HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1949-12-02, Page 47777, t• • ir, Mott* Cars For :Sade, l 's Tal ►T CAR YOU ''NI'l 1J• FQli' O-8947 Mercury Sedan, in excellent Condition if,U1II,Ql?f8 B. A. SERVICE STAT1OI!T.` 4216.1 :fled Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates: Fog. SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC.—Per word: lac, week 1 Cent 2nd week . -r 9'i Cent lird week 46 ' '1'h.;$?aks Each �rimam Notices. Coming Cent BOA insertion25 Cents abbreviation caunta as one word. ming Events -1 cent per word. Minimum. fiR pants per week. Rgliirles pay be directed to a Box No.. ebo The Munn Expositor, for 10 rents extra. ap cents additional will be charged if ads in above crass are not paid within 10 days sot date of final insertion. • 3relta, Marriages and Deaths inserted fres of charge. nc4ipn Soles. Notices to Creditor., Eta—Rates en application. Coming Events THE= IS SATISFACTION 1N DANC- J ing at the Crystal Palace Ballroom, Alllitehell,, every Friday night to the music of Iron Robertson and his Ranch Boys. 4276x1 /' HR.ISTMAS CONCERT BY T H E 4� Pnprly of S -S. No. 2. McKillop, Tues - Everybody weldome.8 o'clock. Adults Wanted WANTED—TILT-ARBOR BENCH SAW '-^ T in good condition. Apply Box 836. HURON EXPOSITOR, 4276x1 WANTED — AN OLD FASHIONED • pearl eunburet State price. Apply to Box 887. HURON EXPOSITOR. 4276x1 Lost and Found TOST—GREEN AND SILVER EAR - ring. between ChuB h St. acid Post Office, on Wednesday. Finder please PHONE 175-M, Seaforth. 4276-1 T OST -TWO HUB CAPS OFF CHRYS- 4-4 ler car during past week. Finder please Phone 837 r 2. Seaforth, THERON BETTIES, R.R. 1. Seaforth. 4276x1 Notice To Creditors Help Wanted SALESMAN WANTED — TO SELL roofing and insulation. Commission basis. 'Write Box 834, HURON EXPOSI- TOR. 4275-tf Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (R U B B E R Goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-73. NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. CONSTIPATION SUFFERERS—A FAM- ous formula, developed by Robert G. Jackson, M.D., has helped to relieve thou- sands of sufferers. This formula is known as Roman Meal and is a delicious cereal that helps nature relieve constipation. It combines the natural food values and de- licious flavors of whole wheat and whole rye with •the gentle, laxative properties of Sax -o -lin and bran. Roman Meal is an excellent energy food for all ages. It is sold by all leading grocers. Write today for free booklet, "Nature's Way to Good Health" by Robert G. Jack- son, M.D., to Dr. Jackson Foods Limited, Dept, K, 1 Willingdon Blvd.. Toronto. For Sale poll SALE—•PAIR LADY'S WHITE skater; size 6; in perfect condition. PHONE 581-J, Seaforth. 4276x1 poll. SALE—CABINET RADIO, IN NOTICE, to CREDITORS 861. • gSeaforth.eaworking order, $15.00. PHONE In the Estate of WILBUR CARLOS PASS -OR SALE -1 PAIR WHITE BOOTS MORE, late of Bensalt, Ontario, Garage- and skates, size 2; 1 brown corduroy man. - •kating dress, size 12. Apply to Box 838. eRBDITORS AND OI•ti.h.RS HAVING FIURON EXPOSITOR. 4276x1 v claims against the above estate are required to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned Executor en or before the 15th day of December, A.D. 1949, after which date the estate's assets will be distrabnted, having regard only to claims that have then been received. THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY. London, Ontario, Executor, by W. G. COCHRANE, Solicitor, Exeter. Ontario. 4275 3 NOTICE to CREDITORS SPRAYED APPLES FOR SALE—SPY, Greening. Baldwin, King, Bellflower, etc. Phone Clinton, 613 r 24. FRED Mc- CLYMONT, Varna. 4276x5 IVOR SALE—NEW SINGER SEWING • machines, electric and treadle. Re- pairs to all makes. SINGER SEWING CENTRE, 78 Ontario St., Stratford. 