HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1950-01-13, Page 1)
-Nicety-first Year.
horse:NNunlber 4282
Advance Plans .for West End
- Housing Develepement
Seaforth Council Holds
Inaugural 4M eet in g
Names Committees and
Officials. ,
Mayor J. E: ' Keatingand mem-
bers of the Seaforth council took
their oath of, office before Clerk
D. H. Wilaon Monday morning and
shortly after met for their .4•naue
,1;aaral meeting of council.
Asking for the co-operation of
council in furthering'the business
of the town, Mayor Keating wel-
comed the re-elected members. for
Rev. T. Dale Jones, who was
present, asked Divine guidance on
tcouneil's,,deliberations for the year.
On motion of Councillors" E. H:
-Close and 13. F..Christie, the noun -
oil as a whole was flamed a strik-
ing committee.
The • council extended the sea -
_ ROW'S greetings 'to, the incoming
'Tuckersmith council, with the hope
that the • same cordial relations
- which have existed between the
two ,bodies. in the past, be contin-
ued in the future;
Reconvening at 8 p.m. Monday
�B,ening, council adopted the re-
'p3'rt•of the striking committee and
,of the finance committee. •
John ,L. Rice, Brussels, was
granted a building permit to erect
a service station on .Goderich St.
West, at West William,
On motion of N. Scoins and B.
F. Christie,• the council authorized
$tayrne7it of 50 per cent of -any mon-
ies received from outside calls of
„sidle Fire • Brigade, to the Brigade,
retroactive to 1949.
Reeve F; S. Sills and Council or
E. A. McMaster reported to co
• that the new Tuckersmith Ag i -
cultural Survey at the western 1i -
its of the town, had been surve)'t-
.•cd. A plan of the proposed lots\
with recommended. drainage, was
presented to council. Councillor
McMaster suggested that costs be
ascertained ifii'thetiiately of the,
awn'struction of roads, public' utili-
ties and drains, so that all details
4n' connection with the survey can
;be ironed out in time for work to
be started in the early spring. Geo.
•'iris Miller .was sold a lot in this
survey, subject CO conditions which
will be laid down by council at the
time of consummation of sale, •
Elmer Larone was appointed the
town representative on the board'
of Scott, Mel:norial Hospital.
In his report on streets, Council-
lor E. H. Close told council that
three lanterns had been stolen. He
also told the councilat it was
imposs]Bie to get Cru;?he stone" for
the roads leading to the Commun-
ity Centre. Mr. Close said that it
was ,necessary to. plow the side-
vs-aiks on West William St. because
' of the caudition of the road. Ac-
cording ,to'Mi. Close, it has been
impossible to obtain delivery of,
catch baelia covers from a local
snanufacturer,' and asked permis-
sion to 131ace the order. with an-
ther firm. Reeve F. S. Sills ask -
.ed if the town was to pay the street
ljght•rental for a light on Main St.
which has been out of use for al-
most a year.
Wallace Ross, chairman of the
property committee, reported that
the town scales were now in work-
ing order, and that the necessity
inspection had been carried out.
The question of meal's for transi-
ents -was raised and Reeve F, S.
Fills, .chairman of the relief com-
mittee; recommended that the "pro-
fessional" transients be escorted to
the ebwn limits by the police and
that deserving cases could be treat-
ed to a meal not exceeding 35c.
The individual is to be accompau-
ietl to any of the local restaurants
by a police officer.
Councillor D. A. McMaster re-.
ported that, the cement work. about
the base of th'' Soldiers' Memorial
in the park wit. not completed; and
as^ yet no payment for work done
had been id:tde. , .
The finance commit tee was auth-
orized to continue the prepayment
tax plan as in vogue in 1949,
Reeve F. S. Sills .commented on
the fact that no quarterly report
from the P:U,C, had been received
for sorrte time. Mr.. Sills stated
that the council should be advised
Of the P.U.C. plans in bhe forth-
coming hydro conversion.
