HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1950-03-24, Page 81i 1.4 ''� Ij t ii��IM1 n{' yiA aN t{i i!r s BT. ati 1lt 1 E IN MOBILE, CASUALTY, JARANTEE BONDS, DENT AND SICKNESS RY AND WINDSTORM *Slanting Companies who lel Security with Service '' AGENTS FOR ONTARIO '?S$ERMAN'S MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE (information gladly given. WATSON & REID A. REID - Proprietor durance & Real Estate t•. PHONE 214 SEAFORTH D. H. McINNES 'Chiropractic - Foot Correction COMMERCIAL HOTEL kignday, Thursday 1 to 8 p.m. WILSON C. OKE Real Estate & Insurance ••'We Insure Everything Insurable” House, furniture, furs, jewellery, lame,. automobile, accident and ( :sickness, liability, fire and theft. Office Located: il1.W.corner of Goderich & Main St. PHONE 689 • SEAFORTH !1; i• LEMON'S TAXI ALL PASSENGERS INSURED !hone; 162-J or 1.62-W FOR SALE Seven -room frame arouse; three- iiiece bathroom; Hydro; town wa- iter. Hurgn Std. Immediate pos- *ession. , ro E. e. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance & Real Estate Broker -SEAFORTH : ONT. PHONES: Res. 220-, Office 334 Join the Eater Parade h -• PHOTOGRAPHS S x 10 .. $2,00 ea. 5 x 7 .. $1,50 ea. Eric Ziegler 1d PHONE 687-W SEAFORTH TIIE . **EXPOSITOR .0 lip' Mills J.oenore Rabkirk. Mrs. drew, who died several yparis ago. NEWS• OF THE TOWN James Lamont read the Scripture �! lessen, and Rev. Campbell led in Hospital Ald To Hold Pen;nly Sale.—The Women's Hospital AltIA to Scott Memorial Hospital will hold a penny sale during the week of May 7. The prizes will be on display in Bgx's Furniture store, s Entertains Northside Group. -,- The Fireside Fellowship Group of First Presbyterian Church enter- tained ntertained the Northside Adult Group to a social evening on Tuesday, when Rev. D. Glenn Campbell showed a film ot• the C.P.R. in the Canadian Rockies, which pictured beautiful Banff in technicolor. Mrs. J. E. Patterson presided over the meeting in the absence of the president. Miss Alice Reid. Dur- ing the evening Fred. E. Willis sang "Home" and "I'd Give a Mil- lion To -morrow's," accompanied DON BRIGHTRALL GENERAL INSURANCE Auto, Wind, Health & Accident; Life Fire, Burglary, Bonds GOOD COMPANIES—LOW RATES PHONE 299 : SEAFORTH FOR SALE Duplex. solid brick. All modern conveniences. Good investment. Modern Double House on Centre St., with 2 acres of land. Good in- vestment. New Brick House on James St. Possession arranged. Dwellings on Louisa St. Immedi- ate possession. M. A. REID REAL ESTATE PHONE 214 REBEKAHS AND ODDFELLOWS EASTER / Variety Ball Cardno's Hall EASTER MONDAY APRIL 19th Good Music I Dress will ;be optional. Watch your papers for full particulars. TOP QUALITY COAL New Office Phone 784 . William M. Hart PliiQiri '$ Seaforth ••rte Attention Stuclents We are pleased to announce ilial we can now supply you with . a varied assortment of School Writing Supplies and Stationery, and respective- ly solocit your patronage. Oke s Billiards Smokers' Supplies and Confectionery (-US-B-4.0-BUY- We now have the following Models of Tractors on hand for' immediate delivery: • FARMALL CUB • FARMALL A FARMALL C • 'FARMALL H • FARtALL M John Bach PHONE 17 SEAFORTH '>0'00l0000000 "40. J. A. BURKE 0 Funeral Director O and A'mbu(ance Service 0 Dt7'Bl'ylN - ONT. 0 Night or Day galls: O Phbt►e 43 r 10 0 re:>00 000140 8*000000 0 War'NEY 0 Futtlerat )director a f(' :otee iW 3tef rth 0 Aalclo sllitirie "I10 1tOpllitail bade lir tl'elY . ft):1i911ltitex� i' • Will Fly To Scotland.