HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1949-12-09, Page 5a
This Week At the Seaforth
(gay George Shay!)'
Hero we are . again! Tbere'e
quite a difference in the look of
most of the 'students this week,
singe the exams 'are over. ,All the
Marks aren't back arid some of the
students walk around school like
:animal's goieg to Slaughter,
• AF
A week ago last Friday, 'as most
of you know, was our Annual'Oom-
' mencement, , It was well attended
e 00J
:ands, thorqughly enjoyed. The CRtn•
Meneement consieted, of the giving
out of diplomas, scholarships and
?he' winner of tl>e moat scholar-
enips was Jaal • Wallace, an Rex -
graduate of S.H.S. ai;d who is new
in the University of Western On-
tario. Jolin stacked up a total of
$5,8'6 worth of scholarships; also
John delivered a, very interesting
valedictory addresw.
The play, "H.M.S. Pinafore," di-
rected by Mrs. J. C. Stevens and
Miss Rena 1! eneell, was enacted
,and very well enjoyed by every-
one present. We all hope that the
next Commencement will be as hi
terestilig and as well attended as
Music by
"Moonlight Serenaders," Stratford
Dancing 9.30 - 1
evenings or Saturdays
Call 687-W - Seaforth
w, ,µ1i r, ., r ,i r , ,W; v i ,;r ,
.. •• n �`r .R • w
are best of ally
Office 43 Night 595-W or 18
} Table Lamps
Smoking Stands
e 'Hassocks
Magazine Racks
• Coffee Tables
These are only a few of
';he many gift suggestions
that may be seen at our
Clean Up Sale of
Poultry Remedies
Check -R -Tabs
Check -R -Ton
Check -R -Feet
Pig Tab Granules
Hog Conditioner
Poultry Conditioner
Stimulator Si Blood Toni
Intestinal Tonic
Chlorena Powder
Weed Killer
Super Mineral
Dairy Mineral
Roost Paint Antu Rat Bait
D.D.T. Plastic Paint Fly Spray
Spray Guns
We are trying to clear them out
$eaforth Produce
Your Best Market For F'a'irii Produce
PROMPT SERVICE -- Payment while you wait
, ). i. he*oi l
ouiltta,�t' etelyy T♦ylat t .#0.,..s„, p♦A a
here ,6 hF•§ t1t .k'A•S r4 t*,4 A,04,'„ �+Q •:',r.
c„04 eiseltsoret e p..opo u ' t:
:0:004....44.94,...4iwas tlifooltghiy::50,..*:
iq$d •br all04, the aud1ieixge iiliQw•
ed ets aPPl'eelataon liy'Iiavl'ng tike
Salerae Roomette a Pearn $Oe at
leak. 114 encores an five ,bows,
' There' was 'Ane call t'er Rddl pteee
that they lr1ayed; callilft " daezz Piz-
zicatq" .It seems 'they forgot .to
use their bows; -'but • inettead they
'Used ttheir iingers: Whether' tl+eY
used the bows ar 'their $'tigers, •It
still turned out very •enjoyable for
all. _,.,,>o'�' e.
The concert was very' well at-
ttended, considering else .fact, that
there. was a d'emonetration going
on that same nig Can't close
without mentioning a wonderful
playing of Mies' M. Syme. I'M
sure if she bad of..been out once
more she would have' been given
as many encores as the quartette.
Remember, if you haven't come
to one of these concert, you still
have a chance. The next one is on
Feb. 2. That gives you plenty of
time to make any preparations
needed. And for those who have
been at the last three, wiry not
come out to this East one? It will
be as-interes'ting as all .the preced-
ing. ones.
* * •
Everyone is talking about -the
Community Centre these days„ but
S.T.S. got behind the campaign• and
not only talked but donated. Dur-
ing the last week many of the stu-
dents and some of the teachers
have • contributed their work.
On Tuesday the Students' Coun-
ounell decided that instead of having
pupils give other pupils gifts for
Christmas, tthey would take a col-
lection of not less than 25c from
every pupil in the' school and then
donate all the money to the Com-
munity Centre.
If the' high school students get
behind, how about the other peo-
ple? It's not too late to send 'in
contributions for this worthy
cause, so why not do it? e
Well, the bugle band has -taken
another rest This time it is until
after Christmas, when Mr. Close
will put the new crooks in use. Mr.
Close has done a great job in teach-
ing the students\ how to play the
instruments, and I know everyone
appreciates it, and also the fact
that he is contributing these crooks ,
to the band;
In the realm of sports at S.H.S.,
basketball is. now the highlight.