4223-tf WHY NOT GIVE A PUPPY FOR Christmas 7 Registered black Scottie Terrier: pupa ie: reasonably priced. ROY 1 In the Estate of AGNES ISABELLA VC`•)PEN, R.7. i. Seaforth. GOVENLOCK - i 4276x1 ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS 'UDR SALE—,11 PIGS, READY TO against the Estate of Agnes Isabella wean. arassbred Yorkshire and 'Pam- Govenlock, late of the Town of Seaforth, traits. Apply re ROY F. PEPPER. in the County- of Huron, Spinster, deceas- ed, who died on the 16th day of Novem- i ober, 1949, ere hereby notified to send in E'OR ` SALE -36” BEAVER LATHE full particulars of their claims to the iswith 71 -inch Lwin_, $2:,.00 i also... table undersigned on or before the 18th day of model battery radio, $10.00. PHONE 41. December, 1949. after whiait date the S oriel b TH. 4276x1 assets will be distributed. having regard only .to claims then received. OR SALE—GENUIN' HORSEHIDEDAT D at Seaforth, this 22nd day of F E. fur -collared coat, rizc 38. good as November, 1949. !new. Apply to CHARLES BRODIE, Sea- McCONNELL & RAYS,� forth. 4276x1 Seaforth, Ontario, - e,olithur for the Executors.I Ij'cOR SALE—LOVELY MUSKRAT COAT, 4275-3 worn one season, in perfect condition; ..1.:o three skins suitable for muff and hat, Reasonable. PHONE 24, Seaforth. NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of ELIZABETH CAIRNS NEILANS ALL PERSONS SAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Elizabeth Cairns • Neilans. late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, Spinster, deceased. who tried on the 30th day of October. 1949. are hereby notified to send in full particulars .of their claims to the under- signed on or before the 16th day of De- cember, 1949. after which date the assets will be distributed. having regard only to claims then received. DATED at eSafortb, this 23rd day of November, 1949. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executrix. 4275-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of FRANCIS STEPHEN HAGAN ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Francis Stephen Hagan, Fate of the Township Hay, in the County of furan, Farmer, deceased, who died on the 9th day of October, 1949, are hereby notified to send in full particu- lars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 23rdday of December, 1949, after which date the assets will be dis. tributed; having regard only to claims then received. DA1110 et' Seaforth, this 30th day of November. 1949. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executrices. 4276-3 4276-1 FOR SALE—USED OAT ROLLER: AL- ' cordwood saw plane. Apply to CLARENCE MONTGOMERY, R.R. 1, ;Clinton. Phone 841 r 31, Seaforth. 4276-1 FOR SALE -2 SINKS, 1 COOK STOVE. 2 house doors, 1 cloth rug. 2 iron key - Hes. 2 oil heaters, 1 pump. 1 mahogany !post bed, 1 electric fireplace, 1 paper sprayer. some 7 -inch stovepipes. and some white brick. CLARENCE REEVES. Sea- Iforth. 4276-1 FOR SALE—FARM LOT 6, CON. 3, Tucliersmith. On premises are gond brick house and woodshed; Hydro; bank barn, hog pen. henhouse, driveshed and 4g 2 DECEMBER BARGAINS • S FOR, 1NT z.y CHEV. COACH '48 CHEV. FLEETLINE COACHES one equipped with radio. 48 CEUV. 8TYLEMAgTEIB COACH 48 0$Bv. sEUAN garage, all wired. and 3 horsepower motor 47- 47 47 38 36 35 35 2 34 33 33 28 41 CHEV. FLEETIANE COACH CHEV. COACH sun visor and whitewalls CHEV. COACH, in A-1 condition; ,priced to sell at $1500.00 DODGE SEDAN DODGE SEDAN DODGE SEDAN 'TERRAYLANE SEDAN '84 CHEV. SEDANS -CHEV. COACH' CHEV. COACH FORD COACH PONTIAC SEDAN rF Ton CIIEV. SEDAN DELIVERY All the above vehicles are equipped with heaters and as low as $50.00 will drive a car away. BRUSSELS MOTORS "The Home of Better Used Can" OPEN EVERY EVENING In Memoriam H'UISER—IN LOVING MEMORY OF A dear Mother and Father who passed away three years ago this month. Their memory k as dear today, As in the hour they paused away. —Always remembered by daughter, Mary, Alex and grandchildren, Anne and Marlin. 