HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1950-04-07, Page 8It • .wromosn..e, eASUAI,TY„ GUARANTEE BONDS, _PENT AND SICKNESS jtifilARY AND WINDSTORM RqPresienting Companies 'who 1. give Security with Service .44.440 AGENTS FOR ONTARIO THRMIXIIMAITS MTJTUAL FIRE INSURANCE Wormation• gladly given. WATSON & REID M, A. REID - Proprietor Insurance & Real Estate PRONE 214 : SEAFORTH FOR SALE Daldez, solid brick. All modern itanveniences. Good investment. Modern Double House on Centre with 2 acres of land. Good. in - 'treatment. New Brick House on James St. Possession arranged. Dwellings on Louisa St. Immedi- ate gossession. -M. A. REID MEAL 'ESTATE : PHONE 214 LEMON'S TAXI ALL PASSENGERS INSURED Phone: 162-J or 162-W D. H. McINNES Chiropractic - Foot Correction COMMERCIAL HOTEL Monday, Thursday - 1 to 8 p.m. DON BRIGHTRALL GENERAL, INSURANCE Auto, Wind. Health & Accident; Life, Fire, Burglary. Bonds GOOD COMPANIES --LOW RATES PHONE' 299 : SEAFORTH ouraitureStore not.later OF TOWN" 'a TR thel: morning of Wechleaden k Hos,pital Aid To Meet.." -The VEX-, • aa ular meeting pf the Women'a Hos- Ladies' Aid Hears Easter Talk.- pital Ald to Scott .Meossisi Rqs.. lam H. E. Smith presided over the pital ,will be held at the nurses' regular meeting of the Ladies' Aid residence on Tuesday, April 11, at 'of First Presbyterian Church on 8:15 p.m. Those donating leandy, Tuesday afternoon, when there which will be sem at “it,a a pate," was a good attendance. The meet - are requested to leave it at Ing opened with a poem entitled, Springtime," reed by Mrs. Smith. Mrs. W. E. Butt and Mrs. J. W. Carter sang a duet entitled, • "In the Tomb," after which Mrs. Jas. F. Scott gave a splendid talk on "Easter" and used the flannelgraph to illustrate her talk. The•turich committee served lunch. Northside Group Meets. -Group 4 of the W.A. of Northside United church met at the home of Mrs. Jason Ellis on 'Tuesday night with 15 ladies present. The Scripture lesson as read by Mrs. Isaac Hudsout.' During the evening a white elephant sale was conduct- ed. The luncheon cloths, aprons and towels were brought in and made a fine display. Plans for a pot -luck supper on May 2 were made. The meeting closed with' prayer. CLEVE. CARTER'S UAXI • COURTEOUS SERVICE • PASSENGERS INSURED Phones: DAYS -182 NIGHTS 346-R Join the Easter Parade with PHOTOGRAPHS 8 x 10 . 12,00 ea. 5 x 7 ...$1,50ea. Eric Ziegler PHONE 687-W SEAFORTH COAL We have: • NUT COAL • STOVE COAL • HARD COAL BRIQUETTES • ALBERTA DEEP SEAM LUMP • STOKER COAL William M. Hart Phone 784 : Seaforth Dick the Upholsterer Is Now Showing a Complete New Styling in Upholstering and Slipcover Fabrics MODERN, RE -DESIGNED and CUSTOM- BUILT FURNITURE — ONE WEEK SERVICE — For further information - Phone 342-W, Seaforth G. A. WRIGHT Wood Products Workmanship Guaranteed Brighten Your Home With New Floor Coveriim Battleship, Inlaid and Canvas Back Linoleum • • Congoleum, Rexoleum & Marboleum, with many Patterns to choose from. • • Congoleum a n d Rex- oleum Rugs, in all sizes. • • Rubber Tile and Marboleum Squares Let us measure and quote a price on your room. • G. A. WHITNEY Furniture : Funeral and Ambulance Service Phones: Day 119 - Nights and Sundays 65 SEAFORTH ONTARIO ' * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0 40 J. A. BURKE ° 40 Funeral Director 40 and Ambulance Service 0 40 DUBLIN - ONT. .0 40 Night or Day Calls: 0 40 Phone 48 r 10 40 40 0 <> 0 0 0 0 ft> <> 0 <> 0 <> 4* 0 40 le'. -a. L 'WHITNEY Funeral, I)ireetor i* Main Street.. - Seaforth 10 ABtJL&1Wi1 ERVICE 0 Adjitstable hospital beds , ' fot tat. 40 Agcnt ter Mitchel NiirserY ElOWatik. Tel6Witeitter110 4t* And HOlidIre et 0 (t4, 0 0 .0.0.00404000.00.0 0 0 ° W. J. CLEARY O . Seaforth, Ont. O LICENSED EMBALMER 0 O AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR 0 0 Night or Day Calls - 335 0 0 0 0 0 <> 04:><>*40a0Go a, BOX Juntrat fotrbitt 0 AMBULANCE O Prompt and careful attention. 