HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1950-01-13, Page 8ABU& • •'•;•••• , 6[;074'1'plP,,T:17:77"; , EIGHT 0 TIM HURON ]XPOSITOR .14i; • all' efe, SPECIALIZE IN 40,E,M.ITQMOBILE, CASUALTY, GUARANTEE BONDS, ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS inut-Any AND WINDSTORM Representing Companies who give Security with Service 47.40 AGENTS FOR ONTARIO •k.THRESHERMAN'S MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE Information gladly given. • WATSON & REID M. A. REID Proprietor Insurance & Real Estate PHONE 214 : SEAFORTH FOR SALE Duplex, solid brick. All modern conveniences. Good investment. Modern Double House on Centre St., with 2 acres of@land. Good in- vestment. New Brick House on James St. Possession arranged Dwellings on •Louisa St, Immedi- ate posy possae1on- A. REID. REAL ESTATE : PHONE 214 Lt, LEMON'S TAXI ALL PASSENGERS INSURED Phone: 1624 or 182-w vvorailltOrP NEWS OF THE TOWN C. W. L. Meets. -The January meeting of the Catholic Women's League was held in St. James' School Hall Tuesday eylning.•In the absence of the president, the meeting -a, was opened with prayer by the 1st vice-president, Mrs. John Hotham, Jr. A financial re- port was given by the treasurer, A. Gaffney, showing a sub- stantial balance in the bank. Mrs. T. O'Leary reported presenting school pins ,to the St. James' gradu- ,iting class at the Christmas party held last Deceruber, The visiting committee for the month of Janu- D. H. McINNES chiropractic - Foot Correction COMMERCIAL HOTEL Monday, Thursday - 1 to 8 p.m. EIMMOMMENMEM TOP QUALITY COAL Stove, Nut, Pea, Buckwheat, Briquettes, .Deep Seam Alberta Lump, Cannel Coal for Fireplaces, Stoker Coal William M. Hart Phone 593W : Seaforth 12 LARGE GEESE 5 CHICKENS . 1 GRAND PRIZE ($25.00 Cash) - ALL FOR 7 CENTS 2 TREE DOOR PRIZES SPECIALS Sponsored by Branch 156 Canadian Legion - Proceeds to promote sports for children of Seaforth and district Remember — 8:30 p.m. — Cardno's Hall WEDNESDAY, JANUARY.18, 1950 • 3 REASONS WHY IT PAYS TO SEE US REGULARLY FOR Factory Specified Lubrication Service 1, Regular lubrication is an important conservation measure — it helps keep your car or truck rolling, in sound, efficient shape. 2. Regular lubrication cutS down wear, prevents costly repairs. Regular lubrication ensures thr'ftk operation—saves precious gasoline. Owtechnicians are trained to give your car or truck "Factory Specified" Lubrication Service— This means: • • the right lubricants—in • the right quantity — at • the right time — and at every point. Drive in today and at regular 30 day intervals Ask about our Money Savi'ng Econolubc 'Plan 3. Seafort),:, Phone 141 Seaforth limunziffr aimmumminsiffe. Motors 5. Table •Lamis • and • . L- ri igr:1 • pecial 11111111111M111111111•11111, Discounts on all tri -lights and table lamps pituptil*, yonerat aid Autbulance Service •11. - Nights and Sundays 65 ONTAFkla r ; . . JANUARY 13, 195(7 ary Is Mrs. J. Hotham,. Jr., and Mrs. Fred Dinwoodie. The meeting otos- with prayer. ,.. Ladies' Guild of St. Thomas' Church Meets—The annual meet- ing of the Ladies' Guild of St. Thomas' Church was held in the Parish Hall oi Tuesday of this week. Twenty members were pre- sent dnd the president, Mrs. G. McGavin, opened the meeting with Scripture reading for the first Sun- day. after Epiphany, followed by prayers for the parish, for the New Year and the Lord's Prayer in unison. Very encouraging re- ports were read from all commit- tees, all objectives for the year being met with a balance of $198.6¢..• In the absence of Rev. T. Dale Jones, Miss C. Holmes prealded ov- er the election of officers for the ensuing year, as' follows; lionor- ary president, Mrs. C. Holmes; president, Mrs. •Shaw; lst vice- president, ',Mrs. Wm. OldfieLd; and vice-president, Mrs.