HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1950-03-03, Page 1N
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. The Seaforth Fire Bricade
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was called out on Weq.nesday .
morning for the second time
wAthin a week.to.extingulsh ;W.,
chimney blaze, caused bk over.
I ficated pipes., this call was to
the home of Charles Pelkar,
High Street.. No fire damage
was reported. . I
40 0 0 '4' i . 0
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A4out Seventy-five Mem-
. bers Gather For -Social
Evening. .
The 190 activities of the Huron
County Old -Boys Association of
Toronto. got off to a good start
aast Saturday when about 75 mem-
bers and their friends assembled
C.A. for a
social evening-
' While the crowd was gathering,
Wiss Vera Gaxdiner led In com-
m -unity singing. This wasTfollowed
'by an hour of! euchre. High ic,ore
-prizes were won by Mrs. Grace
Harrison and Mr. A. G. Smith,
_W#IIe consolation prizes went to
Miss R Shaver.and 'Ernest Black-
er. Mrs. X Searlett and WeIey
mccutcheon each, won,.a tin of
Vork and . beans for coming the
Closets in guessing the number of
lbeans In a jar.
A- very entertaining feature of
the evening was a "TwIenty Ques-
itions" quiz conducted by Gordon
Fowler, as. master of ceremonies
along lines stimil ' lat to the fam;�;
:radio OroxrpLm bearing. the- same
Same. Panels of experts, were se-
tected from the audience and were
allowed twenti questions in which
to discover the subject matters un-
Aer consideration_ - T .
. he subjects
-Posed were , 'i,1111jeo � Huron -County
. I L. ,� I;.
gomie," "The. usse ,3
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County Old '.B,oyv Association of
Toronto " "Thb Centralia Airport'.
mind ��ihe Huron County Library
Association Track.,, In -every case
but one the experts were success-
ful Ili ascertaining the subject mat-
ter before exhausting ,their twen-
tr Questions. Handsome lighters
(boxes of matches) were awarded
Ito Miss Levina Knox, Miss Sadie '
'Walker and Mrs. Peter �Gardiner,
and a giant size lighter (a large
box of matches). went to. Kenneth
Stanbury. I
Following light refreshments, an
bour was enjoyably, spent in mod-
. tern and. old-time dancing.
The committee in charge, of this
Party was convened under'the cap-
- able direction of Bob Leiper. The� I
new president, Mrs. Doris Paxton,
irnooke briefly outlining the associa-
tiou'a plans for the coming year, 4
and urging everyone -present to be
active in a drive for new members
daring the association's. golden
Jubilee year.
Mrs, Thos. Bell is spending some
time "th her son and family, Mr.
X_hloyd Bell, of Exeter.
and M I
. Ur. Harry, Murch and, Lounie, of
Owen Sound, spent the week -end
with Mr. and Mrs. P. -Murch.
The Euchre -Club met at the hall
Way evening with eight tables in
'Way. The winnex-a were: Ladies
Mrs. A. CJoper; gents, Austin Dfl-'
. Hug; consolation, Mrs F. Skinner.
I A dainty lunch was si;rved by the
host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs.
John Miners. The club also met
Tuesday evening this week with
'Mr. and ,Mrs. A. Cooper as host
and hostess, I
—0 .- _.
Receive Prizes For
Church AttmhAance
The following pupils of First Pres-
byterian Sunddy School were pre-
sented with books. by Rev. D. G.
Campbell on Sunday morning at
the regular,Sunday Sob ol service
,for Sunday school attendance
I throughout the, past year: Norah
.4 0orwill Flizab6th Stev�art , Carol
I IDenuls, Bpbby Relth, .0 der, -
.It\ Murray McFadden, Craig Willis, .
. Paul VcAtastor,. Maxy� Ellen .Gor-
� ' vrjll, Margaret Reev6s, ..Joalk Char-� ,
'. . +era - Daisy B�sacanl, Alice Nixon,
giizabetlt 1191 rit'; -XiirjdrI6 Pieth-
Ok Ws Pharterig, Sheila RePad-
. -1 I U, riAlt k, I lyn 11hi', �
lyn We de, MarilYn McPheej
. Wargaret Heinherger, Hugh Gor,
*1U, Keith Pathick, Bruce WeVad.
': den, J"k Crozier, Doris PAWAift,
1qOYdMcPbee and Glen Staffefi,
.Children presented Mth 41plom- ,
. dig and seals fbr church attendaneo
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Seaforth and District Te I - I � . . . :, " �, �" � I mt - 8
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11 01AXrict Lodge Officerq, : Educ!ktignal , Ex 1b T. 0 4. y , I.. :,,J� 1" I
he Canvassed By March " . hi_lts 10`1�11' *', - I "; W i
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I Attend Banquet At ipict Phases Of Agn 1.1�1'�,v � �, - �'Aj'gv
25th. . -PAR ,, �, . I J_ .1 . %-.,:,_ .M. tw".;'1fh`141�;41, , ,
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Hh* The M., is,j�ot.,II 1117
BY the timef this reaches the .- F1 NISHES FIRST ""tomas' 'hurch. 71he , ;irou Crop Improvement' ,
. . . . I
press the Red Cross, campaign.for � 4 r MIM W.
