The Huron Expositor, 1950-03-10, Page 4'4!‘e ,0 qK.:1"t 17-1,E:HIPRON EXPOSITdR • ;11 i-a..ssified Ads. RiNfified Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates: FOR SALE, WANTED. LOST AND FOUND, ETC.—.Per word: 1st week 1 Cent and week % Cent Ord week Cent 91inuouni charge. first insertion25 Each figure. initial and abbreviation counts as one word. Cara of Thanks, In Memeriatei Notices, Coming L'ven4s-1 mut per word. Minimum, 50 cents per week. Wanted • LESM4N WANTED — TO SELL roofing and inaulation. Commission awls. Write Box 834, HURON EXPOSI- TOR. deiretf Deaths SCOST—In Seetforth, on MendaY. March 6. Elizabeth R. Scott, in ller, leer, Euguiriee may be directed to a Box No., e/o The Huron Expoeiter. for 10 mita *deo. Ten map eateemal 'grid) he charged if ads in above class are not paid within III dale' of date' of final mammon. Births, Marriaxes and Des* inserted free al elan*. Allotiela ea*. Notices to Cs'etlitees, Etc.—Bat es on application. Coming Events VDU. WILL BE DELIEH'IED WHEN •`• You dance at the Crystal Palace Rall - room, Mitchell. evert, Fridalt night to the music of Don Robertson and his Ranch Boys. 4289x2 Personals T.TYGLENIC •SUPPLIES (R U BBER Goods) mailed PostPaid in plain. pealed envelope with price Mat. 6 samples 26c: 24 samples $1.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-73. 2OVA-RLTBI3ER CO., Box 91. Hamilton, Ont. Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of PLACYD CHoMicH1 A LL PERSONS HAVING CLAMS 4' against the Estate of Placyd Chomicki, late of the Township of McKillort, in the County of Huron. Farmer, deceased, who died on the 20th day of February, 1950. are hereby notified to send in full par- ticulars of their claims in the undersern- ed on or before the Slat day of March, 1950 if...v. which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claire!, then received. DATED at Seaforth, this Sth day of Maroh, 1950. McCONNE.LL & HAYS. Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Estate. 4290-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of JOSEPH L. MALONEY A L L PERSONS. HAVING CLAIMS "" against the Estate of Jceeph L. Maloney. late of •the Township Of McKil- lop, in the County of Huron. Farmer, de- ceased, who died on the 22n4 day of January, 1950, are hereby notified to send in fall partieulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 31et day of Etarch, 1960, after which date the assets will his distributed. having regard only to claims than received. DATED at Seaforar, this 13th day of March. 1950. IdeCONNELL & HAYS, ' Seaforth, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate. 4290-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of RACHAEL MALVINA MURDIE A LL • PERSONS ,HAVING CLAIMS agaisSet the Hetet/SOY Recline) /dalvina Muidie, late of the Township of Godeneh, in the County 01 Huron, Spinster, de- . ceased, who died on 'the 81st day of I:em- ery. 1950, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the • March, 1950, after. w .date the assets undersigned on or bertilIthe 24th day of will 'be distribited, ittly.kut regard only to elating tiqes, re/Sail/ed.. • ,DATIela a Seaforth. this 28th day of 1ebruary;1950. ? • ,iieCONNELL & Hairs, Seaforth, Ontheo.' ...S011oitom for the Emoutom. MM9-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of DUNCAN MrliELLAR A L L PERSONS HAVING cLArtiS against the Estate of Duncan McKel- lar, late of the Township of Hibbert, in the County of Perth, Retired Mason, de- ceased: mho died on the 20th day of De- cember. 1949, are hereby nctified to send in lull particulare of their claims to the underaigned on nr 'before the 24th day of March, 1950, after. which date the Gaeta will be distrihuted, having regard only to claims then melted. DATED at Seaforth this 28th day of February. 