HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1950-03-03, Page 7I I . I I I I :. I � 0. I , , , � I - I , I ""i � '' 'L, - ,�!�, ", . _�: - , , ,,.,'_, �,:.f��, ", ­,­ , � ." , : : 1%P � �r:����ir����,�.��,,�:���.',�..",,,�i���,',�l',�l"::���,�;;�,���','j ....... _', ',,,,�J�!�.",,, , � � - " ". v, , , , N."",, ­ �, .., I I ,� , I - i I . . " ! ."', 'i�j:�,� ,"�ir;",;.,���i�'�,i�',�.,'�,,����',',��i,',,�",-"����,,',�,�,�";)�i,,,,���,��,�i����,�l�,�,, � , " ..... . I , ­' Z,,� � �, ,, � , -, - , - ­ " , .- ,� .4 J� " �i , 111i, -',�,,I,r 1'3�.,­,,�, F��4i, W';� � _� �;.",jlll��,j, W,�,�,�1,11.T� ":, � 1 , I ,�", , ;;".� �, �! , "'ei:, )", '11,1 "I 1�"'�J ­. ­ I - i'l 'i1`,,ii:wZ,1 ,,�,,,� - � 1� �,,,,, 6,', ", '1 , .;, 11�', ��', � , 1 - � , . �, , ,,, 1; � :1 ... 'I'll X11, '" , � '�,:."�i �' � �!:��,`,ijjj �,',,Ij, �, : �., � � I , � I . I I" . .. i� � ! . �111 , I I �,'�i,;4 � �� , , , .. 1 ,,, , " . 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I � I I ",11 I 1�1 �!'_�! . � I I I " -1 , I � 1111111,1111-41 � 4tox" , I I . "I. � " ­ ,� 0 `-.0 �?; , 01 f .1'�(, , . 4 .. �� L " � I 11 I � I ��: . I 1� � � � "I .. ,. , '. ­', i; It .. 11 0 1� , �,a, 4QQ. 1, I .. : I I �, 1 I �6 � I : . ,,, �� � I , ,for I � selves , PAITIAP4, . �. � �� � ., , I.. ".., : ; ", I I .., , ,� . �� �, ,�� �, A � - 1,;, . f ", . � 4, 1 .1, � " , � , ­ "'. , ., , �, ,-1 7 ... - "y ;,(�,V. 114' , , " , , , ,� ��,7 If ,,i� I I �­L ,11i'l 011, � I.. . .1i , .'riR ,�:,`� i ,,Oil , ,. ,.,,,,,,R�,� .."""', ''! 00 ,�,.* . . her � I N ". . � �,, "I" "... EV .ttijg�'up � ��'. .q�t I ft�� 0�1 I I , , � ����� , r :. 1-1 I 0-10M..", L I the mo- _ - ­ t �, 0741 �PW,,��Aly I ward I . et, 9 �" � � - - . P slits I I'll, :�" . . . . . . . . I -11 1-1-11111- � I.. � � - _-­j'�t­ �, , �jl,� : �. W11 -, I - ��j al : advi�s":ot s � I I wNif " _W,!,� ___.... � A a 'j. -1 y " - �t I -1 . ... 4 . -require � . � "V4 ,,, 0, alie the - I v , , I . " , ,F -r7 -r-7 s� Th Pf.kv , �� onto aiu' dpllhernt�,hr AA v. I., I `_b� ­­TQ�, - U � UA IA. ,".. , � .1 I . ,, diffl, ult illw -� 1, I P ,� ,: "0ir& mr-r-11 P, ... 11 Ir . , . , I I - . 91%0�,PX' tuary, lild � A - tva�ml � , . JVI ,0 X ., I -e- . 4:11r, Q910.144 � t : I 4 ,7 � ,I # ','Plr� 'I., w, t, . , � I f,,HAP I E_R IX . Well, it's scarcely e/time, to . , ask you a favor," he -said after a . moment, his � *tone doggedly doter- . I I Ann Clayto mined, his eyes -bleak, "but'I've the Courier, despite the op- really no choice In the matter. les ---.only that breaking off -our en - position of its editor, Tracy Driscoll, who wants another gagemeat just -at this particular woman. reporter. But, under .mbinon,t Is going to -well,, to put meAn rathera spot. I suppose you the terms 1 of. a contract, a playton could work on the pa� wouldn't consider postponing the per if he. or she chose. - When .announcement that -all is ended between us--4or just a few days? Ann enters into a make -be- Heve engagement with Dr. I hav d on for ask- . Lyn Frazier, Tracy tells her be is g6ing to stop the mar- Ing that, Ann." She hesitated and then ,she said riage. Ann tells him .she is rehictantly, without coinmitting herself, "I'll hear the reason." quitting the paper, but Tracy refuses to A_ecept her resigns- "ThanIc you," said Lynn formal- "There tioh, saying that under the ly, and went on quickly. is an appointment I want ratiher'bad- contract she must give a ly. The slightest unpleasant gossip month's notice. Tracy now declares his love for Ann, but might -I mean would definitely - sayts ,he cannot marry her. upset the whole apple cart. But if you wait until after the appoint - *'Why can?t you, darling?" Ann asks. Then Tracy tells ment has been made -publicly, be - how.he is.under obligations to well, the', committee that made the Lissa Marven, another em- ,ployee of the paper, Julie Bar- appointment could -hardly admit ton telephones Ann to come that they were influenced by gos- , sip and could hardly withdraw the and see her�at the point of a appointment. You see?" -pistol-that she -Ann -is not . going to marry Dr. Frazier. Ann