HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1950-01-20, Page 31;Y
20,: Igo
Hensall Village eCouncil'
Holds Inaugural Meeting
Taxes in Arrears Total
But $607, or 21/2 %O, Col-
lector Tells Council.
The inaugural meeting of the
J 950 Hensall •Council was held
Tuesday morning at 11 a.m. in the
Immediate delivery
Phone 684 : $eaforth,
council chamber with all member's
being present. All members of the
council took their declaration of
office before Justice of the Peace
J. A. Paterson.
Reeve A. W. Kerslake asked Rev.
P. A. Ferguson to open the 1950
council session. Rev. Ferguson ad-
dressed the counnil andread the
Scripture, also offered up a prayer
asking for guidance for the council
during the year.. Reeve A. W. Kers-
lake thanked Rev. P. A. :Ferguson
for his address and prayer.
The reeve, in his inaugural ad-
dress to council, stressed the fact
that the last two years,.had been
very trying in view of the construc-
tion of. the drain and the water-
works and it had meant the spend-
ing of a lot of money, also the rais-
ing of the tax rate, but thought
and get
All eggs produced on our own farm. Parent stock
proved 100% pullorum free for two consecutive
years in Government test.
Send us your order. We'11 do the rest.
PHONE 666 r 3 : ' R.R. 3, SEAFORTI<I
that be Careful sansideratian it
might be possible -to reduce the ex
penditure a little,and stated there Inaug'u "r,R
was considerable repaiira to be
hiade re the streets and sidewalks.
Parke and Jones: That we now
open.. the 1960 session of 'council.
H. Hoy and Luker: That a by-
law be prepared setting the regu-
lar meeting nights en the second
Tuesday of each month at 8 p.m,
Mr. itaton, of Bothwell, appeared
re the purchase of the equipment
at the old open-air rink, .and F. Har-
burn took him to it for inspection.
Parke'and Jones; That a by-law
be prepared appointing Mrs. W. O.
Goodwin to the Library Board for
the years 1950-51.52. Carried.
Parke and Luker: That the fol-
lowing members be appointed to
the Park Board for two years: S.
Dougall, C. Armstrong, R. Mac-
Lean; W. R. Davidson, R. H. Mid-
iddleton and A. W. Kerslake and N.
Jones from the council for one
year. Carried.
Hoy and Parke: That the road
and street committee be Parke and
Luker, and the property committee
be Jones and Hoy. Carried.
Luker: and L err That we now
adjourn to meet again at 8 p.m..
this evening. Carried. e
The first regular meeting of the
1950 village council was held Tues-
s -
day evening at 8 p.m. in the coun-
cil chamber with all members be-
ing present. M. R. Rennie, of Hay
Stationery Co.. of London, appear-
ed re an adding machine, stating
prices, etc. 'Phe council then ad-
journed to the Fire Hall on request
of the firemen: to tsiew a fire hyd-
rant that had been taken apart for
F. Harburn reported re the poll
tax collection and stated he had
collectedhet was
them all but one and w s
instructed to collect it, J. A. Pat-
erson, tax collector, -reported re
the outstanding taxes as being on -
1y $607.80 or about 21,E%a in arrears.
Correspondence was read as fol-
lows: Association of Assessing Of-
ficers, National Iron Corporation.
H. Lotan, Dept. of Highways, As-
sociation of Rural Municipalities,
County Treasurer, Civic Admini-
stration, Workmen's Compensation
Board, Daily Commercial News,
London Free Press. Huron Exposi-
tor, Exeter Times -Advocate, Hen-
sall Motor Sales, Hydro Electric
Power Commission, Dept. of Muni -
Special Representative
�I�•NtS►.U;RAN.C,E _c.o.N1�.RAN,.,.
I it ' ONTARIO Telephone 299
:gs 1
FIullett - Stanley Townships
The inaugural meeting of Hallett
Tow7isihip Council ttpk place Jan, 9
in the Community Hall. .i ondes-
Voro, at 11 a.m. in the morning.
The Reeve and all members of the
cot3ncil were present. The mintltee
of the last regular meeting of Dec.
15 were read.
The clerk called the new council,
and the declaration of office • was
read and all members subscribed
tosame and were duly sworn in
for the' year '1950.
The Rev. S. Brenton was called
on to address the new council. leer.
Brenton thanked the council for the
cipal Affairs, Tweddle Chick Hatch"
eries, Bickle-Seagrave Ltd., Ausable
River Conservation: Authority, Fire
Marshal, Municipal World, Ontario
Good Roads Association—same con-
sidered and filed.
Hoy and Luker•: That we order
seven copies of the Municipal
of council.
