HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1950-04-07, Page 4111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Tim HtrON EXPOs]. OE 0 it it ,1f Ifir* t,llle¢yY: i5? rf4 �G( Lassified Ads. iassifud Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates: FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC.—Per word: let week 1 Cent and week % Cent 3rd week • r Cent Minimum charge, first insertion26 Cents Eaph figure, initial and abbreviation oounta as one word. Card of Thanks, In Memoriam Notices, Coming Evenae 1 cent per ward. Minimum, 50 cents per week. Enquiries may be directed to a Box No.. c/o The Huron Expositor, for 10 cents extra. Ten cents additional will be charged if ,ads in above class are not paid within 10 days of date of final insertion. Births, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of ohaage:. Auction Sales, Notices to O editors, Etc.—Robes on application. For Sale Fon SALE — FOUR -BURNER F1 FC - trio, range, HURON EXPOSITOR., VOR SALE — SPRAYED APPLES. Phone Clinton 613 r 24, FRED Me- CLYMONT. 4287x10 FOR SALE -1948 GENERAL MOTORS ear radio, like new; fits '42 to '48 Ohevrolet Priced for quick sale. Apply to^ Box 864, HURON. EXPOSITOR. FOR SALE — INTERNATIONAL 3- horse out -throw disc harrow. Apply to GORDON TROYER. R.R. 2. Hensel]. Phone 14-91, Zurich. 4293x2 FOR SALE—NINEYORK CHUNKS for sale. Apply GORDON PAPPLE, R.R. 5, Seaforth. Phone 889 r 13. 4294x1 FOR SALE -2 PAIRS LACE CUR - Rains; 2 pairs glass curtains. May be seen at SCOIN'S CLEANERS. 4294x1 VOR ,t R SALE -1 FULL BARREL 1"iD molasses; has never been in barn. Apply to JAMES LANDSBOROUGH. Phone 665 r 16, Seaforth. 4294-1 FOR SALE — GENERAL PURPOSE mare, 6 years old; quiet and well broken.. Apply URBAN DUCHARME, 21f•-• miles • west of HensalL Phone 91 r 7. Zurich. 4294x1 FOR SALE -250 BUSHELS IMPROVED Michilite seed beans; perfect sample: 53.50 per busheL Apply ARTHUR AN- DERSON. Phone 100 r 5, Bensal]. 4294x1 Vj OR SALE—POULTRY EQUIPMENT. -L inoluding Warner electric brooders; also Dr. Salsbury poultry remedies. KEN MOORE, Moore's Poultry Farm. Phone 666 r 3, Seaforth. 4293-3 Coming Events Y OU'LL HAVE 11111 TIME OF YOUR life dancing to the goad old tyme music of Don Robertson and his Ranch Boys. at the Crystal Palace Ballroom, Mitchell. every Friday night.. 4294x2 NOTICE NOTICE—I, BASIL J. DUNCAN, WILL not be responsible for any debts con- tracted in my name after this dote, with- out my written consent Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (RUBBER Goods) mailed postpaid in plain, seeded envelope with price liet. 6 samples 25c; 24 samples 81.00. Marl -Order Dept. T-73. NOVA -RUBBER CO.. Box 91. Hamilton, Ont Help Wanted WANTED—SALES CLERK AND WAIT- ress. Apply J. C. CRICH. 4294-1 HELP WANTED — EXPERIENCED hairdressers. Apply to Box 863, HUR- ON EXPOSITOR• 4293-3 SALESMAN WANTED --TO SELL roofing and insulation. Commission basis. Write Box 834, HURON EXPOSI- TOR.. 4276-tf. SALESMAN rt OR SALE -NEW SINGER SEWIIJG r 1XTESTERN ONTARIO DAILY NEWS - paper requires representative in machines, electric and treadle. Re- Huron County, Rural Area. Car essen- pairs to all makes. SINGER SEWING tial. Splendid opportienity to earn good CENTRE, 78 Ontario St., Stratford.salary. Apply giving full particulars to 4223hf Box 866, HURON EXPOSITOR. Seaforth. FOR SALE—A LIMITED QUANTITY 4294-1 of Beaver oats, fit for seed, 51.25 per bushel: also Capital soy beans, priced on request. WILLIAM BRITTON, R.R. 1, Clinton. Phone 841 r 6. Seaforth. 4294x1 FOR SALE=•BLACK FAILLE DRESS, worn once, size 38; black Quik, size 40; 2 spring and fall coats, new, size 40, both grey; grey dress, size 40; all in good condition and will be sold reasonably- Ap- ply to Box 867, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4294-1 FOR SALE—SEIID BARLEY, GROWN from Registered Montralm ; judged high score in the Mitchell Field Crop Com - Petition; 82.50 per bushel. Also some Cascade Spring Wheat Apply to H. C. WRIGHT & SON, Cromarty. 