hesitated, unwilling to ad- mit that she could see the logic of 3'rightened, Ann breaks off her , his reasoning; unwilling even more engagement. to be influenced by it. . I I Ann asked evenly, "What is the appointment, Lyn?" As, thoughhe had not heard her, "Head of Staff, for .the new . he =Abed out the glowing tiP of Children' -s Hospital, Ann," he told his cf�4retto In a little bronze ash her and eagerness quickened his tray, on the desk beAide him. voice and enthusiasm was.warm in There was a little taut silence his eyes. "It's -well, it's quite a which Ann showed no disposition post, And' . . to break, and which he was trying She was still for a long moment. I to solve in some manner she could The Children's, Hospital had just only suspect. been completed;. a ni�morial to a I - , �� I - - - ft.w. ft" - . . - -_ - =__� I . � . . I - - - -, - � 5--.. - . .F.k .,! . .� I . , ! 1, - 'r 11 . liv. ... RE— �i" I , I N � I . 'I I � , , , ,4.-��-,Og." V. " . ME .3 nf'..-gga.-rutp . . h. t, .11,, �. . 1W ...... I . . . I E., RW . t,p; - "� - '. --14 � I ­. ,,:�o "p-s-yug. en-� P", � a... , . f � _� ,,,� �­v � ., , . �f 1�1. , - 1- �- 111.1 1. 1% . M,�q,�;N,f�,q-�, IF t�, '14. 9.7"'T .11%- , , . .1 -r NNIX ,�F 11 1�` - _. . _.- ,i "' " I , "I . - " I 4, � ;;`�� t �X,55N,§i'6 ., ;,��4, W � ­ I -`-�.-._;'­b,-I,e�4� A— RM . - . - .,. �gi .,-.. ,.,. �,�, , I - , , .e,� � F."g-'I" -1 .. .. 1. I _W . ­ �_ .. I L.;: � . r( I � - I __% - i . 1. . � I -e. s - 11, * I - - I IE 10-1- � W I '/ . 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I .. . . - Space contributed in'the AmwWr :: . . 41 1. I sem'ce of this Community byJohn Labatt Limited . . �­. I , � I I '11, � � �... . ", I I ", . ­ _...0111 - ", . I . I . . 11 . _� �� 11 - I ;1 . !',� ,,, �.�_ "­ . .1 . I., 717. 11 I....''. .4 . I - , i- 1!­-�, I o I �_ - - I - 0, 660 %W0,-i*A0i"i&. . ., , . , � . L. I 1.111.1-1- I'll. �,�l;.�".,.",.�.�.111,11,�1.11 .... .111-1, - ... ..1-_11111...'_4_.__ I ­ ­­­ . . . P �, "440 ;. l, �, !; - small so of a very W44#47. Couple that it iva4 eir dui 0 �, istM, - ,,our profit system " gygt 71� �, ., , I .I.: i, " f7 , �, M P ,Ull �t,'i; '; J­qAftrT.6AK7W rwn , -4 � ,�i, A " * ,.y _ W 441010d,afW _'�',,N,_'�rkP, -,�!�j; ", P�IgIVM 7T,V1 r,,--, ,,, � . .a __ j "� �r . � , ,..ey.4 , 37 who had not aurvived,blis second reppopsIbIlity, to, pro I 0 for _ � We A.M, 01,0 A vehif ero, , N4',At We ggt: A , -1 . ,F0 ffl�W�) - .-1 I., , ,,, . � ." �i Wlhleh-, has ", t',,"',-�,�:,��,�P'�,r,,-,"".', I Rll� , , . helped, ,to, build thIs Aq."Aho�.100�, I Y il� I �1 I . , Y -we will deprive all of -au -L .111 , � ? coliA41. K, 010,0. -- A00 X I . . , O."'P" .t, , , . birthday The 'pareuts,,, JA their selv,es and their fain lie . p worIN. I � " �,,, 9#4,��Ii�'l L,Xpyi �, 1. j� _1 � I I , A, , , ,, they . quiptag _.j.� f , " , � , b, ­ grie I r ltioout . g4i : � , i'M C�Uhot,wta@j�, hai,cQnceii,�d had faith d co I , _4 #.Attion-P, , I ,19 � , . . '61 .,f� , 4,99,0 F ,%, 'J . . ,, tho Ive .. , which ,has produe d ex, T.�'! , as a memorial to the little boy, whilit,y to b . ,�� L, . 0. . whibb. will w4ke, 04PLad ,., , .1 Aw%ey bility to - "at jo Rttor t)"AA cells I .. a p 0 ,, ' , th* only'child, a hospital equip lit, riasults, . .. the worl4la 900a, , � it t.. � 0. ,!� " I ,�,_ Ai, ,I k9 AL", - aanyone eta c 4 It for them, A410g., nations. � I . 4'' �'.1 :� 1-� , , ; ', =� �, her any cou*0 9#9rs " ." %� I.. �, qn I , �� I'dja4gree with su.dh- advjce� It doubt, whet 1.1 I r. ­ i" I ;�i ,,, 1", - � ,,, ped with every, possible devise That ..,confidextee In themselves, I , �, I I i... - : " L, .1 � , �, .1 " " " I _. " 11 : j " , I I I I I , , �.�, 1!tii "111,1111 �tay ,belief that we sh �� il,,�,,� ... 1. 111,1111 _ 111,1111 1, , ...p...;.;;P� �. .. � ­�, "�;� ', � �, :j 111,1111 11 -(1. �' is. � ould co#- more freedom ctr more oppor.1_4447, . . �'11�( �,1,11,11.1 t4at science and medi" altill could gave them the courage, the initia- _,;',,­ �i­­,fl;�, ,�,q��"-.IUII"�,�.",Ii����,,���l"..�h'I","",""���,.