1950. MoCONNELL. & FLAYS, aforth„. Ontario, Solicitore for the Executrix. 42894 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of MARY ELLA TREMEER A 3.3. PERSON8...5 HAVING CLAIMS "a• against the latate eif Mary Ella 'fro. sneer, late of the Township of Tacker - smith. in the County of Huron, Married WOMall. deceased, eitio.,died on the 19th day of ()etcher, 1945, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 2411 day of Ma•reh, 1950, alter which date tins assets will be dietributed. having regard only to Claims then •reiceived. DATED at Seafeetb. this 22th.,eley ef February. 1950. ' MeCONNELL a HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the. Administrator. 4289-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS ln the Fatate of JOHN ALEXANDER Tnemkna A L L 'PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of John Alexander Tremeer,• late of the Township of Tucker - smith, in the County of Huron., Retired Banner, deceased. 6 died * the 27th day of April, 1940, de hereby notified !to Pend in fee partieunin, of their claims to title undersigned on er ',before the 24th day of March. 1950, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard ores to clan** then received. DAM/ at reatortb, this 29th day' or February. 1950. ' • •• MeCONNELL,& HAYS, Seaforth. Ontario, Solicitors for Ere Executor. 4299-3. , . NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of EDWIN JOHN BARNETT ''A t41., PERSONS . itii.VIE(4 CLAIMS •••••• tag' ainst the Eitaie of Edwin John limatett,, Sate of the:,,ToWn ef Seaforth, Erentat of Flux*, 0 tiel, who died on 1. or ilhaat the 14fh d8 ,,," f, February, 1050, ' ii e. hereby notified to, ead, III to the Un- Plined on or befrikethe Dlth day of ell, 1950, fall ,traticuilirrs of their, alit& a,„„ 1 aliately after.tlie , aid tatit mention - It lite,th . e gait& ek, el'aald eetate will ' tlibilted ifiratingat,' e; Parties entitled hitidng ire#444.0tily to claims of h ihe lindeterattedathell then hate tiia,fie tee 1Iiaj6*f all others, end 1' datiiiglied Will ' liable to *9 'Of iteitee lMi t8t Undersigned t thenha eter,eWe estate letillalinil or 4 ,,tiiertQz' ' ';'4 Seti fat 40,nd 'Jo of Property For Sale -aloe SALE—NEM HOUSE, RANCH style; fully modern; oil furnace, air conditioned. C. G. LEE. John, Stre;t•y 6-tf TN VILLAGE OF STAFFA..1% STOREY frame house; six rooms, good ce/lar; 1/6 'acre land and stable, tr, good loca- tion. MRS. DARRELL PARKER, Staffs. Ont.. 4290-1 FOR SALE rcEN-ROOM HOUSE, IN PERFECT ondit4on. Immediate possession. Phone 353 - Seaforth 4290-2 For Sale ik--NoR SALE — FOUR -BURNER ELEC- .' trie range. HURON EXPOSITOR. VOR SALE — SPRAYED APPLES. Phone Clinton 613 r 24. FRED Me- CLY111014T. Varna. 4287x6 VOR SALE—NUMBER OF YORK PIGS, seven weeks old. JOHN E. Mac - LEAN, R.R. 3, Seaforth. 4290-1 port SALE -27 PIGS ABOUT TEN " weeks old; also 20 suckers. Apply to N. A. HILLMAN, R.R. 4, Seaforth,. Phone 655 r 41. 4290.1 'FOR SALE—HY-LINE PULLETS, SIX weeks old Any cluantity up to 350. Apply cHAners A. FALCONER, Staffs. Phone Dublin 48 r 16. 4290x1 'WOR SALE — BRAND NEW CHICK feeders, closed type; 1 -bag capacity; 98,00 each. PHONE 494-W, Seaforth. 4288x3 pOR SALB—NEw SINGER SEWING machines, eleetric and 'treadle. Re- pairs to all makes. SINGER SEWING CENTRE, 78 Ontario St., Stratford. 4228 -ti For Sale TIOMINION SAFE — INSIDE DINEEN- aims approximately 30” x 161,6,” x 18”; weight, 650 Ms. Practically new. Apply at McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario. 4289-2 FOR SALE Wanted WANTED --A HEATED • TWO -ROOM • apartment, furniehed or unfurniabed. with uae of bath. for two adulta. Phone SHIRLEY HAMER, Commercial Hated, Seaforth.' 