4276-1 I N LOVING MEMORY OF WILL HILL who, passed away December 4, 1947. Gone is the face we loved so dear; Silent is the voice we loved to hear; Tao far away for sight or speech. But not too far for thought to reach. Sweet to remember him who once was here, And who, though absent, is just as dear. ---Sadly missed by his Loving Wife. Births FLOOD -1n Scott Memorial Hospital. op Nov. 26, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Flood, R.R. 1, Varna, a son. - GREY—In Scott Memorial Hospital. on Nov. 10, to Mr. ..nd Mss. Earl Grey, Egmondville, a son. WILLIAMSON—In Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, on Dec. 1, to Mr. and Mrs. James Williamson, .R.R. 3, Walton, a son: HENSALL Garnet Hicks, of Usborne, is in St. Joseph's Hospital., London, with a fractured thumb. While work- ing in the barn a litter carrier track broke, and his hand, was pin- ned between it and a partition. Dr. J. G. Dunlop took him to the hospital where X-rays showed the thumb ,had been fractured at the base and the tendons injured. The regular meeting of Hensall in barn. Good orchard. Ten acres hard-,' Council} was held Tuesday even- wond bush and all the outfits for making ing at 8 p.m„ in the council cham- syrup, evaporator, shanty and cans. All •ber, with all members present. F. �"owimr done. Aprly WILLIAM PEP • - PER Box 63 Hensel]. 4274x3 Harburn reported as having the tractor repaired, same to be com- pleted at once. J. A. Paterson re- ported as having received only $43.70 in tax arrears since the last AUCTION SALE JOS. L. RYAN HAS meetin received instructions sell by public g, also presented the revis- received at Lot 5, Concession 9. McKillop, ed voters' list ,as revised by Judge on Saturday, December 10, at 2.30 p.m., T. M. Costello, and presented the 2% miles west of Brodhagen, on County printer's copy of the financial re - Road, for the Estate of the late Henry Dietz, ane 1938 Chevrolet Sedan. good run- pOrt for the year. nine order, with new tires. No reserve. Correspondence was read as fol- Terms—Cash. WM. QUERENGESSER, ALVENA DIETZ and JOHN DIETZ, Ex- ecutors: Joseph L. Ryan, Auctioneer. 4276-1 Auction Sales CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM Stock and Imp; ments.—T. M. Kelly & Notices Son, auctioneers, have received instruc- tions from the undersivnzd to sell by pub- lic auction at Lot 9, Can. 1, Logan Town - SEWING DONE AND, BUTTON HOLES ship, 1r, miles east of Mitchell on No. 8 'made MRS. FRANK PHILLIPS. Highway, on Wednesday. December 71h, Phone 2294 4276-1 1949, commencing at 1 o'clock sharp, the foPlowin'<: HORSES --1 pair roan ma res. S'tICKNESS FORCES SALE OF'"THIS 5 and 7 years, well matched,. weight 3300 W fully egnipped and up-to-date black- pounds: good driving mare. 7 years. smith slid woodwork chap. including an CATTLE- Hereford cow, fresh 6 weeks; tools and equipment. New cement block Durham cow, fresh 2 months; Durham building, 85x80 on Marge lot. Situated on cow, fresh; Holstein cow, due January 3; Main Street. For price and terms, phone W. C. OKE. Realtor, Seaforth. Phone 689. 4276-1 iARNS CLEANED AND WHITEWASH - • ed following T.B. teat. Brand new sprayer Capable of 1,000 pounds pressure. Work done to inspector's satisfaction. Phone 44 r 9, Dublin. FRED HARBURN. Staffa. 