�,l�,o�,,�P",�,; +� I I _��-i � X . �'f4 �'1',�ll,�����,�'I'l�1.1�.,�I'll�l, 11, ,�,,� �; 1�1 1 q 1 devise for the SaVilkl; Of -011 tive, the will and the vision to 14Y tinue, to build this country In an thau this country of ours. So that, "' i, , �;'�­`, ..:,!1. 11!�, ­. � I 1. , �, ...... vtg . ..... . 4 �i'1,11� �,,�, 11 R, �� ', A i.'.� 11 ,i4i .� �,."r .4".: �, , - i� j,,� atmosphere of freedom,where ey� we as Cans,ffiau" citizens, o g , I , 'J.",L""4"q,�,,�,"�,e�t3�"1,�, "�� V lives; and the hospital vus On- the so'lind 'fo.�indatiou on -which' . 44 0 , � , ,j� 1,'�,L ,, �.;A. ". , ." � &,,L., ' I ­­ ... ,,_�, � ".. I IT. - ",4" , ery, citizen has the right to select fo�ward- with bp'pe and optimism, ",L. _L , ,,, ­­ . � . ;, ­ - .11, 1. 11! ,,, 4 �,1,111;. -expected our nation -would , __ � I , ....".. �� � � 1, "y , I plq,��,�.,­ 11'r, " , ­� ""', , .1, , MISIEN1,111V I , '� �0MI'0 M I t , �� not, continue to build. is '' , -.�.�,, , dowed. liberally so that whether a they ,� r.V, "! �, I 0 11 !!,E. 1�,,;,111 h own legal method of eamingg we. should endeavor to, cultivate the. � i1a]; 0j: :: I o,'!$,��,, � ...... I child's parents could pity, or J .. : 11V!'W11W'.1W I � .% , 11 " ,�� "91 2 the child. could have everything that that spirit must be reborn in � ; � ., ,. 11�1.1 I It Seems to nle his living. We must ,Always re.- closest unity' and good,, will - , glh,, lv,t, ". , be , , �YL , ** 1.11, . K - .11 - , , � . , ,., 111 elvll -64 g 5t,',�A� member, however, that freedom tween. all racep and creeds, and in "I. I , ­ . ". " �,�'11�,,� .'j",P� . I , , P,� Z%,�.1;4,'K&`Iff �gl'�I�g , that he needed'to restore him. to our people if we ape to build thp . .. . . , ''l , !""', . , -,A,,'Jf�,�­ ,W " , I � I �,f.�,,�Vi�`�; F. M , a cloak particular_tho two great races of � � ", I, ,.;er,f�� , 09 'i 111", � should never be uped as ,� t ; ,� ,�,�"-,e", %� cm " I vigorous nation of indep��&ei�t . i ,%,�,+�!,q'l 11,11 N., for -personal greed or selfishness; our country. , I consider that in . � I ­ �, 4,�I,­,;,111",h,A,',�� . .1 7, , . �i�)6,'!M I '141g,"fq'i stoned .in their day and I . .y . " �� , , I Lyn would do agood. job as Head people that our forefathers euvi- nor should our profit system be al� ParlialneAtaty experience has been . h , I , I �1� I 01 of Staff. She had to admit that. . y , , " r 1� ": - ,!, I I'll, genera- lowed to develop into a means of most valuable In having brought ," 'I � I . . "I.. �, I �f�,��:,., , L "I . I , He was a skilled, surgeon, a fine tion. , ,,, L �,4 �,�I:,,�, . .. ... J� I I �.. ". � I I L, "', �1 %"",:��, . exploitation. Freedbin does not in- me into close relafionship with � - iN I . . . ­,"., 111i 1'*1 N, physician, he had devoted yeurs. of , in th,ese. times the g I I . . . I ', ", �1' overament, clude the right to exploit labor fellow Catiadians from our neigh- N : . I . 11 . I V. ,,�,'­,­A',�', � 111. ," _Jl,,�i,_ ,'IKI,v,�e,'T§1, 0 " " � � - ,�, , IP , I .17 , 1, ,, -,11, � - . , I i '111�1111 hard work and study, and , A, . : 1, �;, ., , , , 1'r"�',V 4 �i'P has, to meet many demands or to waste our natural resources; boring province ,of Quebec. I have , � "�,. ,,'-�'!�,;i,t""1Mfl ' . .. � ­ �"'' " ��i,,,At,6,0_,�,---��, 1�1�111 " �11. " S I , _,'!?� ,, �".. . ,,, "A - I "I Ann nodded, thqu. "Very well, many complaints. On the one neither doe it include the right greae,admiration for these lidii-or- � . I I I �: 1� ',��,' �.T­Vlli, �11',!`, �,I,.� - ,�� Lyn.,, , I � ,. 11 ,� , ". " . "It ,!' 11". I . I I . ", , "" ", �,'._ 17",%,"G�". . 1i . ,hand, ,people are dqmauding more to a monopoly, whether it be on able -colleagues in both houses of W. r �; , ��J , , 1. �,11,. ,, , 'It, -1 ";'bj�,"th­ll, - 11.11 N., . - 11, I—' -"I'll, 11.4 ,Lyn's expression. was eagerly ex- and mbre control and more and The. old advice to. "keep your, But 1 E. ,V � I the part of the state, labor or free parliament. I have always found �,�N' sli6i � W , 'R " wi .. .1. i", 11 I I I L . on this . ' ,� ,;�;,�"�:�'­` 0 16 I pressive of his delight. more government action I fences mended"'should be applied doa-r,hoj�` ';`d."