Council appointed the same pub -
lie officials as list year.
• T,he.foilowing appointments were
anode: D. H, Wilson, town clerk
and relief officer, '$1,100 per an-
on/A; D,' H. Wilson, town treasur-
er, $700; WM: Ament, assessor,
i$500; D. Sills, lire brigade chief,
$150; J. Cu/timings, weed inspec-
tor and fruit tree inspector, $7 per
ninth; J. Cumi'nings, road fore-
•s/an, $36.68 per month, and care-
tteltet'• and street superintendent,
$13.82 per .month; McConnell . &
Ha's, 'town 'solicitors at $1(10 per
"ctithumF, Brock, Davis; Dunn &.
Bl•.dughton,.toven auditors, fee•$300;
tax, colIeetetr; J. Cummings•; A.
Sushi's, scavenger and •pbundkeep-
+er ,1125 per month; =fenceviewyers,
• Searlett and R. ,Scarlett; Mrs.
CI. 11 Smith, member public library
The following accounts were
Fasssed• for payment: Seaforth
M+Cks"emorial Center, ,$5,000; O. W.
',ter, $180; Seaforth Memorial
• Centre; $20,000; E. $18.90;
61.. ;Williams,. $9; . J: urns, $5; L.
. 4+lau, $$8; Treastfreryof Clistarib.
*440,26; ; 0,1k1,1L, $4,56; Thidvrlh,
Illaretfare, $21.93; It atir` lig" Ittintetr.
$1.9:50; Carnal' fro $'4't)r` 4o19ert,
• • • • " • •.
Standing committees of Sea -
forth Town Council, as approv-
ed by council Monday, are:
.Finance --J. A. Stewart, F.
S. Sills, Dr. E. A. McMaster,
Property -W. A, Ross, N.
Scoins, J. A. Stewart.
Street -E. H. Close, Dr. E.
A. McMaster. J. A. Stewart. •
Relief -F. S. Sills, B. F.
Christie, W. A.. Ross.
- Fire and Water -=B. F. Chris- ,
tie, N. Scoins, E. H. Close.
Court of Revision' - Mayor,
Reeve, B. F. Christie, W. A.
Ross, E. H. Close. •
Police -Mayor. Reeve, E. H.
Park -Dr. E. A. McMhster,
'J. A. Stewart, B. F. Christie.
First named on each commit-
tee 118 chairman of that com-
• • • • • 0
Officers Are Named At
• Inaugural • Meeting
Of Board.
Stanley Sdhool 'Area held its in-
augural meeting in the Township
Hall •on Monday, when officers
were appointed for 1950. Frank
McCowan was named citaj .. an;
William Caldwell. vice-chai `_. an;
and George L. Reid, secretary -
treasurer, •
- The „following' motions • were
passed: That we have W. 'Welch
repair piano at No. 7; that four
new globes be purchased for the
schools; ,Miss Margaret Dougal,
music supervisor, was granted a
raise of $10 per month; Mrs. W.
Muter was granted a raise of $5
per month for remainder of year;
that Mrs. Edith Swan, supply teach-
er, be paid $10 per day for days
she teaches; that we subscribe to
the -Ontario .School Trustees and
Ratepayers .Association for an-
other year. ,
The next nreeting will be held
in the Township Hall on Monday,
Feb. 6.
Ditch Collapses; .
Foot ,is Crushed
George Hildebrand, an employee
of Seaforth P.U.C., suffered a
crushed right foot Meeday atter-
noon, when a ditch in which the
was working collapsed.
Mr. Hildebrand, together with
other P.U.C. employees, was _en-
gaged in laying a replacement la-
ter main on East William St., when
the accident occurred. About three
weekS ago an uncle of the injured
man, Charles Reeves, received • a
broken leg in an accident under
similar circumstances. `
Seaforth W. L
Holds Meeting
The January meeting of the Sea -
forth Women's Institute was held
at the home of Mrs, William Leem-
ing on Tuesday, San. 10, with about
15 members and guests present.
