HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1950-01-20, Page 144.1,71 • kAlrtl'f4' FIT7 Ninety-first Yeer Wble Number 4283 • fp • SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, JANUARY g0; 1950 • NA,PUILTII PUBLIC SCHOOL CANDELIGHT SERVICE S. • CHARLESA.BARBER HEADS SEAFORTH DISTRICT BOARD Parts of Grey and Morris _ Now Included in Sea - forth Area. • Charles A. Barber, Sehforth, was 're-elected chairman of (he Seaforth. District High School Board at the inaugural meeting of the board Monday evening. Vice-chairman is E. B. Goudie, while M. A. Reid was Barbara Boshart, Marjory pethick,'Marion Besse, Alice Christie, Elizabeth Habkirk. reappointed secretary-treasuier. A deputation from Dublin Con- tinuation School, Including Martin Feeney and John Murray, disclosed with the bogrdethe -attendance of pupils from the SeafOrtila 'Area at Dublin school. The deputation was inforined the board could fake no action, „since the matter came un- • •••::;,...,saIlseta77•Ies ' About 75 pupils took part in the Seaforth Public School an- nual candlelight service in Northside United Church. The choir was under the direction of Miss M. E. Turnbull, music supervisor Of the school, and Mrs. J. A. Stewart, organ ,acconipanist. The pupils are. from left to right: Front Raw—Alice Nixon, Jean Nixon. Patricia Horton, Billy Carpenter,. Judy Boshart, Ellen Calder, Devine Hubert, Madelon Townsend, Joan Dick, Mac Mun-roe, Paul Besse. Second Row—Betty Muegge, Shirley Kieber, Karen Nicholson, Marlene Miller, Ruth Crotier, Betty Andrews, Agnes 'Carter, An- nette Townsend, Barbara Mennell, Margaret Reeves, Marion Mc- Ilwain, Keith PethIck. Third RI:ay—Jimmy Johnston, Jimmy Crich, John Scott, Robt. 'Snell, Sharon Hotham, Merle Cooper, Ellen Gorwill, Corrie Van Denburg, Carol Foot, •Dorothy Fischer, Kathryn Boshart, -Isa- belle Sfiannon, Beverly Dunlop. Fourth Row—D. N. Eastman, (Principal),Sheila MoFadden (speaker), Mrs. J. A. Stewart (organist), Miss M. E. Turnbull (music supervisor). Fifth Row—Larry Burger, Gary Schultz, Billy Roberton, Ron- ald Mason, Bruce McFadden, Neil Broadfoot. Helen McGonigle der the Ontario Department. Members of the, board will in fu- ture be paid regulation allowances for attendance in accordance with a departmental ruling. The 'new board comprises the additional •ar- ea free) Morris and Grey Town- ehips, represented by J. Bryans and Leslie Oliver: .,, Committees were named as fol - Ivies:. Property, C. M. Smith, E. B. Goudie, Harold Coleman, J. Bry- uns; supply. R. Bolton,' C. P. Sills, Oliver Anderson Leslie Oliver; finance, G. McOavinaR. Bolton; ex- ecutive. C. A. Barber, E. B. Gou- die, C. P. Sills; bus, G. McGavin, E. B. Goudie, H. Coleman, J. Bry- aaas, Lealg Oliver, Oliver Ander- son; truant officer; F. W. Scarlett. • $1,000 Donation To Recreation Centre Fund The Seaforth and District. Mem- mial Recreation Centre Fund, re - calved a donation of $1,000.00 from Miss Emily Cresswell this week.' Designatede-.for the Legion and sports section, the donation is in memory of her brother, •the late Harry Cresswell. Additional lists of contributors to the fund appear on Pages 6 and T of bhis issue. Bobby Reith Injures Thumb Bobby, 7-yeareele son of Mr. and Mrs. Clare Reith, had the misfor- tune to have the end of his thumb crushed an Saturday morning whilE playing at the new Community Centre. He was elosing a door when it slammed and caught his thumb. Bobby was taken to Scott Memorial Hospital where •a stitch was put in, and the is now much improved. • Huron Old Boys Have Annual Meet Huron County Old Theys' Associa- tion of Toronto held .its. annual meeting on. Monday ev.ening, Jan. atWest End Y.M.C.A. An un- itunialfr geed .number '• of inembeh were present to elect the 1950 eom- snittee, discuss platts for the year, and to enjoy the county inn; "The Books Drive On." • The following members '.vers elected to the coinmittee to repre- sent Seaforth and dietriett•: gra. A. Brodie, Mr. W. J 101 -lett. and WM -Cecil Kaiser. - • lrelloWing the blisilleetf.eestion. a pleasittlit.lutieh tette iterVett by the ladien of ihn.arefaciatiOn allttati hour t1f celleetiVe ''.11rittiting"'-enjer- ed,,br all. -X. C. -.Staitlintt1849 president, ltiied that 1.1itt,Ilele•- -eleeted etitheinittee*MitiV'niegt- .0ftlY t0•611000'.