4293x2 FOR SALE — 2 KITCHEN STOVES. corner cuieboard ; mattress; 2 cloth rugs : 2 .cistern pumas; 2 house doom: round stove; wood stove: pair of 54 -inch coil syringe; some white brick; flower pots; new 7 -inch stovepipes. • Apply CLARENCE REEVES, Beal:nth. 4294x1 Auction Sales POSTPONED AUCTION SALE OF Household Effects, in the Village of Egmondville, on Friday, April 7th, at 1 p.m.: Complete dine of household effects, including living room, dining room, kit• chen and bedroom furniture, quilts, Llan- kete, linens, silverware. dishes, garden 1 to sr a haat of other articles. Terms —Cash 4` `• WILLIAM GOVENLOCK, Pro- prietor; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. FIIANOS—ANNUAL SPRING SALE OF used pianos. Such well-known makes se Heintzman, Mason & Riseb, Weber, Nordheimer, etc. Special prices and terms I during this sale. Write for list of bar- gains. BEINTZMAN & CO. LIMITED, 242 Dundee St., London. 4298-8 Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS in the Estate of MARY ANN STOREY ALL PERSONS HAVING C'L A I M S against the Estate of Mary Ann Storey, late of The Township of McKillop, in the County of Huron, Spinster, deceas- ed, who died on the 14th day of Febru- ary, 1950, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 28th day of April, 1950, after which date the assets will be distributed,halving regard only to claims then reeeived. DATED at Seaforth, this 5th day of April, 1950. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Administrator. 4294-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of JAMES R. SCOTT ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of James R. Scott, late of the Township of Tuckersmith, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, de- ceased, who died on the 21st day of March, 1950, ; are hereto, notified to send In full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 28th day of April. 1950. after which date the assets will be distributed. ,having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth. this fah day of April, 1950. MMCONNELL &, HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors. 4294-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS ALIS PERSONS HAVING C L'A I M 5 against the Estate of William Richard Archibald, late of the Township of Tuck- ersar!th, in the County of Huron, Retired Former, deceased, who died on the 29th day of October, 1949, are hereby notified to send Inefui particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 18th day of April, 1950, after which date the Executors will proceed to distribute the said estate amehg the persons entitled thereto, hav- ing regard only to claims which they shall then have notice. DATED at Barrie, Marty 1950. BOYS & 1808 Owen St. Solicitors for this 27th day of BOYS, Barrie, Ont. Executors. 4293,8 NOTICE to CREDITORS, APERSONS HAYING CLAIMS akalhat the Estate of Jeasie Valiance late Of 1 Ith. in the Cour *6 Enrol n bMarrried aina .kecaied, who died on the lith day' Of Septetnber, 1919, ate hereby ttd'ti- iieli, to Send in fail particular* of tit -1r dl'sitns to the undelaigeed on or bofor4 thd,l,815 day of Ab9riT. 1910,. after which dYlif� the E 1"lectttor, Will itreeee11; to, dist th- but.e, e liana cxthte Krog the Patna* eigtitied lrerpfd hic-i jit $eg oak to •" " "' they-ehhbf hese then hale 2tis 4a$4,of C LEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM Stock and Implements, on Thursday. April 13th, at 1 p.m., at Lot 18, Con. I, McKillop Twp., 2 mites east of Seaforth. on No. 8 Highway. Falllist next 'week. JOHN BALLG'E, Proprietor; HaroldJack- son, Auctioneer. 