4290-2 Poultry 1 colony house, 10, x 12,, wired for Hydro, and a 500 -chick size brooder, War- ner. FOR . SALE 475 LEGHORN X ROCKS -4 wetim old ALSO 275 NEW, HAM?' X ROOK FE1- LETS=4 'Weekqr old. Specially priced ftes *Mediate sale Moore's Poultry Farm Phone 666 r 3 : Seaforth _ 4290-1 Auction Sales A UCTION SALE OF COWS AND PIGS ▪ 1" at Lot No. 31, 6.th Concession of Goderich Township, one mile south of Porter's Hill, on Tuesday, March 14th, at 1:30 pan., cOnsisting of: 25 young cows, Holsteins. Durham; and Jerseys; 3 are fresh; balance due in Maroh, April end May; 25 young pigs 6 weeks old. All rows T.B. tested. This is all good stock and will be sold under usual guarantee. Terms- -Cash. A. 5 TOWNSHENT) & SON, Proprietors; Edward 'W. Elliott, Auctioneer; K. W. Colquheim, Clerk, 4290-1 1 colony house, 10/ x 10/ your dhoice of either. • 1 Cockshutt '4-A horse manure spreader on rubber; 1 Wagner 3 H.P. electric mot- or with starter and safety switch and about 30 feet of heavy conduit wiring; 1 C,olernan grain crusher; 1 set sleighs, bench style, and platform: 1 No. 16 De Laval cream separator; 16 bales 1947 crop hay, about 1:800 tbs. , • N. R. DORRANCE 3‘, Telephone 839-21, Seaforth. - 4240-1 Motor Cars For Sale MOTOR CARS FOR SALE -1947 CHEV. -“-n- Coach; 1941 Chev. Coach. both thor- oughly reconditioned. DUNLOP'S B. A. SERVICE STATION. 4290x2 1948 1947 1947 1948 1941 1940 1838 1937 1937 1935 MERCURY COUPE7-1Mater,' radio; low mileage. FORD SEOAN—Heater, BUD. visor. Excellent condition. . OLDSMOBILE—Radio and heater. Good buy. FORD COACH New paint job. FORD COACH FORD COACH FORD coAcli FORD COACH PLYMOUTH COACH FORD PANEL TRUCK DALY MOTORS Ford -Monarch Sales & Service SEAFORTFI 49 48 48 48 48 42,, DODGE SEDAN 41 FORD COACH -4600.00 38 pLymouTH 67 NASH SEDAN—Needs motor job a 4250.00 CHEV. FLEETLJNE SEDAN Blue in color; 8,000 miles. CFIEV. COACH -22,0-00 miles. CHEV. FLEETLINE COACH, 4i425 OBEY. FLEETMASTER SEDAN—$1,700.00 CHEV. STYLEMASTER COACH -41.650.00 37 37 38 38 35 cirEv. MASTER COACH GRAHAM SEDAN -4325.00 DODGE SEDAN -4450.00 CHEV. STANDARD coa:cn DODGE SEDAN -4259.00 35 cari. -MASTER COACH -4200.09 34 PLYMOUTIE COACH 40 CHEV. PIOX.tfP 40 C. HMV. •tail STARE' TRUCE MANY omit watts illtVggri4 li/f0TOBS„, • 4te•ol, H CLEARING AUCTION SALE 09' FARM • Stock, Implements and Household Ef- fects, Registered Holsteins and Registered Yorkshires. --There will be sold at Lot 9. Con. 1. 'Puckersmith Township, adjoining the Town of Seaforth, on Wednesday, March 15th, 1950, commencing at 12:30 p.m. (Cattle will be sold under coves- at 3 p.m.), the following: HORSES --Team of black Percherons (mere and gelding). rising 4 years old, by Refiner (well match- ed and well ,broken), weight about 3000 tbs. CATTLE -24 Registered Holsteins, T.B. tested under tfocredited plan. .A11 are calfhood vaccinated and blood tested for Bang's Disease. See felderz for ped,igrees. Herd Sire, Tenni Rag Apple Prince; 5 cows fresh by time of sale; 1 cow due in Arril; 3 cows due in May; 2 cows due in June; 3 heifers due in July: 1 heifer due in August; 1 heifer due in Septem- ber; 4 heifers under 1 year old; 2 heifer calves 2 months 0111; 1 heifer calf 6 weeks old. PIGS -12 Yorkshire brood sows, 9 Registered; 3 sows with litters ready to wean: 5 SOWS with litters by time of sale; 4 sows, bred. IMPLEMENTS -1 Fordson Tractor (used 4 years) ; 1 tractor low;rsI1 spring -tooth cultivator with wide and nar- row teeth and attachments; l manure loader for Fordson tractor; 1 binder 7 ft. cut: 1 M. -D. mower, 6 -ft. cut; 1 M. -D. side rake; I dump rake; 1 M. -H. hay loader; 1 M.-14. 15 -disc seed drill; 1 M. -H. 3 -section spring -tooth cultivator; 1 land roller; 1 351.