0 0 Hospital Bed 0 0 FLOWERS FOR ALL 0 0 OCCASIONS 0 0 ?ONES: 0 0 Res, 8964it or 18; Store 411 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 * <> 4t> 0 0 0 0 .0 W. I. To Meet April 11'. - The April meeting of the ,Seaforth Wo- men's Institute will be held Tues- day,' April 11, at 2, p.m. at the home of Mrs. John McGregor. The roll call is to be answered by the pay- ment of fees, and the election of officers for 1950 will take place. Those on- the lunch committee are: Cake, Mrs. Jas. Keyes and Mrs. Gordon McKeniie; sandwich- es, Mrs. C. Simpson and Mrs..R. Nott. Members are requested to please note change of time. 41. Group 2 of Northside W. A. - Group 2 of the W.A. of Northside United Church met at the home of Mrs, Jas. M. Scott Tuesday even- ing, with 21 present. The presi- dent, Miss Vera Mole, opened the meeting with Hymn 100, followed by the Lord's Prayer in unison. Mrs. Lorne Dale, Sr., conducted the devotional period and read a poem written by John Beattie, entitled "Spring." 'Miss Laura Mole led in prayer, and Mrs P. B Moffat read the Scripture lesson. Mrs. Ross Howson told of her life in Freder- icton, N.B., while her husband was stationed there, Miss Vera Mole moved a vote of thanks to the Speaker, and Mrs. Savauge to Mrs. Scott for the use of her home. A quiz was conducted by Mrs. Ross Savauge, and lunch was served at the close of the meeting. St. Thomas Church W. A. Meets. -On Tuesday of this week the W. A. of St. Thomas' Church met in the Parish Hall. Due to inclement weather, only nine members were present. Mrs. T. Dale Jones, the president, Was in charge, Mrs G. McGavin read the Litany, followed by the Members' Prayer,and the Lord's Prayer in unison. The Scripture passages from St. Mark 10:32-34 and 11:11-25, were -taken by Mrs. Riley. In the absece of the secretary, Mrs. W. E. South- gate read the minutes of the last meeting. Encouraging reports were heard from all committees. The Red Cross layettes were almost com- pleted. The bale for the Cardston Boys' School will be packed and exhibited at the May meeting. On April 18 a nieeting will be held to receive the thankofferings not al- ready sent in and donations of clothing for a bale for the Mohawit Indian .Reserv% and one for Miss Kraft. This year the annual W.A. will be held on April 25-27 in Lon- don. After the thankoffering wns received and dedicated, Mrs. Jones closed the meeting with prayers and the benediction. ' Northside United Church. -Bev, D. A. MacMillan, Minister: 10 a.m., Sunday School and Adult Bible Classes; special Easter services; 11 a.m., Worship; sermon subject, "Jesus in Life or Death Over- come"; Easter music by both Sen- ior and Junior Choirs; 11:30 a.m., Junior congregation; 7 p.m„ Un- ion service of Easter music in First Presbyterian Church. A cor- dial welcome to all, First Presbyterian Church. -10 a.m., Bible Class and Sunday School; 11 a.m., "Christ: and His, Witnesses"; 7 p.m., The sacred cantata, "Olivet To Calvary," by Maunder, will be presented by the choirs of the three churches. Ev- erbody cordially welcome. -Rev. D. Glenn Campbell, Minister. St. Thomas' Anglican Church. - Easter Sunday, April 9: 8 a.m., Holy Communion; 10 a.m., Chil- dren's Easter Service; 11 a.m., Holy.Communion; 7 p.m., Combin- ed Easter service in First Presby. terian Church, St. Mary's, Dublin -2 p.m., Holy Communion,-Re'v, T. Dale Jones, Rector. • 4945meewsk,j_- Dies in Wallaceburg. - Clayton Baughman, 67, fqund unconscious in the bathroom by his wife last Friday, following a sudden heart attack, died hefdre medical aid ar- rived, He was a native of Welland County, and for many years oper- ated a men's and boys' clothing store in Wallaceburg. Lately he had been employed in Hodge's shoe store. ,He was an adherent of Knox Presbyterian Church, Sur- viving beside his wife, the former Alma Reid, of Seaforth, are one sister, Mra. Bert Millard; a nephew, W. Wooliver; and a niece, Mrs. Alan Price, all of Detroit, Falderal services were held Mon- day at 2 p.m. at the family rest- denee, 618 Elgin St., by 'the Rev. James Ileming, Knox Presbyter - Ian Chureh, with interment in Riverview Cemetery. 