HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1950-01-06, Page 8t,y �. TH'E. HURON EX %S] .d. es• tie JUk. CE. A',1,T,OFYIO6I E, QASUALTY,, GVARANTEE BONDS, ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS IRGLAfY AND WINDSTORM' Eepreaenting 'Compal es who eve SeeUrity with Service „ SSO AGENTS FOR ONTARIO .'' HRESHERMAN'S MUTUAL FIRA INSURANCE Information gladly given. REID ID A S dv W d!, O�p & .N:� M. A, REID - Proprietor Insurance & Real Estate PiiONE'214 : 'SEAFORTH FOR LE DuP lex modern tri k.• All ern {Conveniences. Good investment. Modern Double Rouse on Centre $lt., with 2 acres of land. Good in- vestment. New Brick House on James St. P'ossess'ion arranged Dwelitngs on Louisa St. Immedi- Ste poa8easion. - M. AP REID HEAL ESTATE PHONE 214 LEMON'S TAXI ALL PASSENGERS' INSURED •-1Phone:. 1624" 162-W FSR SALE BRICK HO piece bathroom, fur - mace. doable garage. Situated on S/W. corner of Wilson and Centre Ste. A love- itr home. Prompt poesession. 8 -ROOM FRAME HOUSE=Cburch St.; 111 -piece bathroom, furnace: Close to school and churches- Prompt possession, E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance & Real Estate Broker SEAFORTH : ON' --a PHONES., : Ree. 220, Office 334 ('LEVE CARTER'S • COURTEOUS SERVICE- • PASSENGERS INSURED Phones: , DAYS NIGHTS 182 346-R WILSON C. OKE Real Estate & Insurance wtiVe insure Everything. Insurable' NEWS OF THE Worneigs Hospital Ai il'.:a.Meet. —The Women's Hospital' Aid to Scbtt Memorial Hospital wilt meet on Tuesday, Jan. 10, at 8.15 p.m., in the nurses' residence. Ministers Will Meet.—The Sea- forth and District Ministerial As- soci•atiou will meet at the home of Rev. T. Dale Jonet on 'uesday, Jan. 10, at 10 o'clock. Re . . G. Hazlewood, of Watton, will b the guest . speaker. et t Northside Y. P. To See Pic res. —The Northside Unit to Ch ret Junior Y.P. Union vrill meet - on - day, Jan. 9, at 7 p.m. Interesting pictures on the life and work of Alexander Graham Bell will 'be pre- sented. A hearty, invitation to 'attend is given both Junior and Senior. Groups, House, furniture, furs, jewellery firma, automobile, . accident' and sickness, liability, fire and theft., Office Located: TJ-W.cornerof Goderich & Main St j PHONE 689 - SEAFORTH Photogp ra hs Appointments - evenings or Saturdays Call 687=W. - Seaforth ERIC- ZIEGLER Seaforth ismans eauty counseIgr Complimentary Skin '� Care • Make-up Analysis FRANCES McLEAN • Phone 392-W NNIIMMINIMMEr AMIN Special Services To be held in the Salvation Army !SUNDAY, JANUABir 8 y Envoy and Mrs. Clapp from Stratford, Ont, 11 a.m....Holiness 3 p.m... - Sunday School .7 p.xn... . Salvation In the evening service, Scenes will be shown on Electric Scenofelt. ALL . ARE WELCOME ! Oo•oo000000 • °'6 J. A. BURKE +�> d Funeral Director • O apd A'rribrllance Service 0 ' 0 DUBLIN - ONT. 0 4> NIght• or Day Calls: 0 +0'' Phone 48 ,0 0000:O r* 4o 0.0000 Ae`yy yW,[1�ilt 1�1 i°J 1 ;Rr $lro� i]si¢i�th 0 'beds 0.. eltiw 41. 40 Ladies'' Aid Holds Meeting.—The Ladies'. Aid of First Presbyterian Church met on Tuesday afternoon with the new President; Mrs. H. E. Smith, in the chair,- The meeting opened with Hymn 697, followed. by prayer. Business was discuss- ed, when Mrs., F. W. Wigg was ap- pointed as reresentative from the Ladies' Aid to the Women's Hos- pital Aid to Scott Memorial Hospi- tal. 14le. J. A. Munn read a New Year's message; Mrs. W. A. Wright sang a solo, "In An Old -Fashioned Town," aceompanied,jy Mrs. M. R. Rennie; Mrs. W. H.�L'o'leman rear a paper . on "Good Neighbors." Hymn 60,6 was sung and'a delicious Christmas lunch was served by Mrs,• John MacTavish, as conven- er, and Mrs. Ht Stewart as assist- ant. • St. Thomas W: A. Meets.