HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1949-12-16, Page 3Dealers. in. rr V rr M. Bll tlr 1 e ,� Pim UTO A, M A•TTG OCL BURNERS RS 1 ne A o.B' of >. SUCCESSION DUTIES .•�rrtsoductiod t• _ = = r V r ' resident, ' pPi01 TARIU _-�- V. P;A, mmemosma IN this booklet we have made every effort to simplify a complex subject. There are no con- fusing rates or methods of calculation included. Instead, you will find a simple, clear-cut table which requires no figuring. It shows you what succession dutiesmight be on your estate. Of special interest is the chapter "How can succession duties be kept to a minimum?" Call or write for this free booklet. The ANADA RU Z91. it Company Branches in 6 Provinces T W McLachlan Trust Offil er 17.I , �.> _ -�4' • 1dAU�1+'�1 't'1'"M.Y'IL`flIl'!4°f�:'.i"ti."'il"�'11�1L'r'1`tTl'h'%'l. .ra` ;iJ +11.Tn,FAn,th+,wJ;'�"°�s•Ai4,. R4�k! t,�+r' w.�prn�kM.yA*n�wr'n+►r �+.rr.�,�- .,, ;'Alto Ior,q {III 1q ti.p * ' W # 'p+� 1 ,. .. ,: ,. , :a Ib :.' ' „ • . ' �, ; � a f • 5V , , 'lint• ,; ,. , .,.. #i ' �. �rl� . ' I .I� ? M,.;,.,:"?M :!T• t. ,:. I .....':,: f'• �'1�., ,,. r .-... ;, ?"".:! , ,'�t'... t3 6 r':, Hh+t , A }. r' a . .W:,41 _ 4ltnn.,, i1 to , off. 'Malt•1�a, : r . ,., M11 .,vn¢ ,n withp�:h, $err : e ; ;,-Y yaera7g��y���.... �tl,,.�a � X. � • Q � � i�,',fl, Cs�dto i2r , ouL Che 11t Bx J: n oikr,ni ar:', �l�ll✓, ..sin@� Siip�pso , Yerue �'in . ,; , .: ;. ' , , :e . n ,, i i h I • :at t• zt 1 combo axed nmol, fter i a n: Rr:ln Sri ,� �.., y n -tr,- »a N LL a T _ C M � `I i s g 1 t o •, • , n � li a , A• W.' 1 , I r :a ,1 i I 1 .7 r , 7 r r l' h� i a t' a ve e 1 h 4 N we' �'; 'R , me ng ov' 4 «��- o lt: >�. a', h k .ld R �, FP r«u,)` ,•t C. Il4tab 1VI d � ►!� ,•, k .r a , ... a. P,. ,s, o „ w n me s e � i f r d a xint . t n: h, � i, confirmed �., ., d olti acro �o of 7�he Wi..�. n WA, aR Govan �w��,. #• I .:h, , 'k+'rieri� .. w l e>:�,u 'w . xegr��,ut Councillor Broth sad Jeffd ,y,, o y; rY• Muroh Wrnthro h .t, eir ? an tho irate o re m tow''w, The taewl -r aired and nedec r - Y eP n R null meet; . n : edn a Dec. # o o nes a ,.; , .. »& a... W :. �� :Y, • :. P lir. Q.l , a.% ;Ct�ustalU): �ltaF�l �, i to Tow s' i Hall w te,:: 4'. '"a : n P a l ,.sa officially 7 in the schoolxoorn: o b church, t, cL;:r Jane, ; f t. f and; Mrs. � e� �Ih .�.n., �a}.. inapectet1 end approved the • " Fl#, by Mrs. E. To re i ed. a cls to #'ti ei o:W1 h Toll a..d P Sal r . b . ng mtlred t,., n>' council and: ,the comwitt" in to e o r 0 7� �' M re 1 ss n was read by the move taking', pffgct ,n, POO., .: " �k ,lilt: 'f f; Gg 4 charge was. commended for lie d Mr H r900141'. � 1 s Jas an M T e' k r �. Dod , a o h l raw : 'e tgavin�,. Hogg d Sa to 111 ,a&t I a- Atli ' •o filed., d work accomplished, it, g . k ac sped, o n 'P C u c W ur h r 1•M. . Ch c 'Mr9: L. Dolton i h�e ane ure resid race e t nast c. e W I Y t hall each Prayer, The roll call was snapper ,tin understand iliere"will be a4 & ��D agreed to ay the caretaker of the b , $2 for ach meeting held in ed by 21 ladies. The secretaries of ; r. ?,, ;, pointment made .fbr Myth. Mr, .azzd SE'LE4OTXON:'' the hall by other organizations each department gave their re i,*,`s s Mrs. Salter have made Many during the season when a fire is ports. Mrs. E. Toll gave the "��d . � friends here, who will regret to • ; 'a � y;� required', and'$1 per meeting with- Christmas message. The officers �M ; . learn of . their departure.. --�. 