HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1950-01-06, Page 4• THE .HUION EXPOSITOR • ) ro Cktssified Ads.I Classified Ads Inserted At New 1Ow gash Rates: FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC. -.Per word: rat week 4 1'Cent 2nd week ,t„Conti 8rd week 3 Cent Minimum charge, first insertion25 Cegta. Each figure, initial and abbrev*bIRn; 90uc4e as one word. cardo3 Thanks, In Memoriam Notices. ConuMg Events -1 cent per word. Minimum. 50 cents per week. Enquiries may be directed to a Box No., 0/0 The Huron Expositor, fir 10 Dents extra. Ten cents additional will be Gtarged if ads In above class are not paid within 10 days of date ef, Shed inner tion. Birds. Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. Auction 8aiea, Nation to Crediton, Eta --Rats on application. For Sale Coming Events CALF FOR STLE---APPLY TO JACK RIVERS, North Main Street. 428.1x1 POR SALE' 1934 CHEVROLET 1/2, -TON ,pick-up truck. SEAFORTH MOTORS. `Rhne 141, Seaforth.'4281-1 FOR SALE -9 CHOICE PIGS, SIX weeks old. PHONE 79 r 33, Hensall.. 4281x1 DANCING EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT AT the popular Crystal Palace Ballroom, Mitchell, will be your pleasure to the music of Don Robertson and his Ranch Boys._ 4281x2 FOR , SALE --BATTERY . RADIO, AL- anost new battery, $17: $- STEVEN - SON, first .farad house west of Seaforth,. ,south side, front door apt. st.t 4281x1 • FOR SALE -A MODERNIZED HOUSE on Jarvis Street: good location. Im- mediate possession. Apply to B F. 80x2 CHRISTIE. Phone 65,.. FOR'- '.,SALE -MEW. SINGER SEWING machines, electric and treadle. Re- pairs to all makes. SINGER SEWING CENTRE, 78 Ontario St.. Stratford. ..23-tf FCR. SALE - RANGE, GREY AND white ermine]; oven good baker: reser- voir; etuipped with satisfactory oil burn- er: complete with outside tank. Reason- able. Ideal for winter use or summer cottage. Furnace reason for selling. ORVILLE WORKMAN. Phone 7'? v 1 . Hensel]. Notices; Lost and Found. LOST - SILVER BRACELET, ON Thui-aday, on Goderich St. West- Find er please' leave at EXPOSITOR OFFICE. MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL THE NEXT MEETING OF• nig. HURON County Council will be held in the Council Chambers, Court House, Goderich, commencing TU£SD A Y. a JAN U ARS)] 17th at 2.00 p.m. Personals HYGIENIO SUPPLIES (R 715 B E R Goods) mailed postpaid in plain. sealed envelope with price list, 6 samples 26e , 24 Samples $1.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-73, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton. Ont. (ill accounts. notices of deputations and other business requiring the attention of Council, 'should be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than . Saturday, ;ianpary 14, }950. N. W. MILLER, County Clerk, Goderich, Ontario. 4281-2 • PROPERTY FOR SALE Property For Sale -- -° t 9 500.Oq�TOREY AND A HALF .�. 7 Bungalow, totrether with three lots, large barn equipped for chick- • ens; property of the late Mrs. Elizabeth -e E. Denman, in the Village of Brussels. Immediate possession. For further particulars, .please call MR. W. H. JARDINE. 35 X 3, Brussels. Notice To Creditors Tenders Wanted -TENDERS WANTED TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the undersigned tot the supplying of 15 cords of hardwood for S:S. 1.2, McKil- lop. Tenders to be submitted opt later than, January 12, 1950. Lowest or any tender 'not necessarily .accepted. Apply MRS. JAMES HOGG. Seaforth. 4281-1 NOTICE to CREDITORS in the Estate of ANGUS McK1NNOr1 ALL. PERSONS HAVING• CLAIMS against the Estate of Angus McKin- non. late of the Township of Tuckersmith, in the County of Huron- Farmer, deceas- ed, who died on the 29th day of Novem- ber. 1949. are hereby notified to send in fnSt particulars of their claims to the un- dersigned on or before the 27th day of January. 