- Nott; secre- tary, Mrs. B. Higgins; • treakirer, Mrs. Ada Reid; representative to Board of Management, Mrs. La- rone; representative- to Hospital Aid, Mrs. W. O'Shea; repretsenta- lite to Red Cross, Mrs. G. McGav- in; pianist, Mrs. B. Higgins. Aft6r the offertory was received and dedi- cated, the new president, Mrs Shaw, took the chair and proceed- ed with January work and plans for this year.. The meeting closed with the benediction. Northside Groups Meet. -Group 2 of the. Women's Associatien nf Northside Church held their first meeting of the , year at the home of Misses Vera and Laura Mole on Tuesday evening,. A pot -luck sup- per at 6.30 was thoroughly enjoy- ed. Miss Vera Mole opened the meeting. Mrs. Hay read the Scrip- tulje lessonand conducted two in- teresting contests. Mrs.. • Kaine gave a roading, and Mrs. P. Moffat moved a vote of thanks to the Misses Mole fax the •use of their home. , Following are the officers, for the year: • Pres... Miss Vera. Mole; vice-pres.. Mrs. 1.,: no Dale: see., Mrs. H. Shannon; treas.. F. Storey; .social convener, MPS, Rising; organist, Miss Laura Mole. On Tues'day evening, Group 3 met at the home of Mrs. F. S. Sevattge. The meeting was opeasd with quiet music being played by the pianist, Mrs. Bro,idfoot, and a prayer by the president,' Miss Edith Hertg. She also read. a poem' entitled, "Ask and it shall be given." "What a Friend We Have in Jesus" was sung '-ca,kci Mrs. Schneider led in prayer. Miss Ida Cooper. read the Scripture.• Roll call was answered by 16 Members "namiag a favorite Christmas carol. There were four visitors present, 'Miss Hoag read a poem, "A New Year Resolution:' "Take Time To Be Holy" was sung and all repeated the Mizpah bene- diction. Miss Winnie -Savauge gave. a very interesting demonstration on weaving. Lunch was served by the social committee', First Presbyterian -Church. -10.00 a.m., Bible Class and Stinday School; 11 axm., "Fit For the King- dom"; Junior Congregation.; 6.30 mine. organ, vecitat; 7 p.m., "God's Faithfulness"; • 8.15. p.m., -Y.P.S. FjitesIcle. The annual meeting of FOR SALE BRICK HOUSE -2 -piece bathroom, fur - •(ion hle etarage. Situaterr on S /W. "rot, of Wilson and Centre St -a. A love - y home. Prompt possession. s-ROOm FRAME HOUSE—Church. St.; 3.piece bathroom, furnace. Close to ,chool and churchei. Prompt posseision. E. " C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance & Real Estate Broker SEAFOnTli : ONT. PHONES: Res. 220, Office 334 • Euchi e and Dance • Sponsored by' SeafoathW. I. Cardno's Hall FRIDAY, JANUARY Cards at 8180 COLLINS' ORCHESTRA Lucky poor Prize Late s, please bring sandwiches- • . Admission 50c 13 the church will be held On Mon -day, Jan. 16, at 8 p.m. -Rev. D. Glen Campbell, Minister, Northside United Chttrah.-Rev. D. A. IVIaeMIllain, Minister; 10 a.m.. Sunday School and akalat Bible Classes; 11 a.m., Worship; sermon subject, "Sincerity," third in series on the Ten Cominanduients; 11.20 a.m.. Junior Congregation; 7 p.m., Worship; sermon subject, "Remem- ber the Sabbath," fourth in the series. A cordial welcome to all services. St. Thomas' Church. - Sunday. Jan. 15, First Sunday after .the Epiphany -10 a.m., Sunday School; 11 a.m.. Morning Prayer; 7 p.m., Evensong; 3 p.m., Evensong, St. Mary's, Dublin. * Weddings IIIIIII1I11IIIIIIII11111111911111211111111111111 Nicholson - Van Camp. -St. Paul's United Church 'Manse, Midlaud, was the scene of a pretty wedding. on Dec. 28 at noon, when. Helen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Van Camp, was united in marriage to Allan Nicholson, son of Reevey and Mrs. Arthur Nicholson, of the Mill Road, Tuckersmith. The bride was smart in red cut velvet with winter white accessdries, and