HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1949-12-09, Page 4si ie Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates: SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND. ETC. --,,Per word: let week 1 Cent sod week % Cent 3rd week y2 Cent Minimum charge, tine insertion— 25 Cents race azure, initial and abbreviation counts as atm )ivord, pt Thanks; le Menton.= Notices, Corning Events -1 cent per word. Minimum, O sesta Per week. riea MaY be directed to a Box No.. c/o The lemon Expositor, for 10 cent* extra. Canto additional will be charged if ads In above class are not paid vrithin 10 days of date of final in.serdoe, irde„ etarriage• and Deaths inserted fres of charm. nation Sales. Notices to Creditors. Ete.—Rates nsendication. Coming Events rSTMAS CONCERT WILL BE held in S.S. No. 7, Tuckersmith, ea Tuesday, Dec. 13, at 8 p.m. 4277-1 .T,OVERS oF DANCING ARE FINDING the Crystal Patace Ballroom, Mitchell. a grand olace to dance every Friday night o the meek of Don Robertson and his Enrich Bore. 4277x2 CIALA OLD-FASHIONED CHRISTMAS Daniee, Cardno'a Hail, Monday, Dec, to Don Robertson's Ranch Bogs. ,Wateh this paper for farther particulars. 4271-1 Wanted WANTED—usEro OAT ROLLER: AL - so cordwood saw Plane. APPIY to CLARE,NCE EfONTGOWEERY, R.R. 1. Clinton. Rhone 841 r 31, Seaforth. Lost and Found 4277x1 Limited, Dept, K, 1 Willingdon .BlycL, To- ronto. Personals T.TYGIENIC SUPPLIES tlt UBBE5 •••-• Goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25c; 24 munPlea $1.00. Mail -Order Dept, T-78 NOVAeRUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. OONSTIPATION_ SUFFERERS WHY experiment with harsh. griping laxa- tives when you can help relieve your con- dition with the wholesome, gently laxative cereal, Roman Meal? Here is a tried and tested fornuda, developed by Robert G. Jackson, 111.D, that combines the nature food valuers and delicious flavons of whole wheat and whole rye with the gentle, laxative properties of flax-0-4in and bran. fhousands of sufferers have written to us praising the 'laxative qualities of Roman Meal You, too, may find relief with this valuable energy food. Ask your grocer for Roman Meal. Write today for FREE Booklet, "Na- ture's Way to Good Health" by Robert G. Jackson, M.D., to Dr, Jackson Foods ANTA CLAUS IS, 1,0ST 1 WILL THE le' party who borrowed this suit last year from Daly Motors and did not re- I FoR SALE- LADY 'S SKATES. W TE. turn it, please do so at mace. size 6, like new. PHONE 690-W, Sea - 4277 -1 forth. 4277-1 For Sale Notices BARNS CLEANED AND WHITEWASH - ed following T.B. test. Brand new sprayer capable of 1,000 pounds pressure. condition,: 380.00. Can be seen at GIL- Work done to inspector's satisfaction. LESPIE CLEANERS. 4277x1 Phone 44 r 9. Dublin, FRED HARBURN. Staffa. 4256.tf von SALE -- KITCHEN RANGE, IN " good condition. PHONE 853, Sea - forth. 1277-1 poR SALE—BROWN MUSKRAT SHOR- ' tie fur coat, size 14-16, in excellent NOTICE Court of Revision THE COUNCIL OF THE TowNstere " of Ttiekersmith wi24 hold 44, Court of It -vision on the 1950 Assessment Roll an Wednesday, December 2151, 1949, at 2 p.m., in the Town Hall, Seaforth. E. P. CHESNEY, Township of Tuckersmith. 4277-2 (sEcrioN 111 CLERK'S NOTICE Of First Posting Of Voters' List NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I " have complied with Section 7, of Ti.o Voters' List Act and that I have posted un at my Office at Lot 27, Con, 2, Mc- Killeoon the 610, day of December, 1949, the list of all persons entitled 40 vote in the said Municipality at Municipal Elec- tions, and that such list remains there for inepection. And I hereby call *pan all voters to lake immediate proceedings to have any lArHY NOT GIVE A PUPPY FO31 errors or omissions corrected according to "" Ch ristmas ? Registered, black Scottie law, the last day , for appeal being the Terrier: puppies reasonably Priced. ROY 271h day of December, 1949. E, I VODDEN, R.11. 2, Seaforth. J. M. CEIMT Clerk of MOri Townsh). 4277x2 IEfierix 4277-2 R SALE—BLACK SEAL COAT, SIZE 16; grey winter coat, size 16; tan sprinr coat. size 14X. APR'S' Box 839, HURON EXPOSITOR, 4277x/ poR SALE -- HOTPOINT ELECTRIC cleaner with attachments; cheaP. AP - Ply MRS. F. C. ANDERSON, Seaforth, Phone 252. 4277-1 , FOR SALE -275 BALES OF CHOICE j t:m,thy nut1 clover hay. Phone 91 r 17, Henoill. URBAN DUCHARME. 