4294-1 AUCTION SALE OF COWS AND PIGS at Lot 31, Concession 6, Goderieh Twp., 1 mile south of Porter's. Hill, on Tuesday. April 1lth, at 1:30 p.m.. con- sisting of 25 young rows, Holsteins, Jer- seys and Durhams ; 1 Registered Holstein cow with heifer calf: others are fresh; a,,Ience to freshen April and May; some grass cows. All cows are T.B. tested and will be sold under usual guarantee; 20 York pigs. Terms — Cash. A. E. TOWNSS-IEND & SON, Proprietors ; K. W. Colquhoun, Clerk; Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer. 4294-1 AUCTION SALE OF HOUSE FURNISH- ings. Friday, April 1415. at 1 pen., in Palace Skeating Rink, Seaforth: Quebec cook stove; 3 -piece Chesterfield (like new); lazy -boy chair and stool; odd chesterfield ehair; 2 trilight lamps; num- ber of table lamps; 2 walnut end tables walnut telephone table and chair; mantel Westminster chime clock ; steel card table and 4 chairs to match; child's rocker: 7 - ft. Frigidaire (3 years old) ; 4 -burner Fin- lay electric range;, waffle iron: garbage tans; chest of drawers 2 modern walnut , dressers (newt; walnut finish iron bed, springs and amine: mattress (new) ; bed- room chairs ; 2 modern walnut single beds, springs and spring mattresses (matched) ; smoking. stands ; scatter mats ; silver tea service (grape design); dishes and kitchen utensils, and other furniture. Terms—Cash. E. P. Chesney, Clerk ; Har- 1 old Jackson, Audtioheer. .129.1-2 AUCTION SALE OF FARM MACHIN ery and Household Effects, at Lot 31, Con. 11, McKillop, 11/y north and In, west of Winthrop, on Wednesday, April 12th, at 1 p.m.; 1 general purpose nurse. 9 years old; 1 cow with calf 5 weeks o'd 1 Durham. cow with calf at foot; 1 Hol stein cow with calf at foot; McCormick I Deering binder. 7 -ft. (good) : 11 -hoe M. H. fertilizer drill: Deering seed drill, 11 disc; Cockshutt stiff tooth cultivator farm wagon : set of sloop sleighs ; Port- land cutter; 1 tractor disc; 16 -ft, flat hay rack; 100 feet of snow fence; bench vie sling ropes: barrels; colony house stove feeders;. 28 -ft. extension ladder; walking plow; 4 -section harrows ; scalier ; elearric fencer; chicken shelter: turnip drill; Mc- Cormick -Deering cream separator, 2 years old: root pulper; wheelbarrow ; harness; steel water tank; sulky rake; Fleury grain roller; quantity of mixe in. HOUSE- HOLD bier'lCTS—•1 stud reuch . 1 lib- rary table; 8 beds and springs: 1. single bed; 1- mattress; 2 dressers; 4 wash- stands; 1 wardrobe; 1 settee; 1 sewing machine; 1 .rocking chair; 12 kitchen chairs; 1 arm chair; drop leaf table; 1 extension table; small tables; 1 chest drawrrs ; 3 congoleum rugs 9x12; Wing - ham cook stove: 1 heater; 2 toilet sets! Coleman gas iron •.2 gas lamps; 1 gas lantern: 1 gas stove: 1 Aladdin lamp: dishes ,and other kitchen utensils. Terns —Cash. JAMES HOGG, Proprietor. Har- old JACKSON, Auctioneer. 4294.1 CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM Stock and Implements, at. T,ot 22. Con. 4, McKillop Twp., 21,4 north and 1 mile east of Seaforth, on Wednesday, April 19th, at 1 p.m.: 1 Clyde mese 5 years old; 1 Clyde mare 6 years old; 1 aged mare. HARNESS -1 set of back - band harness; single harness and horse collars. CATTLE --.s choice young Dur- ham cows, some fresh and others due in April; 3 Durham heifers 2 years old: 1 Durham steer 2 yearh old: 4 Durham heif- ers 1 year old; 8 Durham calves. PIGS —2 York sows with Jitters; 1 York sow due end of April: 8 York chunks, 125 The. IMPLEMENTS--7-ft. M. -H. binder (like new) : Cocks/tuft manure spreader (:wo yeare old) : M. -H. mower. 6 -ft ; sulky rake; 8 -ft stiff tooth cultivator; steel roller; grain drill; walking plows; rid- ing plows; De Laval separator; 4 -section dtamond harrows; cutter: buggy: small cutting Vox ; fanning mill; root Milner: 2,000-18. scales; flat hay rack ; bag truck; steel tank (new) ; grass seeder: scuffle?: gas barrels: forks, shovels, chains end other equfpmetrt; brooder stove and .poul- try omipnrend: 4 rain ahelters ; grata bags; sling ropes; sloop sleighs and flat rack • quantity of mixed hay. HOUBE- EOLD- 5ttension table; couch • glass capb:ard: 6 dining chairs; number of relekora ll Settee: small tables; coal oil stove: flanging damps ; bedroom suite: cheat dtawea : flour ,bin; hell rack ; ensrtirti'ty of. dishes, crocks; lawn mowers; 44436aIse8ting armee: chills cot and high gh ,their. Terms-�Caeh. CB `CRS R. H,h3N1lBi3.4ON.. Propyls or: V. P. Clue - 0y, Clek: Harold Jackson, 'Auctfenea94., 42-2 ftrbiilfL, i)0011Ie- -wi o #04 '10 ptl Wks:'; the' Ctasalfind dol, H>iO Property For Sale FOR SALE—NSWHOUSE, RANCH style: fully wothien ; oil furnace, air conditioned. Can be bought with down Payment and monthly payment plan. O. G. Taw. John Street 4286-tf Motor Cars For Sale FOR SALE -1934 CHEVROLET SEDAN. Apply' to WALTER BROADFOOT, WALTON. Phone 19 r 16, Brussels. 