 Durham calves, 1'TGS -2 York sows with litters ; 1 - York ,sow due end of April ; 8 York chunks. 125 lbs. Tjt2PLEMENTS-7-ft, M. -H, binder (like new); Codkahutt manure spreader (two rears old) ; M. -H. mower, 641 : sulky rake; 8.41 stiff tooth bultiveter: steel roger; grain drill ; walking lelewa ; rid- ing plows: De Laval separator ; 4.oection diamond harrows : cutter ; buggy ; small cutting hex ; fanning mill : root Milner: 2,000 -Ib. scales ; fiat hay rack • bag track steel taitrlc (;row) ; grass seerder • aeuffler : gaa barrels: forks, shovels, chains erv1 ether equipment; brooder stave turd ,peul- try OVUM/lent; 4 fain shelter;; fLrn`in halt+- alma- ropes; sloop sleighs and 12 t tach gltantitle ,of Mixed haq. HOUSE - H131 D Ercten4I6tt dnble; e1veh ; glass 4utrlrotLrd; 6 dining aha rt0 allniI or of rock*Y'7s ihotted: small. 4able0 ; rarhi all r 466' lifairgh4i 1 l61 tpd ( ,their oom amts t West' tifeareri4 ilotrr bIo c r hgH 'k ; ptltid ty aS dis3yra, eeeelia lawrr rieryrr'M3; libfevA e)iil i}d WY* thit l4i' ru Tl 461ditiiV' Ytlfiotfi Poultry • T E HURON ExFo TOR • FOR SALE - ATAMOOORE'S POULTRY RM 450 Leghorn X Rock Pullets, hatched Feb. 16 500 Barred Rocks, hatch- ed March 9th Day old, sexed and mixed chicks and poultry supplies. MOORE'S POULTRY FARM R.R. 8, SEA.FORTH Phone 666 r 3 - Seaforth NOTICE . ATT'ENT'ION, CAR OWNERS h-DUPLI- cate keys for all automobiles now made at SEAFORTH MOTORS. 4295-3 ADIO REPAIRS - WHEN YOU radio won't work, bring it to TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR, and take it home the same day --any day. Opposite Dick House. Phone 347-R, Seaforth. 4295-tf WILL THE PARTY WHO WAS SEEN Making si light cocoa -brown colored overcoat, ,brown felt hat from the Town Hall, Hensall, Wednesday, April 12, at the Fiddlen,' Contest, please return to LARRY'S SNACK BAR, or Caretaker of Hall, and avoid further trouble. HOWARD LEMON NOTICE TO THE_ CITIZENS OF SEA - forth and surrounding districts: The 4hell Gas Station, situated on the west end of Coderiolr Street, has changed hands. It will now be operated under Norman Hickey. We will carry a large variety of stock repairs and garage accessories S•) first time by, give us a try. Our aim to to please and serve our customers as they desire. NORMAN HICKEY. 4295x3 Cards Of Thanks MRS,. CHARLES FELKAT WISHES TO extend her sincere thhnks for the many cards, flowers and treats sent to her while a patient in Scott Memorial Hoos- pital ; also to thank the nursing staff, Miss Dunn and Drs. Stapleton and Howson. 4295-1 MRS. WILLIAM STODDART AND THE brothers and sisters of the late Wil- liam Stoddart wish to express their sin- cere thanks for the many „ acts of kind- ness and expressions of sympathy ex- tended to ,them during their recent be- reavement; also to thank those who sent flowers. loaned cars and helped in any way. 4295-1 T WISH TO EXPRESS MY SINCERE thanks to all those who called, sent cards, assorted boxes, flowers and,treats of all kinds. to Rev. Mr. Campbll, to Dr. Brady and Dr. McMaster and to those neighbors who did so much -in and around the home during my illness. MRS. MARGARET WHITE 2213x1 T WISH TO EXTEND MY THANKS TO all those who sent cards and fruit, and n^id me visits while a patient in the hos- pital; and also to thank Rev. Mr. Gardiner for his visits and also the nursing staff of Scott Memorial Hospital, and Drs. Stap- leton and Howson. ALBERT PEPPER. Seaforth, 429.;x1 T WOULD LIKE TO THANK ALL MY friend, and neighbors for their shower of oarda, fruit, candy, flowers and visits while I was a patient in Seaforth Hos- pital ; thanks to my special nurses, Mrs. Brugger, Miss Parke and Miss Thamer, and the nursing stab-: to Drs. McMaster and Brady. arid special thanks to Rev, and Mrs, T. Dale .Tones for their many ^rte of kindness. Also Ray and I would lirr� :o thank those who helped our eiris and remembered him while he was 111 in bed. MRS. RAYMOND NOTT 1295-1 Births FINLAYSON-At Mount Hamilton Hospi- tal, ,on April 9, to Dr. and 11Lrs. R. H. Finlayson (nee Betty Smith), of Ham- ilton, a son- PINKNEY-Mr, and Mrs, Floyd C. Pink- ney are happy to announce the birth of a son, David Floyd, Saturday, April 1, 1950, at St. Michael's Hospital, Toron- to. Both doing