4277-1 pOR SALE - .'33 C,HEVROLEf RADIO. hr, t r, seal bee m lights good tires. In A-2 condition : battery radio, gas iron. 1PHONE 17 r 10, Brii:,sels. 4277x1 1POR SALE—YOUNG YORK HOG, FIT fol. service; long nosed bacon type. IApply JOSEPH CARLIN. ' Phone 661 r 24. Seaforth. 4277-1 poll SALE—TWO ,LADIES' BLACK coats fur trimmed. size 18.• May be , seen at SCOINS CLEANERS. 4277x1 pole SALE -11 PIGS, READY TO wean, crossbred Yorkshire and Tam- ; worth. Apply to ROY F. PEPPER. !Phone 615 r 5, Clinton. 4276x2 Notice To Creditors QPRAYED APPLES FOR SALE—SPY, Li Greening. Baldwin, King, Bellflower. etc. Phone Clinton, 613 r 24 FRED Mc- CLYMONT. Varna. 4276x5 pOR SALE—NEW SINGER SEWING NOTICE to CREDITORSmachines, electric and treadle. Re- pair, to all makes, SINGER, SEWING In the Estate of JOHN WILSON LITTLE CENTRE. 78 Ontario St, Stratford, A LL PERSONS HAVING CLATM against the Estate of John Wilson Little, late of tbig Township of McKillo in the County of' Huron, Retired Farms deceased, who died on the Ilth day November. 1949, are hereby notified send in fun particulars of ,their claims rhe undetsig-ned, on or before the 30 day of Decemlber, 1949, after wide% date the assets will be distributed, having re- gard only to claims then received. • DATED at Seaforth, this Sth day o ,neeembee, 1949. McCONNELL & HAYS. Seafortb, Ontario, Solicitors for the Adininistrators. 9277-3 4223-tf p. FOR SALE—.22 AUTOMATIC RIFLE; .22 Covey repeater rifle; Savauge .22 r. of single shot, all in good condition; also to '31 Model A Ford Coach. 600x16 tites, in to good condition. H. G. MEIR, Seaforth. te, 42771 pant SALE—BOY'S TWEED WINTER overcoat, size 12-14, 56.00: 2 Paim snowshoes to fit teenagers; oak dining- ' room table. PHONE 391, Seaforth, 4277-3 NOTICE, to CREDITORS In the F.state of VITILB1JR CARLOS PASS - MORE, late of Bengali, Ontario, Garage- teREDITORS AND 01.11ERS RAVIN claims against /the above estate are ' required to send full particulars of mich claims th the undersigned Executor on o 'before the 15th day of December, A.E.1949, after which date the estate's assets will be distributed. having regard only to olaims that have 4ben been received THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY, London, Ontario, Executor, by W. , COCHRANE. Solicitor, Exeter, Ontario. 4276-3 volt SALE-- 3 DUAL-PURPOSE SNORT- ' horn cows, clean. TX, tested: gocei milking strain. ANDREW CROZTER. Ft. R 9 Seaforth. Phone 667 r 22. 1277-1 FOR SALE—COAL STOVE, 2 OIL heifer*: highback "Cook stove; punaber of 7 -inch stovepipes: corner cupboard; 2 waehstands; number of brass curtain rods: G qui ing.frarnes nogagon post bed; 2 iron kettles; electric fireplace; pamer sprayer: some while brick. CLARENCE REEVES. r Seaforth . 1277-1 • NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of AGNES ISABELLA GOVENLOCIL, A LL PERSONS HAVENG CLAIMS " against the Estate of Agnes Isabella Govenlercic, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron. Spinster, deceas- ed, who died on the 161i5 day of Novem- ber, 1949, are hereby notified th sena in fell particulars of their claims to the -undersigned on or before the 16th day of December, 1949, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard ianly to olefins then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 22nd day of - November, 1949, atecoNNELL & HAYS, Seaforbh, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executors. 4275-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS fn the Estate of ELIZABETH CAIRNS NEJLANS A LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS '‘.." against the Estrite of Elizabeth Cairns Mellow, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, Spinster, deceased, who died on the 8055 day of October. 1949, are heyeby notified to send in full Particulars of their claims to the under- signed on or before the 16t1 dae of De- cember, 1949, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to °kilns then teceived. DATED at eSaforth, thia 28rd day of November, 1949,, MCC.ONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executrix. 