'B�lyd13 out a fire. for the New Year were installed. Standard. ANTERE . AIr[��N�Er James Howes, reptesenting , Mr. The slate of officers for the W.M.S. GR i' Archibald's office, presented a cer- for 1950 are: Hon. pres.,.Mrs'. J. R. Celebrated Birthday r tificate on the Qpen .portion of,the Peters; Pres., Mrs. E. 7'011; vice Ross McPhail, Cromarty, who A delicious turkey dinner was � AND DISHES Dunn drain and recommended that won over three other competi- Pres., Mrs. W. Dodds; W.M:S, sec, tons at the semi-finals of the enjoyed, last Friday evening at the i the contractor be paid. $500, and press sec., 'Mrs. W. Church; newly opened Monetta Menard s• . The matter of the date for nom W.-M.S. treas. -Mrs, A. (Somerville Ontario Junior farmers public diningroom' Exeter, when the ehil- r ination was discussed at length by temperance sec., Mrs. R. McFar= speaking contest held at Ridge dren of Mr. -Charles Pritz celebrat TOOLS GLOVES and MITTS �'iD�"F����p' town. He will represent Zone the council. It was felt that the lane; .'Christian Stewardship sec., p ed their father's 81st birthday. A r 5 in the Ontario finals in Janu- statutory date of Dec. 26 would be Mrs. Z, Bolton; Community Friend- lovely time was spent. Charlie, as +f: entirely unsuitable to the ratepay- ship sec., Mrs, R. Dodds; Mission- Ary' we know him, is a very robust man ers of the township. A motion that ary Monthly sec., . Mrs. Robt. Me- for his age with splendid health, TOYS, TRIKF+t�', SEATFitc1" and SKIIS nomination be held on Friday, Dec. Farlane; supply' sec., Mrs: T: and gets a great kick out of 'hunt 23, at 1 p:m„ was made by Council- Pryce; Captains: Circle 1, Mrs. H, ing and fishing.. Mr. and Mrs. For Youngsters lors Simpson and, Pincombe and Dolmage, Mrs. K. Kettles, Mra. T, HOWICK COUNCIL, Louis Tlriel also were dinner unanimously .passed by the coun- Bettles; Circle 2, Mrs. F. Johnston, guests with the Fritz famlly.— ell. By -Law No. 11, 1949, ,providing Mrs. W. Campbell, Mrs. J. P'ryce; Zurich Herald. for nomination meeting in 1949 to Circle 3, Mrs. L. Pepper, Mrs. Roy H 0 L D 5 MEETING Special Speaker At United Church We Carry Full Line of: be held on Dec. 23 and election, if Patrick, Mrs. H. Axtmann; Circle necessary, to, be held on Dec. 30, 4, Mrs, A. Alexander, Mrs. James Rev. Frank Wu, ordained minis- SINKS BATHTUBS TOILETS. AND Howick Council met in the was given three readings and pass- McClure, Mrs. G. Cuthill; key-wo- ter of the Church of Christ in FURNACES ed. clerk'$ office according to a,djaurn- mau for study book, Mrs. W. Ghiva, spoke in the Wingham U1 The tax collector reported that a Church; Mission Band leaders, ment, the reeve, E. J. Parrish, in ed Church at the morning service. total of $29,180.57 in 1949 taxes Mrs. W. Dodds, Mrs. R. Davidson; the chair and all members present. Mr. Wu is studying at the gradu- Ask for a Free Estimate had been paid to date. The asses- visiting committee, Ethel McClure, The minutes of the last regular ate school of studies in Toronto. meeting were read and' on motion sor reported the completion of the Mrs. C. 