The Huron Expositor, 1949-12-16, Page 71 lin this age, when there are SO ,.many political movements for e tabltehing a perfect and perma lent 'Utopia for mankind, it is an 11+0n10 coincidence that the very basis oe such an ideal structure o,f society las been shaken by the atomise bomb. The disclosure of the secret Of. 'matter, in the diesecti.on and ploeiot4 of the Sten.; tae 'reu4100 tl) 2na'4 that hies material dQTpain not Inly insecure, blit t1!at it is. evanescent, ISeience has confirmed the teaching's • of Christianity, that "things that are seen are tempor- al," anti that, ,as: Weepero declared, "The great globe. itself; yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve and; like this insubstantial pageant fad- ed, leave not a rack behind." Astronmers tell us that the solar system was originally a fiery neb- ula, and that our earth and the rest of the planets were formed in the procese of cooling. They say that the interior of the earth is still in a compressed molten state, and that we are living on a com- paratively . thin, cooled -oft crust which is liable to .collapse or be blown up as it contracts. That has happened many times. before. The story of these convulsions is writ- ten clearly in the rocks; the moun- tain ranges are the monuments of Your Business Directory MEDICAL SEAFORTH CLINIC E. A. McMASTERr-;B.A.; -M.D. Internist P,• L. BRADY, M.D. Surgeon Office Hours: 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., daily, except Wednesday and Sun- day. EVENINGS: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday only, 7 - 9. p.m. Appointments made in advance are desirable. JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon IN' DR. H. 11. ROSS' OFFICE" Phones: Office 5-W; Reg. 5-J Seaforth. DR. M. W. STAPLETON DR. ROSS HOWSON Physicians and Surgeons Seaforth Phone 90 DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine, University of Toronto. Late assistant New York Opthal- mei and Aural Institute, Moore - field's Eye and Golden Square Throat Hospital, London, Eng. At COMMERCIAL HOTEL, Seaforth. Next visit, September 21st. 53 Waterloo St: South, Stratford JOHN. C. GODDARD, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 110 - "Hensall C.N.R. TIME TABLE GOING EAST • (Morning) A.M. Goderich (leave) 5.40 Seaforth 6.20 Stratford (arrive) 7.16 (Afternoon) P.M. Goderich (leave) 3.00 Seaforth 3.46 Stratford (arrive) 4.40 GOING WEST (Morning) Stratford (leave) Seaforth Goderich (arrive) (Afternoon) Stratford (leave) Seaforth Goderich (arrive) 10.45 11.36 12.20 P.M. 9.35 10.21 11.00 LEGAL McCONNELL 8; HAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. PATRICK D. McCONNELL H. GLENN HAYS County Crown Attorney SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 A. W. SILLERY Barrister, .Solicitor, Etc. Phone 173, Seaforth SEAFORTH - ONTARIO • OPTOMETRIST M. ROSS SAVAUGE Optometrist Eyes examined and glasses fit- ted. Oculists' prescriptions accur- ately filled. Phone 194, Evenings 120, Seaforth. VETERINARY J. O. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. Main Street - Seaforth PHONE 105 AUCTIONEERS HAROLD JACKSON Specialist in Farm and House- hold Sales. Licensed in Huron and Perth Counties. Prices reasonable; sat- isfaction guaranteed. For information, etc., write or phone HAROLD JACKSON. 14 on 661, Seaforth; R.R. 4, Seaforth. EDWARD W, ELLIOTT • Licensed Auctioneer Correspondence promptly answer- ed. Immediate arrangements can be made for sale dates by phoning 203, Clinton. Charges moderate and 5a tis faction guaranteed. JOSEPH L. RYAN Specialist in farm stock and im plements and household effects. Satisfaction guaranteed. Licensed to Huron and Perth Counties. For particulars and open dates, write or phone JOSEPH L. RYAN, R.R. 1, Dublin. Phone 40 r 5, Dublin. 