•']'' ittktk3.1,:•'• literft••and dititriet ' • jn.t• Sixth Row—Betty G'oudie, C.arole Glew, Betty Simpson, Patsy Munroe, Marilyn Ritchie, Marion Dick,, Margaret Hembeinere Bar- bara Fraiser, Charlie Riley, Bill Flannigan, Robert McGoniglee Seventh Row—Dur Hopper, Sill Vandenburg, Wayne Ellis, Gordon Pullman, Ted Savauge, Marie Hunt, Elaine Dale, Evelyn McPhee, Margaret Broome, Frances Schultz, Audrey Dalrymple, Marjorie Riley. 4 Seaforth. Churches Hold 6ngrega:tional Meetings The congregational meeting of vote of f hank a to Mr. and Mrs. St. Thomas' Anglican Church as- Jones on •hehalf of tete congrega- sumed a new aspect on Tuesday tion, for the splendid work accom- evening, when the male members plished during the past year of the congregation served a hot The meeting closed with .the dinner to the members of the eenediction. church. Those in charge were E. C. Boswell, E. Larone and N. Sooina. About seventy -flee turned A well -attended meeting of the out for the dinner and annual meet- congregation of First Presbyterian ing, the largest attendance for Church was held Monday evening many riars- when' the year's work was review - The rector, Rev, T. Dale Jones, ed. The minister, Res*, D. Glenn presided over the business of the Campbell, opened the meeting with evening. Financial statements of Scripture and a hymn, after which the various organizations were. Harry Stewart was named chair - read by the treasurers and adopt- man and Fred E. Willis, secretary. ed. Included were the Sunday Various reports covering„ active School report by Miss Mary Bos- ties of the church groups were read well; Choir report by Miss glare and the work Which had been done Pinkney; Ladies' Guild by Mrs. A. at the church and manse during J. Reid.; Chandel .Guild report by the summer was reviewed. A new Mrs. E. 1-Gase; Memorial Window heating system was installed in Fund report by Mrs. A. .1, R,eid; the church and manse; a aun.porcb Social Service report by Mrs. A. erected, and thekitchen modern - J. Reid; A.Y.P.A. and Girls' Auxii, ized. lary-by the rector, and Senior W.A. The following were named new by Mrs. R. G. Parke. managers: Jas. T. Scott, Jas, A. The warden and treasurer, R. G. Murray, .Tas. Lamont. and John .E. Parke, gave his report on the -lin- Patterson, Miss Norma Jeffrey was ances of the church and thanked, re-elected as treasurer. the rector and auditors for.the help 1VIr. Jas. G. Mullett neoved and M. given him during the past year. McKellar seconded a motion grant - The rector's report "revealed that' ing Rev. Campbell a ,lionus of $100 the attendance at church services in appreciation of bis fine work had increased about 50 per cent here. A. delitious lunch was serv- during the .past year, He said that eek by Mrs. Jelin MacTavish, social he had' baptized fourteen children, convener of the Ladies: Aid, and p'erforme'd seven weddings, and her assistants, conducted nine funerals. Mr. Jones expressed his appreciation for the co-operation given him by all the The annual meeting of the con - members of the congregation. gregation of .Northside United 'The election of officers include: Church was held in •the Sunday Rector's warden. T T Jackson; Schoolrooin on Wednesday evening people's warden, R. G. Parke; Vese at 8 o'clock. There wad a good at - try clerk, Gordon A. Wright; lay tendance. Rev. D. A. MacMillan, delegates to Synod, E. Larone and presided and Lloyd Morrison. was