HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1950-03-31, Page 4� , , '�,Zl",� �Yj�f. ��1�1.111.,­' "I". . - . I ,��,���,��'�'���',,,'�.,,��','�,�t',',",,,��.;,',!�'4., P��,,��,P,1!��','��. , � ; " � , . �—, 77.�.F,;�,7 - 'V1411 11 - , , ��","",;��4 �1��!� , i�::11'11'1,A�c�1�1�1;�], " I �, I ­� .1 __ ,-,- �. __.", ", , ", _ __ , , ­­­­ r11111-, 1-,"'c-4, IM ,;�� 11 sic -1. I I --.1--c— I , ,","''.'I. ­,"""".- ... " i� �, � t" -, -f�� - -, I )TI . �,� ;,�� i , , ��,�,�'-.,A, 1-1 �',`--V, T 1, �- r �.,�'t!� - , � �'�""�,',�!�,,,,�;i,�,�'t."".,���,i:.��',""� , " I "' �,`,�i�!" , , � , t " ,F .,',�,'�It'il i',IPIINII!� � , ,�� 4. � ��cc , - . P � , I ,�".;-', ,i,��'ij".','.-, , , T" M�',',',,',�w �,,",, ...... ", ,'��,!�.' - I Vl!'t, llr�� 17,� 11 4� 11"!;'�� , , . i;, �% � � I", I.; I V , ;. � � r � ��;,M ��31 �,;cc " ': I , I, , � " �, . . , , � "" i i " .1 �.�� .., � . , " , , "�Y, � I . ,�, ;�� ... 'Hlll�,'� �11�`.t , 1111""""W ��­ �,,,L,,��44�`,�: t,�il����"f �, �Y!,�� � li, _,t ., , � '1� , Kt,� 7`jr,�7-7c - " �':.i,,,.,,��,� , `�,�"e',,"', il :Ic,�. �;" , I ,:�.c I 1 '', — , �,r�� '1111,11, I � i'S T'c�';' — ,� ,:. F, I 'i", , 1, �'!, 4 % � �,;�, "I'l�,"' �. , �1�4, �. , �!,'�.,,,,,,,�;",.I,."",Iq�,,,)�;,Il�)', � �F��" � �� '-, 11 " ? �� I . � , "I'', ��,� 4-"�'F I F ,;". 11 11 I .�,:,�. ".1. r �. . "''', 11 ,; '..." " �, �, i ., I I !.1 I . . . � . I . � 1 � ��,�",� 1!� � I I - i , � , '. "" �'; � ,, , ": �!, ,, '.� �!. 11. , — �,� I , I �, � � ill �,., I., I � �' �. � li:�, �, , , I ''; , :, % 11 1��' , I , , ,� ": .' �:, I 1. I . .1 I 1, . . i�� . ,; I . , 11 I I I � '. I � ". �'. , "' I . . ; I ,'! .: ,:", , "I V� �,� �.!�, �.: , . c"'. � � I � I I , . ,'. ,, 1: ,�,� ,,, �, . 111;��,,,,` .� � .. . . I., . .1 � � I . � �.,�'. — � , . , �, , ­ � '? . I . !! I � ". — , � '10, f _��­ �, �r .,� � . � . I � . I - I .� I I I I I . I ! � 1 , '915 1 ,, ",Q , ,�� , . I- . , �:.�:. .. - I I I I I I � . '' I : . , ' I ' 1."c." � . . ; , , I , I . I I 11.11. . I — I � X 'A -1 ,,�,� . . . It I I : I I . I I � , , I A#0 , 0; .� I "" .." , . . ` 10'.. . I . I ., .1 I - - , iil�, � �� - � � . 0.11" ,Z, .011TTEX-�Pp$ ,'-, I . , . I I . . � I I . I __ __ - - - I ", I __ , , I �_ - __ - .--.— - __ __!­ ­111­­.d__c, , � -7 'd, , , - ". !! =. I. I'll . .1 ­ �� i ... ,� % . . - - - -11 .. .. 1.11 - - ". , . , , � I , � , ".- � .,, ,,, . � ====. � � I A-, I I - . I 1. I I .. . . � � I I - . li I.. ­1�1';,;1­71� 1 , , . ,4 I - . - .,- -1 11% 1-1- � . 1i I �r ,.. -, ;7 - , !�, . . . , 21� I � � , - I . . . � Id- ­��, .1 11.1 I � I , �; I I � -, ­ . . - � � ­ I , �,:�,-.,.,.-:� , � 'N , , � I . ,�l",?.'�'-',�"q��',�,:"6r,i���i� I :�;, ,:, ,, . 1, � . , I I . ', - �': ,�, � , �, I',,' '�1111,111'� jl�`�;,,,�­,,,,:. , . . , . , *c �,f ... �,�,�m­ �i� �, 1�1'Z, I , - I . ,, , l�.4, 1 lz�.­ "" I � I ­ ,� 1. . Auction Sales a . ,:,� . ,j'oi � 111 � I ".. ­-­. ill- -11 I—' __."', __­­'_.,cvz�v-� . � I ". ;�,,�,,�,,',.,,',ii��,�,,��,,�����,�,1 , �rq, . � . Auctio0e ", It " , , , ,_ � I . . �, . .-11 - , �,,), ''. � I . . 1-1 I � . . � I ­- I .1� 4" ,,"'­��,,?', 11 . V . 11c . - V.LVARI V, "I""Y", ,i7�,�,fi,�i 1!;,q0',,', ,� '� . OF HOUSEHOLD EF No A, I* * ARM I 1 � � I - . - y " , , , V . (MIK, , - 1"�.,1111Q,441,1­ , , 1� ... .1, I S AlMll"Vvillage,of. Egmeadv91% - Stock, IMP10blea0�, , , � i1ft Im on Saturday, April lot. at I P.m.: Comr ture.-W. E. a 11 V,��-,'� I .,,,cl " " . �'& �,�,�,'�,�� �!�, ",:; � �.. will - "ay auc- , , I , . , � �c�Npl .'�11,$",t, , , , 5 pleto lit. of household effects including UQU IDU Lot 0. 9. "Hib rt,,@t eS " � 1,0,��i% '10 I Aplailb - d 'Ad �,,�I.-�,.�,� �,,J. -;�,� ,,,:!! ­­ �, living room, dining room. kitchen Bud West of St a. miles s,o,Ath and, 2% IS"1q-R,iq,..; Ro -c ­ ��_,Z..'P'l :�, � bedroom furniture. quilts. blankets, )in- miles east of .. 1� - � ,) " .. I , rbh, an Thu a , April %'�­,,�%19,'!�R I m cow , �!A,': " " - ens, silverware, disbes_Zarden tools, and 60, at I o'clock: CATTLB-D . -�� -, r articles. Terms -Gash. 5 years old, due in June; Durluttia cow 5 ,,, Q, ,,�, ", a botst of othe - ��ill"PKI110�'k!" , ,., ", - , �,�,�O�,�'Ip P��Iii��11.rlill ,N-4�, .4 �,!V ���l,,;. k �4%...,`� `;'� ; la -Inserted At New Low Cash Ra*— - , , c��:l . "f �'3 0 WILLIAM GGVENLOCK. Proprietor H- years old) fresh with calf act side; Brindle ;� , i,��,�, ', . ,'� L �,� 1 . - 'June; Holstein heif�r,' fresh ., 7 ,"I ,� M 0,,- .sified Ads . 1, , , 1492-2 cow due xi� ,m �,W 1, " Jackson, Auctioneer. 11�11, , � c, , � . FOR SALE. WANTED. LOST AND FOUND. ETC. -Per word -. -_ with calf at side: 5 Durham steers rising d I � . , , I 1, ,,� I cz, . .... . �: "", . � , . lat week ....... - .' I Cent R- 2 -years; Durham heifers rising 2 years; p , I � � :::: ­.:: * ".*'.': . % Cent Autr-;!10, P � 11 I I ; '. I I 2ud week ...... � . 00 acres of good clay loam will Shorthorn calf, 4 ra&iths; I York saw ard week ......................... % Cent __ bc offered for sale at I p.m. on Friday, due May 28, IMPLEMENTS -Madel 'B' ; .. . Minimum charge. first insertion ... 25 Cents March 31st, on the promises at Lot 30, Allis-Chalmers txactor on rubbei7� 2 -fur- , � Each fture, initial and abbreviation Counts as *its word- Concession 2, Hilt4ort Township, 21A east row Tadhope�Anderson ,tractor plow on I. �, � ' I :, ��, , raun i4otices, Coming Evauts-I cent per W*rd. Minimurn, and 1% south of Seaforth. At Present rubber, like new; M. -H. stiff tooth culti- I � �, I ,C;#rd of Thanks. In Memo I vator; M. -H. r= tooth cultivatow; 3- , . , , �', , I time all in grasei; good water supply. D 60 cents Per week. . . It= with. draw ,bar; 6 -ft. e .4;, .�'�N.',­ 119 .. Terms -10% down. balance 30 days. Sale section drag .'��;­i,�L �.:. be directed to a Box No., c/o The Huren Expositor, for 10 cents extra- ,Ubject to reserve bid. For further par- Deering binder; Mc. -D. 5 -ft mo�wer; M.