car- ried yellow chrysanthemums, while her sister, Miss Bernice Van Camp, who was the bridesmaid,A-ore blue crepe, gown with pink roses and winter white accessories. Harold 'Nicholson was best man. Follow- ing a dinner at the home of the hriale's paaents, a reception was held for the happy couple, who left later on a wedding trip to Sudbury. (94eAreeizvefr..4.. • a, Death of Ebenezer Chesney. - There, passed away on Tuesday, Jan. 10, at his home, 34 Gloucester St., Toronto, Ebenezer Chesney, a fernier resident of. Tuckersmith his 67th 'year. Deceased was horn Turla Nmith, the son .of Mr, anti Mrs. .Tames 14.- Chesney, and a -as married to Minoie Kerr, of Toronua ivho passed away Five years ago. Mr. Chesney for a time eel:ducted LC tobacco business and later travelled' For 0 tobacco firm. He had spent sthe east 45 years in Terontta In religioa he Wat, Presbyterian. Surviving. are Ia.() -sons, Ray and George, in Toronto; three brothers, Harry M. Chesney; Tucker -smith: Garfield Chesney, of Brandon, and ltohert Chesney. of Creemore, Ont., and two sisters, [dos. Frank Kellough, Manitoba. and Mrs, O. J. Obin. Te, -onto . The fun- eral was held Thursday from the -Stone Funeral Home, Sherbeuree St.. Toronto, at 3 p.m., with in- terment ixr Mount Pleasant ceme- tery. „ Death of Mrs. J. J. Darwin. -Al' - ter a lengthy illness Mary J. Smith, widow of John J. Dal*MTI, died Fri- day, Jan. 6, in 'hs' e 91st year at the home of her son, N. J. (Joe) Dar- win, 380 Bronson . °Melva. Born in DiffaloeN.Y., he• cana, to this country as an infurt, residing at Hamilton with her parealls. 1888 she married John J. Darain in Seaforth and moved to Ottaaet in 1911. Her husband, arho was a printer in the Gevernineet Printing Bureau. aniseed 5,0 0) in 1915. 1 -le was a. former member of the staff of 'The• Huron Expositor for .ffutny years aeherls he was well imowia Surviving •fue three sons; Thomas V. alai ,jr: (Joe), hoth of Ottawa', and Austiu . A., of Detroit; out. .daughtea Mrs,. J. A. Btarachesee, of Montreal, and thirteen :grand- children. T he funeral was heli from, tiaaa-NIVhelan- Funeral. Horne, Ottawa, or: Monday :11 7.45 0.5. to tbe Church of 'Our Lady of. Per- pelual..Help for requiem nass at 8 o'clock. Interment was in Notre Dime cemetery. • '- Death of Calvin Westman Iron - side. -Death came suddenly Satur- COAL . Car of STOVE COAL Arrived this week ON HAND - Stove -Coal, Rosedale • Al- berta 1.4umu and Egg Coal - -PHONE 47 Seaforth, Supply & Fuels LIMITED ford Tractor Owners , IT'S NOT TOO EARLY TO HAVE youy, TRACTOR OVERHAULED AND READY FOR SPRING • WORK. Telephone 102 For Appoii?tment Daly., motors 'Ford - Monarch Sales and Service SEAFORTH ,s'. day morning at ]ii a residence, Gode- rich St., West, to Calvin Westman Irouside, wellaknewn Seaforth resi dent, as he was sitting on the sitl of his bed. _Mr. Ironside had not been feeling well for a few days but was not considered seriously ill. Born in Granton, Ont., he was in his fifty-first year. He had live(' the past ten years in Seaforth, where until a year ago he conduct ed a variety store which he estab lished in the former W. J. Walker Aore. He was married in 1940 to Margaret Christopher, of London. who survives him, .together with three young sons, William,. James and Robert, and' one daughteraMar- garet Ann; also by three brothers, Clayton, Kin.tore; Cuthbert, Lon- don and' Carletou, London, and, a sister, Lelia, New York, The fun- eral which was largely attended, was held from the family residence -on Tuesday at -2 pan., with Rev. T. Dale Jones officiating. The p*all- bearers werei Gordon Wright, John C. Crich, Harry Norris, Dr. M. W. Stapleton and J. M. McMillan, of Seaforth, and Peter Christopher, London. The flower -bearers were James McNaughton, Elmer