4217x52 *or NAmo Oa 1010 )49141,14PCe Proper feeding pays off in larger egg production and larger profits. Experienced and successful poultrymen have found that you can't beat Roe Vita -Lay Egg Mash for results. Made right in Western Ontario for' Western Ontario needs, this high-quality feed is chock-full of pro- teins, vitamins and .minerals that mean more money for you from your flocks. o MIAS Mr. and Mrs. James Finlayson; Egmondville, pictured abo'Ye, who celebrated their golden wedding anniversary recently. A sur- -'prise dinner was held for them when all member of the family gathered to honor them. HuronFederation t iuntinued !rent k'age 2) ately, however, some of these have proved to be susceptible when grown under some Newfoundland conditions. The Dominion Botanist has stat- ed that wherever the fungus caus- ing Black Wart gets established in any soil, the growing of potatoes from' •then,- on • becomes: extremely hazardous, if not impossible. Un- fortunately the presence of the dis- ease cannot be detected in the field unless the tubers are examined, which usually means that the cank- er is not detected until harvest time. This permits the fungus to multiply and spread unchecked during the growing season. As the name would indicate, the disease is evidenced by black wart- like protuberances arising on the surface of the tubers, or may even develop also on the stems of affected plants below or just above ground level, depending on the stage of the development of •the fungus. Warning all farmers• potato deal- ers and governmentofficials to be on the look out for this disease, Mr. Keenan enlists the aid of all in order to prevent its spread on Canada. ,1 3 3 3 Most Seed Crops Show Decline" The preliminary estimates of the 1949 hay and pasture seed crops released by the Dominion Bureau of 'Statistics in co-operation with the Plant Products Division, De- partment of Agriculture, indicate that production of all types, with the exception of western rye grass, has declined consider bly since last year. The alfalfa and clover crops are particularly lighta this season compared with those of 1948 when record crops, of red clover, a.lsike clover, sweet clover and alfalfa were harvested._— The grass seed crops are also somewhat lighter than those of a year ago, but the reductions are not as great as ir. the case of the clovers. Produc- tion this year, by kinds, with com- parable figures for 1948 in brack- ets is as follows: Alfalfa 8,718,000 lbs. {21,385,000 lbs.) ; .alsike clover. 2,564,000 lbs. (9,400,0'00 lbs.) ; red clover 4.855,000 lbs. (16,086000 lbs.) : sweet clover, 21,754,00 (28,840,000 lbs.); timothy, 5,108,000 lbs. (5,- 634,000 lbs.); brome grass, 6,050,- 000 lbs. (7944,00 lbs.); • crested wheat grass, 300,000 lbs. (676,000 The Feeling Of Fitness When muscles are used vigor- ously the flow of blood to all parts' of the body is speeded up. More food is brought to the tissues and more waste products are carried. away. This accounts for the feeling of fitness that follows a geed da':' exercise. There is no part of the body that does not gain from proper, sensible exercise. gigantic upheavals, while our ac- tive volcanoes today tell of inter- ior fires of which they are the chimneys and safety -valves. From this it would appear that the earth itself is an atomic bomb which is continually exploding where it can find an outlet. Sir James Jeans claimed that at the centres of most of the stars "the electrons must have broken loose from their parent atoms, leaving the stellar matter pulverized."That is what happens, as I understand it, when an atomic bomb explodes. Some months ago a French scien- tist warned of the possibility of setting up a chain of atomic deton- ations that would ','blow up the Whole eer:th. That. was laughed off, but it reminds ons of the Scriptur- al prediction that "the elements will burn with fervent heat," which is a good description of the effect ' of the explosion of an atomic bomb. The awful picture painted by Al- brecht Durer of "The Last. Day" may not have been so far-fetched after all. It was very popular with the people of the nineteenth cen- tury, and steel engravings of the pictures appeared on the parlor walls in those days. It would seem; that the Victorians were -not afraid of contemplating the end of the world. Many of them actually an- ticipated it and had set dates for its occurrence. In our enlightened days those forebodings appear mor- bid and fantastic, but they at least indicate that our forefathers realiz- ed the insecurity and brevity of their tenure