1950.wM have begun -and the quota 'Pleasant time was spent mon- AvsocIat4on. has anno Acelt.platus VY.hVtlfP. '�JA xi4q,'"; - , ,
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for the SeafoDth area,for tbts ,year � k)JD �Ayi evening by the members o., . for the third annual Huron Cquu- lion 4�,10,iS_�Of
a I . or, 4", lom �0 ,io_ " .-f- �
INSIGNAILS COUR'111 4 ,`_ . "�Irlh k"% -
is $3,000. The whole district has . welas Rebekah ,1,6dge wher. ty, Seed'T-Wr, -to (be held, in Clinton 51h Wt, I-, -,4ZW q, �
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been divided into sections and the . . 1� . they entertained Mrs. Jean Burch Collegiate Institute on Friday and *j , , 'I", ,,, rp,!N. Y 'i�
� 4 cil�t " � -,p,-
response from those, interested and F Lt. F. Colosirrione Post-, Orst. Catba ". '. �t - " �
_-M vice-president ok I Sa,,turday, March 10 and 11. Ac- In -";t�p%,f - , i�.Y,4� .3 tl
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Rebekah A. enibly, -at a banquet in cording, to- R. G. Bennett, secre- by T,,hu "I I I V11,41 I . .. . , , " .. -
Willing to act as. colidetors , ,,, -
has . � I I "
ed To Calgary, His - St- Thomas' Parish Hall. A de tary-treaouxer of the association "'T��`I`e�
-been m, it encouraging- Here is' �. I . . ,,004�," .; " _-�,
,Y.000: % K , ,pi i�r ,�,-
tile offictal list of collectors with ' HomeTown. lickgLus dinner was. served by the ,no efforts have been spared In try- craW4.i f�§O�,O'Of'!,bm",P.,O#d�7.�11014",�";, _-1
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the territory which they will cover. . la,dies of the church 'and enjoyed iiig� b� ensure the success of the venture %,.T.n ,,.�h *�,, 00 , ,
I . . I , , o.IP .�!.
The Town of Seaforth will Lie can- , Flight Lieutenant Frank Colosl- by 63 members and guests. The . event, . I , 11 .1, mmilk �, , 'I '1'1,1�115W
I that clay 004406.t,of poq,�_r. 4.101'1� . ",:. ", �,,J, �
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vuwed by a team of High School ,�' mone, Seaforth, headed the gradu- taW99 -96a Prettily decorated In , "I Ali Huron . farmers are being : bilfty anat, I � _ I om i
, �eppp gbeF - � ,;
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pink, and greelL At the head 4able , �,,,P%. urged to submit !suitable exhibi, Plowai Z ., . '. � 11 �
students and it in requested that `; I ation class Of ,the ts I i. , '?A_�Ww, I ... 4.
every encouragement be - given : specialists Big- with the guest of honor were Mrsi . il at the Seed F I air as all arc- mem� , - .0,- - , .
Gradua- 146� ` t, ,
nali officer course No. 2. 14 ,�P, WILF'r, Tills,ij. !*�Z,aa�f, , ,If Apit �-: .. 1.� ,!�'!?,'�",�f'
r9ace ' hers of -the association. Entries go its To "Ve.," . "I ,� rr
these young People in their en- tion ceremonies were'held at' R.C. Webster, ]).D.P., Strat. �, . - � I . . '. ' 4 � - ", � �,
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deavor to show the public that A.F. Station, , ford and 'Mrs. Ethel Boyce, Mrs. close on Tuesday, March, 7,,. but it. . Year, � I . q, * ��tl 1 ,j.�,
I. .. � - �� I ii r
Clinton on'Friday, 0 1 - 1'.:P,1`,;if_
-iing included Evelyn McLean, V.0., Mrs. Geox-, � 1� is expected that i few post -entries. very' ,:11�814: I, , , " .11" �; "1;I
they are comipunity-minded: and. � when. officers officla I I I 1*1 .. 11 ee I
, 9148 SmIth, P.D.&P., and Miss � 1 1 11 'IF � -�',- ,��,'3�`-
, "
"I -
want to do their beat for, su4ph a : Air mCommodore W. A. Qrr C.B.rli., :i . will -be accepted. The assocla,tion , ., �� . I I , �-.-Ii � ,,',,"vo.i ,
I 1. "
worthy cause. Arnold McNair, Lion ,Gover- I Jean Scott, P.D.D.P. � . I L '. is offering a total of almost $506 — I _
� . Chief of Telecommunications at Miss Pauline Matthews, Reg- , I- 1 11 )"..."
:,!�.,: �
, I
This is" thi�.offtcial list of bona ' ' nor of District A-1, made his Air Force Headquarters, Ottawa During the dinner a short pro- . in Prizes, including some magnifitm,. .0 0 I's * . � Ir, . . I 11 `1.1'4
� ,: 'O , , , e'., : .
. . .
Nillal visit to the Seaforth * N., of Kitchener -Waterloo Hos cent specials, along' with handsome — I _ . ; � : , _
fide'collectors: Air Commodore Orr awarded. -the .gram was enjoyed- with Mrs. Lil- .� . ... 1. � "', Xi
Seafarth Town sill: C4ub on Monday evening. . pital, left for Landon.on Tues- trophies, I �, ., ; , ""I
- North M graduates their scrolls and diplo- lian Grammett, N�G., as toastmis'. donated, by various or- . , r , '. ." ��'
. r . day to take a post -graduate . - , ..