The president, Mrs. John }B e-
brecht, opened the meeting.and the
roll call was •answered by -"a tkaah-
day dessert." Many very good sug-
gestions were offered.
In the absence el' the secretary,
the ,business part of the meeting
was in charge of the treasurer,
Mrs. John McLean. Letters of
thanks were read from Mrs.
Chaffe, of the Children's Shelter in
Goderich; 'Mrs. Jacob, of the Coun-
ty Home in Clinton, and the Bell
Telephone Staff; also Christnias
greetings from the Kippen Insti-
tute, It was .decided to hold, a
dance in Cardno's Mali on Feb i'i,
the Ranch Boys supplying • the
music; also a pot -luck dinner will
be held at the home or Mrs, John
McLean on Wednesday, Jan. 18.
Members are asked to be there
early -any time after .ten, as there
are several quilts to be mane for
the Children's Hospital in -London.
Mrs. McLean will -supply hot pota-
toes, and the members may bring
anything they desire.
As this was. a work meetings two
quil'is were made for the dhildreh's
Hospital in London., Mrs. Robei"t
McLachlan, convener, and 'Mrs.
Andrew Crozier were appointed to
have them sent to London. The
members are asked again to pleaae
remember to bring their, lunch
cloths to the eticlr.re and dance on
Friday eves;ng.
Clarke, $20; relief, $126.08;
Wilson, $141.66; 3. Cummings,
$117; A. 13'ushie, $125; John A. Wil -
sot., $20; Seaforth Supply & Ft:te1,
$1.8.20;. E. C. Obamberialn, $20; ,S.
Williams, .. $42; 10.• Miller, $17.50;
Ohnadiant Bank of Commerce, $30;
sundri.ag,. $1.O5;e0. Lydiatt, $3$; E.
V� ,iC ofitgornery, $4;; 0, A, Whit,,
11ey, $1:2=50. -
Well -Known Businessman
Served Town in ny
A former Warden of Huron Coun-
ty 'and for many years aleading
J itlr f t1 a:ril.:_bttalagesman • of ' Sea-
forch, ,1'nl::1 Wesley L'eattie died at
his Ito,:', Goderich St. West, early
Thursday morning. While Mr.
Bea:t?e I:,:,l been. suffering from
at•tat iti< fur fourteen years and
was ; :r ret:ted from moving about,
h„ , cath:red to take an active in-,
tore- 1r: tie affairs of the town,
and coui:ty he had stewed so long.
let:h followed a stroke which
he su,ffer.rt on Wednesday.
In his t u-ly life he farmed. In
1902 he established a butcher shop
in Seaforth which he continued to
operate until 1944 whin the busi-
ness was sold to W. L. Whyte.
During. those years tie also oper-
ated his far•ni adjoining Seaforth
on the west, now owned by Roy
Always keenly interested in the
welfare of the community, Mr.
Beattie served for many years on
the Seaforth Couhcil, and for eight
of those years was Reeve. In 1931
he was honored by being •elected
Warden of Huron. County. It •w;Its
during his term of office as chair-
man., of the Street Committeo` of
the town council that the paved
streets throughout the town were
,!He was a past president of the
'Seaforth Lions Club and a mem-
ber of the Canadian Order of For-
rrstera. He n as a member and as
long ;to h'a health permitter) an
active worker of Northside Unit
ed C'hurct!. Mr. Beattie was prom-
inent in the w -of -k entailed in the
o:g,rnizalion of Scott :Memorial
Hospital And was :t charier mem-
bri• of the hoard. He was• a life -
lone Liberal and active in the par-
ty organization.
horn In Tuekersmith in the tesi-
drncP 'tow owned by Mrs. W. S.