'Dolmage, Mrs. L, Elliott, On his return to China he will of Haskins' and Zurbrigg were assessment for 1950 with the urate Mrs. J. Beattie; flower committee, teach in the Union Theological adopted as read. "Qual: 5 w r Q*-. uty SerYice" visci total of $2,721,340, an in- Mrs. G. Blans'hard�, Mrs, Chambers, College. Mr. Wu brought new light t ' CGO4ti3 1 G: „��, crease of only $106,843' over the Mrs. H. Rapson, Mrs. Geo. Bern- Moved by McMichael and Has- on China. He explained that for former assessment. The matter of ard; organist, Mrs. F. Johnston; kina: That the road superintend- centuries the peasants of China setting a date for the court of re- ent put a notice in the Wingham, program committee, Mrs. E. Toll, have been paying sixty per cent Geo-A-Sills&ons vision on the new assessment was Mrs. W. Dodds, ,Mrs. Church, Mrs. Lis -towel and Hanover papers not- of their income to their landlords. _� left over until the next meet,, q, t J ifying the public that cars parked W, h A I Ti g• Irr response to a request from . Mon gomery, Mrs. as. Hagg, auditors', • Mrs. Walter 'Somerville, mi the roadside, also mail boxes, milkstands, etc., too close to the — ing am _ vanee- nes- Mark Fortieth Anniversary b T' the Village of Exeter re the 1949 g Mrs. E. Miller. SURGE MILKERS ELIMYILLE r.��rudvur,.rrU�<ru,t debenture payment on the Exeter Slate of officers for W.A.: Pres„ road will be at their own risk and Mrs: Thomas Elliott, :�1,� �+tiB�Q.1% Pled a -146 XWL District High School, council agreed Mrs. R. McClure; vice -Pres., Mrs. while snowplowing is in effect. esteemed residents of Halm tee �. to forward the debenture a payment G. Smith;-see.-treas., Mrs. R, Bol- Carried. Moved b Gowd and VlcMich- wedding celebrated :their fortieth wedding �i tz. 4 - ing in a field on the farm of Allan ment of the sum of $1500.00 t - be t. (f I Johns, north of 'here. Pilot Smith paid by the police village for the 2 of London brought the plane down remodelling of the hall; tbe.village s{rr with the wheels up, when the mo- trustees be allowed free use of this LUCIEN LELONG for failed while stunt flying. The hall. for three. meetings each year ty: pilot was uninjured and the plane to conduct village business. Car- 4 v . was not badly damaged. The R.C. ried. A.F. wrecking crew towed it be- Moved by Haskins and McMich perfumes Q�1d CO�Og;R6� l bind a truck to the air station, ael: That Mrs. Lottie :Martin be • t C which took several hours. On ac- charged taxes on the assessment Dundas at •Clarence. - Londdn, Ont. count of the wingspread at times of the lot in Wroxeter and the tax bmhdays, "tlpEcitifl if�ns : s r r eh more exciting 2 P Anniversaries r it could not pass between hydro es on the assessment of the house „ l (late8 C8E be go mII; , � ) and telephone poles opposite each .which was burned last Jan. 4 be J other and traffic was blocked, deleted. from the tax roll, and that J. B. HIGGIN"S' ,• r �1 1 , when they`re remembered with the `! • 1 ,r The Euchre Club met at the the tax collector be ordered to not- PHONE' 138 SEAFORTH �f • i home of Mr, and Mrs. Franklin •ify her of the same and the same Authorized Surge Service