4294-1 47 OHEV, COACH 27 CHEV,'SEDAN DUNLOP'S B. A. SERVICE STATION (Seafortb's Sanaliest. Used Car Dealer) • SMALL IN STATURE • SMALL FINANCIALLY • SMALL IN STOCK • .SMALL IN ,PRICE 49 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 42 38 37 2 37 37 36 35 35 31 30 46 37 35 CHEV. FIM'ETLINE SEDAN Blue in color; 8,000 miles; white- wall tires. CHEV. FL''TLINE COACH Two-tone grey. CHEV. STYLEMASTER COACH CHEV. FLEETLINE COACH, 51,725 Blue in color. CHEV. FLEETLINE COACH Green in color. PONTIAC SEDAN CHEV. FLEETMASTER SEDAN Very low mileage CHEV. COACH -81500.00 PLYMOUTH SEDAN --5775.00 PLYMOUTH COACH Brand new motor. NASH SEDAN—Needs motor Jeb 5250.00 '87 CHEV. COACHES FORD COACH GRAHAM SEDAN—$325.00 CHEV. STANDARD COACH DODGE SEDAN -5250.00 CHEV. MASTER COACH ---9200.00 CHEV. COACH MODEL A FORD COACH CIiEV. r,,, -TON PICK-UP FORD 3 -TON STAKE FORD Ye -TON PANEL Only 598.00. MANY OTHER VALUES BRUSSELS MOTORS. "The Home of Better Used Cars" OPEN EVERY E\LENING Cards Of Thanks MR. AND 5111S. WILLIAM MALONEY wish to thank their neighbors and friends for their prompt assistance in helping to fight their recent fire; also the night operator, Miss Patricia McQuaid. 4294-1 MR. AND MRS. ROBERT STRONG EX - tend their .thanks and appreciation to their many friends for messages of con- gratulations, phone calls and cards receiv- ed on the occasion of their golden wed- ding. 4294-1 MRS. JOHN E. DALEY, MRS. HUGH Mackay and family wish tfi express to their many friends, relatives and neigh- bors, their heartfelt thanks and apprecia- tion for all their kindness in their recent bereavement: 4294x1 MR. CHARLIE REEVES WISHES TO thank his many friends for The cards and fruit sent him since his recent accident, and also to thank those who visited him in the past few weeks. 4294-1 R. AND MRS. VERDUN RAU WISH to thank their many friends and neighbors for their cards and treats and any kindness rendered to them during their recent illness in Scott Memorial Hos- pita] ; also to thank the Nursing Staff and Drs. Howson and Stapleton. 4294x1 T WISH TO EXTEND MY THANKS TO All those who sent frdit and cards and paid me visits while a patient in the hoenital, and also to thank the nursing staff of Scott Memorial Hospital and Drs. McMaster and Brady for their kindness. S. H. WHITMORE. 4294-1 Seaforth. I WISH TO EXTEND MY SINCERE thanks to the many friends who sent fruit, cards and good wishes during my stay in Scott Memorial Hospital; also to thank the nursing staff and Drs. Staple- ton and Howson. LEWIS J. KENNEDY, 4294x1 Seaforth. YV WISH TO THANK ALL WHO DID so mon& kindnesses and the sympathy shown during our recent sad bereavement We also wish to thank the many friends who did kind acts for the deceased during his done period of ill-health.s. —Brother and Sisters of the late James Broedfaot ROSSIE, GLADYS AND GLENN. 4294x1 I SINCERELY APPRECIATE THE many acts of kindness shown me at the time of my car accident; special thanks to Darrell Parker, who assisted me to the doctor; to Earl Roney. who 1•ked after my car• and Dr. Brady, who attended me, and many thanks to those who have essisted in any way. ROBERT VIVIAN. 4294-1 Staffa. In Memoriam McCOWAN—IN' MEMORY OP OUR ,randpa, Dunrmn McCowan, who passed away one year ago, April 7, 1949. Please God, forgive a secret tear, A anent wish our grandpa wad here; There were others, yes, we know, But he was ours, end we loved him so, —Always remembered by Bob, Jack "eter, Jr., and Kaye ,McCowan, of Rox- boro. ( 4294x1 Births FENNEWEI$--At Scott Memorial He..'f tfrl. on April 3. to Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Mennewein, McKillop, a son, KENNY—At Scott Memorial Hostvitnl, on April 5. 