�, ­ .1 , " ,'.. � ­4:�',­, �,-Y�,§g I - enterprise, for the purpose of ro- them kinII, courteous, honest an , ". 11. - I . ­ '4l � d I �UWFANW'�..',­�, , V :�',".���.'�i-i�l,,!,,'W��,,�r, i ­ A , I'll... Ann was still sitting alone in the, that and, the other thing while, stricting production and, incieas- sincere in their views, and dete to your relationship's yvjd� others. Slmda�iy`;,"Een�e-�Mo '�Joff � , . . ; . ., " ,"�is' . rm- L, 1 I 11.11 ,�,N. . � .1, �Ik I LL . 4101 I ��, 11��` 1, morning room when Sarah came on the other hand, people are com- Ing -prices. How many ,times,have ined, by unity and good will, to Suppose,.for instanc% that some ....... M04Y nopmar h - .1 I 1.10,If I I tT,',",,'v!, 0.4"v ��'...,Jgq ... & . 7;7' stllt::,�Ih . I home. S,irah looked regal and im- plaining about -government regula- we heard the sound truth that a make t,his Canada of ours a �oun- one opposes you m. some matter. th It , th - 01 *, .�,"J�-' . , .�, i., I I , . - 11 _..:�,; i�.:."" , �,:� . �', � , . !60�� , �.. .: ""', . ":'�"�`,`�' �, �.�,�V!f; I �,;'-:A. . '" !e "57,�, " . -- 4`��,�, ., ,I ,:�1;::!:, tiosing in the severe black dress tions, control, . �,:�,; , ', " 11 " interference with handful�of men, or ev" one man, try of Wflich we cart aII­b#-,piqud. Probafily yo ,;� . �� ', .4, Ir -111i . P�L 1. , . . I I a will resent his atti- cases we sb i d��tivy,�,�by,,;e,xpiii��ia,$f,,� ,.., ,:.,,;, . .., , - ., , I " I , �,� "."�:"," , � ­ , �. " 1, ��i �-�;.",4,�",fl, I , , 1. ��� I YK; . . �'.' , that had .been made over so clov- business, and. so forth. SOmo Of conducting a business or acting on ' - tude. You may even ridicule his our segreo �,or' -lettib � '' , I I deeply. appreciate thi.,-.,'opp,r 1 $ A, , I x4es " ''.11, ;"'N'44 . erly that no one could h our people seem to forget that the bobalf Of labor, with no thought, tunity of speaking from ln�':�place view� or "fly off the handle" - even be bygonov.�,;to,"pcaux I 7�_ .111, '.. , ��:-.­,,', .1 ed it was not straight from the government has. been trying . , '4 r . %,�� 1, to for the rights of others, can ere- in this chanil�er_ "xice, again I though You realize that in doing frijendty. I ­ . ,:,.;" '. , �., �_, - �gv' ,,,, , ,;�, "n �X, ". ,�i ,�,,' ­r�,j4�1� , . , . ic; . �: i, �, "', �.0 I town's best shop. There was color carry out a policy ,of orderly cOn- ate more public resentment against would compli4tit honorable mem- so you am only making nigtte,ts Actually, few, matters are,.i '4 , , . _'� As a matter of fact there is our economi - .T , .. " "i in, her cheeks and her eyes were trbl. , � ­ , i� '. c system, and - hers of the Senate for the very worse. . taut' 'enough, -to i ., I , , I'��..� ". �, our meth I , . . bright and -lively as she saw Ann an almost continuous file of dele, od of doing things. than can be . * . �. � � :� �t. ,, , �,, ­,. , %,; �. . . I.. 11 �, �,:�­J4�,.�k ; ' L"! and said, "Why�, I thought you and gates and delegations appearing. oVerco ., efficient manner in which they con- Whenever this happens,'don't them your. � r� tw . . 11";5,, _f� me by a ,hundred thousand duct their business, and upoh. ,the I I L. I ,pi � * ,� �", Lyn were dining Out somewhere before our government or some men guided by humanitarian prin- thoroug ak h .rxt� any, way. 1�",_ , - . . .; I . I ""11 ". . �,, ", h amends. Admit,that per)haps you * . * , *: - �'i tonight - the Cosgrove woman, of its -members day after day. ciples,and sound6bustuess et ies? 11 study which is given to .. � '14" ,� I "'t, ";, . I .,; , ;�_, I .... I'll - wasn't it?" These delegations represent� var- bills sent to the various' commit- were a little hasty in what you said. your I& insurance plans, . � 11� "I I think that the social services tees. As members of the Senate we . tq)6�-Jnaa , .., ,:::*�'..'_".��, . Py I " i _15 "I'm never going out with Lyn tons groups, organizations and in, Admit, too, that the other fellow need mending from time -to tinde_ - I'll, ..... ..... -,J,;�,�; 1". . �"; ... which we have are -good and belp.