HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1950-03-17, Page 8!meeting opened with prayer, a- ter, which Mrs. Pave Millson gave, the theme, "What Cal I do for MY Church. Ye • ,aye net' thy Hymn 180 was sung followed by Ser ftuxe lesson, taken fret £gets 16, verses 26-34, read by Mrs. - 0. Dexter. Mrs. peter Lindsay sang• a solo, A reading, "Christianity and Communism in China," was: given by Mrs. W. Jewitt. Ge& Addison gave a piano instru- mental. i'M'rs. Chas. Dexter read a temperance reading and Mrs. Geo. Addison gave a Christian Steward- ship reading, It was decided ,to do a quilt in the church basement on March 16, the proceeds are for the W.M.E. expense fund. hymn 181 was sung, after which Mrs. Clar- ence Montgomery closed the meet- ing with prayer. - BRUCEFIELD Buy your 'Dinnerware in March and save up to $10.00 on your Dinneg Set, at SAVAUGES', Sea- forth.—(Adv.). The Women's Association of Brucefield United Church held its regular meeting on Tuesday afters noon, March 7, in the church par- lors. Thirty members were pre- sent. The . worship service ,was conducted by Miss M. Swan and opened with singing Hymn 20, fol- lowed by Scripture reading and prayer. Mrs. H. Dalrymple gave a reading, "Faith As Trust," and -Hymn 499 was sung. The presi- dent, Mrs. G. Elliott, presided for the business period. The third chapter of the study book, "Grow- ing With the Years," was given in dialogue form by Mrs. E. Bowey, Mrs. Jas. Thomson and Mrs. T. B. Baird. The meeting closed in the usual way. Group 2 then took charge and a skit by Mrs. L. Eyre, assisted by Mrs. T. B. Baird, was given, followed by- two very inter- esting contests conducted by' Mrs. W. McBeth. Lunch was served by Group 2. Mr. and Mrs. S. Neil and family of Glencoe, and Mr. and Mrs. S E. Stackhouse, London, have been in the village owing to -the serious ill- ness of their father, Mr. Wes. Stackhouse, in Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth. Dr. Anna McIntosh, of Toronto, spent the week -end with her mother, Mrs. C. Haugh. Brucefield Oddfellows Lodge held a very successful euchre and dance in Varna Hall on Friday :evening. Irwin orchestra supplied music for the dance which follow- ed the euchre. Prize winners were: Ladies, -lst, Mrs. Alton John- ston, Brucefield; 2nd, Miss Marilyn Dowson, Varna; men, 1st, Elmer Webster, Varna; 2nd, Gordon John- ston, Varna. Winners of the spot dance were Mrs. Bill Dalrymple and Mr. Bill Landsborough, Sea - forth. Mr. Ron Paterson, Lon/don, spent the -week-end at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Scott were in London on Saturday attending the funeral of an aunt. Mrs. Paul Doig (Continued from Page 1) president, Mrs. John 'Hillebrecht, with the Institute Ode, the Lord's Prayer in unison and the Institute Creed. "It's a Long Way To Tip- perary" was sung and- the roll call, "What's your .beef, and what do you suggest could, be done about it," was answered by many inter- esting subjects, such as drunk drivers, a rest room in Seaforth, radio programs and many others, including some about our Insti- tute.. The minutes' of the last meeting were read by the secre- tary, 'Mrs. Alex Pepper, and the treasurer's report by Mrs. John McLean, showing a substantial sum on hand. During the business it was decided[ to start the annual meeting in April at 2 o'clock. A letter from the War Memorial Children's Hospital in London was read by Mrs. Cecil Oke, thanking the. Institute for the quilts they received. A letter of thanks from Ken McNairn for a box received when :he was sick was also read. Several members also ' expressed thanks for boxes they received." Mrs. Wilfred Coleman and Mrs. Elmer Cameron were appointed to inquire about getting Cardno's Hall for a euchre and dance. The Institute will sponsor a play, "Ran- dolph Ranch," put on by a cast from Brussels on Friday, March 31, in Cardno's Hall. The Institute will also sponsor a dance on Thurs- day, April 6 in Cardno's Hall, with music by the Barn Dance Gang. Mrs. Dale Nixon, the social con- vener, took charge of the pro- gram. Mrs. Wilfred •Coleman gave an Irish reading on . St. Patrick and also an Irish poem by Edgar Guest. A vote of thanks was mov- ed by Mrs. Jas. F. Scott to Mrs. Doig for her interesting talk, and to the hostess, Miss Mabel Camer- on. Lunch • was served by the hostess and the lunch committee, and the meeting closed by singing "God Save the King." 1 `"�wm,"'� nt i >r' it t ,E `T"" EIGHT • **{{11��ON E y�nryqq;; ryryqPSq� T ITQR �• SPECIALIZE IN. (l gramOBI.L•E, CASUALTY, T E BONDS, f,{iUARA,UI E N , A$ WENT ANO BIC,,KNESS U:ROLARY AND WINDSTORM Representing Companies who give Security, with Service L8O AGENTS FOR ONTARIO THRESH'ER114AN'S MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE Information gladly given. WATSON & REID M. A. REID --aPropripior assurance & Real Estate PHONE 214 SEAFORTH ' D. H. McINNES Chiropractic - Foot Correction COMMERCIAL HOTEL Monday, Thursday -.- 1 to 8 P.m. 'WILSON C. OKE Real Estate & Insurance wwe insure Everything Insurable" House, furniture, furs, jewellery, Sarnia, automobile, accident and (sickness. liability, fire . and theft. Office Located: N.W. corner of Goderich & Main St. PHONE 6119 - SEAFORTH - LEMON'S TAXI ALL PASSENGERS INSURED Phone: 162-J or 162-W FOR SALE Seven -room frame shouse; three- iplece bathroom; Hydro; town wa- ter. Hurop. Std. Immediate pos- session. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance & Real Estate Broker i3EAFORTH : ONT. PHONES: Res. 220, Office 334 NEWS` OF THE TOWN' Announcement—Mr. William Mc- Clure, of Seaforth, wishes to as pounce the engagement of his daughter, Dorothy Evelyn, to Mr. Robert Archibald Dalton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dalton, of Wal- ton, the marriage to take place the latter part of March. St. Thomas' Guild Meets. — On Tuesday at 3 p.m., at the home of Mrs. W. O'Shea, Goderich St., the Ladies' Guild of St. Thomas' Church met for a most profitable meeting. There were 21 present and one guest, The president, Mrs. W. R. Shaw, presided, and the St. -Patrick' sDance NEW AND OLD-TIME Cardno's Hall FRIDAY, MARCH 17th 8:30 p.m. SHAMROCK ORCHESTRA Admission 50c PRIZES FOR NOVELTY DANCES Sponsored by the— I.O.O.F., Rebekahs and Eastern Star Home Cooking • BAKING SALE ® CANDY BOOTH CARDNO'S STORE 3 p.m. SAT., March 18' Sponsored by the W. A. of Northside United Church Everyone Welcome ! ••••••• CHICKS Peat Moss and Cozeo Litter Co-op Chick Starter Co-op Grow Mash - Chick Grit and Shell Howard's Stim-a-Tone Tablets Semi -Solid Buttermilk Fortified Feeding Oil Seaforth Farmers` Co -Operative. PHONE 9 SPECIAL 20% Off t RUGS, SCATTER MATS — For Living Room Bedroom, Bathroom • G • A. WHITNEY Furniture : Funeral and Ambulance Service Phony: Day 119 - Nights and Sundays 65 SEAFORTH ONTARIO 00000000 000 o J. A. BURKE O 0 FuneralDirector 0 b and Ambulance Service 0 0 DtTBLINI - ONT. O 0 Night or ('lay Calls: 0 4 Phone , 4$ r 10 0 0 0 0000`00,00.000 000VitHI0000000 0 .. aws sae •i.1�9 EY 'o'' Altera Director .0 I41p�ri Stoelet - Seaforth 0 A J31 01st of 9, 1liilhl ?ioepital bade0 ter rent O ell Nlitter�y t'elegiotli . x� and'Holidttsid .116 9` A Meeting -opened with the Scripture reading, followed by prayers for the parish and the Lord's Prayer in unison. The secretary's report was read and adopted, as also was the treasurer's report, showing a balance of $271.21), The Robert Simpson Co. of Toronto very kind- ly -sent the ladies a linen table cloth for their fall bazaar, while the T. Eaton Co. cent material for aprons. Four birthdays were not- ed for Maroh, and everyday cards are being sold as another money- making soheme. There was much planning and discussion for the fall bazaar and all reports showed that the efforts in catering to the Rebekah Lodge banquet were fruitful and the president thanked all members. A large sum of money was designated for the kit- chen fund. Mrs. W..R. Shaw and Mrs. J. B. Higgins gave their re- port of the sick and shut-in calls. The ladies will cater for the Lions Ctub banquet on March 27, with Mrs. Shaw as convener. Mrs. W. E. Southgate, Sr., moved a vote of thanks to Mrs. O'Shea for being hostess for the meeting. The April meeting will be held at the home of Miss Florence Fowler and will take the form of an apron shower for the bazaar. The meeting clos- ed with the benediction, after which a dainty lunch was served and a social hour was spent. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W. J. CLEARY o' O Seaforth, Ont. 0 0 LICENSED EMBALMER 0 0 AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR 0 0 Night or Day Calls —335 0 O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . BOX 'a 3ruuerat *erbece O AMBULANCE 0 0 Prbmpt'and careful attention. '0 0 Hospital Beit 0 0 -; FLO' FOR ALL 0 0 OOaASIONS 0 0 PHONES: 0 0 Rea, 695VVtr cir lit; More 43 4> Northside United Church.—Rev. D. A. MacMillan, Minister: 10 a.m., Sunday School and Adult Bible Classes; 11 am., Worship; sermon subject, "The Sixth Word From -the Cross"; 11:30 a.m., Junior Congre- gation; 7 p.m., Worship; sermon subject, "Suffering For Undeserv- ed Hatred." A cordial welcome to all. First Presbyterian Church. -10 a.m., Bible Class and Sunday School 11 a.m., "Christ and His Family"; Junior' congregation; 7 p.m., The Beatitudes, No. 5, "Mercy and the Merciful."—Rev. D. Glenn Campbell, -Minister. St. Thomas' Anglican Church.— Sunday, March 19: Fourth Sunday in Lent -10 a.m., Sunday School; 11 a.m., Morning Prayer; 7 p.m., Evensong, "Tile Dedicated Life." Wednesday, March 22, 8 p.m., Mid- week Lenten Service, "Length To Which the Friendship Goes." St. Mary's, Dublin -2 . p.m.—Rev. T. Dale Jones, Rector. McKillop Charge, United Church. —Service at Cavan Church, Win- throp, at 2:30 p.m. Rev. Hugh Wil- son, Clinton, guest minister.—Rev. J. R. Peters, Minister. elakeriskis- Death of Mrs. F. D. Hutchison.— Mre. F. D. Hutchison passed away on Tuesday at the home- of her daughter, Mrs. George Rose, 5 Geneva St., St. Catharines, follow- ing an illness of ten days. Mrs. Hutchison was• born in Mitchell in 1864, the former Jelena Babb. She was the popular bookkeeper in Babb's Department Store,' Mitchell, for many years. Married in 1897 to Mr. Frederick DeCourcey Hutch- ison, they kept a general store at Staffa for some time and in 1922 came to Seaforth where they con- ducted a grocery business. Mr. Hutchison passed away in 1933, but she is survived by two sons, FOR SALE Duplex, solid brick. All modern conveniences. Good investment. Modern Double House on Centre St., with 2 acres of land. Good in- vestment. New Brick House on James St. Possession arranged. Dwellings on Louisa St. Immedi- ate possession. M. A. REID REAL ESTATE PHONE 214 TOP QUALITY COAL Arriving this week " 2 CARS OF ALBERTA, DEEP SEAM LUMP We have STOVE COKE on hand William M. Hart Phone 593W : Seaforth O Trouble Shooting ON ALL MAKES OF CARS AND TRUCKS Is Our Specialty F. Lorne Hutehispn q Toronto, and George G,, Hull; l0,itn, of Lon- don, and one daug ttegr Mrs. Geo. Rose, St. Oatharineauso a BIB- ter, I - `ter, Miss L. Ilably,•Oji Oen, and a !brother, Cec it ,)list4 Chicago. a Mrs. Hutchison. WA* leembnr of the United Church r1nc';:was active 'n all organizations piltaining to the church, and was Vitdets read. A funeral service will,' be held Thursday at 8 p.m. at. i$t. Cathar- ine,s_and on Friday a ; ublic ser- vice ervice will be held in, Northside United Church, Seaforth, at 2 p.m. Rev. D. A. MacMillan :will offiai- ate at the service, and interment will be in Maitlandbank: cemetary. Drive in and benefit from our EXPERT knowledge, skill and modern repair and maintenance facilities. See us for Service AND SAVE TIME ° AND MONEY! Seaforth .Mot tOrS Chevrolet Oidrtmobile Sales & Berv1ce PHONE 't41 • SEAFORTH • Former Resident Paases.