4e Mr. and Mts. Edward Kenn", Seaforth, a daughter. ItOWr.—At Barrio, on March $0. 1956 to Mr. and 'Mro. O. J. Rave (tree Set- ' tole Archibpld►, a Boit Willtain Arnold, Canaria,"s fungal* river,. the I►iac• 1chB lar is �. ����';', tlihlk ' ode f DALEY—In Seafarth, on Monday. April 3, John Emanuel Daley, in his 71st year. STODDART-,In Seaforth, on Sunday; April 2, William J. J. Stoddert, in his 71st year. MONTGOMERY—In Seaforth, on Satur- day. April 1, Alberta Richmond, beloved wife of William C. Montgomery, Me- Killop, in her 41st year. BURNS—In Logan, on Friday, March 31. Mary A. Dunn, beloved wife of the late Patrick Burns, in her 84th year. WINTHROP • Death of Mrs. W. C. Montmery Mrs. William C. Montgozhery, the former Alberta Richmond., of Mc- Killop; died on Saturday. in Sher 41st year. She had been in fail- ing health for the past three months. Mrs. Montgomery was a daughter of Mr. and Mrn, J, H. Richmond, of Blyth, who survive her, together with her husband; one son, John, and one daughter, Jean; also three sisters,. Mrs. D. Craig, Blyth; Ml's. Russell Worden, ,Staffa, and Mrs. Harold, France, of Atwood, and a, ,brother, Millar Richmond, Blyth. Educated at Blyth high school, she taught school in Wawanosh, Roxboro and three years in Blyth public school. She was a member of Caven United Church, also the W.M.S. and W.A., and was also a .Sunday School teacher. The funeral was held Monday afternoon from her late residence, Lot 25, Con. 10, McKillop, with Rev. R. G, Hazle- wood, Walton, officiating, During the service .Jas. T. Scott sang "Be- yond the Sunset." Interment was in Maitlandbank cemetery. The pallbearers were Harry Rapson, Les. Pepper, Thos. Blanchard, Won. Alexander, Frank Johnson and Jos, Little. The Sunday School Class, numbering 16, were .flower -bearers. ZION Mr. and Mrs, Ross Gordon and Donna spent Friday with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. James Mal- colm. Mrs. Wm. Winteringham, Logan, spent a few days at the home of her father, Mr. Thos. Mitchell, who is very i11. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tubb, Logan, visited Mr. and Mrs. Albert Roney on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Elmore Kieinfeldt and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Robinson spent Friday in Listowel. Mr. and Mrs, Wilbert Annis and Gordon Annis, of La Porte, Sask.. visited Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. James Malcolm, , Mr, and Mrs. Wilbert Annis and Gordon moved to their ,home in Mitchell on Friday. ,. CROMARTY Mr. and Mrs. John Jackson, of Woodstock, visited with Mrs. Jack- son's mother. Mrs. D. Bruce, and with Mr. and Mrs, Frank Bruce. Miss Caroline Walker spent the week -end in Exeter with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs.; Alvin Cornish. Mrs. Don Wallace and family, of Seaforth, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay McKellar, Mrs. Elmer Colquhoun, of Clin- ton. visited Sunday. with Mrs. D. Mcl ellar. iss Audrey Elliot, of London, visited with Miss Hazel Hamilton. Gordon Houghton and Shirley Gale, of Ailsa Craig, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Kemp, Dorothy, Irene and Audrey, visited with Mrs. M. Houghton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. Colqu- houn arid family, of Clinton, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Al- len. Mrs. Calder McKaig,' who has had a severe attack of the 8u, is slightly improved. Miss Murtei Scott, of Staffa, is spending few P g a days with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Scott, Sr. A play, entitled "Coveralls," will be presented by the Elimville Wo- men's Institute in Staffa Hall on Monday, April 10, at 8:30 p.m., un- der the auspices of the Cromarty Ladies' Aid Society. CLINTON Mrs. T>:eleaven and Miss. L. Gib- bings have returned from a visit with their sister. Mrs. Kay, in Michigan. Mr.