- .should endeavor to c"perate in I ­!, o ... b� � 11 I ,, '�b , .1 again -'as long as I live!" Ann dividuals, and in the main all are may have had a case. . 11 ,�il. i � ful, 'but I believe the whole sYs- every way we can with the other Additions to the family, &6,n" . ��,,,,`;� burst out, and it wasn't at all what asking for government assistaripe, !;­­ k! . tem. should be based- ron. the plent to give this - I If you win a dispute or an at- of growing chiWen, increased liv- � ,�.,% 1. , , I .. .01 she had meant to say, but her dis- concessions or protection of s.ome . I � ��, . �;� 00"V . suratition that our nation is Just country the best 'Possible lzgisia- - tempt to get your owix way with ing costs - these and other changes ,­ i�_�,��, I .­�7-, ,,_��111 - gust and her sick contempt for kind or ,another. Unfortunately for one big family. In the old days a tion and -leadership. Personally, someone, don't rub it in. Try to suggest bringing your life iisuri.' ,. , ., '�,'.-.,k . :�,!'�,q, , him had, spilled over into her voice the government -there is a. great good Canadian family had a keen may I say, I have found that the regain his goodwill and do what ance plans up-to-date with today's '�..�4, diversity of opinion between -hese '. _,", and betrayed her.* sense of family responsibility, a d Senate is doing a -much better job you can to help him "save Eaa'. needs. � � . � � : ! - ,, �, . . I . I I different delegations. For instance would do every -thing possibielto and tnaklne� q far gre,,iter enntrl-j I I � .140 - . �� ", " Ann told Sarah the whole story. I Sarah listened without a word and today representatives of th�- om- M��. ,,�`� 1, LLY. to take care Of any member 0 I M ­r�,,`.� ... when A_nu had finished sarah ployees of our great -railway sys- of that family who was not able - --- - . .. - , '41 , I ."", said quietly, "I'm sorry you . . ,,� ,�,'�, had tems may be ,asking for increased I � self; but such ... 1,� ' ' to learn it this An wages and additional concessions, I , �, . "' " , way, n -the people would rebel at being ex- i r ." "" thing I've known about you from with feiver hours of work, and to- pected to take care of someone . I I ,�� the very first, which is that -you morrow representatives of the who was able and competent to ,�� '11, 1�.:,� .... 1� ,,, g" " patrons of the roads may protest himself. So it should be t a � - 1 .:,�,,J4,�, were never for a moment in love . look after I . The call h t Wakes a ;_,�:�.i deceiving gorously against -any increase in with our nation: all able and com- . � I ... "."i � �, �. IF with Lyn! You were vig . , I .'gi� J freight rates or other charges. �q,ll , Yourself and it took something like petent citizens should feel it a ,0 .. J 'I this to jolt you out of that deceit 'ghere is the same conflict of I i- -, 11 ,. ,. 11 ", . , privilege and a duty to do things I - I , , 1;�, Be grateful to Julie, all -the days terest between labor organizatio�is for -the , I I'll . . . . . . , . inselves and try to look ­ I Your contribution win I . ; i I ���'it�" , , , of your life, that you I -earned, it ancl employers, and between civii after themselves. Further, they .­ ­­ - - - ­­_ extend Red Cross FLW . 1. . �� . now -instead of later!" servi6e organizations and taxpay- should feel it -their duty to make S . Blood Transfusion Service. . -1. q.. 111 ers. One day repres�,ntatives of , 11 am, of course," said An4 some contribution to any system n , 79't i 0 ns heart I . . . I huskily, and added- frankly, ,"that civil servants may ,demand inercms- by which the state endeavors -to 6 . I.. 4 . � .. is., I suppose I- will be when the- ed wages and changed Working look after those who through ill- I I .. i:i:�ii...,i,si.*.'��..'�..',',�, . .1.� _ .,�.'!! I _ the -shock wears off." conditions, -and, perhaps the next' ness, -blindness, or other ph . I a _-_ �'- 11 -40, � day organized groups ot taXpayetb % . .1 I ­ � `11 ah -peered at her keenly, ble to I - .. .. . 1 %I/, , "I -Ij ........ Sar will protest against Our& high rate t I defects, are not a .,`.-.`-.'.�. ,�--.:,.. . _P 12 . 