HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1950-01-13, Page 4la tti s�'"ISG t J kS. i 41ly 4;10%.,1t. etc it ' ;r It illi tin assified :�:ds. Glassifieri .ids Inserted Ai. New Low Cash Rates: FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND. ETC.-Pcr word: Lit week 1 Cent 2nd week 1 % Cent 3rd week jai Cent Minimum charge, first insertion25 Center Each figure, initial said abbreviation vaunts as one word. =`Card of Thanks; In Memoriam Notices, Coming Events -1 cent per word. Minimum, 50 cents per -week. Enquiries may be directed to a /lox Na, a/o The Huron Expoeitor, for 10 cents extra. Tea cents additional will be charged if ads in above class are not paid within 10 days of date of final Insertion. Births, Marri.ales and Deaths inserted free of oha4ge. Auction Sales, Notices to Creditors, Etc. -Rates on application. (;st.tar.-1'r 1-.1vent$ For Rent DANCING EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT AT FOR RENT -4 -ROOM UNFURNISHED the popular Crjtal Palace Bahraoin, viie. Apply to Box 845, HURON Mitctlell, will b. your pleasure to the music \; OSITOR. 4282-1 of Don -Robertson and his Ranch Boys. 4281x2 HOUSE FOR RENT --VILLAGE or Hi:uall, 2 -storey brick house; bath furnace, etc., for rent, furnish d. to ecu- elldvrs Wanted I rle without children_ A. G. SMILLIL. Henault, 28.1-1 TENDERS WANTED For Caretaker TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED UP TO and including January 24, 1950, for Poeition an caretaker School Section No. 1, Tuckersm(•th School Area Np. 1. Duties to cater period from Int Febru- ary to Sit December. 1950. W. P. ROBERTS, See.-Treas.,, R. R. S. Seaforth. 4282-2 Notices ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE FOR a boarder. Apply Box 844. HURON EXPOSITO'Fl- 4.282x1 ANNUAL MEETING TEE ANNUAL MEETING 09' THE Directors and Members of South Huron Agricultural Society will be held in the Commercial Hotel, Hensel', on SATURDAY. JANUARY 21st at at 2 o'clock IIsrr. for the purpose of receiving Financial Re- port, 'Election of Officers and other busi- ness. GEO. ARMSTRONG. W. R. ]3OUG_ALL. President , Sec:-Treas. 4282-2 , - Help Wanted 4r.GG_ CANDLER WANTED-EXPERI- enced man or woman preferred, or girl willing to learn Apply DUBLIN CREAMERY, Dublin! 4282-1 QALESMAN WANTED - TO SELL rooting and insulation. Commission basis, . Write Box 834. HURON EXPOSI2 TOR. 4275-tf Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (R Il -BBE R Goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25c 24, sampleie41.00, Marl -Order Dept. T-73. NOVA -RUBBER CO-, Box 91, Hamilton, Ont For Sale 4.y.O.S.O. Moves To Cardno Block The Seaforth branch of the Pro- ehitaehe Savings Office, which since it opened in Sea>corth ,u 1922, has been located in- the ;ills' Block, was moved on Wed- nesday to a new location in the Cardno Block. FOR SALE. -1940 CHEVROLET SEDAN, good condi.ion_ , Apply W. 2. S.T ART, Dublin. 425 IFOR SALE - DRESSED RED ROCK pullets, cheap. delivered. INVER- BR.AE FARM. Phone 494.-W. 1.82:;3 FOR' SALE -.• ONE COLEMAN GAS 1 stove, 1 coal heater, 1 coal or wood i:,itohen range. Sh GIBSON, Bruceticld. 4282.-1 FOR SALE -G SOWS, FIRST LITTERS, due in 'a month, Apply to JOSEPH CHAPMAN R.R. i, 4Va1t'on. Phone 830 r '. Seaforth. 