HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1950-03-17, Page 74 , , ,� 11 I.,. I i 1, "", 1�'.:`�',,^? ; , ,`;� f', " 1401�� �-, , , , :. : , .�. . , I I . 1!:,;-,-- , �- , � � .;, , ,:j7, ;�, � , , ,,-� ! 4 �� i �� J'j;���,, I"' I" �' ", , �� I �:, ", 'y , , , i, , .$�, L 11 , � � � , , , , ". ,�i , 0.j�,�� �,�2 , , ,p I i-,,;,�' I ,'. ',�, , � � , 1� , �. ,,',:�� 1 I � ,'J�� � N. 1 , 1,14,F, : ': �;, I � �,l I 1 �. ,5, "'N' � � i, � i� �; I ,�ii�
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. $��PTER XI ', -Tracy had looked startled at, I "�-iiitters.,, . ;,, .
i'Ll . I 0
_ . 11 1.11 � .
. Sarah's auggpstion Oat he marry ' Auu,face4 Tracy, ,her head high. . I :
at him, with eYss 1�t then broad shouldere had "I'm -more ashamed than I'v
. . . . . - e �.
that were -cold and almost h6stilb.. drooped a little and -he had said ever been. in ray 11fe," she told � � .11.1 11 I : f
. I
that a wetty S,1U not him tremulously, 111 --can't think - 9 .
. "Well, " RY glinly, "I'm -afraid there's , . - -
,question, under the� iiAedmffta�lc- much -hope 6f that. I feel quite what makes Sarah behave lilts this �117111
. ,es.11' said saifih curtly. - '-Widi'itf, a � u - rs' Lisai -his no Intention Of --i-she-she never-diot such a thing"�?�:.. �
. -1 - -
when- people are honest not before -I mean -she's -never tried
� . I c and •3nari-jing-anybody--at least, :
; sincerely in love with each .,.and
at presen,V' ,, Q , to -meddle before---!,
t . . I I N
W,e'7*46 136mekVing t1iiit,uivally in "Ila, she ever told you' so?" "It's all right, sweet," said -Tracy .
volves -a minisfefi-`iaid orange bloo- ',Many times!" . He was pretty gently. "Please'don't feel badly- . t
some and "The Voice That Breath- grim about it. . I she has a perfect fight to -ask my
ed Wer. Eden," or, something eq- intentions-" I I
call y final, don't you think?" I "And you felt that she might .i.
He looked down at his tight- some day expect you to marry Sarah said dryly, "That's very ,.,-��
.1 I
locked hands, where thoK'knuckles her? In short, you felt that a time kind of you, Mr. Driscoll --and it :::.. '. -1
made white mounds above the would come when .she would grow you'll both sit down and listen, I'll 'i, . . . . . . . . . . 1,
"I .
11 brown skin, and his 3n he tired of being -'what isitthey call explain why I have.--er-,meddledW".
". 11 :�', .
. Voice when
I think you may even be I I
answered was a little harsh be- girls nowadays'? A career' -and ..",
cause he was trying so hard to I girl? A time when , she, would grateful -i" . ., 11 security of a home and "I've .110drd 46nough!" Said Ann �`!!��,.Y
" 1,
-control, "An, ,un . �� -,��'1,�, *
- want the
keep it under I , 'o� the door.
. , you felt hotly and moved towaidii .1 -
; derstands Perfectly why I have not a man to earn her. living, . .
a asked her to marry me." I she would turn to you and ,,you , ,,-Ann!" Sarah's voice was notr9.
"Ab, yes," Sarath's voice was still must hold yourself available? - loud nor was it, sharp, but there . . . . . . . ,Y: I
. .. was authority in it that Ann, in 1. � J�g,'
bright, polite, as though Only cas- Tracy met her dark shrewd gaze �,,,if*�,i�,,
the infrequent occasions it had I. 19*111'1.',��'
ibi _eo,
-,ually interested, though her eyes straightly and his jaw set hard. .
. were Intent on Tracy's face, watch- , "I, gather from your tone that been used to her in all her life, ... ..�Ii:��N
, L
ing every change of expression you feel I am several had never been able to deny. ii�: .
- fool to have --allowed such a state "Sit down, Ann," said Sarah, in
Rhe look In his for anted eyes,
every flicker of expression that or-alrairs to exist!" he said dryly, that quiet, authoritative voice. ....
touched his face. "Something to . Saran made a little gesture with Ann made a little helpless ges- . I
.do With a young Person' named her bony, jewelled fingers and said ture, and looked at Tiacy. i
Warven, I believe -Lissa Mariven" pleasantly, "We -e-11, let` .. ,, "1 --'might as well --2'.. title said
. Tracy nodded, his eyes on Ann, rather that you seem to be a huskily, and dropped down once
who sat 'liuddled -,away from him rather 'unusual young man, to feel more on the pouffe- .
in 1; Sarah turned to the table beside .
ler hands hiding her face. as you do about your obligation to .
'11� has -everything to do with. Miss Marven. But or"courae, since her, took from it a (book and from '
-Lissa Marven," he stated flatly. I have always felt that only a the book a folded piece of paper.
this afternoon, my dear," slieisald � :, Im
,,I explained to Ann -long ago moot unusual young man wo.uldibe ."There was. a telegram for you : ..
