HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1949-12-02, Page 8r. M ¢'bo Moe ARIO • M T!t'UAL NS P4*^Iit ttiQil `i'; ally :given, 8�. REID Proprietor a Estate aEAFORTH �avty Qunselor omplimentary Skin Care Make-up Analysts FRANCES McLEAN Phone 392-W • ilhiam M. Hart TOP QUALITY COAL Stove, Nut, Pea, Buckwheat, Briquettes, Deep Seam Alberta . Lump, Cannel Coal for Fireplaces, Stoker Coal coming soon. Phone 593W : Seaforth FOR SALE 100 -Acre Farm, suitably situated on hightday; good buildings; run - ming water. Early possession, Duplex, solid brick. All modern conveniences. Good investment. Modern Double House on Centre -St., with 2 acres -of land. Good in- vestment. Brick House on West Williaiu St. Possession arranged. 100 Acres with good buildings and modern conveniences, near Walton. Dwellings on Louisa St. Immedi- ate possession. M. A. REID REAL ESTATE PHONE 214 Catholic Women's League Christmas Fair AND TEA • SEWING BOOTH • HOME-MADE CANDY • NOVELTY BOOTH • COUNTRY STORE • HOME BAKING Free Ticket on every purchase for Special Lucky Prize "caw for Turkey and Home -Made Christmas Cake #10 ZOTOS FLUID PERMANENT WAVE—Seaforth Beauty Salon — SPECIAL -- Home-Made Bread TEA --3-6 St. James' School Hall SATURDAY, DEC. 3rd NEWS OF TIDE TOWN Will Meet—The DeichnahO. meeting of the Seaforth Wotaketx'q, Itvstitute will be held at the 'home of Mrs. Jas. F. Scott, Tbornto4 Hall, on Tuesday, Dee. 6, at 8 p.:•q.. The roll call will be answered by bringing a gift for a child. Mr. T. M. Scott will show pictures of his recent trip to Europe. Those asked. to bring lunch are: . Sandwiches, Thelma Elgie, Mrs. J'aaA. McIntosh, Mrs. J. Hillebrecht, Mrs. Elmer Cameron, Mrs. Earl Papple, Mrs. Cecil Oke; tarts, Mrs. Alex Pepper, Mrs. Gordon McDonald, Mrs, John McLean, Mrs. Mac Scott and Mrs. Jas, McNair•n. Members will • visit. the Huron County Home on Wed- nesday, Dec, 7, and they are asked to remember to -bring their dona- tion,& of cookies and home-made candy and any empty chocolate boxes they may have, to Miss Mabel Cameron's home not later than Saturday, Dec. 3. Means of transportation to the Home will be discussed at Tues'day's meeting. Anyone not able to go will receive information by caIliyig Mrs. Wm. INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE W. C. OKE Box 476 : Phone 689 SEAFORTH D. H. MCINNES Chiropractic - Foot Correction COMMERCIAL HOTEL Monday, Thursday — 1 to 8 p.m. LEMON'S TAXI ALL PASSENGERS INSURED Phone: 162-J or 162-W Potatoes A Good Quality of POTATOES FOR SALE PHONE 25 Seaforth eimansesampaeneeemagefeetess CLEVE CARTER'S MAXI • COURTEOUS SERVICE • PASSENGERS INSURED Phones: DAYS NIGHTS 182 346-R Sale Continues THE FIRE SALE at the KIDDIES SHOP and CAROL LYN SHOP Will Continue ! Mrs. Dolena McQuaig Mrs. D. H. Wilson Mrs. Walker Hart USED CARS 1948 AUSTIN COACH -9;000 miles, fully guaranteed, 1939 FORD COACH—New motor last Spring; in dandy shape. 1936 CHEVROLET .SEDAN—In good shape. 1931 MODEL 'A' FORD SEDAN—Good motor. 1942 DODGE 1/z -TON PICKUP—New motor. 1939 CHEVROLET COACH—With Radio; dandy shape. If you can not start off with an AUSTIN, make a start with one of these good Used Cars! TERMS ARRANGED to suit your convenience on all cars. Jonathan Hugill Phone 784-W • Supertest Station, Clinton OPPOSITE BANK OF MONTREAL Alaillialumnsoimaistmosimay i C.C.M. BICYCLES and ioycycles Standard Models, Boys' and Girls' $51.50 Balloon Models, Boys' and Girls' $61.50 JOYCYCLES $19;50 SPECIAL A Most Acceptable Christmas Gift ALL -WOOL AUTO RUGS $895 I'ORS ori. MdnaW& Saks and Service SEAFORTH 11 1eelning U iginihers are ailed ko resnexutber their e00144 audi hoxxle• Made caddy, whether• they attend„ 't to meeting or not,. Bissonnette - 8mrlth, • Qn Satui, day, Nov- 20. in Quist Church, Col, chester, Margaret BHnor Smith, daughter of Re•Yr and Mrs. T. IL Smith, was united in marriage t!