� "
Miss Beulah Bradburn; Main, Me- . mas. Assisting 'him -at the saluting tress. A -toast to The King was ganization.s. ;�_:,
course in Psychiatry, sponsor- ,; I ." ,.
. : � ,111'.
Kindsey's. store to Sills' Hardware, 7- base was Wing Commander A J 1. responded to by singing "God Save In addition t,q theactual showing GIK' GUIwr ,%.. ,
, ,.. �
. .".A
� .1 'i'�`.
the . King." Mrs. Ethel Boyce, of exhibits, there will be many - 1. .. ., I ' ' "' ', , `4 ', ,'�",,
S , , " , . -
T , , .1 , 4. : ,.,'i �
* � S I .. "I
�, OR
- r Gauthier, the Chief Signal.,, Offi�er Ontario. This course -is the other highlights. The Huron Coun- ur , �,� . �,.!�
Bank of Commerce to -Regent The at Training Command Readquar- D.D.P., introduced the ,special ed by University of Western _ �
atre: ,Miss Mary Boswell And Ron L first of its kin'd to be given in ty junior seed judging compe . "ON , 11 .�,
Sills; Mel. Clarke's Gara*ge to last IONS DISTRICT ters, Trenton, Ont., and. Wing Com. guest, Mrs. Jean Burch, A toast tition IIENSALL - _ . . . �� � I "t"", 4
house over Railway tracks, Co Canada for graduate register. will be beld in conjunction with ,, , ,� � . I . , , 1". �
1. I . ,ill
" er R. F. Miller, AY.C., the was;,.proposed to Our Country by ed &mses, and Was Matthews 1. 1. .
mercial. Hotel to Dr. Turnbul Commanding Officer of R.C.A.F. Mrs.; Anne Henderson and was re. this Ehow and will be carried o ' I . ' I '�', ' 4
l3ob Scott; rs�- GOVERNOR VISITZ "" *as one of the two girls chos- � ..��'�,,
anada." ut ICE CARNIVAL .. . ,
Victoria, Chalk and L A LJ Station, 'Clinton. SPOWOed to by singing "O C at 9:36 a.m., March 11. All juniors
Coleman Sts., Gborge St, and The specialist signals officer Atohst was proposed by Mrs. Alva en to take this course'from the in Huron CountY under the age of I . . ... 11 . ..�.., I . . �;.`,`� - i
Crombie SL, Les. Habkirk and, Oil- AD course was one of the first to be WeStOott -to '40ur Lodge" and was Kitchener -Waterloo Hospital. 31) ye,ars, are welcome to -take part ' : , - �!
bert Hewitt; Huron St.: Glerin Sr F _.�CLUB introduced into the. R.C.A.F.'s post- responded to by Mrs. Evelyn Me- I I - �
ILA vATHL ig this competition. There will be Broom-BAU ,Game Add$ i J,
Nixon; Railway St. and Littlescot- .. Separate sections for the junlors I 1,
. ., it
war training scheme and the grad- lt6an; a solo by Mrs. -Sadie Hart, TO Programme I ."',
land, James M annigan; - Main SL: uation held on Friday was only the accomPanied by Mrs. Ina Wolfe, aad, the seniors. The juniors will "". ,
i, . �.
. 11 . . .
Members Hear Plans Str*tfdrd, "Sunrise and You," was include boys under 20 years of age. Merrim'' 'eint. �' . , 1. `11R* -.
Mr. Oke's to Wright's GroceU, Me- , . Of second of its kind in Canada, S..S,O. ST. JAMES' HOLDS Tho seniors will include Lb,6yr, be- � . .
courses are of tke highest levels enJoYed. A toast to "Our Guests" I"-.... i,.
- , : ,
C-xdglp!s to Lunch Counter, Car- County Crippled Chil- was�,proPosed by Mrs. Georgi :tween �0� and 20 years 42f age. Costumes of. skaters. presenteLd . . �L'
ol Chesney and Karen Kidd; .S.S. in t�e Signals Branch of the R.C. �LLL
on$ L .1
� ne Handsome trophies will be �iwaid_ a 94Y maze,iof color at the rt2 � . " ,
Godert6h. St., Siparling SC corner dren's Survey. . A.F. and -is a pombination of both 82131th and reSPOndeA.'to by Mrs. PRE -LENTEN HARD ed in each se�otion in addition to fancy skating . ter -, * � .-it 1
4 ,L
to Oke's Billiard Room: Mr. Lawr� , communications. Its Florence Webster, D,D.P., of Strit- carnival held in the -. �. ,
ence; N.'and S. Jelin St.: Winni- 13 - requirements are so high ford. Conimunity singing, I b ,,ome special prizes. In this regard, Community Arena HeIIA-all, Tlies- �- " o
academi , 'd I I , . 14 .
fred Riley and Dianne Mowat; District Governor Arnold Mc- that a pre -specialist course or a Mis-., Audrey- Stevens, and a cowhing class for all those in- day -night, and- attended, -by over � 1. ; _ ..
