HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1950-01-20, Page 6Highest Cash Prices frit
Horses, $2.50 ea,
Cattle, $2.50 ea.
Hogs, .50'per cwt.
According to Size and 1
Call Collect
►rue Council Holds
eating, Lack One Member
The ne•••'v-elected members of
tt�ie 19500 Usiborne Council met in
the, Township- Half, Fall nville, on
ltilanday, Jan 9. The members pre -
'sent wbre Reeve Wellington Block
and Councillors Verne Pincombe,
Harold Jeffery and Harold Hern.
At the statutory hour of 11 am.
the r'members subsdril>ed to- the
Oath of office and were constituted,
o You Suffer
Weak" Back?
Does sitting in a draft or in a damp,
chilly room sometimes bring on an ach-
ing back? Many people say they get
"cold" in the back -or in the kidneys
-so easily_ At such times it's good to
know about the quick relief of Dr.
Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills.
Remember, both kidneys and liver
must filter out impurities from your
bloodstream. So if you feel tired,
worn-out, headachy - with painful
joints and aching back -look to both
your kidneys and liver. That's why
Canadians have been relying 011 Dr.
Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills for over
haa ca�ntu
Give yo ystem a chance to work
properly. ways_ keepDr. Chase's
Kidney -Liver Pills hany-especially
during damp chilly weather. The name
"Dr. Chase" is your assurance. a
though incomplete as the munici-
pal council for the year 1950, and
being a majority in numberof the
complete body proceeded with the
business of the day.
Rev. William Mair was present
and opened the meeting with a
prayer for divine guidance during
the coming year. Minutes of the
last and statutory meeting of the
1949 council, the minutes of the
nomination meeting held on Dee.
23, and the record of the election
for reeve held on Dec. 30, were
confirmed as printed on motion of
Councillors Pincombe and Jeffery.
Correspondence from the town-
ship solicitor, W. G. Cochrane, ads
•rising the council that the,validty
of the qualification of one member -
elect to the council had been ques-
tioned by ae township ratepayer,
VIr. Q6chrane having been request -
ad to attend the meeting to advise
the council on the matters advised
hat since the fourth member of
the council could not .properly qual-
.iy at the time of the nomination
neeting, or within the prescribed
time for qualification, that he could
Jot be considered to be elected,
and therefore the council was not
.omplete, and that a further nom-
ination meeting should be held as
oon as practicable. to elect one
.core member to the council.
On motion of Councillors Hera
and• Jeffery, council agreed that a
EvEiioDrs Busmss
v "
You are unique!
Yes, it's a fact that there bas
never been and never will be any-
one just like you in the world.
Your own particular combination
of gifts, aptitudes, likes, and dis-
likes, and other personal character-
istics cannot be duplicated.
But are you encouraging your
Too many people allow their
personalities to be' moulded like
the products of this mass -produc-
tion age.They conform to standard
patterns of thinking and 'living.
Even in their dress they follow
slavishly the dictates of fashion.
When such people conquer their
fear of what others will think and
• overcome the mental laziness that,
makes them4imitators, they are
transformed overnight!
The methods are simple. We can
practice self-expression by not re-
peating the opinions of others or
adopting them unthinkingly as our
own. More important, we can be
original in everything from our
conversation to the way we decor-
ate our homes. There are countless
outlets for our individual talents
which can help give our person-
ality a unique `flavour".
Finally, we should have some
definite ideas about our goals in
life and the kind of people we want
to be. Then our true selves can
really emerge!
Every family, too, is unique. And
each has its own particular set of
needs for, income in the future.