Hay. .December 2R. 186x, Mr, Beat-
tie was a son .01 the late Mr. and
Mrs. .Tohn Beattie. pioneer resi-
dents of the district. He was mar-
ried nn December 4, 1895. to Annie
Button, who predereased him in
1920. He is survived by two daugh°
t.ers, Miss Florence Beattie and
Miss Ethel • Beattie, who resider'
with their father. Ile is also sur-
vived by tWQ sisters, Misd Helen
Beattie, Toronto,. and Mrs. C. F.
Soehrier. Bartonville.
A private funeral will be held
from his late residence on Satur-
day afternoon at 2:30 o'clock and
will be conducted' -by Rev. 1). A.
MacMillan. interment , will be in
Maitlandiaank cemetery.
Mr., Mks. John McGavin
Married Fifty tears
Mr. and Mrs. John McGavin, of
TUekersmith," marked the 50th an-
niversary of their wedging on
Tuesday, Jan. 10, very quietly at
their home. Mr. and Mrs, McGav-
in are not enjoying very good
'dearth, but take an active intereat
in the events of the day. They
Were married at Ktflea by the
hate Rev. A. L. Rusiiell, of Sea -
forth, Mrs. Me0eivin Was the for-
.iiter Vietorfa 'C., LeatTierlanid,
'dtiltghter of the late Mr. and. it4r#.
AO:vett Li;eatherXitttd•, T'uckerltu.tth.
Some forty farmers from Mullett, 'McKillop and Tuckers•mith,
and -volunteers from the Clinton Radar School assisted last Sat-
urday in preparing the fpundaton for ice in the Seaforth Mem-
orial Centre. Fourof the volunteers• who shovelled sand indus-
triously all clay are, left to right: Wally Crich, Tuckersmith;
LAC. water Smith, Vancouver; Frank Johnston, R.R. 1, Dublin,
and Wilson Campbell, R.R.: 1, Dublin., ,
Announce _ Su;bscribers
To Memorial Arena -Fund
4 •
(Listed hereunder are the names
of, a number of the subscribers to
Vac- Seaforth Memorial Community*
'Centre a.n.:= Arena Fund-, Because of
the late hour at wihteh the lists
were recri:ed, i wars ,not possible
to carry .the naves of all the cou•
ti ibulcrs hi. this issue, but those
not' now irrlrided will appear next
rticastng the lists, the cnrn-
tn i1.tt-e- rr;q:!r.•?ts that it be inform-
ed of any errors or omissions).
Feather Party, Seaforth
t •
-Legion $233.42
W. 'I'. 'rests 200,00
`Irrrili• D':r.'np ,0 5.00
Dotty l;uC'.ol:t , . -a,.. '5.00
The'ema D. $ills • 5.00
Frank. Case 5.00
E. H. Close 5,00
Isabelle Anderson 5.00
Roy..McGonigle 5,00
E. L. Box 5,00
James MacDonald : , , . - . - 25.00
Isaac Hlton 25.00
Crown Hardware 25.00
Gordon McGonigle 25.00
M. A. Reid' • 100.00
Harold Maloney 10.00
Willa-rrl Elliott ,,. .5.00
Lenore Edler 5.00
Ruth Ciuff 5.00
A. W. Dunlop 5.00
Employee S. Supply 5 00
Jim Elliott 5.00
Arnold Westcott 5.00
Mi -s. Eleanor Wilson 5.00
Mrs. lio:era MiCuaig
Mrs. Gladys Weston
Miss Alice Reid
Sam .Shir,en
E. C. Chamberlain
P. J. Dorsey
John Baldwin.
