HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1949-12-23, Page 8S'T Oilhot dee u 1 a u daps& of Health, Hap, t)sS iloe 1 •Cheer• is our !i;st.Mate wish to you and WATSON & REID INSURANCE & REAL. ESTATE Thom. 214 : Seaforth LEMON'S :TAXI ALL PASSENGERS INSURED Phone: 162-J or 162-W FOR SALE Duplex, solid brick. All modern conveniences. Good investment, Modern Double House on Centre St., with 2 acres of land. Good in- vestment. New Brick House on James St. Possession arranged Dwellings on Louisa St. Immedi- ate possession, M. A. REID REAL ESTATE PHONE 214 CLEVE CARTER'S 'AXI • COURTEOUS SERVICE • PASSENGERS INSURED Phones: DAYS 182 NIGHTS 346-R WILSON C. OKE Real Estate & Insurance ."Weinsure Everything Insurable,'bre House, furniture, furs, jewellery, lams, automobile, accident and /sickness, liability, fire and theft. Office Located: ,A1.W, corner of Goderich & Main St. PHONE 689 - SEAFORTH E" TOS To O.beerve fiftieth Weddit; Aria nrvery, fir., and Mrs. J. ,?'. 1lµgril Will 1)0 al, iheIrXe '•>a fried:! and neighbOre fan Tuesday, Dee. 27, from 3 until 5 o'clock and trot?. 7 until 10 o'C,lock, the occasion be- ing the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding. CHRISTMAS FLOWERS ♦ CARNATIONS 2.50 doz. • CYCLAMENS $1.25 each • BOSTON FERN $1.50 each CHRISTMAS TREES BAKER' S GREENHOUSE Seaforth First Church V. P. S. Meets.— The Young' People's Society of First Presbyterian Church held their meeting in the basement of the church on Dec. 18, which op- ened by singing several Christmas carols, followed by hymn 170. The Scripture was given by Carol Chesney, which was taken from St. John- A prayer was given by Kar- en Kidd, and the business was dis- cussed by Rev. D. G. Campbell. It was brought to the attention of the society that the Presbytery dues were 50 cents before the New Year, The roll call wag taken, eight being present on Ron Ren- nie's side and eight on Gordon Mc- Kindsey's side. The minutes were read and adopted and the discus- sion was led, by Gordon M.cKind- sey on British Israelism, Hymn D. H. McINNVS Chiropractic - ' Foot Correction COMMERCIAL HOTEL Monday, Thursday , 1 to 8 p.m. eta' i ,m. , ;.:i, ea, eet :es To All A Merry Christmas William M. Hart l7' a w&s,"' swws, ; QiLOweil by . the 144ne02e041). the close 'ok VP!) 414004 i" ge 044.4entS Were, served, A -T -T -E -N -T -I -O -N ! CHRISTMAS Holiday DANCE Northside United church,—Rev. D. A. MacMillan, Minister: 10 'a.m., Sunday School and Adult Bible Classes;; 11 a.m., Worship; sermon subject, "If Christ Had Not Been. Born—What?"; 11.20 a.m., Junior congregation; •7 g,m.,. Union Ser- vice in First Presbyterian Church. First Presbyterian Church. — 10 a.m., Bible Class and Sunday School; 11.00 a.m., "The Ane, gels"; Junior congregation; 7.01) p.m„ Joint Carol Service, present- ed by the choirs of St. Thomas' Anglican, Northside United Church and First Presbyterian • Church.— Rev. D. Glenn Campbell, Minister. St. Thomas' Church (Anglican), Seaforth.—Rector, Rev. T. Dale Jones: Christmas Services—Satur- day, Christmas Eve., Dec. 24: 11.15 p.m., Holy Communion (Choral) ; an invitation is extended to all to attend this service, whatever denomination. Sunday, Christmas Day, Dec. 25-9 a.m., Holy Com- munion; 11 a.m., Christmas Family Service (carols, Junior Choir) ; 3 p.m., Carol Service, St. Mary's, Dublin; 7 p.m., Carol Service (joint choirs of Northside United, First Presbyterian and, St. Thomas' An- glican Church. Let us worship Christ the King this Christmastide. "May your Christmas be a happy and blessed one and the New Year Bright."