Therd are -ii -certain obligations that worthy of my graingdaugibiter, I . . .
was interested, It's possible that I to Ann, and then to Tracy she ... .1 I .
I .
I cannot a . hirk-" .1 am prejudiced In thinking Ann is explained politely. "This far from . i iq:�/' , i �. .
I . I
-'rather apeoclal-! " town, telegrams are telephoned ound shot fired at MkPG16�;n was made in the tower pictured
. . Tracy's look caressed Ann out, and it happened that I an- on the left. N6xt year, redesigned as it is pictured on the right, it
SURGE MILKERS _ where she sat on the pouffe 'and swered the telephone, and took .will fire radio waves at the moon, and visitors to the 1951 Festival
DAIRY -MAID his voice. shook a little, when he this one down.. [-deliberately kept of Britain, through the aerial of the,'radio telescope at the top, will
. .
' ' . . I said quietly, "'She's -the most it from Ann until now, for reasons be able to see them bouncinr_1 back on 'earth a few seconds later.
Hot Water Heaters , special thing that ever lived. The I believe you will agree with me, The toweir today, a London landmark, stands on a cleared bo'mbsite .
. loveliest, sweetest-" I were good." � on which the main exhibition of- the great national festival is be- ,
Ann was on' he;r feet, scarlet She adjusted her reading glass- ginning to rise. In its converted -form it'will also be capable of
. with shauie, tear* stains on her es,, unfolded the paper -and ,said receiving the arrival of radio waveV from the sun, stars and meteors.
- .
. .. flushed face, her eyes hurt and an- briskly, "It waz,sent from a little � .. . I . .. .
, I
. (W gry and shamed'.' town just across the state, line." . .
- b ,. r'. I "Sarah -you -you're, being -per- Having made her explanation,
I I I ]FOULLY outrageous!', s -he wailed. she unfolded the paper and read, , . I
"What right 'have you to-to-med- almost without' expression, "Miss ....i�!:i:i: .
. .... .
" ... ... I
Ann Clayton, Howard Ferry Road; '..
dle in something that-that,dGesn't Midland City. Wanted you to have . .: . . . . . . " CAN
. I . --actually concern you?" . ...'....:
"You're quite mistaken, my . the news as your first scoop. Lyn ': -
dear," Sbixah told her pleasantly. F,razier and I were married here PLOWMEN
. . It concerns me a great deal, as this afternoon. Honeymooning un- . �
I . J. B. HIGGINS' .. " . . . I
you shall presently- 60e. And it til his new job begins. Remem- ABROAD
PHIONE, 138- : SEAFORTH seemed about time someone with ber me to Tracy. Love and kiss- .. . I
Authorized Surge Service Dealer a tittle common sense, , took a hand es.11 by ALEX WKINNEY Jr. * Director
I - - - - . - - . She f'old;d the paper, took off I ONTARIO
. .. .
% her reading glasses and finished
quietly. "The telegram is signed, . I I! PLOWMEN'S ASSOCIATION
Many Parents Save Family 'Lissa Marven Frazier'." I I I
. .. perfectly still, wide-ey- I
Allo w*ance's for T h1eir -Children ed"In4rIng -at her grandmother. -0 This is the sixth of a series
And Sarah said, automatically, as . 1� of weekly stories which Alex
Monthly Cheques Will Pay For Education Or Other though Ann had been a child, her not ask Ann to marry you because McKinney, Jr., a director of
- . And now that Lyn Frazierp- has
tone one of gentle rebuke, "Mouth I the Ontario Plowmen's Associ-
Future Ex'penses is open, darling." ' I . taiten those obligations off your ation, is writing about the vis-
. . "Lissa-and Lyn." said Ann, as shoulders so neatly, you still main- it of -Canada's champion plow-
" . lain that; you are not free? Are
As a parent, you may 'be interested in the constructive way thou- though putting the names 'together men to the British Isles, West
sands of Canadian parents are using their Family Allowance payments. like that helped her to realize you trying to -say, young mat, that . Germany, Denmark and the
you don't want to marry Ann?"
. They do nqt feel the need for using this money for the immediate what had happened, "Lissa-and . want to Netherlands.
requirement4 of their children. • Instead, they 'regard' thes6 cheques as Lyn! But -i -but -I had lunch with Tracy said sharply, - "I I
I. instalments. toward -buying their children the golden key to 'tomorrow's Lissa this noon -how could they more than anything else in the 2 . --
possibly-" world -,,-but what can I offer a girl. , 1, .
"It's not quit6'a two .I'm BRAM
, an end to
all or part of their Faintly -hour drive brought. as Ann has been? .it it see
So every month, iliese, parents deposit of all thl 'e is that the
Alto es in special ,savings accounts ,at the Bank of. Montreal. Tilley to, Lockwood," said Sarah quietly. the fellow from the other side .