well. Deaths POLLARD -In Seaforth, on Monday, Apr. 10, Joshua J. Pollard, in his 86th year. RYAN -In Scott Memorial Hospital. Sea - forth, on Monday, April 10, Martin Ryan, in his 70th year. McPARLANE-Tn Seaforth, on Monday. April 10, Nellie Helena Tennant, belov- ed wife of Robert K. McFarlane, of McKillop, in her 62nd year, Jsborne and Hibbert M>ual Fire Ins. Co. F'om the nearest Director, the Agents or the Secretary - Treasurer, members of this Company may purchase one - quart size HEAVY VEHICLE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS at $10.00 each REFILLS for these extinguish- ers are available for purchase by Members at $1.50 per one- quart no-quart tin. Counter Check Books ,se Printed Gummed Tape MADE 8y 4"" `q"p- tyllGt(/a. PAPt:a PReDUC'5 Ste-cs foro--r every business, 'Jar Hu.; color•, and desij r,. S rt1:CF Sub; gogtior4 and with ,ut ,bl..,;lor•. EGMONJWU ,! .: See George Kruse for the sprang salvage drive, 'being sponsored by the ,Seaforth Lions. Club til aid of - the blind, -(Adv,). 1. Miss :Mayme. Wadecte, B N,, of St. Joseph's Hospital, London, spent Easter with Ther 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Watson, CONSTANCE See Borden Brown for the spring salvage drive, being sponsored by the Seaforth Lions Club in aid of the ,blind. -(Adv.). Mr, Donald Stephenson, B.A., Sc., of Ottawa, returned there on Monday after spending a week at his hol'ne, WINTHROO See E. Haase for the spring sal- vage drive, being sponsored by the Seaforth Lions (Sub in aid of the blind. -(Adv.), Mrs. John Beattie, who hhas been in Scott Memorial Hospital, has sufficiently recovered to be moved to the home of Mrs, .Stanley Gar - ham, Goderich St. East. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Knox, of Sarnia, and Mr, and Mrs, Lorne Wilson: of Tuckersmith, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robert McClure on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Davidson and family spent Sunday in Stratford. Mr. and Mas. W. E. Hawley have returned home from London and Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. J. Laughnane and Mary, of Niagara Falls, N.Y., vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. E. Haase. VARNA The March meeting of St. John's W.A. was held at the home of Mrs. M. Reid. The afternoon was spent quilting. The meeting was closed by Rev. L. Morgan reading a pas - Be thrifty! Phone 41, Sea - 'forth. Classified ads. are re - suit -getting. The Huron Expos- itor. coomminimiumaimailmus P -L -A -Y Here Comes Charlie Presented by Thames Road Y.P.U. Town Hall, VARNA TUESDAY, APRIL 18 Sponsored by W.A. Gosbee Church This is a popular play that has been staged many times. ypPY MOTORING INIS Here are three Chryco products designed to give you happier motoring in the warm months when your car gets its greatest use. You'll find them reasonably priced, and of course fully guaranteed. SON? CHRYCO SUN VISOR - Designed to fit the styling of Chrysler -built passenger, cars. Sturdy, heavy -gauge aluminum. Custom-built to match your car -no drilling required. Engineered to elimi- nate much of the blinding glare of Spring and Summer sun. FUN? CHRYCO CAR RADIO - Make your majoring more pleasant with a Chryco car radio. Have music wherever you got Drive relaxed while enjoying your favourite programmes. Drive in and have a Chryco car radio installed while you wait. Reasonably priced, CHRYCO SEAT COVERS - Add to the appearance and comfort of your car by protecting the uphoistery with per= fect-fit, carefully -tailored, Chryco seat covert. With them, you'll be able to keep your seats looking new--Chryco seat covers are easily cleaned.' They're made of durable, attractive, practical Materials; fit any Chrysler -built pas- senger car. They may be installed in a matter of minutes. Cemsail Motor Sales Phone 31 -- Hensal),.