—T. Dale Jones, Rector. CARDNO'S HALL FRIDAY, DECU23 Enjoy that smooth "make -you -want -to-, dance" music of .ROSS PEARCE REMEMBER! The proceeds of this Dance are for your Community Centre. ti -e • ,�,•,, :., ,d, r1y!j, ,,t�• i _ , x�• ,,tom r .04 y -1i ;r , ;eat) i, k' r uY r ;trZ vY,l, w1. •e -1i ;w � GIF9' FINDS We have the Gift for that Special Someone who is impossible to buy for! • POINETTIAS—The Christmas Flower • CHERRY TREES • CYCLAMEN • AZALEAS • BEGONIAS' • BOSTON FERNS Bouquets of MumS, Carnations, Roses All reasonably priced WE DELIVER BAILEY FLORISTS -Phone 393 re-' A re -,;,1 r- ee -- re- r' Seaforth !w� 6 �00000)00000 ' O J. •Aa. BURKE O 0 Funeral' Director 0 O and Ambulance Service O i)'tf7 IN ONT. o -Gr Night Day Calle: 0 lithfbitc 48 r0 10 4 * 6 0 .0 �b►, 0000oo 17t. A.VIIITNEy o • +'i eral' Director Ni*k 'Street - Seaforth 0 tA11O•E SEIt'i?'ZCE O 9 i;} *610 shy epiot ' ftlr,7nt: Olt for WW1& Nursery 6 Voleilb 119 r;S 400 • at cy Yom% ✓ y1f� yN, y�1 �1 00000000000 0 0 0 W. J. CLEARY 0 0 Seaforth, Ont. 0 0 LICENSED EMBALMER O O ANDFUNERALDIRECTOR 0 0 Night, or Day Calls —035 0 0 0 40060000.000 0000 -<>*00000 0 O BOX 0 3urterar &tibia 0 AMBULANCE d; �cai'efulatt ospit'&i Bed ir'tkA F'okt A 'OCCASIONS PHONES: O Prompt attention. 0 0 FLOW ALL 0 0 $9 tira�'4g o r; ° O e ° Death of Mrs. James Shaw.—The death occurred at the home of Mr. Robert McFadzean, Seaforth, on Thursday, Dec. 15, of Mrs. James Shaw, who passed away after an illness of five years. Deceased was born at Brussels and was in her 65th year. She was married there to the late James Shaw, who pre- deceased her in 1918. Coming to Seaforth about five years ago, Mrs. Shaw bad not been iu the best of health. Surviving are one son, James B. Shaw, Corunua, and one daughter, Mrs. Glenn Pryce, Sea - forth, and three grandchildren. There are also four brothers: Jas. Pipe, Goderich; Robert, of Saskat- chewan; Taylor. of Haileybury, and Lyon, of Vancouver, The fun- eral h r. eral was held Saturday at 2 p.m. from the home of Mr. R. McFad- zean, with Rev. D. A. MacMillan, of Northside United Church, offici- atinf. Interment was in Brussels cemetery. League. Surviving are fopr daugh- ters; aughters; Urs, Angus Kennedy ;(Anua), with whom she resided; M:ra, Chas. SeihMittendorf Myelin.), Buffalo, N.Y.; MSS MarY 'McGrath, Toron- te, and Mrs, Deuiel Rafferty (Mar- garet), Brantford; two sisters, Mrs. Bridget Murphy, Stratford, and Mrs. P. J. Kelly, Seaforth, and six grandchildren. One son, Jos- eph, predeceased her in 1916. Re- quiem High. Mass was sung on Monday morning in St. Columban Church by Rev. F. J. O'Drowaki, with interment in St. James' ceme- tery, Seaforth. The pallbearers were William Devereaux, Jelin Dev- ereaux, John Murphy, Joseph Car- lin, Albert Cronin and Patrick O'Sullivan, Death of Mrs. Peter H, McGrath. —The death occurred at her home in Hibbert Township on Saturday, Dec. 17, of Mrs. Annie McGrath, wife of the late Peter H. McGrath, Born Nov. 24, 1866, in Tuckersmith Township, she was the daughter of the late Michael and Anne Mc- Quaid. The deceased was married in 1894 in St, James' Church, Sea - forth. She was a faithful member of St- Columban Church, Catholic Women's League, Propagation of the Faith and the Sacred Heart x vc ra f i ,W- r p e • r .w• , ;r• ;r ; ;rr j4• !,'c GALA OLD-FASHIONED XMAS DANCE Cardno's Hall MONDAY, DEC. 26th To Don Robertson's Ranch Boys Big Prize Novelty Dances PRIZE TO Oldest and Youngest Married Couples Fancy Christmas Hats and Favours For All ! • Dancing 9.30 to 1.30 Admission limited to couples and extra ladies Four Hours Dancing to your Favourite Ranch Boys ,...,es . , •„x..5. Death of Raymond Dunn.