. remember best things are okitr feels
1. i
know that, if these cheques go into a child's own bank account from. the "And the telegram was sent at the tracks. I can't even rem like , .
first, 000, to his credit at the age of 16-a fine 6:10 this afternoon." my pa � rents -I am not even abso- That's probably why e .
financial backlog for an education, or a, start for hipilself. . Tracy said, "You didn't -know lutely sure they were married. Phe only yesterday, altholgh in reality
: your Youngster that Lyn and Lissa had been going thought never seemed Of any, ter- it was seven ,weeks ago, that 17
Besides,- when he is old enough, you�tan.encourage until lately I started this series of ,letters by
to add to this fund -by, regularly saving something himself, ,The savings around together?" ' . rific importance, -bye to Canada. Now,
lhabit will benefit him all his life. .And, in the event of emergency or "You told me," she admitted. made my way the best I could- saying good
opportunity, this money makes a valuable extra reserve. "And then ate. lunch today - she sort of -slugging it out. I sold on behalf of the Canadian cham-
Jack Irv -in, manager of the Bank of Montreal, Hensall, invites You left me to go to see Lyn -you see, newspapers, slept in doorways- pion plowmen and myself, I want
to open an "Opportunity" account. Drop in when your next Family we ran into Julie Barton at the got What little-edueation I could by to say hello everybody for we are
Allowance cheque, arrives. I Magnolia Room, I as we were leav- reading the papers I hadn't .bee,., back home. -
ing and she -well, she -put On able to sell. ;It was all right, I'm We flew back to Canada from
'father a Bhow�a,nd-i suppose not. complaining. It's not a bad Prestwick, Scotland. It was a
- - I ........ v.. Lissa, thought Lyn ought to way to grow up -but it certainly smooth trip and a fast one for we
- - - - - — - - doesn't train a fellow to make a had a -tail-wind all the way. We
know-", ' - a girl brought uP were surprised, when we put,down
* Sarah and Tracy, waited watch- fit husband for at Dorval ,airport. to learn we were
00 ing Ann. And suddenly inn was as Ann has been!"
0 Your Business Directory ours ahead of schedule. That
.0 on her feet, whits -faced stammer- "Oh," said Sarah scoffingly, with two h to telephone, our
. .1 .-,. "But -how could Lissa mar- a little gesture of dismissal. .,If gave us time
- - . .' homes so that when we landed at
I . . ry Lyn? Why -she must have that's all that's bothering you-" mallow a few hours later our fam-
LEGAL - MEDICAL been in - love with you -any girl, "It's, not all, but it's import -ant, ilial were ,on hand to give us a
. given half a chance, would be-" and you. know it," Tracy cut in real welcome.
McCONNELL & HAYS SEAFORTH CLINIC and ,then she caught 'her ibreath grimly. "I'd -shame and humili- This business of globe-trotting
Barristers, solicitors, Etc. E. A. McMASTER, B.A, M.D. and set her teeth hard and stam. ate her a thousand times a day can certainly be thrilling, but com-
PAtRICK D. McCONNELL I mered, avoiding his eyes, "I -I 1--don,t even feel sure I'd know ing home is just as thrilling. That
H. GLENN HAYS . P. L. BRADY, M.D. mean -well, after all, you've been Which fork to use at the dinner poem by Walter Scott that we had
County Crown AttorneY , Surgeon . so good to her--" table of one of her society' to memorize at school describes
-Office Hours: I p.m. to 5 P.m., •Sarah said gently, almost ten- frie,,Cis-" _..., our fe'61ings wthen we landed bet-
SEAFORTH, ONT'. daily, except Wednesday and Sun- derly, "Never mind, darling! He's "Stuff. and nonsense, man!" ter than we can express them.
Telephone 171 day. just admitted that he adores' YOU, thundered Sarab, who had 1031 .
— . . EVENINGS: Tuesday, Thursday .so why. should you mind letting n s a 1� Breathes there the man, with Bout
" what little patience he began the ,,
A. W. SILLERY . and Saturday only, 7i,9 p.m.. him know you love him?" scene with. "I've never heard so dead, I 11
I Barrister, Solicit6r, Etc. Appointments made In advance Ann put both shaking hands to 'Such Idiocy-" Who never to himself hath said,
Phone 173, Seaforth . are desirable. her forehead for a moment; and "Please, Sarah!', Ann was oil her This is 'my own, my native land!
then she stammered faintly, "But feet now, straight and slim, mail- Whose heart 'hath neer within him
. sEAVoI&rH - ,- ONTARIO JOHN A. GORWILL, -B.A., M.D. -4 don't get it! Lyn's-been so aging to look almost regal as sbe burn'd
- Physician and Surgeon terribly afraid of any sort,of scan- stood drawn to her full height, A., -home his footsteps he hath
IN DR. H. H. ROSS' OFFICE dal -and -now that he's jilting me quite pale now, her eyes blazin'.. turned,
OPTOMETRIST Phones: Office 6-W; Res. 154 so :publicly -won't people -well, ,-It's quite obvious that Mr. Dris- From wandering on a foreign
M. ROSS SAVAUGE - Seaforth talk?" coll hasn't the faintest desire to strand?"
.. optometrist - Tracy's face was dark and grim. marry me, and hasn't had from the
. DR. M. W. STAPLETON "That's just why I'd like to have ,beginning-" But this letter is chiefly about
' I
Eyes examined and giiisses - fit- . DR. ROSS HOWSON Lyn Frazier's neck between -my "That's not true!" snapped Tracy our stay.in Scotland, As you will
ed. Oculists' proscriptions accur- our- I Physicians and Surgeons hare hands for aboqt two,minutes," hotLy, ,"And you know It!"- remember my last letter was from
ately filled. Phone 194, Evenings - he said grimly. "They'll talk their "I only know," Ann ,stated In .