—Mrs. D. Ritchie left Tuesday for Sarnia, where she will spend a week with her son and, daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ritchie and fam- ily, before going to Montreal next week. She plans to fly front Dor- val, Montreal, on. Thursday, March 30, to visit her two sisters and brother in Scotland,, whom she has not seen for 38 y@ars, when she came to the .Mane at Cromarty. She will be accompanied on her trip ,to Scotland and England by her two daughter, Misses Elsie and Margaret, of Toronto,:, and their friend, Miss Christine Knudsen. Mrs. Ritchie expects to return home early in May. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W. J. CLEARY 0 O Seaforth, Ont. 0 0 LICENSED EMBALMER a O ANDFUNERALDIRECTOR 0 0 Night or Day Calls -835 •0 •0 0 aa.00000a,aa,a United Church W. M. S. Meets. —Mrs. Roy Lawson, president, was in charge of the March meeting of the W.M.S. of the United Church on Thursday. ,She opened the meeting with singing hymn, "Hark, the Voice of Jesus Crying," and prayer. The minutes and roll call were given by the secretary, Mrs. A. Porteous; treasurers report was given by Miss Annie Ferguson, Mrs. J. Barron reported for the supply work and a quilting will he held in the basement of ,the church in the near' future: The Easter thankoffering meeting •is to be held March 27, with Mrs. Fleming of St. Marys as the guest speaker. Mrs. J. Finlayson. gave a talk on the Christian Stewardship Build- ing, "Advance." Mrs. C. C. Kaine gave a temperance reading. The program was in charge of Mrs. W. Hay, which opened with the hymn. "Take My Life and Let It Be." Those assisting her Were Mrs, D. A. MacMillan, Misa M. Somerville and Mrs. J. Finlayson. The meet- ing closed with the Mizpah bene- diction. 00000000000 o 0 0 BOX a !'u,tnttat irtrbice 0 `A11'i3ULANCE 0 0 Fitt tipt,tgf8 gee, efui attention; 0 osliittil ,Bed -. 0 0 1loiR ALt, ' a OTOS . Vi' 0' J.CLV'lY Otr3'.. or, 5•90,f : -x , "taee Al Funeral of Mrs. F. D. Hutchison. —The funeral of the late Mrs. F. D. Hutchison, who passed away- in St. Catharines on Tuesday of last week, took place from Northside United Church, Seaforth, on Fri- day afternoon, March 17, at 2 p.m. Rev. D. A. MacMillan officiated, and during the service Mr. James A. Stewart sang "He Wipes the Tear From Every Eye." The pall- bearers were Archie Jeffery and John Sadler, Staffa, and Dr. F. S. Harburn, A. C. e Rout ledg E C. Chamberlain and A. W. Sillery, Seaforth. Interment was Nin Malt - landbank cemetery. Death of James R. Scott. — The death of James R. Scott, of Harpur- hey, on Tuesday, March 21, mark- ed the passing of one of the oldest and best known citizen in Mc- Kiliop. Mr. Scott was born in Roxboro, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Scott, , of Jedburgh, Roxboroughshire, Scotland, who came to this district in 1833, to carve a home for themselves in the then virgin forest. Living all his life in this . district, he was a highly regarded and prosperous farmer, residing just north of town until his retirement in 1936. He was in his 84th year. Deceased was married twice, first to Harriet •Campbell, who passed away in early life, and later to Marion Mul- nowwwww Seaforth Women's Institute Easter DANCE Cardno's Hall THURSDAY, APRIL 6th with EARL H.EYWOOD'S CKNX Barn Dance Gang BIG PRIZE NOVELTY DANCES Dancing 9:30 - 1:00 Surviving are peel danglit+ix: 'Mrs. J. B. Russell, and onW ;s9n„ .Jatnes M. Scott, of McKillop; , also one brother, Joseph Scott„ Roxboro; two grandsons and Your grand- daughters. Mr. Scott war< a great lover of music and was a member of First Presbyterian CburcIrchoir in his earlier days. A private fun- eral service was held front Ms late home in Harpurhey on Thurs- day afternoon with Rev. D. A. MacMillan and Rev. D. G. Camp- bell as the officiating clergymen. Interment was in Maitlandbank cemetery, the pallbearers tieing F. Reynolds, Roy Lawson, Jahn Grum- mett, Ken Chambers, Ed. An- drews and James Aitoheson. Northside United Church.