138221 Seaforth Couple - Married 50 Years Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Kelly will cele- brate their fiftieth wedding anni- versary- on Monday, Jan. 16; and ill "be at home to their many friends in the afternoon froth 3 to 5, and from 8 to 10 in the eve- ning. HOUSE FOR SALE -A MODERNIZED house on Jarvis Street; good loon- " tion. Immediate possession. Apply to B. F. CHRISTIE. Phone 58. 422283x2 VOR SALE—NEW SINGER SEWING MEETING OF HURON,. machines, electric and treadle_ , Re- pairs .to all makes. SINGER SEWING COUNTY COUNCIL CENTRE. 78 Ontario SL, Stratford:- 4223-tf THE NEXT MEETING°OF THE HURON County Council will be held' in the Council Chambers, Court House, Goderteh. commencing TUESDAY, JANUARY 17th at 2.00 p.m. All accounts, notices of deputations and other' brininess requiring the attention of Council, should be,,, in the hands of the County Clerk not later than Saturday, January 14, 1950. ... N. W. MILLER, County Clerk. ........ Godegich, Ontario. 4281,2. east of Leadbury, on Thursday, January n' 19th, at 1 p.m.: 5 cows, 5 years old, due First Baby Here Given Wool Blanker As the first.baby to be born in Seaforth in 1950, Ruth Alen daugh- ter of Mr, and Mrs: Dalton Diegel, was presented with a satin -bound wool blanket by the Kiddies Shop, Seaforth. St. Thomas' Parish To• Hold Meeting The annual congregational meet- ing of the Parish of St. -Thomas is to be held in the parish bill on Tuesday evening, Jan. 17, at 7 p.m. It will be preceded by a supper served by the men of the congre- gation and all members are cordial- ly invited to attend. Let's make S in e letter da . the red 1 one of Y - this the life of the parish. Reports of all committees will •be presented at the business ses- sion. Show a real interest in the bybeing pre- sent. churchP Ol of worky sent. FOR SALE - RANGE. GREY AND white enamel: oven goo:l baker: reser- voir:. equipped with satisfactory oil burn- er: complete -vrith' outside tank. Reason- able. • Ideal for winter use or summer cottage_ Furnace reason for, --selling• ORVILLE WORKMAN. Phone 77 r 11, Hensall. 3.- Hensall. ., 4280x3 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE OF CATTLE, AT LOT 12CYncession 12, McI4111 r 24_ miles , Notice To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of ANGUS McKINNON A L L ' PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against .the Estate of Angus McKin- non. late of the Township of Tuekersmith. in the County of Huron. Farmer, deceas- ed. who died on the 29th day of Novem- ber. 1949, are hereby notified to send in full .particulars of their claims to the un- dersigned on or before the 27th day of January, 1950, after which date the assets wilt be distributed.having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seafbrth, this 5th day of January, 1950. . McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor. 42814 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of NEIL McKELLAR A L L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Neil McKellar, late of the Township of Hibbert, in the County of Pedh, Farmer, deceased, who died on the 29th day of October, 1949, b are reby notified to send in fun partica- lars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 3rd day of February, 1950. after which date the assets will he distri- buted,having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 12th day of January. 1950. • McCON'NELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor. 42834 --seer Motor Cars For Sale DIOR SALE -4934 CHEVROLET t4, -TON pick-up truck. SEAFORTH MOTORS. Phone 141, Seaforth. 