Larone, Carman Roweliffe, James Hogg, W. J. Leeming and Stewart Wigg.. In- terment was_in Mt. Pleasant Ceme- tery, London. Death of Mrs. Wilmore Scott. - The .death occurred on Tuesday, Jan, 10, of Esther Helen Beattie, beloved wife of Wilmore Scott, of McKillop, in ther 69th year, Mrs; Scott had been ia failing health for the 'past three years. ,She was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beattie, of McKillop, and was born and lived in that town- ship all her life, where she was well known for her kindness and socialability. In 1911 she was mar- ried to Mr. Scott, who survives her, together with two sons, Arnold, of McKillop. and Elmer, of London, and one, daughter, Mrs. Harrison, of Brantford: also one .brother, Mr. William B'eatt4e, of McKillop, and four sisters, Mrs_ William Kerr, Mrs. James Dorrance, Mrs. Albert Spalding and Miss Louisa Beattie, :01 of McKillop.' Mrs. Scott was a faithful member of Duff's United Church and also the -'Ladies' The funeral was_held on Thursday afternoon from her late residence, lot 25, .con. 1, McKillen• with Rev. W.J. Patton, a former minister, officiating:. .The pallbearers were George Campbell, Guy Dorrance, James Kerr; Mac Scott, Scott Kerr and. Eldon Kerr. Interment was in Maitlandbank cemetery. The flowers bearers Were BObbie Scott, Ray- mond Henderson, Wayne Scott. Harold Campbell, Bobbie Kerr and Bev. Harrison. , Death of Elizabeth Tudor Scott. -Elizabeth Tudor Scott, 29, free- lance writer,' wh.ose pen name was LizGairduer, died Monday. Jan, 9, at the Women's College Hospital, Toronto, after six weeks' illness. She was the wife of . James R. Scott, book editor of the Telegram, and a son of Mrs. H. R. Soott, Sea - forth.. Daughter of the lit5te. R. H. F. (71,1itlii:eit, Episcopal clergyman and tornierly of Bayrield, she. was bore at Lerrahte, Ohio. She was the winner of Vogue magazine's Prix de Paris while a. student- at Columbia University School seof .Tournalisna• She was also a gradu:- ale of St. Hilda's College, Univers- ity ,.of Toronto. For a time Mrs. Scott worked on Vogue and later joined the staff of Mayfair maga- zine, Tororto. Subsequently, she weal to Montreal as a feature writ- er on the Standard, She and Mr. Scott -were married while be was sprofessor . at the University of Saskatchewan in 19-14. They resid- ed 'in Saskatoon, She went to To- ronto •when. Mr. Scott. joined the staff' of the CBC. Since, her Mar- riage. Mrs. Scott has been, writing as a freelance for various Cana- dian and United States reag,azines She leaves her husband, mother, and one daughter, Katie. A funeral service was held at the Morley S. Ffedford Funeral Horne. 159 Eglin- ton tAve„ Toronto, on Tuesday "at 8 .p.m„ after which the remains, Were brou'ght to, Trinity Anglican Church, Ba3-field,- where a service. was held hn Wednesday afternoon with Rev. LaVerne Morgan, as- 'sisted by Reis. Pahl!, of Listowel, as the officiating clergymen. The pallbearers were Maynard Corrie, G. R. Weston, Bayfield; Dr. J. MR- chall, Detroit; R. fraS Holland, London; Dan McArthur:* Toronto, 'and T. H. L. Rice, St. Marys, Friends from a distance present at the funeral were from Chicago, Detroit, 'Windsor, Toroaao, London, Seaforth, St. Marys; Egmondville and Listowel. Interment was in Harm -hey cerneterY. Death of Mrs. John Carter. --Mrs. John Carter, Huron Road West, the former Margaret Dodds, 88, widow of the late John Carte-, died Fri- day last at the home of her son. James Carter. - Mrs. Carter hart been in faifly good health until the past three months, and'actIve_until she broke her hip three years ago. She ivas born in -McKillop, a daugh- ter of the late Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Dodds, who were pioneer residents of the township, Mr. and Mrs, Car- ter were married on JuTy 17, 1878, by Rev. G. Claris, of Bly-th. Mr. Carter died eight years ago, but she Is survived by two sans. James, of Tuckersmith, and John, of Sea - forth; -three daughters, Mrs. Geo. Dale, Walton; Mrs. John Ferguson, Goderich, and Mrs. M. 