+ Dr. Robert Neill Bissonnette, eld- est' son of Lt. -Col. and Mrs. R. N. Biasongette, Stratford, and former- ly of Seaforth- The bride's father Officiated. . The bride chose for her iYedding a navy suite with match- ing accessories, and wore a corsage of pink and' white chrysanthemums. The bride>;ula 4, • Was Winnifred Hall, wore a gray suit with pink arid gray accessories, .and a cor- sage of pink chrysanthemurms, Mr. Peter Bissonnette attended his bro- ther as best man. After luncheon at the rectory, attended by mem- bers of the immediate families on- Iy, the couple Aft on-ra trip to Nia- gara Fa11a. On their return they will reside in Windaor-. Both the bizde and ,bridegroom are 1949 graduates of . the University of Western Ontario. Zubka - Handley,—In a setting of bronze and yellow chrysanthemums at First St, Andrew's United Church, Saturday, Janet Louise, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George P. Handley, London, and formerly of Seaforth, became the bride of &lexander Zubka, span of Mr, and Mrs. • William Zubka, Rouyn, Que. The ceremony was performed by Dr. J. Y. MacKinnon, and Harvey Robb played a soft background of wedding music. The bride, enter- ing the church with her father, wore a white satin gown designed on tailored lines, with leg o'mutton sleeves and a fitted bodice taper- ing into, a V. Her headdress was a quilted pill box decorated with tiny beads and she carried a white prayer book showered with mauve orchids. Attending thebride as maid of honor was Mis's Helen Zubka, of Rouyn, sister of the groom. Bridesmaids were Miss Ruth Scott, St. Thomas; Miss Vel- ma CIark and Miss Helen McCal- lum, London. Mrs. A. D. Spence, Kalamazoo, Mich., and Mrs. Alvin Comisso, Rouyn. The attenidauts wore gowns similar to that of t.lie bride, styled with small peplums tapering to fish -tail points, with small matching plumed headdress- es. They carried matching muffs showered with Johanna Hill roses. Miss Zubka wore a yellow gown, and the other attendants were in shades of green and salmon pink. Jack Wainwright, London, was best man, and James Niel, Robert Pope and Keith Glenn, all of London, Alvin Comisso, Rouyn, and Nich- olas Audichuk, Toronto, ushered. At Braemar Lodge following the ceremony, the bride's mother re- ceived, wearing a gown of rose bro- cade crepe, with overdraped, skirt. Wine accessories completed her ensemble. A navy suit, with, match- ing box coat trimmed with gray squirrel fur, and gray accessories, were the bride's choice of a trav- elling ensemble for a wedding trip to the United States, The groom is a graduate of Albert College, Belle- ville, and attended Queen's Uni- versity. Dies in Stratford.