—The meeting of the Women's Associa- tion of St.' Thomas' Church was held at the Rectory on Tuesday with thea •prdsident, Mrs. T. Dale Jones, in the chair. The meeting" ppened with the December Litany D. H. McINNES Chiropractic - Foot Correction COMMERCIAL HOTEL Monday, Thursday. — 1 to 8 p.m. TOP QUALITY COAL Stove, Nut, Pea, Buckwheat, Briquettes, Deep Seam Alberta Lump, Canhel Coal for Fireplaces, Stoker ,Coal coming soon: William M. Hart Phone 593W. : Seaforth If it's- Service you, need ... come to .4' Service Headquarters Here we have • Modern tools and equipment • Expert, trained technicians • Authorized parts Seaforth Motors. Phone t41 Seaforth 111111IIIIt11111111111II11111III1111111111I111II 2 Bi - Bargains AT THE WILLIS SHOE STORE LADIES' LeatJer Flight Boots Wo6f Lined; Side. Zipper Regular' Pijce $9.50 NOW $6:95 A PAIR LADIES' BROWN OR BLACK ELK GORE PUMPS Walking Heels $7.50 Value '" TOW- $4,95 A PAIR Willis Shoe Store "The 'Little Store With, ,the Big Values" - '---SEAFORTH t,lI$I111iT1HIif NlifN11111hNiiIIIIINIIIHN, 000000:•00000 ° W. J. CLEARY o 0. • Seaforth, 'O'nt. 0 0 LICENSED EMBALMER 0 0 AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR 0 0 Night or' Day Calls -885 0, 000/00040000 0GrJ'0000000o •r BOX 0 Altera t tberbitt 0 AMBULANCE 0 0 i rontlit and careful atteiititfn, lsliitat fled ° $ii! OWtO Y IIS 001t ALL 0. (fCi0A4/C1NS P1 ftSlkfEst +; 5884' lir 18; Store 4$' -0 and. 4,'"urembers repeated' the .e Prayer in unison. Miss C. Ines 'read the Scripture lesson from Ephesians 3:1-21. All reporte were received and accepted as read. It was 'decided to quilt on January 17. A letter was receiv- ed from Miss Croft, Mount Nemo, telling of her missiotrary work among the Indians. It was decid- ed ten gather a bale later. Mrs. ,Jones closed •the ' meeting with prayer and the hostess served a delicious lu o i c n h aqd a social time was Spent. Seaforth W. 1. Will Meet.—Tee January meeting- of the Seaforth Women's Institute will be held on Tuesday, Jan. 10, et 2.30 sharp, at the home of Mrs. Win. Leem'itig. The roll call will be answered by "A washday dessert." This will be the work meeting with Mrs. Robt. McLachlan 'in charge. Arrane-e- ments have been made to wakes quilts for . the Children's Hospital in London and members are ask- ed to please bring any pieces of light, print or flannelette and also their needle and .thimble, and any books for reading or extra song sheets. The lunch committee for the meeting will be: Satidwic'hes, Mrs. Dale Nixon and Miss Mabel Cameron; cake, Mrs. Robert Mc Lachlan and Mrs. Leeming. The committees for " the euchre and dance to be - held. on Friday, Jan. 13, are: Lunch, Mrs. James Me - Nairn and Mrs. Lorne Cartel'; tables and chairs, Mrs. Wilfred Coleman and Mrs. Elmer Camer- on; tallies and .prizes, Mrs. An- drew Crozier and Mrs. J., F. Scott, Those asked to punch are Mrs, James Keyes, Mrs. John 'Kerr, Mrs: Robert McLachlan and Mrs. John Davidson. Members are reminded to please bring their lunch cloths. First Presbyterian Church: 10.00 am:, Sunday Seehool and Bible Class; 11 a..m., "A Venture osof Faith"; junior eongregation; 7,00 p.m., "Delivered From Death."— Rev. D. Glenn Campbell, Minister. Northside United Church. ---Rev. 'D. A. MacMillan, Minister -10 a,m,, Sunday School , and Ault Bible Classes 11 a.m., Wprshf'p; .sermon subject, "In -the Beginning God," first in the series on the Teh Com- mandments; 11",30 a.m., Junior Con- gregation; 7 p.m„ Worship; sel'mon' subject, "Keeping the, Goal in' View," second in the series: 'Mon. day, Jan: 9, 7.p.m., Junior Y',P. In- ion. A cordial welcome to all McKillop Charge.—All services in the McKillop Charge, will pep in charge of Rev. Down, •of `Exe • r, at the regular time.—Rev. J. R, •Pet- ers, Minister. HIQIIIIIIIIIIII111111111111111lHHI11H1111811 * Weddings * IiIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiI11Ili11iI1iI111f11L un1 Ochalski - McLean.