4275-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS In. the Rotate of FRANCES STEPHEN HAGAN PliatSONS EAVING CLAIMS ee Against tee Mate a Fremeits Stephen Reggie bit e of the Townshin of Hay, in the Count* of Buten; Primer, deceased, who died On' 45 9111 day of October, 1940, e in* hereles notified to mend 60 fall Partito- ' tars of their obtitila to .the undereentee on befere the 29e1 411ty of Deeetsber. 1940. 'after tehleh date tee Miele wilt be els- e, telleited, laving tweed only to elitist* etheti teeeiviet diri is Setts slay �f Illiventbee, leeks Nrett ,Seato fee 4*, 4, pIGHT-ROOM SHINGLE HOUSE. cated on Weet William ,St. in Sea - "sr h. for 'ole. Immediate Possession. Three-piece bath, i I t- in cupboards in kitchen: furnace. Apply ta WINTHROP MILL, MR. ble. 1, Seaforth, or phone 832 r 11. 1277x2 DON'T BUY STORM WINDOWS TIN - tit you have seen the new Simplex combination storm and 5Creon windows and doors. Cuts high fuel coste witb more tromf,ort. The inserts are easily changed from winter to summer from in- side. Free installation, easy terms. For free estimete. write Box 840. Huron Ex- nositor, ROWLAND C. DAY, London Weathertite Co. 4277-3 Auction Sales A UCTION SALE- -JOS.. L RYAN HAS " received instructions to set/ by public auction at Lot 5, Concession 9, McKill ip on Saturday, December 10, at 2.30 pm., 214 miles west of Brodhagen. on County Road, for the Estate re' the late HenrY Dietz, one 1938 Chevrolet Sedan, good running orderwith new one. No reserve. Terms—Caser. WM, QLTERENGESSER, ALVENA DIETZ and JOHN DIETZ, Ex- ecutors; Joseph L. Ryan, Auctioneer. 42776-2 TICTION SALE OF 35 YOUNG DAIRY COW1, at Lot Na. 31. 615 -Concession of Goderich Township. one mile south of Porter's Hill, on Tuesday, Jeecember 13t1. at 1.30 p.m., sharp, conahlting of: 20 Holsteins: 6 Jerseya : balance Durham, and Ayrshires. Some are fresh, some to frt.-Then shortly, ',and balance are due in Jenuary and February. Arrange to at- tend this sale. as it is our last for this reason, and we believe we are offering the best cows we have bed, all being young. T.B. testee., and are eligible to en- ter any tested herd or aree. Ternis--Caah, E. ToneN..9t-rENn 9 SON, Proprietors: Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer; K. W, Coltinhoun, Clerk. 4277-1 Make Your Never-Nevers Pay Off Plenty Whether they're ,few or many, the things about the house that you Sieve'', never use will pay off in cash with a Huron Expositor Ad acting as your salesman. Putting those too-gOod-to-throw-away brinks, tools, appilanCes, baby carriages and cribs Iti an "Artiele tor Sale" glifes you eItfradi1Vt '1811t1' uesedY peerde a- dilate* tec'.1Jil3'. $16.,eagrolqpiltdito. 4,41 ow, II(4) a -441406104M WseleTlen — TO SE1.14 "-• roQfin i 'mutation. Connaimien uis weitetakes 804, HURON Pltfeeae, t'OR. 4275etf WANTBD — GIRL FM GFelealleAL " housework, from jnOnctrY 2'nd to une 30th, in Port Credit, 15 miles from Poroato: $50.00 a imorith. Liberal tune T. MRS. WM. veuOriAN, Ritchie Ores, at, Lakeview, Ont. 4277.3 Property For. Sale PROPERTY FOR SALE 4500.00—ST°REY AND A HALF Bungalow, together with hree lots, large bean equipped for chit:is- ms; property of the late Mrs. Elisabeth E. Denman. in the Village of Brussels. trunediate possession. For further particulars. Please call MR. W. H. JARIHNE, 35 X 3, Brussels. Motor Cars For Sale pOR SALE -1946 DODGE TON "- truck. Phene 632-M. CHES. LEE, Seaforth. 4277x1 F.TERE'S THAT CAR YOU WANT FOR Christmas. 1947 Mercury Sedan, in howrocnn condition, at 51650. DUN- LOP'S B. A. SERVICE STATION. 42TI NEW 49 2 48 48 47 47 47 38 36 35 35 2 34 33 33 28 '49 CHEV. 5 -Passenger Di. Luxe Sport Coupe CH:EV. COACH '48 CHEV. FLEETLINE COACHES ono equipped with radio. CHEV. STYLEMASTER COACH CHEV. SEDAN. CHEV. FLEETLINE COACH CHEV.,COACH sun visor and whitewalls CHEV. COACH, in A-1 condition; '47 CARS MAY BE BOUGHT AS LOW AS 51400.00 DODGE SEDAN DODGE SEDAN Donee SEDAN TERRA -PLANE SEDAN '34 CHEV. SEDANS CHEV, COACH' CHEV. COACH FORD COACH P(5NTIAC SEDAN All the above vehicles are equipped with heaters and as low as $50.00 willdrive a ..ar away. BRUSSELS MOTORS "The Home of Better Used Cat:ris" OPEN EVERY EVENING Cards of Thanks MRS. JAMES CP-RNOCHAN. OF TUCK- • liornith, wishes to express sincere thanks to the many neighbors and friends who sent cards, fruit and flowers while she was a patient in the hospital in Lon- don. 4277-1 THE RELATIVES OF THE LATE AN - ems MacKinnon wish to thank their friends and neighbors for the kind ex- pressions of sympathy extended to them during their recent bereavement, and also to thank those who assisted in any way at the time of the funeral. 