E, C. Boswell; substitutes, Robert secretary. Archibald and Mr. Scotohmer; The report of tlie Yoting,People's board of management, T. T. Jack- 'Union: was read by Jean Snell and son, R. G. Parke, G. Wright, E. La- this group was quite active during rone, E. C. Boswell, Mrs. Fi. Lardne, the year. Total membership is 27. Miss C. Holmes, Miss. C. Pinkney, Barbara Hillis read the Junior H. G. Melt, N. Scoins, Robert Arche Choir report. The Juntor Choir as - bald, J. Oldfield, W. E. Southgate, slated With several services during Roy West; sidesmen, H. Pretty., the past year. Number of mem- (chairman), F. McGavin, '(1. Case, hers is 23. The report of •the Ses- B. McLean, George. Pinkney, J. sion. •read by Rev. I), A. Maegil- Meir, G. Wright, ID. Larone, 0. lan, • showed total membership -1R Snowden, R. West, •Wm. 'Smith, 403. Robt..Archlbard, E. C. Boswell, N. in bis report, Mr. D. Aikenhead, Seoins, W. R. Shaw, Jr., William treastirer, 'explained that $5500:304) Seotchmerhad been raiSed for local Purposes.. A general disceasion followed on Approximately $1,400 wasradsed for the toaster renovation plain the Missionary and Maintenttnee Fend. progreea. to date outlined by the Tdtal amount raised 40 date for' teeter, and suggested plans • for• fu- building fund as reported by Mr. 411re work stated. Mr. Parke said Sam Scott, is $7,400.00, that •ciirtain repairto The rectory. Mies 11. Pettitterkettented the rea Were Urgent and *Wised that they Pint of the Mae Line Shetild • be • completed a 0on tie Several ou4staieling reeetIngS .had ftx•• , • , beeit,held With itit. aVerageatteltd Amit. '.061114,14: )01*. •,ft neatly 4114. of Wet ifertediU itioot .r • First Presbyterian Church Northside United Church • • • eitik 4 • • BUILDINGS SUFFER AS HIGH WINDS STRIK.E DISTRICT Weather Much Colder But As Yet Little - Snow. Cold' winds, at times of gale -like proportions, resulted in consider- able damage to buildings in the area during the past week. The winds were in marked contrast to the warm weather and rain that has prevailea almost since Christ- mas. Despite the cold. there hag been practically no now. The lowered temperature has made it possible to make ice in the new Seaforth arena. While the arena had been flooded on several occasions during the past two weeks, it was snot until this week. that it was possible to build up a sufficient depth of ice. Natural ice, is beirg used in the arena until completion' of the artificial plant promised for mid-February. Over the weeksend a large sign and a chimney at the Supertest Garage, Main and Goderich Sts., were. blown over. • At the 'height of the windstorm Monday afternoon a chimney' at the farm of R. S. McKercher, McKils lop, caught lire. but with the help of neighbors the blaze was extin- guished before serious damage re- sulted. Some fifty ears were on the scene wifhin a few moments as residents of the district rushed to help. In the Kippen area the verandah on the west side of Eddie McBride's home was completely destroyed during Friday night's storm. It will take three of four bunches of shingles' to repair Thomas Butt's barn roof. Mrs. Lydia Doig's barn roof also was damaged. Part of the roof blew off during Friday eve- ning and the continuous wind since has almost completely wrecked the entire roof, so that now the dam. age will run into several hundred dollars. ' • Former Rcsiclent -Treatfrer of Lions in London, England Organization of the first Liens Club in bhe British Isles has re- cently been, completed at Lcinclon. According to information received' by the Seaforth Lions Club, the treasurer of the newly -formed clun is Arnold, R. Turnbull. former S0.1 - forth resident, and a brother of Miss Mabel E. Turnbull. of town, ed average attendance at W.Mo.S. "as 25 and reviewed the important activities. Miss A. Ferguson read the treasurer's report for the W. M. 5. he Woman's