120, Seaforth. Phone7 90 : . Seaforth heads off -but about You! You are that composed, taut, cool voice,
. _.� RSTER I the jilted one -oh, people will feel that you put up quite -a nice lit, - --- —
. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat he's a 'cad' and a 'bounder' and all tie show, with Lissa playing the TO
VETERINARY that, but of course, they are going part of the supposedly insurmoUnt- SOLUTION
- Graduate in Medicine, University to wonder why he threw you over able barrier to our happiness. Now
I J. O. TURNSULLi D.V.M., V.S. ) of Toronto. at thb last moment--?' that Lima Is no longer playing the . BOXWORD PUZZLE
. . main Street - Seaforth Late assistant New York Opthal- "Not when your engagement- to part, It's necessary, for YOU to ' 11 . . -
PHONE 105 met and Aural Institute, Moore- her is announced in the morning," come all over noble and pretend .
, Reld'S Eye and Golden Square said Sarah placidly, that you are unworthy -which I-,; ACROSS . DOWN
'throat Hospital, London, Eng. Al Tracy looked, as though she haa about as feeble an excuse-" 1-4. Addis 1. Amazon
AUCTIONEERS COMMERCIAL HOTEL, Seaforth, kicked ...him hard and without "It's not a feeble excuse, it's Ababa . 2. Delhi %
I third Wednesday in every month. warning, He looked at Sarah, good sound common senss,"Tracy 7. Sum, 3. Susan
HAROLD JACKSON Next visit, Wednesday, April 19. startled, "My engagement to Ann?" told 6r furiously. "Take a sensible S. Usher , 4. Area
. 53 Waterloo St. S I outh. Stratford. he repeated, -and was still. look at the picture; you were born 10. Axles' 6, Air
Specialist in Farm and House- — "Well, naturally," Sarah answer- of a long and famous line; I am it, Europe 6. Asp
hold Sales. JOHN C. GODDARD, M.D. ed, as though resentingibis. stupid- an orphan, not even sure of my 15. Adz 7. Spain
U-censed in Huron and Perth Physician and Surgeon ity in having to have that explain- own name except that when I was 16. Airman 9. Her
Counties. -Prices reasonable; sat- Phone 110 - Hensall ed.. "What better could we do to found in the dark hallway of a 19. Onions• 12. Unfree
Ufaction guaranteed. offset. any -unpleasant. repericus- Bronx apartment house, the name 22. Floor 13. Oboes
For Information, etc., write or sions. from Lyn's. behavior?" was written on a slip of paper and 23. None 14. Errol
phone HAROLD JACKSON, 14 on C.N.R. TIME TABL There was a little taut moment, pinned to my baby dress, when 1 25. Order 17. Isogon
6610 Seaforth', R.R. 4, Seaforth. and then Tracy said very quietly, was at the ripe old age of about 26. Thing 18. Midge
ER;ARD W. ELLIOTT I GOING EAST "I-can?t ask Ann to Marry me, tw6 weeks. How could a man 27. Easel ', 20, Neither
. Licensed Auctiorifib . r . . (Morning) A.M. Mrs. Clayton." - . tick who's lived as I have hope to 30. Ash 21. Owing
Goderich (leave) .......... 6.40 - Sarah had picked up her a make a girl like you 'happy?" 31. Omelet 24. Omaha -1
Correspondence Promptly answer- Seaforth .................... 6.20 preparatory to rising to her feet, Before Ann could manage an 34. Engine 28. Attain
ed. Immeolla" ,arrangements can. Stratford (arrive) .......... 7.16 but now she put it down, Once answer, Sarah thumped her cane 37. Tea 9,9. Erato
to made for Mae dates by phoning (Afternoon) mm.
more and looked otralglit at Tracy; violently ,against the 'polished 'floor 28. Dairy 32. Wenace
203, Clinton. Charges moderate and Ooderich (leave) ........... ioe While, Ant, sat very still, .her hands to silence them and gain their at- 40. Niata 33. Loans
satisfaction guaranteed. Seaforth ................... j4,6 locked tightly together, a little tendon and when she had It, she 41. Llama 35. Nylons -
Stratford (arrive) .......... 4.40 sick -and dizzy'. with. the reaction said sharply, "How can you make 42. Idol 36, Irate
from that bre4Plsss, ecstatic 'In()' her happy? I never heard a 45. Taboo 38. Ditto
JOSEPH L. RYAN GOING WE4T ment.when her heart had shrieked sillier question asked by a grown 46. 10a8inci 39. Imbue
Speelalist In farm stock and in,- (M6rhing) A," - that with I.Assa-gone, she man of Supposedly Sound sense! 49. Nieces 43. D66al
.. 1�4g to het
plemonta and household effects., Stratford (leave) ........... and Tracy were free to lielong to you fool, doWt you know all you've 52. Itun 1 44. Lanky
Satidiiacdon guaranteed. Licensed Sbalbrth ............ I .... ; - We each other. 41, got to do Is to take Ivor in your 63. Odessa 47, A -Bogy
, . ft Haron and Perth ,Counties. Godootich (arrive) ........... 190 lfgo?', laid Sarah fiftor a mo- arms anti tell her you. love' her? 56. SWISS, 49.. 111,ad
Ferpw�tfmftts'and Open 41108, (Afternoon) P,%. Ment, and: 116W theire vfti. t
81,1 elling her over and 67. malts, 50. jamb
Womac , in 'love ask 6 8. ,Aft'
S&Atflor , 'at over akaln?, W "a I .. 61. ,Cal.