4277x1 MA. ALLAN ROSS, WALTON, WISHES L tLto thank his many neighbors and friends for the help he has received while he has been confined to the house with a frac tu red hipbone; oleo to thank those who sent flowers, cards and treats. 4277-1 1VFRs. WILLT AM JOHNSTON A 1613 family wish to thank their friends and neighbors for the kindness and sym- pathy shown to thern at the tiine of their recent bereavement; also the doctors and nurses of the Seaforth Clinic for their kindness during his illness. 4277x1 Births PATRICK -In Melville. Sask.. o Dec.. 2, to Mr. and Mrs, Donald M. Patrick, a dam -hien O'ROURKE- - In 41,111 Memoria Hospital. on Dec. 2, to Mr. and Mrs. Patrick O'Rourke, R.R. 7, Dublin, a son. ODGERT --In Scat t Men -,ria] Hospital, on Dec. 1. to Mr. and :Mrs. William Hodgert, Tuckersmith, a son (still born), NICHOLSON—In Scott lilemorial liosPi- tel. on Dec. 5. to Mr. and Mrs Harald Nicholson, Seaforth, a son. BELL. -In Scott Memorial Hospital, on Dec. 5. to F/L and Mrs. Donald Bell. Seatorth, a son. WiLLERT- -At the S.' ep h an Nu ming Home, Hensall, on Saturday, Dec. 3, 1949 to Mr. and Mrs. linrold Willert, of Hay (nee Joyce Aikenheadr a son. Deaths KING- In Seaforth, on Tuesday, Dec. 6, Jame, John King Eranondville, his t year. JOHNSTON- In IVIoXillop, on Friday, Dee. 2, William A, Johnston, in his 79th year, McQUAID- 10 McKiihrp, on Thursday. December 8, Joseph Augustine McQuaid, in his 7811 year. "Color Dynamics" Are Explained To Large Audience "You don't have to be an artist to appreciate the serious effects, both pbysieal and psychological, that color has on our daily lives," says Miss Ruth Hamilton, of a well- known paint company. "Yeti plan decoration not only with your eyes but with your brain as well. By using color combinations, you can beautify your home and at the eameetimetnalte it restful and re- laxing, thus promotirig the comfort, well-being and happiness of your family." Miss Randhon demonstrated col- or dynamics to a large audience in Cerdno's Hall Frida,y evening, be- ing sponsored by a local hardware store, During the course of her ad- dresstwo Bites were shown, one revealing hew an old home can be renovated 911 mintintun cost; the other was the story of paint. Daring the course of the progra,m Sas, T. Scott Swig "Zi the Garden Of TelnetroW" and "The bear Lit - Jo Girt' d WaS .aecompatiled by Croxn Annual Meeting at Mans Marian Mason, The lucky winners og -door priz- es were Miss Gladys Hopper, who won a glees mirror, and Sue Nixon wen enough paint for the redecora- tion' of ORS room, Mrs, Crawford Simpson, of Egraondville, won a toaster, The Women's Infititote re- ceived! the $20 prize ter bringing An the highestpercentage of guests. IIULLETT' The weekly Fireside Farm, For- um of Hullett was held at the home of Harvey Teeter on Mon- day night with sixteen present. An interesting radio broadcast, "As Others See Us," was presented, followed by a discussion period. Contests were conducted by Mrs. Bert Hoggart.' Euphre followed wit Bert Hoggart. .Euchre followed, the winners being: Ladies' high, Beth Addison; low, Mrs. Harvey Taylor; Ione hands, Norma Dex- ter; men's high, Donald. Buchanan; low, Eric Anderson; lone hands, Donald Buchanan. A delicious lunch was served,. The next meet- ing is to be held at the home of Bert Hoggart. BRUCEFIELD 61r. Ron- Paterson, London, spent the week -end at .his, home. Mrs. R. Dawson has gone to stay en ifeeefinite time with her broth- er and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mee. R, Doan, Alvinston, Mr, and Mrs. W. 0. Johnston, Wilmer and ,Ronnie towel on Sunday, Mrs. Smith, of recently with her Hohner, _ Mrs. T. B. Baird was in London 011 Friday visiting her brother. Mr. M. S. Aikenhead, who is recuperat- ing from a recent operation. The annual Sunday School con- cert and, Christmas tree will be held on the evening of Dec. 22. Miss Janet Watson, Alymer, vis- ited over the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Watson. were in I..is- Exeter, visited sister,, Mrs. A. CLINTON Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Aiken vis- ited with friends in Atwood on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs, F. Glew