'McKellar, Seaforth; also two Sisters, Mrs. John S. McNeil, Pullarton, and Mrs. James Dale, Constance. The fun- eral was held on Monday from the residence of h"er son, James Car- ter; at 2 p.m., with Rev:, D. Glenn Campbell of First Presbyterian Church officiating. Interment was in Maitlandbank Cemetery. The pallbearers were Gordon ,McKellar, Ken Carter, Cleve Carter, Jack Car- ter, Lorn'e Dale and Alvin Dale. Plower -bearers wore Lorne Carter, Alvin Dodds, Verne Dae, Arnold' Dale, Bill Carter, and James Hen- dersOn; .Priends were present from Underwood, Blyth, Auburn, 0lin4 ton, Goderich, TorOnto and Detroit. Thotte *Ito 'Sent flowers Were: TItekersinith Neighbors, 1-111Ilett Neighbors, Mr. and, Mrs. Gett. joeitch, Mk. and Mra. Wilbtir;ToWett, Iter', And WPM it,. it. William% , and Mrs. Hugh Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McKellar, Mr. aut. Mrs. Starr Livingstone, Miss Evelyn Cardno, Jack Christie, Mckellio Family, Cromarty; Whitmore Fam- ily, John Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Jas Hugill, Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Hugill Harold, Gloria, Elizabeth, Ken and Marg. Carter, Jack find Lorne Car- ter, Alvin and Lorne Dale, Rebekah Lodge, Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Dale, Mrs. John McNeill, Ivan Dodds, To- ronto, Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Cranst•on and a pillow from the family.? LOCAL BRIEFS • Mr. and Mrs. 0. -T. Flewitt anti little Miss Marion, of Brigend Farm, Tuckersmith, spent a few days in London and St. Thomas. visiting frieudla , a • Mr. and :Mrs. E. C. Chamber- lain and Mr. and Mrs, James A. MacDonald left on Sunday on a motor trip to Los Angeles. Cali- fornia. They, expect to 'be away for a month. • Miss Grace Scott, of Londes boro, spent a few days last _week at the home of Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Gorwill. • • Miss Anne Jarrott, of Strat- ford, spent the week -end with 'her grandmother, Mrs. K. M. McLean. • Mrs. Orville Weston %as re- turned from Detroit, where she spent the 'past three weeks. • Miss Dianna Hogg, of Toronto, spent. the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Ferguson. -• Dr. F. 1 R. Forester W1/1 be at the Commercial Hotel on Wed- nesday, Jan..18, as usual, • Many friends have -hat the op- portunity during the past week of hearing the beautiful tenor voice of, Mr. W. T. Hays, on a record player. -,The songs he sang were "I Hear You Calling Me," "The Ros- ary," and "The Rose." Mr. Hays had recordings made and sent them to his sister, Mrs. J. M..Govenlock, for Christmas. , o Mr, Stewart. Wigg spent New Yea,C.s in Barrie. O Miss Ethel Beattie spent a few days in Toronto visiting her aunt Miss Helen Beattie, who is not eti- joying good health. * Mr. tuaci Mrs. George Scofield and Miss .Nancy, of Detroit, were guests last week with Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Case. • Miss Alice Reid and Mrs. E. A, McMaster leave on Sunday on a trip by bus to Florida, where they will spend two or three weeks. • Mr. Donald Scott, 'of Osgoode Hall, Toronto-, spent the past fox days at the Mime of his mother Mrs., H. R..Scott. • Mr. Kenneth Campbell under- went' art operation in Stratford. General Hospital on Thursday. • Mrs. Lord. formerly Isabelle, Wilson. daughter of the late Col. and Mrs. J. G. ,Will'on,• of mictoria, B.C., is a guest of Mrs. Jos. Scott, of Roxboro, and will also visit Mrs. K. M. McLean. • Mr. Gordon W. Willis, of De- troit, son