4256-tf NOTICE Court of Revision Township of McKillop TCOUNCIL OF 7'HJa. TOWNSHIP of McKillop will meet 25 a Court of Revision on the Assessment of 1950, at Carnegie Hall. Seaforth, on Thursday, De- cember 8, 1949, at I0 a.m. Parties inter- ested should govern themselves according - J. M. ECKERT, Cleric, McKillop. X275-2 CLERK'S NOTICE Of First Posting Of Voters' Lists For 1949 Holstein cow, due February 4; Durham cow, due February 25: Holstein cow, due time of sale; Durham cow, due February: 2 Dunham heifers, due in December: 2 Durham heifers, due in January; 2 Dur- ham bulls, 1 year: heifer calf, 6 months: Durham calf. HAGS AND POULTRY -- 8 pure bred Tam sows, due in January: 6 dhunks. 100 lbs.; 50 pullets. Rocks, IMPLEMENTS — Ford Ferggson tractor (Lights. starter, plough, pulley): 3-se,tion Flurry-Bissel drags, new; Deering hinder, 6 -ft. cut; Deering Mower, 5 -ft. cut; Super- ior 13 -disc elect, drill: Frost & Wood hay loader: Deering dump rake: walking Plow: land roller; disc, autthrow: ecuf- fler, new : hay rack ; turnip seeder ; gravel hex; pig crate: slings. ropes. hay car and fork and pulleys: 140 feet of rope: cream separator with motor: fanning mill; 2 seta pig hangers; black and tackle; fence stretchers; r/s H.P. electric 'motors; Lit- 'tie ib'tle Beaver chopper with 3 H.P. motor and Gem roller; set sleighs; buggy; goad truck wagon; Moffat electro pail: set double harness; set single fiarneas : new pair bridles: several odd collars; donbletrees forks: shovels, and a shoat of other art- icles usually found on a farm: 1949 Fargo Truck. x/•1 ton pick-up, low mileage, De Luxe tab. P lHD-100 bushels Clinton seed oats; quantity Mixed grain; a quan- tity of household effects. including a Mof- fat range and Quebec heater, practically new. No reserve as the farm fins been Bold. Term's --Cess. JOHN' MALLOY, inter i'CIPALiTY OF THE TOWNSHIP Proprietor; T. M. Kelly & Son, Auotion- OIl TVCKERSMITtt. COUNTY or cera ; Phone Mitchell., 601 r 4. - HURON 4276-I j� 7 m =toot of GIVEN THAT I " hove covttptied with Section 8 of the ants 'ifotere4 Lints Act, and I have posted up in Cards of Thanks My (Ate at Irbivnattip of Tacketteilth on the 21a't day of Vevxalonbei+r 17;49,' the *Hit WISH TO THAN{[ ALL My FRIENDS 04' all pa11lon$ t eMuni Municipal vote { the mia I and neighbour for ,the fioweia and cards that itigt, t at ltlnnicipdi itllefdek b alta tk0t §ttcrh Ii'st Yeiifa{ns tiferi2 idY inapt,„ (I received while a patient at Scant Mem- tidp oriel tlospita7, also tlie noses and Dr: P. A1414 t keret* Edit pop all to,L. Brady Ear their fine attention. talo' ***lava, otgi!8ecbigit to, boo oral i M110 11. L. WALLACE o adtb.'iil iddititridtla ilr"kfieted Ptd r&flg I wr f%a5 ttid .flay Avk *OW Watt *it Deaths alae, ISS htaottl NI»t stn. 'lucid, Nov. 2$, Anita. 3faa1 lnitdn,. `letteker 1211P1' smith, a t sly 86th year. Mr. J. Drysdale, Hensall, is seen handing the key to the cot - age he won at the Canadian National Exhibition this fall, to R. H. Middleton, Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Drysdale turned the building over to the Hensall Chamber of Commerce, who will useit for its headquarters. evening and were guests of Edel- weiss Rebekah Lodge. Several can- didates from Hensall, Seaforth and Brussels were admitted into mem- bership in an initiation service, Brussels exemplifying the degree with Mrs. Carrie Dunbar, of Brus- sels, P.D.D. in charge. A social hour was spent and refreshments serv- ed. Mrs. Anna C. Walker, N.G., of Amber Rebekah Lodge, expressed a vote of thanks for kindness + of Seaforth lodge for a delightful eve, fling. The affair was held in the parish hall of St. Thomas' Angli- can Church, owing to the recent fire in the 1,O.O,F. Hall° A euchre and dance will be held in the Town Hall Friday, Dec. 2; sponsored by the Rebekah and ID. O.F. Lodges. lows: Gordon Mitchell, Bell Tele- phone, Department of Travel and Publicity re Tourist Establishment Act, Workmen's Compensation Board, Village of - Exeter, Exeter District High School Board, Judge T. M. Costello, C. R. Hagey En- gineering Co., Scott Brothers Con- tracting Co.