World for the
and officials. Carried.
Jones and Parke: That we ap-
prove of the following rates' for
i mote
sh'ee't •1 fits as d
g q by
dro -Electric Power Commission of
Ontario as follows: 100 watt at $12
per lamp', per year, 200 watt at $18
per lamp per year, 300 watt at $22
per lamp per year, 500 watt at $30
per lamp per year. Carried. Hoy
and Luker: That we order the nec-
essary adapters for the fire hose of
Exeter and Zurich. Carried. Parke
and Jones: That we join the assoc-
iation or Rural Municipalities. Car-
Bills and accounts were read as
follows: C. Johnston, repairs snow
plow, $4.75; Daily Commercial
News, adv., $14.80; Loddon Free
Press, adv:, $16; Huron Expositor,
ads., $2.45; Bell Telephone, service,
$3.30; School Board, current ex-
penses, $1,000; F. Harburn, salary,
$123.72; J. Passmore, salary, W.W.,
$41,66; Municipal World, supplies,
$14.59; W. R. Davidson. coal, Hall
$93.40, charity. $8.50; Bout.hron' &
Son, supplies, Hall. $5.45; O, Twit-
chell, supplies F.D. $1.40, streets
$10.70; Hensall Hydro Commission,
'hydro, Hall and water, $28.47; Hy-
dro, W.W.. $29.27; Association of
Rural Municipalities, membership,
$5. Total; $1,403.46.
Luker and Hoy: That the bills
and accounts as read be paid. Car-
ried. Jones and Parke: That By-
law No. 1, appointing Mrs. Goodwin
a member of the Library Board;
No. 2. appointing members of Park
Board; No. 3; council meetings and
rates of pay be given firet and sec-
ond readings. Carried. Luker and
Hoyt 'That By-laws Nos. 1, 2 and 3
he given third and final readings
and finally passed. Carried, Parke
and Jones: That we purchase an
adding machine from Hay Station-
ery Co. Carried. Luker and Hoy:
That we now adjourn, 11.45 p.m.
'Nola ifs new beauty from the front, side and rear
tho shining new grille , .. the graceful body
Dees ... the wider, lower rear end.
- e4' A NEW
priejlege of attending the inaugural
meeting to address the new 'coon-
ell. He spoke very befittingly on
the occasion, outlining the response
%Witty to the ratepayers Who had
trusted the affairs of the township,
to their care, The new reeve
thanked Mr. Brenton for attending
•and addressing the council. He then
called on the retiring reeye to ad-
dress the incoming council, Mr.
Armstrong thanked. the retiring
council for the wholehearted sup-
port and co-operation theyxhad.giv-
en him in the past six ,years that
he had held the office. He sincere-
ly hoped the new council would
give the same wholehearted sup-
port and assistance to the incom-
ing reeve. He wished the new coun-
cil ,success in all the undertakings
for the benefit .of the ratepayers
and the advancement of the town-
ship, Mr. Dale thanked Mr. Arm-
strong and a hearty vote of thanks
was 'tendered the speakers,'
W. R. Jewitt and Archie Young:
That we do now adjoin% to meat
again at 1:30 p.m. Carried. The
council was then entertained to
dinn'e • at.t homea clerk.
1 ofh
he t
Geo. C. Brown. andos, Leiper:
That we reconvene as a council.
Carried. James Medd presented •a
letter which• was read,by the clerk!
Brown and Jewitt: That we accept
the withdrawal df the petition of
Jas. 'Medd for the cleaning out ef
a portion of the Kinbur-n Swamis
Drain. Carried. Mr. Robt. Townsend
approached the council on behalt
of the Community Hall Board. Je,e
rtt and Leiper: i oat we give. a
grant of $50 to the Community Ha'l
Board. Carried.
By-law No, 1 was then drafted,
setting the tariffs for the township'
officials. By-law No. 2, naming. the
township officials; 13Y -law No. •,$,
granting permission to the reeve.
and clerk to borrow money on ce-
half of the township: By-law No,, 4,
the road expenditure for $40.000.00;
By-law No, 5, naming the toWnship
solicitor. These were given their
several readings and passed.
Brown. and Young: That the road
strperintendeiit advertise for crush-
ing 12.000 yards of gravel, ,gravel
'to be crushed to 5/8 inch and put
on'roads in spring, Carried, Jewitt
and Leiper: That -the road superin-
tendent apply for the balance of
road subsidy for ' 1949: Carried..
Leiper and Jewitt: ihat..t)le ac-
counts as approved, be paid. Car-
ried. Young ani Brown: That we
adjourn to meet Feb, 6, ttt t.30
o'clock. Carried.