Dealer Opening Night delicate allure of Lucien belong per; Skinner Fridayevening, the arty to apply to Dobson Bros.' lot and Cologne Gxa P From $1.50 fumes and colognes. being late in starting on account egg grading station that was also THE McKILLOPi ' of the aircraft blocking the road destroyed by fire. Carried. The" complete, thrilling selection -of Lucien Lelong frag- near the gate of the ,Skinner farm. Moved by McMichael and Zur•- MUTUAL FIRE \ The winners were Mrs. H. Bell and brigg: That. we a the assessor , rances now graces our perfume counter, ready to enhance pay INSURANCE COY. �4 Mr. John Realey; consolation, Mrs. $250 as part salary. Carried. ! Moved b your own Loveliness or to delight. the heart of some charm- i ,y A. Cooper and Don Stephen. A y Zurbrigg and Haskins: ' dainty lunch as served by the That we given the Salvation Army HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, Ont, ing lady. We also have the smart, new Flacon de Sac— i; r Appeal to his sense of luxury hostess. a. grant of $10. Carried. purse -size flaskil of Lucien Luang perfumes, sealed in t7f; O ° with a pair of 'handsome Gift Moved by Gowdy and Zurbrigg: OFFICERS: 1; S Mr. and Mrs. Reg. McDonald Slippers smartly styled, for That the following accounts be Frank McGregor, Clinton - Pres. Paris, enclosed in individual felt pochcttes... wondedul and children, of Exeter, spent ;Sun men of all ages, from SMITH'S paid: Relief, $123.75; J, S'Jinter, Chris. Leonhardt, Brodhagen, Vice- SHOE STORE! day with Mr. and Mrs. E. Skinner. for yourself or as gifts. error on dog tax. $2; Mrs. Eliza- President. beth Dickett, error• nn dog tax( $2; Merton A. Reid, Seaforth, Manager r . w x Made on cork -cushioned plat- and Secretary Treasurer, Indiscrete -'Y1111 M. D. Irvin, wreath for cenotaph, forms, the Romeo, as iilustret- of $8,372 so that the bank would P DIRECTORS: I Orage, ed, is the most comfortable $6; loo es to;- assessor, , 6.80; ed I •' t(Opening Night have it when the payments were envelopes fm' assessor, $46.80; R. Chris. Leonhardt, Brodhagen; E. }�."-`' ( P g ) slipper we can suggest for that due on Dec. 15. J. Trewartha, Clinton; Harvey` m man, Featured in rich bur- W. N. Wade. burglary and theft Fuller, R.R. 2, God.erieh; J, H. Me- "N" (Toglic) r ' ` Council approved dog tax re- insurance for tax collector, $15; ,•�'° _J y, Bundy; brown with zipper, in bates to Reginald Delbridge, John Treasurer, County of Huron, hos- Wing, R.R. 1, Blyth; Frank Mc r^ Sirocco ; sizes from 6 to 11; also (�i Gregor, R.R. 5, Clinton; Hugh nl f • • Opera style, Price.. S5.0 Stewart, Fred Walters and Philip pitalizal,ion. ` re Helen Mahood, llacorvde Sac Sirocco Toilet ; Burch, A. W. Morgan was re $6.75; Wilfred Brawn, fox bounties, Alexander, R.R. 1, Walton; Wm. Water $2.5o You cant go wrong this ehnstows �• R. Archibald, R.R. 4, Seaforth; 31.50 f„ See Slippers for Her on another appointed to the Exeter District $4: Robert Brown, fox bounty, $2 John L. Malone, R.R. 5• Seaforth; • • 0 0Kpage of this paper. High School Board for a further Treasurer County of Huron, col- S. H. Whitmore, R.R. 3, Seaforth., if you give the new term of two years on motion of lection of taxes, $56.59; Lloyd Felk-R A COZY AND WARM