Association raised M150.00 during the year, as reported by Mrs. J. A. Westcott. Excellent reports were presented from the Mission Band, Baby Band, Senior Choir, Sunday School, Adult Fellowship and Maitlarelbank Cem- etery. Those pr,esent went on record as explessind their sincere apprecia- tion to Rev. .atid Mrs. •MacMillan, all leaders and officers of various organizational in the church that had contributed" to the successful work during the year. The following Were elected for a three-year term to the Board of Stewards: J. Stevens, J. A. West - cod, C Walden, Dr. P. Howson and L. Morrison. 13. Mkenhead. WM. teeming, Jos. -Scott itunid Dr, P. Harbert]. were all re-elected te the Session for a three-year term, The congregatiet expressed it• thanks 10 the Doughty family for the Itaptlitreal• fount that Was presented 40 the Sehooll • 4 • ct Ashfield Reeve ron County Wa-rd.-e-n • Cotirtiy Council Opens • • • Jaguary Session at Good- eriihi Name Commit- .,flinro County Councillors on Tikelicla elected ,Ceell H. Johnston, rei 00 •o Ashfield,, Warden ef Hur- onc;e9u: ty at the opening of the sary session of the County tettnell:, . • •s..//(r, JOhnston was chosen in a dasieues,'•of Progressive Conserve- tiv6.±.!:m , is;- Murray ,lohnseen, • of er . mberHarvey Johnston, ,s. Wileght, and R. B. Cousins, of BruSeele, ware 'also aspirants for the I:tonhr, The stew. warden was -escorted t9'.the dais by lait year's warden, JOU. Agmstrong, of Hullett, who, after congratulating hire on the baiter to his municipality and'him- selfe said Huron will be well rePre- sented this year, as tens new war- den had been a faithful member of, the council. In a brief address, Warden Johnston thanked the -council for Ghe honor bestowed on him and his. municipality. He paid tribute to the Sportsmanship shown ,by his opponents for the honor and asked for the co-operation of the mem- bers. He asked the committees to meet protnptly andosavedtime. sm Harvey Johnston, of Morris Tv., was appointed to the Good Roads Corassoinsion for one year, and H. Gowdy, Of Howick, for three years. Frank S'Als, Seaforth, was appoint- ed to the Criminal Audit Board. The. following were named a, strik- ing 'dommittee: M. Johnson,. H. C. Beavers, E. Finnigan, A. Niehol- son' and W. J. Baker, • Difficulty in' keeping the 1950 Huron 'County mill rate down to the estimated 8 mills was. express- ed by County Treasurer A. H. Erskine, who submitted a state- ment:of estimated expenditures for the chining year to the finance committee of couuty council on Wednesday. The rate of 8 mills will be made up as follows: General account, 5 mills; highway account, 3 mills., plus. the cost of secondary schools to those. townships not included in highaaeof;col areas. The estimated expenditures are • $294,450; less estima :venue. $296,596: esti, mated surplus, $2,144, Dr. M. Aldi, M.O.H. of County Health' Unit„ reported there' were 17 cases of polio in the ceuney, which was an increase in 1919. Tuberculosis clinics were establish- ed in Huron and he hoped to have two in Oie south part of the coun- ty-. Dr. Aldis said there' will have to be improvement in many slaugh- ter houses to meet 'requirements, Considerable time will have to .be spent in 1950 on the inspeetionsaf tourists resorta. Following were Oppeinted repre- sentative s\ to hospital boards: God, erichs Earl Elliott; Clinton, Dr: F G. Thompson; Seaforth. Merton A. Reid; 'Wingham, V. L. Davidson. The report of the striking com- thittee was adopted as follows, first named as chairman: Executive, Beuermann. Lawson, George Elliott. S. McNabb,E, LI- liott; Legislative, Beaver. Strong, Orr, Campbell, MacDonald': Fin- ance Sweitzer, Morritt, Brock, Snyder. Underwood; Education, Finnigan. Cousins, Dale, Kerslake, H; L. 