„ -gild ,Mrs. B. J. Gibbings vis- ited with their son in Stratford on Friday last. Sympathy is extended to Mr. Willis VanEgmond and sons, Fred and Jack, in the loss of 'his wife and their' mother, on Monday of this week. Mr. and. Mrs. Don Symons will visit with the former's brothers at Welcome, Ont., for the Eastertide. The W.A. of Ontario St. Church met in the church hall on Tues- day, April 4, at 3 p.m., with the president, Mrs. C. Venner, in the Chair. The meeting opened with the hymn, "When I Survey the Wondrous 'Cross." followed by Psalm 34, read alternately, and the iord's Prayer. Minutes of the previous meeting were read by Mrs. M. Batkin in the absence of the secretary. The treasurer gave Usborne and Hibbert Mutual Fire Ins. Co. Front the nearest Director, the Agents or the Secretary - Treasurer, members of this Company may purchase one - quart size HEAVY VEHICLE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS at $10.00 each REFIIJ,Y.S• for these extinguish,. ekes are available far purehaSe b Meinbers at $1.60 per of ' i her report, shaving a substantial balance on hand. The correspond- ing secretary- read twelve "thank - you" letters from sick and• shut. Ms. The devotional exercises on "Faith were taken by Mrs. Malt- by altby and Miss E. Plumsteel, using the (hymn, "Beneath the Cross of Jesus." It was decided to send dowers to more sick and shut-ins; to cater for a wedding luncheon; to have a shower of aprons and other articles for the bazaar at the May meeting, The program con- sisted of: A piano solo by Miss C. Wendorf, a trio by three of Miss Plumsteel's Sunday School Class, "This is My Father's World," and a -reading by Mrs. G. R. Fear. St. John's Ward ladies served a de- licious lunch and a pleasant half- hour was spent over the tea cups. BRUCEFIELD Mrs. Ella Kaiser, of Moose Jaw,. Sask., is visiting with her cousins, Miss Mary Swan and Mrs. C. H. Ham, after having spent the win- ter inter in ,California and Arizona. At the morning service last Sun- day the choir, under the direction of the organist, Mrs. J. R. Mur- doch, presented the beautiful can- tata, "Redemption • Song." Mrs. Wm. Murdoch, Hamilton, was guest soloist and also acted as accom- panist on the piano, playing with the organist for some of the an- thems. The cantata, in two parts, depicted the Death and Resurrec- tion. Solo parts were taken by Mrs. E. Williams, Mr, J. K. Corn- ish, Mr. Bob Allan and Mr, E. Wil- liams. A double duet was sang by Mrs. Williams, Miss E. Stackhouse, Mrs. W. Murdoch and Mrs. A. Johnston. The cantata was great- ly enjoyed. Communion service will be held in the United Church next Sunday in the morning at 11 a.m. Prepara- tory services will be held Friday evening at 8:30. Mrs. I. Whiteman, of Belgrave, visited her fathei`' Mr. J. McCully, last week. Miss E. Bowey is spending some time in Exeter with her sister, Mrs. O. Grainger, who is not well. Mrs. Kaiser, Moose Jaw, is vis- iting with Miss Mayme Swan and Mrs. A. Ham. The members of Brucefield I.O. O.F. recently entertained their ladies in their newly -decorated lodge rooms. Progressive euchre was played, prizes going to: Lad- ies, Mrs. O. Johnston and Mrs. A. Johnston; gents, Mr. H, Jenkins and Mr, A. Johnston. A delicious lunch was served. KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs. Bert Faber and Mr. and Mrs, W. J. F. Aikenhead were in London on Saturday last. Mr. Jack Pec): was in London on business on Friday of last week. Dr. Jas. T. Jarrott and son, Dex- ter, of New York, are spending the Easter holidays with his mother, Mrs. Catherine Jarrott. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lemmon 'spent the week -end with friends in London. Miss Etta Jarrott, of Toronto, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Cather- ine Jarrott. Mr. Alf. Glazier was in Clinton on Sunday last visiting his mother. Mr. Norman Jarrott left Monday for Granton, where he intends to spend a month with his brother- in-law. Mr. Edgar McBride has purchas- ed a new Studebaker car from the local agent, Robert Dalrymple. Mrs. Elzar Mousseau and daugh- ter, Marilyn, were in London on Saturday et' last week. Mr. Bruce Armstrong has pur- chased the 50 -acre farm on the 8th of Hibbert, known