—Vogue of the 1830's was revived at the marriage of Judith Caroline, daughter of Mrs....MacLean and the late Rob- ertson Young MacLean, Toronto, to John Peter Ochalski, son of Mrs. Ochalski and the, late 1". M. Ochalski, Krakow-, Poland,. which was solemnized in the vestry of Our Lady of Merce -Gahurch Teurs- dpy afternoon. The Rev, Father L. P. Lowry officiated. The bride wore the wedding, dress worts by her great grandmother, gfand- mother, mother and sister on their crecdding Says,. Made , of hand -em- broidered lace• over ivory ea:tin, it featured a pointed bodice anti" off - the -shoulder neckline 'with 'V of lace in front. She carried a quaint nosegay of yellow- .Talisman roses, white button chrysanthemums into which was tucked a sprig of heath- er. Mrs, E. J. Buckler was her sister's matron of honor, wearing Nile green faille with fitted bodice and full skirt and. close -fitting hats to match. She carried yet]ow ros- es. Groomsman was Dr, E. J. Buck- ler•wtnd the bride was given in mar- riage by .her uncle, Brough Mac- donald, Toronto, Later the bridal party received at the Riding Club before the fireplace where bowls of white flowers decorated the man- tel, Mrs. Maclean, mother of the Paintin.1 SPRAY and BRUSH WALLPAPER REMOVED Free estimates on request- PHIU WILLIS PHONE 25 JOHN MOORE PHONE 323 • be'cause our Iadnry-fratnuit service- - theri ervice-"then knew your Ford of Canada car or buck bed and use ladoryapproved egirlpmon ...ledery-apprbvad mofhade and Geaulno Ford Pads. - DALY MOTORS Ford -Monarch Sales & Serv7[Cee,. , SEA ORTIP1 bride, chose a gownof black -lace with accents of pink, hat oe the black lace and corsage oe pink ros- es. Red and white carnations and white tapers adorned the etable ou which the bride's cake had place of honor. Later, Mr. and Mrs. Ochalsen left on a motor trip and will reside in Timmins. Dolan - Fiannecy,—The Church of Qurs Lady, Guelph, was the scene of a pretty wedding Monday, Dec. 26, at 10 a,m., when Geralda J. Flannery, daughter of Mr. and Mrs... J. J. Flannery, became the bride of Lenard J. Dolan, O.V,C., Guelph, son of Mrs. Dolan and 'the late Frank Dolan, South Nelson, New, Brunswick. Rev, Dr. O'Reilly 6f- ficiated and sang the Nuptial Mass.. Mr, C. McLelland wens at the organ and sang the "Ave Marie"s during the signing of the register, The bride, given in marriage by lier brother, Louis J. Flannery, wore a dress of white Skinner's satin with Queen Anne collar and cuffs of silver metallic on ,white crape with matching halo headdress, from Which :fell her finger-tip veil of bridal illusion., Her bouquet was white mums with sprays of holly and mistletoe. Miss Mary Mar- garet -Cleary, Brescia Hall, London, cousin of the bride, was brides- maid in a dress, of rose with halo headdress and shoulder -length veil. She . carried pale yellow mums. Carol Ann Flannery, Seaforth, niece of thebride,'was flower girl in a dress of• turquoise taffeta viith matching headdress and miniature bouquet of yellow mums. Mr. Lou Matthews, O.V.O., Guelph, was best man, and Mr. Jird Flannery acted as usher. Following the cere- mony .a dinner was served to the immediate relatives. The •bride's mother wore a navy blue cr .e dress,` 'trimmed with white, -and corsage of pink carnations. For a short motor trip, the bride chose li dress of yellow( wool jersey with cinnampn brown accessories, musk- rat coat and corsage of yellow mums. Guests were •present from Seaforth, Kitchener, Detroit, Lon don, Guelph, Hamilton and Wake: field, 'Rhode Island. %5 �? v.2 zJu; 0 o 0 Infant Son Passes.—Dayid'George Finley, five -months -old son, of Mr. and Mrs, Harold Finley; passed away on • Tuesday. Jan. 3, follow ir' tg y ,a week's illness from pneumonia. He is survived by his' parents, two sisters•. and a brother. The funeral was held Thursday at L30 p.m. from ,the G. A. Whitney Funeral Chapel' with -Rev. D. A. 