—The death occurred in Detroit on Dec. 14 of Raymond N. Dunn, aged 43. He liras the son of Mrs. N. P. Dunn of Seaforth, and the late Nicholas P. Dunn. In 1925 he went to De- troit and had worked for the De- troit Edison Co. continuously ever since. Mr. Dunn was born in In- gersoll and attended Sacred Heart School and was a member of the Sacred He ;rt Church. Surviving are his wife, the former Madeline Scan - dell, of Detroit; four children, Mar- guerite, Robert, Lawrence ,and Pat- rick, all at home; his mother, and four sisters: Sister M. Audrey, of Windsor; Sister M. Mergarette, of Sarnia; Miss Marguerite, Seaforth, and Mrs. Jacks, Detroit, and four brothers, Joseph, London; Wilfred, Detroit; Ford, Tillsonbu`rg, and Paul, Winnipeg. The funeral was held Saturday from St. Veronica's Parish, Detroit, with Requiem High Mass sung by Rev. Father Hoover. The funeral was under the auspic- es of the Knights of Columbus, with Rev. Father Deitz officiating at the graveside. Interment was in Mt, Olivet cemetery. LOCAL BRIEFS el)endint Oilristusas with Mr. and Mr ., G}et'aid I•iurtberls in New To- rontb • Mi* ..S'b1rleY Milli, of $rant,. ford, ie spending C);trii bloats boa" days at the borne of, Thor parents, Mr. and Mrs. Johns Mciir, • Edelweiss Rebekah Lodge will hold its regular meeting. ent.'Wed- nesday, Dec. 28, in the Orange Hall Lodge roomse • Mr. and Mrs. James Hill will celebrate the 53rd anniversary of their wedding on Friday, Dec. 23, quietly at their home here, and will motor to Simcoe, on Saturday', to celebrate the 25th wedding an- niversary of their son and' daugh- ter -.in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Hill. • Mr. and Mrs. .Perce Spencer, of Detroit, were here on Saturday attending the funeral of the late Mrs. Pearl Shaw. • Mrs. H. R. Scott was in Toron- to on Sunday visiting her son, Prof. James R. Scott, and Mrs. Scott. • Miss Evangeline Reid, of Gull athome • -e ask. is the Lake, ._ anest g of her uncle, Mr. M. A. Reid, • Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Bar- ber will spend the Christmas holi- days in Toronto. • Mr. Ross Rennie, Miss Edna Irving and Miss Alice Dougall, of Toronto, are Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs. M, R. Rennie. • Mx. Donald McDonald was tak- en to Scott Memorial Hospital Monday evening, :suffering 'from a heart attack. • Mr. Donald Stewart. of As- sumption College, Windsor, is spending the Christmas holidays with his mother, Mrs. Chas. Stew- art. • Mr. E. Clarke, who is attend- ing the University of Chicago, is spending Christmas at hitt home here. • Mise Peggy Willis, of South Easthope, was a week -end guest at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Willis. • Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Dale, Jr. have moved into their new home on Goderich St- West. • Miss Mary Crowe. of London, spent the week -end with Mr, ani Mrs. Ernest D. Crowe. • Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bethune ere , iul .w.�, it)..i, ;tt1, w1, .w.l, ; "1, ; ' .r-4 CHRISTMAS CAROL SERVICE COMBINING THE CHOIRS OF First Presbyterian St. Thomas' Anglican Northside United Churches AT First Presbyterian Church SUNDAY, DEC. 25th 7:00 p.m. • EVERYONE WELCOME • SILVER COLLEC'T'ION For Choirs' Music Fund. rrt ,y rxr1,, ,urlrk�vr,ft,t 1' p 1, at; e-tb w , w , , rr r p�1r e4) ;,:ii u.• ;w;6 ; r , . 