—Rev. D. A. MacMillan,, Minister: 10 a.m., Sunday School and Adult. Bible Classes; 11 a.m., Worship; ser- mon subject, "The Sevent Word From the Cross"; 11:30 a.m., Jun- ior Congregation; 7 p.m., Worship; sermon subject, "Suffering From Treachery." A cordial invitation to all services. St. 'Thomas, Anglican Church.— Sunday, March 26, Fifth Sunday in Lent: 10 a.m., Sunday School; 11 a.m., Morning Prayer; 7 p.m., "The Justice of God." Wednesday, Mar. 29, 8 p.m., Midweek Lenten S@r- vice, "The Friendship and Its Challenge." St. Mary's, Dublin - 2 p.m.—Rev. T. ,Dale Jones, ° Rec- tor. First Presbyterian Church. -10 a.m., Sunday School and Bible Class; • 11 a.m., "Christ and His Friends"; Junior Congregation; 7 p.m., Evening Worship: A religious film will be shown, "We Too Re- ceive."—Rev. D. Glenn Campbell, Minister. McKillop Charge.—Joint service at Cavan Church at 2:30 p.m., with Rev D A. MacMillan, of Seaforth. as guest speaker.—Rev. J. R. Pet- ers, Minister. LOCAL BRIEFS o Miss Pea41 Lawrence has re- turned after a trip to Vancouver, B.C., where she visited her two !, brothers, Messrs. Fred J. and Mat- thew Lawrence. • Mr. and Mrs. Melvin E. Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Smith and Mrs. D. H. Wilson spent the week -end in Detroit. • B.Milliken, of Mrs. W.M Mill- bank, visited friends in town on, Friday. • Mr. Douglas Beattie; of Ot- tawa, spent the week -end with 'his father, Mr. John Beattie, and Mrs. Beattie. • Mrs. F. Devereaux, of Toron- to, spent the week -end with friends in town. • Miss Marion McGavin, ,. of Stratford, was a week -end guest at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George McGavin • Mr. F. Lorne Hutohrsop;,4114... two sons, Peter and Michael, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs.. George Hutchison, of London; Mr. and Mrs. George Rose, .of St. Cathar- iness; Miss L. Babb, of Mitchell; Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Stewart, of Ex- eter, and Miss Mina Melville and Mr. and Mrs. Fairservice, of Lon- desooro, were among those who atterded the funeral of the late Mrs. F. D. Hutchison on Friday. • Mrs. R. J. Bellamy left by plane for the West last week to be with her mother, who was tak- en suddenly ill. • Miss Alice Reid and Mr. M. A. Reid spent a few days in Ham- ilton. • Mr. J. A. Stewart will sing in Goderich en April 7, with St. George's choir, Goderich; when they p\esent Stainer's "Crucifix- ion," .i • Mrs. T. Dale Jones and Mrs. George Eatonattended the Red Cross convention in Toronto on Friday. • Mrs. Ella Stewart, of Vancou- ver, B:C., is visiting her father-in- law, Mi-. Alex Stewart, of Walton, and her sisters-in-law, Mrs. H. Craig, Walton, and Mrs_ Norris Sillery, Tuckersmith. • Mr. Charles Garniss has re- turned home from visiting in Blue - vale, where he attended the fiftieth wedding anniversary of his broth - Brighten Your Home_ With New Floor Covering Battleship, Inlaid and Canvas Back Linoleum • • • Congoleum, Rexoleum & Marboleum, with many Patterns to choose from. • • • Congoleum a n d Rex- oleum Rugs, in all sizes. • • • Rubber Tile and Marboleum Squares Let us measure and quote a price on your room. C •' •NATHITNEY Furniture Fun'g'al and Ambulance Service Phones: t1ay 119 Sundays 66 ►.t Rh1 0NrAF110 fix ,IYIARO 24, 1900 er, Mr- John T. parties, and Mrs. Gerais& • Mr, and Mrs. J. 0. Bell and daughters, Patricia. and Margaret, of St. Marys, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, J. P. Bell. • On Friday last Mrs. John Cum- mings had the misfortune to fall in her home and break her hip. She was removed