—The death of a life-long and highly respected Tuckersmith farmer, Angus Mac- Kinnon, occue ed on Monday eve- ning. November 28, at the Strat- ford General Hospital. Mr. Mac- Kinnon suffered a ,heart attack on Friday after previously making satisfactory recovery of an eye op- eration on Monday of last week. He was in his 85th year, and was the son of the late Donald Mac- Kinnon and Flora McMillan, pio- neer residents of Tuckersmith. Mr. MacKinnon farmed all his life on the old homestead on concession 10. Several brothers and sisters predeceased him a number of years ago; his wife, the former Lucy Lane, predeceased him last Febru- ary, but he is survived by one brother, Mr. Alex MacKinnon, of Casseiton, N.D., and a number of nieces and nephews. Mr. MacKin- non was a \member of St. James' Churcli,.atid of fake' Zy''I1Tame•So-•axld wlhaso. horpe is i St, 4 atlilai',. Oiety. The funerat. was #Old from , Otos, lie xeeiOvI g at tiro Caaatilan ,the W. J. 471earY fu Ohl., parlors Ranh et O,erameree`tu t;#e absence on P1tur8day zuornili tis :gt ,Tames'koP Miss Lenore $abldrt. C•lturch. for Reeeletll Mese, ess, t • Mr. Ed. Daley, of Victoria celebrated by Rev T ' ; Bussey, I Fenelgu Valle, is a'gttesi oR iuia si With, interment in Si, James' ter, Mrs. Wilbert W ebeter, Cemetery. The pallbearers were: • Mrs. Mary Wyatt, of Stratford; 3'. M. McMillan, Ileo Hagan, P. J. is the guest of Mr. and Mrs.'Thos: Dorsey, Hugh McMillan, Cecil Pull- Oliver." Man and Archie Hoggarth, • Mr, and Mrs.. Geo. Seogeia and Miss Nancy, of Detroit, spent the - week -end with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Case. • Mr. Donald Stewart, of Wind- sor, was a week -end guest with his mother, Mrs. Charles Stewart. • Mr. Walter Boswell, of Lon- don, spent the week -end with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. E. C. Bos- well. • Mrs. F. S. rugger and Mrs. R. J, Sproat have returned from a pleasant visit in Montreal. • Mr. Jack Wallace, who is a4 - tending the University of Western Ontario, was a week -end guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G, Wallace. • Miss Dorothy Smibh, of Hamil- ton, and Mr. Delbert Smith, of London, apent the week -end with their parenta. First Presbyteri,n Church. --10 a.m., Sunday School and Bible Class. 11 a -m., '"Christian Liber- ty"; 11 a.m., Junior congregation; 7 p.m., "Sons of Light and the Day." — Rev. D. Glenn Campbell, Minister, Northside United Church.—Rev. D. A. MacMillan, Minister: 10 a.m., Sunday School and Adult Bible Classes; 11 a.m., Worship, Lay- man's Service; guest speaker, Mr. Vodden, St. Thomas; 11.80 a.m., Junior congregation;, 7 pan., Wor- ship; sermon subject, "The Foolish- ness of Preaching." Sunday morn- ing, Dec. 11: The Sacrament of Baptism will be administered, An- nual Christmas program, Wednes- day evening, Dec. 14. LOCAL BRIEFS • Miss Laura McMillan, .,of To- ronto, visited her mother, Mrs. W. F. McMillan, over the week -end. • Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barry and Elizabeth Anne, of Stratford, were week -end guests of Miss M. E, Turnbull. • Miss Marion Milliken, of Mil- bank, visited Misses Gwendolyn and Alice Christie over the week- end. • Mr. and Mrs. Ian Nesbitt and family and Mr. and Mrs. Pair and family, o.f Guelph, were -Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, James T. Scott. • Mr, W. E. MacLaren is in Scott Memorial Hospital suffering from a broken leg which he re- ceived in a fall on the street. • Mrs. Robert J. Charters and Miss Joan spent Sunday in Mit- cliell. • Mr. A. F. Edmunds, of Guelph, is acting as relieving manager in the Dominion Bank at 'St. Johns, N.S., and left for that city this week. • Mrs. J. E. Keating is visiting in Windsor with her daughter and soniiu-law-,; Mr. and, MTs. D. L. Hoover. • The many friends of Mrs. Pau', Doig will regret