- , I .. quitries ulay ", ; h�� �k� � ditional will be charged if " fix above class are not paid Within 10 days ticUlars apply to JOSEPH CARLIN. Pro- H. 6 -ft. mower; 10 -ft. dump rake; steel �� , � ." Wen cents ad , i '�11 "I , 40tat ; 5100P I ; ,� dual Au*eAloqL prictor, or Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. wheeled Tarm truck; wal �, ­.,� of date of � ..:,�.� .1 , � 4292.2 s-lelghs; garden scuffler; No. 12 De Laval a 4 c;,;�I�- airths, ,Marringem and Deaths Inserted free *f obwv& . ator with motor; P,,W, cream eepar _� lt,Lrafler 600- a FARM IXpLE_ 16 wheel; t65 -ft. new steel�oable- hay � A 1 1"", . ,&uctjon Sales, Notices to CreditOrfi, Rtc.-Rate` On aPP"cot'"' CT10N SALE OF car for steel track; trip rove; P;thleys; R,%"�! Auments, Grain and Seed Beans, on Lot hay fork and knife; 3 steel,drunut;, 2 wl.� 4M . Personals - 7, Concession 1. Tuckea-smith, 3/1 mile north malasa,s drams'. 26 -gallon steel drum; 1,,�,,,.. Wanted of Hensidl. The undersigned Auctioneer post drill; electric fencer; wheelbarrow; ". . . � " " .. -it ted to sell by public an - ... 11 " has been ins,b -whiffiebrees and n-kyokes; set of breech- .�' "i, WANTED To BORROW -4600, FIRST 0 RUBBER . e " HYGlEN1 SUPPLIES ( tion on Monday, April 3rd, commencing ing harness; set of new tea- lines - quan- . I Fur- Goods) mailed postpaid in plain. sealed �,, 1110,rtgage; excellent seeurity� at 1:30 sha : IMPLEMENTS - Ford tity of Cedar Posts; quantity of steel - ..I ­ HURON envelope with price list. 6 samples 25c; - rp , " . ther Particulars ,apply Box 862. 4293xl 24 samples $1.00. Mail -O tractor with overdrive, nearly new, with posts; 2 spools barbed wire; 10 rods Paul _ I rder Dept. T-73, "c' 11, EXPOSITOR. NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton, the following -attachable equipment: 2- try Sence; 6 -ft. crosscut saw; hand Baws; s , ;! . - furrow adJusta.ble Plough, stiff tooth culti- crc,wb,ar; sltovele�, etc.; new oil brooder; f !"'. ___ —_ Ont. I" vAtor, mower, buck rake; seduce �'- coal -brooder; brooder house lIxI2; feed- �� , 1. _! mounted manure load&, Krause one-way era and fountains; hen feeders and water- b ,�!, Coming Events — tiller and a cub with side curtains; Mas- era; 2 poultry water heaters; 6 chicken I s c" � Help Wanted . 'ey-Harris Clipper Combine with raotor, shelters; 100 bush fit for f,�� _ FOOT13 A I I seed ; 30 bushels ew13heaCt1int0F`U`RAts1T'UBE t : WINTHROP CLUB EAS- complete, for beans, grain and ,Clover ; - �, ' tires. flat Oak dining room suite, -buffet, -table ayid I .1 ter Holiday Dance, Cardnoc�s Hall, Masitey-Harritt wagon with new t. ,� ith Don Robert- F.T. WANTED - EXPERIE rack, grain box and sliding rack; Adams 6 chairs; %q, springs and mattress; ice d ,, Wednesday, April 12th. w H - ay rack and , ': son's Ranch Bays. 42N-1 hairdressers. Apply to Box 863, rubber tired wagon with flat h box, 60 tha. capacity. No reserve. Terms t � .. . — ON EXPOSITOR. 429" grain box; Massey -Harris. No. 8 ,hay load- -Cash. CHARLES FALCONER, Proprie- i , - SPRING is HERE, So DANCE WrVE ... -...-. tractor disc; Massey -Harris tar; W. E. Nairn, Auctioneer. 1�, - ATANTED - GIRL FOR GENERAL tractor spreader, nearly now; 3-seetion joy SA the, Crystal Palace B6111,001!1c, 'Vi v 4293-1 . . �. ic, Mitchell, every Friday night, to th music I housework; afternoons only. Apply Cock.hutt dever harrows; Smalley grain �1� of Don Ro Boys. MRS. A. Y. McLEAN, Seaforth. Phone and forage blower with pipes; 60 feet of CLEARING. AUCTION S AT OF FARM 8 � I 4 2 92x 2 364. .% roller .1 4, 4293XI 6-ineft rubber, belt, new; Gem oat Stock and Implements. at Lot If, Can- � , ­ I �1,;,� ,,, 1 -me electric motor; RaPec dA- Ces.,ion 8, Tuckenmith, 2 miles east of I ,�, I _� SALESMAN u WANTED - TO SELL x with inside and outside I , � — Pives; Red Tavern School. an Staffs, Line., on c�., ___ - —:= roofing a d insulation. Commission earn -binder: grain binder; 2.000 tbs. set Wednesday, April 5,th, at 12 o'clock: � " � -ca HORSES -Registered Olyde mare 12 years ,; I I For Rent basis. Write Box 834. HURON EXPOSI- s des; hay fork; Lantz Grapple fork; beet old- I Clyde geldinij rising 2 years old; �2'11. L — TOR- 4275-tf forks; tanning mill; 15 range shelters; , . RENT -4 -ROOM UNFURNISHED — chicken feeders; fountains and troughs; I i;ercheron mare 7 years old. HARNESS C, 'Fog ELP WANTED. MALE -MAN WANT- 3 Warner electric and 1 Holland electric -.1 set of backhand harness; -number Of ,, 10apart,rtent�' newly wired iand m�ith H many miscellaneous articles. .1. cable for electric,stove. Apply M - ed a,, mechartic's assistant and gen- b-ders and horse. collars. CATTLP--Durh cow I .. F -500 'bus '. 150 due in May; Durham cow due in July; � :,: . RUBY DuNDAs. beside ,,,mc,adville eral handyman. familiaT with machinery. GRAIN hels Ajax feed oats 01 4293-1 Must have driver's license. Good wages; bushels Cartier cats fit for seed; 300 bush- Durham cow due in fall; Hereford cow 1, " ". Churcb. Phone 668 r 12. . . steady employment for right man. Apply els ,Clipper seed beans; these are a ne!v due in fall; Durham farrow -cow; 5 baby .... I I - by let -ter only, stating experience. Box high Yielding variety. Terms-Caah- Pos'- beeves ready ta, ship, 750 lbs.; I Durham I ".. - s65, HURON EXPOSITOR. tively no reserve as owner has other in- fall calf. PIGS-Yorkshi-re, saw with lit- . �., 4292.1 teres-ts. RUSSELL 'BRODERICK. Proprie- ter of 10, four weeks old; York saw with I � I Poultry — I I tor: Peter McNaughbon, Clerk; Frank litter of 9, 4 weeks old; 10 York sows �, — Taylor, Auctioneer. 