of life on this planet. This was reflected not only in their love of religion, but also in their poetry, art and philosophy. Since then there have been two world wars which shook the /bun - dations of our state, and now we have the atomic bomb which, ac- cording to its inventors, threatens to demolish our eivilization. I•n oth- er words, . what our forefathers feared from a natural cataclysm, we are now faced with in the dread of man's destroying himself by his own ingenuity. Our knowledge and cleverness have outgrown, our wis- dom and veneration. Tennyson foresaw this, and warned us' in those lines: "Let knowledge grow from more to more, but More of reverence in ue dwell; that heart and, mind, ac- cording well,may make one music es before --but vaster. We 'are fools' and slight; we mock Thee when We do net fear: but help thy.fool- ish ones to bear, help Thy vain Wends to bear Thy light." ROE FARMS MILLING CO., ATWOOD, ONT. YOU CAN Seaford' ROE FEEDS FRO] (a W. R. KeralaCe , ' A..1. Mustard, T"ruedleld W. R. Davidson, Hensall J. A. Sadler, Stafa Etissell Shonldice, Brodhagen e ]!cell !71 Xi10r �il ,01/00: :thecil nedles,nP13', biee1041and: tlteit" t)tnirp xtoxraa111? en HetlltfafultVentii3.'kilan t every office and wgrkrooxn, r�art ttL, P40. tu}'e .and nPfKl. I:;Q not to i sign dust and ,to *ce0 smoke>, era, � leing giv- 'en' off 'all th:e time by Abe papa. 'Qantsf. ! Jn1ese the air .is keot,, Mews ing li ,becomee stegneett and .op• pre ire and geed, a ieurate work PPeeniee diff4celt. Geed ventila- 'tioxLs is essential to the health of Wp1<kers. A well ventilated work ropint soonpays for itself in in- creased production. For the Daily Diet Although your children need vit- amin D every day, this elusive substance is net found in sufficient quantity in any normal diet . no matter how well planned. The answer is that vitamin D should be provided as an extra, in cap- sules, liquids or ether preparations. Your druggisehas a vide, inexpen- sive selection. Fun and Games Children need plenty of freedom lbs.; western rye grass, 123,000 lbs. (115,000 lbs.) ; Kentucky blue grass, 8,000 lbs. (580,000 lbs.) ; Canadian blue grass, 140,000 lbs. (250,000 lbs.); creeping red fescue, 1,200,- 000 .lbs (1,558,0 lbs.) ; hent grasses, 2;00 lbs. (4,000 lbs.). Production of the major vege- table sr=eds such as beans and peas shows a sharp decline since last vear. On the other hand the crops of asparagus, lettuce, onion, radish and sugar beet seeds ere all well above the 1948 level. Highest Cash Prices for DEAD STOCK horses, $2.50 ea. Cattle, $2.50 ea. Hogs, .50 per cwt. According to Size and Condition Call Collect SEAFORTH RTH 15' M DARLING & COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMLTED Walking To Work Walling to and from work or schoO1 is one of the best forms of mile exercise. It stimulates the flow of blood andd sharpens the appetite. It is a fine way to start the day . . . 'far better than ex- changing germs with close -packed neighbors on a bus or street car. Starting Off Bight Everyone needs a good breleNtit to get the day offton the glight foot. Many , surveye;'have sh isle thee children and adults4ee > breakfast or who takeas 's4lfetcii- breakfast "on the fly" become tir- ed and listless before noon. A few years ago breakfast was an im- portant meal. Don't let it be ig- nged in your family. Publications on food preparation and menus come to you free of charge from local or provincial health depart- Our winter carnivals are well known below the border. At Minto, Granite, Toronto and other skating clubs Canadian stars present the finest skating thoroughly enjoyed by many of our visitors. Such friendly visitors contribute a lot to our prosperity. Let's treat them with a hospi- tality they'll always remember. John Labatt Limited. FOR FIGURE SKATING FANS lfl �'lt 'i'rt Ja ker$ tiles tlat+etl ix)� ie 144f ,. itealt 'added. nest 40.d Illrt .0406 atiso al'etnn:04ntllnbe?i', p etlleixie nntX'ealta:;' gre,4nexitU].est in other ft#rMi oR pne4Ag' I le 41 ileo] le which ajriveeaitttate tqe, :S0 etoi fnuglxage.. Meehanicaity SAeaicing good 'iXtecii&nie watches over:l his machine oonstantiy, rfinnlrlxig''. or