4282-1 FOR SALE -1989 CHEVROLET CAR IN Ogood chane. Aplyly SEAFOR'TH 4281 MOT- RS..x FOR. SALE -1946 PONTIAC SEDAN, with radio and heater. PHONE 74-W, Clinton. collect. 4282x1 49 'PONTIAC COACH 49 48 . 48 47 CHEV. DE LUXE COACH, with radio and leas than 5.000 miles: green in color. CHEV. GREY. CHES. FLEE'tLINE COACH STYLEMASTER COACH FLEETMABTER SEDAN 38 •DODGE COACH 37 GRAHAM SEDAN MHEV. COACH, in excellent don: 42,000 acttuh'1 mileage DODGE SEDAN ^ }r. e ORM. GOAC1t. Standard if OtetT��1 _y1 'T�4" I4tY)±31'iieiJUE lrJ 1U.eLL• * :t► rr.rOtet trot -01; .' o *Atm r�r 1PJ4 4 in March: 2 cows. 5 'years old, due in April: 1 heifer, 3 years old. due May 3rd; 3 heifers and 1 steer. 3 year; old; 7 young cattle, 2 years old; 6 young cattle, 1 year old: 3 fall calves: 1' registered Polled Hereford hull. 'Term_: - Cash. FRED GLANVILLE. Prep-: Harold Jackson. Auc- tioneer. 4282-1 Win Diplomas At Northside. S. S. AUCTION SALE OF 40 -YOUNG COWS at Lit No-. 31, 6th Concesion Off Goderich Township. 1 mile south of Por- ter's H' , on Tuesday, ,January 17th. at 1•,30 p. -tconsisting of: 20 Durham., and Herefor a. balance Holsteins and Jer-;eys; 2 freshened. some springers., balance due in February and March. These cattle are young, of Roils! e ialit.y, Tee tested and are rlirible to •enter any teatd herd or area. \Terme- Cash. A. E. TOWNSHEND & SON. Proprietor' : Edward W. Elliotfc Auotinneer; K. W. Coktuhoun, Cicr1., Automotive Supplies "MOR -POWER" SUPER-BILT AUTO BATTERIES • THE HURON EXPOSITOR 0 •,d u 1 ¢ dt i l �{ e<.I. r Hay Township Nun ,ast on her way to Mr. and En Route to Japan A Roman Caths Chathaul, Ont., is en route to Japan to work in the foreign mission fields near Hakociate for the uline Community of Chatham, .She is Sister Mary Virg;.iia c:' .11 Pines, daughter of the late Mr, an Mrs. John La Porte, of Hay Town- ship. The trip begun from Willow Run airport, Detroit, on Tuesday, and will take the sister into pioneering mission fields on the northern tip of 'the northern Island of- Japan. O,f Sister Mary Virginia's seven siSt'ers, two are in religious orders. They are 11kother Loretto of The Pines, Chatham. and Sister Mary Clotilde of the Mary Knoll Sisters in Manila. CROMARTY t 1ilMt i 1liki, .;;,rt V9n • ti J.. ;.• �i; attendance of me here Mrs. M. Hedden; pianists, Mrs. Goddard, Mrs. T. C. Joynt, Gladys Luker; social committee, Mrs. B. Horton; friendship committee, Mrs. L. Chapman; stewardship secre- tary, Mrs. B. Kyle. Jo.;eph Ducharme's of Daelle and guests. Mrs. J. Corbett preaid- wood, where she expects to visit ed for the :first .part of the meet- for two weeks. Ing which opened With the theme The Kippen East Women's Insti- bong and the Lord's Prayer. The tute will hold. its- January meeting hytnn, "Jesus Shall Rein,' was at the home of Mrs. Thomas Kay sung. The devotigc8l Period fol- _,g 'leeway, Jan" hi, at2.15 p.m. lowed. Mrs. P McNaushtou reed w.tti Mrs. W. Caldwell to -hostess, the Scripture lesson. Deut., chap- ter 29. Mrs. D. Ky'_e gave an in- teresting p'esentation using the title, "Courake For the New Year," after which prayer was offered by Mrs. L, Chapman and roil call. Gladys .Luker, secretary, submitted the new elate of officers for 1950 as listed: Moved aby Mrs. L. Chap- man, seconded by Mrs. E. Shaddick, that this report be 'accepted as read, At this time Gladys Luker present- ed to Mrs. J. Corbett, retiring presi- dent,- a life membership certificate and pin, also a hymnary. Mrs, Cor- bett expressed'sincere