4293-1 due ,from April 20 to June 20; 2 ,. . ,,jork . - chunks. POULTRY -125 7ear-old sex I � FOR SALE I,ost'and Found P.LEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM hens- . . I GLAIN-400 bushels of oats (suit- , 700 BARRED R040K I"U'LLETS . %-' Stock and Implements, at Lot No. 14, able for ed); 100 bushels of mixed -grain, I botched Feb. 23. RS MACIDNERY-Alli -Chalmers Model 'C' �,'�11 D OG LOST --SCOTTIE DOG; ANS 7, Stanley Township, on No. 4 Highwair, -Yi gs - tractor, starter, If Mac power take -off and 1� . Speciailly priced for immediate s0le- - to name of "M"Duff." PRO 5 mile south of Brucefield, on Tuesday, '.. eaferth. 29 h draulic and pulley. with 24ow scuffler I 8 3-1 April 4rth. at 1:30 P.m. HORSES-43ay 2Y �� I I , 8 yea old; hay home, 9 years Old. nd bean puller, tractor and equi;pment "cl; I . � ring , Moore's Poultry Fam BROOCH LOST -PEARL SUNBURST- y mare, 11 years old, CATTLE -Dur- used one season: 10-20 M,cCormiek-lice , 1. PHONE 666 r 3 I SEAFORTH Finder-f>lease apply to Box $59, - ham heifer 3 years old, springing: Dur- T.ractor; 30-50 White grain separator 'with � HUR - 0�� . , ON EXPOSITOR, and receive reward. ham cow 4 years old, springing; black ,.0 tter, gra, in thr wer and on rubber; 150 " ,� - — 4292-2 cow 7 Years old, .Pringin,r; Durham X feet of new drive belt; this ma.cline i� . �, . I Holstein C�w. 7 years old, springing; 2 in exLlellemt condition: McCormick -D-r- . � ase rrow I il k, , Notices LOST - TAIL GATE FOR !,1­T1)N Durham heifers a years old, recently ing 3 -furrow plaw; I C 2 -fu P ow - M (new); 2 walkinz Plows. ; 18 disc Cock- ", I truck box. Finder pleq�e Phone W - freshened; Ayrshire ww 4 years old. re, ... �, MONEY To LOAN ON FIRST MORTG_ ROGERSON at 615 r 31, Clinton. collect, cently freshened; Ayrshire cow 5 years, shutt fertilizer drill -with power 4ift and - . ., or leave -at Melvin Clarke's Garage, See- old, recently freshened; Hereford X He]- tractor -hitch (sowed 50 acres) ; lif� disc on farm property. Apply to Box seed drill -1th fertflator; M. -H. manure , . ­; aMRON F forth. 1. � 4293xl stein cow 4 Years old. recently freshen - 9., � 856. ,XPOSITOR.' 4298xl .. cd; Hereford X Holstein heifer .3 years spreader; McCortniek-Deering side deliv- �, __ I - ead hay loader; 6-foat . :,.-. __ __ __ 7 old, recently frec-hened; Hereford heifer, cry rake; drop h '' 1i1ARMNRSI_V,rE WILL HAVE BROOD- I ,cars old. bred; Durham cow 4 years mower; 3 -drum steel roller; M.-H.,spring ' I __ _ tooth cultivatar: sulky rake: dis,&: bar- , er coma on hand next week. VirM. M. 1 I.. I Notices To Creditors aid. bred; Durham cow 5 years old, br - ,J� � HART. Phone 784, Seaforth. ' ed . rr,%v , 14- 4293-1 Hereford bull Ille2 years .old; Ayrshire �,�, � 8 section"' of diamond harrows * �, - te double di- (Fleury-Bumell. new la,t 1 � I . Yearling heifer; Durhim heifer calf; Ayr - in i NOTICE to CREDITORS shire heifer calf; Holstein bull calf. �, 1-1: rubber tired w�won (like �,,new) * �1­ . flat bay rack�.(n�ev, 1. PIGS -7 Tamworth Pigs 7 weeks old. IM_ farm wagon: 15 -ft. I? NOTICE i with arvin sides): 2 16 -ft. flat hay. raclo,: .1, ' 4 L1. PERSONS HAVING 0 L A I M S PLEMENTS-M.-H. binder, 74'. cut; M.- __ COUNCIL WILL MEET _ fannin,: mill with . 1/& H.P. , . ., strairst the E -tate of William Richard H. mower 6 -ft. cut, wjth�ofl bath (nearly L"'Ovel LPN; Tu'r-EmRs""TH otor attached; M. -H. 7 -ft. binder`(in,(�d Saturday, April lst� at 8:00 P;m., in Archibald. late.of the Township of Tuck- new) : M'. -H. 13-h.e drill; 1q. -H. bay load- m I ". the counca chambers, Town Hall. Sea- .mm er; 4-eection harrows; cultivator: ditob- two seasons) : 32 -ft. extension ladde�: M­ � ith. in the County of Huron. Retired bean scuffer and puller: set of farm I., . (forth. . 4298-1 Farnter, dece-ed, wht, died on the 29th day ing machine; 2 -drum steel roller: 10-foet I"T- r; Pie w -ate; 2 -wheel il- 1 - '.1y notified to send hay rake; bean scuffier and puller; Cock- sleighs; eutte t" ,! of October, 1949, arehere : mnnure er. 16-600 tires: stock rack (new); 128 Pl- - -' in full particulars of their claims to the shutt 2 -furrow riding Plow 1.4 1 spreader; eaw and man4rill ; bearr- scale ; sap pails and spiles (like new) ; Sep Pan "It -Property For Sale undersigned on or before the i8th day of f and heater; gathering tank ; 2 rolls barb I 1� , April, 1950� after which date the Executors wagon and rack; truck wagon: set 0 : 2 electric ,fencers: Go steel pos-h, t . . . . - - ill proceed .to distribute the said ,tal, bench sleighs and flat rack ; rubberptire wire ; 9.000 Th. seplet, (lilie ' new) : 3 '­­ FOR "ALfu'd'1-yNmBowdoWra`; 02 sE, RANCH I among the Persons entitled thereto. ha,_ busr.-y: cutter; 2 milk cans : fanning till ; (newl chickm shelters (like new) : � . I fur: -ly to claims which t.h shall doubletrees; forks: sltovels; 2 sets of barrels; 4 . . style -, ._"e, air ing, regard an ey harness: home Collars, ,and4 numerous oth- broader stove; 2,000 feet hemlock lumber 1� conditioned. C. G. LEE. John Street then have notice. ., I 4286-tf - rr article,. GRAIN -Approximately 400 and 2x4 cut in ',19: 200 f�et of hay rone: I - I � DATED at Barrie, this 271h day (,f bushels -of cats. Terms -Cash. No m- �lirnr chain: fork and ,ling ropes; 1947 1 � I t. HUGH AIK- Chevrolet coach, Fleetline (23,000 miles) : , F,O�. SALE -46 -ROOM HOUSE WITH March, 1950. , . serve as the farm is s<th 11 _.� ENREAD, Proprietor; Edward W, Elliott, Quinntit-Y of Household Effect,i. LORNE I ..� I bath, air-conditioned oil furnace, mod- Auctioneer. 4293-r HAY . Praprietor; E. P. Chesney. Clerk : "I 1. ern bathroom; single 'car garage; 1�4'2 BOYS & BOYS, Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. 