I Nair; Milverton, paid his official Ac,--� TIME SOCIAL terested, will be held in the Agri- six hundred. It waa� spowisored -by �, -
SZ.. Go6rich St. to West St, Ad- ub University degree is needed by- ,all Panted by Miss Mae Smith, was . . . Cultural office In Clipton, on the the Girl Guides for the arena. N.M. :.. I
am St. to Helen St., W.,S. Weet visit to 'the Seafortb Lions Cl candidates. thoroughly enjoyed by all. A toas-t , . . . . . . . ;,�
St.: Patsy Brugger and Lorna El- .on Monday evening. Mr. McNair, , The course is condensed t4 Ek,de- �O."Our District" was proposed by evening. of Marcb, commencing at Stewart Bell, Captain of the Guide4 .. .., "I,
In h4 address, said that each and Comic Costumes Feature 9: 15 o'clock. Was mistress of ceremonies, and . .1, . . .
lis; N.S. Goderich, E.S. West, W.S. gree because of the number - .of Mrs. Hazel McGonigle and rc- ' . -11"''
Church: Charlene Corlett; N.S. This year -the show isi being the judges were Mr. and, Mrs. W11- I 1;._;�
everyone should develop his own these men needed In the field. at 8601idea to by Mrs. Ethel Boyce, Enjoyable Evening's �,: .
Goderieh, H.S. -Church, W. William personal qualities. An individual present, but it -still requires a per� D.D.P. A a' . OPeuNDd, tothe public on.,bPriday eve- fred Coleman ��d Mr.'an& Mr.g. " "1.11
olo by Mrs. Anna Kling, . . L.
St-, Centre SO Joe Laudenbach, should stand for something greater led of IS months to complete,due "Bless This,House," accompanied Entertainment. ning'and it is especially hoped that Walker Hart, of Seaforth. A broom . . . . . �- , "...."
George Shaw; East William, Side, than himself. a number of town people will take 'ball ga,nie, Tucksksmadth vs. *Z, . ., t .;,� "
. to the highly technical na,ture:.'Of by,.Mrs. Ethel Hunt, was much en- , ... �: ,".
Franklin and Duke Sts.: Miss Mary He continued: "Giye -a member the work. advantage of viewing the exhibits Townships, w6z won by Tucker- 11.
I ,,,,
. � Z
The officers who gradu- Joye4. A toast to "Our Assembly" A ke-Lenten' parish social eve- and also there will be a short pro- sluith wkth a'score ,of �-I. 11 �,;.,
1 1.
Log Sills,' Goderloh SL, Qu&en,s credit for what he does. If a club ated have all seen previous ser- .was Proposed , 'b3r Mrs. - Fannie ning and hard -time p4rty was held Xrom of motion ,pictures and the Prize for the Youtitest Person on .. �,:. ", �, I
Hotel to Lions Park, N. and S., or A member does something note. vice during World War 11 either Moore and responded to by Mrs. Monday, Feb. 20, in St. Ja , 1111',�'
worthy, see that suitable . pubitetty Ines' like, highlighted by the pre"nta- skates on the lee went to Cyntlii% . ...
. :.. �.
Fr*nk S111j. . , in .aircrew or groundcrew 6tggo,� lean Buroh, of St. Catha.rines. School Hall. Cards were �1,ayed X
I .. 11, �,
Hullett 4ud Constance: Ross Me- is obtained. Witlithe ato*ic'�bbmi i8s. I . tion of special ptizes,.4nd..also the Pauline Bell, of Hensall, U months �� , , � , ., I
. �;�il
I . 'UrS. .Mary Manson thanked the the Arst part of the evening with -udges' comments. A f1ii6"pr6gram Of age; �,,-,�,,,
Gregor and oup-bf-lielpers; St. , we stand Flight Lieut. Colosimone has ladib oldest skatet. Wm. PteLff,, , _-
Ir" I
. Is of the church on serving piano selections 'by Mrs. Alice jhas been worked out for Saturday Hensall. .The r,iveitder :f-AmIli , 'I i'�e
golurnban.: Ev. Father O'DT,ow- on the, border of an iinkown era. been posted to Calgary, Alta.' He iuch,', a delicious dinner. Mrs. Bert Styles and a pleasing-r-ch6rus by afternoon, March 11, The main captured the. -prize for the lArgest . , 111� �'..;;
ski; Walton, Wesley Hackwell. ' To have peace we must have faith and his family, who have resided, Sh4* �acceptea the thanks on be. Mrs. Cremin, and Misses Adrian 60-otion of this program will be Ei family'o" ' _ �,�!�.i
. . . XL the ice. Jerry, Broder, ...'��f' -.1" ,
� 11
. .".