11 ..11�1, shrewd, sharp, loving old eyes look after themselves. . . "" W,5� . .11, , of taxes and insist that the gov- . Al gently but very ,penetrating. TO actl 0 R .... 11-11 ernment reduce expenditures in. I nelieve that any permanent so- '. .�t I ::1 'In time of dis= I , 'j� � , i�a "What else is on your mind, my every way. . cial security plan we attempt to : __.,� I " crow gift ; .= , , , ... .. . ,4 � after a moment. These conflicting problems are -get up in this country should be : save a life I I . ..... N C : "� 11 ­% I �jtk - . , Ann looked up at her, startled. continuously being placed before on a contributory basis; and I . ., , �;i3�� - . .. I Mq , "Vv%y, nothing-" she began but the government, and my feelings hope that some scheme of this * �'Ii . . . �.,�,441 .... ., Sarah. Isid a finger on her lips, kind will -be the outcome -of -the . : 'i .1.1111"...", 10. that even more than the patience ; . . . . . . . . �' . sileribing hers. I of Job will be required 'if these conferences which are being held ;j: �� ­ I . .I ;_�,X "Don't try to lie to me child " oblems are to to untangled and between the provincial and federal :.. ',.�; .- I . I ­� , , " ' ' ! . 0, said Sarah quietly. 'You and I " nts. The constant de- I . ,�.`11,,_ solved to the satisfaction of all governme I � � I , have been too close for that. We've As a -matter -of fact, it cannot be mands upon the. government to ex- I I �iii I '. �1, � � ,� �� 11 always, - understood each other done. tend. and increase services of all . ::??. . 'Iik� . $Ij: ., I ...., .......% !i"' . � ,.�,;,j,i without words, on all 'the import- If we are to expect the govern- kinds involve, of course, tTemen- . ..- : �, 41. ant things. You've been going ment to shoulder the full responsi- clous additional expenditure, with - . : I : I L,P; around in a mental tog for sever- bility of -providing jobs, increased res Iting increases- in taxeir. Care- �..%.� . - . U �',,�� : . . :,V, at days -maybe I could,lielp pierce, incomes' and a high standard of rut consideration should be given . " I. I I -'. J . . � � �:%:;:':% ,�,,��t the fog?" test the gove nment become in- .­K*�.- . " living for all, then we must con- ii�:",_,_._-.-..". -K A. ::.,�:...',, ..'..." �Iil volved in expeuditures� so great .... "'.: :1i Ann then told Sarah Tracy's cede to it the po'wer and authority I :..�'. � . I : - story; his devotion to Lissa, and to ,command ,and dictate, to imple- that I -.will force taxes so high � '_ .::,.:;: t .;: �.. ..., .. - � . . ,nl-1 .........., the reason for� it; wby'he felt, that ment and carry out, with certainty th at it 'Will discourage b"iness ,, ;,; :% � ... �11 ", � IT , . ..., :: " if he ever married, it would "have and. continuity all of the policies and farmers, and will force, de- :, . "" " 1: �; to DiE� Lissa." which it believe- ductions so high from the Fay en- . .111, � " , will help in the velope of wag � .. I �;,, Sarah listened quietly, without solution of the problem. I think it . e, and salary people . .- . S , 'that they will b�Kome frustrated . �`, interrupting until the story was only reasonable that authority go a I 1 . ,- 'I., finished, and then there was a with responsibility. It is my opin- and discouraged when they,find . . 1. ` . I little silence, which Sarah broke ion, hipriourable. Senators, a that they can m-ake no -progress. I . , M A by asking quietly, in a tone that these modern times no government think we all appreciate -the posi- -ffimewfiere iii Canada ... . " ill hap ­17�:� . ='.P"R&`Cr`o's Out- 1, ,� made it a statement rather than will exist for long that does not tion in wh1ch the zovernmetat 13nas ..� � . it*clf, Our wax debts must be, met; . post Hospitals. """ a question, "You're in love with provide some system of social ser- , someone in distress, perhaps : I . * ..�� .11 ,, th administrative costs of this � Tracy Driscoll, aren't you?" vices for its -people. The socialists co aid. We have " , . , . !