thanks. Mrs. Lillian Hyde then presided for the balance of the meeting. A delight- ful vocal duet, "I Have Heard of a Land," was rendered by Mrs. Pearl Passmore and Mrs. M. Lav- ery. During the business session encouraging reports were given by Miss Mary Godwin, stewardship secretary, •aild Mrs. P. McNaugh- ton, treasurer. Mrs. Pearl Pass- more was named to took after cards in' future.' I't was decided t� hold future Meetings. in the Sunday School room. Miss Ellis extended a hearty vote of thanks tie the re- tiring officers, Mrs. Blackwell of - .fiftieth wedding anniversary re- fered to look after programs. Miss cently, celebrated. Mrs. Eldon Jar- Ellis dealt with the study book, Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle Cornish' of Seaforth, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Hamilton. Mr, -and Mes. Carl Stosketaf, of Sebringville, visited Mrs. Duncan McKellar. • Mr. and Mrs. Otto,Walker were the guests of Mr. and Mrs: John Cockwell' at Dashwood. Mr. Frank Ltpshall, of Kirkton, visited with Miss Olive Speare. Mr. and, Mrs. Jack Kemp and family, of Mitchell; Gordon Hough- ton pf, Ailsa Craig, and Shirley 'Gale. of London, spent Sunday with Mrs. Wm. Houghton. Friends and neighbors in the via �lageeasseiubled at the house of Mr. and Mrs. -Otto Walker on • Monday evening to celebrate with them on Ube occasion of their 2181 wedding anniversary. Six tables of progres- sive euchre were played. Lunch was served by Olive Speare. Marion Christie Wallace,]lace 'Audrey C hlr.tie and Mr. and Mrs. O: Walker. Word has ,been received of the sudden passing of the late Robert Norris atDavidson,alld.on Sask., , Christ- mas day. The sympathy of the community' is extended to the brothers and sisters in their be- reavement. The ,t°oilowinr; were presented with diplomas and seals for regu- lar attendance during 1949 at S • N0 rthside t 'ilited Church Sunday. Sdhool. Sam Scott, the superin- tendent, made the presentations et the close of Sunday School ou Sunday. To quality for such an fitted t0 wasPi11 astudent. • w^ rd .tis tp award, miss not ore than three Sundays. 11 days. Robert Raikes Diplomas - Joan Roberton, Donald Craig, Alice Christie. Green Christie. Bill Rob- erton. Floyd10ale, Mr. H. Lawrence, Seals, -Second year. Betty• Lou Goudie, Laurene Henderson, Judy Crich. _Mrs, Baron - Fourth yeer-Lynda Savauge. Sixth year -- Sandra 'Savauge. Marjory Knight. Seventh year Robert • Knight, Imbert Snell. e Ninth year -Ted Savauge. Eleventh year --Jean Snell. • Thirteenth year --June Snell. Fourteenth -yeah---Edna Hiusser. Fifteenth year -Francis Hineser. 18 -Plate Heavy Duty 511.8.7 15 -Phyte Super Servi 91:1.98 17 -Alerts Armor Glass 517.93 -n 1? ear guarantee) ' •' Boxes on all three are 7 x 0 ., Lone, type for Ford anti Chev. 17 -Plate Low Type i2-yealr guar- antee) 911.69 17 -Plats High Type (2 -year guar- antee) 913.60 17 -Plate Armor Glass i3 -scar guar- antee) 515.90 $1.75 Allowed on Your Old Battery ALL. BATTERIES INSTALLED TN OUR SERVICE DEPARTMENT "Sane Safely" Canadian Tire Corp. Associate Store SMITH BROS. DUBLIN, ONT. PHONE 73 Cards of Thanks T'HE, SEAFORTH LAWN BOiJFI,ING Club wishes to express its apprecia- tion to those who through the, purchtu.e of Mr. John Beattie's book of poems, "'tri- bute To a Tree," have made tao.ible a donation by the Club of ,8250 to the ,t4e°m- orial Community Centre and Arena Fund. SEAFORTHvLAWN BOWLING ULU13 MR: AND MRS. GORDEN REYNOLDS and family desire 10 express )heir sincere appreciation to the many friends and neighbors who extended sympathy in their recent sad bereavement, and to ,those who sent flowers and Mass Car'I- nnd4 loaned car;. 