'Snyder; Property, A. Nichol- son, M. Johnson, Beaver, Finnegan. Baker; County Home, M. Johnson, Cousins, Finnigan, Nicholson, Kers- lake; Aersiculture, Lawson, G. El- liott, Dale, S. Shyder, B. Campbell; Children's Aid, Cousins., Sweitzer, Res. ft. G. McMillan, A. P. Wil- kes; 'Warden's . Committee, Bee- croft. McNabb, Morritt, Cousins, Beuesriann; Equalization, S. Sny- der, Underwood. Brock, Sweitzer; Library, Kerslake, Strong, E. El - note T. Pryde, If, Johnston, W. A. Galbraith; Reforestation, M. John- son, J. McNabb, D. Beuermann; Polies. Morritt, MacDonald., Orr:, Airport, Baker, H. L, Snyder, M. Johnson; Good Roads, E. Webster, H. Johnston, H. Gowdy; Consulta- tive, Beecroft, Kerslake, Beaver; Hiatorie, S. Snyder, Nicholson, C. Asquith, 1-1, Mcareath, G. .Tefferson. A delegation from Exeter, com- posed of E. D. Bell, K.C., W. G. Cochrane and B. _W, Tuckey, castle before the council to request a grant for South Huron District Hospital' of $35,000. After some discpssion as to the amount of the Government grants. the delegation contacted the Department otHealth at Ottawa °hid Winghaffi hespital, and informed the council' that, the government nnOsat is $1,000 for each bed and 11,500 for chronic patients. During the. Wednesday session 3. M. Gevedlock, Seaforth, who was Warden Of the county in 1905, and A. V. 1Victean. M.P. for Huron - Perth, spoke -briefly. . • ,Large Crowd At Legion Bingo Here The, Canadian' Legion .held bingo Wedneeday evening, when 12 geese Wet% awarded as prizes. A special prize of $35 was won by George Hays .and• Ahrin Pryde, who retained 310 each and donated the rentaltiligstk0.0 40 the Legion, filhere,,W644P present and qr- rarteetliehtiktWitteVetellilig iitterelit therge ,itsettt.. k. *J. • • WARDEN JOHNSTON Huron County's new evarden. .Reeve Cecil Johnston, of Ash- field, is a native of that town- ship and a son of a former reeve, the late Richard John- ston, and Annie Blake John- ston. He was born June 6, 1903, and is of Irish descent. He farms on the homestead and specializes in beef cattle. This is his twelfth year on Ashfield Township Council, and he is starting Itlafifth year as reeve. He served on the Huron Coun- ty Good Roads,CornmIssion for three years. He is a member of the United .c hurch, and a mem- ber of the/A:F. 4 A.M., Luck - now. He is married and has no children. e • • • 4). • FRED E. WILLIS HEADS P.S. BOARD Board Meets With Staff At Inaugural Meeting. The inaugural meeting of the Seaforth Public School Board elect- ed Fred E. Willis as chairman at a meeting held in the board room Tuesday night. M. McKellar was reappointed secretary - treasurer. Committees named were: 'Property, Clifford Btoadfoot and , John Stev- ens; supply, J. A. Westcott and Rev. T. Dale Jones. C. A. Barber wee reappointed to the Seaforth and District High School Area, .and Rev. D. A. Mac- Millan was appointed to the Lib- rary Board. Robert Joynt is tru- ant officer. Accotints and salaries, amount- ing to $1,428.30, 'were approved and ordered paid. • A. letter from a non- resident was rebeived, requesting that fees be redneed. The Board then met the staff and there followed. considerable discus- sion concerning a new schedule of salaries. Both the' above matters were left till the next meeting for %Taber discussion. After adjournment the staff servo ed coffee. sandwiches and tarts. • Call Firemen For Chimney Fire Seaforth firemen answered an alarm Sunda.y afternoon when a chimney at the residence of Fred- erick Reeves, caught. fire, The blaze was quickly extinguished. , Brodhagen Couple Hold Golden Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wolfe quietly celebrated their 50th wed- ding anniversary on ,Monday with their family. Mr. Wolfe has been confined to bed for quite sometime. Mrs.. Wolfe was the formerakachel Eisler, They farmed near Monkton and Mitchell before retiring to Brodhagen five years ago. 4 They have a family of three sons and two daughters: Lavern