1950. after which date the assets will be distributed. having regard only to claims then received" DATED at Seaforth, this 5th day of January, 1950-_ McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executor. 4281.3 NOTICE to CREDITORS Help Wanted SALESMAN WANTED - TO. SELL roof ng and ^ insulation. - Commission basis. Write Box 834. HURON EXPOSI- TOR. 4275-tf WANTED—L`\tMEDIATELY, FOR GEN- eral office work. ambitious Young man or young woman. Apply in,.own hand- writing stating quail cations. experience if 'any, knit salary desired.' Apply t•,, Box 809, HURON. EXPOSITOR. 3251-1 WT 4NED-GIRL FOR. HOUSE WORK . in country home. with no outside work. Apply to- Box 343. HURON EX- POSITOR. '• 4281-1 In the Estate of WILLIAM DOW;. late of the Townabip of Tockersmith, in the County of Huron, Yeoman, -Deceased- ALL ''PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Setate of the. above de- ceased are required to file the same with the undenrigned Solicitor for the said Es- tate, on or before the 7th day of January. 1-950. after which date the assets will be distributed amongst the Parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been. given. DATED at Clinton, this 14th day, et December, A.D. 1949. • , F. FINGLAND, K.C., Clinton, Ontario, - Solicitor for the said Estate. 4279-8 Motor Cars For Sale 49 CBEV. DE LUXE 5 -Passenger Sport Coupe: brand new and equip- ped with air conditioning; maroon in color. - - • 49 CHEV. DE MT/CE COACH, with radio and less than 5,000 miles; green in color. 48 CHEV, FLEETLINE COACH 48 CHEV. STYLEMASTER COACH 47 `CHEV.-FLEETMASTER SEDAN 47 CBE. COACH priced 1d sell et 31895.00 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, with radio, gnnwisor. 'heater, many extras. • att'. DODGE COACH ' GrAHAM SEDAN O1 RV. CGA H DODGE EIL:41 1114 MODE1e A' COACH seco»tHHC Cards of Thanks. T WISH TO EXPRESS SINCERE thank= for cards and favors received during my recent limes in,. Clinton Pub- lic Hosspital : also to nurser and doctors. MRS. W'MM. PARKE, Hensall, Or.t. 4241-1 -Births - HENSALL WEDDING Mr. and Mrs. Jack McCloy are' shown following their mar- riage in Hensall. The bride is the former Ruth Allan Hess, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Hess, and the groom is the son of D. A. McCloy, Stratford,• and the late Mrs. McCloy. After a honeymoon to Toronto and other points, they will reside in Toronto. ” loony', For her wedding the. -bride " chose an attractive street' length gown of blue with marine blue coat trimmed with Persian lamb and grey accessories. Her corsage was -bronze baby mums with roses in matching tones. Following their return from their wedding trip Sat- urday, night a reception was Ifeld for them at their home with im- mediate relatives present, when they were the recipients 'of many lovely and costly gifts,. In the account of the golden wed- ding celebration of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smallacombe, which appeared last week, it was omitted to men- tion that they•were the recipients of many lovely gifts, flowers, cards, telegrams and congratulatory mes- sages. Included in the. gifts were a frigidaire, 'gift from the fankfly; a bouquet of geld mums from rela- tive., in Guelph; a gold 'blanket from friends and neighbors, and numerous other gifts. Luncheon was served by .their two grand- daughters, Miss Lenore .Norminton and Miss' Marie Boyd, assisted by other members of the family. The house decorations were in keeping with the event. Attending the celebration were ' Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Smallacombe and their4 daughter, ?Mrs. Pitcher, and her little daughter, Nancy, of Guelph; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smalla- combe and family of Guelph. MT. and Mrs. Smallacombe were the recipients of the following scroll from G. A. Welsh, Provincial Secretary. I.O.O.F., with the follow- ing inscription: "May I extend to was•Very largely attended, was con- ducted by Rev. LaVerne Morgan, and the following were pallbearers: Harry Baker. Kenneth Brandon. Melvin Davidson. Robert Blair, John McLeod and Grant Turner. ARCHIBALD-In Western Hospital, Tor- onto. on Dec. 2S, to lir. and Mn. Wm. Archibald. 