visited with Kinburn friends on Monday. Mr. and Mrs, N. Carter enter- tained at seven o'clock dinner ior a number of friends on Tuesday evening last, A very successful, bazaar, spon- sored by the W.A., and Girls' Club of Ontario St. Church was held, in the council chamber on Saturday. There were booths for aprons, fancy work, quilts, home produce, home baking, candy, touch and take and Christmas earde, • After- noon tea with sandwiches,and cooe- les was served. The ladies are to be commended on their efforts. The December nieeting of the W. A. of Ontario St. Church was held in the elturch hall on Tuesday, with the president. Mrs. C. Venner, in the chair. After routine business the election of officers for the coining year was conducted by Rev. W. J. 'Woolfrey and resulted as follows: Hon. 'pres., Mrs. F. Townsend; pros., Mrs, Venner; ist vice-pres., +Mrs, M. Wiltse; 2nd vice- pres., Mrs. R, Holmes; 3rd vice- pres., Mrs. W. S. R. Hohnese sec., Mrs. G. Elliott; assistant, Mrs. M. Batkin; treas., Mrs. A. J, MoMbr- ray; press sec., Mrs. F. Tyndall; corresponding sec., Mrs, M. Aiken; pianists, Miss L. Grant, Mrs. E. Radford. A good program was pre- sented, consisting of a duet by Mrs. M. Aiken and her daughter, Mrs. Symons; piano duet by Mrs. Treleaven and Miss Wiltse; Christ- mas duet by Mrs. RePlunisteel and Miss E. Plumsteel. Lunch was served by St. George's Ward lads ies and a pleasant half hour spent over the tea. cups. KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Torrence of Mitchell, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Heery Ivison. Mr. Torrence is now conducting a heating and plumbing business in .Mitchell. A number from Kippen and, Vi- cinity attended the Youth For Christ meeting in Clinton on Sat- urday evening of last week. , Mrs. Harvey Damm, Mrs. Jack Woods and infant son, Wayne, and Kenneth Damn) spent Sunday with friend's in Kitchener. Mrs. Donald Dayman is visiting friends in London. Mr. and Mrs, Elston Dowson, ac- companied by Mrs. Winder epent Sunday In Galt. Mr, Ivan Wren, of London, spent the week -end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wren. Mr. Cecil Hodgins, of Stratford, delivered the address on temper- ance in the United Church at Kip - pen on Sunday morning last. His. son, Daryl, rendered two solos that were much appreciated by all pre- sent. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar IVIousseatt spent Friday evening with frieeds in Zurich. • Mr. and Mrs. Nobby Holmes and son, Daniel, of Winnipeg, moved to Kippen on Saturday last. Mr. Holmes has rented the Jarinatt apartmerit near, the C,/sLie, .station and. is conneeted With the Centre- lfa School. :Mrs. 1as, McClymont left last week to spend a few weeks With. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Ducharme, near Dashevood: Miss Virginia McClinchey was Operated on in Clinton Hospital on Thursday of last week for appen- dicitis, and is now recuperating at the home of her father, Mr. Carl lefeClinetey. Kippen East Wotnen's Institute will hold their December meeting kat the home of Mrs. Wta. Kyle on Wednesday, Dec. 14, at 1.15 pan, he roll call will bo tbe hapPleet The aalien tWo- ir........,---Ixteeting Of re. man's Mieelonary 'Society W.13.4 held at the Manse wlth a good attend, nnee. Mrs. Thomas Scott 'preSided. Mrs. Young read, the Scripture, /Os son and also .gave a fine addeetes on the subject of uPettee.!' This was followed by prayer by, fiVtra. Young. A Chrietenes message was the topic for the roll call. The Mins etes of the NOvemher Ineeting were read by Mrs. T. I. Sciett. The treasurer, Mrs. Wm. Harper,. 'gave her report, -followed by the Glad Tidings prayer by Mrs. R. J. Seatt. The minutes of the last annual meeting were read by Mrs, T. L. Scott, who also gave a finereport of the year's work. The treasurees. annual report showed an encourag- ing finencial standing. Mrs. R. J. Scott gave the Glad Tidings re- port; Mrs. Houghton gave the Home Helpers report; Welcome and Welfare report by ,Mrs.. T. Laing. Mrs, Thos. Scott gave a fine address in which she express,. ed her appreciation of the work that had been thine during the past year and also to the different members who had helped in any way. The election of officers was conducted by Mrs. Young. Mrs. Scott yacated the ch,air. The fol- lowing were elected for the coming Year; President, Mrs, Thos. Scott; ist vice-pres., Mrs. Lloyd S.oesdahl; 2nd vice-pres., Mrs. T. 