That is why the services of the life
insurance representative are so
helpful in planning a program de-
signed to meet those needs.
f. 1
further nomination meeting be held
on Monday, Jan. 23, 1950, at one
o'clock p.m., for the purpose of
electing another councillor to fill
the vacancy existing, and in the
event that it should be necessary
to hold an election that it be held.,
on Jan. 30, in the same manner.
the same' places, with the same of-
ficers in charge as, set forth in the
Nomination and Election Bylaw
passed in December for the nom-
ination meeting at the end of the
year. The Reeve agreed to issue a
warrant to the Clerk calling for a
uew election. The regular council
meeting day was set for the sec-
ond Monday afternoon in each
month on motion of Councillors
Jeffery and Pincombe.
Officials were appointed, salaries
were set and rates of pay were?
authorized on motion of Council-
lors Pincombe and Jeffery: Reeve,
$125 per annuam and councillors,
$100; Clerk H. H. G. Strang, $65
per month; treasurer, N. G. Clarke,
$300 per year; auditor, T. A. Wise-
man, $125 per year; solicitoo W.
G. Cochrane; tax collect , Wm.
Johns, $100 per year; assessor, H.
H. G. Strang. $65 per month; road
superintendent, William Routly, 70
cents per hour; officer in charge
of pasturing byflaw, William Rout-
ly; machine operator, Harry Spar -
ling, 75c per hour for machine
work; crawler tractor operator,
Emerson Penhale. $1 per hour;
other township labor, 60c per hour;
team labor, 75c per hour; relief
officer, N. G. Clarke, $1 per fam-
ily on relief and mileage; school
attendance officer, William Johns;
caretaker of township hall, John
Kellett, $25 per year; • livestock
valuator. Clayton Smith, $1 per trip
and mileage; township allowance
for mileage, 10c per mile; fence -
viewers, Wellington Kerslake, Jno.
Prance, Clarence Down, William
Doupe, James Heywood; pound -
keepers, Earl Whiting, Thos. Yel-
low, Robert Jeffery, Frank Ryck-
man, Edmund Alexander, Jas. An -
Frank McG •egor, Clinton - - Pres.
Chris. Leonrdt, Brodhagen, Vice -
Merton A. Reid, Seaforth, Manager
and Secretary -Treasurer.
Chris. Leonhardt, Brodhagen; E.
J. Trewartha, Clinton ; Harvey
Fuller, R.R. 2, Goderich; J. H. Mc -
Ewing, H.R. 1, Blyth; Frank Mc-
Gregor, R.R. 5, Clinton ; Hugh
Alexander, RR. 1, Walton; Robert
Archibald. R.R, 4, Seaforth;, John
L. Malone, R.R. 5, Seaforth; S. Ie.
Whitmore, R.R. 3, Seaforth.
Finlay McKercher, R.R. 1, Dub-
lin; E. Pepper, Brucefield; J. E.
Prueter. Brodhagen; George A.
Watt, Blyth.
The W.M.S. heli its regular
meeting after that of the W.A. The
meeting opened with the theme,
"The Bible, Our -Guide To Chris-
tian Faith and Conduct." Mrs. Dave
Millson, the president, 'yas in the
char. Tile roll call was read by
M . Chas. Dexter, and answered
by the paying of fees. Mrs.' Jas.
Hugill read Psalm 37 d Mrs.
Emile Adams gave a mperance
reading, "Beer For . 4 a Baby."
Hymn •242 was sung and Mrs: Lind-
say closed the meeting with prayer.
The W.A. of Constance United
Church held its regular meeting
Wednesday afternoon with its
president, Mrs. Lorne Lawson, in
the chair. Mrs. Wm. Dale'read the
minutes in the absence of Mrs.
Vern Dale. Roll call was answer-
ed by the paying of fees. Mrs. Earl
Lawson, treasurer, gave the year's
report on the work of the W.A.
The Golden Link Mission Band
of Constance United Church met in
the classroom on Sunday afternoon,
Jan. 8. The president,', Joyce Jew-
itt, was in the chair and opened
the meeting with the Mission Band
purpose. Hymn 453 was sung, after
Which the collection was taken by
derson, Everett Skinner, Garnet
Johns,. Hebert Shute, Everett Mil'
ler, John Bray.. The clerk was in-
structed to incorporate the forego-
ing in a by-law to be passed at the
February meeting.