'MacMillan officiating,. ',Interments was its 'Wingham 'cemetery. Death. of Ale,x'McCarrol,—There passed away in' Lucknow on Sat- urday, December '31, very sudden- ly,, -Alec: McC'errol, in his, 74th year, He suffered a heart •attach and passed' away an ' hour tater: Mr. McCarrol, was well known eie S'ea- fot•th•and, district, having been.con- nected witti the flax business for mane yetis, lie also lived on.the farm mea 'owned by Harold Jack- son. Deceased was- twice married, his second wife passing a'e'tly 11 years ago when they resided east 6f to'w'n, Mr. McCarrol was a mem- ber and faithful attendant of First Presbyterian, Church, The funeral took place on Monday afternoon from the residence of Mr. W. R: Hamilton. near vLucenow. Inter- ment was in Kinloss cemetery. LOCAL BRIEFS° • Mr, and Mrs, Stanley Grainger and - two sons. of London, spent tine Christmas holidays with her patents, Mr, an-ci-. Mrs. William Anent, • Miss Jean Lowe, of Brantford, is visiting her cousins. ,Mr. and Mrs. Russell Allen. • Mr, and Mrs, G. R. Mason, of Moncton, N.B.", spent part if the holiday week with the latter's�pat- ents, ItIt•. and Mrs, Lorne • Wilson, in Tuckersmith. " •- Mr, and Mrs, W. J, Faulkner acrd daughter, Patricia, of Galt, were New Year's guests of i Miss Lillian Faulkner, •' Mr. and Mrs, Louis Flannery, of Detroit, are visiting Mr, and Mrs. John F. Flatmery. • Miss L. M. Silcox, of Toronto, spent. New Year's with her brother, Mr, J. E. Silcox and Mrs, Silcox, • Mr, and Mrs, Melvin Reid and son, of Hamilton, were New Year's guests of Mr, Merton A. Reid. • Mr, and Mrs. Hal Dinnin and daughter, of ,Picton, and Mr, and Mrs, Henry- Ford, of Cincinnati; Ohio, spent New Year's. with Mr. and Mrs. W. A'. Wright. • Mr, and • Mrs. J. CV. Mitchell and.Bruce MacDonald, of Strat- were week-en,d guest of Mr. 'and Mrs- William Dunlop. • Mrs. Ed, Hill and Ross Hill. of .Georgetown, were guests last week -of Mr, and Mrs. C. Reith,. ' • Mrs. Messenger and sons, Mel- vin and ' Go'•don, spent Christmas with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Arthu • Erickson and family in Waterloo. • • Mr. and 'Mrs. . McLennan, of Teeswater, Spent Christmas and New Year's with their son-in-law and'danghter, Mr. and- krs. James A. MacDonald. . • Mrs. W. E Southgate, who ,has been visiting in Brampton for the past few weeks, returned home on Sunday. •aaMr. and ' Mrs. J. S. Campbell, of Kingston, spent a few days in town this week. • Miss Joanne McMiila, and, Miss June Shaw have returned af- ter a pleasant visit its Montreal and Ottawa, - • Miss Lillian Southgate spent Neva Yoar's in Brampton. ,410 •Miss Rena Fennell Spent the holtd a i s n Grand Valley. • Mr. and Mrs, John F. Fiannor-y and Carol. Ann Were. in Guelph on Monday attending the Dolan Flan- nery wedding. .,• Mrs. Thea. Bickeli was in Liebe dolt on. Tuesday attending the fttiro eral of her sister-lii:4aw, the litt0 tdrs. W. J. M L ed& • Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Slattery spent the holidays. in Marmora, • Mr. and Mrs. William Austin and family spent New Year's witb her parents in Harr•iston. '• Miss Rebekah Shinen has re- turned from Hamilton and Toron- to, here she spent elle Christmas holidayws• • Miss Ella Elder was in Toron- to during the holiday week. • Mrs. Kenneth McQuaig, who spent the past' two weeks with Professor and 'Ander- sson, G. R. Toronto, returned home this week- • Mrs. George Dixon is • ill in Victoria Hospital, London, • Mrs. John Sholdice, of London, anent the past week with her, mother, Mrs. Thomas Felder, • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cudmore and Mies Nancy, of Wallaceburg, were Christmas guests of Miss Hazel Reid. • • The annual eaeetingeof Hurou Presbyterial will be held