SLIPPERS AGENTS: ; Councillors Pineombe and Brock. , er, fox bounties, $10; W. C. Nickel, for every member of the family i 6 N Stu n 1 fox Finlay Mcliercher, R.R. 1, Dub McKINDSEY DItiTG STORE -ftrtStO�tQ The road superintendent. present- fo-, bount es, $ , e r o , lin; E. featured this Christmas at Pepper, Brucefleld; J. E. ed vouchers to the amount of $3,- bounty, $2; Lloyd Hupfer, fox prueter, Brodhagen; George A, 1 '� 699.80 and these together with bounties, $4; Cecil Grainger, foxMANTEL RAD10SMITH bounty, $2; Garnet. Wright, part Watt, B1yGh. „ other .current accounts including the high school debenture payment sa.laly as assessor, $250; C. G. ■ i go ypuwill beweed•tthe clear rich to" olthil of $8,372 were passed on motion Cooke, selecting jurors $4, court linteradbinibglessin,rfe...e RE of Councillors Simpson and Jef- of revision $5; W. D. Colby, re- ivwy plebe can, An 3'9.95 ■ SHOE STOENC fery. The treasurer reported a bal- ports on drains 4, 17, 12, 18, $120; •i ovManding *else ■t 0 SEAFORTH ante of cash of $16,950.53. Eakins & MacDonald, services re - - - Council adjourned to meet again drains, $160'; E. J. Farrish, fees and � �� i on Thursdayafternoon, Dec, 15. mileage, mileage, Harold Gowdy, MWFAFAAWK •�.. fees and mileage, $118.60; Warren ' FLOUR ' RISE $104.3 ; fees and mileage, �woWeleotne Gl S SURPRISE' $7 d mi Harvey McMichael, fees GIVES 'PERFECT SATISFACTION and mileage, $1.06; Ivan Haskins, ` fees and mileage, $108.60; P. �,� Durst. part salary $80, postage $5, "GOLD STAR" —All Purpose Flour � •t � w) � revising voters' lists $736.95; Sal- vation Army, grant, $10; R. H. "EXCELLENCE" —Bread Flour v ti Carson & Son, office supplies, �uProclamation $2.65., Total, $1,643.34. ' Move by Haskins and Gowdy: "MAGIC" — Ontario Wheat Pastry Flour, Moved r That the road accounts as approv- ed be paid. -Carried. "Just Give Them a Trial" TARTAN T Moved by Gowdy and Haskine: AUTO ROBE k By resolution of the Council, I again at we clerk's woffice uDec. 16 rn to meet Lony-wearing all n - �'� • � at. the cal] of the Reeve. Carried, • DAIRY RATION •PIG STARTER •CALF MEAL wool robe in Ss- /.��j • hereby proclaim •HOG FATTENER •SOW RATION •HOG GROWER sorted designs. V with a The Danger of Fear �r�rastone I , set Of ♦• Fear of financial los through • ± long hoof of ocelots urns • CHICK GROWER • LAYING MASH • CHICK STARTER Dec axe'Tuesday,. 27 and loss of work often deters pea•• HATCHING MASH �,plc from checking with a. doctor • BROILER MASH SEALED 89AM STUDDED „ BOXIAG when they suspect they are suffer- FOG t� GRODID GRIPS d ®AY ing from cancer. But fear is one •S • of cancer's best allies. It often delays diagnosis a.r,d treatment of 'SURGEON GRAIN and PROCESSED FEEDS LIGHT The tires that pull (d00 -ib)' t curable cancer until it is too late.. i I�+.r through snow and � Don't let fear prevent Vol] from Provides e,npielight lot mud without �;U'r � a HOLIDAY making sure. Feed Division of Excellence dour Mills, Limited 600 Fuggy nightej sMeH ep•-• e - Ghalrl5. � r �,•peerence' �. •. ' After Hours and respectfully request the Citizens SEAFORTH,ONTARIO PHONES 353- ' 1 i AND • ' DEALER 1 t A change is often as good, as a i16 and Business Men to observe Smile. rest, and this