to learn that she is confined to Scott Memorial Hos- pital suffering from a heavy cold. • Miss Alice Reid is in Windsor this week. • Mrs. Margaret Carson of To- ronto and Mr. Gordon Ritchie, of London, spent the week -end with their mother, Mrs. David Ritchie. • Mrs. E. C. Case was.in Act.ni for a few days last week. • Mrs, Robert Porter, sister of Mrs, Arthur McClure, McKillop, and Mrs. James Watson, Seaforth, arrived in town on Monday- from Glasgow, Scotland. She 1e€t Prest- wick, Scotland, on Sunday. ' • Miss Margaret Case, .Reg.N., had the misfortune to break two small bones in her hand. • Mrs. W. J. Cleary had the mis- fortune to fall in her home, break- ing her collarbone. •' The Seaforth Quartette, con- silting of Jas. T. Scott, Fred E. Willis, M. R. Rennie and D. L. Reid, provided special music at St. Mark's Evangelical Church in Milverton on Sunday evening. • Mr. Edward Matthews has pur- chased the house on John St. from Mrs, R. J. Ross, now occupied by Mrs. Norman Nichols, • Mrs. R. F. McKercher was in Toronto last week visiting her sis- ter and taking in the Royal Winter Fair, • Mrs. E. Robinson, of London, spent the week -end with Mr, and Mrs. W. R. Shaw. t► Mrs. Patricia Savauge, of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons Nursing School, Toronto, spent the week -end at the home of her par- ents, Dr. and Mrs. F. J. Bechely; • Mrs. C. A. Trott end daughter, Anne, spent the Week -end with .Mrs, A. M. Looby, Dublin. •- Mr. Michael Bett, of Toronto, Volunteer Help Urgently Needed ! FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AT COMMUNITY CENTRE Bring Shovels 411111■MIIIIM811rrrlr•11wrar111111.11111lrll111f 11111r111111I111t11111rrl.ilR111Br Xmas Suggestions FROM YOUR SHOE REPAIR SHOP WOOL BRUSHES FOR POLISHING SHOES With Dauber Polish applied with daub- er and brushed with wool does not rub oft on clothes, Extra Heavy BLUE FELT INSOLES Men's 35c pr; Boys' 25c pr. SOX SAVERS Men's 40c pr. SHOE'IIORNS 10c r)i '� each a Hand -Woven Leather Belts, ea.... $L00 W. J. THOMPSON SHOE REPAIR AND $140E FINDINGS RUBBER FOOTWEAR REPAIRED DUBLIN Mrs. Elizabeth McBride has re- turned to Chicago after spending a week with her niece, Mrs. Ed. O'Hearn. TUCKERSMITH The Tuckersipith Ladies' Club will meet on Wednesday, Dec. 7, at the home of Mrs. Bert Garrett. The paying of 1950 fees will be the roll call. There will be an ex- change of gifts. WINTHROP Don't forget the Christmas con- cert on Dec, 14 at S.S. No. 12, The program starts at 8.30. Another social get-together was ,held at S.S. No. 12 on Nov, 24. Progressive euchre was played the fir's't pari of the evening with hon- ors going to Mrs. Robert McClure, first for ladies; Harry Rapson, first for men; lone hands, Mrs, Byer - ream; consolation, Ivan McNab. Lunch was served, after which a couple .of hours of dancing were enjoyed by young and old. Mr. and Mrs, W. E. Hawley spent a few days in Stratford this week. The many friends of Mr. William Johnston will be sorry to hear he is ill at his home in McKillop. CONSTANCE Mr. Clarence Mcllroy, of Shel- brooke, Sask., is visiting with his brothers-in-law, Messrs. Wilbur and William Jewitt. Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Dexter at- tended the funeral of the late Wm. Murphy on Monday. Mrs. John Sanderson and fam- ily,,Blyth, are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dexter, Mr. Frank Montgomery, of Dun- dalk, and Mr. Jas. Montgomery, of Guelph, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Montgomery last week, Mr. and Mrs, Brown, Allar Park, spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. .Borden Brown. Mr. ands Mrs. Frank Riley were in Stratford on Thursday. BRUCEFIELD Mr. and Mrs. J. Hill, of Strat- ford, •spent the week -end with friends in the village. Mr. and Mrs. R. Scott and Ruth, Miss M. Swan and Mrs. A. Ham visited the former Janet Handley in London on Saturday°°. Mr. and Mrs, J. K. Cornish cele- brated their 30th wedding anni- versary on Monday evening when many of their relatives and friends gathered to spend a social time with them. They were presented with •many lovely gifts. Wayrne Turney, Exeter, Spent the week -end with Hugh Zapfe. The films, "The Meat We Eat," and also "The Royal Winter Fair," were presented by Schneider's Meats on Tuesday evening before a good crowd, These films which were very entertaining and educa- tional, were well received. Follow- ing a delicious lunch was served, the meat for sandwiches being sup- plied by the meat company. A nice sum was. realized by Group 2 -of the W.A. Mr, and Mrs. Geo, Griffith and Becky, Stratford, visited, Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Berry. KIPPEN - We are sorry to report little Margaret Elgie was operated on in Clinton Public Hospital last week for appendicitis. We wish her a speedy_recovery. Mr. BM Mrs, Arohie Parsons vis- ited recently with the latter's sis- ter and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, 3. Carter, at Moorseville. Quite a number of Stanley resi- dents attended the Federation of Agriculture banquet in Varna Unit- ed ,Church on Thursday evening last. Miss Mabel Whiteman spent Monday in London. Rev. C. Down, of Exeter, spoke in St. Andrew's United 'Church here on Sunday last, while Rev, A. Hinton took both services at James St, United 'Church in Exeter. ,School Section No. 2, Tucker - smith, will hold 'their C'hristtnaa enterta.lnment on Tuesday even- ing, Deo. 20, at 8:15 ,p,n5, The Sunday 'School pupils of St, Andrew's United Church are pre- paring for their Christmas enter- tainment, which is to be held on il1Onday evening, Dec. 12. The VV',.M.B. a4 St. Andrew's 0huroh, l ipp'en, will meet Wed - it rldy Dec. 't, at the home of Mrd, Edward rard M'o ride, at 2.30 p.m, Muelt and Oar1bou, found, `ilx all interior vallats' of b311esniere bland in the Arctic, feed oil Itch - tine. • vo0 ealOrthlo'' cue ,i}yg wa.,. nt ,at'•llle bolas o> Mr. and Mrs.: Bert' Riley en P.ToV.1,9 iu b,Oner of.. Mr. and Mrs. Jae, .T'ic/we, J4,:4titi;' Aliee, wild re moving UM, the com '&miry The occasion was aleo the seventeenth wedding anaidvere-. alt'y of M1. and Mrs‘ Riley, progres— sive euchre wasplayed, thefon lowing being prize winners: Lad- ies' (high„ Mrs. Lorne McNatlghtoe; consolation, J. Taylor; men's high, Wesley Verner; *violation, Lorne McNaughton. •Clarence MoNaugh- ton; read the accompanying address amid Mrs, Riley presented Mr. and Mre, Howe with a handsome wall mirror and Barbara McNaughton +preusentece Alice with a beautiful gift. Mr. Howe very fittingly re- plied, expressing sincere thanks; then, all joined in singing "For They Are Jolly Good Fellows." The address. was as follows: "Dear Mr. and Mrs. Howe and Alice: On the occasion of your departure from this comnnuni'ty, it gives us plea- sure to have the opportunity, of honoring you. For. sevej'al years you have been one of our neigh- bors and we will miss yqu in many ways. Since