The following accounts were
passed: Community Hall Board,
grant, $5,0; Mrs. A. Wagner, rebate
on dog tax, $2; Robt. Johnston,
bounty. $6; Geo. W. Cowan, ()AA?.
and registrations. $9.75: McCall
Drain by-laws and damage,, $a9:
rebate on school. taxes. $30.11;
Huron Expositor, advertisement,
$9.59; Fire Protection Area, Lon-
desboro. $340.fs2; roads and bridges,
$3,389:`;9; Ontario Good roads.
mem.ber:elhip fees. $5: Ontario Rur-
al Mur;:c:pallty, membership lees,
Stanley Council
The inaugural meeting <if'Stanley
Township Council was held'•in the
Township Hall on Jan. 9 at 10.30
a.m., with all members present. Af-
ter the ei,th of 'office bad been ad-
ministered :,y the+ clerk, t.be reeve',
Elmer Webster. took the chair and
proceeded with the business of the
meeting. ' ,
A be' -law making :he following
appointment; `.'o:- 1950 was ap,irov-
• ed by council: Clerk -Treasurer.
Fred 5, Watson:' assessor and tax
collector. H. M. Haniy; tax collec-
t P.''. of Bayfield..Le', Elliott;
seE001 attendance office•:-. Et'.. Chut-
er: caretaker of .t.enoteph. Georgie
iieatty, Jr.; ,weed injectors, 11.
Penhale and T. Baird: sheep valu-
atr:r,. Ruseell C;raineer avam
St'wa'rt; caretaker of 't'idow'Adnship
H, '.er.
allCorresEd.pondencChite was read and
dealt. with as follow-,; eeeter from
Reliance Petroleum Lel,. filed; let-
, re'r from Depart:ne of Teiblic Wel-
. fare. filed; appeal from inf. S.elve-
j'tiu:l Army, .t grant to $25.x0 was
made; letter frpm Workmen's Com-,
j,ptnsation Board. filed: letter from
'Registrar General, hied.
t A deraitati8u re;':re'seniinFe, the
Zurich Community Centre enter
yicwect the council, requesting a
'grant toward: their new bnil,lin' .
atter conslneraoie <r:.,c•us-von, r.
was decided that no ai•tinn be t-ia-
r'rl on this request.
The. Treasurer wa, au:horizon to
apply to the I)<-partment of Hign-
e nes for the balance of subsidy on
1418 road expenditure. By-law No.
2, authorizing an expenditure of
$311 heti on roads lend bridges. and
By-lw No. 3. authclrizing the reeve
and treasurer to borrow necess••try
monies from the bank' were given
the necessary readings and passed
as finally real. The Clerk was
authorized to draft a by-laty pro-
hibiting t.be dumping of Junk o0
townsnip, roads arta present t ne
same to council a:. its next meetin:'.
The road voucher for $e56.25 and
general voucher l'or e264,411 were
passed and ordered paid. Council
adjourned to meet Feb. 6, at 1.30
Reports,.of Committees ' in-
dicate Successful Year. .
in All Departments.
The annual meeting of cronlar;y
congregation was held 'Thursday
afternoon' in the basement of the
church with Rev. G. Young as chair-
man.) The •minutes of the last an-
nual meeting were read by Calder
McKaig. The session report Was
given by Rev. G. Young, and the
auditors' report lay Calder, MoKaig.
The treasurer's report, read by
Thomas Laing, showed more money
had been collected in the. past year
than h previous years. The Sun-
day School report was•. given by
Grace Chalmers. Mrs. Thos. Scott
gave the Marion Ritchie report;
Mrs. John Wallace read the W.M.S.
report. The Ladies' Aid report was
read by Mrs. Houghton. The ceme-
tery report re ort was given by
T L.
Scott. Mrs. Lloyd Sorsdahl gave
the report of the Presbyterian Re-
The literary eommittee had
tng tore ort but .the addition of
new members: -Tfrey .. are Mr. - and
Mrs. Harold Boleman, Mr. and Mrs.
Calder...McKaig and Mr.- and Mrs.
T. L. Scott. - Plans to obtain new
library books were discussed. Man-
agers appointed for three years
were Eldon Allen, Lloyd Miller and
Calder McKaig was named secre-
tary for 1950; Thos. Laing,' treas-
urer; Calder McKaig and John
Wallace, auditors; Lloyd Sorsdahl,
Sunday School •superintenden•t ;
cemetery committee, T. L. ,Seott,
Calder McKaig, Thos. Laing, Thos.
Hay, Ken McKellar, Sam McCurdy
and Andrew McLachlin; Record
secretary,. ,,.,Mrs. • Lloyd Sorsdahl.