jOSEPA L RYAN, (leaveY .. - 0 - her voice and In her eyes, , , . I
4 ..... I , t�6 ,. , "
oflte or phone ,�,gg . I In: And keep ou.�
I '* - ftblih, .Phone "40 r, 6, S"10th ....... i .......... :: . 16,-%V y6tt*h4d'-tibtt6fl,'dit,b)',,L'I "44billug little nioroo. . - mf 59 '%W) 6'4, vii
It, � �, 1, 1 M 0 0, AC
. 11.00 man, First' ie: 11 . ..
4'21J*, ii (ariqVs) .... i........ _ � 44 64i. I i4cwtintied sk `VG 60: itdldik' - 56. gob
. babibli, . I I rayl �4 .1 I ''.
!� ,.Jli�l , . 11. .
I :. , . . .1,i . ,; . .i.; . I -J:1. I
- . �- ,. , . ..... "I 1,;;d li �f I , 11.,� I 1-11".11,4, � : ��t, - ,
, " �, "��, �, " i, -,,��l,�ij,,,��.',".J�'�,.,!,; �W .... ���,, �V'l � .'.,%��,:, -,; ", Ili
,,� I � .. , 11 11 - I 1`111 , -�',% � ": -, , i� , � ,�'A' "i"12, ,-� .,�,
, , 1, �, . ; ,'� -,!, jo � , t �"', � � I 611�' q . , ,�,��;, ''It�,�,;i,);��l,,,�.",$I�,.,i�,,.��,�,i� �3
. I 0"�, Al" , �, �;,;,�; �_. ,�,;�;"�',;il�;t�,.`Ik' V�"�;,���,�,;i�.4!!,\,,!;��.,���":14:il:�;��,�,;��;"�",�",��,,�k ,4 ,,",11,'�i; �,,����I,�,�6�:,i����l,,�,,,i�il,",,'�:14LP��e""".,:,�,,, ,�11,` I �-,! 'i�, nd$',""MlnL��,, ,� �,;,l
� I ",":��, '•,"�� '1� �,,�, j��,; ��, ,; , ,I 1"',\� �, ',,J�:
"M I' �ill 1 I.,�4;1",;",;,4'11,,,,:S��,,�I �, 1'�,i,,;�,,�, ,� . , �_ - , ;11'�,.'� " "�,� ;�� �,J , N�� 1, ,��4i!.,�1,11�,,�:11�,'.,,,�,,,;�,-,�,,��,���
11 - , ",&,", "�,,���-,,'�,,,�it�,���l"-i�,'i,,��,,,,,,��,,,.,,,, -1 , , %'J�,4"?,
. , � 'I !;�,is��,�;�i;�,,�,�",w, " _;:;;��,�j��,���,, �.� . .- 10,lyl) , , , " � , � "I I'll I'll
�� � k �,�,�i.-,��,11,�,,�,",.,�.-,I�,,.;i�,,�,��,>,:i�,,�4""�",.*,.�""iz�,,,�,�.-�;t,;i�,�,,��,�,,�,,*,�,�",,(F,i�li��;.',�o��"!"�",ir , __� ,�3,
V,P� " ,,,�,14t�,,�.�,,��,�.,�,�,�;",I""��yy,.,;�.i;i,i,'�,,�lI 1A J.11111 �11:1':,., I.", 1111 ,b'. ,
that'l ..:RftIMRR91,01 '114#
chievement especially -as ',his 44c�� In .'p 3 a .,
py ,�,i. *t ,(1qo,r, ....no , 111"O'7114IM334.0 , ,
door , W#9,0 �qvqr T V11=%
, _g�,,�,�4* tl
, ,
I ,., 0 , , "
q "I lifort T
19 A trl'�It I . .�,
Aty- one day's I)yactipe On Oe big 4_ngpo;��Ql ftosgfq,,,�'. 'A "R, a i
'. IN
TV'SiMP4 i 7 ,q
'; ..R ,-
_41 ,�,
YLL, .._1%,_*,UM4J,pV. , '_'.W.41�11 lip.9"g"ya.
_4 �4 Zi, Win :&
11-11 , �
.,'�,�., , �"'I
. . ", [
out plow. 'More Wgroe some .there. ,,k I N110 ".