The Townships of Tuckersinith In our -community and coilfitry!" on James Street for the past 19 lr�lf:'of the ladies., and Betty Bannon. panel discussion entitled-,tlroy, . .. "
and McKillop 'were reported list Ile urged that everyon I , .,;
. _p/131%n his months, left. on Saturday. '�. �V`ter singing "The.-M-splo Leaf," Modern and old-time,,daucing ing . , -_ ick. Heasall, geVen 7 -ear's 'Of ago, � ,:5 '..
week.., . . work along the right-1-ines.' Ili or- Crops in Ontaxio." On ,,this won the sweetistake . 'jirize-I:;6f1 $5.0 ''
. . �'
A C. Boswell,. of the .Dominle4 der to have a stiong country, eac4.. —0 . mbled in the L.O.L. was very much enjoyed .-by all to panel are included such 'Well. for beat- character co4tilms:61j tll-j!� : `11'�;,,
. � , � ', ' :� I
". -elwed the piDeltibn'bt'-mmzu*W-m,uit;=r.keL�,,ttnw,48gelop , - . . 0..where -the regular meeting the accom.r.,animeak,%of music by known experts as Prof. R. Keegan i6e, representitig, a,:Jeoparmt- Mrs% . , . ,� g
' I 4, W&I r,Afik) epa . , ;
IMak, has me ZZ I Mrs. Lillian. Grumhfdtt, -Mrs. Nan MW ,tmiid. ,G,e.4�r t. -.by �tjl t. Ir% : . ..
its own strong leaders, -r,d Husb4"nidry D Ernest BreckonrWe. of Oodrari*� .. ; ,
treasurer of the campaign and any- Crippk<hildren - i ` i''
o . ne who is not canvassed for a Mr. McNair concluded his ad- , NA. piesided. Mrs. Jean Burch land, Dublin, ar,.d Louis McGrath, mert of the Ont lo Aiiiciilt,A-al won the Prize for the bes,t adult� � ..'? �4
dress by stating Survey in Full SWing gave a pleasing, inspiring and -in- -Dublin. Special dance% added to Col'-ze: John A."Stewa rm fancy Costume, and !":. �
donation- is asked to call a -that hard work Mr.: Breckexi- .
Bank and pay in their donation. was essential for progress in a I 'r� ill
t the Structive address. and several vis- the gayety of the evening and the iti�nt reristeted seed gror.!�r ridge the Prize for beat adult skat-
Lions Club, as well as in any pro -Collection of the necessary data Iting officers of Stratford Lodge prizes were won -by Mr. and Mrs, Allsa Craig; R. J. Bryden, soil er. ." �'
"Let's make this a real, success," - s, _
ject. � for Huron County Crippled Chil- spoke briefly. Art Devereaux for the balloon specialist from the O.A.C., and Other prize winners were as,fol. I ... I
urges Rev. T. Dale Jones, campaign dren's Su*rvey, which is bein6n,con- Before the close of the meeting, dance; Mr. ullol Mrs. Clarence Ma- Gordon MeGavin, implement deal- lows: Fancy costume, under , 9, �:, .,
chairman. % The distfict governor was intro- - ' . :
'—*— . duced by Deputy Governor E. A. ducted by the ten Lions -Clu�s of on behalf of Edelweiss Lodge Mrs. lone f0i IJiP �-ratuA dance. and Miss irr f-zom Walton. The panel will Jane Horton; under 14, Marilyn . , , dt� ,
McMaster. Pres-ident E. C. Cham- Huron County, is 9nqw in full Evelyn Willis, J.P.N.G., 4nd' Mrs. .Adrian llannor, al --A Mr, H. Enzens- br ied b� George0ear, agriCUILural Mousseau; giris, comic, under 9, 11tt
. '
. berlain Presided over the meeting swing, Dr. E. A. McMaster, Sea- Mae Habkirk, L.S.V.G., presented berger fl.,r tii,t .spot dance. Danc- Z-Presentalive from Bruce Coun- Beth Goddard, Norma Pass-inore, . �� % ,�'�
S ing concladed, by a -,TaAd march ty, �kt the coneldsion of the panel Joan Kerslake; boys, under 9, Jer- . .
Sz.upper Party Held ,�
H. E. Smith -told the. member� forth, general' chairman of the the Vice -President of Rebekah As- " � �,
. of the pf.ns already made for the committee, itated Thursday. Qembly, Mrs. Jean Burch, with a and parail�, of cost;�mes. The judg- ,'j.�cussion there will be an ,,tuc- ry McClinchey, Don and Steve ,.: f'�
I ' 1
For Bride -Elect survey of crippled children be- Names. and addresses of handi- beautitV.1 crystal vase. Although es, Mrs. X,Lc4onuld, Mr. Holland tion sdh� of the 10 bushel lots of Kyle; under 14, boys, Ted Norm- . � :1 ...
Miss Lois Hoggarth entertained Ing conducted (throughout Huron capped- children, 16 years and un- �taken by surprise, Mrs. Burch in and Mr. McGrath, found it ,dlffi gr,in. . luton, Jim Orr; under 14 -girls, . 1,
� 'I
at a supper party for ten girls on County. . d d to the loodl her pleasing manner thanked the cult to select the wi-inpni due ,to A varied number of educational Gladys Moir, Margaret Moir I `�
. A
I , 0'
Monday evening in honor of Miss Rev, T. Dale Jones announced welfare chairman, H. E. Smith, or raembers for their kinduess. the varied comical Costumes and e",chlbits. by various extension ser- and Miss Lola, Volland; ladies' I., ! , � t',
Barabara, Burn Russell, bride-ele' 'warded ,direct to the secretary original ideas. ,Nfrs. Frank Phil- vices throughout the county will costume, Mrs, A. Kerslake, Mrs. 0. "I
et the plans made for the canvass of for - An invitation from Morxkton lips. and Mrs, 14 Enzensberger be on: display depicting various Passmore, Mrs. J. Peebles, and -::
of next week. During the evening Seaforth and district by the Red treasurer, C. H. Epps, Clinton, at E;odge to attend their regular meet-
Romoli was played, prize& 90ing'Cross. the earliest bossible date, and in ing ,March 10- were choser, to dr,�w for the lad- pha,i of agriculture. Mrs. W. Lee; gents'�cdrnic, George . .