1,Yw , .. T. • tG, . Y. i4 ., RThTk •, +S: IS; « 1.5... Best Wishes HENSALI,i (Continued from Page 5) • Mrs. George Hess, Hensali, on Sat- urday, Dec. 17, at 12 noon, when their daughter, Ruth Allan Hess, became the bride of Jack Laurence McGloy, Toronto, son of D. A. Mc - Cloy, of Stratford, and the late Mrs, McCloy. The ceremony was performed by Rev. R. A. Brook, under an arch of silver, evergreen with blue candelabra. Soft organ music was played preceding the wedding, and during the signing of the register. Given in marriage by her father, the attractive bride wore a green \s'tree't -length gown with gold accessories. Her corsage was gold roses and mums. Miss Lenore Norminton, of Hensall, as bridesmaid, was gowned in match- ing green with green accessories and large bronze mums, corsage. Mr. Robert Moore, Toronto, at- tended the groom. For the recep- tion, held at the bride's home, Mrs. Hess chose a wine costume with a yellow corsage of baby mums. Pink and white was the color 'scheme of the dining room, while the bridal table centred a three- tier wedding cake and pink tapers in silver holders completing the table decorations. Baskets of white mums lent an added charm to the room. 'Serving were Miss Joey Gook, London; Miss Doris Al- len, Exeter. Following a wedding trip to Toronto and other points, Mr. and Mrs. McCloy will reside in Toronto where the groom is at- tending the University of 'Toron- to, class of 1950, Civil Engineer- ing. A presentation for Mr and Mrs. George Bennett was held at the home of Mrs. Jas. Sangster Satur- day night, when they were present- ed with an electric clock and a blanket. Mr. Bennett, who has con- ducted the dairy business for the past five years, disposed of it to Mr. Ronald Smock, of Stayner. Mr. and Mrs. Bennett expect to leave shortly for Niagara -on -the -Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Brant, Elmira, celebrated their 60th wedding an- niversary on Wednesday. Mr. and Brant wereformerly err Mrs. Bra 'o Hen - sail, Mr. Brant being the station agent. enoe wit flex, !.S Youzig piticiat' Apo; le :Oat,'ttio1 01000in $.1:0uor cemetery CONSTANC !Keel k`rtxia;f^, December 30, ol)-en! Make up e, party for the Moclern and Olclairi,e Dance at Cardr ors• Hatt, Seaforth, in aid of your Oommunity Centre.—(Adv.). The W. M. S. and W. A. of ,Constance •Church (held their regu- liar meeting in the church on We•d- nesday, Dec. 14. This being the Christ'mas meeting, all business was dispensed with. Mrs. C; Montgom- ery opened' the meeting with the ihymn, '~Silent Night," followed by prayer by Mrs. 'Peter Lindsay. Christmas carols were sung and Mrs. Dave Wilson gave a reading, "The Spirit of Christmas." A duet was sung by Mrs. Mcll'lwain and Mrs. W. Dale, entitled "The Christ- mas Bells"; a reading by Mrs. E. Adatias, "When Christmas Came To Our House." Mrs, W. L. Whyte told the Christmas story and a trio was sung by Mr's. Leo Stephenson, Mrs. C. Montgomery and Mrs, B. B. ,Stephenson. Mrs. C. Montgomery closed, the meeting with prayer. EGMONDVILLE A Christmas party will be held in Egmondville United Church on Thursday•evening, Dec. 29. Mr. J. M. Scott will show pictures of his recent trip to Scotland, England and France; also the Kippen min- strels will be present. Come and enjoy a good evening, program to start at 8 o'clock sharp. VARNA Keep Friday, December 30, open! Make up a party for the Modern and Old -Time Dance, at Cardno's Hall, Seaforth, in aid of your Community Centre.—(Adv,), Mr. and Mrs. -John Aldington and Margaret Rose were Sunday guests at the home of the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Aldington, Seaforth. Mrs. D. J. Stephenson, Egmond- rdle, is visiting her daughter, Mrs - L. McConnell. Mr. and Mrs. W. McBride, Exeter, visited Sunday with the lady's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Ohutor. Mr, Jas. Reid, of Nova Scotia, is renewing acquaintances in the vil- lage and community. Mr. Harvey Boyce has opened his garage business in the stand for- merly occupied by G. H. Beatty, We wish Harvey every success in his