Practice finally got under way on
Wednesday when the seniors took
the gymnasium. With more prac-
tice before the first of the year,
there should be some very good
teams at the high school. Perhaps
during the Christmas holidays
there can be a complete turnout
for a lew practices which. will
greatly increase the' power of the
It seems that a Fourth Former
ha.s developed a new idea. Instead'
of giving a hot -foot he has started
to give hot -seats. It was in a sci-
ence class that this boy happened
to drop soine phosphorus on a seat
(purely accidental) of a girl. It
seems the phosphorite ignited, but
luckily the girl wasn't on the chair.
Maybe he doesn't like her, but
then. he doesn't have to try to burn
her to death.
Questions of the Week
What Third Former seems not to
want to pass in Latin?
This is a question that was giv-
en to me by a Third. Former (most
of you won't understand, but he
has 'requested it often) : "Have you
joined the P..W.A.?"
Public School
We held a special assembly on
Friday afternoon for the student
teachers who have been here dur-
ing the week. Grade 3 sponsored
the program. One of the student
teachers warned us 'that when he
gets mad he takes off his glasses
and turns red. This happened!
several times,
* aF *
' Last Tuesday and Wednesday
each pupil had his picture taken.
The result's, when returned at the
beginning 'of the week-, were ap-
palling. Some of the boys and
girls were so disgusted with their
pictures that they would not show
them to anyone.
Having some of the mothers
Sedan with heater, spare
tire, license, tank of gas,
10,000 miles of grease cdu-
pons, and all undercoated.
Price Delivered $,1;547.01
These cars are as sturdily built
as a Packard, and perform like
one, but give you 40 MILES to your
gallon of gasoline.
In these times people
have to consider opera-
tion costs in all lines
of business!
Your ear is the heart pf your
business, taking you everywhere in
your business.
Ride and Drive an Austin
See or Phone
Jonathan Hngill
784-W Clinton, Nov 1
ti"iunniulytununinu uununnuan
iN k M RE,M ,M OP` SPQ
ero -all u!poe?t. >a»&
rs '�l, aTbk •
to. count 04ovg . fingiir "tire lg;ii
o, tibg P
Bonita!l leagues and the 4111 !T1err:filf
spoxt fans; atterifilpo these $atties.
durinS the pact eilnellefer e
'counted a' Iargge Member , tt en
welooked around at tli,e > eaforth
Athletic meeting h'ridl y night at
the attendance . we' counted
again .. , you guessed` it three
fingers on one hand would have
almost been sufficient.
There were about .`as many of
the executive on hand too. Wily
these failures on the part of sport
fans and , players alike at called
meetings, is hard to understtandt,
especially when we are supposed.
to have so many fine sports in this
As a rule we try not to beef in
this. column, but try to • promtote
good clean sport for Seaforth and
district. However, Whisperings be-
lieves a BEEF is justified at' this
time. It es common kliowledge that
some fans and players, no matter
what part of the country they are
in, are not satisfied, no matter
what way things go. They talk to
this one ... to that one ... among
themselves, on '.street corners, etc.
. . . but time comes when a meet-
ing is held, the place for BE1 5 S
to be aired, and what 'have you?
Yes, those putting up the biggest
BEEF never show up.
This situation is most unfair,
not Duly to fans, the executive,
the players, but to you yourself.
If anyone has a matter to get off
their chest, they certainly won't
be doing any good by running in-
to some corner or whispering in
groups . . . the place to do your
talking is at a meeting that ie call-
ed for that purpose. Air your
grievances to the proper people
to those Who could do some-
thing about it,' and not to those
who have no say in this regard.
Whisperings wonders when these
SUPPOSED SPORTS are goir;g to
wake up and come down to earth,
realizing that they are doing more
harm to themselves than to any-
one else.
So, we say, let all interested in
sport attend the next meeting, in
fact eny sport meeting, aild have
a friendly discussion.
Be sports, as. you claim to .be
don't let yourself down. To
players aoce sport fans alike, we
say: Put sportsmanship back into
sport, a return to keen, friendly
rivalry and an end to animosities
. , there is no room in small
towns for factions . . all must
pull together ... or both will fail.
As to the executive, it is their
duty to attend these meetings. It
is up to you to show the way .
set a good example to all inter-
ested in 'sport. It is• hoped• that
when the general meeting is tail-
ed in the spring, all the executive.
at least,- will be on hand.. The ac-
count of the Friday meeting will
be found on page one.
Angus MacLean, on behalf of the
Legion, has requested us to bring
to your attention, and ask that all
available hockey equipment that is
out and the' property of the Ath-
letic Association, be turned' in at
Sills' Hardware Store. Please let
everyone co-operate in this matter.
Did you know that gate receipts
for the past season of the On-
tario Amateur Softball Association
amounted to $11,000? That some
30.935 players were registered,
with 1,936 teams?