'Laing; sec., Mrs. T. L. Scott; assist. sec., Mrs. John Wallace; treas., Mrs. Wm. Harper; assist, treas., :Mrs. Ed. Allen; Welcome and Welfare, ,Mrs. T. Laing; .Glad Tidings, Mrs. R. J. Scott; Herne Helpers, Mrs. Hough- ton, Mrs. Leslie and Mrs. Allen; exchange sec„ Mary B. Currie; pianist, Mrs. Ken McKellar; assist. pianist, Mrs. Lloyd 'Sors•dahl. Rev. G. Young dedicated' the officers with a few words of prayer. On behalf of the society a vote of thanks was tendered to Rev. G. Young and Mrs, Youn.g for the use of the Manse for the meeting and for their hospitality. The meeting closed with the benediction.by Rev. G. Young. Christmas I have ever known. The Dihle story will be taken by Mrs. Wm. Caldwell; Christmas carols by Mies Wm. Kyle; origin of our com- mon Christmas customs by Mrs, Glenn McLean, demonstration on home decorations by Mee R. Dal- rymple. There will be an exchange. of gifts. The, tree conveners will be Mrs. E. Whitehouse and Mrs. Campbeli Eyre; Christmas treats, Mrs. Wm. Doig, Mrs. Alex McGre- gor and Mrs, W. McLean; lunch: sandwiches, Mrs. S. Slavin, Mrs. R. Broadfoot, Mrs. A. McGregor and Mise Grace Tremeer; cookies and. shortbread, Mrs. Little, -Mrs. W. .McLean and Mie. 'Whitehouse; ice cream, Mrs. Glenn 'McLean, Mrs. A. Finlayson. Mrs. A. Yarley and Mes. J. Sinclair. Forty members of the Kippen and. Seaforth Women's Institutes chartered a bus to the Royal Win- ter Fair on Nov. 17, The bus left Kippen at 6.15 a.m., arriving at the Coliseum id the Exhibition Grounds, Toronto, at 10 a.m. Some of the members. stayed •at the fair, while others shopped, to return later to the fair. Many interesting exhibits of livestock were on dis- play and the grandstand perform- ance was much enjoyed by the members. Dies in Windsor Hospital Ray, 12 -year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert, J, McGregor, passed away in, Eat Windsor Hospital on Monday, Nov. 28, following a very short , illness. Deceased was born on Lot 15.. Cop. 3, Tuckersmith, and is survived by his parents and two brothers, James and Grant, both at home. A private runeral was held frOm the home of his. parents on Wednesday, Nov. 30, at 2.20, with Rev. Albert. Hinton, of St. An- drew's Church, officiating. The pallbearers were Donald Bell, Lloyd Cooper, Stewart Wilson and Jack Caldwell. Interment was in the family plot in Hensall Union ceme- tery: HENSALL The second degree was exempli- field by the Golden Rule Lodge No, 420, I.O.O.F., Monkton, in the Town Hall on Tuesday evening, There were 12 candidates from Hensel1 and_Zurich district. A cote of thanks was extended to Golden Rule Lodge for the. splendid work done, There were 110 present and a most enjoyable time was spent. Group 5 of the Ladies' Aid of Carmel Church met at the home of Mrs. Lorne Luker. leollovving the devotional exercises, contests were enjoyed in charge of Mrs. A. D. McEwan and Mrs. Luker. Tea was servedand a collection of $10 was received. Mr. Sangster, of Walkerton, spent the week -end here, Mr. M. G. Drysdale will show moving pictures in tbe Sunday' echoolroom of Carmel Presbyterian Church an Monday evening, when all young people are urged to at- tend'. The regular meeting of the. 'Chamber of Commerce was held in the council chamber Monday even- ing, Walter Spencer was chairman in the absence of the preeident, R. H. Middleton., J. Irvin, reasurer, reported on finances from the re- cent frolic. The net proceeds were „MO. ;U."3)044'4.00441: 'NI' MOO' Q tb0,' bilking MI, Jas,', FA04. Fellortea OA AM 'zilZPi.,f,i0PAZneor0 Tieaellegtoyr 411ctepaeon. Town 4E1,4. (18,n4)". Mae 'andl Oranges!'U bediatribilted the citildren Of Heiman- nadi stire rounding district, and oVeryone ia invited.• Vietnre e1s w ,he held he tie& 'Pewit} Hall,et 2.30. Die- cuseiou fedleWed on a, heekey teara 'an4 it we decided to hay e a e,en.