applies particularly In the fieldl of recreation. Office FARMERS Ma, E °. -CLANK ton press sec., 'Mrs. W. Church; Manse committee, sec,Mrs. . Alexa,- der, Mrs. W. Somerville; auditors, Mrs. I. Trews the, Mrs, auditors, r Mc- Spadden• W.A. committee, Mrs. T. Bettles, Mrs. R. Bolton, Mrs. R• Dodds, Mrs. E. Hawley. N y n ael: That the Village of Gorrie Community Club be given free ac- cess and use of the Howick Town- ship Community Hall, the. choice of 12 nights each year; that the caretaker contact the Community president before the hall is Club y leased' any night so that the club may have the option of having the use of it if they choose; this agree- anniversary and also Mr. Elliott's 73rd birthday on' Thursday, Nov. 24. Mr, and Mrs. Ray Cox, son-in-law and daughter of the honored cou- pie, entertained the members of the family to a fowl dinner at their home. A nicely decorated, wedding ii � j emphasise those ` special datesPerfume From "SO with a ATM / ,� r, a T --= MPS SURGE MILKERS ELIMYILLE .+98lfro. for HIM ment to be • in effect a period of the next ten years, these privileg- p� to ha rrivnn in lip, of thp. nav- DAIRY MAID Hot Water Heaters will your l PAS` BEST �A�ti�ET PRICES' A Harvard training plane from Centralia. crashedi in a. foreed land- �i tz. 4 - ing in a field on the farm of Allan ment of the sum of $1500.00 t - be t. (f I Johns, north of 'here. Pilot Smith paid by the police village for the 2 of London brought the plane down remodelling of the hall; tbe.village s{rr with the wheels up, when the mo- trustees be allowed free use of this LUCIEN LELONG for failed while stunt flying. The hall. for three. meetings each year ty: pilot was uninjured and the plane to conduct village business. Car- 4 v . was not badly damaged. The R.C. ried. A.F. wrecking crew towed it be- Moved by Haskins and McMich perfumes Q�1d CO�Og;R6� l bind a truck to the air station, ael: That Mrs. Lottie :Martin be • t C which took several hours. On ac- charged taxes on the assessment Dundas at •Clarence. - Londdn, Ont. count of the wingspread at times of the lot in Wroxeter and the tax bmhdays, "tlpEcitifl if�ns : s r r eh more exciting 2 P Anniversaries r it could not pass between hydro es on the assessment of the house „ l (late8 C8E be go mII; , � ) and telephone poles opposite each .which was burned last Jan. 4 be J other and traffic was blocked, deleted. from the tax roll, and that J. B. HIGGIN"S' ,• r �1 1 , when they`re remembered with the `! • 1 ,r The Euchre Club met at the the tax collector be ordered to not- PHONE' 138 SEAFORTH �f • i home of Mr, and Mrs. Franklin •ify her of the same and the same Authorized Surge Service Dealer Opening Night delicate allure of Lucien belong per; Skinner Fridayevening, the arty to apply to Dobson Bros.' lot and Cologne Gxa P From $1.50 fumes and colognes. being late in starting on account egg grading station that was also THE McKILLOPi ' of the aircraft blocking the road destroyed by fire. Carried. The" complete, thrilling selection -of Lucien Lelong frag- near the gate of the ,Skinner farm. Moved by McMichael and Zur•- MUTUAL FIRE \ The winners were Mrs. H. Bell and brigg: That. we a the assessor , rances now graces our perfume counter, ready