4293-1 1 1� " 1-11 ilots. A"b 1. SIEMON. Phone 56-W, 1308 Owen St- Barrie, Ont., . . � 11", . Hersa3l. 4293-1 Solicitors for Executors. AUCTION SALE OF FARM, FARM - 1. Stork, Implements and Household Ed- 0 1 .1 1 4293-3 fects, at Lot 13, Concession 13, Hulleft C?ards Of Thanks I . , ,,,�, For Sale . S T.wnsbi 2 miles went oCllarlock School " I --- AAM DOUGLAS . I __ , . NOTICE to CREDITOR on MonLy. April 8rd, at I p.m.: One MR. AND MRS. WILL , I I . ,� . � general purpose bay mare 10 years old; Brucefield, eoctend their thanks.Q . : FO],&,,,s.AY,4,E,-,F,O,u,R-,Bu,BXPNOE.R.T.E.LEc- L4 PERSONS, HAVING CLAIMS 2 Durham and Hereford cows due in April appreciation to their n1any friends, I?Toth- ., - ., . A against the,Estate of Jessie Vallance, and May' IMPLEMENTS -2 good farm era -and sisters for the�lovely cardw�gifts-, ��, t, � wagons an�] wagon box -, M. -H. ,aid de- phone calls and telegrams receivei*.ccn� the !!! " IGMM SALE --4 GOOD CHUNKS. PHONE I Archibald, -late of the Township of Tuck- livery rake; M. -H. hity-loader; 7 -ft. Me. -R. occasion of their Golden Wedding.' . , , , 4654 r 12, Seaforth. 4293-1 in the County of Huron, Married binder; Mck3ormick-Deering oil bath mow- �', � N =: deceased, who died on the Ilth ': 1 spring tooth cultivator; I stiff tooth 1-1 �­ - . - er I . WISH. TO THANK MY .MANY �41. PIZ& day of Septerabe , 1949, are hereby noti- ;� , pou .1 SAT - SPRAYED AP to send in r Cultivator -, -I Oliver rid-ing Plow ; walking friends and neighbom. that sent cards, ? .-F J%�uei.Cllntan 613 r 24. FRED M-- fled full particulars of their t,l,w; gravel box; 6 sections of diamond treats flowers, "t, , claims to the undersigned on or before , etc., or in any way help7 T. - CLYT I � NT.�' 4287x] the l8th day ,of April, 1950, after which harrows ; 1 John Deere nranure spr Ed out during my recent sickness. c, . I I.V11 to eader; . , , , .. - __... . date the Executors will proceed to distri- 16 -ft. hay rack; iron kettle: sot of MRS. ERNEST WHITEHOUSE � i . M109. SALE - FOLDING GENDRON sleighs; sulky rake; 16 bunches of. 5X 4293-1 . � I I J: I bute the said estate anwmg the perzons h' les - 13 -disc M. -H. seed drill; quan- baby buggy. PHONiE $80-R, Sea- I only to 11 lug - - ' forth." 4293-1 entitled thereth, having -regam tity of lumber; extemion ,ladder; rannln� ALICE KNiGwr WisHES TO i . 7 cle,ima -bidh they shall have then have mill; 2.000 Th. Renfrew scales; slings, MRS. I . noti th'2hk those who sent card,3, flowers ;.. Pit SALig-C.CAL BOY'S BICYCLE. ropes; hay fork: sling chain; farm bar- and treatb to her while she was a pa,tient I 11 I I in good condition, complete with c&r- DATED at Bm-rie, this 27th day of ne" and collars; double ropes; wire in 'Scott Memorial Hospital, and also to . , rier, kick -stand and chain guard. TED March, 1950. stretchers ; some belting; MeCortnick- thank Drs. Howson, Stapleton and Gor- � �: SAVAUGFL Phone 120. 4293xl Deering cream separator; forks; whiffle- . I . will and the naraing staff for their kind- .. .1 - ___ - BOYS & BOYS, trees: neckyokes; chains; sbovels; etc. ness. . 4293-1 , S TWEED SUIT, SIZE prings I ,,,, � 10 to 12 --'Boy' 3308 HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS -4 beds. a FOR s"` years; In good condition. I Owen St. Barrie, Ont.. and mattresses; chest of drawers; wash- MR. WILLIAM/ KERR AND FAMILY ��� �� i, PHONE 581-J, Secaforth. Salicitom for E,%ecutam. �ctands; mirrors: settee and 2 �chairs -, num- wish to thank their fr'ends and . 4293-1 4293-3 ber of rockers; clocks; fernery; 2 leather . ' sympathy . � . rockers; drop leaf table; studio couch I neighors for the kindne.:4 and . FOR SALE -INTERNATIONAL 3- - like new: 6 kitchen chairs; glass CUP- shown to ,them at the time of their re- � home out-thmw disc harrow. Apply . le boa,d-,,,Ismps; dishes, etc., FARM-100� cent bereavement. Special.thanks to Dr. Motor Cars For Sa acres, sy loam, well drained, good 'water McMaster, also those who ent cards and . to GORDON TROYER, R.R. 2. Henssal. ,imply; bank barn; drive shed ; hen house: flowers and lo,aned their cam. �� . , . Phone 14-91. Zurich. 4293x2 - 1��, storey brick house vvith hot ater L . -_ - FOR SALF---'37 CHEVROLET COACH; w d MR- AND MRS. FLOYD ADAIR. OF �. PR ' SALF-2 KITCHEN STOVES, motor and body in good. Condition; heating cystem; rood roof on barn an " . . er ' PHONE 377-J. house. Terms -Chattels. cash; prape�fy. Hensall, wish t3 express their "'necre . . corn cuvboa,r,d *. mattress ; 2 cloth reasonable. thanks and appreciation to the Hensall I I rugs; 2 distern, pumps: 2 house doom-, 4292.1 term, day of -de (reserve bid). MRS. � - STELLA ADAMS, Proprietress- E p Firemen, volunteers, neighbors and friends I,- . round stove; wood stove., Apply CLAR, 0� , Anc- whi rendered such valuable a--sistance in . ENCE REEVES, Seaforth- 4293-L Chesney, GlerR: ,Harold Jacks� . .. V 'MINE SEDAN tioneer. 42N -I their recent fire. Special thanks to the . )adic� of the Churches for kindne:;ses ex- � . CHE . FLEE I . -POR SALE -5 GOOD YORK WEAN- 49 Blue in color-, 9,000 miles. tended to them when most needed. �� aings. Apply to H. ENZENSBERGER, I e L 'i I.- I R.R. 5. Seaforth. Phone 839 r 25, sea- � 48 CHEV. FLEETLINE COACH CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF LIVE T HE FAMILY OF THE LATE ,MICHAEL , forth, 4293XI Two-tone grey. Stock, ImplemenLi. Bay, Grain and Murray wish to express their sincere 111, . . Hou-iehold Effects. on Lot 4. S.B., Con. 2, appreciation to the neighbors end friends ., . OR SALE -d'948 GENERAL MOTO CHEV. STYLEMASTER Hay Township, N6. 83 Highway, 6 miles for their kind expressions, of sympathy,,, ,,, I F �, us 48 east -of Dashwood, IY4 miles we3t of Exe- during their recent bereavement; also to . . car radio, like new; fits '42 to '48 4GOACH---41575.00 .11 � Chevrolet. Priced for quick.sale. Apply ter -The undersigned Audtioneer has been thank Father T. P. Hussey, Dr, K. W. . _ I , I instructed to sell by public auction on McLanor�cs. Mitchell. and th-e who .sent . , '. to Box 964. HURON EXPOS R.,- '48 CHEV. FLEFTLINE COACH, $1,725 Wednc,day, April 5,th, 39.7,0, commencing spiritual bouquet.i and flowers. 1 I ,FOR SALF-2 FRAMM BUILDINGS. 12 at I o'clock V.