—Father of a North American speed skat- ing champion and well known to softball fans, John B. Diffey, Boyd St., Weston, died at hie home on Friday. He was 63. Mr. Duffey and Mrs. Duffey have been strong sup- porters of the 'Olympic Ladies' Softball League at Sunnyside and neither of them missed a single gime in the past 25 years. Born in San Francisco, he same to Can- ada in 1914 and was appointed to the Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. in Winghau. He served with that company for 36 years, retir- ing in 1944. He was transferred to the London office of the company in 1915. He later became associ- ate manager of the Kitchener ot- fce and then manager of the G'.ielph district office until his re- tirement. For some time he was a tailor in Stewart Bros., Seaforth. Both Mr. and Mrs. Duffey were outstanding skaters and, took many prizes at carnivals. His four chil- dren, three sons and a daughter, have all been employed by their father's company. Ben was assist- ant manager of the Timmins branch, but was killed while on ac- tive duty with the R.C.A.F. He was the first company employee killed in the war. Mr. Duffey was a mem- ber of th'e Waverley Lodge, A.F. and A.M., Guelph, and Kiwanis In- ternational. He at one time play- ed lacrosse for Collingwood. He is survived by his widow, Anna, and the children. LOCAL BRIEFS London with her sister, Miss Per- na Graves, who is in St. Joseph's Hospital. • Mr. Jas. Kelly, of Shedden, h this dayhis• !tome .ere s spent a at. , week. • Mr. Harry Hinehley. of //Rem frew, visited his mother, .MI's. J. D. Higchley, last week. • Mr. Samuel H. 'Whitmore has been confined "to Scott Memorial Hospital.... • • Mr. and Mrs. Don Eastman spent the ,week -end in Woodstock. • Mr. and Mrs. S. Summers, of Port Burwell, were guests last week with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bald- win. • Mr. Matthew Haney, of Tuck- ersmibh, is seriously ill in Scott Memorial Hospital. I • Miss Helen McKercher, of To- ronto; spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. McKer- cher, in McKillop. • Mrs. J. C. Greig is spending a few days in. Toronto. • Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Lemon and daughter, Ruth, of Woodstock, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Lemon, of town, left on Sunday for St. Petersburg, where they will spend a month. • Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Townsend were Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hog- gart and .Mrs, Annie Brown, of Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ches- ney, of Egmondville, and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hart and family, of Preston. • Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stew ar Mr. Harry Stewart and Mrs. John E. Daley were in Exeter on Friday attending the funeral of the late W. J. Stewart, father of Mrs. E. J, Hawkins, formerly of Seaforth. • Mrs. William Hodgert under- went an operation in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on Saturday. • Miss Mabel Turnbull, chair- man of the Library - Board, and Miss Alice Daly will represent Seaforth Public Library at the Library Trustees' Institute, to be held in London•on Friday and Sat- urday. • Mr. Albert Koine, of Prince Edward Island, was a guest of his mother, Mrs. C. C. Koine, over the week -end. • Miss Adelaide. Jackson, of To- ronto. spent the week -end with Dr. and Mrs. E. A: McMaster. • • Mrs, Irving Sutherland, of Owen Sound, and. Miss Jessie Wil- son, of Kitchener, were here at- tending the funeral of the late Miss Elizabeth Scott last week. • Mr. John Jaques and Miss Har- riet Russell, of Toronto, and Mrs. R. W. Tanner, of Ottawa, attend- ed the Agopowicz - Russell wed- ding on Saturday last. • Mr. and Mrs. George -A. Love, of Shipka, attended the funeral of the late Miss E. Scott last week. Mr. Donald Scott, of Toronto, spent the week -end at thehome of his mother, Mrs,. H. R. Scott. • Mr. and Mrs. Hal Dinnen and daughter, Catherine, of Simcoe, were week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wright. • • • Mrs; Earl Bell, of Toronto, vis- ited Mrs. R. J. Sproat over the week -end., • Mr. Jack Spurr, of Brantford, visited his sister, Mrs. A. Y. Mc- Lean and Mr. McLean over the week -end. • Mr, and Mrs. Jack Weston and Mr. Ken Weston, of Detroit, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Orval Weston. • Mr. and Mrs. Jack Caldwell. of Exeter, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Sproat. • Mr. Hamer spent a few days in Palmerston. • Mrs. Harold Barry, of Strat- ford, was a week -end guest of Miss Mabel Turnbull. • Miss Bess Grieve, of Chatham, spent the week end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Grieve, in Egmondville. • Mr. Joseph Mason has moved into the house owned by Mrs. J. Ferguson, on Goderich St. West. • Mr. Jas. L. McTaggart, of Weyburn, Sask., was a week -end guest of his sister, Mrs. R. 3. `Bell- amy and.Mr. Bellamy. • F/Lt. and Mrs. Stan Living- stone and family have moved to Clinton. • Mrs. R. H. Carrlochan is in Join the Easter Parade with PHOTOGRAPHS 8 x 10 .. $261010 ea. 5x7...