1':52x1 MRS. JAMES COIITTS, OF McK4L[.OP. v7(aher7 to thank all those who seas })caths vl Gt•QFt Oath Memoriam IN. LOVING; MEMORY OF WILLIAM ' Houghton. who passel away January 9, 1911, also Ague: Pearl Houghton, Janu- ary 24, 1942. Swiftlythe years are passing, But still we do not forget. For deep in our hears we loved them. And fond memories linger yet- -- et -- Ever remembered by all the Family. • 4.282x.1 iw»di- hcr flowe4rs, fruit and cards during her stay in the hospital; also to thank Dr. P. L. Brady and Dr. E. A. Melba:ter, and the nursing staff.of Scott Memorial Hos- pital. • ,• 123?x1 ,If ark ti 1 f ayj l I t ,yyF J`�+�1'4AH(`iu lit] - -McGREGOly-In Garberry, Man, Thomas c or..in his Oath year, CARTER --In 'I'ueketsmitll. on Fr&tay, You, 6, Malltaret Dodds, widow of the late John Carter, in .her SOth• year. SCOTT -In Toronto on Monday. Jan 0 21inabeth Gairdner`, beloved wife of nines 11, Scott. in her 9001 year. H' IDDE%t At; ]Hotel Dien, 5t Catharines, On Moisdnf+, Sae. 2x,1950, nossoll ,tilay'- t en infant' toe of ]lir. and •Mb , lttreirpll A. filEddeir, Panetta 'lit&cdity AMterationn' ,,, Jett 9 a ; r ]nail, i't+sa dee Feeneral Deka,' of•interA v,rI'Y{-tet, S•Ee Oath" •�tltlals rt' emn115-Ifs Vileffeila ,,th*fiVelifeterie - BRUCEFIELD Roll call will be answered by "Cur- rent events that will go down in history"; motto, "Example set for us by past generations and results" by Miss Margaret McKay; topic, Story of the Pioneer Harvesting by - Mrs. Hugh McGregor; current ev- ents, lairs. W. Tremeer; poem, Mrs.. I. Forsyth; lunch committee, Mrs. E. Jarrcttt, Mrs. R. Love, Mrs. R. Peck, Mrs. J. McNaughton. and Mrs. R.•Chapman. The W.M.S. of St_ Andrew's United Church met on Wednesday afternoon, Jan. 4, at the • home of Mrs. H. Caldwell. The new presi- dent, Mrs. Winston Workman, pre- sided 'and opened the meeting with Hymn 258. Mrs. Allan Johnson was in charge of the worship, as- sisted by Mrs, Peck, who read the• Scripture reading from Det. 6:1-9, Isiah 6:1-8 and Philippians 2:5-11. Mrs. Edgar _McBride also read Psalm 5:6-15, Micah 6:6-8 and Cor- inthians 13. Hymn 188 was sung. Twenty-two members answered the roll call. The president read a let- ter of. thanks from Mrs. Jas. Fin- layson for bronze table lamp, a gift from the auxiliary for their Mr. Frank Mustard left this week for Rouyn, Quebec, where he has been transferred from the' bank in Stratford. We wish him every suc- cess in his promotion. Mrs. O. Johnston and Ronny are 10ck. Dakota, spent Sunday with in London this week. - • tlr. and. Mrs. A. Gackstetter. Mr. r. Bob Allen wasin ToroilAo Quite a fele from here attended the first of 'the week. the NX barn dance which was. Town Hall In e Anderson.and Mar- h roads, at from the o Mrs. sore. _it.. G jorie we't' in London Friday. -•Hensall on Saturday night. • Several carloads of Blucefedcl Firs, J. od and son are vis- Oddfellows Lodge members were iting rel Ives in Walkerton. in Goderich Friday- night putting on ®.t elle initiatory degree for them. rott read a letter of thanks from Mrs. J. Hyde for cards sent to her from time to time; enclosede also was a donation of money for the auxiliary. Mrs. E.' Kyle reported sbe and Mrs. McBride had called on two