was accepted. Tile ies'-prize, -th.� latter being the I'll
to ,Mae Clarke and .ioanne M ' cMil- . . no case after March IC meeting close*d in the usual man- � ___6 : Beer, Reeve A. Kerslak-e; best ..*
an.. A personal shower was given I . — The free clinic will -be hold in ner after a very pleasant evening. lucky winner, Clarence Malone national costume (Ireland), An& .. ,�t
the bride-to-be with the gifts in- way. . Huron County Public Health Unit, won the inen's Prize with an erc- HULLETT rey Walsh and Maxlene Petzke; ..
Auded In one giant parcel, which Clinton, on May 10; w,ben the flu- . cellent vostume depicting really best �charaeter costume (Blue- . �
, This tour which was organized est'm . edical skill will be available. . .. � hard tlrne.q, cow.r.lete with a wouse Tho members of the FIreside beard), Mrs. R. H. Middleton; fat- . J.
was �resented to Miss Russell, A by the Huron County Junior Flarm- Forum farm group enjoyed- a
pleasing evening was spent. ers' Association, in co-operation There is absolutely no charge for Women's Hospital Aid nibbling hay from the hole in the sleigh ride -at their regular Mon- test skater on ice, Mrs. A. Kers- I,.,...
services involved. I too of ht�4 ahor-. M-,. and Mrs. Fred _ . 3
- . day night meeting, which was held lake; best boy -skater, Ron Pass- I i,
—* with Vie Department of Agricul- Indicating the great need for the Dinwoodle roepived special inen- L � more; best girl skater, BettyMoir; .. 11 -1 .
� ture, was to have -visited such Impending survey is the fact that Will the members ' of the WO- tion a..A Fa and Ma Kettli,-,. also � t -,h.t,% -home of Mr. and Mrs. Har- races, ladies, Donna Taylor, Bruc4- .
en s Hospital Aid t vev Taylor. There were 19 adults ..,
Junior Farmers Postpone places of Interest as a large dcL only 71 cases, at present are under m ' 0 Scott M0111- Mrs, Joe Vwwland ,L4 -t "Wander- - field; gents, Don near, Bob'Kropt; 'I,
.orial Hospital please leave ,their presert, It was review night, so ,
partment store by the girls and a supervision of the OntIcho Society er." . Poys under 14, Gerald Moir; girls I .
. . TriP To Toronto farm machinery plant and packing for Crippled Children in Huron candy at ,McKindsey'8 drug store buncli %%;A- in tb� form of a box th,%r- was no discussion period. !..
plant by the boyo. In addition the County. These are made up of 28 not later than Tuesday, March 7. social, and .,nffi- *w�o served by Bill Jewitt gave an interesting ac- under 14, Ruth Sc4dan; boy,%, 9 t ...
Huron. County Junior Farmers girls were to -have attended a'pre- Count of the Good Roads Conven- and under, Gerald Aegele; girls, 9 1. ��
* '.
. .
poilomyelitis, 29 congenital de- 0 members of the Catholic Women's . and under, Gwen Chapman * -
were forced to pos ,.
tPoue their bus sentation of the Happy Gang pro- fects, three cerebral palsy, two ac' Leagi,.P. A b-�;iutiful cake, Was Won � Ion. which he recently attended Jack Tudor refereed the* broom ,Ii
trip to Toronto 'because of bid gram befoie they attended the cident, and niVer others. I � by Mr. G. Hnfland for havi�_- the in Toronto. A contest was con- ball game and goal tenders were . I.:
. ..
weather and blocked roads, accord- Legislative Assembly along with Mother -and -Daughter . ,ductAd !by Eric Anderson. Progres- . . i,.
Here are only a few actual ex- lucky (tip. Ar (-,vening of furi con- Campbell Eyre aad:- George Beer. I—— �:..
ing to Fred 0. Wilson, assistant the boys' group. . . slire, euchre followed and the win- "..
agricultural representative forHur- Mr. Wilson said that no definite amples of the 71 children now un- Banquet Held cluderl ,%%,i!.f-. "God Siv� the K , ua:,' Jack Lavender was in charge at . :",
County. - date has yL der Bu-pervision* and which will be I nvn� were: Ladies, �tkjgh, Mrs. the prizes. R, H, Middleton, presir
on The contingent, c6in A bebii set for the car- At First Church . —_ lk- . Oliver Anderson; lone hands, Fern ;. ,.
prising some 40 boys and 35 girls, rying out of the project; however, increased by 1e co�nty crippled dent of the Chamber of -ODminerce, - ,.