and Samuel. R.R. 2, Motikton; Wilfred, of R.R. 4, Mitchell; Mrs. Martin Diegel (Adeline), R.R. 2. Walton. aud Adelia, of Detroit. Ttichers Discuss - New Currioulum The January meeting of the leachers 9f Seaforth Unit, of—the O.T.F. was ,h.eld on Wednesday, Jan, 11, at the home Of Mrs., Jack Kellar, The president's January Bulletin and News Letter were read. A lengthy discussion felloe- ed on the new curriculum. A list of topics for future meetings sent out by the Provincial .Research Convener, ass, reviewed. The nesruary meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Harvey Mason on Wednesday. Feb. 8, when it is hoped .to hays. Donald East- man, Principal of the Public School, give a lecture on Alaska. CONSTANCE Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley were In London on Friday. Mrs. 'erne Dale is a endow in Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth. at present. Mrs. 13. 13. Stephenson is visit- ing in London. Several attended the funeral ef the late John Marshall. in Walton on Saturday, Leo Stephenson spent the week- end at,Brameton attending the On- tario Arenas Association. conven- den, for managers. We are sorry to know Mrs. Wm. Carter is quite ill with pneumonia., Mrs. Carter is at the hettirs'of her daughter, Mrs. 110101121e, at Luek- ntrot. , 'Mies fityrbillin *RI& spoilt flit lit•ek‘e•tid nolth.Stir Mars • • Mr., Mrs. P. J. Kelly The 50-th anniversary of »a mar- riage which united two families long connected' with the history of the Seaforth-Walton area was cele- brated.Monday at a dinner party honoring Mr. and Mrs, P. J. Kelly. The guests of honor were married Jan. 16. 1900, at St. James' Roman Catholic Church, Seafortih, by the late Rev. M. S. McCabe. ' Mrs, Kelly is the former Mar- garet McQuaid, Before her mar- ria.ge she lived near Seaforth on concession 3, Tuckersmith. Mr. and Mrs. Kelly lived for 48. years after theiromarrioge on lot 11, con. 8, Morris Township, three' miles northeast of Blyth. The bridesmaids, Mrs, Wm. Devereaux and Mrs. James Reynolds, were both present. for the anniversary. Mr. Kelly had operated the same farm for four years as a bachelor, before bringing home his bride, so that he *was for 52 years farming the same land. Mr. and Mrs. Kelly retired:from the farm two years ago; and estabgalkedorepidence in Seaforth May 17, 194-8. Their home' now is on George St. They are; members, of St. JaMes' Church.„ Seaforth, and formerly belonged to St. Michael's Church, Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. 'Kelly have one son, Same a Seaforth, Mr. Kelly was one of eight children, of whom six are now living. Mrs. WillIam Devereaux, Tuckersmith, is his sister; William Kelly and Leo Kelly,. of Morris Township, Thomas, of Blyth, and Albert. of London, are brothers. Mrs. Kelly' was also one of eight children, of whom the only other -one now liv- ing is Mrs. Joseph Murphy, 25 Church St., Stratford. ' The golden wedding anniversary was marked by a dinner at neon in the Commercial Hotel, Mr. and Mrs. Kelly were the recipients of Many messages of congratulations, including a letter from Prime Min- ister St. Laurent. They also re- ceived a cedar chest from their son. Agricultural Society Meets, Reviews Successful Year • 7• J. M. Govenlock Retires As President; Is .Suc- ceeded By Russell Bol- ton. Members of the Seaforth Agri- cultural Society, attending the so- ciety's annual meeting Is the Car- negie Library Saturday afternoon, learned the past year had been ex - cc ptionally stseses'sful., tual :last sub.stan;lal lnilance remained, J. M. Covenlock, ho prssided. annotmeed his retirement :IA dent. He had served for the past nine years. Russell Bolton, McKil• lop, was eiected to succeed him. Chairmen of the various, commit - terse gave encouraging reports and were enthusiastic about the tiro- spects for a bigger and better fair than