shut-ins last month. Mrs.l Herbert Jones and Mrs. R. Peck were elected as visiting committee , 1'or, January. Mrs. Hinton, secre- tary of Christian Stewardship, gave a short talk a1' our prayer part- ner who is _ iss Winnifred John- son, of Kamsack, Sask. Mr. Jack in- a v re with 'Caldwell fa o dpiano strwmental, "Star of• the East," Mrs, Ernie Chipchase gave the study "In Oiit• Evangel" from the second Chapter of "Growing With the Years." Hymn 254 was sung and the benediction was pronounced by- \i'rs, Workman. A dainty lunch 4tn was served by Circle No. o. Mrs. E. McBride and Sharon, Who spent a week, in .Caro, Mieh„ re- turued home last week. �' Mise Lillian Ryckman, of I ol- On Friday evening the Boy HENSALL Scouts and their parents had a very, aosemoohneemem enjoyable banquet in the 'school Just Arrived: Too late fol• Christ - room of the church. During the alae: Wabasso flannelette in kid- evcnine films were shown by Mr. (lies' patterns, pink or:biue. at 59c D. Adapts and Mr. R: Milton. yen, at TUDOR'S i•n. ' Hensall.- The regular meeting of the W. ('Adv.). was held Tuesday, Jan. 10. . M. -the church. The president,•Mrs, A. Gapfe, was in the chair and Mrs. he w'or- P.. R. Stanway conducted t :,'.lip service. the theme being'"The Bible, Our Guide to Christian Fltit'7 end Conduct." Hymn 153 was sung and Scri;,ture reading taken from Psalm 51, Mrs.'Stanway' 'also read an article On Sundae; sports and its relation to the use of the Bible ;is a guide to Christian conduct. The secretary's report ahowved an in- crease in attendance and "member- ship and the " t.reasilrer's reRort showed the allocation had heerj"et: seeded. Mrs, alien gave a talk on Christian Stewardship. Mrs. T. Baird was appointed in the Mis- sionary Educatie'l Committee, The program,. Chapter iV of the book, "Growing With the Year.- was in charge of Miss E. Bowey and Mrs. B. Scott. who were ably assisted by Mrs. T. Baird, Mrs. B" Keyes, Mrs. Ce Haugh. Mrs, it. Scott and Mrs. H. Dalrymple. The meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction. MARKS --IN LOVING •MEMORY OF our only duaghter. Cheryl, daughter aL�Mr. ami 54ra. Lawrence Marks, who d away January 16, 1949, one year and 5 month:.. Dear God, forgive a silent tear, A silent wish that our child was here; There are ethers. ye:. *e know, But the ,r -as our.: and we loved her so- --Sadly missed and ever remembered by 1l.-,mmy and Daddy.' 4282x1 MARKS- IN LOVING MEMORY OF ,ur dear granddaughter. Cheryl Ann, w -ho passed away one year ago, January tt,;S. in her second year.1 • We do not need n special day To bring you to our miml, Po- o- the day: we da not think of you Are very hard to find. If all thio world were area to give Weil give it, yea and tore, . To see the face of Cheryl, dear. Cine.smiling through our. door. --Sadly mused and ever remembered by Grandma and Grandpa Hiusser- 4282x1 Births REDDEN -At Hotel i)i••u, St. Cathyrines. tin December 31. 1949. to' Mr. and Sirs. Russell Henden (nee Sh-irley Cornihl, a son. '-KIPPEN Mrs. Barbelle Thompson, Bruce - field, spent Sunday with her friend, Miss Mabelle Whiteman. 141. s li bell . a Mr, Charles Alexander received word this week' that his brother. Robert Alexander, passed away in British Columbia. Mr. Alexander was 1,3 years Of age. Mr, and Mrs. Eddie McBride. Mrs. Robert McBride and Mss, Min- nie Little spent Friday last in Lon- don. -Mrs. James McClymont. wno has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Alice Cook, in London. since Christ- mas, passed- through Kippen. on Floor overings 1w.g6;.e "tly^Y te;' tt % I IXL`s r 11. Al' lir, VW x ills] nal?i.