replaeing', rpa,rtsat the fxrst Signs, of wear and tear. The human ana- chine also needs an occaslpnel check-up to see that all ,t e parts are working well. You'll get better. service from your body if you make repairs while they are smaii . before they disrupt the whole function of the machine. Seaforth Monument Works T. PRYDE & SON Memorial Craftsmen Seaforth Exeter Clin torr Il Seaforth Showrooms Open Tuesday See Dr. Harburn for appoint• meat any ether time, or Phone 4)-J Exeter. Applications WANTED Applications will be received for the position of Manager -Caretaker of the Hensall Community Rink at a salary of $30.00 per week, duties to be specified by the Committee. All applications to be in the hands, of the Secre- tary on or before the 17th day of December, .1949. All or any application not necessarily accepted. IIENSALL COMMUNITY PARK BOARD JAMES A. PATERSON, Secretary -Treasurer ,cgrfe iscussed, alxpoessfiLt )'t dAtxa•'tsd to pk ngram. • al1' tr+. . Chewed a ba>aSee" t •.. • °.. antid• a d °'''914, M tYt ct afIL,.s L+rl.(iti',nizip ",; MRS. SMITH'S shopping trip might have taken an hon% Actually, it took three minutes -by telephone. To housewives in a hurry, the telephone means a lot. It's like having an extra pair of hands to help out—an extra pair of feet to run errands, or get help in emergencies. Any way you look at it, your telephone is big value. No wonder more people are using more telephones— and that requests for service are at an all-time high. We should like to be able to provide service for all who want it, when and where they want it. We will continue to do all we can to reach that goal. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA CHEVROLET— and Chevrolet alone— offersY ou. all these EXTRA VALUES at lowest cost YOUR KEY TO GREATER VALUE World's Champion Valve-ir.-Head. Engine The trend's all to valve -in -head design for more efficient and economical high -compression en- gines. But Chevrolet's proved and extra -efficient engine is the only valve -in -head engine in Chevrolet's field! Curved Windshield with Panoramic Visibility Thnt Targe, smartly curved wind - weeps back to narrower :nrm-r posts to provide a safer view ahead and at the sides. Alone among low-priced cars, Chevrolet has the Functional rxauty of a curved windshield! A Product of General Motors eseisteestlIMMestiettie saleeiiiteleteeere se et HELP TO COMPLETE THE NEW HOSPITAL FOR SICK CHILDREN UNIVERSITY AVENUE, TORONTO: BUILDING FUND OBJECTIVE $4.000,000 GIVE GENEROUSLY THROUGH YOUR LOCAL BANK Extra Economical to Own and Operate It's the lowest priced line in its field. It's the outstandingly econ- omical performer. It's Canada's most -wanted motor car—new or used—traditionally worth more when you trade, Extra economy in etert way! C-2149BX Fisher Body Styling and Luxury Long, low lines . . . smooth, graceful curves ... conveniences like Push -Button Door Handles ... super -sine interiors with lux- urious fabrics and fittings and "Five -Foot Sears" ... superbly styled Body by Fisher! SEAFORTH Certi-Safe Hydraulic Brakes Chevrolets exclusive brake de- sign is more outstanding than ever for swifter safer stops. And new Duble-Life, rivetiess brake linings—last up to twice as long. That means both extra safety and extra economy. 5 -Inch Wide -Base Wheels You get the widest rims in the low -price — phis extra low. pressure tires as standard equip- ment on all models. That's another important reason for the extra smooth, soft and stable Chevrolet ride! Centre -Point Steering Steering control is centred be- tween the wheels to give you amazing new ease and sureness of control with minimum driver fatigue. You get Centre -Point Steering only on Chevrolet and on higher -priced cars! Longer, Heavier, with Wider Tread It looks like it ... it rides like it . , it is the BIG car in the lows price field! With its extra size Chevrolet gives you more com- fort, road -steadiness, safety. f Fisher Llnisteel Body Construction Slam the dootandhear theif ference i That solid; • tntdtted thud speaks ofsteel welded to steel all around you. Risher Uni. steel Construction brings you ung: ed solidity, uietnes's and surpass so tq, 9 safety. �4