- lor team anda couple of junior teaMe playing this veiuter. The 'anttnalmeeting of the Hen - sell Branch of the Canadian Le* - ion wee held, in the Legion Hall Moilday evening, With President Jack Tudor in the chair. Reports. were received from all committeea, Showing steady progress. R. S. Thlirtell was initiated into mem- bership. The following officers were appointed to toren the 1949-50 elate: President, Daee Sangster ; st vice -res., Byran Kyle; 2nd vice-pres., W. Cameron; chaplain, Rev. P. A. Feoguson; adjuStment officer, F. Appleby; serg,eant-ae arms, Jack Simmons; zone repre- sentatives, Sam Dougall, Alfred Clark, Jack Tudor; executive, F. Bonthron, Dayman, 11. Horton, R. Smale. Refreshments were serv- ed, there being a splendid' attend- ance. A successful euchre and dance was held in. the Town Hall Friday night, sponsored by Amber Re- bekah a.nd Lodges. Some 30 tables were in play for euchre, the winners being: Ladies, first, Mrs. Chesney, Brucefield; 2nd, MISS Minnie Reid, Fleneall; gents,. 1st, •Lorne Luker, Hensall; 2n0; Dave Kyle, Hensall. Mrs. Alice Joynt won the door prize, a cluelt Music was furnished by Murdoch"s orchestra. Hensall brancb of the Canadian Legion will bold a bingo and dance in the Hall on Friday, Dee. 9, a 8.30 p.m., with fifteen regular games for chickens, hardware and, other merchandise, and 10 special prizes of geese. A turkey will be. the door prize. Disjardine orch- estra will be in attendance. Mr. Laird Mickle spent a few days in Toronto last week on'busi- nese and while there took in the hockey game at Maple Leaf Gar- dens Saturday night betweea New York Rangers and the Maple Leafs The annual Chrieenas entertain ment of the Sunday School of the United Church will be held Dec. 28. Messrs, E. Chipchase, W. Parke, Clayton and Bert Horton, Wilbert Parker, Harold Parker, H. Lemon, S. MacArthur, T. J. Sherritt, T. Dougall, F. l3eer and E. Shaddick returned home recently from a hunting expedition at Manitoulin Island, bringing home three deer. Ratepayers of llensall voted on Monday, Dec. 5. on a by-law to es tablish a Public Utility Commis- sion in Hensall, the vote being: For the by-law, 44; against, 2. Less than 18 per cent of the eligible voters voted. Miss Minnie Reid has closed her home here and will, be away forte winter months. The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Can- adian' Legion held their monthly meeting in the Legion Hall Tues- day evening, with the president, Mrs. Fred Beer, presiding: Mrs. J. Peebles, secreta,ry-treasurer, read greetings 1Tora .auxiliary branches at Listowel, Wingham, Brussels, Clinton and Goderich, welcoming this newly -formed auxiliary into Zone 18. The quilt on display in Brown's hardware window, donat- ed and made by members, will be drawn for at a bingo Dec. 21, spon- sored by the Canadian Legien. Fol- lowing a lengthy discussion, it was decided to hold bingoes in the Veg- ion Hall early in the New Year. Conveners for this project are Mrs. A. Clark, Mrs. Wm. Brown, Mrs. W. 0. Goodwin, Conveners for the euchre to be held are Mrs.. .Tames Sangster, Mr. Maude Hedden, Mrs. Howard Smale and Miss' Gladys Luker, Various projects were dis- cussed of ways and means of rais- ing money. It was decided to adopt a patient at Westminster Hospital, London, parcels, cards and letters to be forwarded to him and visits made by the members. Boxee. ot liornesmede candy, contributed by the members and brought to the meeting, will .he forwarded to patients at Westminster Hospital, London. The mystery, prize was won by Mrs. Wee. Venner with ticket No. 15. Miss Jean Taylor was in charge of' this. Refresh- ments were served. , • Death of Wm. Leibold William Leibold, well-known and life-long 'district resident of Zur- ich, died suddenly Isuesday morn- ing from a stroke, in h:s. 77th year. Mr. Leibold retired. as usual Mon- day night and' suffered the stroke during the night, his death com- ing suddenly in the morning. He was born two miles and a half southeast of Zurieb on the Leibold homestead and has resided there all his life, where he fanned suc- cessfully. He was ft member of the 1 Christmas Trees 74 Your choice of 100 11 J. J. DUCKLOW Victoria St • Phone 580-J SEAFORTH DUBLIN - HIBBERT WHERE DID JER-I-CHO ? Zytangeiloal Ohtlrell jlrh. finr• ,Ytiling are Itia.*IdtiYo. tbe nal* Antla Vollaud, four sons, Theodore, or Zurich; Zliner and WIlliat% JT.