The meeting Closed with a prayer
by Rev. G. Young. .
cities which forms the other baste
ceruse or migration• can be partially
overcome. The way to do this :s
to supply •counter attractions in the
rural areas. Life would he more
attractive if farm incomes were
more stable than at present. in
all probability, however, the prob-
lem of the 'business cycle must be
solved before the inIstability of
farm incomes can be cured.Migra-
tion would, in part, be overcome if
some decentralie,ation of industry
could take place and thereby pro-
vide industrial jobs within the
borders of Huron County.
'Phe. oentraiizat1en of
syr�tem, which , ; bag en
recently, xs mt7st, d 1 te. ,
ward' step in -Meeting the
problems of ren
tl al• life: In akl 3l¢.
lihoo d d the centralized schoo1 w
prove a powgrful force in. rebuiidP°
Ing community. spirit. Two mdl�"
Powerful weapons can. be Used tetra,
the fight to prevent the decline:Aig:
ruraloom'mtinities One ofthesei;e, } 9
the prevision of well -stocked
retries by action of the provine nk
government. The other is the.
erection of community cultural an& . .
recreation -centres.
The A -B -C -�.
The card party was held in the
hall on Friday evening with Mr.
and Mrs. Kenneth Johns as hosts.
The winners were: Ladies, Mrs.
Norman Jacques; men, Gordon Pen -
hale; , consolation, Mrs. Delmar
Skinner and Bobby Johns. A dainty
lunch was served by the hostess.
• Miss Seeta Collyer and Wanda
Stephen. of London Life, London,
spent the week -end at their homes
9ntrodnctwn i00$
S�V Pr
ants of Huron County to compete
with the larger stores in London
and Stratford. The local merchants
found that they could compete
successfully on a purely business
basis with the best that city stores
could offer. But they also discover-
ed, that they were• helpleis-befor•,
the desire of the farm women to
outdo the wearing apparel of their
r eiglibare. .
,Are there any conclusions «'!itch
we may draw from the changes
which have been taking plate 111
Huron County- over the last sixty-
five years? It is possible 10 seggect
a few.
• If the church is to survive:. ,(t',
whole new concept of religions
teaching trust be. evolved. Minis-
ters will have to be recruited
from among people who are inter-
ested in farmers and tth'eir, prob-
lems. These men should be trained
in the study- of agriculture, rural
education, art, literature. recrea-
tion. Sanitation and social organiz-
ation. In this way they will be able
to reach peoale by an intelligent
discussion of their common inter -
What of the powetful force of
depopulation which is .still operat-
ing on rural life In Huron County?
Since one ofrthe _basic causes of
the migration from rural areas i=
the increasing efficiency with
which farmers use their labor„ it
would se.•rl impossible to alrelt
the movement of population front
the farms even jf it were desirable
to do so. But the attraction of the
tklE GA14t`
IN this booklet we have made every effoat to
simplify a complex subject. There are no con-
fusing rates or 'methods of calculation included.
'-instead, you will find a simple, dear -cut table which
requires no figuring. It shows you what succession
duties might be on your estate.
Of special interest is the chapter t0ow can
succession duties be kept to a 'minimum?"
Call or write for this free booklet.
Branches in 6 Provinces
3: W: McLachlan, Trust Officer
Dundas at Clarence - London, Ont.
french + ry Cleaners
Announce that arrangements have been completed with
the ease of entry and exit through
the big, wide doors ... the hood
and legroom ... the comfort of
chair -high seats . . . fhct perfect
vision for both driver and poo-'
For regular pick-up and delivery in Seaforth
• Articles required to be Pressed or Dry Cleaned, left before
Tuesday, will be returned Thursday,' or if left before Thurs-
day will be returned the following Tuesday.
Review Social
(Continued from Page 2)
n dis'a.ppearing. Several centres
have,- recently begun construction
of community centrefi where mem-
'hers of the community, whether
they live in' villages or on the
farm, can meet in a common home.
A prominent feature of rural life
has been the decline of village
communities, The population of
incorporated towns and villages in
Huron declined, from 13.746 in 1881'
to 13,162 in -1941. Many hamlets
disappeared completely. About 80
per cent of the villages a.nd towns
of Boron depend for their existetirce
on the business of farmers. 'rhe
decline in agricultural populatiou,'
therefore' affected theta adversely.
The-4eediele'inen t of highways and •
tnOttir e lee "t'b'reed
drench Dry Cleaners
is a well-known and reliable firm, owned and operated by Clifford.,
,Lowery, formerly of Seaforth,
Quality Work
carr ire r
Quick Service
i K�. 1l4! ll�wa•4