The road superintendent was in-
structed to secure cash payment
for machine work •outside of the
township for private individuals,
and to charge the same rates as in
1949, on motion of Councillors Pin-
combe and Jeffery.
Reeve Wellington Brock was re-
appointed • as the tow-nship repre-
sentative to the Ausable River Con-
servation Authority for the year
1950 on motion of Councillors Hern
and Jeffery.
The treasurer was authorized to
have township cheque forms print-
ed on milt ion of Councillors Jeffery
and Hern.
Grants of $10 each were made to
the War' Memorial Children's Hos-
pital and the Queen Alexandria
Sanatorium on motion of • Council-
lors Pincombe and Jeffery.
Membership was taken in the On-
tario Association of Rural Munici-
palitiesand the Association of As-
sessing Officers for Ontario on mo-
tion of Councillors Jeffery and
The treasurer reported a balance
of cash on December 31, 1949, of
$5.683.47, road superintendent's
vouchers -'of $3.996.17. and «other
current accounts to the amount •of
$477.06 were passed for payment
on motion of Councillors Pincombe
and Jeffery.
Council adjourned to meet again
in regular session on Monday after-
noon, Feb, 13. at Elimville.
including special equipment...
Plan to ice this great VALUE -PACKED PLYMOUTH
... Now! It's a beauty! .You'll like its longer
. lower ... w -i -d -e -r look! There's new beauty
in every sweeping line ... and extra comfort
throughout its spacious interior.
Compare the 1950 Plymouth! You'll like its
SAFETY! A 32% larger rear window and large
windshield provide safer vision -night •and day!
Wider treads give greater STABILITY. You'll
appreciate Plymouth's CONVENIENCE . . . igni-
tion -key starting ... clear -floor trunk with easy-
tceoperate, counter -balanced lid. You'll like the
new, longer rear fenders, detachable -for Eco-
NOMtCAL..REPAIR , . . "chair -high" fleets for
HESTFUt COMFORT on day -long drives .
finger-tip steering for sweeter, SMOOTH -MI
H i'ANDL•INO. You'll thrill to the zip and POWER
of the big 97 h.p. high-eoinpression engine. It's
a falter�'yOn tacit
+l,nh" .49.5(1 Plymouth is paeke(1 with VALi7E
d•reatO proms its compare it! Drive it!
u�1T a"�+re •that refit/re for feature, dollar for
; nary PLInti'OtrtIrr 'again effete the greatest
'Aim Oir Ali!
ao•rrtAtilik'rYbiv,M;dti,rgollr A1:Pirle00111aart A'tEiurri
Going away, Plymouth
a lower, w -i -d -err
look. The sweep rear window adds
Wider treads ereasebeauty and provi es �stability.
fer rear vleiAn.
Saw Plymouth's new styling is achieved
without sacrificing interior room and
comfort. Vent wings en all doors per -
Mit individual control of ventilation.
Plymouth's 97 h.p. engine has plenty
of zip! Its 4 -way carburetion and high
(6.7 to 1) Compression ratio gives you
peak performance at all speeds.
larayn Taylor, which amounted
to 91c. Roll call was taken, with
17 present. • Minutes of the last
nesting were read and adopted by
the secretary, 'Janet McGregor.
Hymn 405 was sung"and Helen Me-
ilwain read an interesting story,
entitled, "Mumma, What is a
Saint?" Business consisted of mak•
ing preparations for abazaar to
be held in the Easter holidays. The
Mission Band last year made
$83.87 net. John Jewitt read the
Scripture lesson from St. Luke.
Mrs. Dale read the story book, fol-
lowed by Call to Worship and
prayer. The meeting was closed
by Hymn 406, followed by the
Lord's Prayer and Laurence Tay-
lor gave out "World Friend."