` , sage of Scripture and the mem hers' prayer In unison, after'wlslch refree/ ants were served by the hostess.': ' • • Easter holiday) 'visitors were: Floyd McAsh with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McAsh; Mr. and Mrs. F. Grieve and son, Brantford, with Mr. and Mrs. M. Elliott; Mr. and Mrs. W. McBride and family, Exeter, with Mr. and Mrs. E. Chut- or; Miss Rena Johnston, Reg.N:, with her mother, Mrs. W. John- ston, and, Rachel and Lloyd. Dr. and Mrs. H. Reid and daugh- ter, of Toronto, spent the Easter holiday with the doctor's mother, Mrs. M. Reid. Lorna and Master Douglas Heard of Stratford, are spending the Eas- ter holidays with their grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Elliott. Miss E. Mossop spent Thursday with Miss F. Logan, Hensall, prior to leaving for Nashville, Tennesee, to visit her sister, Mrs. J. Keys, and family. Mr. and Mrs. L. McConnell spent the week -end, in Toronto. Mrs. A. McConnell, who had been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Argo and fam- ily, returned with them. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Elliott and family, Brantford, spent Good' Fri- day with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs, VI. Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lathem and family and Miss G. Beatty, London, spent the week -end at the home of the lady's mother, Mrs. L. Beatty, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Heard, Strat- ford, spent Easter with the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Elliott, CROMARTY Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Fisher, of Guelph, spent a few days with Russell and Bert Butler. Miss Margaret Scott, of London, spent the week -end at the home of her mother, Mrs. R, J. Scott. The Misses Dorothy and Donna Norris and Helen Walker, of Lon- don, at their respectivee homes here. Mrs. E.' MacDonald, of Exeter, visited her sister, Olive Speare, in Mitchell on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clive MacDonald, Rev. G. Young and Mrs. Young are visiting , this week with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Gibson, at Burlington. Mrs. M. Houghton and, Gordon Houghton visited last Friday with Mr, and Mrs. Len Houghton at Wingham. Leonard Gordon re- turned' with them and is spending the holidays here. 'rhe Davis .brothers of Thorn - dale spent Sunday at the homes of Helen Walker and Dorothy Noor- 1'iS. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Allen en- tertained members of their famil- ies in honor of the 58th annivers- ary of the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Colquhoun, parents of Mrs. C. Allen. The play entitled, "Coveralls," which was put on in Staffa Hall by Elimville Institute, was well at- tended and enjoyed by all. The Young People's Society met in the basement, of the church on Sunday evening with Clen Chris- tie . presiding, Margaret Walker took the devotional portion; Eldon Allen had the topic; Mrs, Young gave her Bible address, while Don- aid'ekeeott expressed the apprecia- tion' of the society to Mrs. Young for her interesting talks at each meeting on the men and women of the Bible. We are very sorry to see Mr. and Mrs. Young leaving the church and also the commun- ity. The junior quartette favored with a selection. POSTS for SALE • 400 Cedar Posts • Hydro Poles • Telephone Poles Also Frame Barn, 40x60 Apply to Stanley Stewartson Clinton, R.R. 2 PHONE 610 - 6 21/, miles east of Clinton, Highway No. 8 Attention Home Builders! Lots Now Available in New West End Survey at $10.00 per Lot Building to be started within six months of date of purchase of lot. • Work to supply the fol- lowing services will be - comnienced at once: Hydro, Water, Surface Drainage and Streets. PLANS AVAILABLE AT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE First ct. ome, first ,choice ri IIENSALL . Mrs. Roylance Westcott was hos- tess+ for Hurondale Women's Insti- tute. Mrs. Wm. , RoW liffe and Mrs. Lostell assisted, An exchange of seeds and plant slips was con- ducted in response to the roll call. Mrs. Wm. Rowcliffe discussed' the care of the African Violet and a skit ,was presented by Mrs, R. Oke and Mrs. Earl Mitchell. The high- light was a discourse by Mrs. Ly - ops, of Exeter, on paintings. She related interesting facts In the lives of the earliest artists of Italy, Holland and France, and touched also on artists of modern times, and displayed illustrations of their work. It was. decided that in the place of a cooking sale, each mem- ber would contribute a dollar. Luncheon was served, Mr. and Mrs. J. 