Arhi), said he should 4A-vo rai;04, Abiplit., #L040-eK of.",the ".40"Ai, � ,111 , � MXIPW`4,� 9 14%44, �t I
� 01 � ,
ilgher but, be that as It in _.te .,,,;&lr, go - , let I 0 -4, , 2v
. I_ MU ly;lffl , , 1, � —
,AY, the . .r, ,,, we, 4p.4 U." Yk
,, � tg,;, - �
Aet" .. . . " ly , , -
act is thap, Jim is the first Cau4.Z a.mot , 1�0t0ingQ uY 1 boil -0% 'A ui,,fo �44 V11
I . 11 . Mr - � I PuY . ."f,m_-_,�� 9_14
"* 'A"W4
din plowing to do so ,well. . Pibpeds ,'tlY
JI'L, 0, some. -pur. 1. for- his ranch in �pqqg�p,'��A '�!;,,Fp.'.'fA,,.,' _j ' '
ii � ,,A
-1. I , p, _ , "#
special -class for overseas plowftoeA South, Anoiclea. . 1. . I �'g "k• I
, q' .J w rA 0 AA 7 I - RR 11 _! 471 , I - T 1. I
�, . "
, It was . '04n, ", "
ff1h also took first and Ron Mar- Edi4bqrgh 't
. .b,
.,at we �;�,! iek,*:L-41', 0 .'�_ 9 r
, � _*, , '
' in - ,, , �.', ,-�%# �L�
'Winston C4urehill. Ile '.*' id � _ f "
_lo'j"IT Wi.
. ,
quis was second against very stiff paw - I U49 "Ql.;�'�,W.Q,',Pp,o��4 . " " _, , ^1
nein;. �4414. W ,, y _.
-0r. I Q I
I -,� �44401��3,,�Y,
, "
_ . -,re,, -i 111� `Q! ,
YVou'� ;L ... "P ',,r!p,� I
z "'
... ",.,J,V'
�, "".�#I'��
. �Ae�,, WAS P, !Pt.", A%,,f,L
A -4
European competition. The boys making a political speech t4ore ' " __
received silver cups and I feel that night, but because. of other, 'Ou.�;_ 821 4 1
they were a credit to all Canadian, enigagemputs we; did not:go to hear 1,?r the 1,kir
,Ig To
_4� 4,47g�4i,"", Ag
, ,0,,! p
plowmen, him. He was staying at the same' � L ,�.
I .
Also in passing I'd like to .point hotel as we were, and when we yo.% Ik d'ih ' our
_11 ' " - ir.6,114, r4"9. 1 ,�
. -
out that when' 'now. �. �:. ''. " - I 11,�,��Ii� %,,,,- ,
" I n.',wq,
I speak of "we" in got back that night he -came in; a' bye, for :7a , -�L - 1, _J,�,,g ,
. il, - 1 ,� Vq,.;�."�al, " 41,
these letters I mean the three Is few minutes after. We got a real. I .. 11. , I"
. , L , I , �,.��,,4 11%,, X, , 'L � ffill
. .., . I ,i. 11. I . ,.�'*Qs;."14��I.', "�
1, , 1-11
- 1- V1. I �� M gg +,r'.;'
us. There is my next door neigh- good close-up look at him. He .is ,,W L , " , FV ,,eii� ."
I ,a$, I -� i"'04 i� ,,,,, ig,qj, rg
, 11 �:'N.,�`11,11R Pli '1111IN A
bor, Jim Eccles, of Brampton, and just,as impressive in the flesh as ,I �! N94,011 Y , 10.0 ..", , "', �s,,: � , "
Pon Marquis, of Sunderland, the he is in his pictures. Several ,Pao 'ft ': M ".." W 1111111,14"Id
I , `
" Yflj ".""'1312"M ek",
Canadian- champion plowmen. As ple were after him for autogrw)4s. , With" �
Nvinuers of the Esso Trans-Atlan- but it wasn't us because we didn't pntapuscqygrcal)r -D D; f2 a ,',,a 10%111-�4_710
ly lost Talter -V_ 'A P� ,PTeaM..!r
., I ,,�,,
tic. horse and tractor plow ii�cl have autograph books with ti' - ,,�`,!,?;14.�,',J'R�!��_ , ,
' P.00111ar.11ibis Me; o0ol,14%lig" ,�.�,Vrk
" r ail class -
foot spoed W17 �" � �, � ,
I i 7,i, � - �� ',_�
use 5 Wce an. ccquv Irp Z&_- , '!
es at last year's Inter on, The day we attended the "f '_'.�!:mq
ca d cz � ,� :11,41
r , , ,sla Int'i ,Ao= ,,, ��! �w�R�
' w
Flowing Match held near Brant- hall match Was a miserable day- rapt-oapa o0erlit ,frp MA 1_4 -5,44 Rlcz,� '5'i"�� t�`
F "•I , -1J I 11 ri
fords, these boys were awai-ded it was snowing. The match was ft application checus A"n X "';1"i'�'g.
back. AN;tAFM891 � , , 111*�41�,p,
I druor .41-i
, I IoA: , � I 01 -
trips to the United Kingdom with between Glasgow Rangers and P". trl:!i,�, .m. -�mir, 1;1,1 11"..M. ; , ,�
1. I 1� 1.�, I
. � , "V. 5.� , � , " � , F
Imperial Oil Ltd. paying the ex- -Couperheath, and it was. played in - I t I., , , '", 1. , " �,�',W,�',�
.. ,,Ii:, -,d"
- ,e,�, "" ,
penses. 'As a director of the On- more than an inch of snow In , , I
", , -t, 16" � ",
�, �
. , 11, .:;�.-,..�'�,
tarso P16wmen's Association, epos- spite of the dirty weather, there Worthilop ,omen ,, T i , � i�:,t,,,,
sor of the International Plowing was a good crowd on hand to see . I . . . .;-�: I A , � #.- -
� , . .. �g
Matches, I was appointed to ac- the Rangers win eight to nothing. T. PR I , '%t;.�,.,� ,_ ., - ,r,-'gF
company the boys as coach -man- Compared with our game, it was 1'�.' �":,�.