Ray Holmes
A. Y: McLean
Dr. J. A. Gorwill 50,0(1
Sld Pullman 20.00
W. E. Southgate -15.00
.Tames Murray 15:00
,thin Bach
'` . 3oswell
Geo. ;ti. Bri.ghtrall .o
L. T. Bailey
`,tionarnelis •
3. J. Cleary
ti tit.t 2
C. ,t k
Leo' Hagan
Janet Cluff
D.• H: Wilson
Mrs. F. Dungey
Charles Dungey
Mrs. Jennie HInchley , . . 5.00
Stewart Murray _ , 5.00
Mrs. Stewart Murray ' , 5.00
Ernestine White 10,00
Peg Case , 5,00
Lorne Dale: Sr, 25//,00
Lenore •Ha•bkirk $:00
Dr, J. (7: Turnbull ..... 50.00
Ken Campbell10,00
Mona Reid 5.00'
Clarence Dewar 5.00
Mrs. Walker Hart 5.00
Herbert Trapnell 5.00
L. 1. Graves 10.0(
Paul Robitallle 15,00
W. J. Duncan ....... 300.00
Canadian Bank of 'Commerce 100.00
Chas. P. Sills 25,0)
Dorleon Sills
Claire Reith 5.00
Ethel Storey 5.00
Re beeca Shiner'..:,12211505055.0010{000000:000?)):)) ' 5.000
5 OQ t John C and Mrs. Stevens. ,
GiTl "ipde Cleaners
0.00 (tor, in Dick
1000 ,I. bis McM411an
15.00 Agues Gaffney
15.00 Tom Chong
2-5.00 homer Hunt
50.00 Dave Stewart.
5.00 Rfel. Clarke
100.00 Hugh Thompson
J. E. Besse
Joanne blc�iillan
Dr. J., A. Munn
Brows Higgins - -
Miss Mary Leona Holland (left),. and Mires Teresa L Maloney;
received word this Week that they successfully passed thti exam-,
inatlons .set by the Registered Nurses" Association of Ontario.
Masa Holland it the daughter of Me. and Ml's. J. J.' Holland, tat.
tioltimban, and graduated frown the -St. JeStiPh's 4cli661 of Nurs-
ing, London, while ,Mist Maloney, the datrgthtef', a Met avid. Met.
Peter Maloney, MeKlilaP, graduated f otit St.' Mar"''§ .Nos 1tAI 'Set
Obi of xt: i'n
y ,. p
H Nm tt to
h nee
fir, e
1950 Township Council
Has First Meeting of ,
New Year. •
Tuckersmith Municipal Council,
comprised of Arthur Nicholson,
Reeve; Councillors Roy Bell, Wm.
Rogerson, D. A. Moffat and Andre,
Crozier, held their inaugural meet-
ing for the year 1950 in the Town
Hall, Seaforth.. on Monday, Jan. 0,
at 11 a.m. Each members sua-
aeribe'1 to'the oath of office before
the clerk. Rev. James Elford, of
Egmondville, attended and invoked
Divine guidance upon the deliber•>,-
tions of the council for the endu-
ing year.'
Appointments_ for the year 1950
include: Member Ausable River
Conservation Authority, Rey 'Den;
member Scott Memorial Hospital
Board, 1950-51, W. H. Finnigan;
Road Superintendent, Robt. Dal-
ryinl.le; fenceviewers. 'Ulster.
Broad.fodt, Charles McKay, William
Kyle; poundke•epers, Leslie Law-
son; John' Broarifoot, Scott Cluff
and Melville Traquair; livestock
and poultry valuators, Robt, Tyn-
dall, A. 13. Bell, J. W. Crich; audi-
tor, Jai. Love.
The clerk was employed as cleri-
cal assistant to the road superin-
tendent for the. year 1950,.-1• a sal-
ary of $200.
Council joined•the Ontario Good
Roads Association and the Ontario
ot' Rural Municipali-
ties, and the clerk was instructed-
to forward membership fen of $5
to each. Expenses of $25 will be
paid' the clerk or any member of
the council attending the conveu
tion in February-. The 'clerk was
instructed to apply for the ,balance
of subsidy on the 1919 .road expcn-
d? tamHatees.
of pay for labor was set at
11) tents an hour: man and tear.,,
$1 an hour; mar., team and lr4'tw,•r,
$1 per hour.