'Miller, of Tor- onto, were Easter guests with Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Jinks, Mr. Alvin Warrener, of Pontiac, Mich., spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs. Manley Jinks. Mr. Wm. Hyde, in his 86th year, captured 'first prize in his class at the old-time fiddlers' contest held at Sparts Fair, Queen's Park, Lon- don, Friday night. Twenty-seven contestants took part an,d the hall was filled four times for the event. Championship of Middlesex went to a blind contestant. Playing at contests since 12 years of age, Mr. Hyde has won 4a ,prizes, includimlg 11 silver cups, lamps, rugs, and cash; played at Toronto, London, Grand Bend', Kirkton, St. Marys, Thorndale, Stratford, Seaforth, Clinton, Blyth, Goderich, Exeter and; Hensall. He was champion of Middlesex for two years in succes- 5ion. Visitors over the week -end witb Mrs. Andrew Buchanan and Jennie were Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Buch- anan, Mr- and Mrs. Elmer Palmer and two young daughters, of Lon- don; Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Buchan- an and family, of Nilestown - to congratulate Mrs. Andrew Buchan- an on her 91st birthday, April 8. Morris Farquhar, manager for Steele -Briggs onions said they had handled larger quantities this year than any previous year. Up to date between 12 and. 13 cars and truck loads of onions had -been shipped to Northern Ontario, Que- bec, Gaspe Bay; all the Maritimes, no* shipping a car to 'New Bruns- wick. About twenty men and wo- men are employed - -.. Mr. George Follick, manager for Rennie Seed Co., Said up to date they had' shipped a number of cars by rail to Montreal, Quebec Prov- ince, in addition to local trade. They have employed 17 men and women and are expected to finish up very shortly. The onions hacl kept in splendid condition during the winter months. Under the auspices of the Wohelo Class, an interesting pro- gram is being given in the school- room of the United Church Mon- day night. Mr. M. Drysdale will present a report, illustrated with colored films, of his trip to Flor- ida. Mr. and Mrs- William MacLean and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Elder and family, of Hamilton; Rev, and Mrs. Robert Passmore, of Saltford, visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore over the Easter week -end, Mr. Laird' Mickle, Bill and Bet- ty, Mr. Thomas Welsh and Mrs. Al- fred Clark were in Toronto last Saturday attending the funeral of a relatives, the late Mr. A. Mac- Murchy. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cook, Suz- anne and David, of Windsor, spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs. C. Cook. Mrs. L. Simpson is, visiting with members of her family in Detroit. Mr, and Mrs. Keith Hillier. of London, were recent "visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Laird Mickle and family. McDonald - Cudmore The Exeter Pentecostal Church was the scene, of a pretty Easter wedding on Saturday, April• 8, at 2 p.m., when Rev. H. T. Kendrick, minister od the church, assisted by Rev. E. Clemens, of Woodstock, united in marriage Marjorie Eile-en Cudmore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Cudmore, Usborne Twp., and Wilmer Charles McDonald, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy, T. McDonald, of Exeter. The altar was beautifully arranged with spring flowers, Eas- ter lilies and ferns. The wedding music was played by Mrs. Irving Snider, who chose a floor length gown of aqua. Mrs. Jolly, the solo- ist, wore a floor length dress of sky, blue, arid- sang '-'Phe Lojd's Prayer," "Until" and "0, Promise Me.'' The charming bride, given in marriage by 11er father, wore a gown of white slipper satin with oft folds tapering to a deep v- eckline with a nylon yoke and a argebustle accentuated her full kirt, The long sleeves extended o a lily point over the wrists, The oronet of orange blossoms and ily-of-the-valley held the floor ength veil of English. net, The my ornament worn was a black. riyx pendant set with a diamond nd pearl, a keepsake of the bride, nd carried a white Bible with a *-sage of Better Time Roses, The aid of honor, Miss Blanche Mc - area chose a floor -length dress of avender taffeta with nylon yoke nd a full skirt with