-.D. manure spreader; 1 good set of 5 -section harroWs; 1 set of 3 - section -harrows (nearly new); 2 walking plows; 1 single furrow sulky plow; 2 one- horse scufflers: fanning mill, ete. 1 steel tired wagon: 1 hay rack; 1 gravel box; 2 sets heavy sleighs •, 1 one-horse sleigh 1 cutter; 2 two -wheeled trailers with steel toxe3•, doubletreess; neckyokes; forks; shovelaf eto. ; OE sets of 'team harness: 1 set single harness; Stewart electric clip- per No. 51; tattoo outfit; ear plinch and tags; M.D. cream separator with motor, cans, etc.; 1 set Renfrew scales, 2000 tbs. capacity; 225 sap pails 'and lee Grimm spiles. GRAIN & F.t.t•D--About 300 bush - cis Ajax oats, fit for seed, and a quantity of silage.. HOUSEHOLD EFFECT'S — 1 Gurney kitohen range (nearly new), for wood or coal; Beatty tieritric washing ma- chine with wringer: kitchen cabinet:1 oak extension table; buffet: chairs, etc.: 2 two -burner electric plates (1 heavy duty); some tools and numerous other articles. Lunch and coffee. 'Terms—Cash. No re- serve as farm is sold. E. B. GOIJDIE, Proprietor; E. P. Cheney, Clerk; Harold Jackson and A.,B. Brubacher & Son, Auc- neera. 4289-2 Cards Of Thanks MR. PETER SIMPSON WISHES TO thank all those who sent hire cii•ds and fruit, 'and also for visits made to him while he was a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital. 4290x1 THANK YOU 1-1, WISH TO EXPRESS my thanks te', my friends sand rela- tives for the many cards, {reit candy and gifts I received while I was in the hos- tal. 4290-1 WILLIAM KERR eaRS. H. WORKMAN "WISHES TO 'Lk thank those who sent her flowers, cards and treats, or who remembered her in any way while a patient in Clinton Hospital. It was greatly appreciated. 44290-1 'WE DESIRE TO THANK THE NEIGH- " bors and friends for the kindnesses extended to us during the recent stay of • son, Brian, in Scott Memorial Hospi- tal; also to thank the nursing staff, the special nurses and the doctors. •LORNE AND IRENE FINLAYSON T WISH TO THANK ALL MY MANY A- friends who called on me. also those who sent cards and gifts while a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital; also the hos- pital staff and Dr. J. A. Gorwill, 4290x1 CHART.RS PRATT T WOULD LIKE TO TAKE THIS OP- ' Port -unity to thank may frienthr for the cards. flowers and fruit I received while I was a patient in Scott Memorial Hos- pital; also thanks 'to the hospital staff, Mrs. McMillan and Drs. Stapleto-n & How- son. 4290x1 ELIZABETH HOWES T WOULD LIKE TO TAKE THIS OP- Portunity to express my thanks to my friends and neighbors for the many acts of kindness shown me while I was a patient at Clinton Hospital. and Since my return home, for cards, flowers, treats. and box of' fruit from HensaAl 1,001,1, AuxiliarY. , MRS. CA ftkeaiINE DEVLIN. I 4290-1 Henstill,' Ont. In Memoriam CORBY—IN LOVING MEMORY OF Lillian M. Dickey, beleled wife of Amos W. 'Corby, Seaforth, who passed away two years ago, March 13, 1948. —Ever remembered by her, ,husband and Nancy. , 42904 TN LOVING, MEMORY OF A DEAR " 'husband, father and grandfather, David in. Stephenson. who Palmed away one year ago, Mareh 11, 1949. Rernernbriince is p golden, chain Death tries .ho break but all in vain. To have, to lave and then to part Te the geetiteat sorrowt 1,1 ones heart. The years may wipe out many things But this they wipe out neyer--. The memory of those hinter days When we were all together. —Ever remembered by his wife, faml/Y and grandchildren. 4200x1 ‘, Birth's. ARMSTRONG --At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, on March 2, to Mr. and Mm. Floyd Armstrong, Zurich, a son. PR,YCE-•--At Scott Memorial Hospital. on March 13, to Mr. and Mrs: Glenn Pryee. Meafillop, adairgb.ter. &Ott liteMoriel Haeriital. ch Mara, t� Mr. and Idta. Harold Dietz. McKilletp. a daughter. • MOn,UP.