Did you know that at the O.H.A.
meeting a new ruling was put in-
to effect? The ruling: It' a. referee
calls a game after two periods of
play, it will constitute a full game
for the records. If itis called off
before the end of the second per-
iod it will be declared "no con-
test" end spectators will' be given
free admission to the next schedul-
ed game. There were other chang-
es, but lack of space does not per-
mit us to include them here.
Remember, good sportsmanship
wins many friends - . . 'rowdyism
creates disfavor . . . the will to
play fair leads to one goal:
snake the gowns for the Christmas
Carol Service met w,th wonderful
response. Some of the gowns have
been returned already.
The Christmas Carol Service will
be held in Northside United
Church on Friday, Dec. 16, et 8:30
p.m. Everybody is welcome.
On Monday we saw moving pic-
tures in the basement of First
Presbyterian Church,
Room III has been learning to
dance jigs and other various steps.
* _
The followingis a conversation
between a lady and a little kinder-
garten boy:
Boy: "Do you know who is the
oldest teacher in the whole wide
Lady: "No! Who is the oldest
teacher in the whole world?"
Boy: "Miss McLean is the old-
est teacher."
Lady: "Who c10 you think is the
second oldest?"
Boy: "Mr. Eastman."
Lady: "And who do you think
1s the third oldest?"
Roy: "I think Mrs. Ellis is the
third oldest teacher."
. I suppose to younger minds, the
more beautiful you appear the old-
er you seem!
After thoroughly explaining the
history of the American flag to a,
group of aliens seeking citizenship
papers, the court officittlasked one
of the group, ''Wheat flies over the
court house?"
The -alien looked Pensive for a
1 mome'ni;, then replied, "Peejins."
/tie death; ;peeuired, In4 dtty�
P4,14e. re uee,
tettn 3 MaKiilop, q'? a IOW
?id], big'#ly respected. eesn4e$ of
t1i s: oommuzilty } ibo. pexseu '':
d . iakh Au stiRe 4To0e3d,;:�li •fg
7 11, 70°4'.._ n 1.903 he was naarr et
tQ 11+Iaryaw1e4 of NlfeKillop, whe"
al Owes bim,,,tegether with a 'taxa,'
ill- of four daughters, gra. Vinee}}i •
McKillop; 1 r9, Toe;*rim,
TTO,Vget;David •Lauzom, 'Suri -
1 .
bury, 'and Mrs. arol`d Alien; Gode-
rich, and four eons Rev. 'Thomas.
McQuaid, Superior General ' of Sear=
be li Foreign ,Missions Society;
Rte. Joseph, a Christian leroiher,
Teeento; Jelin, St. Themes, and
Wilfred, at home. He is also sur-
vived ley three brothers: Martin.,_
IT bbert; John,,, of 'Seaforth, and
latae!, Detroit. Predeasing him
were two brothers, F. J. McQuaid,
Meleihop, and Dr. Thos. McQuaid,
of Sault Ste. 'Marie, and a sister,
Mary McQuaid. Deceased attendee
school at St. Colum.ban and was 'a
successful farmer all his life. The
funeral will take place on Satur-
dayt from his late residence at 9.30
a.m. to St..Columban Church, with
his son, Rev. Thos. McQuaid, sing-
ing Requiem High Mass, assisted
by twee, priests from Scarboro, The
pallbearers will. be Wm. Ryan,
Thos. O'Reilly, Louis O'Reilly, Jos.
Matthews, Zack Ryan and. John
Lane. Interment will be in St.
Columban cemetery,
Members of Seaforth W.I.
Visit County Home
Mrs. James F. Scott was hostess
to the Seaforth W.I.. for their
Christmas meeting on Tuesday eve-
ning with 40 members and' guests
present. The president, 'Mrs. J.
Hillebrecht, opened the meeting
with the Institute Ode anti' the
Lord's Prayer. The roll call was
answered by bringing a gift for a
child at the Children's Shelter in
Goderich. Me secretary, Mrs. Alex
Pepper, read the minutes and the
treasurer's report was given by
Mrs. John MacLean. It was decided
to donate $10 to the Children's War
Memorial Hospital in London. Ar-
rangements were made to' visit the
County Home on Dec. 8th.
'Mrs. Wm. Leeming offered her
home for the January meeting, as
Mrs. Gordon McDonald would be
unable to hold it at her house. As
this will be the work meeting,
quilts will be made for cots in the
Children's War Memorial Hospital,
Mrs. A. Crozier and Mrs. R. Mc-
Lachlan were appointed to pur-
nhase material. These quilts must
measure 45x60 inches and, anyone
having pieces of light colored flan-
nelette please bring them to the
January meeting. It vas decided to
hold the next euchre and dance on
Friday, Jan. 13. Mrs. Alex Pepper
and Mrs. G. Pa.pple will make cov-
ers ler the card tables.