-., - sharp: HORSES- 1� x 24, easily moved. Priced for quick , Matched Percheran mares, rising 10 and MR. AND MRS. TOM MUNROF WISH : sale. Apply Box "S, HURON EXPOSI uaranteed sound and re- fo 4ba'nk their relatives, End frier�ds � � TOR. 4293xi 48 PONTIAC SEDAN 12ebleocin e0v'd`rygwnY: matched black ex- for their kindness shown during their 1; I . . press team. mare and gelding, risicng 9 daughter Linde.'s fflness and for their kind ­ . � �,,, � - FOR sA'z-POur,TRY EQmpmzwT c and 10 years old. driven single and dou- expresnioats of sympathy in their re,ert I .1 ng ic brooders: 48 CHEV, SEDAN , moludi Warner eledtr I ble. CATTLE -Holstein cow with calf at ,c,ad beTeaventent Spkoisl thankq to Rev ,1 also Dr. SaIsItury r*ullt" remedies. KEN foot. fresh since last week in February-, A. F. Hinton: to Dr. J. Goddard: to Pill: 1. .� MOORE. MooWs Poultry Farm. Phone - Holstein cow freshened since last week in bearerg and flower -bearers; to t�osr who , . �. . 666 r 3, Seaorth. 4298-a 42 PLYMOUTH SEDAN --4175.00 December; Holstein heifer, fresh since .ient flowers, 9nd to tho.qe who so kindly 1, . - middle of December; part Jcrsey and Dur- made it possible to reach the Cemetery. 11, I FOR SALE -NNW SINGER SEWING ham oo�vv, fresh since last week in Febru- --- I ... machines, electric and treadle. Re- 39 CHFV. DE LUXE SEDAN ary; part Ayrshire and Durham heifer, - __ -_ , I I pailpo`,to an makes. SINGER SEWING I fresh since first week in December; Black In Memoriam . ��CENTRE, 78 Ontario St., Stratford. Jersey cow wi�h calf at foot, freshened 4228-tf 138 PLYMOUTH COACH -S550.00 March 19: part Durham and Holstein cow - I �� calf at foot� frechened Mirch 14; WJUTMORF-IN LOVING MEMORY - . 11 with , , I � PU SALB-g4TERNATIONAL B. N. I part Hereford and Jersey heifer with calf of Alm Samuel Wbitmere, who pass - 11. I . Furtnaf �bFaZtar; scuffler. in go9d._!- : 38 DODGE SEDAM-4450-00 at foot, fre;heffrd Febraxry 21: Durham ed Iway 'April 1, � 1949. 1 pair, spring. wheat Rodmayi vanety. , � cow due at timp- of sale; Holstein heifer _�:. JOHN OSTROM, Varna. Phone 613 r 2, , NASH SEDAN-Needo motor job Carrying first calf. due the rn;'�dle ,4 Peaceful be -thy rest, dear mother. , I "I Clinton. 429IX3 , 37 $250.00 . June; PErt Hereford and Durh�m heifer It is sweet to breathe thy name; ... 11 � ,.:, .... I - - . with calf at foot; 3 Burhant baby beefs. In life we loved you dearly. "I * I � , , 9 DEERE T�is herd has been officially T.B. tested In death we do the same. ,�.. FOR 9A`N--d 94 MODEL JOHN ; �� ,: . tractor ,on oteel. 1244 H.P.. in good 2 *117 CHEV. COACHES vinth no reactors., All cc" hani milked I ��. running order. Priced for quick sale � � . and of good quality. POULTRY -2 Toul- -Ever remembered by Ru�band and . . , � HURON EX- , " - (025). AD111Y Box 861, ouie geese:; I gander; D-titams, 3 hem Family. 1 4293XI 1 ; !.�, I POSITOR. 4298xI FORD COACH ard � I rooster. lVPLFMENTS-Deering - - - - �," �(�'. . 37 i - binier. 64,t.cut: M. -H. fertilizer hoe ONG­-IN LOVING MEMORY OF A ,,ill", ,;, , � L 11 ..11 FOR SALE- -250 BUSHELS IMPROVED i drill, 11 run. aged only 2 years; manure dear mother, M". Vialct Long. who I , 'I, .. Rotuat seed beans: perfect sample ; � 37 GRAHAM SEDAN -$325.00 spr a ; M. -H. bean passed away seven Years ago, March 31, " 'i �.. . $8.50 per Int-hel. Apply ARTHUR AN- scuffier and puller: Cockc,butt riding plow-. 1943. , ". 111. DERSO9. Phone 100 r 5., Hensall. . I I Fleury walking plow; M. -R. mower. -6 -ft. . I , ,�.% I � , I,.- . 1 4298-1 � cut : I. -H. out -throw dia�.,,b 4-aection In sorrow we waited day by day, I "J- . __136 CHEV. STANDARD COACH diamond harrows ; set of sleighs; And vratched her suffering there, Tl_," SALE -RUBBER TIRED WAGON; drum roller; rubber tired wago " -in good Slowly but surely passing away, '.I, ,� FOR IME . condition; 16 -ft. h�ty rake : Viking cream From -the pain she scarce Could bear. ­ �111"_', . M. -H, I 1 -hoe .drill, equi�ped for fertil- I" DODGE SEDAN -4250.00 t ),�,,�­ -star; also a cultivator; Deering'mower I separator with electric motor: root pulperr; ., , � a ,,, electric motor; 4 80-l',). milk cans; col- And then God called from His thron 1, �, , and M. -H. binder, 7 -ft. Cut. Apolv to R. 4 , ..: P. WATSON, Brucefield. Pbone 625 r 4. Ch any house 12xl4cF. newly built; 5 chicken , � , above, . ,� �'rj�- ch to 35 REV. -MASTER COACH -$200.00 Phclte�.; snow fences_ various lengths: Her suffering and pain is put; .. t , . . I - - --- 4293xl , I bru-mounted britcher, harness; set of We knovv she has vore to roalm� of love I - . 1. ..� 'v ." ;,�:. FOR SAIM-A LIMITED QUA FlITT backhand harness *, set of horse blankets; And in Heaven has peace at last. ,; � 41 ;, , H '..'i !, , , I 01"Resver osta. fit In* need, $1.26 per H PLYMOUTH COAC . wheelbqrrow; 2 steel pig trou%ifti: quan- �I tity of twine sacks; 20 good grain bags; -Sadly rrtiised and fondly remembered , 7"P�" ' bushel; Edna Corf"I sov ben,q: priced on I I , �!,,4� �,�� ,, .1 � , Nry I WILLIAM BUrrTON. R.R. I., Pet of alinir ropes; new hay fork: bag -by her daughtem and sons-in-law, Mar- P',,��,* request. N -��c,�'* CUTitim Phone 941 r 6, 809forth. 46 CM-Ev. 7/(2 -TON PICK -Tip truck; quantity of lumber; Pi4 Crate: Ruerite and Alvin. Jean and Ed. 1, '-,,it, - " � . � I 4--92x2 I � watior trough: complete well digging out- ,," ­� ,,4�, 1 ' .Ii -1 11 ' I fit; brand new 32 -ft extensioli Tudder; - _n-__ I , ,; �", . e cc , ,"�,:., ,, 1 SALO-At= BARLEY. GROWN . 11 ,� 11 I wfwrm 17 FORD S -TON STAKE crokcut saw; n w: brooder stove: lawn , ,� �` OU , . I . � V.0fi+611" " mower; one-man trosscut saw: scythe; Deaths ,,, -111, .1 I I in te in ,the Mitchell . Fleld crop Coat. I FORD 1/2-ToN PANEL ­ --choo -box,. JcMing chiiina; Wack and , ity of , �,, ­, , �, , I "q,�,,�,,­­ 0 .. 