as the. Lav- ery farm. Mr. Ken Hartung spent Sunday with his parents in Listowel. Mr. and lklrs. Peter Reeves and family spent Saturday with friends in London. Mr. Russell Broderick has pur- chased a coal business in Exeter. Ammayassulm. beauty.. counselor Complimentary Skin Care Make-up Analysie FRANCES McLEAN Phone 392-W , 1 HENSALLNsmanammair (Continued' from Page 1). displayed the bride's trousseau and gifts. Refreshments were served. The Kinsman Club of Winghaln will present .a minstrel show, with a cast of 32, in the Town Hall, Hensall, on Friday, May ;i, spoil - Bored by Amber Rebekah Lodge of Hensall, • This promises to be outstanding and a real evening is assured to all who attend. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Parke visit- ed with relatives in Toronto over the week -end. The monthly meeting of the Eve- ning Auxiliary was held in the schoolroom of the United Church on Monday night, April 3, with Mrs. Lillian Hyde presiding. Mrs. 12. Faber and Mrs. G. Broderick were hostesses. Following the theme song, the Lord's Prayer was repeated, after which the hymn, "Rejoice, the Lord is King," was. sung. Mrs. H. Elder conducted a. short period of meditation in which she gave remarks on "The Miracle of the Messiah," by Handel. Pray- er was offered by Mrs. S. Rannle. The minutes were read and collec- tion taken. In answer to the roll call, members offered pot -holders, dish cloths and similar items. Sev- eral members contributed used clothing for the W.M.S. Jule which will be packed later. Further dona- tions will be gratefully received, preferably at the May meeting. Mrs. L. Hyde and Mrs. W. Spencer will be hostesses for the next meet- ing on May 8, at which Mrs. G. Broderick will give the devotional and Mrs. H. Faber the study. A collection of articles, valued at ten or fifteen cents for the bazaar fish pond, also wash cloths, is asked for at this 'meeting. The presi- dent read a lovely letter ,from Rev. R. A. Brook in appreciation of the plant received from the Auxiliary during his stay in hospi- tal. Mrs. Blackwell inspiringly pre- sented the study, "Growing With the Years," dealing with the pas- sage, "Evangelism and Social Ser- vice," The hymn, "There is a Green Hill Far Away" followed. The Mizpah .benediction was re- peated and 'a dainty lunch served at the close, under the direction of the hostesses and their assist- ants. The event was well attended. Members of Hensall Women's Institute are asked to bring in their .Blue Cross fees to the April meeting' on Wednesday, April 12. Mrs. Jas. Downs returned to her home in London after spending the past week with Mr, and Mrs, Jas. McAllister and family. Tile following friends from a distance attended the funeral -off the late James Broadfoot: Mrs, Mary Campbell, Mr, G. Walker -and Mr. Jas. Todd, of Bad Axe, Mich,; Mr. J. W. Berry, of Guaranty Trust Co., Toronto; Mrs. Abel and Mr. E. Broadfoot, Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. 'Gilmour, of Mooresville, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nichols, of Mit- chell. Death of Mrs. F. Smallacombe Residents of Hensali and district were shocked to learn of the slid. den passing of Mrs. Fred Smalla- combe, .one of Hensail's prominent and highly esteemed residents Mrs. fSmallacdmbe had been in ill health for the past two months with a heart condition, but was progressing satisfactorily, Early Tuesday morning she suffered a heart seizure, which proved fatal. In her 76th year, she was the for. mer Isabella Ellis, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ellis, and came to Hensel] with her parents from Goderich wehen 12 years of age. She had been a resident of this village since that time, with the exception of a few years she lived in Guelph. On Dec. 26, 1949, Mr. and Mrs. Smallacombe cele - ANCE EASTER MONDAY NIGHT Looby's Hall DUBLIN Earl Heywood AND THE CKNX BARN DANCE GANG Dancing 1Q - 1 a.m. Admission - 75 Cents VI(uIll111Np11INIIIIIII 1VE111111111111111111111111111111111111Q1011111(ullllllillllNII NOTICE