The program consisted of a s310
by Jas. T. Scott; duet; Anderson
Scott 'and Jas. 9'. Scott; reading.
Mrs. G. Papple; solos, Walker
Hatt; ball juggling, Helen Midde-
gaal; trio, Anderson Scott. Jas. T.
Scott and' Walker Hart., accompan-
ied by Jas. M. Scott.
Jas, M. Scott sho-Nee moving pic-
tures -of his trip to Europe, of the
beautiful scenery in Scotland and
the different breeds of cattle, such
as Shorthorn. Ayrshires and High-
land cattle. There were also pic-
tures' of London, England and Par-
is, France. showing many historic
sites, also 'the..damage done• by
bombing in the -last v, ar, Mrs. Wil-
fred' Coleman moved a vote of
thanks t'o Mr. Scott for his wonder-
ful films, and also to the hostess
and all who took part. !hiring
lunch hour violin and• piano music
by Mr. and Mrs. Collins was en-
About 20 members of the Sea -
forth W.I. visited the County Home
in Clinton on Wednesday ,after-
noon and put on a program, which
included two Christmas carols, "It
Came Upon the Midnight Clear"
and "Silent Night": alsp solos,'
"Roamin' in the Gloa.min' " . and
"Just the same as his father did
before him," by Ivy Henderson;
Plano solos by Mrs. Elmer Camer-
on; two humorous readings, "I Am
An Inventor's Wife-- and "Twins."
by Mrs. W. Coleman; solos, "'There
is a Wee House Among the Heath-
er" and "Annie Uaurie" by Ander-
son Scott; mouth organ solos by
Mrs. Alex Pepper; solos, "There's
An Old Spinning Wheel in the
Parlor" and "Home on the Range"
by Kenneth McNairn; reading,
"The Other Wisemen," by Mrs. J.
F. Scott; piano solos by Mrs. W.
Collins; solo, "God Understands,"
by Ivy Henderson, and a duet,
"Drifting Away From God," by An-
derson Scott and Ivy Henderson.
Everyone joined•in singing "Jingle
Bells" and "God Save the King."
Mrs. R. Jacob. matron of the
Home. was presented with a gift,
and each of the folks at the Home
was given a gift. Mrs. Jacob
thanked the members of the In-
stitute on behalf of the people at
the Home and herself, and invited
them to come again.
Sleep Combats Fatigue
One of the most cruel tortures
known to man consists of forcing
a person to remain awake many
houto Without rest. Everyone needs
regular sleep to stay healthy and
few adults can afford to cut their
daily rest below eight hours. Sleep
combats fatigu'e which leads to
peer quality work, accidtents and
love resistance to disease. Your
anility to work and enjoy life de.
perido. • on getting enough Bleep.
Fresh # gleaming, White firs `•
shirts by Forsyth' 4n4 Are
row, lil regplar fused
lar, Windsor cella* op sola*;
arate *,o.IXar styles,
Ever Phan, likes white
shirts, ;so Ohoose these
now while sizes and sleeve
lengths are available„
'i3.95 4.51
Cape Skins, English glove
leathers and Deer Skin, in
cotton, silk or wool lined.
Shades—Black, Brown and.
2.00 to 6.50
A Hat Gift Certificate with
a miniature hat box and
hat will solve his ;lift
problem. He can choose
his hat after Christmas.
Here's another new low ,price
for these cozy doeskin 'shirts, -
Bright plaid patterns in a good
rente of shades.
4.95 to 8.00
SIZES 14 TO 17%2
We've just unpacked a
brand new shipment of
these lovely Alt - wool
Motor Rugs.
There's a choice selec•
tion of smart authentic
plaids in red, green. blue,
matoon and brown tones.
He'll like one for his car
or to take to hockey
games this Winter!
Priced at
7.9 5
..)1 Y ..,r
Take all you need.
Your Unguarded Sneezes
Ailments such as coughs, colds
and' other respiratory infections are
spread through the unguarded
coughs. sneezes and heavy breath-
ing of infected persons. When you
have a cough or cold, y,ou owe it
to yourself and your fellow wait-
ers to remain at home for a day
or so until the .period of greatest
danger is passed. •G'oocl general
physical health is your best de-
fence -against colds. Practise regu-
lar- health habits, for good health.
5 -Room Frame Cottage
Partial basement, electricity. Im-
mediate possession.
EXETER -5 -room 'hous'e, remod-
elled, new roof, 3 -piece bath, hot
and cold water on tap.
Notice to the
We will take orders for Turkeys
for Christmas buying up to
December 22nd
Phone your orders as soon as
Call 50 r 2, Dublin
• Sets a NEW standard for low-cost fires
• All the EXTRA Firestone Features
• Longest Mileage -- More Durability—Greater Safety
• Stop in— see the Standard — today ,
Phone 146 Seaforth