'soiL Death of Williath Stddart.-W11- 11AM Stoddart' Well-known resident Of 8eafort,h, died 111 Scott Meinorial Hospital on 'Sunday MOriting fn WS 71st year., Mr. Oteddert had bilge le,ktAgilaheafth for nearly three TorA, imt had only been canfined tO•1118 besoital fax' three days. Born, i•Ail Eigtnond- ville, he was a 51311 orthe late Mr, and Mrs. James iq4t. Surviv-' ing are his wife, the termer Suz- ette° Mather; two'brOthers, Carl, of Winnipeg and David; Cr London; one sister, Mrs. F. 1V19091a, of Van- couver; one half-sister,' Mrs. Mc- Clusky, Vancouver, and a half- brother, William Pearson, of Eg- mondville. The funeral took place Wednesday afternoon with Rev. D. A. MacMillan, 'of Northside United Church, officiating, assisted by 'Rev. T. Dale Jones. Interment was in Maitlandbank cemetery, the pall- bearers being John Geddes, John MacKay, George Blake, Allan Reid, John A. Baldwin and Wra. Lewis. The Sacred Cantata Olivet to Calvary • will be presented in First 'Presbyterian Church EASTER SUNDAY EVENING April 9th — 7:00 p.m. By the combined Choirs of St. Thomas' Anglican Church, Northside United Church a n d First Presbyterian Church. JAS. A. STEWART, Director I. B. JAMIESON Organist 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111)1111111M FOLLOW The to (RI(WS OVEN -FRESH BREAD PHONE 34 Our Driver Will Call AMPAS thOSO attending the fc•Maral were Mr; Sam Otiatelow ton; Mr. and Mra. Wm. Stodclart, Liens Head; Mr. Dave Stoddart, I4Ondon; Carl and jack Stoddart, Mr.dand Mrs. Halry Black and Mr. andnIrs. H. Schwantz, Goderich; Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lewis and Mrs. Jack Newcombe, Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. J. Gascho, Zurich; Mr. and Mrs. McAstocker, Goderich, as well as friende from Hayfield, Goderich, Varna, Zurich and Brus- sels. -*Death of James Bailie. -Mrs. J. D. Beecroft received a telegram from her cousin Calvin Bailie, in Calgary, advising that his father, James Bailie, had passed away, the result of a stroke he suffered a week before. James Bailie was a brother of Mrs. Andrew Kirk, Mrs. Beecroft's mother. He was born in West Wawanosh, the ninth of a family of twelve. His father, John Bailie, was one of the first settlers in that district. He took up land when it was all forest and cleared it, mostly by working in the winter, and in suns:roes Was en- gaged in sailing. He was a Cap- tain of a sailing vessel on the Great Lakes. Two brothers of James Bailie live in LOS gngelei. The elder, Charles, was for many years chief engineer of the Stand, ard Oil Co., and Norman, the 11111111110111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110111101111101111111111111111111111101111111111111111111 Lawns Rolled POWER sitOLLER Place your order as early as , possible. H. E. SMITH Phone 122 NOTE. -Kindly pay .Mr. Robt. McFadzean on completion of each rolling. Roller work will commence at / the west end of town. SEAFORTH LAWN BOWLING CLUB 111111111111111131111101111111111111i1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111•11 WILSON C. OKE Real Estate & "We Insure Everything Insurable" House, furniture, furs, jewellery, farms, automobile, accident and sickness, liability, Are and theft., Office Located: N.W. corner of Goderich di. Main St. PHONE 68i1 - SEAFORTH 111111111111111111111111111111, Say . "Happy Easter 11 WITH FLOWERS! — • — FRESH CUT AND POTTED — • — Also put your order in for Perennials, Shrubs and Trees. - BAKER'S GREENHOUSE Seaforth LIONS AMATEUR CONTEST • Auditions for this Contest will be held by Mr. I. B. Jamieson in the basement of First Presbyter- ian Church, Seaforth, on Wednesday evening, April 19, at 7:30 p.m. • This will be a monster contest, so be sure to attend the audition on time. Ford Tractor Owners •••••••••• We have in stock: PLOWS -10" and 12" DISC