Rev. J. R. Peters, who, has been
ill in Scott Memorial Hospital, was
removed to his home last week,
where he is progressing favorably.
Mr. and Mrs. Lory,, of Atwood,
were guests with Rev. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Cum-
mings and -son, James, of Warwick,
visited friends here.
Robert Young is spending a few
weeks with his on, Ivan, in Port
Huron, Mich.
Bert Kelly has returned home af-
ter visiting his sister, 'Mrs. G.
Smith, South Porcupine.
Mrs. George McArthur is' a
patient in Scott Memorial Hospi-
tal, Seaforth.
Fred Martin, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Martin, underwent an ap-
pendix operation in Clinton hospi-
Mrs. Geo. Robinson, who under-
went an appendix operation on
Wednesday in Scott Memorial Hos-
pital, Seaforth, we are glad to re-
port is recovering favorably.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Murdie and
Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Malrolm visited
with Mr. and Mrs.,A. C. Cully on
Sunday, celebrating with them their
29th wedding anniversary. '
Mrs. Wm. Sadler'spent Wednes-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sad-
ler, Staffa. • •
We are sorry to report Miss
Joyce Wilson is in Scott Memor-
ial Hospital, Seaforth, having an
appendix operation last week. We
all wish Joyce a speedy recovery.
Mr. and Mrs, Bert Tubb visited
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ronee Sun-
day evening.
Mrs, Stacey and Mowet were in
Seaforth on Sunday visiting, her
daughter. Mrs.'Geo. Robinson, in
the hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm and
family visited Mr. and Mrs, ord
D.ickison, Brodhagen, Sunday af-
Memorial Arena
Fund Donors
Orville Oke
A. W. Siuety
John Crich •
Melvin Dale
Jas. E. Willis
Ken Carter
Ed. Daly
George McGavin
Alice Daly
Whyte's Butcher Shop 50.00
Harry McMillan 10.00
Harold Free 10.00
J. E. Willis 80.00
Mrs. J. F. Daly 150.00
William Trapnell 5.00
Glen Smith 10.00
Walter G. Willis 50.00
Mary Clarke ....... , . 25.00
John Pullman 20.00
'Audrey Shannon 5.00
Edna Hiusser 5.00
Glen Stiffen . ........... 5.00
Mona Bennett 5,00
Jean Armstrong 10.00
'Miss Al. Ferguson . 5.00
Winnif red Savauge• 5.00
T. Thompson 5.00
Elmer Larone 10.00
Bill Smith. Jr. , 25.00
Miss Belle Smith 5.1)0
A. Seip 25.00
Gladys Earle 5.00
Anne Downey 10.00
Ross Savauge ... , ........ 25.00
Alex learpen 15.00
Arthur Wright (grocer) . 10.00
Wm, D. Smith 50.00
P. 'D: MCConnell 50.00
H. Glenn Hays 50.00
R. R. McKindsey 25.00
Thelma Forbes 10.00
Elmer Somers 10.00
James A. Stewart 50.0.0
John T. Elgie 50.00
Gordon Hildebrand 5.00
Don Muir 5.00
Carl Knight 5.00
A. L. Jones 50.00
John E. Smith 5.00
Clarence Trott 5.00
Mrs. Katie Phillips ....... 5.00
Mrs. Angelo Phillips 5.00
Mrs, Mary Phillips 5.00
Mrs. Edith Daley 5.00
Mrs. Margaret Sclater 5.00
Mrs. John Finlayson 5.00
Lewin Hemberger 5.00
Eddie Pryce 5.00
Miss Nellie Pryce 5.00
Mrs• Tom Phillips 20.00
Mrs. John Muir, Sr. ... .. 5.00
• 10.00
$ 20.00
IYi�flu}k, It,��lt
-leg. Kerslake 21).00
Mrs. Jack Kaiser 5.00
Dr, T. J. Bechely 50.00
Rowcliffe Motors 50.00
Mrs. John A, Gorwill 25.00
Miss Wilma Seip 5.00
W'ililam Hodgson 5.0.0
Phillip Speak 5.00
Miss Susan GovenloCk 5.00
Phyllis Pretty 5.00
Madeline Fortune 5.00
Rev. T. Dale Jones 10.00
Seaforth News 10110
W. R. Dunlop 5.00
John L. Hotham 10.00
Mrs. Peter McIver 5.00
Margaret Hudson ... 5.00
Mrs. J. C. Cochrane....... . 5.00
J. L. Slattery 20.00
Lloyd Morrison 20.00
B. F. Christie 25.00
Fred• Dinwoodie 10.00
Scott Cluff 5.00
Mrs, C. J. Lemon 5.00
Cecil Lemon 5.00
Mrs. J. L. Kerr 5.00
Myrtle Carter 5.00
A. F. Cluff 5.00
.Charles Reeves 5.00.