• at bogie, and Albert, of OlintOrt.; three daughter, Mrs. R. TwainleYe Stratford'; Mrs. R. Petzke and lYfrs. crarfield Broderick, Hensall," and 13 grandchildren. Public funeral ser- vices were held' front his late reei- deuce ThursdaY at 230 p.m.;' con- ducted by Rev. E, H. Roppel. Bur- ial was in Babylon Line cemetery. • Black - Mousseau On Thursday, Dec. 1, at 6.30 p.m., St. Peter's Evangelical' Church,. Zurich, was tbe scene of a lovely candlelight double -ring ceremony, when Rev. E. Heimrich united in Marriage Juanita Joyce, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Herb. Mouss,eau, of Zurich, to Reginald George Black, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Black, Paynten, Sask. The bride, given ,ipt marriage by her father, wore a white slipper satin period gown, fashioned With eff-the- shoulder nylon yoke and pearl trira. The hoop skirt was caught in front with satin bows, showing the peek.- aboo petticoa,t of chantilly' lace. Her tulle illusion embroidered veil was held in place by a slipper sat- in poke bonnet with wheat pearl trim and satin bows, carrying a white Bible and white roses and streamers knotted with tiny hahl mums. The matron of honor, Mrs. Sas, Parkins, and bridesmaid, 1Vliss Betty 'Mousseau, sisters of the bride, and flower girl, Sandra Park- ins, niece of the bride, were gown- ed in heavenly blue corded taffeta fashioned in colonial style, hoop skirts naught, with pink roses show- ing peekaboo lace petticoats. Their finger-tip tulle illusion veils were held in place by matching blue taf- feta bonnets with satin ribbon bows, wearing matching wristlets and carrying nosegays of pink ros- es. The flower girl carrying a bas- ket of rose petals, strewed them along the aisle as the bride enter- ed the church on the arm of her father to the strains of Men- d,olson's wedding march played by Miss Kathleen Hess, wearing a green taffeta dress with corsage of yellow and white mums. Grant Case, of Exeter, and Jim Parkins Zueich, attended the groom. Dur- ing the signing of. the register, oliallitwell66111110heasellIlEttwoONIMIN: Just Arrived CAR OF ALBERTA LUMP COAL Seaforth Supply & Fuels Ltd. PHONE 47 TO THE ELECTORS OF The Township Of RAU Your support at the polls on Monday was greatly appreciated. Wishing you the compliments of the season, I remain. Yours truly, WM. J. DALE ,Mrs. Og,r PM; 091 ti Vire,41:"" 474 ftl?Pier4kePatunte..'' tit yelll low #ua vflOW .411.44 coT040%, ,4pred *4',3014tirio. 11,0 4370.preottoo 8019,,Pcvuul$50,:!" '11?-e,,,`44403,,t0tixer Was gavvnedIri deq) lave.0, 1,04," ter white hat, brown aeceeleorfea and pielt rose come, A, buffet luitcheen was served at, the deride's, home, atter which. the .bridal cou- ple left on Ittmeynteart. .to Nia- gara, BUffelia and Toronto, the bridetra,Velling in a g413y brocaelall satin dress, black topapat With white fur" aceessories. They WM, re.. aide in Zurich. Additional HenSall News en Page 8 AINANOVIWINAINAP%094". The Sad Story Of The Man Who Forgot To Winterize He lives on your street, drive t91 car just like yours, and foegot:to drive ,in for GM Winterizingelast Fall aboutthis time. He got along alright—for about a month: Then trouble set 3j, Battery went ou the hummer. Fuel pinup went haywire. Nearly cracked his engine ,lelock one cold night. Need we say more? NOW'S THE TIME TO WINTERIZE Seaforth Motors PHONE 141 , Headquarters for Winterizing Service For All Makes of - Cars and Trucks a•AfeedraelWeeeeepeeeeeirejleaspe ME NEW SIHE EXPANSION WA101 BRAWLS NOW 45 Famed for Greater Strength and 'Distinctive Beauty, the Ballerina is all the Vogue! For Men BANDIT and MERON EXPAN- SION WATCH BRACELETS ARE TOPS IN POPULARIY SEE THEM — at — Savauges• Jewellery , - ' Gifts Fine China SEAFORTH liaaatkaa20"2-00 USED CARS 1948 AUSTIN COACH -9,000 miles, fully guaranteed. 1939 FORD COACH—New motor last Spring; in dandy shape. 1936 CHEVROLET SEDAN—In 'good shape. 1931 MODEL 'A' FORD ,SEDAN—Good motor. 1942 DODGE 1/2 -TON PICKUP—New motor. 1939 CHEVROLET COACH—With Radio; dandy shape. If you caw not start off with an AUSTIN, make a start with one of these good Used Cars? TERMS ARRANGED to suit your convenience - on all cars. Jonathan Hugill Phone 784-W : Supertest Station, Clinton OPPOSITE BANK OF MONTREAL Rubber Stamps , and Stencils WARWICK'S “Stampociiiter"-- ., IlAAKES THE e0EST IMPREtelote MARKING DEVICES Of All Types • Rubber Stamps are essential to any Well-run business! They eave_you time and eaorteY. Three Day Service On Rush Orders Stamp Pads, rioters & various supplies e Huron Expositor Telephone 41 Seatorth •