to Scott Memor- ial Hospital where she is resting comfortably. • Mrs. M. .McKellar spent the week -end in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McKellar. • Miss Laura McMillan, of To- ronto, spent the week -end with het mother. „ • Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Evans, of Toronto were week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Westcort, • .Miss Janie Moffat, of Kitchen- er, spent the week -end with ner mother, Mrs. P. B. Moffat. • Mrs. Cecil Moore and daugh- ter, Frances, of St. Stephen, N.B., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herald Lawrence. • Mrs. K. M. .McLean spent a few days ih Stratford this week. • Mr. and Mrs. George Scofield, Miss Nancy Scofield and Miss Mar- garet Perkins, of Detroit, spent the weekend with Mr. ay Mrs. J. A. Case. • Mr. Allan Ryan,. of Hamilton, spent the week -end with his aunt, Mrs. Thos. O'Loughlin. • Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Rau are both in Scott Memorial Hospital, where they underwent operations during the past week. • Mrs. R. A. Walter, of Dundas, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Willis. BRUCEFIELD Mr. Wand Mrs. William Douglas will celebrate their golden wed- ding anniversary on Tuesday, March 28. They will be at home to their friends from 2:30 until 5, in the afternoon, and from 7 until 10 in the evening. WINTHROP Rev. J. R. and Mrs. Peters will spend the next two or three weeks with their daughter, Mrs. H., Hunter, in Brampton. The W.M.S. of Cavan Church, Winthrop, will hold their Easter thankoffering on Thursday even- ing, April 6. The meeting will commence at 8 p.m. The guest speaker will be Rev. S. Brenton, of Londesboro. The ladies are presenting an Easter pageant, "The Keepers of the Cross." All are cordially invited to this s open meeting. WALTON Death of Mrs. J. R. Williamson Mrs. John R. Williamson, of Mc- Killop, passed away at her home on the Boundary Line on Saturday, March 18, very suddenly, Deceas- ed was the former Agnes 'Clarke, and was born in Grey Township, being in her 67th' year. She is sur- vived urvived by her husbandand. one son, George R. Williamson, of .McKil- lop, and three brothers: Jack Clarke and Robert Clarke, of Brus- sels,,. and Joe Clarke, of Fergus. Mr. and, Mrs. Williamson came to this district 36 years ago, and she was a , member of the United Church, Walton, The funeral was held Monday from the home of her son, lot 17, con. 14, McKillop, with Rev. R. G. Hazlewood officiating. The pallbearers were Herb. Wil- liamson, Roy Williamson, Norman Williamson, William •Zeigler, Al- bert Clarke .and James Clarke. In- terment was in Brussels ceme- tery. ZION Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Lannin and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. James Broughton, Atwood, on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. George Jarmouth and family visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roney, Carl and Man and, Mr. and Mrs. George Pepper with .Mr. •and Mrs. Lawrence Barker on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Shelley visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Moore, also Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Barker end family at the same home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm, Keith and Bruce, visited her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Gibb, on Sunday. Mrs. Robert Keyes, Jackie and Leroy, with her parents; Mr. 