—same considered and filed. The following accounts were passed for payment: Village of Ex- eter, High School debenture pay- ment, $1,993.34; J. E. McEwen, tile, streets, $2.84; Brown's Hardware, paint, W.W. $6.55; R. H. Middleton, soda, Fire Dept., $16.30. Total, $2,019.03. Tudor and Parke: That By -Law No. 22, 1949, appointing E. L. Mickle our member on the Exeter District High School Board for the years 1950 and 1951, be given first and second reading. Carried. Jones and Hoye: That By -Law No. 22 be given third and final reading. Car- ried. Reeve A. W. Kerslake reported re the conversation he bad with the County Engineer, re the drain- age on 'King St. East. W. E. Pfaff also asked for some immediate ac- tion re same. Announcement Mr. and Mrs. George R. Hess, Hensall, announce the engagement of their daughter, Ruth Allan, to Jack Laurende,, son of Mr. D. A McCloy and tiie 'late Mts. McOloy, Stratford, - the Wedding to take place Saturdays :TLec 11, at high nooh at the birlde's home. At the morning service o1` Car- mel Presbyterial) ;Church Sunday, Dec. 4, the minister.,, Rev. P. A. Ferguson), B.A., in response to many requests, will preach again a sermon delivered recently on the subject, "Christ's Victory Over Self," The rummage sale, home baking, farm produce and supper .held in the Town Hall Saturday last, Spon- sored by the Ladles' Aid Of Cannel Presbyterian Church•, Was a decid- ed aueee8s, $146 being .realized.. 1rtellnbera o Amber ltebekall Lodge zJiotored fb ,Seaforth I1Kondity. 'Doff for the Skin' SKIN BLEMISHES Help clear your skin this easy..way, and see what a big improvement it can make in your appearance. "DOFF FOR THE SKIN" is a greaseless, invisible prepara- tion for the relief of skin affec- tions. Discreetly covers the blemish. ' May be used anytime convenient. Soothes the itching in a few mom- ents, and then starts helping to clear and heal your skin giving it that healthy appearance ad- mired by all. Splendid for after shaving rash, leaves the face soft, and smooth without any tender red look. Used successfully tor over 15 years for such distressing . skin affec- tions as eczema, pimples, impeti- go, psoriasis, and red blotches. Sold by— Keating's 'Pharmacy Phone 28 Seaforei Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore, Mrs. Carl Passmore, Ronald and Norma visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Passmore and fam- ily and Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Pass- more, at Aylmer. Hensall Public School concert will be held in the Town Hall on Tuesday, Dec. 20. At the bingo and dance held in the Town Hall Wednesday last, sponsored by' the Legion, Mrs. A. Townsend won the door prize, a turkey. Mr. Harvey Keys, local merchant, who wolf a goose and two chickens. donated one back to UllIIIIIIIII111111IIIIIIIIIlIi1111111111U111{lt AUSTIN 1950x1 Sedan with heater, spare tire, license, tank of gas, 10,000 miles of grease cou- pons, and all undercoated. Price Delivered $,'x,547„SO �teg#(44 WI31pli 1174W wOmi JY gra GeoFi a •0111a1e Rather hinge af'4 lanee Will be held '.pec, 9. *eta: au>£ i,V1ll 'arrive In pen- ea�1, Pett syr tee; At at g40 pap, A, loving •giotitre i0Nor will' be 4 e1 in, tate 'Prim, eau. paddy -Will be 6 Yen to all ohildreu of the whole com7lnllnity. .This+is sponsored.by the 'Chamber of Commerce. . sStores in Henson will reinain op- en. "every- Wpdne,3dr4ty afternoon daring- December 'fpr •the conveni- ence' of the•"customers. -4 