. , _.
ager. I also act as a sort ogre- rather tame. They play - a Wore , Memo I r, A I'll- ,�:�''.
.�. �.�4'�!'.','
porter-histori4n. gentlemanly game over there, andExeter
. Seaforth Z ike `�J'� �,,
.,.: �, ',",
In Scotland we were treated body checking is ,Penalized. i, ,�',i�,'��..,,g �
- I - -1- 4�',�-�f,�9��,�,I,IM
royally and really got around. Before we left Scotland we vis- _
1.11 I �,. 1-1 �
I '�:,�i;-'?",',*,",,"��'.,�'-�,7,sl:
. ,,,�'i,."?�",',',���,",,',-�'�,."",��.-;, 1
, ;,�!;
'.. 14, , ;7"1:
. I , , *
While there we saw somQ of the ited -the farm of William Young, I I'll �1, ",:�,�lg
I , ��'�' �
I .�� i ,,12:."
finest livestock farms of all we Sherriton . Mains, not far -from 1_ , V '1� I �
have seen. We also saw Winston Prestwick. Mr. Young is a cousin 1� 11; I'll Iii.
I I I I ,4,
. 1- -, "'
1-1 I
Churchill, attended the world fam- of Clark 'Young, of the Ontario �� I , , . . . . . . .1, "'45
� ,,, " .
I :;��, ," "7.
i�...' ,� "I'll ,. .
I ",
ous pure-bred Shorthorn sales at Plowmen's Association, whose , . ,�,
11 ,!, I
- . ." �
I . .. 1. ��:,.11"
ed a number of out- ters you probajbly read a few . :.� I ''III,
� � i .
... =
standing farms and even attended ago. William is a former ipreSiw . � 11.,vii,i�,,
" � _'6
. . . i �, :1 qg
a football match at Glasgow. Our dent of the Scottish Farm Union, - ,; *,� I ,�,'.-�,M, il -
I ��
guides in the land of the. heather and lias an outstanding flock of . I ,1 Q �'19
. �� I
were Allen Campbell, of the De- Border-Leceisters and a fine herd Seaforth Showrooms Open Tuesday, - " '?�'�51
. . . . . . . I
, .
,:. � �
, � ,
partment of Agriculture, Scotland, -of Ayrshires on his 400 -acre farm. See Dr. Harburn for aPpchni. " � .. "
, . ��il
and Ken McNeil, of Anglo-Amed- Our visit to the Young farm was went any other time, or Phone
r " , �il .
a ,
- ..
. .,�
can Oil Co. They certainly did a another of the many highlights of 41-J, Exeter. ,�,-i �
, ,I
. I ,�,-Vj
good job of looking after their our "trip.
.... � I I
. . . ;��',,l
charges. I realize that in these letters I THE MCKILLOP. . , ,"I 1
. ��,-,.
. � .� -
It's hard to know whjore to start haven't told you a quarter of the' . . I . . 'i ..� - .,. ".. � �, �
. _1 ll
I , r,
in describing our experiences but interesting places visited, nor the MUTUAL -FIRE ... ,&rr I
I . . , �
as we have always wanted to at- interesting people we met, It 11 Al � v,
- -INSURANCE CO --V. . . f-4
tend would take many more letters -and . ,,,�-i
the Perth sales, I'll start . ��g,,,, i
— _ ,�,_
there. it 'would also take -considerable . 1 . Q,
The, Perth sales were held in a timei to sort out our memories. As HEAD OFFICE-SEAFORTH, Ont. . ,',,4, "
' I . �N, -
J& 1
�,, r A•I
large building specially fitted up time goes, on we may stave other . . . _":1,i;,., ,QN, �
. - ��
for the. occasion It was -a two-day opportunities to tell you of the OFFICERS: 1�1 '-' �111;!o
V111.1- - , ,i!..�;"". ,
I -
affair with the first day: for show things that haven't been -covered .President, E. j. Trewartha, Clt j.J. r," �,,4 �,
I ,�� I
g"", .� ., P`%-
. n ,�4
and the second day for sales. The in 'these letters. But before I bring Vice -Pres. - - J.' L. Malone, se=r ,, -�,_ ,
;� , . �11 ,
- I , " "_�.
- .
Man .." - ,;P.�'?, .
quality Of cattle offered was very my final letter to a close there ager and; Sec.,Treaa. � 111� 1 5 .I i. -
I ,i. L I."
high, ,but as far as 'exhibiting the are two ,matters I'd like to men- Reid, Seaforth- _ �2,;,, 1 -��;�4
. : , �. , ,
. ,m��,K
cattle, I think -maybe we do the job tion. I DIRF"OoRS - I , % 4-Z ,
, ta, ,,
, ,
, . �
better here in Canada. I The first concerns the maple , E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; _._, 11.1 �
outstandingThere were some trees We plant6d . or left to be M46noi; Seafortli; S. K I , , ��Ir.
i leafofth;, ,Chris. Leonh R,
bulls up for sale and the bidding Planted overseas as a symbol of more, .9 . A
- � .-.,5
was brisk. Somehow we got the Canadian friendship. The Danish Bornholm; Ib6bert"'A.ichibiald .1
impression that the British breed- government has reciprocated. -Since "forth; JOhn H. WcEWing, illy
'' i
, '
- A ,
ers liked to say that a bull cost we returned• we have received a Frank McGregor, Clinton; , �-,,z,,,,11
I I i� ,
,;Y,.-- .