new undertaking. The school concert, which was held in the Township Hall Wed- nesday night,' was largely attended and much enjoyed by all, Great credit is due both teachers and pupils' for the splendid program. A good congregation attended the pageant in the United Church Sunday night, sponsored by the W.A. of the United Church. The proceeds will be used for church work. The annual meeting of the W.A. of St. John's Church was held last Friday afternoon at the home of Miss E. Mossop. The treasurer's re- port was given by the treasurer, Miss E. Mossop, leaving a substan- tial balance on hand after all obli- gations had been met. The follow- ing officers were elected for 1950: Pres., Mrs. M. Reid•; vice-pres., Mrs, C. Parker; buyer, Mrs, J. Moseop; sec.-treas., Miss M. Mossop. The meeting closed with the members' prayer in unison and prayer by the rector, Rev. Ross ,LaVerne Morgan. Lunch was served by the hostess. CROMARTY Keep Friday, December 30, open! Make up a party for the Modern and Old -Time Dance at Garduo's Hall, Seaforth, in aid of your Community Centre.—(Adv.). Death of Duncan McKellar The sudden death of Duncan Mc- Kellar, of Cromarty, occurred in Egmondville Tuesday afternoon at 2.45.pen., a's • he drove away from the residence of Mr, Andrew Me- Lel'Ian. He was seen to fall over and died almost immediately. Deceas- ed was born in' Cromarty and was in his 77th year, and was married to Christena Scott in 1913, who sur- vive§ 'liim. Following the trade of bricklayer, he Was well known not only in the district in which he re- ader], but throughout South Hur- on and Perth. He Was a member of 'Croniarty Presbyterian Chnreh. besides his wife he is survived by two brothers Mex and Arehie Me - Kellar, Of "Ribbert, and t'Ovo sisters, Urs. ,R d Itoggarth and firs, Keh- rieth Drake. The ,Itin;eral Was ehl, cit Thttr day front his Irate, reef - ZION Keep Friday, December 30, open! Make up a party for the Modern and Old -Time Dance at Cardno's Hall, Seaforth, in aid of your Community Cent;e.—(Adv.). M'r, and Mrs. Herb. Foster and family spent Sunday with 111r. and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm. Y 'Mrs. Elmore Kleinfeldt spent the week -end in Detroit and Windsor. Mr. John Perrin, Brantford, spent the week -end with this cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Robinson and at- tended the funeral of his cousin, Mr. Harry Perrin, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Don Graham and family and Mrs, Geo. Graham, Mit- chell, visited with Mr. and 'Mrs, J. Malcolm on 'Sunday. Several people around Zion are laid up with very bad colds. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm visited Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Smith, Sebringville. Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Pepper visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Pepper on Friday and attended •the Christmas concert at Zion Church. ELIMVILLE The Winchelsea school concert will be iheld in the church here Fri- day night. The teacher, Harvey Sperling, has practised the pupils in drills, dialogues and songs for the big night. Mr, and Mrs. Cliff Brock and sons spent the week -end with rela- tives at Glencairn. Mr. and Mrs. Baker, of London, visited with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. R. Wolsey, The Euchre Club met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Johns on Friday evening. There were eight tables in play. The winners were: Ladies, high, Mrs. P. Murch; gents, A. Pym; consolation, ladies, Mrs. F. Skinner; men, Delmer Skin- ner. A dainty lunch was 'served, by the hostess. The new officers for 1950 are: Pres., Franklin 