5 Oriole Crescent. Toronto. a ,on. ALEXANDER --In Scott Memorial'Hospi- tal. on Dec. 29. to Mr. and Mrs. Whn. Alexander. R.R. 2 Walton a daughter: ' DEIGEL-In Scott "Memorial Hospital. on January 1. to Mr,. and Mrs. Dalton Deigel nee Alice Hudsan). R.R. 1, Born- bo^rir. {r daughter—Ruth Ann. Deaths FL VERY' --In Dublin, on Friday. Dec. 30, Bridget Purcell. beloved wife of Te ranee Flannery. in her 71st year. FIN EY—In Seaforth, on Tuesday-. Jan: David George Finley. infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Finley, aged five month.-. owserreiWerseirer BAYFIELD KIPPEN Mrs. Edgar Smith left. on Monday for her home in Guelph after spending a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Jarrott. Mr. and Mrs...Thomas Buttspent New Year's Day with friends i Seaforth. Born to 4r. and Mrs. Peter Grid- zack, in Clinton General Hospital, on Wednesday. Dec. 2S, a daugh- ter. Mrs. Keith Pruss returned- to London on Monday after spending a few days with her parents. Mr: and Mrs. Jacks, Parker. Miss Lola Elliott returned to De- troit on Friday after spending Christmas week with her mother. Mrs, M. Elliott,, ^ Mrs. Lulu Burt and daughter, Mary Lou. returned to London on Monday aster spending the pas: week with Mr, and•e,•Mrs. Fred Baker. Malcolm MacLeod had the mis- fortune to have his • hand badly torn •vlile out •bunting on Satur- day. ' Dr. and Mrs. A. Newton -Brady. of Hamilton. called on friends in the village on Monday. Miss Beverley York. who spent the ChrlstMas vacation at her home here and in Stratford, re- turned to herschool at Lucan on Monday. Miss Margaret Edith Martin en- tertained a party of friends from Detroit over the holiday week -end at the Martin cottage, "Boulder Lodge." Mr. and Mrs.' John Lindsay and daughter. Ellen. spent the week- end to Toronto. On their return they were accompanied by George. who has been in Toronto' for the past week. ' The funeral took place on Friday afternoon last of Richard McDool, from Trinity Anglican Church. Mr. McDool was born in Bayfield -Jan. 5, 1888, the youngest sonrof the late Mr. and Mrs. Richard McDool, anii lived here practically _ ail his life. He is survived by one broth - Cr, ,Williara, i•oth-Cr,.,William, of Bayfield, and a half brother, Captain Edward Reid, of Owen Sound. Mr. McDool was last Seen alive on the night of Dec. 21 On the north side of the river. An extensive search took place and his. brother, William McDool, found his badly :battered body on the beach, just below the Metcalf house, a Short distance south of the pier, early Thursday morning. Pravineial police- were summoned and Dr. Shaw, the coroner. A post mortem as held Thn:riday afternoon and death was attribtited to drowning. Apparently' hes elip>3ed off' the doe'k and the strong°urrent, which was t'tnflffig at that title, carried hilt oust into the lake. When found the. body Itrae Wtthotnt a jacket and minims one boot, which his brother 1&'£4 founts first before he foundthb' hely The feetui'el' Were 'bad• d' til' , ed and the ho' a 't ��' tld d �e y �1a Yi'sed. flit spot .ithere4o'! s eacil$� 01161,0 thif5 al Stagg spent New Year's at Wing - ham with Mr. and Mrs. Len Hough- ton and family. Mrs. Duncan McKellar spent the week -end at Mitchell with Mr. and Mrs, James Fulton. ' Miss Olive Speare ,and Mrs. E. MacDonald visited