—At Scott memorial nbengtat eti March 7, to Mr. and Mts. Erneet Marne, R.R, 8, Myth, a deerehter. DUPeile—At Scott Meer:tried' Hospital, on March 9, to Mr„,..end Mts. Gordon Ihreee. Seaferth, dirnhter. PAeareaterreel Moe G. Faber. Of Hen. atilt, are Viewed annenno,the arrleal ef their daughter at Olitttati Puhlie Kos- ' teed, oil *cadet Mar a iita, 4- d , • , Hello, bomemalterse As ,usnal, March winds are gales.! These are days when coieals should he ,of the heaetf type and during the Lenten period' there seems to be ,egegood market for fish. You can order s-ufficient 'variety and make. inter eating variations to serve fish of- ten without monotony. By the way, we think it's a -mat- ter of how you answer as well as wthat you say when asked, "What's for aupper?" You may say, "Good tasty chowder or sweet and savory sauce on pickerel, or jellied, tuna salar, or French fried haddock." We suggest you never reply to above question with one word, "Fish," especially with your nose turned up. Crumble Chowder 2 lbs. cod or haddock le lb. salt pork 1 cup fish stock 1 small onion 4 medium potatoes 1 bay leaf 2 cups milk, scalded 1 cup het water Salt and pepper Crumbled soda crackers. Free fish from skin and bones and cut into pieces. Cover skin and bones with cold. water and simmer 20 minutes to make fish stock. Discard skin and bones. Fry salt pork, add minced onion and brown. Add potatoes, fish, fish stock, bay leaf and boiling water. Simmer covered for 15 minutes or until fish is cooked. Remove bay leaf. Add hot Milk, salt and pep- per. Serve piping het over crack- ers. Frozen Tuna, Salad 1 cup tuna, flaked 1 can condensed tomato soup 1 teaspoon lemon juice M3 teaspoon cayenne % cup minced, pickle 4 eggs, hard cooked 4 teaspoons salad dressing. Mix lightly the tuna fish, soup, lemon juice and seasonings. Pour into moulds or greased custard cups, and cover with foil. Set in freezing compartment of refrigera- tor until firm. Turn out and serve with hard cooked eggs sliced mad topped with salad dressing. •• Steamed. Fish With Sweet -Sour ' • Sauce Wipe fish and cut into serVings. Season with salt and pepper. Place, fish, along With two or three bay leaves, a dash of vinegar and a carrot, in a piece of aluminum foil or piece of cheesecloth, Placeeon metal' top jar rings in bottomdof saucepan. Add boiling water tie cover, bring to a boil and simpler, covered. Allow 10 minutes Per pound after boiling point ie reach- ed. Served with Sweet n'sour Sauce: Make a paste of 2 table- spoons cornstarch and % cup cold water. In top part ofdouble boiler, over boiling water, heat % cup brown sugar and ye cup vinegar. Slowly add cornstarch mixture stirring as sauce thickens, Cook covered until there is no longer any starchy taste and sauce is clear—about 10 minutes. French Fried Fish Purchase whitefish, fillets of ball - but, smelts or flounder for deep fat frying. Clean, wipe as dry as poseible with paper towelling. Sprinkle With salt'Dipin flour, then beaten egg and crumbs. Fry in deep fat at 3.70 degrees or fat that browns a •cube of bread in 40 secobds. Drain (af- ter 5 to 7 minutes cooking) on absorbent paper. Take a Tip 1. After handling raw fish, rub hands with salt and rinse to remove fish odor. 2. Dishes .which have held fish, will be sweet again ef soaked in Water to which has been added 1 teaspoon mustard. Wash well. 3. Cook fish in cookery parchment or aluminum foR to prevent cooking odors. 4. Allow 2 clips dry crumbs for stuffing a four -pound fish. 5. Allow 15 minutes per pound for baking stuffed fish in .oven of 400 degrees. -DUBLIN Save your fertilizer bags and old paper for the Seaforth Lions Sal- vage drive.—(Adv.). Mr. 