'Skinner; sec., Mrs, Delmar Skinner; treas., John Ridley. The Elimville W.I. held their Christmas meeting in the newly - decorated hall Wednesday after- noon. The president, Mrs. Ken johns, was in the chair. It was de- cided to have a euchre party on Wednesday evening, Dec. 28, the Eden group to be in charge. Mrs. Jackson Woods gave an account of the meeting at Zurich and Mrs. Cliff Brock had charge of the pro- gram. There were readings by,Mrs. Delmar Skinner, Mrs. H. Delbridge, anti Mrs. Phil Hern. A kitchen orchestra played two Christmas numbers slightly off tune. Mrs. Newton Clarke demonstrated the making of a lattice cushion. There was an exchange of gifts and a 25c donation per member for CChild- dren'•s Aid..A display of something new from something old' brought out a nice showing of handiwork. The roll call was "Something to be thankful for," and a dainty lunch, including Christmas cake and candy, was enjoyed. FOR SALE BRICK HOUSE -8 -piece bathroom, fur- nace, double garage. Situated on S/W. corner of Wilson and Centre Sts, A love- ly home. Prompt possession, - 8 -ROOM FRAME HOUSE—Church St.: 3 -piece bathroom, furnace. Close to school and churches. Prompt possession. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance & Real Estate Broker SEAFORTR : ONT. PHONES: Res. 220, Office 334 From— Crich's Bakery comes CHRISTMAS GREETINGS to all those fine people who helped make this a real Merry Christmas by serving RI+Ct�'S vviimm cuwER BKEAD throughout the year! •3': r; • NOW PLAYING - THURSDAY, FRV*1Yr SATU,RDAY CRY OF THE with vuc ron MATURE RiPH;ARo CQNT' A well -played crime-dees.riot-pay Dra#ta, with, leetdate locales. it ,has its high moments of Suspense, and •intenstty'.. , IN TECHNICOLOR --• MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY Matinee Monday, 2,30 'pan. " IN THE GOOD OLD SUMMERTIME " with JUDY GARLAND and VAN JQHNSO$ Romance, Laughter, Music -- Everybody loves this happy -go -lovely Musicale! NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY COME TO THE STABLE " with LORETTA YOUNG CELESTE HOLM - Your heart will fall in love with the two ladies in the picture as they begin building a Hospital for Children. COMING: IN TECHNICOLOR " NEPTUNE'S DAUGHTER with Red Skelton, Betty Garrett Ricardo Montaiban IN STOCK Ten,,Test Masonite Plywood Gyproc Beaver Board Arborite Ten -Test Blocks • Asphalt Shingles Cedar -grain Shingles Roll -Brick Siding and Roll Roofing • INSULATION Loose 2 -inch Batts 3 -inch Batts ' Insulated Siding • LUMBER, SASH AND DOORS Storm Sash made to order CUSTOM MILLWORK Seaforth Supply & Fuel Co.. PHONE 47 e,e l,f 1<,l rr. ,,r HAVE YOU THOUGHT OF THESE Gilt Suggestions? GENUINE TARTAN ALL -WOOL AUTO BLANKETS — The best obtainable $8.95 PHILCO PORTABLE RADIOS—Operated on Hydro or battery; complete with ,battery $59.60 OTHER RADIOS IN A WIDE PRICE RANGE—Starting at $25.00 You Will Find the RIGHT GIFT for. a Car Owner in our'Showroom V DALY MOTORS Ford - Monarch Sales and Service SEAFORTH ...: ,T -n4 , , ..n' ,t.,V. A .r.;: ,r„q , .r , •er t .a' , ..N it -.;1 , Day Before Christmas TO SHOP AT • Christmas Suggestions for Mother, for Dad, for Sister, for Brother and Baby. Let Mother remember this Christmas with a Kroehler Reclining Rocker; Dad with a Genuine Lazy, Boy; Sister, Boshart Cedar Ghest ; t Brother, a Desk; Baby, a High Chair or Walker. WE HAVE MANY OTHER GIFT SUGGESTIONS TO -,- OFFER While Christmas Shopping, visit the' G. A. WHITNEY FURNITURE STORE! $1.00 holds any article 'till Christmas w r WHITNEY Furniture funeral 1uneral andAm .. ,i bl>rlalnce-Ser7 ice Phones: flay 119 Nights aid Su days 65 BEAi='411RTHi :� ONTARIO ' r4 uy A i'r • 3, I `, •