you have seen fit at this • time to make: your home else-, where. we want you to know that we wish you good health and good luck in the years to come. As you accept this gift and hang it in your home, may you have pleasant re- collections of the times spent among us. For you, Alice, we also wish you the best of success in the future. Signed on behalf of Friends and Neighbors." WART • Friend (to newly-wed): "But why did, you pick a gal so chub- by?" Newfy-wed: "Well, I figured it's easier to live with 200 pounds of curves than 100 pounds of nerves," FOR SALE BRICK HOUSE -3 -piece bathroom, fur- nace, double garage. Situated on S/W. corner of Wilson and Centre Sts. A love- ly home, Prompt possession. 8 -ROOM FRAME HOUSE—Church St.: 3 -piece bathroom Furnace. Close to school and churches, Prompt possession. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance & Real Estate Broker SEAFORTR - ONT. PHONES: Res. 220, Office 334 'TRIBUTE TO A TREE" A Booklet bearing the above titie, pub- lished t,y John Beattie and sponsored by Tho Seaforth Lawn Bowling Club, is now on sale-+ Proceeds go to the Seaforth Memorial Centre: A suitable Christmas gift for shut-ins, relatives or friends. Copies may be purchased at the Beattie Bros. 5r to 51.00 Store. Price 00 cents. THE SEAFORTH LAWN BOWLING CLUB Sunday DINNER COMMERCIAL HOTEL Every Sunday from 5 to 7 p.m. A Full Course Dinner will be served Phone your appointment early 1 PHONE 227 Dance Winthrop Hall Fri. Dec. 2 Dancing 9.30 1.30 Music by the Shamrock Orchestra V NOW PLAYING ^*,TH'UR$f3AV, F'tR1'tDAY, SATl7RDAY " THE STRATTON • STOAT with JAMES BTEWART and JUNE Al„l.,Y.BQN Real life basia';1n 'story of 'personal courage 'and tritinmph A 'story of honesty, intense understanding and- >tieeling, MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY " A KISS IN THE DARK" -,with JANE WYMAN and DAVID NIVEN This story is a sunny salute to happiness --and a houseful of hilarity! NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATUR!I)AY " CHICKEN EVERY SUNDAY ;' with DAN DAILEY and CELESTE HOLM -A tender, warm, rollicking story of a ways of life, that has long since vanished. c COMING: `J.FATRER WAS A FULLBACK" STAFFEN'S PLUMBING, HEATING and FURNACES Phone 49 Seaforth Dealers in Aero "Silver Flame" IAUTOMATIC OIL BURNERS ,rwsg AMEMEMBEMEMMENIEENIMEW anted CLERK -TYPIST TO HANDLE BILLING AND BOOKKEEPING Must have pleasing personality and references. Apply in writing to SECRETARY PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISION SEAFORTH vamsailw IN STOCK - Ten -Test Masonite . Plywood Gyproc Beaver Board Arborite Ten -Test Blocks • Asphalt Shingles Cedar -grain Shingles Cooksville Bricks Roll -Brick Siding and Roll Roofing • INSULATION Loose 2 -inch Batts 3 -inch Batts Insulated Siding • LUMBER, SASH AND DOORS Screens made to order CUSTOM MILLWORK Seaforth Supply & Fuel Co. PHONE 47 THt.IVAtcNWIykbsok(� ick Just two of our may 17 -jewel !Rico Watches ... Swiss -made for dependable sexvrte aad- Sryyled to tvia tbsilled admits* SAVAUGES' JeWellerwyy GIfy: PINE CHINA M FOR CH.RIS T!VIAS Living Room, Dining Room and Bedroom Furniture Sofa Beds and Studio Couches Chrome Tables and Chairs -- in colors Breakfast Room Suites A complete line of Spring -Filled and Felt Mattresses, Metal Beds and Cribs, Occasional Chairs, and Tables - FLOOR COVERINGS and RUGS "ii • A W1ITNEY FURNITURE : FUNERAL SERVICE Phones: Dar 119 - Nights and Sundays 65 SEAR0R'i N ONTARIO