at the Manse of the Presbyterian Church, Clinton„ on Tuesday, Jan. 10, at 10.30 a -m. • Edelweiss Rebekah Lodge will hold its regular meeting in the Orange Hall on January 11, at 8 pea. . • Miss Shirley Muir 'has return- ed to' Brantford where she attends school, • Miss Pauline Matthews, Reg.N,, of Kitchener -Waterloo- Hospital, sent New,Year's with her. par- ents, Mr. nd Mrs. Joseph Mat- thews. • Mrs. John MacTavish has •re- turned to her home after spending some time in Amsterdam, Holland, with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ian MacTavish. •' Miss Luella Kaine, of Ottawa, spent the Christmas holidays with her mother, Mrs. C. C. Kaine. - • Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Larone and family spent the week -end in Toronto, .• Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hawkins and family; of Exeter, were guests of Mrs. M. Hawkins. - • Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lowrie, of London, spent New Year's with Mr. and ,Mrs, A. W. Moore: • Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Muir and family spent New- Year's in Gode- rich. - • Mr. and Mrs, Patrick Cleary, of •London, spent -New Year's with the, former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Clear„, • Mr.,and Mrs: Joe Franke and Mr. John Franke, of Flint, Mich., were recent visitors at the home of Mrs. Jean Chesney. ' • Mrs, t White, . N. g Reg i and Miss ErnestineWhite, Reg.N., who, has been ill for the past five month, both returned to Toronto on Monday: • Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Smith were in Gorrie for New Year's, while Miss Helen Smith, Reg.N., spent the holiday its London. WALTON Mrs, James Coutts, of McKillop, is at present confined to Scott Memorial Hospital—Seaforth. ' - Mrs. J.. Patterson-aird Mess' P. Patterson, of Seaforth, spent 'New Year's with Mr: and Mrs, W. C. ,,Bennett. Mrs, Palmer is he Scott Memor- ial Hospital receiving treatment, , Mrs. Hugh Fulton Mrs, 'Hugh, Fulton, formerly Mary Jane Doughtery, of Walton, pa•es.ed away in Clinton Hospital ou Sunday. Jan., 1, in her 90th year, The late Mrs. Fulton, with her hus- band, previously farmed in- the Tow'n'ship of McKillop. Mr. Fulton predeceased her some 15 years ago. Mrs. Fulton is survived by -one daughter, Mrs. I'D. Murray (Let - tie), of Guelph, and a son, Emmer- son, of British Columbia. The re- mains rested at the Lockwood fun- eral etiome until Tuesday, Jan, 3, When a service was held from the Blyth United Church at 3 p.m,; with interment following in Brussels cemetery. Rev. W. J. Rogers, pas- tor of the Blyth United Church, had charge of the service. Pall- bearers were Silas Johnston, Fred Oster, Alfred Pierce, Ray Craw- ford, Jim Fulton "and Russell Doughtery, CROMARTY fi Funeral of Duncan .McKellar The funeral of the late Duncan McKellar, who passed away on Dec. 20, following a heart attack, was held from his late residence on Dec, 22, at 2 p.m„ with Rev. C. Youn,g end Rev. R. Daynard, of Staffa United - Church, officiating. The pallbearers were Ross Hough- ton,' Duncan McKellar; John Hog- garth, Lindsay McKellar, Murray McGill and Andrew McLellan. The fower-bearers were James Barr and Lorne McKellar. 'Friends. were present from London, Water - Ion; Stratford, St. Marys, ,Mitchell, Seaforhh, Lindsay, Brussels and the surrounding community, Interment was in Stable cemefery, • BLYTH A member. of Knox United Church for over'5'0 years and a life member of the Women's Mis- sionary Society, Mrs. Mary Scott Black, 8e, widow of Charles Hyde Black, of 6B Westmoreland. apart- ments, Winnipeg, died Wednesday. Mrs'. Black formerly resided at 989 Broadway. Mrs. Black was to have celebrated her ninetieth birthday Chfistmas day. Born in Blyth, Ont. Mrs. Black later moved 'to Regina where she became the ,first school