$1.50ea. Eric Ziegler PHONE 687-W SEAFORTH CLEVE CARTER'S,. EAXI 4 con ti€ous SERVICE r PASSENGERS INSIJRl1 3 'Phones: DAYS. a NIGHT 182 ELIMVILLE Miss Eunice Penhale is recuper- ating following an operation in St. Joseph's Hospital London. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dilling vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur- Dilling on Friday afternoon. WINTHROP Rev. H. E. Livingston of Browns- ville, has accepted the call extend- ed to him by the .McKillop. £barge and will begin his pastoral duties here July 1. e Mrs. John McClure celebrated her 88th, birthday on Sunday, March 12. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Smith and Mrs. Stanley Garnham, of Seaforth, and members of her family called to extend congratulations. We are sorry to hear Mrs, Stew- art Dolmage is ,in Scott Memorial Hospital. We wish, her a speedy recovery.- . Mr. and • Mrs. Russell Holman and family, of Atwood, visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Davidson. David Haase, of London, is visit- ing his grandfather, Mr. E. Haase. DUBLIN Buy your Dinnerware in •March and save up to $10.00 on your Dinner Set, at SAVAUGES', Sea- forth.—(Adv.). Mrs. 'Mary McGrath was pleas- antly surprised Saturday night by her family at the home of her Bon- in -law and daughter, Mr•, and Mrs. Hubert Miller, 17 John St. E., Wa- terloo, on the occasion of her 80th birthday. Among guests were Mr. and Mrs. Robert McGrath and Gloria Jean, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas, P. Morris and Ann, Staf- fa; Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Zettel, Jack and Pat, of Galt, and Mr. Frank McGrath, Kitchener. Mas. Charles J. Malone, Fort William, was unable to be present. Mrs. McGrath' is a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Devereaux, Seaforth, and the oldest of a fam- ily of five: Mrs. Catherine Byrne and Mrs. Joseph Carpenter, Dub- lin, and Mrs. Thos. E. Kelly, Blyth, are sisters, and Mr. John L, Dev- ereux, Seaforth, her brother. Personals: Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCormick and son, Bobby, De- troit, with her parents, Mr.' and Mrs. Jas. Krauskopf; Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Friend in a Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Moltmeyer, Galt, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Burns. ZION Dr. and Mrs. Jas. Annis and fam- ily, Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nelligan, London, and Mr. and Mrs. oDermott, St: Thomas, visited at. the home of -their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Annis, last week. -Mrs. Harvey Hyde and Freddie and Margaret visited on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Malcolm. Mr. and Mrs. John Diehl enter- tained the young. people of Zion Friday night. A good time was re- ported. Mr. and Mars. Harold Smith and family, Stratford, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Pepper on Sunday. Mrs. Bob Gibb and Sharon, "of ,dhatham, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm. Mrs. Archie Jeffery, Mrs. Earl Barker and Terry visited with Mrs. L. Hammon on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bushfield attended the funeral of their sis- ter-in-law, Mrs. Wilfred Bushfield, in Wingham on Saturday. Mr. Sam Thompson and son, Lloyd, Bayfield, and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Stanlake, Mrs. Norman Stanlake and son, Doug, visited Mrs. Workman and Mr. and „Mrs. Herb Britton