� Ann looked up at her, startled and similar groups are not the on- untry must be p, I 1�� , � f'! by the abruptness of the words. ly ones Who believe in social wel- pension plans, social service ,a little child ... is calling . .; ... I., schemes, and a multitude of other �'. Tli� And for a moment Ann was still, fare. On the contrary, free enter- igh 0 � ,:," while ehe color flowed over her prise is just as anxious. as, any projects, too numerous to mention to you for help ... thr6i Yaw gift is needed to � Pj I ' other group to improve the lot of. that must be provided for. Yet, as support Red Cross . ,; �, face in a crimson tide, ,only to ebb demands for your Red Cross. Answer � .�,, . the ordinary citizen. We 'ilie ,re- I h -ave remarked, , Veterans' Services. . . and leave her desperately white. peatedly told. that the real test of mor and more expenditures, with . , I I I . � � e �.1:: "Terribly,', . she confessed and - ously; from your heart! Give to aid in the I her face went /down against Sar- any political, economic or so, gener �i,,i resulting ihigher taxes, are contin . . . ; ah's, knee, and the tears.came in system is what that system does ually being made. I think the gov- . ,��i spite of her efforts to control t -hem. for the ordinary man and woman. ernment should try 'to determine never-ending work you count on the . %'! " I I . � '11, . (Continued Next Week) I agree with those who 'contend the ex e6ut of the tax burdens . * Red Cross to do. This year, the need is ' I : 3�1 I that when that test is applied to which our people are 'dble to bear, . . and should. hesitate long before go- . .� - Canada it will be found that our . 11 ing beyond that point. urgent for $5,0 1 � 4 country stands high in the list of 00,000. Only you can give your- � 11 The Voice Of countries whosecitizens have shar- While I should like to emphasize I : I ,; I . . . � ' ed in -the -benefits of a highly de- at this time, not with particular share. Give from your heart., . . Temperance veloped civilization. I reference to horiourable senators, I . � , �i. I believe that our government but to all citizens of the country, and give*all yo'u cant �,, ' I bias�gone all out in :an effort to is that if we aro to have a healthy, I . .� It cannot be said too often that meet the needs ,and wishes of our happy; prosperous nation, we must _Tl� -1 . . I"! I ,� . I . �P -1 I the distinctive advantage of the people, but I often pause and won. make up our mind, to do Our bit TRE WORK OF MERCY NEVER MOS-. I � Canada Temperance Act is,that it der -how far we should go in the to bring dbout that'result. These � 11: does not authorize the sale,of alco- interests'of the people themselves, things have to be worked for; I . ., , I � I holic beverages. The man who in encouraging them to loan on the they do not just happen, We talk . ': I t , wants liquor in any C.T.A. county state and expect it to solve all about the wealth of the country. . ." , "I is not prohibited from ,getting it. their pr9blems, many of Which Let us remember the simple truth I &V . I ,Y�1� He can have it brought in by lie- they them"lves could solve and that though there is wealth in our I �, 6itsed public carrier. The value of be infinitely stronger -Men and wo- bills, in ourIvich and fertile soil, .4.; , . . ��� I .1 -the 'Canada Temperan-co Act is men by so doing, in our forests and rocks, in our . " that It -keeps the liquor outlets at In, a young, vigorous and undi�- mineral and oil -cleposits, and in . , ,� a distance. It is a sound temper- veloped country like Canada we many other resources, it can be I I . 4 ance measure that refuses to make can never hope to reach our high- extracted only by tbe labor of our I . . ,�. " " ., . : . , . � liquor outlets easily avallahle.- est destiny if our people continual- �people. Governments have no . , I I . I I � I I Al (Adv.). ly prefer to lean on a be�neflclent rr,Rxic Pot of L,old froir. which to REV. T. DALE JONES, CAMPAIGN CHAIRMAN, PHONE 57 1 F" I I .�, I or paternalistic government ra- draw, The revenue-, -with which a i . � . I �, I .1� - tber than exercise their own iiiinds I �". , SOLUTION TO ' ' ,and muscles ' in nn atniosphere and . � - I � ., I . spirit of frPedom. We are told that . .