<filr �^ f;tlws48' .� lrsia"k l .11 it Fl„ tit CONGOLEUM RUGS REXOLEUM RUGS 3 -yd, Congoleum, 3 -yd. Rexoleum, 3 -yd. Bar- oleum, 4 -yd. Linoleum, Inlaid Linoleum, Marboleum. Axminster Rugs, Scatter Mats Choose from , one of the largest stocks of door 'coverings inAluron County. Give us a 'call on free estimates on Martin Tile, Rubber The, Linoleum Tile. We Selland- Lay All Types of floor Coverings BOX FURNITURE STORE • 'Funeral & Ambulance Service Office 43 ` • Nights 5954V or 18 2;' (1[ 99 I�U��.♦,. et.' , t $,if The Voice Of Temperance THE VOICE OF TEMPERANCE Between 1931 and 1941 the busi- ness of the retail stores 01 Kincar- dine increased- by 36.04 per cent- Kinoardine'is a dry town. Over the same period the business of the re- tail stores, of Walkerton increased by 2.05 per cent. Walkerton is a wet town. The liquor' Store drains off the business that in a dry town would go to hardware stores and grocery stores. The Huron Tem- perance Federation congratulates the merchants of Huron because they do not have to compete with liquor stores. Huron County is un- der n de the Canada Temtpera)lce `Act. - "Growing With- the -Years," taking the subject, "Achievements of the United Church in Evangelism." She was assisted by Mrs. R. Drys- dale, who read' "Educational Evan- gelism." ' • Mrs. W. Richardson, "Preaching, Missions"; Mrs. P. Passsd'ore, "Visitatiotl Evangelism" and Mrs. A. Shirray who read a poem referring to the "'Preaching o nt pee Missionary." Mrs. T. C. J Y . P Miss' Florence Welsh, w'as made the recipient of a gift from the group: Gladys Luker read the ad= Mrs. L.Hyde doingthe dress .and 1 Y honors: The guest of honor replied fittingly. Community singing was then enjoyed widerthe direction of Mrs. Jcynt with 'Mrs: Goddard at the piano. The closing hymn was, "He Liveth Long," after which the Mizpa+h Benediction was repeated. Delicious refreshments were eery - ed 't -v- ed by the social committee. The address follows: "Mrs. 1'. C. Joynt, Dear Florence: ,We are deeply to lr• willingness for o r gratefulY help and co-operate with our aux- iliary activities. We could not let. this happy event pass without of- fering you our congratlilations artd good wishes for the years that lie. o ac- cept We would ask you t this ' small gift (a cup anti saucer) as a little remembrance from us all. Signed on behalf of the Evening Auxiliary of Hens,+il United Church: Mi -s. J. Corbett, President; Gladys Luker, access: You will enjoy knitting with Bee Hive or .Kray pre-shrunk yarns. Ideal for sox, sweaters and ' chil- dren's Wear. Available at TUDOR'S in Hensall.-'(Adv.). • Word was received here of the death of Robert. Norris, 09' David- son, Sask... who" passed - away at. the General Hospital, Regina, Sask. following a major operation. In his 71st year he was born east of, (:romarty, son or the late, Mr, cued alts, ']-lush Nettle A •n',o•ksm;th by trade he learnt hie profession ei Hensel' with the `:tt.' lir, Hab- kirlc. He is survived by his widow, one son and oev (laughter. of Dav- idson, Sask.; four brothels, James Norris. Mitchel: William, Of De- troit; Hugh. Chiselhurst, and Har- ry on the homestead, and five sis- ters: Mrs, Leonard Butson, Mun- roe; Mrs. John Drake. Staffa; Mies Eliza Norris. Mitchell; Mrs. ' W. riper, California, and