of Mr. W. G. Willis, has been named Vice-Presidentof the National Bank 'of Detroit. He has been an inspector of this bank for several yearft. • Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Hoover and daughters. Julianne. and Jcan, of Whicisoawere guests over the week -end .of all!! Mrs. J. E. Keating, Mrs. Hoover and daugh- ters rernaineci for n week. • • Mr. and Mrs-Carl..Dieteich and Misses Mary Anne and Jane ' liams, of Kitchell -ea Were WePli-ettld .guests of Mr. anti Mrs. Sol Wil- liams. Mrs, Williams returned with themfor a visit. . (Additional Local on Page 5). CLEVE CAR 61° R'S • COURTEOUS SERVICE • PASSENGERS INSURED DAYS Phones: NIGHTS 182 346-R Dancing Looby's Hall, DUBLIN FRIDAY, JANUARY 20 Eric Scott and his Orchestra featuring MissJoan Peckharn, vocalist. DANCING 10 to 1 A.M. 11111111IIIIIIIIIIM11111111111111111111111111it beauty counselor Complimentary Skin Care Make-up Analysis FRANCES McLEAN • Phone 392-W 1111111111111111111111111W Winter Shoe'Repair Service . 1 TO 2 HOURS ! It is our business to serve and save you money. , W. J. Thompson Shoe Repair and Shoe Findings • 5. legentTheatre NOW PLAYING - THURSDAY, ORIDAY, SATURDAY " THE WINDOW" with BOBBY DRISCOLL - and BARBARA HALE A simply -told story, unpretentious and honest, that develops into a gripping melodrama. • ADULT ENTERTAINM.ENT - MON., TUES., WED. " I WAS A MALE WAR BRIDE!' with CARY ,GRANT and ANN SHERIDAN This brand of corneciy will bring joy to everyone as Cary Grant is forced.to masquerade as a woman to get by the law governing the iinmigralien of War Brides. NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY ROGUES REGIMENT " _ with DICK POWELL and MARTA TOREN An excellent action picturethat will hold your interest to the end! It's a natural, especially for the College Type, Coming: "THE PARADINE CASE" with Gregory Peck and Ann Todd January Clearance �l Stoves 10% REDUCTION ON ALL STOVES Gas — Electric — Oil — Coal Annex — ONE WEEK ONLY — CROWN HARDWARE Phone 681-W Open Saturday until 9:00 p.m. . ' • . , Seaforth FOR THE INFORMATION OF THE GENERAL PUBLIC: Places of •business'will be closing Satur- day nights at 9:00 p.m., during January, February and March. SEAFORTH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 1111Migilir IN STOCK Ten -Test Masonite • Plywood G3rproc Beaver Board Arborite Ten -Test Blocks • Asphalt Shingles. Cedar -grain Shingles Roll -Brick Siding and Roll Roofing INSULATION Loose 2 -inch Batts 3 -inch Batts Insulated Siding' LUMBER, SASH AND DOORS Storm Sash made to'order CUSTOM MILLWORK Seaforth Supply & Fuel ,Co. PHONE 47 Seaforth ,111111.111=1:111INmemplIMINIMIIIIIMer zg SPECIAL OFFER .61.25 (;:xj,7°) • LARGE SIZE 160Z. , • SMOOTH SK IN aratid REGULAR, 2.7.2 -950 • Fragrant pearly pink lotiorY that helps prevent that unattractive chapped look 'You'll even we It tor o body rub as on after•bolh refreshment. Ws non -sticky, helps your hands to petalirnaothness. Mckindsey's • Drug Store 00o0o000000 • J. A. BURKE 0 Funeral Director 0 and Ambulance Service 0 • DUBLIN -. ONT. 0 0 Night or Day Calls: 0 Pho'ne-43 r 10 0- , 0 <> <> <> <> <> <> 00000000000 <> G. A. WHITNEY 0 Funeral Director 0 Main Street Seaforth &MEDLANCE SERVICE, '0 A tab hottpital beds • • Tor 111.- 0 Agent for Mit ell Nursery O Rowers. 0 Telephone 119 6, Niglito and Holidays 65 -0 O 0 0 * 0,,<> oti; •O• 0 0- 0 W. J. CLEARY °, 0 Seaforth, Ont. 0- * LICENSED EMBALMER * 0 AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR 0 0 Night or Day Calla -535 0. 0 0- 0 0 0/0 0 0 * * 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 o o O 0 - BOX <> Yuntrat iberbite *• AMBULANCE 0, Prompt and careful attention. <> 0 Hospital Bed 0. pLounrAts Ow?. ALL, 0 0 OCCASIONS 0, - PHONES: o Hes. 596-W or 18; fitore 43 * '