bustle back ith matching nylon mittens and oke bonnet trimmed with a green strich plume, carrying a white ible with corsage of Johanna Hill oses and mixed sweet peas. The ridesmaid, Miss Marion Triebner, ore a 'floor length, gown of lime reen organdy with frilled- skirt, eck and sleeves, matching mittens nd poke bonnet . trimmed with ink ostrich plumes, and carrying white Bible with corsage of But - illy Roses and mixed sweet )peas. 1'hh junior bridesmaid, .Miss Ger- dine Parker, cousin of the bride, ore a floor length gown of yel- w organde, atyled the same as e bridesmaid with matching mit- ens, poke bonnet trimmed with nk ostrich plume, and carrying a hlte Bible with a corsage of But- erfly' rOses ant& mixed sweet peas. he little ;flower girl, Dorothy Par. e , • cousin of the bride, wore a o'or, length' dress of pink organ - it, t kecr with srra%&° OI shirt, s n 8 t c 1 O 0 a a c m L a w P 0 B r b w g a P a te al w lo th te t it A 8, caught up with 'baby .blue, li0W2, with matching mittens and Tgols net, cari7Ing a basket of Ratted sweet peas: The ringbearer, Mas- ter'LeRoy Keyes, cousin of the bride, wore whitetrousers wits navy blue jacket, carrying the ring on a white satin cushion. Mr. Kenneth Cudmore, cousin of the bride, was groomsman and the ushers were Mr. Jack Kinslnan, friend of the groom, and Mr. Geo. Parker and Mr, Grant Cudmore, cousins of the bride. The recep- tion was held at the Club Monet- ta. The bride's mother received, wearing a wine suit with fur neck- piece, black accessories and cor- sage of sweet peas and snapdra- don, Tile bridegcngm'sl Wlter choae a..,grey eliseln4141 Wit#410 accessories and- corsage Of snap- dragons and sweet Peaa. The 'bride chose` a skipper blue, alit 'witIk. grey •topcoat and pink and navy accessories and a corsage. of Bet- ter Times roses. On their return from a short wedding trip they will take up residence in Exeter. Miss Viola Lemon and Miss Myr- tle Nimmo, of Toronto, were week- end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Parke. Mrs. Mary Brown celebrated her 93rd birthday this week. The W.M.S. of the United Church will hold its April meeting Friday at 3 p.m. Malting Barley We are again contracting acreage for The Canada Malting Co. SEED SUPPLIED Contact Us Geo. T. Mickle and Sons HENSALL, ONT. Phone 103 • : Nights 133 SPECIALS at TUDOR'S - 171/ -inch Pure Linen Towelling. Red or green border 49c yd. White Flannelette: 27ainch 3 yds. 1.00 36 -inch 3 yds. 1.25 Printed Broadcloth 35c yd. New Plastic Drapes -Washable, fade resistant; latest design and styling 1.98 pr. TUDOR'S PHONE 70 HENSALL 1 HYDE BROS., HENSALL & BRUSSELS ALLIS-CHALMERS - - Dealers wish to announce that they have appointed KEN THOMPSON, SEAFORTH as their Representative for the Territory of Seaforth and Vicinity We have at present a full line of Allis-Chalmers Tractors and Machinery; also full line of Fleury-. Bissel Farm Machinery. In the purchase of an 'ALLIS-CHALMERS TRACTOR you always make a huge saving - running as high as 25%. Low operating cost, there is no equal! Ask an Allis-Chalmers owner; - let him proudly verify this in his own words. Therefore the smart thing to do if in the market ' for a Tractor is to get in touch with Mr. Thomp- son and have him explain further the wisdom of powering your farm the Allis-Chalmers way. You save when you buy, and you keep, right on saving every minute of operation. BEFORE BUYING, SEE - Ken Thompson - Pk. 833r13, Seaforth rnmunization Clinics The Huron County Health Unit will again be holding Immunization Clinics in the fol- lowing schools on TUESDAY, APRIL 25th, 1950 9:30 A.M.... , S.S. No. 7, Stanley 10:00 A.M..... U.S.S. No. 9, Stanley 10:30 A.M..... U.S.S. No. 1, Stanley 11:00 A.M..... U.S.S.S. No. 1, Stanley S.S. No. 4W, Stanley 2:00 P.M..... S.S. No. 4E, Stanley 2:30 P.M. .... S.S. No. 5, Stanley Infant and pre-school children may attend these clinics. Other clinics in this area will be an- nounced at a later date. Early protection of children against Diphtheria Whooping Cough, Tetanus and Smalliss parent's obligation. every Smallpox vaccinations will be given on the last day of these clinics --- to -be announced later. BE WISE . . . IMMUNIZE ! `wl ra i '' ka7Y f i I'bAid •