Dexter, Consolation, Mrs. Wm. . * - ;
I iqll
11 �-
I.- I
was. to have visited poihts of In- he felt he was sure that withiry the . childre . u's survey. The ,Margaret Larkin C.G.1,T. Whet:. bpl!.I were ..;till ancomaton Dqm,,t2�c, nien, -high and lone assisted with the proceedings., . ,
terest during their stay in the city. next two weeks ' arrangements A nine-year-old girl, born ta a was in Nei.v F,naWA th" -arlY --tLI-s ',bmr&. Goo. Hoggarth; low, Ain The committee sponsoring. the t_
Highways were opt prison camp in Poland, reteive7d mother-and�daughter banquet usIed dirlims, t,) .Aurzninn e fancy skating carnival Tuesday . � � � ."
n from Clinton could be again made .and that all ) held Wednesday evening in First we t-- 17! I 0- ,7,mi:en Lunch was serted '1711 t last is very thankful -to all .�
to Toronto, bht many could no't those taking part in the trip wouid -treatment in Palestine for con- pers to h(mft� vtigl, Krtt fl!T�4 79 I nikt ii-ptirg will be at the 'home nigh I ...
got out their sideroads to the high- be duly notified. genital dislocation of both hips. I Presbyterian -Church at 6:30 p.m. pers �,) si rvir?. of 10"shv DI�Xter. those who took the trouble to dress , :�
r . ,
� . Her right 16g is one aTid a Quarter The tables were decorated in green in costume, although the�- could � ...
inches sborier'than the left. She and white, the St. Patrick favors . . not receive prizes for their,'effort. I
. , Z,
should be X-rayed from &me to being made by the girls. , It was due to the large number in :`�, .11
FLORIDA HONEYMOONERS time until she has reached her full Marilyn Kling was toastmistress. TO RESIDE IN SEAFORTH . I costume that the evening waG such,. ' . ,.
I . . � � I � —, I I , Ot
I a . . . . . . � I &to, .. M,
.. ,
1'%��.,,' .� I % '.,:4,. w.., . 1. '11 , I
. . I
� I �, I.. 1, t� , . '111�1.11, � , , "I . . � . I i ��,�� . � , , ,
" . 11 ..1. -, ,
.�, 1. . 11 'Ili, , 'I , � i 11� , ,
, , Y,7!",tii, �,��!, K4.%t,i,,', I,
;_5 �; _&_..111.1.._1-11- --1 I
... ... Y.. I growth,* and should have shoe al- Evelyn McPhee proposed the toasf -4 . 1 a great success. The skaters are .
-� W. '/
g.V,.-1"-'1. .
-"".-,,..,..,;.",....I.e..-"I - :::. I
_� .. IM" � terations to prevent a ileformity of to the Church which iias rpspond- F-�g;.,�,- - - �5,�7,,. '�..-..,,,'.�.;:I ,""', . :reminded to keep their costumes
--I.1-XA.1Ir,;: ,_-g. a .. .",',�': "., - '�sl . . . . . �
.. �,,;: .. .. . ..,, ;,
spine devefoping. ed to by Rev. D. Glenn Camptell. ., , �;�..:'f,f fi:f .. .� "" 'for another year, when, a 6igger
�X . 1.111.11..;..'.1?..;. .V 1;1�.._ t, ,W,,'.� , �
�� ... ;;*�,;:,49'o .
:,.:�.r;:.;"��;,�,:,�::�,!"""�R,.,,:.', . , _:;,Y""� -til
-:*',�.W,�,,'..-;X.*?.4 A &lx -,year-old girl h;js been at- shells, McPaddeii .F.rave a, toast to . . _."4',?., :,r ., and better carnival will be staged.
� . �
:11:";;..'1.1:.1,r�. I �"il.111-1.�.�l'.�.:�,�,,��,::;"::, .� .,
. I . �� i
�;,,,�<�,,,�, , I
�j...;,.",-, tending Club Foot Clittle qt the tile Mothers, and her mother, Mrs. :";:,_�;- ge'.t. � 'IN (Continued on Page 4) .. I .11
I- - - _,��_I�� .
', �: ,;. � ,,, , ";
W, , Hospital for Sick CYildren sillce nalph. McFadden responded. , A � �
; ..". I she was three v�eeks 63d. Vv'ben (tborus followed by the C.G.I.T. �Ikl. .'i.."A Tn -6— .1
- - . ,�
. VRI.11� .� .,
ffl.-,-,�:`Ii ii:: she was a .baby, it was necessary girls. The mothers were introdur- .. I ,
.�,,:��:�:%:... �:�� I... � ...
" � �':::_', . . ,,_., I
WE "' 11 '' ., that she return once a month for ed by their daughters, and tho . 4,1:1 :1,;::6 .., - '...,"." Grailiddaughter Of .,
.... f'.��J� .
': ::;j:., treatment. On her last visit to guests. at the head table by Mrs. 1-1 ..4-, -�, i�§?.�: . . "
. ..1; , �`_,_ -.1 McKillop ResideAt ...."
. . . . . . ,
R�l 1. , d , `_M �.�g
W- :�; .
�;. '. 4
- N !,',�?,��.i, .:.. �i the clinic, the doctor felt it was D. Glenn Campbell. . "' W
I '.." ;;i:;`;t '. ,�, I I.