Council subscribed "10 the Muni-
cipal World for the u« of cmrnall
and officials for the yeti? 1950.
No actib'n was taken on a requ, st
from the Community Centre con•
mittee for a grant or $3.000.
• Byla+. No. 1. 1950. ::uthoriziag
the Bet? Teler ):one Ce. '.o do cer-
tain WO' k an r u it• lir:' , was giv-
en it require'? i•eaciings and pass-
„Grams of ;"1,fgi to the Salvation
Army and $111.11 to the Crop Im-
provement Ansoci•atiorr were made,
Accounts pile.' 1 incl i ?ed: Fox
bounty, $4.00; election expenses,
$157.75; relief, $105.90: • roa acct..,
$389.84: sheep kilie,1 by dogs,
$142.50; printing. $35; Tnwn::hip.nf
Stanley, Cooper 'drain, $1.058.00;
salary and allowance, $125; post-
age, '$5.
Council adjourned to• meet. Feb.
•4 at 2.00 p.m,
Hugh Gordon Slips; -
Fractures Leg
Hugh Gordon, well-known farmer
of McKillop, hadthe misfortune on
Monday to break his right leg be-
low the knee. H.guling oufmanure
he slipped as hid stepped . down
from the seat onto the .wheel. He
managed to get into Ile wagon and
drove to the ,barn, . where his soft
i toss, was wonting. Re was re-
theved isa Seott iVie1norial Hospital,
where the leg lvai put itt a Cad,'
Mciilop Ta,
n Hospittal, Ar..ena
• • • o Mo
O nroe Counri1 Na
ia'lts At .Firs't Mi
sing of'190:
A criesERof articles by .Prof.
W. B, Kerr, associate professor
of history at the University of
Buffalo, which appeared some
time ago In The Huron Exposi-
tor; have been published as a --
book, ,under the title, "From
Scotland To Huron; a History
of the Kerr Family.", The 54
page book contains in addition
'more than thirty -pages of maps
and illustrations 'of places -and•
persons to--which-reference has
been made In the text. Copies
of the book may be obtained
from The Huron Expositor at
2.00 each, postpaid, remittance'-
wrth order.
• • •, • • ' •
Accident East of Town
Friday. Sends Two To
„) Hospital.
Two ,nen were removed t -o hos-
pital, --'one seriously injured, after
a three -car crash on • No. 8 High-
way two miles east of Seaforth
Friday' night. The collision occur-
red about 8:30 p.m. during a heavy
fall of soft snow that left highways
in a' slippery condition. -
Thomas Stevenson. 32 -year-old
Kitchener travelling salesman, for-
merly. of •Goderich, had two Pegs
fractured in the mishap. His con-
dition was reported by Scott. Men3-
2rial Hospital officials at ,Seaforth
as satisfactory- on Thursday. .Also
injured in the crash was Kenneth
Wilmot, 19 -year-old Goderich resi-
dent, who sustained a cut over the
left eye. Wilti'ot ' was released
from hospital after treatment,
Provincial Constable H. Sue11, of
Seaforth, investigated the crash.
Constable Snell said that Steven -
son's car, proceeding east,stalled
on the highway and that a.,second
auto, driven east. by Kenneth J.
Pennington,- 28, of Goderich, stop-
ped tb help. . '
A third automobile, driven by
Barry Doakes, 18, of Goderjoh,. In
which Wilmot .was a passenger,
was said to have struck the •left
rear fei1yder of the Pennington car
and •bo4tneed off to strike Steven-
son as he stepped out of his auto.
Damage to- the Doake car was
estimated at $2Q0; the Pennington
auto, $150; 'and the Stevenson ma-
chine, $75.