with Mr. and Mrs. Clive MacDonald in Mitchell. Helen Walker, of London; at the home of her parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Otte Walker, The Misses Irene and. .Audrey Kemp, of Mitchell. spent the Christ- mas holidays with Mrs. W. Hough- ton and Mr. and Mrs•-• Ross Hough- ton. Mr. and Mrs. St. Marys. spent Robertson. . Mr. and .Mrs. Fred Mills, Gran- ton, visited' with Mrs. Robertson on Tuesday to celebrate with her on her eighty-ninth birthday. Neigh- bors also called in the evening and spent a social time. Mrs. Robert- son is still active and attends to her household duties besides piec- ing quilts and other seting: Best wishes of the community are -ex- tended to her en this happy occa- sion. - - Mr. and Mrs. Wiimc:. McGregor spent New 'Year's holidays with friends in Goderich. SIr, Howard Clarke left for W:n- one. on Thursday of .last week lif- ter spending a few clays at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Day - man. ' Mr. Carl McClinchey and family client New Year's Day with friends in Zurich. • - Mr.. Joseph Stasih has secured the contract of erecting the clothes line posts at Centrali.a's new hetes- es and. Kerted working on Tues- day of this' eek., .• 11rs. Catherine Jarrott •received as n Christmas gift. from the fain - 'l a new Studebaker car, ,, Mr. -Jack Peck has pill -chased a new Dodge pieleup truck. Mr. Cho:. Aletande •. who,.is•-con- fned to Victoria Hpital. London. Expects to return ,to his home the latter part of next week. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wren spent Sunday and Monday with friends in London. :hiss Eric Schultz, nurse -in - training at London. spent. over Sunday with her parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig Schmitz. Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Workman' and family. of Oshawa, spent New Year's with Mrs. Tilos-: tiVorkman. STAFFA George Walz, of Sunday with Mrs. aosiwrsir BRUCEFIELD Mr.- and Mrs. Bill Murdoch and -Miss Beth Murdoch. of Hamilton; Mr. and ,lips. S. G. Rumble and Teddy, o8 Toronto, and Miss June Murdoch. of New York. 'have re- turned to their homes after spend- ing the holiday •season with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Mur- doch, at Brucefield. Jack Rathwell spent the 'holiday week in Belleville visiting his bro- ther-in-law and srister.'Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Lazenby and family. Mr, and Mrs, Allan. Essler. of Llodyminster. are visiting with her sister. Mrs. C. Haugh. ,, Returning to their- schools^ after the hblidays are Miss Betty Allan to London: Miss Janet Watson, to Alymer: Miss L. Allain to Hamil- ton, and Miss Blanche Zapfe tp ,S.S No' 1 Stanley. Miss Phyllis McBride.. Zurich. has returned to teach at S.S. No. 10., Miss Evelyn Howard. Toronto, spent the week -end. with Mrs. C. Haugh. -.. She was accompanied home by Jean McIntosh 'and Mar- lene and Peter Haugh. ' Miss Marion Paterson and Ron and Jim Paterson have returned"1`o London after spending the holiday at their home. Bob- Allan is in Guelph this week. Mr: and Mrs. George Griffith, of Stratford, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Berry. Mr. Don McKay spent the, week- end with his mother in Kintail. The first. regular .monthly meet- ing of the Women's Association of the United Church, Brucefield, was held On 'the afternoon of Jan. 3. with Mit. 