to enhance pay INSURANCE COY. �4 Mr. John Realey; consolation, Mrs. $250 as part salary. Carried. ! Moved b your own Loveliness or to delight. the heart of some charm- i ,y A. Cooper and Don Stephen. A y Zurbrigg and Haskins: ' dainty lunch as served by the That we given the Salvation Army HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, Ont, ing lady. We also have the smart, new Flacon de Sac— i; r Appeal to his sense of luxury hostess. a. grant of $10. Carried. purse -size flaskil of Lucien Luang perfumes, sealed in t7f; O ° with a pair of 'handsome Gift Moved by Gowdy and Zurbrigg: OFFICERS: 1; S Mr. and Mrs. Reg. McDonald Slippers smartly styled, for That the following accounts be Frank McGregor, Clinton - Pres. Paris, enclosed in individual felt pochcttes... wondedul and children, of Exeter, spent ;Sun men of all ages, from SMITH'S paid: Relief, $123.75; J, S'Jinter, Chris. Leonhardt, Brodhagen, Vice- SHOE STORE! day with Mr. and Mrs. E. Skinner. for yourself or as gifts. error on dog tax. $2; Mrs. Eliza- President. beth Dickett, error• nn dog tax( $2; Merton A. Reid, Seaforth, Manager r . w x Made on cork -cushioned plat- and Secretary Treasurer, Indiscrete -'Y1111 M. D. Irvin, wreath for cenotaph, forms, the Romeo, as iilustret- of $8,372 so that the bank would P DIRECTORS: I Orage, ed, is the most comfortable $6; loo es to;- assessor, , 6.80; ed I •' t(Opening Night have it when the payments were envelopes fm' assessor, $46.80; R. Chris. Leonhardt, Brodhagen; E. }�."-`' ( P g ) slipper we can suggest for that due on Dec. 15. J. Trewartha, Clinton; Harvey` m man, Featured in rich bur- W. N. Wade. burglary and theft Fuller, R.R. 2, God.erieh; J, H. Me- "N" (Toglic) r ' ` Council approved dog tax re- insurance for tax collector, $15; ,•�'° _J y, Bundy; brown with zipper, in bates to Reginald Delbridge, John Treasurer, County of Huron, hos- Wing, R.R. 1, Blyth; Frank Mc r^ Sirocco ; sizes from 6 to 11; also (�i Gregor, R.R. 5, Clinton; Hugh nl f • • Opera style, Price.. S5.0 Stewart, Fred Walters and Philip pitalizal,ion. ` re Helen Mahood, llacorvde Sac Sirocco Toilet ; Burch, A. W. Morgan was re $6.75; Wilfred Brawn, fox bounties, Alexander, R.R. 1, Walton; Wm. Water $2.5o You cant go wrong this ehnstows �• R. Archibald, R.R. 4, Seaforth; 31.50 f„ See Slippers for Her on another appointed to the Exeter District $4: Robert Brown, fox bounty, $2 John L. Malone, R.R. 5• Seaforth; • • 0 0Kpage of this paper. High School Board for a further Treasurer County of Huron, col- S. H. Whitmore, R.R. 3, Seaforth., if you give the new term of two years on motion of lection of taxes, $56.59; Lloyd Felk-R A COZY AND WARM SLIPPERS AGENTS: ; Councillors Pineombe and Brock. , er, fox bounties, $10; W. C. Nickel, for every member of the family i 6 N Stu n 1 fox Finlay Mcliercher, R.R. 1, Dub McKINDSEY DItiTG STORE -ftrtStO�tQ The road superintendent. present- fo-, bount es, $ , e r o , lin; E. featured this Christmas at Pepper, Brucefleld; J. E. ed vouchers to the amount of $3,- bounty, $2; Lloyd Hupfer, fox prueter, Brodhagen; George A, 1 '� 699.80 and these together with bounties, $4; Cecil Grainger, foxMANTEL RAD10SMITH bounty, $2; Garnet. Wright, part Watt, B1yGh. „ other .current accounts including the high school debenture payment sa.laly as assessor, $250; C. G. ■ i go ypuwill beweed•tthe clear rich to" olthil of $8,372 were passed on motion Cooke, selecting jurors $4, court linteradbinibglessin,rfe...e RE of Councillors Simpson and Jef- of revision $5; W. D. Colby, re- ivwy plebe can, An 3'9.95 ■ SHOE STOENC fery. The treasurer reported a bal- ports on drains 4, 17, 12, 18, $120; •i ovManding *else ■t 0 SEAFORTH ante of cash of $16,950.53. Eakins & MacDonald, services re - - - Council adjourned to meet again drains, $160'; E. J. Farrish, fees and � �� i on Thursdayafternoon, Dec, 15. mileage, mileage, Harold Gowdy, MWFAFAAWK •�.. fees and mileage, $118.60; Warren ' FLOUR ' RISE $104.3 ; fees and mileage, �woWeleotne Gl S SURPRISE' $7 d mi Harvey McMichael, fees GIVES 'PERFECT SATISFACTION and mileage, $1.06; Ivan Haskins, ` fees and mileage, $108.60; P. �,� Durst. part salary $80, postage $5, "GOLD STAR" —All Purpose Flour � •t � w) � revising voters' lists $736.95; Sal- vation Army, grant, $10; R. H. "EXCELLENCE" —Bread Flour v ti Carson & Son, office supplies, �uProclamation $2.65., Total, $1,643.34. ' Move by Haskins and Gowdy: "MAGIC" — Ontario Wheat Pastry Flour, Moved r That the road accounts as approv- ed be paid. -Carried. "Just Give Them a Trial" TARTAN T Moved by Gowdy and Haskine: AUTO ROBE k By resolution of the Council, I again at we clerk's woffice uDec. 16 rn to meet Lony-wearing all n - �'� • � at. the cal] of the Reeve. Carried, • DAIRY RATION •PIG STARTER •CALF MEAL wool robe in Ss- /.��j • hereby proclaim •HOG FATTENER •SOW RATION •HOG GROWER sorted designs. V with a The Danger of Fear �r�rastone I , set Of ♦• Fear of financial los through • ± long hoof of ocelots urns • CHICK GROWER • LAYING MASH • CHICK STARTER Dec axe'Tuesday,. 27 and loss of work often deters pea•• HATCHING MASH �,plc from checking with a. doctor • BROILER MASH SEALED 89AM STUDDED „ BOXIAG when they suspect they are suffer- FOG t� GRODID GRIPS d ®AY ing from cancer. But fear is one •S • of cancer's best allies. It often delays diagnosis a.r,d treatment of 'SURGEON GRAIN and PROCESSED FEEDS LIGHT The tires that pull (d00 -ib)' t curable cancer until it is too late.. i I�+.r through snow and � Don't let fear prevent Vol] from Provides e,npielight lot mud without �;U'r � a HOLIDAY making sure. Feed Division of Excellence dour Mills, Limited 600 Fuggy nightej sMeH ep•-• e - Ghalrl5. � r �,•peerence' �. •. ' After Hours and respectfully request the Citizens SEAFORTH,ONTARIO PHONES 353- ' 1 i AND • ' DEALER 1 t A change is often as good, as a i16 and Business Men to observe Smile. rest, and this applies particularly In the fieldl of recreation. Office FARMERS Ma, E °. -CLANK • J. E J.3E���N� workers -and men who sit. without actually expending be stand all:; day at machines may be tired y • � ranch • We buy WHEAT, BARLEY, OATS, MIXED GRAX; alta RELIANCE PETROLEUM MAYOR physdeal energy. For ,these people moderate after-hours exercise in will your l PAS` BEST �A�ti�ET PRICES' :�1,� �+tiB�Q.1% Pled a -146 XWL ;.God Save the ming" the farm bobbles, h_` iv- heais agus�eful games often mrxi•e �. „ : _. , . ... ., . it1� t1Cia"tu �, xtlet'e t;es+t. , i'' •