teacher there, in .1882, Her hus- band died in .1947 and a daughter, Mrs, George L. Guy, died in 1918. Surviving, are a daughter, Bessie, Make Your Never-Nevers • - Pay Off . Plenty Whether they're .few or many, the things about the house that you never, nutter u will: pay a. eff p y' in Leash "wite h a Y3uroit- Etcp ositor 'Ads acting as your Salesman. Putting these tb&'goed to-th'rour-away liph1cg, feels, appfiarteee, baby' carriages and crib's in an' "Artiele for Sale", &d gives yyoti eXtra dollarrs and deed„: people a chance to blit., It's d e0.14y,-te161)hane 41, Seattlirth. at :home; one sister, lULxi$, 'g,. 1?y. Robson, of Winnipeg; ea brot)ez^,; R. A. Laidiew, of Vancouver, t#rl• u grandchildren and six great-grau"d-; children. DUBLIN Meso Terry Flannery died at her home in Dublin eerly Friday morn, ing after an illness of two days. She was the daughter of the late Matthew and'A1ice Moore Purcell, and was in. her 72nd year. She had liyed in McKillop Toiship all • her life until five year, ago w she and her husband retired tolive ih Dublin. She is survived by her; husband; one brother; one song John, McKillop Township; one daughter, Mrs. William (Alice) Ry -'l an, McKillop, . and - six •grandchii-, dren, The funeral was held Mon- day morning with Requiem Mass at 9.30 o'clock at St. Patrick's Church, Dublin.- Rev; Dr. Ffoulkes officiated. Mr, and Mrs. Corman and daugh- ter, Ella Louise, of ilagegyille, vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dill, Jar. Joseph Maloney, of London, visited his brother, Patrick . Ma- loney. ' McKILLOP ' Happy New Year! ' Mr. and Mrs. William Koehler entertained on December 26, it be- ing their 33rd wedding annivers- ary. Among those present were: Mr,- and Mrs. Elmer 'Koehler, and sons, of Egmondville; Mrs. George Hoegy and Mr. Sam Regele, of Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs. R. Kahle and., Mr. and Mrs. John Kechnie, of Mitchell. Among the 'visitors at the -home of Mrs. C. Regele and Harry were: Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Stoskopf, of Fullerton; Mr. and Mrs. Mulholland, of Log- an; Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Hoegy, of McKillop. Mr, and Mrs. George Sharon, of Toronto, „were holiday visitors at the home of her sister, Mrs. Rock. and Mr, George Rack. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Elligsen and daughters, of Windsor, were Christ- mas visitors with her parents and other relatives and friends in this vicinity. • Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eggert and Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Flanagan, Sr., attended the movie -pie -hires shown by Mr. J. M. Scott and the Min- strel. Show presented by the Kip - pen I)odillers at the Egmondville United Church on Thursday' of last week, , Among those who attended the dedication services and open house held in the Evangelical Church- and new parsonage at Listowel on Wednesday evening of last week wereie Mr, and Mrs: Wm. Koehler, Mr, and Mrs: Fred Hoegy, Mrs. Ir- vin Rock and Diane and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eggert. Mr, and Mrs. C. Koebel, of Wai- lenstein, were Christmas visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Flanagan, Sr. Mr. Maurice Dillon, who has 'been, confined to Hospital in Lon- don, was able 'to spend Christmas with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Louis Dillon. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Smyth and George, of Mi . ell, were visitors with Mr. a .:MTS. 'Ineeti Rock on Tuesday last week. 