Boys Find Snakes
Out in Mild Weather
Following the �C ristinas and
New Year's holid:i .• ,'when it was
Quite mild, three young boys, Jack,
,Bob .and Peter' McCowan, sons of
Mr. and Mrs. Peter, McCowan, of
Roxboro, killed two snakes two
feet long, on their way to, No. t
School. Later they were down at
the river.Where Uiey,found a bolly-
wog and a frog. They kept the
frog in the house for several days.
G ant Chesney, of Tuekersmitb,
kill a snake on a line fence on
the farm owned by his mol her,
Mr. 'Walker Hart, last week,. He
also found dew w-orms in the yard.
Lions Hear Story,
Of Bell Telephone
Merttbers of the Seaforth liras
Club were given an insight into
the workings of television on Mon-
day -night. "then' (:. -rl. Symonds.
distri, 1 manager of the !tell
(hcnc Co., showed a sound film,
outlining the fu n0amerital princi-
ples of, television. A second fllnt,
"Rehearsal." showed two of the
singing stars of the Bell Telephrne
Hour rr•hears 1rig v,t1'11 the Bell
s9rn1 h my orchestra for the cnm-
pany''s weekly radio 1.rogram.
Mr., C. B. Symonds was introduc-
ed by W. -E. Southgate, and thank-
ed ec behalf of the club 42y E.
The meeting 'was in charge of
Dr. Paul 1.. Brady and W. E. South-
First Church Group
Hears R.C.A.F. Padre
The Merry Club of First Presby-
terian Church held its regular sup-
per Meeting on Tuesday evening
ir. the 9u-hoolroom,t when some 42
members sat cleavn to a well-pre-
pared meal. catered by the Fireside
Fellowship Grout) of the churcth.
C. F.. Smith, the president, was
to the chair and conducted the pro-
gram. F/Lt. Hardy, of Clinton„
was the guest speaker, and was
introduced, by A. Y. McLean, M.P.
Padre Hardy spoke on the duties
of a padre in "ihe'Air-S'orce arid
the influeiiee they had on the chi -
lion poprilation, a•s well as t11 a air
force. His work was' to strength -
eh the tntnr"aleof the air force her-
sanlhel and to lap it at Its ,ifi iev
Sines G: Wien fhoVea a laid y
vote nt thanks to Padre tardy 4tiy,d
Reeve Dan, Beuermantipie%
at the inauggtra! m.eetin A$•
nship •of jilup Co'uflg
Monday, Members, of tihe eouncil,,i
Jars. T. Scott, Iltatt, Muzray , bent,
Siemon and :Wilson Little, are the
same as "last year. .
Council appointed• the olhow g
1950 officials:... 040 and treasurer,:
J. M. Eckert; collector of taxes,'
Dominion Bank; eehogl attfM.fi tee,."
officer, John R. Leeming drainage-'
inspector, CIarence Rege•3ee wed
inspector, Albert Harrison; ,ayttdiy
tors, Monteith & Monteith; ,patro1;•
men, John E. Murray, Henry Melt,:
ergs Jas. E. McQuaid,Geo. H. Leon--
hardt, Michael 13. Murray, Stanley.,
Hilien, Hugh Gordon, Thos. Hack-'
well,. Stewart . Daimage,. Rus'seli -
Barrows, Jos. HugilI, Vincent Lane,.
Con M. Eckert, Wilfred Maloney,
John 'Gordon, Finlay McKereher;
Eldon Kerr,- Peter McLaughlin,
Robt. Dodds, Rudolph Fischer, Wal-
,ter Somerville, Sam' Bolton, Earl
Mill's; poundkeepers, John Walsh;
Jos.., Carlin, Reuben Hulick, Wm.
Anderson, Percy Taylor`, Peter Mc-, •
Cowan, Chas. Kieber, Wm. McSpad,.
den, Henry Benneweis; fenceview-
ers, Jas. Nolan, Wm.; O'Reilly, Wm.