'Gordon Elliot, the'new- ly-elected president, in the chair. The devotional part of the meet- ing, conducted by Miss M. Swan and Mrs. H. Dalrymple, was as follows: Repeating the Lord's Prayer, Scripture reading by Miss Swan: singing of Hymn 399; poem read by Mrs. Dalrymple entitled, "Another Milestone Passed," and the topic for 'the day, "The Mas- terkey of Faith." followed by pray- er. A reading by Mrs. R, Allan. "Courage For the New Year," was much appreciated.. The minutes of the previous meeting hnd roll call were read by Mrs. L. Wilson,. The secretaries of- the different com- -inittees reported a successful year in 1949. Mrs. W. Moffat assumed the duties of first vice-president in lieu of Mrs. W. Haugh for the year 1950. It was decided that the as-. sociation be divided into four• groups with the 'following leaders: Group No. 1, Mrs. G. Henderson; Group No. 2, Mrs. 9. B. Baird;- Group No. 3, Mrs. A. Ham; Group• No. 4, Mrs. G. Richardson. The meeting closed with prayer. Staffa Women's Institute met at tlte;"home of Mrs_ Carter Kerslake with 388 members and six children present and Mrs. Thomas Laing Presiding, The motto. "A year to live itk-.gain in, and to give in."' prepared by Mrs. T. L. Scott, was read by Lois Fell. Current events. prepared by Olive Speare, were read by Mrs. William Hughton. Mrs. Chas. 'Falconer preesnted the• topic. "The Art of Helping OthCrs." Mrs. Ross Smale and 'Mrs. Lloyd Colquhoun 'sang * duet and Mrs. O. W. Reed played Christmas .mus-• ic. It was voted to increase the lunch collection fee from 10 to 25 rents to help raise money. Mrs. Falconer. Mrs.. Laing and Mrs Glanville were named. a committee to get entertainment to raise mon- for the bi'annh. e.The president. Mrs: Cecil Bowman, thanked the hostess. Resident of I-.ondon for more than b'alf a -century. Mrs. Elizabeth. McLeod,of Highland Road. Lon- don. died Sunday at Victoria Hos- pital. - Born 70 years ago at Staffa Mrs. McLeod had lived in London for the paat150 yeasts. She was an active member of E)mwood Avenue Presbyterian C,irurc . Her. husband, William J. McLeod, died in 1945. Sgrvtvors include three sons, Har- old C., Stanley A.. a.nd D2Gordon, all of London. One sister; Mrs. David Rodger, and a ' brother, Al- bert Bickell, both of Kirkfon. also survive, along with four grandchil- dren. Interment was iii Woodland Cemetery,. London. CROMARTY - Mr. and - rs. Stewart Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Robertson and Calvin Robertson spent Christmas with Mrs. Robertson and John Rob- ertson. Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Balfour, of Sault Ste. Marie, spent Christmas with Mrs. D. Bruce and Mr. and Mrs. William Hamilton. -, Gordon Houghton. of Ailsa Craig spent the weelt-end with Mrs. Win, Houghton and Mr. and Mrs. Ross lfoughton.. ' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Scott and ;children, of Carlingford, visited with Mrs, Diuttean McKellar. Mr: aria Mrs. ,Tad Stoarey Visited friends at Kincardine. Mr, and MrS,. Miner Colonhoun, of Oifaton,, visited' ' Mr. and;. Ml's, 'f'itolld:aa Soatt, and other. friends., Mf and Mrs, G1bson:, of l uitiiig toll,. Ole'rtr. ,glieats, of Rots. f4. til>tlti ia. • `i�'oung at .the your 1 behalf of the GOVern7nent It t Province of Ontario, heart- iest eartiest congratulations on your fiftieth anniversary and, wish that you May boitih enjoy 8urthler nn?versakies in good health 'and( happiness." George Smith, Murray Harburn and kh•fc Smale, of Hensall-•,three young lads --captured and killed a garter snake in the Parke bush on 'Saturday. Miss , Viola Lemon, of Toronto, spent he Christmas holidays with her alis ere and brothers..,. Miss Norah Petty, Reg.N.,, high- ly esteemed resident of Hay ,Twp., passed away 115 Olinton Public Hos- pital on Thursday, Dec. 29, with a heart condition, following••a week's illness. She was born in Hay Town- ship, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Henry Petty, and was a member of St. Paul's .Anglican Church. Surviving are one sister, ;Florence, and one brother, James, at home. Funeral services were held from ,her late residence on Saturday, Dec. 31, at 2.30 p.m., con ducted by Rev. C. L. Langford, who paid'h4gh