Mrs. Louis Keil, Vancouver. B.C. The monthly meeting of the Eve- ning Auxiliary was held in the United Church Sunday sell() it room' on Monday ni„ ht, tan, 1. with, a JANUARY 1,; 1950imam. Additional Hensall" News onPage 3 Euchre & Dance will be held in the TOWN HALL $ENSALL FRIDAY, JANUARY 13 8:30 p.m. MURDOC4'S ORCHES1'RA yGood Prizes Sponsored by Ilensall Women's Institunte Ladies please provide Lunch LUNCH PRIZE - General Admission - 50e tart." . P The slate of officers forsthe Eve- ning Auxiliary is as follows: Hon- orary president, Miss Ellis; past president, Mrs. J. Conbett; presi- dent, Mrs.' Lillian Hyde; lee vice- president, Mrs. Blackwell; ' 2nd vice-presidentaades..,,L?, Kyle; secre- tary, Gladys Luker; treasurer, Mrs, P.AMeNaughton; • press reporter, The ANNUAL MEETING of the SEAFORTH ' • AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY will be held in the Carnegie Library SATURDAY, JAN. 14th at 2:00 p.m. For the purpose of receiving Re- ports, Election of Officers, and any other business in the interests of the Society. ' J. M. GOVENLOCK - President MRS. ROY LAWSON - Secretary BA'Y,‚CHlCKS During the past 10 years, and until' a few weeks ago, Canada's poultrymen have enjoyed good egg markets. A surplus lhas now developed, which at the moment, due to high feed costs, is causing a loss on every dozen eggs produced. Is this a tempor- ary situation which' will be rectified by heavy fowl marketing? We think it is. In 1938, Canada produced 228,000,000 dozen eggs, exported 1,800,000 dozen and ,consumed domestically 227,600,000 dozen. In 1949 we pro- duced 361,000,000 dozen, exported 40,000,000 dozen and consumed 321,000,000 dozen. Our home consumption has been at the highest point in history. - ' We exported in 1945: • •114,000,000 dozen 1946: 72,000,000 1947: 95,000,000 " 1948: 88,000,000 ' " 1949: 40,000,000 " It may be necessary to 'reduce our chick buy- ing 10 to 15%, but unless we have sufficient eggs fpr our home markets, particularly during Slim - Mer and Fall, violent fluctuations in' price will result. Order your Chicks as in the past. At the same time, possibly reduce your order, but stay 1 the business I 1 J. Al SCOTT PRONE 853 - SEAFORTH Scott Pou try Farms FERTILIZER LET US HAVE YOUR ORDER THIS MONTH - and we will store your fertilizer until feeding time. • Seaforth Farmers Co -Operative PHONE 9 SEAFORTH Fashion Clearance CAROL LYN SHOP SNOW SUITS • DRESSES—Reg..12.95 ' to 22.95 NOW 9995 to 17,95 Wool, Taffeta, Tissue ]Faille, Crepe and Jersey. SKIRTS—Regular 5.95 to 9.25 NOW 4,50 to ' 7,95 DRESSING .GOWNS Wool, Moire, Quilted Satin Regular 7.95` to 16.50 NOW' 9,50 to 13.50 'Sk'irts, Blouses, Winter Weight Underwear and Hosiery gyp. SKI JACKETS GREATIOY REDUCED ! Start 195o Right WithA New Austin The Car That Has Been Put Through Hell Fire Tests ! One traveller reports 98,000 miles of driving without even a valve grind and a saving in gas .and oil of $1,960.00 over the same mileq,in other cars which he formerly operated. SLIP INTO OUR SHOW ROOMS and get a line-up now with a 1950 Austin. Terms to suit your income, with 24 months to pay Jonathan Hugill OPPOSITE BANK OF MONTREAL Phone 784-W • - Residence 616. - 34 CLINTON USED CARS 1348 Austin Coach,. 9;500 mile - 1939'Ciiev. Coach, with Radio 1940 Dodge'Coaoh 1950 Dodge 1 -Ton Chassis, with cab 1939 Ford Coach - 1933 Ford Sedan Above Cars are all ready for the road and terms arranged 11 M ,r r, r