'and Mrs. Leonard Nagle and family nioved to their new home in StratfOrd on Monday. They were residents of, Dublin for the past four years. Mrs. Nagle was pre- sented With a pair of blankets by women', ot the neighborhood last Week. Personals: Miss Jean Suther- land, 'Hamilton, with Mr. and Mrs. Prank Evans; Mr. and Mrs. Grid. - ton, Dwyer, Kitchener, with • her mother, Mrs. Loretta Jordan; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lane, Toronto, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Atkinson; Miss Marie Evans, Lon- don, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans; Miss Dorothy .Yordan, of Kitchener, with her mother, Mrs. Loretta Jordan; Misses Helen and Margaret Flan- agan, Kitchener, with their par- ents, Mr. andalars. Wm. Flanagan; Mae Mar#,StIlleleton, Gueleh, with her father, Cart Starileton. BIt'tTCEFIELD` , Save your fertilizer iage and old paper Seaforth Lions Sal- vager driv4§.—(Adl 4,91m4K- 4),ftd, anent MAE '495,0" the week -end at their holnee. Mr. J. Bowey and Mee. 0. Grain- ger, Exeter, apent Sunday with rel- atives. Mrs. Elsie Forrest, of Loadoll, spent the week -end with Mr. and, Mrs. Arthur McQueen and Marg- aret. • Group 1 of the W.A. held a very suceessful concert in the Sunday Schoolroom of the church on Mon- day evening. There was a large attendance and the program, con - slating ot musical numbers and, readings, was Well received. At the close of the entertainment a delicious lunch was eerved by the group. Miss Helen Erratt, Varna, has returned home after visiting her coudina Mies Leona and Marge Andersonal Mrs. Orland Johnston was in London on Wednesday. Several attended the Co-op ban- quet in Hensall Monday night. STAFFA Save your fertilizer bags and old paper for the Seaforth Lions Sal- vage drive. --,(Adv.). Work has been started on the 40 -person , temporary housing pro- ject located oxi the farm of A. H. Daynard, adjoining the village. The land was rented by the On- tario Hydro -Electric Power Com- mission to provide housing for workmen putting through the new 60 -cycle line running from Devizes to Seaforth. Staffa is the centre point for .the two locations." Personals: Norma Harburn is a patient in Scott Memorial 'Hospi- tal, Seaforth, with an attack of pneumonia; Audrey Elliott in Lon- don with her sister, Mrs. Don Tyn- dall and family, Dianne Tyndall re- turning home with her after a few weeks with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Elliott; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Elliott with Mrs. El- liott's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ghes- sel, Mitchell, Saturday, the occa- sion of the latter's wedding anni- versary; Gilbert, Hubert and Ray Lee, Seaforth, with Keith Macdon- ald; Jean Laidlaw with her par- ents at Atwood; Irving Russell, Detroit, brother-in-law of Percy Parsons, is reported seriously ill in hospital in Detroit following an operation; Joseph Worden has been confined" to his home through illness. CROMARTY Save your fertilizer baga and old paper for the Seaforth Lions Sal- vage drive.—(Adv.). Mr. Alex McKellar (Sandy) cele- brated his ninetieth birthday at his home on Sunday, March 5. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bruce spent the 'week -end in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Austin Hoggarth. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hunkin, of Belmore, and Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle Cornish, of aeaforth, visited Sun- dae with Mr. and Mrs. William Hamilton. Mrs. Jean Chalmers and son, David, of Dashwood, visited with Grace Chalmers over the week- end. Irene Kemp, of Mitchell, visited with Mrs. M. Houghton and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Houghtou. " Miss Hazel Hamilton spent a few days in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. John Jackson, of Woodstock, visited with Mrs. D. Bruce. Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Houghton spent a,: day in London. '• Personals: Helen Walker, Lon- don, with her parents; Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Huckin, 13elmore, `with Mr. a.nd Mrs. Wm. Hamilton; Margaret Scott, London, with her mother, Mrs. la J. Scott, and vis- ited her grandfather, James 'Scott, wbo is ill in hospital at Seaforth; Miss Betty McKellar in Toronto With friends and relatives; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Armstrong and children with Mr. and -Mrs. , Lyn McKellar; Mrs. Fergus McKellar and Gary have returned home from a visit in Seaforth. , Save your fertilizer hags and old paper for the Seaferth Lions Sal- vage drive.—(Adv.). Miss Ida Dayman, of London, spent over Sunday with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Dayman. 'Mr. Alf. Glazier spent Sunday with 'his ,mother in Clinton. Mrs. Peter Gridzak and children spept Sunday with her parents, 11111111111111111111111111111111111111I111111116 FROM SCOTLAND TO HURON: A.' history of the Kerr 'family. By the late W. B, Kerr, former Associ- Professor of,'His- tery, University of Buffalo. Tilt is the sten, of the migra- tin and fortunes of several fate- elies eroin Scotland and North- errieIreland to Huron County, gen- ii& (and some A° ,the United tee), in theeearle and middle th century. ,Families allied, to 4. the ,Kerri receive attention, like "'ih'Medina. Hedg,sons, inera,,,CaTopbells--- some of • eVildni, went to7Wasconsin. The author has collected the ,eyeriences of three generations in battle econOreic social account 1 pages, inelUding 17 pages aps and PhOtograDhs o per- il* and places. t PRICE $2.00 ti4ers, fecompanied by, 1400e intedid be addreseld, tot a7 THE " ON'tlirostrrixt',. afOrth, • " Mr, anti Mrs Cliff Watson la Cen- tralia. Mr. and Mrs. These Butt were Clietton. ou Sunday visiting frienda there. • • Mr: Finitb,einer, Son-in-law of 3417: Carl McOliecliey, hes been enga* ed by Mr. AndrewB. Bell and moved from near London last week with his wife. and famity in- to the,' Bell enettage' on the 2nd or ,Tuckfiremith. Mrs. Edgar McBride was, in Lon - en Saturday last 'Visiting her 'husband, who is, taking treatments •in a hoepital in that city. . Mi. John Anderson has purchas- ed a new sedan can ' Mr. 'Harold Jones has purchase•d a new Sedan, trading his used car , on the deaL Mr. Peter JteeVes, Who purchas- ed a newsedail last week has had the znisfortune of having the freet end of the hood and grill shOved when lie ran into the rear of 4 Parkedtruck in Exeter test Thursday. Mrs. Cecil Kaiser,' of Toronto, spent •a week receritly with her cousins, Mr.' and Mrs. Earl Sproat. The March meeting of the Kip - Pen East Institute will take place at the County Home, Clinton, on Wednesday evening, March 15, at 7:30 sharp. Mrs. Paul Doig and Mrs. R. Love will be the hostesses. Roll call is to be answered by a fruit or vegetable aed the vitamins contained therein. The motto, "Little things that make life beau- tiful," will be -taken by Mrs. Peck, and the Poem by Mrs. W. McLean. A musical program will be held. Eaeh •member is to be responsible for three boxes' for the County Home residents. HENSALL Tudor's in Hensall have a grand stock of Spring and Summer fabrics for the home sewer—Ging- hams, ,Chambrays, Printed Silks, English Crepes, Sunnivales, Pop- lins and Fine Prints. Take ad- vantage of Vogue, McCall and Sim- plicity pattern service.