HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1949-11-18, Page 8111 1 7 f �I,;...lA 1<: , 'frO Os;LE, CA$UAl Tk' N S �. T to EE .R E ' SS D 1. C KN.. ,• +1�1R+ '�'AN _ .S .#l' AiND WINDSRTO. M ii& ting. Companies who `ltfz , ,'.ellurlty with Service QNTA'R '', ilRMANtS MIUTUAL Z(. r 041NSUR4N OE T oYApatio= gladly given, , � TSON & REM RIR - Proilri.ef jingWrallee & Real Estate 9110 214 SEAFOR?`ll 1# fl a� M. Hart � TOP QUALITY Mir -tilt a car ofi NutAnd .a• th ., o e : •Co ., week v ai is Phone :593W „:.',V—',—Seaforth. as ofr0# `:`M. To. 'Meet, - luieet- ing ok ,the xenuti've and, Ambers ofSeatrth Women's Instlt4ta 'iixl be held in Qarnegie library on; Saturday at 3 pan, ',•'shire, Meeting e r the it to wit � e 't arrange .vis i b o rang f41. t the County Hozne and other busi- neas. The projeet,n'Clotl es' Closets Up To pate" has .started and any- one interested still bas tune to lain. This is a very worbhwhite . project. and we feet susethey would: en- joy" it. Northside Y„ p. IJ, Meets. -,— The first regular meeting of the Young People`s Union of Northside Unit- ed Church was held on Mondan Meeting p with Hymn The meH opened 405, "Stand UP, Stand 1p For eauty conselor Complimentary Skin Care Make-up Analysis FRANCES McLEAN Phone 392-W 00000000000 O O 0 BOX O Juneraterbice '' p AMBULANCE' O Prompt and careful attention. 0 O Hospital Bed 0 O FLOWERS FOR ALL 0 O OCCASIONS 0 O ' PHONES: O O Res. 595-W or 18; Store 43 O 0 0 00000000000 to 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 '' G. A. WHITNEY <> 0 Funeral Director 0 4 Main Street - Seaforth O Q . AMBULANCE SERVICE 0 ,Adjustable b.gzpital beds O Q fer rest. - -II> Agent for Mitchell lgursery 0 4i Flowers. 0 Telephone 119 O Nights and Holidays 65 0 0 0 O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O J. A. BURKE O Funeral Director O and Ambulance Service O DUBLIN - ONT. 0 Night or Day Calls: O Phone 43 r 10 0 4 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D. H. McINNES Chiropractic - Foot Correction COMMERCIAL JIOTEL Monday, Thursday - 1 to 8 p.m. ‚00000000000 0 © W. J. CLEARY 0 O Seaforth, Ont. O O LICENSED EMBALMER 0 O AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR 0 O Night or Day Calls -335 0 o' O OOO00000000 enneenneen e 4 nen. enneenne nee 3+t•V•>7.+ee a xoeen eY.v-tZ.:A":"iza"fr.Ei`.'A'ee LEMON'S TAXI ALL PASSENGERS INSURED Phone: 162-J or 162-W FOR SALE fees T .' , The, .001btare . was. ta1ken Ottawa, The min'ates ;of the: ° prn, vil� imeeting w4ra readand adept, ed and the 1'011 call wee alren@re t he 16 MeMbene interesting story was read by• I4arie Punt, at- ter whish • Hymn 40.0 wassw g, Gaines were enlayed by everyone and: 'thee -meeting closed, with the benediction. Mae Lane Auxiliary Meets. --.The Mae Lane Auxiliary of ''Northside United Church met on Tuesday evening in the schoolroom with the president, Miss Vera Mole, in the chair. Mrs. George Johnston open- ed the meeting with a poem entit- led, "Our Duty." Hymn 262, "The Merniug Light is Breaking,'" was sung, after which Miss -Rena. Fen- nell led in prayer, The visiting committee chosen for the follow- ing month are Mrs. Leeming and Mrs. Walden. Mrs. N. Knight, cap- tain of Circle 3, took charge of the tin second � part of the meeting. Hymn ee 446, "O God of Bethel," was sung, after which Miss Vera Mole led in prayer. The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. J. A. Westcott, 1 Sam- uel, third chapter, the first ten• verses. Hymn 249, "Jesus Shall Reign," was sung. The topic given by Mrs. Bradshaw was most in- teresting, taken from the second chapter of the new study book, "Growing With bhe Years," entit- led ntitled "In Our Evangel." Hymn 579, Plow the Fields and Scatter," was sung and the meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction. BRICK HOUSE -3 -piece bathroom, fur- nace, double garage. Situated on S/W. Corner of Wilson and Centre S. A love- ly home. Prompt possession. 8 -ROOM FRAME HOUSE—Church St.: 3 -piece bathroom, furnace. Close to ;chord and churches. Prompt possession. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance & Real' Estate Broker seesoaTH - ONT. PHONES: Res. 220, Office 334, i4o comzntttoo u>e" aloin-' Acts Ann 'read by k liaabeth I•,. Pete later. "TRIBUTE TO A TREE" A Booklet bearing the above title, pub- lished by John Beattie and sponsored by The Seaforth Lawn Bowling Club, is now on sale. Proceeds go to the Seaforth Memorial Centre. A suitable Christmas gift for shut-ins, relatives or friends. Copies may be purchased at the Beattie Bros. 5c to $1.00 Store. Price 50 cents. THE SEAFORTH LAWN BOWLING CLUB OLD TYME DANCE Looby's Hall, DUBLIN TUESDAY, NOV. 22nd DON ROBERTSON and the Ranch Boys DANCING 10 - 1 A.M. Just Arrived CAR OF ALBERTA LUMP COAL Seaforth Supply & Fuels Ltd. 