tribute to her life. Sym- pathy of the community is extend- ed to Mr.. jetty and his sister, Florence, in their sad loss. Miss Annie Bood, oldest resident in the Village of HensaI , will nele- CLINTON. AREA YOUTH FOR CHRIST Presents Stouffville ,Youth For Christ with a Bristling Program including' SOUND AND MOVING PICTURE "The Man Of Faith" BILL CAKE - & His Sagaphone in the Clintott High School SAT., N .' : , AN. 7th 8.00 p.m. Until You Can Buy a TAKE GOOD CARE OF YOUR Present Car Bring It To Us Regularly for PROMPT, EFFICIENT, ECONOMICAL Care & Maintenance New Car • Seaforth Motors Phone 141 - 'Seaforth brate her 97th blrtlitl .y On Satur- day, Jan. 7, Miss Heod, a resident here lor over 50 years, was born a e an does • lives d at K1 en ion pp most elf her work with some assist- ance from one of her neighbors. OongratuIatlens• are in order for Miss. Hood on her '97th birthday Saturday. The monthly meeting of the Lad- ies' Auxiliary of the Canadian Leg- ion was held Tuesday evening in the Legion Rail with President Mrs. Fred Beer in the chair. Mrs. James Sangster reported on the sale of tickets and amount raised on quilt donated and made by the members of the auxiliary, which was won-iby Mrs. F, Smallacombe at a recent draw. Ons candidate was initiated' into membership• in an initiation ceremony conducted by the president, Mrs. Edwin Dick and Mrs. J. Sangster were appoint- ed a committee to make 'arrange- ments for a bazaar to be held in the spring. A lengthy discussion TAN l,1•Agr F Mrs. wdlliam Blrew4 AO_ Igf Mels ,place regarding ti- 0 pnrellage7 of a piano for: the Legion .Hagg. Taylor were appointed & committee Ter that project.,. A•social• evening will be held in the Legion Half January 25, members of the J. egiet9 and their Wives • to be special guests. Euchres and dances, wilt be held in the Town: Hall Feb. 4, March 17 and April 28. Bingos will be held in the Legion Hall as soon as•the redecorating of the in- terior -of .the lower part of the halt is completed. It was .decided to ' withdraw the meetings for July and: August. the mystery prize ,draw, conducted by Miss Jean Taylor, was won by Mrs. T. Kyle With ticket No, 20, . Refreshments were served. Lunch committee for Feb-. ruary will be Mrs. F. Beer, Mrs - Wm. Brown, Mrs. Jas. Sangster and Mrs. F. Appleby. Additional Hensall News , on Page -S 0 NOT PONDER ANY LONGER ORDER YOUR CHICKS NOW From MOORES' POULTRY FARM and get HIGH t)UALITY CHICKS AT REASONABLE PRICES ! All eggs produced on our -own farm. Parent stock 'proved 1005 puliorum free ,for two consecutive years in Government test. • Send us your order,, We'll do the rest. PHONE 666 r 3 RR'. 3, SEAFORTH HENSALL ' The first hockey game to be played in the• new Hensall Com- munity Centre Rink, ivi?i be play- ed Friday, Jan. 6, when Lucan will meet Hensall in a fast brand of hockey! 'These .two teams are in Group "B" Intermediates,. Mem- hers from the W,O.A.A, will be in attendance, 'including Tory Gregg, sports announcer from CKNX. The game Is ealie'd at 8.80. Joynt - Welsh A quiet wedding Was solemriit- ed .at the tufted ;Church Maofiey Hensall, Wedriesdity,. December gi4 when; Florence Margaret We4h'; daughter of Mr. Thanks, We1sh,.'bf Itensall, beaanie thalitid0 of Those i leitelan(1' Joydt„ C 1Renlsaill, Boit iyi r � 1i rx lilts J s rn isto el, ask '004 ';j,* " / 5- Yel Exposi#or Printed Forms and business Stationery Will have Money Let Us Qu-ote Yo.UOn: • RUBBER STAMPS ® LEDGER SHEETS • COUNTER CHECK BOOKS - • LETTERHEADS • ENVELOPES • SHIPPING TAGS - • STATEMENTS • BILL `HEADS . • BILL AND CHARGE FORMS • INVOICES. , a.- 0 �' • BUSINESS AND FACTOR 'T FORMS o 9 • RECEIPTS' " • COPY PAPER • BLOTTERS • LEDGERS J , PHONE 41--= REI'i,ENISH°YOUR SUPPLIES NOW ! tot w 11 &IT aro,. a a sta"bhghA 4 - { 4 l