Miss Wilma Seip 5.00
Mrs. Elsie G. Keating. 10.00
William Pearson 5.00
Mrs, Gordon Reynolds 5.00
W. H. Golding 25.00
L, P: Plumsteel 15.00
J. E. Silcox 10,00
Miss Doris Smith 5.00
H. J. Stiffen 10.00
George Miller, .5.00
Clara Pinkney . 5.00
Robert Pinkney 5.00
George Pinkney 10.00
Louis Lechner 10.00
F. Caskanette ' 5.00
Mrs. H. R. Scott 5.00
Mrs. John Beattie 5.00
Luella V. Montgomery 5.00
Harold Nicholson 5.00
Mary McAdam , 5.00
Mrs. P. Nigh 5.00
Mrs. J. Coutts 2.00
Ralph Cousins 6.00
John MacKenzie 10.00
Norman Scoins 10.00
Ronald Scoins 5,00
Raymond Scoins 5.00
Ina Scoins 5.00
Vera and Laura Mole 5.00
Joan Bach 5.00
Mrs. James Barron .. 5.00
Ken Ritchie 5.00
Excellence Flour Mills , 250.00
John B'oshart & Sons 500.00
T, A. Beattie 10.00
Rev. T. P. Hussey 15.00
Miss Margaret A. Kelly5.00
G. A. Whitney 100.00
Thomas Kale 10.00
Jack Elliott 5.00
Mrs. Muriel Elliott 5.00
•Seaforth Women's Institute50.00
Eric Collingwood - 5.00
Ruth Cluff 5.00
Mrs. Evelyn Lillico 5.00
Mrs. Webster 1.00
Harvey Travis, 50.00
Chester G. Lee 25.00
Andy Calder 5.00
Community Centre , 5.00
John Bach 5.00
Russell Piper 5.00
Dr. J. A. Munn 1 5.00
George Beattie, Jr. 5.00
Dr. M. W. Stapleton 50.00
Mrs. Robert'Strong , 5.00
W. H. Montgomery 20.00
Jack Rivers 5.00
Esco Shaw 5.00
Bert Shaw, Jr. 5.00
Keeping Fit
Ali of us, from childhood to old
age, 'need a certain amount of
exercise 'to keep fit and healthy.
This does not mean that we all
need to run a mile before break-
fast or lift 200 -pound barbells after
It's the early years that count.