HARROWS SPRING -TOOTH HARROWS PULVERIZERS SPRING -TOOTH CULTIVATORS FIELD CULTIVATORS SWEEP RAKES REAR MOWERS POSTHOLE DIGGERS FERTILIZER BROADCASTERS We have some Special Implements which we are selling at Reduced Prices! • , DALY MOTORS Ford - Monarch Sales and Service SEAt'ORTII otbe Liar ASSOclatitni of PPS; A1V geles and abo of'theState ef: Cali; ;Orgill; James alUe was Married' ' to Eltiuna Reid. dalighter of Mr. aed', *rs. Paul Reid, of Luotnow, Eleptereber, 1893. Of this imif/14; three of a family were born, the, eldest, Mrs. Hugh Mason, of .Ed - mouton, ,Calvin of Calgary, and Byron of Vancouver. His wife died several years ago. The 'family are all married and altogether there are 15 grandchildren and six great- grandchildren. James Bailie lived on the homestead, his father clear- ed, for 17 year, before moving out west to Alberta, where he farmed until retiring and making his home in Calgary. He was 81' years of age. Mrs. Andrew Kirk, Winghan1, and formerly of Seaforth, is a sis- ter. Death of John E. Daley. - The death of John E. Daley, a 'highly respected resident of Seaforth, oc- curred after a long illness on Mon - ay, April 3, in Scott Memorial Hospital. Mr. Daley, born in Sea - forth, was fa his 71st year and was the son of the late Peter Daley and SarahFinch. Be pos- sessed a very congenial nature and had a -hort,t, of friends. Twice mar- ried, his first wife was the late Eliza Shannon. In 1931 he mar- ried Edith Mackay and they lived on Lot 17, Con. 5, McKillop, until seven years ago, when they retir- ed to Seaforth. The funeral, which was largely attended, took place front his late residence on Jarvis St. on Wednesday, at 2 p,m. Ser- vice was conducted by his minis. ter, Rev. D. Glenn Campbell, of First Presbyterian Church, Mr. James T. Scott, accompanied by Miss Marion Mason, sang the beau- tiful solo, 'Beyond the Sunset." The floral tributes were many and beautiful, which showed the high esteem in which the deceased was held. 'The pallbearers were Janes Parkins, Wm, Kelly, Ivy Hender- son, Adin Forbes, Wm. Shannon and Jack Stevens. The flower - bearers were Edwin Hawkins, Rus- sell Holmes, Ivan Stewart, Ander- son Scott, Edgar and Gordon Cud - more, He is survived by his wife; one brother, Edward, of Victoria Road, and four sisters, Mrs. Wilbur Webster (Sarabel), of Sea - forth; Mrs. Cudmore (Alice), of Exeter; Mrs. Vinson (Bertha) and Mrs. Nicholson (Clara), both of Penticton, B.C. Interment was in Maitlandbank cemetery. Relatives and friends from a distance were Present from Victoria Rd., Tren- ton, Hagersville, Toronto, Exeter and Lucknow. LOCAL BRIEFS • Dr. John H. McFaul, and Dr. and Mrs. S. Stuart Crouch, of Tor- onto, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Mullen. • Mr. Gerald Stewart, of Toron- to, spent the week -end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stew- art. • Miss Helen McKercher, of Tor- onto, spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Mc- Keicher; in M'clCillop. • Mies Margaret White, Reg.N., of Toronto, spent the ,week -end at the 'home of her mother, Mrs. Margaret White. • Mr. Harry Grieve and two sons, Russell and, Tommie, of Windsor; Miss Bessie Grieve, of Chatham, and Miss Margaret Grieve, of Dresden, were here on Sunday attending the family din- ner in honour of the diamond wed- ding of.their parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Grieve, Egmondville. • Mr. D. L. Reid and Miss Hazel Reid were in Wallaceburg on Sun- day owing to the death of their 'tincle,, the . late Clayton Baugh - mann.' • Mr. Ronald MacKay, of Tor- onto, spent the week -end with his mother, Mrs. Hugh MacKay. " • Miss Bella Watson, of Galt, is a guest of her brothers, Messrs. James and Robert Watson, .