* , I 7. " ". , ,,
, ,,,,!� �
them so many guineas, -and for shipment of ,beeches. The beech Aaemandoer, Whltow; Harvey V io'*. 11 ;
. I I , . . . . . . ... .
I Goderich. . "I � ...... I. �'. " I
-_ - I I -
that reason they seemed willing to is the national tree of Denmark. ' '- " . 11 11
- .,
carry their bids higher than Cana- They 'have asked that the trees be A4ENtS: ' - �" .11 . �q.�
, .1 , "' " I I 1-1. "
i, '114 I
than bidders would do. planted on the grounds of the On- , ,T.. E. Pepper, .. , - I � ,3',��,' ,
The top price paid at this year's tario Agricultural College, Guelph. McKercher, '. ,,, . , " :� -,:,:r,
� .,6,
6,600 guineas, or about ,As you may remember from my Watt. Blyth; J. 0.`1, "
sales was J. I ".. W'!�, �fll'�,"�14i
$21,000. This was for a white 4bull last letter, I planted maple trees, hagen; SeBatter. „ I ", i.
named Lawton Nelson, the major ;� - . 11
Q't, . . . . . . :.-
champion and grand reserve chem -Sid,
, .
I - * I
� -1 1"I'l ..... "
pion. It was consigned by Major 11 " ,�
�,L, 1,
P. H. Henderson and was bougb:f. TOWN OF SEAFORTH ., - 1. . .4 .:.:,�"i
by Argentine interests. Fourteen � .:,�-�i
animals from the Calrossie Farms. I ... !
. `
owned by Capt. John MacGillivray,, ��, 1,
sold for a total of 32,000 guineas, Tax Pre Payment ) :IJ
Just about everybody who is in- . I I ", , ��
terested in pure-bred Shorthorns 41 0 111
attends the Perth sales but We _1
learn that the I
were surprised to ReCelpts for 195-0 1 ol"`,
English actress, Greer Garson, had
been there, although we didn't see � .. . .1..
I,. t
. ,
. .
her. We did, -however, see the ' `�,
foundation herd Miss Garson i . ,"!
" ,
bought through an agent. It 'was The Town of Seaforth will pay 40/0 per annum, �,,J,
made up of five females ands two
bulls. They were all white and up to August 31, 1950, on all Prepaid 1950 Taxes; e �
I ,
were bought for between 150 and I .
250 guineas apiece. We under- Certificates and full particulars may be obtained:
stood they were for a cattle ranch
Miss Garson is starting In New from the Town Clerk's Office in the Town HalL, .1 ,
Mexico. I . . I
We also heard some of the fast-. ..
est bidding we've ever heard. In D. H. WILSONIP . ..I,
one period they auctioned off 90 ;
head of cattle in 110 minutes, I Treasurer. .7
. ;
which is certainly a l `
- 'lot faster ,
than we do in our country. All in . 1.
all, it was easy to understand why I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII - . I .
�3'� �,abs:.,�
.��I"W. '.Q... i.'..',.A.......`*�,
': .:,....
. When spread upon,bread, or used upon
vegetables, not one person in one hundred .
"' knows it is margarine. I � •
You won't believe how good it is until VOU " 10N,
I .. ,
, ,,:.
11 taste iL 1_�
. .
Try it once, and we are confident You will*
:. .
buy it regularly.
NtW MAMN9 can fie colaurad for table u*6 it dime
okwol. akefetions otai;oh,dn Ali -every 066kago.
" �.
. .
, A ,t�0 6�101 C. It *0 t A�"I#Pri
."", . I "I "'' � I ,
, , , 'r f
,* , . , 1',�, '.
. . , �� .� I
. r'� . ��, , , "":: ,���l�,�'�,,",,��,�:'t--.,,,,�,��.",;,;,�,,i�_.-_.
. ':� , , �: 11 , �.: .., � , . I , ,: ,n :,m.,:•'.,,
7. .
I �
I r r
I., -
r �r
. I".�,.),
.. 4,`.,3 K
. ..
I I.. .k
. ,
. ......��,��J,
. � ,11 �,`�
1 I..
�. .,�Iil, r
� . 1, �F
", , , * 1
. &
. '',-,`,,�,�
I ,.
' '
, ,��,,�!
'I �!' � ,-,',�%t„�
- I M, � - Kv
,$�, ,
;',J . .... . q,��
f. .
, r I
� . 11, ,f
j.,,, r
: � ,,j.,,,r �
� j.,,,r,
ip, 1�,,i,,� rl� . �� ,
, , ”
11 ,, �',,I,,,',��,.��,..�l,,,;",i"i"",,��
"I ,`,,��: ,:4