- .,� , , I BOXWORD PUZZLE our epuritry today is just -at the 2 "I :1 � , , .. . beginning of ltq greatness, and I , ., ; think we will all agree with th-at. ... % q I . We therefore need men and wo- , I � � ( AOROSS DOWN men who are willing to work and . A ' . 1� - 1. Juror � 1. Jetsam .1 exercise their skill and ability in I � . F . with � A F doing things fdr themselves , �, FF . ,:"4 4. Remit 2. Rules , the expectation, of course: -that 4 41 X - A 7. Oue 1 3. Rupee . . ,! they will receive some reward- . . �1111 8. Untie 4. Rely , .11, ''I . I . 1, 10. Tulip 5. Mad, There are some people in this . . � I— 0 . . I ,:, country -perhaps in other coun, ".., 11 . . , If . 11. Ladder 6. Too tries too -who denounce what is , � . 'i ' I ".. . � ' 15. A13s 7. Cramp Rnown as the prolit'system. They . ".. I , L' -1 16. Eponym 9. Too think the, system is bad, and they ! 1. : I � 11 I .� . I I . 1. . ,�`,� 1 19. Answer 12. Amerce nev6t miss an opportunity lo con- . t . t ; :,,,�. I - , tiil� .- .. '. 22. Ebraot 13. Drags demrk it. They argue that prod;uc- I . . ."!� 23. Piima 14. ,.Rites tiol). Alibuld be for uso and not for I , 1�,I,ill� - :, I I I � i�7;� 25. Inker 17. Prisms profit, But one, usually finds that 1-11 I " I . 11�.� , , � : I , . I . 1� 1 26. Urges, 18. . Naked I these people wish to apply that � ! � I � I , I .�i��: � � " 27. Cuts 20. Nausea . principle to everyone else but � .� � I.. L I ,L 11 I I . �;,� - .. 1! I , , , I ��',�:��', 30. BUS 21. Wagon themselves. I think It reasonable j .1 '�L""�'� " . L 'L � ., ,t' , I . , �L� I �, � I �, 31. Midget 24. Umbra . that our. people should. have some . " � � 1.� ,F� I � 1,�! . r . . [L . �� . .;, I - 34. Ernest 28. Attack e; -t " i. %, I � . � �71J'11 11 ineptitive to encourage th - 0 ex- i . 1, 29. Tread , I . � 37, Tee ert '11exiiselves ,anq lem, to . . �, � � t 38. RAjah. 3g. It6hod, put forth their beat olr6rts, wbe- . . . . , , "I L ,, .1 40. ,Comma 33. Gamer ther It -be Iti buginess or some , I 11 - ";, . I Z '. � �:�4',,, " 41. Youth 36. Rhymed other occupffflon; and I know Of I", I , , , � , '', 42. Cedek 26. . Elude � no bettei hitehiive than our pro -fit . ­ , - ; '4 ' �9 .. , � , 1�' , I'll system, has .proven to be. .' �, ��� 45. -Strum 38.. Ptisell " I .. L�:, . , I . . ­ " . , "" '' . " *` "I v 1`11 , Ode �Itllil � , , ,,;� ;` '. .. ': ...... .... . . � I I ,, 1� ,�'.. 11 , I . 11 . I'll, I , I, � ,�j� '.. '! I I ;�L%.�, 46. Eureka 39. larks I 4elfeie that UAnadlan citizens I I I 111'kl.. ,"! 1 ..'! � " ". , I I '�J , 49. Umends- 49.' *91es "shotild, ,have ,collfidento. -in them- . . I I , ,L. r ' ' � �%.� "I " WANT ADS VOIC-THE T-OR014TO TELXGftAM-,fAQCE0T9D" BY' I I "I".111111 L A, 62. ,Gas 44. Ensue I . , " -11 " , _ � , :'�",�I, I fjelve4 , .. : .r' ' � "., , . and in ,their ability to do . . . I 1, 1. "I , , � , , I . . !�,� " . . I �', � I 11 . ,. 1 �, , Z!, , . .. 11 . ,. , , . ,� _,;, . v.��;b' , ,_ , S6. Atoll, � . �, � , "i , V, �, � 52. Reside - 47, Usage things for themOlv& It Is rraY � . "': "k, SCI,T_�, �11 . .1,", � ", 'I .:,'i �ell 1 48. 1416#0 belief that thoy should -have an I . 0. � , � , " . " i � � . I'� �, " " �' " .97. Opirig " _ ': � . �, 60. Itegs ambition to.own a h6me of .their I � , � � , ,� . !. ", I .'j N'.'v 11 � I I .. �1. " � I I . r � ' ' ,�,�,,iiA,i, � .58. Eve own, to ovft'a ,farm or a, buoi I . ; RO � I "Y'. � ':� R.- , ,� - ­':�I'L" ­- � � . , ,O � . St. Nor n#8s, , .. , , 1� il;,,,� I ; ,,_ , , �, � . I 1 ,� . I 1�., �,,,.,.; _,J] I - . " ! I? . I " ,�_�­ " � , . � . � , � . - '. ,� I I , , '. I , (' 1, SO. L"ta 54. ,,,]gb0 . , . 11-1�",,'i,,,.,ii�,,il�,��,,,,��, � .... �., . . � I � . I I ­11.1.11.­1­­.�1.1 -1 1'11L; �� , "r, I;_ � to have �an oedllptltidn or prof&- � ...­A.1111�� I . . _. 'A,­­,��.`,�­­ '�J;. 66. Edbilrk ft, ' I Ud' ,sjon,of some sort. Whith Will en- '2 w"-_-1 ­ Y',;"­� ,". 1, . . _ I � I THE-.'' H R __.1­111�_ 11:,�',;­; " � I-. I 1. ! I ­"!" � � L �, `?�,,, . . . . I 1. � I I ", � 1, , , I I , �, :;. I I . , � I I � ", , __ � I".... . � ­ _ . . . . ,�.� L . 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