12 no, ev, tubhol. Abo some, 35 Gray $98.00. rachl ; Cruitnti salt-, set of car Chains: MURAAY-In Loud -on, on Thurscday Mar . , I I—- 0,1,`;�'r�.. A e -S lno 'Pat. A,pply to H. C. , 2 Oivc wrenebes, Nos. IS and 24; milk 23. Michael Murray, of McKillop, 'in hi; 'i �, pails: d abletreec,; shovels: forks, and 63rd yeox. ,��k,` ,q0 .. - I -. � 1 '4 '1,,c;",! , 11, . , � MANY OTHER VALUES many otger articles too numerous 'to men- EMRR-Tn MeKiRoP. on Friday, March 24, , I t�, � , % 429ft2 I— . R, 41 . 3�11WC , , or - 1 R P. us, ts, F, T, tion. HAY AND GRAIN -200 bales' 6f Sarah Anti Beattie, beloved wife of " �'­' A ;AL19 S 1W 0TOP"S choice fitnothy and atfalfa hay: 250 ba' -h- William Item in her 70th year. . ,�111 , 'I , , . (+4 of mixed grair, oats and barley. McALLTSTER,ln Hensall, on March 14. ��" ,�I�j V " , Aci �,, .0fith4ti Such well.k" makea . cl `:­ ". , , ' �,cl % "c. I y � "The Home . , ,,�� of Better Used Cars" , OTHER ARTICLES - Good Cheer cook Margaret McAllister. daughter of th,a I ��� , "I 961, tZhAut, -#OiON,� &.1" ltwh�, - v6itier, . tompleto bWrOOM Alliteg; &ild'a , , c"I"A IQ, I . 41 � , .11 i ", ", i 1.'.� 1� 1�0 "' 16e,_6 I stove: 2 , ' "Ill I I 11 _, , "'1�1��:',"'W��_t.'��; , "I "*k* , - I 2 I rk& Atil fftme, lato Alemamder MeAlilister, in her 8411th I �.kk�� � S..Xf �, 11 41c, `1�:'Ilf; I � .# ,14� OPEN EVERY EVE�lw; crib and play von; Aladdin hanging V�T. � I � �,,4' � " I ' 1, ' ?, ' � t 14� - " 11�'11 .0 ; , Who .. �*Mo coal oil hnnxing 4amp,. oM- I 1111OA11111OOT-SluddenlY, At his late resi- ., , � , . , Mun I" I vo.A'116 .11 %,;�, " W�w - & MeN , gas iron; " lamto and dence on the pa" Line. HUY Township, � Z� I , , ,!i i?, I , � pleto toilet set, I A,42 q, 'now.'' , I 'Ad6ft. I I . 1� " ��.,,,�,'7�,�j, ��','.','7,,%!; �:, , . ; . , lautern: ,cml off Twit,st1n; Phonoiji battery on .Monday, March 20 1950, Jam, _4 `4,i�, - - 40 U P , 40" -9 L ­ . " ­"' �". c " �� �L'.�.�4,1��11­ I ... I radtla, in good &W"tfba,, vnishwtumds: Mt- Broadroot, son of the late Mr n I ", . , , I , � 7,11'.."'.1 i &."', %P1c'r. . ��.l I ""'i" , � �­ � - �, ITRK,�,J,`, P ofieft cabinet; small talles!, 2 screeft) Jame, Droadfbot, of Hibbert Township. .� I'l, , �Ivw MAU I' . a d M,. 1. ., 4, 'W" .14. . � - � *7 1 . . , � �,!, .� L := 1. " I Farnt I Im ic 1 Con, i. % we ff 5 sleato 111i`�' � � "' . ,�i , -,,P;�70' ,�* Ir , . I I ____ ��� a66rs - beaAU " ',� �, k - Iful `p* c&rlkt strips 4fid' _T,jt#**w,At in .yc7fap-.%rrn Co1u-+Pr,c- ��,UA,,,X;,& ;� �, 11.1.1. ,,, , .,�,'- , ', -A � I 4 �7 .. . � , , "'Olik 4k W I ii9i At- be sold Vfitli-out "* ., ;1"'I'- e , I j� mats., Eve iY4 'Will "11,11"V1.11161ft, �, 4 cl � .1 . ELLJOTT-In St Joseoh's Hoapital, 11 , "' . , ; V :0 "' lerme-zC49h MA'a ' WILWAhn Ru bn Thutsday, March 28, lgiffif, , "' tM r . t �, '60 X,roh 'Oi'0 �,,,"�,t`Nj� �, I I 11" � , &��7�, " , � �Mer . .1 I . , I "I ,,, , "Mi, I ,� A ; P,atfl Bift, Clerk , , , Lee '811116#, Y6Unlr4Mt Son 'og "" - , I "I" ,,,, ,,�;, �, '__�_ , � -420i 06 1106 VVib. Eflitift And %,,,�J , ,�",g,�,K?��1101'14� , ", * I , , I , I , a ., wo � ,6 h i� ,I toy; I � I . ", , I , ��, � A ;� �", 11 , "�'f , � IN , .�� , . il i I I I . . .. , , mo, 1; I - ; " ', . I I . "I'll, . ,, I 11 11 .,7,;, I � 11 . I � , V , i . "f . , . 10" . I , � � � N I � . ifo I R1 0 �, "I .- " 11111�11 , , , , I , . irl, , 1�, I � �� - & "I, -1,11 : 111111i.1 11, , , "', " , ,I,,,, , . il�� , 11 91c I I � , �, -, �k !� 1 �4 ,,;',, `�i. 0�,�,,: �i �, , j%",cl'. , ,,,� I �, � I.. 11 � �:'.�. - . ­ I I 1, . � i - . �. 4 c�, i I ��111 �,, - ,,I , � ­4,�.1,c,,'V1, U ��:� ", 4; ., '.. " V� �, ", �,' �, 11. I I 1! ... ��, % � , 4�� , , . i ,�," , - ,:� " �,�,` '­" - ,P!. ­ 11 1, . ., , j". I 1, , " 4' 1 - 1 114���' q ,1P"0%',,',R"m ,�`�.1,11 , �` * , � "" �,, i�,.,, 11 I .. I .. I/ ,�. �, � ,,� I � ., " 11, , . ��, , " � - AkT, _q, 11" '­�'­'41,1­1­�'11, -111 I 1� 4�,,, .1, ."!%7 ,,g,� ,I ., � I I , . , �141- 11-1.1.1c,"? r ."�'',.�1,1�,,�,.""",Z,,Ii,44���,�."4-.,�,�.�,.,�4, ',q�.qy'��;, ,� � 1. , '­�' "', 'r, � I 11 1 � . . � �. " , , - - I -11 I . " ,� " ,t'Yy". �, �, - , , �,gi;cl �`,,, "'' � .. ..... - , , , . , �. . I " , , �,� t - ,i I �� . , � I", � , , "I'll- 11. � �, �J ,,,%1,,, 4i� ,,'�,t , I . :, , " . , - -1111", ,'.1 . " ci ��i I -11 "I t �,, - -1 . I ­V.­,�:,I�,;­,_V� ,. , ��,';i: )',��'­, " �4,' , "'' I " ill� I? "I ...... e_ I , �J :, �, ... ,.., , � , ,;. c�, , I , � � , V , � � , �` ", !,-�V,� ,,111'..�� T , %,4,�,!f,�'jr-: M1,1;111%�.%1'4',V,.�i . ..... . , i " , , "'' �` ". " , � �, " -, ( , , �41`, ; i lz , , , I , I ,� i'l,(�I� � " � � , 1.11' 111. I ., ,V'v"",� '1�il ,��,16b*-Y,R,50_ ,�('. kc',',��, 1,4�'&,j7JIV�!� ',,�? �,.�1�11,.��T4 ,� '' . � ,,� 'I'll' �,11 ­ 1,�., �, 'I"',%, _ " �,_;! A c�, , , ,',,ZIN�, , , If t" ,,, V,w'�i 1�`.11%t,,gL,,��� , ii:;,��,,�,�4�N �t'��%,� , Imm , �1,1-��I.",,�,"z,�.-��,i-"-.:,,�,.- -1. 1 I.....�l-..,.....'�.-.-,."��"�l.-..-.11.4/ , �-- " , , , , �i ."I , , , � ,� .... "XII :,: � ,,� �,, ','.,`� . 4,; -, " . A �,,,,, ��,'i' �.,Y,�,�l�T,�,�,,�,.I�j,��,i�o,,,��t�.�,,,, ,� � ­­ I - ------ -.'1(41,X1 , - . iA� ,�,,. _L ��.'�', ni,,11QVi,,_ ,,�,', ,� "!� ��, L�� 9 I . . , ,�v .lpliQw Of qw,orth 4m4. Rtn: Rested at the'MoLvangh- 0 und . , %vto ,�Ut At � v4pturIA ,Ao0@W%.A*A­ - L " ­_ df " �­­' - OPP . for two ... months, every - L ture yea4pow lot 011"c%fle te,r�" 1$4erip &rinthiais:, I io'8 and A&dilow iry "all, 1401 1k, ew, � � , ,eo A008, were st � , . . No es arrang- b TAO following' 00 Witte an & Ross FUneral Home, 206 Xorl6lk St., Guelph , c1pe moo 1�,eld i 6.4� , t4tng, c, whpkV �oe,ry , _ , . _ 'p.m. ijuWk4tefitin _an I I . .. p ,4,0 In. t]Ae W07 O� 3niedir, , .09.4,14 'L . . L D. 4�4 3L to $, was road bi;, 'Mrs., )k all ed the suce,easiful agair: Pr,99ralP L� I, � ",'X0,;W*A­ � q '10,-- t�.j_ �04=Lltte, � . 