'and Mrs. J. W. Britton, Sunday after- noon. Road Ig4s (4;ontinued from, f'age . i,) of Ontario to, be held in battier- Ston on March 28 next and rpt- ing an elected representatives and. assessors; Councillors Jeffery and Mitchell and the aasessor appoint- ed to attend. Current accounts to the amount of $1„172.49 were passed on motion of 'Councillors Jeffery and Mitchell and council adjourned to meet again in regular session on Mon- day afternoon, April 10. VARNA The March meeting of the, W. M. S. was held in the Parsonage on Thursday afternoon, March 16. Mrs. Watson Webster opened the meeting with the theme, "Ye are not your own," atter, whish Hymen 387, 'I Heard the Voice of Jesus Crying," was sung. Mrs. Webster led in prayer. Mrs. Fowlie had charge of the worship period and -read the Scripture readings; after each reading one verse of Hymn 356, "Take Time To Be Holy," was sung, readings being Romans 12:1, Matthew 25:1-13, Psalm 66:1-2, Acts 4:210-31, Luke 21:1-4, Mach. 12:30 and 31. All members read the prayer of dedication. Mrs. George Reid then took charge. All members joined in a minute of silence in memory of a W.M.S. member, Violet McClymont, Min- utes of the last meeting were read and adoption moved by Mrs. W. R. Stephenson and seconded by Mrs. Fred Reid. Sixteen members were present. The roll call for..April is to be answered by an "Easter Thought," A card of appreciation had been received from the Mc- Clymont family and Mrs. Johnston had received thank -you notes from Mrs. David Stephenson and Lorne Coleman for cards and parcels re- ceived while sick. All present were urged to start collecting clothing for the bale. Thirteen calls to shut-ins were , reported. The last chapter of the study book, "Growing With the Years," was taken by Mrs. W. Webster, Mrs. Bruce McClinchey, Mrs, Har- vey Taylor and Mrs. S. Keys. The meeting closed with the benedic- DUBLIN Personals: Miss Mary Simpson and Miss Joyce Henry, Toronto, with Miss Mary Beale; Louis Me - Ivor, Toronto, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Mclvor; Jack Malone, London, with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Malone; Mies Mary Costello. London, with her parents, Mr. and, Mrs. Dan Cos- tello; Victor Feeney, Kitchener, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Feeney; Barbara and Wil- liam Holland, Windsor, with Mr. anti Mrs. George P. holland; Leo Holland, Windsor, with his mother, Mrs. ,BarbaraoHoliand and Mr. and Mrs. John Flynn; James Kraus- kopf in Kitchener; Miss Lorraine Jordan, London with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jordan; Miss Anne Feeney, London, with her ,parents', Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Feer.uy; Miss Catherine Rowland, London, with Mr. and Mrs. John MclVor; Mrs. William Mclvor has• return- ed home from Scott Memorial Hosei tal Seaforth, t where re sire had been a patient for two weeks; Mies " Angela Morris, Brantford, with her, mother, Mrs, oJseplline Morris; Miss Angela O'Reilly has. resigned' a$ te'adher,at S.S. No. 11; i.ogeh, effective at the ends of June. I•Iai'ry C+'Colinor,.'Galt, at his Notre Life, Mr; afld Mi' - Jtiseph Laney iroiltoe ,will)) SO me to their AXt: ' kiovGary $ 4y tlf ,f it i lllihly3ilti'b t01 ... tion. Public School News Well, here we are again! Last Monday afternoon we recorded some important parts of "Tom Sawyer'' t for the +CKNX Studio, which will bp broadcast on Sun- day afternoon, March 26, from 2:30 to 3 o'clock. * t Here comes the bad news—Eas- ter examihations are starting at the end of this week. timehere is again with many a sore arm for the youngsters. It is beginning to be a habit now, bort the older ones can't take it; -yet! As soon as the nurse's car drives up to the school the senior boys and girls head for the nearest hiding place! Friday afternoon of this week CLEVE CARTER'S • COURTEOUS SERVICE • PASSENGERS INSURED Phones: DAYS NIGHTS 182 346-R beauty counselor Complimentary Skin Care Make-up Analysts FRANCES McLEAN Phone 392-W OVEN. FRESH BREAD from CRICH'S starti MONDAY, MARng CH 27tht, Oven -Fresh Bread will be baked at night, giving the ` people the advantage of buying Bread FRESH from the Oven, delivered to your door a few hours after baking! This Oven -Fresh Bread is of a Richer Quality than has been previously baked, containing more of those ingredients that make a Superior Quality Loaf, full of Richness and, Flavour, and having a softness that cannot , be duplicated -in other breads. - PHONE 34 TO -DAY ! 0 TRY A LOAk ,aur `thlr e. .,$EAFORTH Now Playing THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY IN TECHNICOLOR " WHEN MY BABY SMILES' AT ME " with BETTY GRABLE and DON DAILEY Song, dance, nostalgia and sentiment are combined in this spark- ling presentation, with plenty of humor thrown in for good' measure! IN TECHNICOLOR. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday " ADVENTURES OF DON JUAN " with • ERROL FLYNN and VIVECA LINDFORS The man who shall always be King of Adventurers — The dead- liest eadliest Swordsman in all Europe — He gives his Sword to his Coun- try and his. Heart to his Queen! Coming: "YOU GOTTA STAY HAPPY".. with JOAN FONTAINE and JAMES STEWART IN STOCK Ten -Test Masonite Plywood Gyproc Beaver Board Arborite Ten -Test Blocks • Asphalt Shingles Cedar -grain Shingles Roll -Brick Siding and Roll Roofing • INSULATION -Loose 2 -inch Batts 3 -inch Batts Insulated Siding • LUMBER, SASH AND DOORS Storni Sash made to order CUSTOM MILLWORK Seaforth Supply & Fuel Co. PHONE 47 Seaforth at the High Schoolthere will be an excitingfilmof hockey, which we know all of us will enjoy. "Tom Sawyer", rebroadcast ,ober CKNX! On ' Sunday afternoon, March 26, from 2:30 to 3 p.m.,cer- tain portions of the operetta Will be rebroadcast over CKNX for the half hour. On Monday afternoon the CKNX recording truck stopped at the Public School and recorded some parts of the recent operetta, "Tom Sawyer." The children will be very anxious to hear their own voices over the raddo. Will yoi listen, "`too? ; . Just 6 More Dais _ of — Savauge's March Dinnerware Sale We still have a selection of over 25 Patterns to offer you at prices lower than' you have seen for many years. But, hurry! THIS DINNER- WARE SPECIAL ENDS MARCH 31st. • Here are a few of the SPECIAL SALE PRICES: 95 -PIECE SETS (Dozens) Gay thand-painted designs. Regular values up to $39.75. Sale Price $29.75 66 -PIECE SETS (Eights) Attractive Patterns. Regular values up to $29.75. Sale Price $2;2,50 43 -PIECE SETS (Sixes, with fancy pieces, including Covered Casserole, Sugar and Cream, etc.). Regular values up to $17.75. Sale Price $141 2'95, 32 -PIECE SETS In Floral "Jean" Regular $11.75. or hand -painted "Red Leaf" pattern. Sale Price $8,95' SPECIAL LOW SALE PRICES: ON ALL OTHER SEMI -PORCELAIN DINNER SETS IN'STOCK Including "Pagoda," e'Jeart,' "Marie,n " Har.'rnonyy" 4'Rosita," "Harrow" and many other patterns, in services for twelve, eight and six. • Also open stock "Old English Sampler" and "Queen's Bouquet" patterns. English JUG SPECIAL Attractive floral Jugs at very low prices! 3z -Pint Size. 60cReg. 85c. SALE.... 1 -Pint Size.. bac Reg $1.00. SALE. , . 1 i, -Pith Size. Reg, $1.25. SALE... on,, 2 -Pint Size. Reg.' $1.50 SALE,. 9 'c aSo TEAOT SPECIAL A selection of Eng- lish Teapots, in floral designs and in solid colours. Values up to $2.00 SALE PRICE.... •$1,219 Buy on 'our Lay -away Plan if you wish 'A deposit will hold your set 'and you Olin still have the advantage ' - of OUT YVi'areh Dinnervrarti Sale Prides. s PINE CHINA +c '$ r �� isw dF 'sea, airgi2l �� j 9° 71,