Boyd, Jos, McLaughlin, Wm. Shan-
non, Robt. Campbell, Boyd Dris-
coll, Thos. McMillan, Robt. Mc-
Clure; poultry vaivatbrs, Alex
Smith, Frank Bowman, Robert
Dodds, Antone Siemon; building in-
spectors, Archie Somerville, Wm.
Beattie; solicitors, McConnell &
Hay(;. .
The rate of pay for work done
or roads was set at 70e per hour '
per man, and $1.00 per hour for
man and team. Parties doing work
on roads without orders from the
road superintendent will not be
A minimum ' charge of $5 per
hour was set' for the use of the -
grader to the ratepayers of 'the
township, The machine .veil! be un-
der the jurisdiction. of the road
superintendent and will be avail-
able only if there is nothing to be
done on the ,roads, Kenneth Bet-
ties was -appointed full-time opera-
tor of the grader. •
A. grant of $10 was -made to the Huron Crop Improvement Associa-
Road expenditures of $51,030.06.
were reported, less receipts of
$2,077,83; $21,149.77 hal already
been received from the Depart-
ment and -reel°cationfor the bal-
ance of that subsidy was made,
No actiow-as taken by the coun-
cil in the appointment of a re-
presentative to Scott Memorial
Hospital reoard, and on the rie-
quest of a .$3,000 grant to -the Sea -
forth and District Memorial"' Cen-
tre. , , •
Nance Caretaker At. ,
Moncrieff Church
The "• Women's • Association of
Moncrieff United Church met. after
the W.M.S. Hymn 636 was sung
and: the Lord's Prayer was said in
unison. Business' a as discussed
and it was decided to have a sup-
per' at the annual meeting. Mts.
Chas. Harrison has .been chosen as
caretaker of the church. The new
president for the W.A. is Mrs.' Mc-
Taggart. The meeting closed With
the Mizpah 'benediction.
Ross Ludington, son of Kenneth
Ludington, of Moneriei£, who has.
been a patient in the polio ward of .
Victoria Hospital, London, for the
past three months, has been moved'
to the Haspita.l for Sick Children
at Toronto, and is doing as well as
can she expeeted.
Fullarton Group • :
Plans Oyster Supper
The W.M.S., held its regular meet-
ing with Mrs. Nelson Baker, the
president, presiding and Mrs. Wal •
ter MacDoueald as pianist. Mrs.
Sam Sidwell bad charge,,.oJ:-.txie de-
votional pericfd. assist cl by airs.
G. Marshall. Mrs. Hartley Davis
and Mrs. Dale. " The program in-
cluded -a reading on stewardship.
Mrs' O. C. lefacDougald; study
book, led by Mrs.'David Davis, as-
sisted by Mrs. .Hofineyer, „Mrs. L.
J. Davis, Mrs. Watson, and !s*Fs.
Walter MacDougald; a letter from
Mrs. Floyd Sullivan, "Hawaii, . read '
by Mrs. H. Davis; duet, Mrs. Glen:
Mal/shall and Mrs. David Davis.
Mrs. Baker closed the meeting With
a reading., ,,
A short meeting of the W.A. fol-
lowed when final arrangetneiits'
were made for stn. oyster supper,
to be held towards the end of the
Personals: Allen MaeDougald is
in Stratford Hospital, hating Un-_
dergone , an appendix 'operation;`
Miss Clare Margaret Dale, daugh-
ter of Rev. and Mrs. E. G. Daley
bac.suecessfwlly passed bhry .rb�ta5n "
inations set by the tega't'etetii„
Nurses' Ii sociatlon. of Ohtarle,,,•
Miss Dale graduated. •from ' Ufa:�tt'E
ford9, Dfieavneralid• aae , Hospis. aitalttes
194.DM'ln' salt.
electrical trades' school i ', ,erti •toh
*Theft rt McMilla.n..
, 1Mi1t7$ 10 tbe;l!
ffit10 Mrs ;i , : •
$,$$iidrltt. The i t6.
the siitgltiti dt