1)4'.V6. ,� K$. March 26 42 40041t qa;`Wefi�e View Cem ebsrv� 1�*�L b""L,, hadc'L . cia V, , 'I ,� .I OVA "e, 'K 1. - � L L Xyie�. -;�ap repeatedl,'A . ,,,, I Frayer�. I - 'The _ -, " 1. ", - - , , 04�, , � 9w; ju&fi C60ogor, Atlqqi� , . . ' $he Ifti,& jIiSt_� feejenctlW, ;r, , . , - . -I i� roll apd-colloolol; 4 unison. . ; ,131V , , . I , . '. V, . I i , . I I I — I hoine�' � The baby's guot eii '% , a ,,, "p9rothy .�DQojtZ, 'of , . I' - ,on. . . "�4s taken aula�the nilau a w. t6 )7e*i, The business Session follow0,404 ille a "`tliank­yol$"` , W S , - : Va L A*,, , , I '' I � , , I I i. ­ L' ' . . ' _ L ,� L . - .,�,�'; �, -' .1 " � I I I 'L� ­ I " "� W I - _ ­_ _1� �­.;�ii � L,; , KIPPEN .1 . I , tqjCraor I Private funeral aptVic. w eld her ,home at KJ en on Mon- , s6cretary read letter from the McClYmont family. be . - :,!-"7 I . . . . . I .11 ,1 - . I * � . I :, �' - ' from E. Kyle for salvage See spring . . day, rive of the Seaforth Lions Club. at 2 P .in., conducted by Rev. I The next class meeting will April 17. .1 �, , - H. E 'NEW SEE T I "�­ . JP' Hinton,LVith burial in Baird% held on Monday night, L' I I roceeds for the blind.—(Adv.). � � c�mbtery. LUCKY LUNCH PRIZE i - Miss, Gray will give the devot on I . I - � mr. Stewart McBri'de, of I the . Mr. Henry Phi.16, is -A patient at al; Miss Betty Mickle and Bill Coll"Ait- I , , . - . 1. r . I � niversity of Western, Optario, � � St, JosepWs Hospital, T,oli.dou. Mr. iand, Mrs. Frank.,,Brooks and Mickle are the program tee. 'I'lle lunch committee consists - ,� L -L 11 0 t 'I ondon. spen t Sul�day . with his par- nts,.Mr. and WIrs. Alvin McBride. � Harry and slstetr-in-law, Mrs. Cecil of Mrs. Lillian Hyde and Mary .-� �� --- 1. 11 ..L. I I � . Word was received by friends Ini K4,iiser, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs: M,on McAllister and J)orothy, of Goodwin. The program will fea- ture films to be presented by Mr. '. ,� I I ::L I � .., . � 8 , I '. I i, , .. . Ippen this week that Rev. Rich- Galt, were kueAs with Mr. anil M. 'Drysdale, referring to his re- I 'L I I .. . . rdson, of Millbank, who Guffered Mrs Marl;Spyoat, of Hensall, while cent trip to Florida. Asolo, "Th -at . 11 I . I . . - slight stroke two weeks ago, is her; - att.ridirig the, funeral of the Wonderful Mother of Mine," was . . I � �howing some improvement. I I late , , .M.rs., Charles McAllister. rendered by Mrs. Maude Hedden, - '� : � The Chamber of Commerce is . S=i49 an old-time- fiddlers' 0 I in the Town Hall on Wed- nes,day, Aipril 12. 'Watch this pa, per f6r furfher de[WIs. -, fte-d- A carload of GdrI Guid * with Miss 1,uker as accompanist. MTs. Blackwell presented all ixi- spiring message, "Easter." Dave Kyle favored with,violiu selections accompanied by Mrs. George Hess. - At this time Mrs. Hem expressed Spaikfinq 0 � I . . I IL . t, " . r1i , '. ., ,; , NeW _.StV L . 0 *c, " . 1. . I 1.� ,'��, I . I ­ :1 - � L' :' ' 'l,[' "'L L . BRUCEFIELD � , . See J. K. Cornish & ,Son for pring salvage drive of the Sea- orth Lions Club. ProceedsTor the ed the .carnival of the first night . sincere thanks to the class for Past I* d* ; "L i Tra i 10 � I lind.—(Adv.). - of the, official -opening Of Seaforth kindnesses'L Humorous readings I a. .- . 11 . . I � Com�fnunity Centre Thursday night were given by Miss. E.U.1s. -The " I 'flu' Brucefield United Choir, dnder , Slid captured a few -prizes. Paul- L closing hymn was "Jesus , the Very - L I , ' ' Dependabili-,,,. he direction of Mrs. J. R. Mur- ine, 'Bell, 17 monthe old daughter Thought Of 'Mee," followed by the PHONE 70 : HENSALL och, will present an Easter.eafi� , of Mr..'and iMrs. Stewart Bell, won Mizpah 'benediction being repeat- . . .q,k - I , , " ata, "Redem ,ption Song" (Holton), . the prize for the youngeot unassist- ed. Interesting games, -were dirept- L , ' ' .. , � L � , " - n the,Brucefield United Church on Sunday morniii&, April 2. Mrs' Win, ed skater on the lee, and also cap- -for edi by Howard Brook. Refresh- , I .., ,. ,. I L b Murdoch, Hamilton, will be guest tured a prize character cos- tume. Otherc-winners were Judy . ­ .. .1 . AAI . I I 3 the head and IF . I I . oloist. I S-haddick (comic), Margaret Reid iiiiiiiiiiiii�ll�Milligill�illillillillill�illillilillilligi�illll�illillilillillill�ililimi��m ample L ' . lee,. room 'of 'tlfi�,',bil;'i�.� ' ' (character), while Ruth Soldan . Ir . ., , -, I . � roomy interioke,;,_`j �:,. I I I CROMARTY was the winner in the girls' race age. . the ease of err" ai4 The sympathy of.the community is extended ,to Mr. -and Mrs. Thos. and- women's open race, any, Mrs. Bell is captain of the Girl Guides. ' . Luchreanflance I ex:it I . 11 I LL � I .See C. Christie for spring sal- vage drive oL the Seaforth Lions The morthly meeting of the'Eve- Dress Up for Easter Club. Proceect, for the blind.- filli'll Auxiliary will be hold in the LLLLLL (Adv.). schoolroom of ,the United Church Town Hall I on Monday night, April 3. Mrs. H. Rev. Dr. Keyes and Mrs Keyes St. Marys visited with � Rev. G. Faber and Mrs. G. Broderick will Friday, March 31 of be hostesses. Mrs. H. Elder will I � . Young and Mrs. Young at the give the devotional and Mrs'. J. 8: 30 p.m. . manse. Blackwell, -the topic. If' possible, Straight cut and wide lace edging at I X1 r. and Mrs. Ed. Brooks and. members may bring their contri- Sponsored by son, George, Mr. and Mrs. John- butions of good used clothing, ' Kippen East Institute . AlacDougald and infant son, Of adult's and 6hildren's, for the W. I It anyone was missed - In the Stratford, visited Mr. and Mrs. M, ,S. bale. A collection of Put- LUCKY LUNCH PRIZE George Wallace. holders, dish cloths or similar it- . sall, � someone will call and pick them up this Saturday ­(Ad Y. ). ems, is ask � ed for at this meeting; Murdoch's Orchestra I also bring your Ea,%ter thankoffer- 'Admission - 50 cents STAFFA Ing envelopes. A large attendance LAST DANCE OF THE SEASON! . - -_ - _� is urged. . See John, Sadler for spring sal- Mr. Blackwell, presiclent, presid- for the monthly meeting of the �.illlillllllilllllllli1111111111��ilillillillillilillillIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllill$lIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�IIIIIIIMMIII vage drive, .of the Seaforth Lions Club - Proceeds for the. blind.