I—— ,�,q
,.. �,,,,i�m ::i;�;:i*:t not necessary for her to return. Mr. M. .McKellar, Sunday School 11, "
P1114. ..... �:.:P.:.:.�:....""".�v�'.�'.I �;�i-'.!,`."� ... 1. To Sing At Cleveland
.......... .. I . N! .`-�i�,.". 0 "
,� . ... , .�
- ',-.,.I--,.-11 '§ , _.", -.�
, ; Mll '11<1111 � P
.,_;.1$1.1 ,??WR.1`.$0i� I �,vr
,E 1: - - Supervision by the public health superintendent, spoke briefly, ar-
; , L Jean -Churchill Kraul, contralto
I k $_,,P�.;�,., nurse is Indicated, due to the fact ter which Margaret Hemberger �
i�.,ji*.:,��iu.&.gg - : "' **""�� 111)
� , Y ,Rl. . _ .
�. .:," R.111
1 �$g, � that during -growth these condi- proposed a toast to the Missionary I I . I singer of Cleveland, Oldo, daugh- I :1 . ::
5 f.g.?.& tions tend -to recur. - Societies, with Mrs. R. Viberbart. '...
"No -'1 --,ii:; 011g1l", ter of Air. and' -Mrs, Ikorne
- 11'�,," � '. ! .
0111. -.'�.- .A 12-y6ar-old ,boy has co4genital president of the W.M.S., and Mrs. Churchill and. granddaughter -6f.
�1: ffi'; .Z� "�
, 5
-1,11111.0 . 11. 1, i : .!
I �,Y -!"ZI:,1;ffl- . absence of the tibia of b6th logs. J. F. Scott,, president of the Bar- . , Mrs. James Campbell, of McK1116p, I
,,, I
: . . ..,
�!4.�!;,.-,.-I�Zjg-j TK,, '11i;! � . . .. 11,
., Ile wears app1lanedate'riAbliling him bars. Kirkman Auxiliary, respond- R I,'.I��.11' 1, has been eagiagedfor next sprjng�st
-Or . 11
, .
.,�,,., ,*,-�"--'?.*:.��.. I : � .N�*i
i I to got 'to school daily. . tlll� annual,Bach Festiviii ,in Berea; '.
- However, ing. . I g ., I
..,p rs, Gordon - ,
AA2W-.-1:1-_,.g�-' .� ,, -
_ . ;0 I�;,i! .
;,g:"�-%.:,i:�,g::;;- V ; .... he to bkoihing too heavy for these. Mrs. �,Davrd Ritchie, M ,�
" � R)IN ;%: . . '. Ohio, where she will appear In St. , ,
�3�;,�tt:;.::.,:?�. ...-;�.�..,. ,.. I The itobtbr n6w feelb that he Is Bissett; � president of the PresbY- 1".. :: .... I
. .,�i�� , ,@111�' Matthew's .P"sion. She hail ,dttsri .L I J"'I
,:�,., .", '' I' :_1 . .. ...
'... - .
. _...., ��. .;§ .,11. 11V;31 11 I ".1
,. -,n-.", .-i,.,:,?&-, m. ,,N.t1.
I ,,
. . �i-� .k. 1� - 'N '-� , i�%1,4
:?.::::If:�",*.;:,W.. 1, . ifaw ready tot amputation. A Lions terial, ,ftd ,,Mrs. A. Taylor, secro I been heard in *the toontraito tote, ikl;
., - - 01,1-111:.,--.1.;. �1.1.1 the, 'Presbyterial, of Gode- .1 xii&
.�.,::. Club haEr sponsored this boy at tary of A 1, ;_;-.?AX.;A I of The. Messiah. Jean Xraui &
���;�i,��4:��,�,'A� ars. A uated at l3aldwin WaUtco'Couserv- -, -.�!
. summer camp for several ye . rich, gave short ,addresses. miss .
�:,�::e..,::,;":::::,��! Z'10 I . . I
, j:.*,0i:0'V 1. I ,�
. ,..--,?'.�"g A tvna�,yrearold girl was � born Ena Lillico ,sang a solo, "The "" story of 'Music, Berea, Ohio, with I "
, �,.,..., '. I . "
" ,'.'1,1�,1-,..11. with a dquble, hare lip and a com- Mothei!s gibl%" followed by com- I "I",
�'.,T; .". .." I P111,1 is the degree of ' :,
.., I ':..k,:.t'�';'i,�7�,:".� _ I.
. --i pgi� ,
.,..,....'� Plate Cleft palate. The hare lip re- munitY singing. Rev, D. Glenn �,L
1, 4. *.n� zi ... " , Bachelor of Music, Alid; *mm atf,O. 6 ::,�
MY . ..
t` . ....... : 0air baa ,been done, wM' good re- .Campbell. showed films of a holi- aqcOrded the -Talent Alil ,Schol-ar,i. ,
.--�.-Kell '1�1"` ""... I I
--1.1 .N.- - I
I ;��,�;,_,%,,P�.,V::`* 01, triP lut summer and also one . — Ship at Chitangue, % . , ".
-o' .- - � suit., The 016it palate-- repair it day . 5" , � � :��,�'!
V , .Y.1 in J§AL
".., �gm �,.%%
, :.- 9 Vale . � 4"
. under Ww.' The child *111 return of the Industrial plants, and busi- I
. 5 -�g..,J, ,,".. and finally an linport,41fit, ri ' I �,
. ::.; .::: to hosphaY, tot fatther treatroant. ness, places of town. Patay Mun- t 1, I 1"..
11 I P:� I.; voice soholarship 4 ' IN I I �. I
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