recently. Mr. and. Mrs. Geo. Robinson and Gladys visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ferg. Robinson on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Kleinfeldt visited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bruce on Sunday. . CONSTANCE Mr. and Mrs. Edward Warren, of London, spent the week -end 'with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lawson. Mr. and Mrs. Ross McGregor vis- ited with the latter's parents at Clifford on Monday. We are sorry to know Mrs. Stew- art Dolmage 1e a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital at present, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lawson -'and Reg, Arid Mr. and Mrs. Edward' Warren, of London, "bent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack 'Davidson, of the Huron, Road. Word was received on Friday, of the death of, Mrs-. Laura Cousins, ata'rinee Rupert, British Colninbia, Mrs Cousins was a sister of Mrs. B.' B. Stephenson. , M'rr. and Mrs. Geo. Addison and, l3eEty, -attended the Tibbett Mal- longh • ret;e'pti in on ViedneadaY night ,7C1 e re liner meeting at the WA, and'W,MA Ptif Conetance Thl1teci a1 lit 408 heir, 'in ,the( ialileine1L't;' rd'dlte410. Vat0:04i REBEKAHS AND ODDFELLOWS EASTER Variety Ball Cardno's Hall EASTER MONDAY APRIL 10th, Good Music 1 Dress will be optional. Watch your ionisers for fall particulars. epufiy counsel'or Complimentary Stili Care Matt -up Arslyera FRANCES M' ,ANV' -,t9 NO* PLAVI11Q -" TIiURSDAY, F.R,D:AY_,, SATUROAY . "COI (R„At O... T1RRITQR�"' with VIRGINIA MAYO, JOEL MOCREA, DOROTHY MAIANE A grim story of an Outlaw whotries to go straight after hie escape from prison. This is more than a Western! Few love stories will live longer in your memory! MONDAY,' TUESDAY, WEDNEBDAY " A WOMAN'S SECRET " with MAUREEN O'HARA,-MELVYN DOUGt.AS, GLORIA GRAHAME This Picture, telling a woman's seceet, is an alert, clever 'per- formance, with bright and snappy dialogue. IN TECHNICOLOR—NEXT THU RSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY " WHEN MY..BABY SMILES AT ME " with BETTY GRABLE — DAN DAILEY Song, dances, nostalgia and sentiment are combined in this sparkling presentation—a Musical with a dramatically appealing story. Coming: "Adventures of Don Juan" with ERROL FLYNN and VIVECA LINDFORS We Have a Complete Line of POULTRY SUPPLIES- ' and - MAPLE SYRUP EQUIPMENT Crown Hardware Phone 681-W Seaforth It FINNIGAN'S 1o% OFF All Heavy UNDERWEAR and r MEN'S WINTER WV SHIRTS Super Sud aosemr!Gime.. PALM_ W. J. FINNIGAN and SON Paper Hanging -- Brush Painting Consult me on your problems. All the latest, richest designs in SUNWORTHY and WATERFAST Colours, shown at your .home. Cali now for immediate and expert service -an exceptional Offer before the rush. WORK GUARANTEED. . Roofs and Dwellings in advanced state of rust must be'cleaned to a proper surface -or tooth for painting and requires a field coat of rust inhibitive primer. To ensure the final coat of any color preservation of - these surfaces is more important than any other. Arrange far yours now before it is beyond saving. Rust destruction is rapid: See to it now and it will bring large dividends! All hand brushed —with plenty of satisfied • customers! WRITE OR PHONE 123-M HAROLD ARMSTRONG - Seaforth 1950 Frigidaire Announcement Call in at the G. A. WHITNEY- FURNITURE STORE and see the 1950 Frigidaire De Luxe Coldwall Refrigerator, with 9 cubic feet storage space and large Super -Freezer Chest as well— yet takes little more. kitchen space than a 5 cubic foot model of only a few years ago. Three other New Models in sizes to meet your needs, and Frigidaire Electric Ranges in three sizes. Frigidaire Products are\ntade only by General Motors. . John Wi. Modeland DEALER IN, S` oc:K Ten -Test Masonite Plywood Gyproc Beaver Board Arborite Ten -Test Blocks • Asphalt Shingles ' Cedar -grain Shingles Roll -Brick Siding and Roll Roofing • INSULATION Loose 2 -inch Batts 3 -inch Batts Insulated ,Sitting • • LUMBER, SASH AND DOORS . Storm Sash madetoorder CUSTOM MILLWORK Seaforth Supply & Fuel Co. PHONE 47 . Seaforth .. Y li ,'i