very, unique ceremony Viae held fie Filtron Masonic Lodge, Hensall, Monday evening when the Wor. Master, D. A. Moffat, assisted by hie son, Eldred, initiated his son, Gerald, into the mysteries of An- cient Free Masonry. The lodge al- so was honored by an official visit of the representative Most Wior- r hipful Grand Master Rt. Wor. Bro. W. M. Cann, D.D.G.M., of South Huron District. At the conclusion of the work Rt. Wor. Bro.. H. J. Kas.tner, I.D.D,G.M., of Sebring- ville, presented V. Wor. Bro. W. O. Goodwin with his apron and collar, the emblem of hip Office as a Grand These cars are as sturdily built as a Packard, and perform like one, but give you 40 MILES to your gallon of gasoline. In these times people have to consider opera- tion costs in all lines of business! Your car is the heart of your business, taking you everywhere in your business.\ Ride and Drive an Austin FREE DEMONSTRATION ANYWHERE See or Phone. Jonathan Hugill 784-W Clinton, Now ! SUPERTEST STATION IIIIIIlIIf11IIt r111I1111111111111111U111f11f11 They tell us . We Bought A ead Horse They say . . WE WERE FOOLISH (We think they are wrong -- Will YOU help us prove it?) IF YOU HAVE— • . EGGS • CHICKENS • DUCKS • GEESE Sell them to - The Seaforth Produce Recently purchased by DUBLIN CREAMERY & POULTRY PACKERS Highest Prices Paid for Farm Produce PROMPT SERVICE Payment while you wait Christmas Trees ti Your choice of 100 J. J. DUCKLOW Victoria St.. Phone 580-3 SEAFORTH St4w4idl of iral►d Z,.rodge. Visitors weSre. present' .trorp •Stratford, 'At; Two, x onc4dn, Cllntan, Vffeter, itcan, Granton, Seaforth and 111i:t- Photographs Appointments evenings or Saturdays Call 687-W - Seaforth ERIC ZIEGLER Seaforth Tam-, The Towns w HTV of LLETT Your vote and influence for Monday, Dee. 5th, would be appreci ted... VOTE Wm, J. DALE - FOR REEVE YOUTH for CHRIST PRESENTS TWO BIG RALLIES DEC. 1st — IN WINGHAM TOWN HALL 8:00 P.M. Rev. Harry C. Troyer Station HCJB, "The Voice of the Andes,” Quito,Ecuador AND THE JERICHO JUBILEE SINGERS DEC. 3rd — IN 'CLINTON COLLEGIATE 8:00 P.M. . Rev. Alex Nimmo, Wingham JACK VANLMPC-Outstanding accordian player of Detroit Local Choir from surrounding district COME EARLY AND ENJOY IT ! COME ONE! COME ALL! to the MONSTER '°Feathr Party" Sponsored by the SEAFORTH & DISTRICT -• Memorial Recreation Centre to be held at SEAFORTH MOTORS' BIG HEATED GARAGE' - Wednesday Nite, Dec. q The Entire Proceeds of this Party goes into the Fund to help provide an ARTIFICIAL ICE PLANT, ETC. For the New Memorial Centre 7 11 HUNDREDS UPON HUNDREDS OF GREAT BIG CHICKENS, DUCKS, GEESE AND TURKEYS To Be Won On the Wheels Or At «BINGO» Come out and secure your Christmas Fowl at this MAMMOTH COMMUNITY *FEATHER PARTY* DRAWING for 50 PRIZES The severe weather conditions of the last two weeks has retarded the district canvass for $30,000 to complete the Centre, so that the draw for $2,500.00 in Grand Door Prizes must be postponed. However, 50 Consolation Prizes will -distributed at this Party, and the Grand Prizes will be drawn at the Official Opening of the Memorial Centre, to be announced at a later date. • Tickets drawn on these Consolation Prizes will return to' the drum for the Major Draw at a later date. - HAVE YOU SUBS'CRIBED ALL YOU CAN " AFFORD ? . Members of the Canvassing Conimitte4s of McKillop, Tuckersmith, Hal- lett and Hibbert will run the Wheels in competition with one another ! Support the Booth from your District — See who are the best money- makers ! • IT'S YOUR COMMUNITY CENTRE • • YOUR SUPPORT IS NEEDED 0 Admission Free! So, come with the crowd! Join in the fun and help make a financial success of this Party! SEAFORTH St DISTRICT MEMPRI,I ,L RECREATION .CENTRE 4. • a gr ,v.