ever in 1950. The Shorthorn Regional show is to he invited to attend the 1950 fair. Mr. Govenloelt in • his address thanked the members -for their co- operation and hard work in making the fair thg'success it was in 1949. Special mention .was made of the attraction committee. who sponsor- ed a number ot. dances and the donkey baseball. He also mention- ed that Seaforth received the sec- ond highest grant, coming next to Teeswater.. Gordon Bennett. agricultural re- presentative, and Fred Wilson. his assistant, spoke briefly on the. work of the Calf Club, Tractor Club and Garden -Club: Mrs. Roy Lawson, in her treasurer's report, showed a balance of $600.16. On the resignation of Mrs. John Hill.ebrecht an"rs. F. Storey, as directors, Ed. Daly. Seaforth, init ,Joe Devereaux, Tuckersmith, wt,N, appointed to the board. Gordon Bennett wsw».4n charge of the election' of officers. Those elected included: Mn. Bolton. presi- dent; Reeve Arthur Nicholson, 1st vice-president, and Robert Camp- bell, 2ncl vice-president. E. B. Goiolle was • appointed secretary- treaetnee succeedine Mrs..Lawson, who resigned. Win Second Money At Wingham Spiel A Seafdrth rink, including Dr. F. .1. Bechely, M. A. Rekl, E. C. Bos- well and J. A. Stewart, on Wednes- slay captttred second prize in the seconci event at a bnnspiel in Wing - ham. The spiel was held in the new artificial ice riplo recently ()P- etted by the Wingham ("tub. 42 Tables. Enjoy Institute Euchre •Here Seaforth Women's Institute 'held a vezz, successful ouch.re and dance in Cardno's non on Friday even- ing, Jan. 13, with 42 tables for carda. Prig ... yritulers were: Ladies, moat games, Mrs. John Wood; lone hands, 1z -s. Barney • Hildebrand; corisolatiOn,Ars. Roy West; g•nt.g, most gamete Robert Dodds; lone Cecil d•ke;,„consolation, El merit:tee-AI. The luekydunch prize was Won by Mrs. Alex Boyette" Mizeit for dateling Was sitp110 bY :Mine! bteltellttia,ebka ,140.41!000/.• • • • • • • • BEADS S.M.B. BOARD Merton, R.eitt,.was _named chairman of the Board of Scott Memorial Hospital at a meet- ing Tuesday evening. He sec- ceeds W. H. Finnigan. Vice- chairman is M. McKellar. Standing committees will be named at the next meeting of —the board, when the report of the striking committee will be received. 0 • • 0 • • SEAFORTH COUPLE MARRIED 56 YEARS Hal'ie Resided in Seaforth For Past Twenty- five Years. ..• Mr. and Mrs. John Crawford. well-known residents of.town, cele- brated their 56th wedding , anni- versary .on Tuesday. Mrs. Craw- ' ford' was the former Mary Souter, daughter 'of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Softer, of McKillop, and Mr: Crawford is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. David Cra,wford, also of McKillop. They were married by the late Rev. Peter MusGrove, Cavan Church, Winthrop. The best man at the wedding was Mr. Alex .Souter, of Tuckors.mith, while the bridesmaid, Mies Elizabeth Craw- ford, is now deceased. Mr. and 'Mrs. Crawford lived in McKillop for a number of years on the 14th concession, and later went to Manitoba, where ...hey farmed for twenty-two years. 'Coming to Sea - forth about 2e years ago, Mr. Craw- ford for a time assisted at Malt - landbank cemetery; andealso ..Was engaged in painting: Mriee Crew- ford is° very fond of sewing and hooking rugs and has many lite specimens in her htinte.'a .• Red Cross Issues Finance. Statement , The following is the titineial statement of Seaforth tranele of the Canadian Red Cross Society tor the year 1949: Receipts Balance cash on hand, Jan. 1, 1949 $ 261.03 ^ Campaign receipts 1,7/7.85 General donations 8.00 Interest 2.34' $2.,050.22 Expenses MM. remitted to Division..81,678.00A,., Civilian relief „. Veterans and 'depeedetite.. • •"-' Werkroolh SatitilleS • PeneeS ".... Adtetinistratifin ettfpent1e8 BLIanfet ceeteVoertd,,„.not. tlf$etezti1346r , 190 4,:„ ;:••• •