• Mrs. M. H. McKenzie, of Oshawa, is an Easter guest of her mother, Mrs. Mae Dorrance, • Mrs. J. E. Keating returned home Tuesday night from Wind- sor, where, she spent the past ten days. • Mr. and Mrs, Rand Toman, of Milverton, were Sunday guests of Mr. and: Mrs. H. E. Smith. • Mrs. Mary Vaughan, labora- tory technician at .Guelph General Hospital, and family, of St. John, N.B., spent the week -end with heir friend, Mrs. Cecil Moore, at he home of Mr. and Mrs. H. F. awrence. • Miss Helen Smith, Reg,N., pent a few days in Woodstock with Mr. and WA. Donald Hunt. • Mr. Scott Murray was called o Sarnia owing to the serious M- ess of his mother. • Mrs. M. Hutton has returned o her home in -Kincardine .after pending the past two months with her daughter, Mrs. Joseph rummett, and Mr. Grummett. • Mrs. Mae Doig, Mrs. Alex Lil- ico, Mrs. Chester Lee and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence A. 'Trott were in Wingham on iVlonday night, when play, "Bread Upon the Waters," ritten by 'Mrs. Doig, was pre- ented. • Mrs. Helen K. Scott is spend - ng Easter in Hamilton and Wel- and. - • Mr. and Mrs. Ken Gairdner nd Mrs. Gordon McKellar and amIlY, Of. Toronto, are Easter este of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. mith, • Iviiss Helen McDougal, who as been in 'Detroit for some time, visiting her niete, Mrs. Leslie oClure and Mr. McClure. • Mrs, A. P. Edmunds and fern- y, of Gue/ph, are guests of her arents, Mr. and. Mrs. W. J. rintil- an, Egsnoridville. • Ms, -Tames Besee- and family visiting in Midland for the aster holidays: • Mr. and Mrs, W. P. Orren and mily, of Tampa, Florida, are lidaying at the home of her par- ts, Mr. and MTs. A. W. Dunlop, • Mr. and Mrs. Pra.n1c,Oudmore d • datrgliter, lkiss Menet et allanehltrg, afe guests of Mies azel meld and Mr, 1!), L. \Reid fel. L Stet t t t n G a w 1 a gu b M is 11 p g ar fa ho en an In II/ THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY NOA11.6' PLAYING Matinee Friday P.M. "ADVENTURE IN 13ALTIMORE " with ROBERT YOUNG,- SHIRLEY FEMPLE, JOHN AGAR. This homespun Drama has sound story ingredients, for family en- tertainment. Be sure to see, it! IN TECHNICOLOR - MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY " LOOK FOR THE SILVER LINING " ;-' with JUNE HAVER and RAY. BOLGER June Haver as Marilyn, Miller, the girl who danced her way into the hearts of the world -Radiant with romance -Shining with songs -Shimmering with spectacle! NEXT THURSDAY,, FRIDAY, SATURDAY "THE RED DANUBE" with WALTER PIDGEON PETER LAWFORD, ETHEL BARRYMORE - ANGELA LANSBURY Beautiful Maria was in terrible trouble -every life that touched. tier was never the same agaNtp COMING: ADULT ENTERTAINME,NT "LUST FOR:GOLD" G -A -L-A Easter Variety Bali Cardno's Bali EASTER MONDAY, APRIL 1.0th Tvvio Ross Pearce and His Modern Melody Masters and Mac's Old -Timers PRIZE NOVELTY DANCES AND EASTER BONNETS FOR ALL Dross Optional - ADMISSION: OA per person : Dancing from 10 p.m. , Sponsored by the Caner, Polio and TAL Committee of the Rebekahs and 1.0.0.F. Thresher School Sessions AT Robert Bell Industries Ltd. SEAFORTH • • Sessions will be conducted on Tuesday, April 11th Morning: 10:00 to 12:00 noon Afternoon: 2:00 to 4:00 There will be a display of Bell Threshers4,and parts, also a tour of the plant. Plant is situated at the southern edge of Seaforth. Turn left at the C.N.R. tracks when going south from main in- tersection. Catering facilities will be at the plant. We Hope You Will Be Able To Attend! A lovely old custom, traditional and beautiful — Your home will not seem right without an Easter , Lily ! LILIES RANGING IN PRICE $1.00 up .Also Hydrangea, Mixed' Pans, Cinerarias CUT FLOWERS OF ALL KINDS We deliver anywhere. BAILEY FLORISTS' Phone 393 Flowers of Perfection ,S_e_afortIr IN STOW Ten -Test Masonite Plywood Gyproc Beaver Board Arborite Ten -Test Blocks Finishing Lime Masons' Lime Spraying Lime • . Cedar -grain Shingles AsphaRltoth-Binrgicleks Siding and Roll Roofing • INSULATION Loose 2 -inch Batts 3 -inch Batts Insulated Siding • LUMBER, SASH AND DOORS Storm Sash made to order CUSTOM MILLWORK PLACE YOUR ORDER FOR CEMENT NOW! Seaforth Supply & Fuel Co. PEONZ 47 SEAFORTH tAk