To All Cattle Owners In the ' Township of Usborne The Council of the Township of Usborne has enacted a By -Law requiring all cattle within the Township to be treated for WARBLE FLY, in accordance with the regulations under the Warble Fly Control Act, 1949. All cattle within the Township must be given two treatments by the brush or &Pray method, using approved materials; the fist treatment to be completed by April 18th, hnd the second by the 31st of May. Equipment for espraying will be avail- able at the owner's option and an inspector will be engaged to enforce the by-law. H. I G. STRANG, Clerk. .brated : their golden wedding anni- versary and were at home to num- erous friends and neighbors dur- ing the day and had a. delightful wedding anniversary. She vires a member of the flatted 'Church. Survivingare her husband,one soil, Fred, Guelph; two daughters, Mrs, E. Norminton and Mrs. Cornelious Faber, and one sister, Miss Mattie Ellis, Hensall. Public funeral services were held from the home on Thursday at 2 p.m., 1 Paint Agents WANTED You can't beat this --25% commis- sion to sell best lino of guaranteed paint, made by one of the World's great paint makers. All colors. interior and exterior. It's way to sell paint, Every householder uses many gallons every Spring. Don't wait! Be sure you are the agent in your neighbourhood. Write today for complete informa- tion. Sure -Win Paint , Co. 1758 Eglinton West, TORONTO - CANADA with interment in gensou, ni ou Cemetery'. 0.dd$iotialJ Deiisall Newey en. Pap 3 . , Second Annual .Old TAsne Fiddlers Contest Hensall Town Hall WEDNESDAY; APR. 12 8:00 p.nv., sharp PRIZES—Over $100 in Cupp, Cash and Merchandise. AMATEUR—Open to those who have nev- er competed. 15 yearsvsnder; 6'ycats to 25 years. 'LADIES EN Cs— Any age, 26 years to 50 years, 5P seam to 65 years,' 66 years and 'over,` .; A prize win be given govt tree,, Yasra3 gng Fiddler emanating. 52.00; a Plias ,mill be given to .the Fiddler coming tile : greiateat distance, 58.00. Step Dancing and Square Dancing Open to all ages. Contestants register in the Hall from 4:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. same aright DANCE After Contest Sponsored by The Hensall Chamber of Commerce ADMISSION: Adults 50c; Public School Children 25c. Easte.r Fashions at Tudo's NYLONS--. •- To complete your outfit, choose from the New Spring Shades of HOLEPROOF and SUPERSILK. 42 Gauge, 1.35; 45 Gauge, 1.60;' 51 Gauge, 1.75 60 Gauge, 2.50 • • PS.—They make a fine Gift, too! SHORTIE COATS— ' . ' To top your Easter outfit, select a Shortie at Tudor's. New, exciting styles. There's one to suit you! BLACK, IVORY, SKIPPER, WINE, RED, PADDY, GREY Priced from 19.50 to 2150 CHOOSE A NAME BRAND SLIP FOR LUXURIOUS LINGERIE' SULETTE 2.95 PACEMAKER 2.95 FORMULA 2.95 KAYSER 3.95 HANDBAGS—Black, Ivory 2.95, 3.95 TUDOR'S PHONE 70 HENSALL NOW'S THE TIME FOR THAT • YOU drive more miles duringe pleasant -motoring Spring and Summer months than any other time of the year. Your car's cooling system works hard! Make sure this important part of your car gets a thorough check-up before you set out on those long Spring and Summer drives. You'llmechanics courteous and thoroughly experienced We use only factory -approved tools and equipment. Take a tip .. . bring your car to the man who knows it best ... and bring it today ! Hensall Motor Sales Dodge - DeSoto Sales & Service PHONE 31 - HENSALL Immunization Clinics The Huron County Health Unit will again be holding Immunization' Clinics in the fol- lowing schools on FRIDAY, APRIL 21st, 1950 9:30 A.M... , ... S.S. No. 4, Tuckersmith 10:15 A.M. S S. No. 7, Tuckersmith 10:45 A.M...., ... S.S. No. $, Tuckersmith 11:15 A.M. S S. No. 5, Tuckersmith 1:15 P.M. S S. No. 9, Tuckersmith 2:00 P.M. S S. No. 2, Tuckersmith 3 :00 P.M....... S.S.. No. 3, Tuckersmith Infant and pre-school children' who have started these immunizations may attend. Smallpox vaccinationswi11 be giveng on last day of these clinics Which will e announced at a later date. BE WISE . . fMIVIUNIZE r 'a.. e