- ed Woheld Class, which was held in - — ­­ I - (Adv.). . the schoolroom of the 'United , . ; Pastel Plaids, Corduroy, Pic'n'Pie - O� ff 11 ;+,A ill- 1� 1-I'l - - Church on Monday night. The op- . 11 i. . I %,. 1 5.95, 1.95 0 I 0 A . .W -_ the new Dodge and en- . joy its outstanding performance. Ask any Dodge owner for proof of Dodge Dependabi- � lity. .1 I . I NOW ON DISPLAY AT: I Hensall Motor Sales PHONE 31 : HENSALL a a n re a - gregational supper on Friday eve- ening hymn war. xLejoice, t. e Lor is King," after which -the Lord's Dress Up for Easter ning at Staffa Hall wibb a good at- Prayer was repeated. The worship LLLLLL tendance. After the supper Mel- bourne Greenwood, Munro, and period was conducted by Mrs. Maude Hedd,en, who based, her talk ' At TUDORS Walter Clarke, St. Marys, spoke to the gathering on church matters. . -1 �. . � Rev. A. H. Johnston, Mitchel 1; was I I � . present aiia showed colored pic- I S_,LIPS_" tures- of his trip to Vancouver, along with pictures of Camp Bi- I PRESERVE Straight cut and wide lace edging at I filidni, and of various, places in the . top and hem ........................ 2.951. I I I �, north. . YOUR CAR 0 Bring in your car regularly for Others priced from .., .. - .. ... - 1.95 to 3.95c" . I I-I , I Z 1/2 Slip, lace -trimmed ............ : , t.. 1A . 9. . I I .1. . ' ' I I ." NYLON GIRDLES BY NEMO— I .-� HENSALL I � I I It anyone was missed - In the paper drive, sponsored by Girl Guides, ,Saturday last, contact Mrs. Stewart Bell, Phone 33, Hen- Lubrication and a Check-up . I . ,1. . __� Wash and -dry in a jiffy; wonderfully ,83 r I i light and long lasting ................. 4.95 sall, � someone will call and pick them up this Saturday ­(Ad Y. ). 0 o, Servlee : . . . . � I BLOUSES-��, Page , . . I . (Continued from 1) tables being attractively decorated white and black, colors of the - . . I I that 11 I ; 4 Cap sleeve, shlort sleeve;'kenerous lace 1: . 2.95 .in ! trimming, -from ........... . . . . . . . . . . . . club. A toast to the club wiw pro- .. i . 1)05(�O-by the president, Mrs. Glenn 'Deiti. Dancing was enjoyed, This i_ . a - SKIRTS— � club was organized in October, . ,SAVES , . ; Pastel Plaids, Corduroy, Pic'n'Pie ,1949, and has had several dances I %,. 1 5.95, 1.95 with worthy projects as their ob- 0 Saves your CAR ,3.95, jective. They will also conitribu,fe . to the Comainnity Building Pand, , Annie Eliza Maulkinson, . 0 Saves your MONEY . GIRLS' DRESSES by Martha Washington— I Mrs, prominent ,and ,highly esteemed . Sizes 7-12 ............................ 2A5 res-ideDt, died Monday, March 27 0 ALL MAKES � I in her 90th year following a il �_ n Cars- Trucks - —0 I I ness of seven weeks. Born in'l - England she came to Canada in 1920 and had made her home with . TUDORS . her (laughter and son-in-law, Mr. SeafoithMotorb- and Mrs. W. 0. Good -win. A mem- ber of St. Paul's, Anglican Church ' she took an active part in all wo Phone 141 : Seaforth PHONE 70 : HENSALL men's organizations. Surviving are I I I � her daughter, Mrs-, Goodwin- one 'Goo&_ � I 11 granddaughter, Mis,s Mary . - - - pm"m win; one son, Harry, was killed in . . 4 , - - I � the First Great War. The body - IF . I I . onthron's Funeral Home until Wednesday when funeral ser- vices. were held at St. Paul's Angli- ' -ea�i Church at 2 p.m. Rev. C. L. REAL ---. NEWS Langford officiated. . I .. The sympathy of.the community is extended ,to Mr. -and Mrs. Thos. I . 360 AUSTINS WERE SERVICED AND _-�HIPPED FROM HAMIL- Munroe, of Kippen, in the sad loss I TON IN THREE DAYS! of their only child,. Linda Gail, Who died at her home ,Sunday, ill her Actions certainly speak louder than words! second year. Unda bad been a 1� I SUCCESSFUL . & FARMERS I SPECIFY HOWARD'S ­.Ve-terinary h Medicines' - I —, stim-a-Tono Chick T.bleis— _" "- giva Your chicks a fightine ( .1.11--slim.l.to oppotit.s­ . build resistance to diskam._ iiinil"11�0,14" 100 mblw, $1.35 Howard's intestinal Medidne & Condifiepor for Poultry. has sick chicks no and tcrotching in no fim�. , Howard's Hog Wormer- 16*4 to �dmailxter in water or -slop ­c palotabla and eale 'I I . *4&Z"010 -�'Gflnor. . A. 4,' HOWARP CH , EMICAL CO, LID. Toronto . Ontario � I DEALERS IN YOUR VICINITY ' J..M. SeOTT POULTRY FARM I KERSLAKE FEED STORE ' . SE0010i'll FARMERS CO-OP - Sr,AV6RTH PRODUCE Co. LTD. . . � : IL 'TAIT. grodlift- � . I . %*. STAPL9TON. Dublin 1. r'. 1� �� � , . . 1. . I 11 I , 't ".. � ... 11 , �� ". 141, .1 r ;,­ � ,�,�,_­V­jj�OjL � 1--y,"�t I �. � - .11 1, � � . .1 I I 11�. . ' .� �, . , ; � I I ., � , . , � �., � . , ".,., - , Ir ' . , !:� , - , , 1, �4 " " J� � sl I � , ,� ; I ,; % i�,,,,s L '� .. , �,�, .�! 'JI. I , ,: , ,� L'. � * If interested in a New Austin, place your order NOW, because they . I I are hard to get. BARGAINS 1932 MODEL 'A! FORD SEDAN . � . . I Also a . . . ,HEINTZMAN UPRIGHT GRAND PIANO—in perfect condition. SPECIAL PRICE ON JAMES MOTORCYCLE — Regular $330.00 . - . I Special Sale Price .SM9.00 SEP, I ' ' . . . . . I . - �. �. .1. . JONATHAN HUG"I'LL ... � N � . ;4 .1, 7 � : . I .. ''I I � I : I 11 .1 YOUR AUSMI DEALER � I � �, I . I .1.1 '. ... ?, � � I . I � '78 " " ' I . , . .A -Free Pemonstration anywhere by calling 4 W, CLIXTON , 61� . ... I .. - �. I . 1.111 1. . -Residience 616 i'34 ­ I I � - , 1. 11. - 11 ., ; 1�1.11 c, - I I 11: � ,�,,: , � 11. � .111��_ 1_1 ., - 1. . ,, .�,,� ,�.� �,, - 1, I I . I ,�, I i�,�, - " I I , I . . , I .. ­ --..iF- L I " � � , '. ­,�. 1-1 I � I I - , . LLL LLLLLL . , I , � , . . I '. I , (