Your Reading Habits
Reading habits' have 'an import-
ant effect on a person's eyes. Con-
tinuous reading of small print,
using a poor light or incorrect
posture are common causes of
e3estrain; Llghting should be
strong 'enough to produce comfort-
able seeing without harmful glarc
of deep Shadows. Good lighting
means the even distribution of a,
?erlft., Meaning light,
The Voice°ff
Gordon Craig - , • •
Wallace Ross
Robert McMillan
Harold .Qofl4lell
Lorne Wassman
George Eaten
Mrs. Mae Free
Mrs. Ben Rising
Ed. J. Fitzpatrick
Th Rivers
Donna Anderson
Dominion Bank
Mrs. Annie M. Hays
George Johnston
Mary Jghnston
Bill Cooper
Baden Powell
J. Arnold Case
Dr. Paul Li Brady
George Beatty
Don MacDonald
John Crawford
Kathleen Silbery
Austin .Matheson
Ml's. John Miller
Mrs. Casey Way
Clifford Broadfoot
J. Ross Murdie
Mrs. J. Ross Murdie
Jake Albrecht
Miss Valeria Drope
Mrs. Bessie Wurm
Miss Jennie Campbell ... ,
Miss Jean Flynn
Miss Pearl Thamer
Miss Florence Fowler
J. M. ,Scott .. ... .. ....
Bill Leybourne
Ken Forbes
'Miss Teresa Lynch
Edwin Leonhardt ...... -
Charles Barber
Mrs. Roy Dungey
Louis School
H. E. Smith
Helen Smith, Reg.N. .
Donald E. Smith
Mrs. H. E. Smith
Harry Stewart
G. A. Sills & Sons ... ..
William D., Smith ... - • • - - ,
J. Walden
Mrs. Bruce McLean
Nelson Cardno
Mrs. John Regier
Georgie Hays
Figures have now been released
disclosing the gallonage of intoxi-
cants consumed by the Canadian
drinking public for the year ending
March 31, 1949. Phe figures are
6,833,255 gallons spirits and 175.-
465,092 gallons beer. In each case
consumption had doubled since
1935. If we are still capable of,
being shocked by enormities of :n
dulgenee, then these figures show:J
shock us info a realization that it
is high time that the policy of iu-
cresed outlets should give way to
a policy of increased restrictions.
This folly of drinking has passed
all bounds of respectability and se-
curity. It is Huron County's good
fortune that it is under the Canada
Temperance Act, and is saved from
the menace of liquor stores and
beer parlors. -(Adv,).
Our winter carnivals are well
known below the border. At
Mint„ Granite, Toronto and
other skating clubs Canadian
'stars presnnt the finest skating
thoroughly enjoyed by many of
our visitors. Such friendly visitofs
contributes lot to our prosperity.
Let's treat them with a hospi-
tality they'll 'always 'remeihber.
John Labatt Limited.
JANUARY ,2O, 1950
5.00 Ron, MacDonald 5.09
5.00 Eric Monroe ' 10.00
.50 Eddie ShelTin . :......2"@ 5.00
10.00 William C. Smith ...... t • 5.00
10.00 Joe Heffernan , 5.00
5.00 Eleanor Shannon 5,09
5.00 Mrs. Ross J, Sproat 15.00
5.00 Dr. Howson 20.00
5.00 D. A. Aikenhead • . 5.09
20.00 Mrs: Stanley Livingstone 5.09
5.00 T. J. McAdam' 1.00
100.00 C. W. Ironside 10.00
15.00 J. G. Mullen 10.00
5.00 F. A. Dobson 10.00
5.00 William Dalrymple 5.00
5.00 Miss S. L McLean 10.00
5.00 Fred Wigg 10.00
5.00 Malcolm' McDermid 5.00
150.00 (Continued on Page 7)
Iron and All Kinds of Metal, Rags
Highest Cash Prices paid.
its'___T_44 r :JA;
Feed a "fresh -mixed" feed and, watch
your chicks fight for more! "Fresh -mixed"
means tastier feed, less Boss of valuable
nutrients. Chick Starter made with National
Chick Mix Concentrate gives the feeder
dependable feed forless money.
Don't order more chicks than your brooder can
' handle. AIlbw a- square foot of floor space
for each 2 chicks. Remember, d chick increases
its weight twelve Times in the first 8 weeks.
For vigorous, fast-growing birds, allow plenty of
room, good humidity and fresh -mixed Chick
Starter' made with National Chick Mix.
See your local NATIONAL Feed Dealer taday.
sisf all rk�rHO1 4L IMI d, plraperI Merida eU1 z*