'Mr. and Mrs, Ed, McKenzie, of Detroit, spent Christmas holidays at. the 'home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Hoegy, 'Mr, aild Mrs, Norman ' ggert were Christmas visitors at the home of her aunt, Miss Tremeer, in Tuckersmith. Mr. and Mrs, Dan Wilhelm, •of Mitchell, visited at the Koebler home on'Sunday. The school concert held recently, at S.S. No, 9, McKillop, proved a most enjoyable one. Muoh credit for the splendid performance is given the teacher, Miss Koehler. The prizes were won by Mr. Martin. Berwick who received a lovely lace tablecloth; the bed lamp went to Master Lloyd Byerman; Mrs. Ir- vin Rock won the card table, and the special prize, a duck, went to Mrs. Ed, Leonhardt, Mr. and Mrs, R. -Kahle, of Mit- chell, visited Mr. and Mrs, Fred Hoegy, and Mr. .and Mrs. Williash Hoegy on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Norman; Eggert were New Year's visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Tre- meer,- Tuckersmith, Mr, Alvin \ Elligsen spent New Year's with 5r, an 1 Mrs, Carl El- ligsen at Windsor, COAL Car ;of STOVE 1 AL Arriving this Wee ON HAND-, Rosedale Alberta Lump and Egg Coal PHONE 47 Seaforth - Supply & Fuels LIMITED Euchreand Dance Sponsored by Seaforth W. 1. Cardno's Hall FRIDAY, JANUARY 13 Garda 'at 8.30 COLLINS' ORCHESTRA Luck Door -Prize :Ladies.. .lease bring sandwiches, Ad:tumori ' Ot - 34• • 1`.. ' e cal 1 is untrusEAFoRTH s NOW PLAYING •-.- TfWRS,D4,V,' Ff, IDAY, SATURDAY " FATHER WAS A FULLD4CK" F FRED letacMURRAY — MAUR.EgN O'I4A IA You will love this laughter -laden, warm, 'human, sab183y.ieg show. of an Ail -American Family in an,Ali.-American Comedy. MONDAY, TUESDAY, 1A(*DNESDAY " COME TO THE STABLE "• with LORETTA YOUNG — CELESTE HOLM You will fall head -over -heels in love with thes o wonderful girls as they plunge into adventure where Angels fear to tread as they build their Hospital for Children. NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURrDAY " THE WINDOW " with BOBBY bRISCOLL and BARBARA, HALE A simply told story, -unpreten•tious and honest, that develops into a, gripping melo-drama, with its atmosphere of tension and sus,. petty, - COMING: ADULT ENTERTAINMENT "I WAS -A MALE -WAR BRIDE" - with Cary Grant and Ann Sheridan ° ` d CARD OF THANKS - TO THE RATE.PAYERS,OF TUOKERSMITH: i I appreciate andthank you for the confidence you have placed in me in again electing me as .' your Reeve. I assure -you that the interests of the Township as a whole will continue to be giv- en my ,full attention. Wishing one and all the co-\ tents of the season. . , ARTHUR NICHOLSON ' . j(it FINNIGAN'S' ; On Party Politics-- , On Party Politics, Thomas ,7efferson had this •to 'say:" "If I ' could not go to Heaven;but with a. party, I would "'not go there at all." ' , - - • WEEK -END S]PECIALS- SPY - 1tf49 a Pound TEA Cel' Bushel t* POTATOES, A-1 (� HOG CONDITIONER• va7 Quality; 5 -bag lots r. 1 J59 8%'s 1 c7� r ORANGES4Dozen ,(Juicy) , SIC POUTIONER 8%s LTRY DI:�,� id MACARONI 19cRUBBER BOOTS FOR MEN 2 pounds -• WOMEN AND BOYS The Easiest Money You Make is What you Save in Buying' W. J. -FINNIGAN and SON EGMONDVILLE • R IN STOCK = Ten -Test' Masonite Plywood. , Gyproc .. Beaver' Board Arborite Ten -Test Blocks .0 . sphalt Shingles Ced r -grain Shingles Roll -Brick Siding and Ro Roofing , , c • ,'• ,," - - INSULATION - . \ Loose 2 -inch Batts 3 -inch Batts Insulated Siding . \' • \ LUMBER, SASH AND DOORS Storm Sash made to order CUSTOM MILLWORK i Seafoflh Supply.&- Fuel Co. r \ PHONE -47 , Seaforth - Living Sofa EuFurniture`. Pl32Cs F ' 1, , • �URNITURE' ...4 ore,,,,, y/L Room,, • Dining Room and —• Bedroom Furniture Beds and Studio Couchyes, C ome Tables and Chairs in'Colors, B'reakf '-st Roo Suites A complete line of Spring- arid Felt Mattresses,, Metal Beds and Cribs A FLoR COvERIN'GS and RUGS - t G �' A -WHITNEY P>imlIAarnd An/balance Service t ' Day 119 Nights and Sunciayg'65 e,$AI`o! rtn, ' ON'fA�iiio ' , ., lig ,� .., �, �•;,..• , „ — ., ,�., . ,. ,._•. ,>...., ,., � ,.°,.a..ea,.. ley, y �N. P �r3,:ltfl lv yFh = is