—(Adv.). (Continued from Page 1) The annual meeting and banquet of Hensall District Co-operative, held in the Town Hall Monday night, was attended by over 200 hundred, with guests from Exeter and Seaforth Co-operatives. Preai- dent Sam Hendrick was chairman for the evening. The financial re - Port disclosed that the turnover was $288,963,000, an increase of $73,000 over laet year, with a total savings of $7,467. LOOK HONEY FOR SALE CLOVER HONEY in 8 -Pound Pans S1,00 per Pail ED. BOYCE, R.R. 5, Seaforth PHONE 852 r 41, SEAFORTH Will deliver in town TIle guest speaker, Russell, Love, Peeeident Inter -Provincial Co-oper- atives, and President Alberta Co- operatives Wholes,ale, spoke on 44Co-0perative Movements and Bee- ,efita Derived From It." He com- pared general price level between larrie and labor prices, and pointed out that if farm income ife reduc ed, labor income will inevitably shrink, also. ,Art 'Musgrave, of Thornbury, -Co-operative ineurance fieldman, discussed members group 118e insurance co-operative. Mem- bers of Hensall Co-operative voted to Continue group insurance with .Co-op life insurance. Mr. Musgrave told the meeting that Hensall Dis- t ict Co-op was the beat financed ,pera.tive tsr Heron County. Manley Jinks, manager of Hen - salt and Mr. Oestricher, of Exeter Otlagieratives, sPoke briefly. It was decided to hold a picnic this year. ' The banquet was catered' by Kippen East W.I., and Disjardine's orchestra favored with selections. Miss Helen Love presided at the piano for the National Anthem. Offic,ers are as followe: Freda dent, Sam Hendrick; vice-presi- dent, Gordon Love; secretary, Bert Klopp; directors: Roy McBride, Wm. Caldwell, Kenneth Etue, Ede sori Forrest, Duncan Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore re- ceived the four service methels from the Minister of National De- fenee of their son, P/O. Gerald Passmore, who gave his life in February, 1945, during flying oper- ations over Germany. ' The annual birthday party of the United Church W.M.S. will be held' in the schoolroom of the church Friday evening, March 17. Invited guests will be the ladies of the Evangelical 'Church, Zu.rieh; St. Paul's Anglican, Carmel Pres- byterian Church and Evening Aux- iliary, Hensall. Guest speaker will be Rev. Miriam Collies, assistant pastor of 'Colborne United Church, London. Mrs. Edgar McClinchey has ac- cepted a position on the staff of the post office, commencing her duties Tuesday of this week. Hibbert, Township Council Mon- day afternoon let the gravel ten- dee to the Levis'. Ceenteti*eile Of Clinton, at 53 eente Per etibic yard,;, Roney. Drain' and laoggartli Drain contracts were let to Mr. EennOtn of Sebringville. .• ,A St. Patrick's dance will ` he .beld in the Town Hall Friday, March 17, with music by IVfurdoch's orchestra, and door prizes. Tbile affair is !being sponsored by Hen- sall Legion AnwiliarY, A pregram be eetpils of Rensall public !wheel ane neigiabOrMg rur- al sahools will Ittepteliented inithe Town Hall Tuesday, /iGlereli,28, at 846, pen, Protieetle will he an eid of the CelnaaannitY St. Patrick's dance will be held In the Town Hall Friday., March 17. Conveners are Mrs. Howard •Sniale eked • Mre. jinnee ' Sangster; 'publicity convener, MrS. Maude Heddene deCileating coM- mittee Mrs. J. Peebles, airs; An- gell, Mrs. A. Clark. Luncheon was served by the social committee, comprised of Mrs. C. Kenneder, Ilifre. A. Clark, Mrs. H. BontbrOn, Mrs. Ross Dick and Mrs. M. Red- den. " Additional Henson News, on Page 3 ffinsionosionsimusamons Photos • for Easter For Appointments Call— J. CALDWELL - Phone: Seaforth 663-11 after 7 p.m. . Anns' Studio . Bay -field ill1111111111111111=111111111111111i11111111E11111111111111111111111111111111T CLEARING OUR Good Used (ars '41 38 CHEVROLET SEDAN—Radio, heater. A real good buy. DODGE CUSTOM SEDAN—A good car in A-1 shape. 29 FORD COACH— Cheap transportation. , Hensali Motor Sales Dodge - DeSoto Sales & Service HENSALL PHONE 31 Complete Stock of POULTRIf EQUIPMENT • BROODERS: e.:Lf Electric 300 and 506' chick capacity 'Coal 500, - MOO chick capacity • FEEDERS -24", 30", 48" • FOUNTS -1, 2, 3, 5 Gal. • BROODER WAFERS • BROODER BULBS >?-,t • FIOAT VALVES seal, " )