'PHONE 47 L n ta," Mtn- Dies in Flint, MiGh --Jo� Fred Austin, 1553 East Hil 100d, Flint, Mich., died suddenly Saturday, Nov. 5, at, Hurey Hospital, The funeral was held at 10 a;rin, Tues- day, Nov. 8, from Colonial Chapel Reigle Funeral Home,' 24;7 South Saginaw St., with buria'1'.in Ever- green cemetery. He 'wite , born in - Stanley Township on April 21, 189&, being a resident of Flint for the past 25 years. He was emploY- ed at Buick Motors. Surviving are his wife, Helen; son, Ronald, of Flint; his mother, Mrs. Alnee Aus- tin, of Seaforth; three brothers, William of Seaforth, Alert of Londesboro and Alvin et Varna; and two sisters, Mrs. Ploy Schell of Petition, and Mary Austin,t in of Woodstock. Northside W. M. S. Holds Meeting. —The W.M.S. of Nol•thside Unit- ed Ceurch met. in the church on Thursday for the November meet- ing. -The president, ,'Mrs. Roy Law- son, opened the meeting with the Call to Warship and hymn, "Our Blest Redeemer 'Ere He Breath- ed." Folowing the worship service roll call and minuites by the .sec- retary, Mrs. Porteous, was follow- ed by treasurer's report by Miss A. Ferguson; 'Christian Steward- ship report by Mrs. J. Finlayson; temperance reading by Mrs. Brown. Tire reports of the Centre Section- al meeting at Brucefield were giv- en by Miss Annie Ferguson and Mrs. Margaret.Cuthill. A nominat- ing committee was appointed with M'rs. W. Hay, Miss A. Ferguson and Mrs. F. Storey. The members were again reminded of "The Love Gift" for December. The study book, Chapter III, "Growing With the Years in Enlightening the Mind," was well taken by Mrs. D. A. Mac- Millan. After singing the hymn, "Thou Whose Almighty Word," the meeting closed with the Miz- pah benediction. _ Church pareyl�, . G}rieke� in weekilki4t,;GGt.a1a-;�' ?; «'M r visltei' pis. ;toff Mr, ani i11 K 1 4 •„ i 1 Helie WestaoLG:.a e? the weel4,-e44'in''an4nttl• •~I?r, n M J 6. AO a few tio,$ n Detroit ,>t,t • Mz ,and 'M;CS; ' it .,GiXcl r and da .u glZte , Mis s laceburg, spent- khe.dit'eelkeiid 1IM.�cahan .al ondvllie or49 0114 OPeb, 13, ta, 4doa fi iI ": or a • 'Mr, Ross Rennie, of 'I"grontOi spent the week-end,'at the h,pzne• ef. his. parents, Mr. 'an'd MrS,' M. R Rennie. • 'Miss Anne Brodie, of Toron- to, wan a week end• visitor with- her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'Oharies Brodie. • Mr. and Mrs. L B. Morrison were in Barrie over the week -end. • Mr. and Mrs. James Hill; of Skaffa, have •moved, into their new - home in the Kling 44?artments, • Mr. and Mrs. ,Joseph Miller and Mrs. 'Minnie Cassells, of ,Dearbozni, Mich., were week -end guests' of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Cleary. • Miss Ruth Shlzlen, of Toronto, spent the week -end with her. par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Shinn. • Was Catherine Paterson, of Rodney, was a week -end guest of her sister, Mrs. D. G, Campbell and Rev. Campbell, • Mrs. John Stevens spent the week -end in Toronto, • Guests over the week -end with Mrs. Wilbur Webster were Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Bristow, of -Royal Oak, Mich.; Mrs. Alice Cudmore and Mr, and Mrs. Mervyn Cudmore and Nancy, of Exeter. • Mr. and Mrs. Blair Shaw, of Ridgetown, spent the week -died with. the former's mother, Mrs. Pearl Shaw, and sister, Mrs. Glen Pryce and Mr. Pryee. • The male quartette of Seaforth consisting of Jas. T. Scott, Fred E. Willis, M. R. Rennie and D. L. Reid, will ,render special numbers at the anniversary services at Varna Church on Sunday. • Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kellar were in Kingsville and visited Jack Min_ ens wild life sanctuary on Friday and also visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Levoie, of Grose Ile, Mich, • Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barry, of Stratford, were week -end guests of Miss Mabel Turnbull. • Mr. Ray Plouffe, of Montreal,. and Mr. J. N. McMillan, of Toron- to, were week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. McMillan. of London; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hartry and son, Welland, and Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Bissonnette and William, of Stratford, were week- end guests of Miss Maud Hartry. • Mr. and Mrs, Merrill Dunlop with Major Fred Bowers, of the and truth spent the week -end in Rectory Street Citadel, officiating. Hamilton. Interment was in Mt. Pleasant • Mr.—Crossland and daughter, cemetery, London. Brother Dies in North Dakota.— The death occurred in the hospital at Langdon, N.D., on Wednesday, Nov. 16, of John Hagan, in his 85th year. Mr. Hagan was born in Stanley Township, and as a young man went to Langdon in 1386, where he farmed ever since. His wife, the former Mary Byrne.pre- deceased him 16 years ago, t. he is survived by'two d r ' £era, Mary, of Oregon, and Verna; of Washington, D.C., and, three Ions; Charlie, Massachusetts; Francis, of Grand Forks, N.D., and Richard of Boston. Four children prede- ceased hire. He is also survived by a brother, Charles Hagan, Sea - forth, and a sister, Mrs. Martin Breen, of Detroit. Deceased receiv- ed his early education in Stanley Township, and was,a member of the Roman CatholiChurch.' The funeral -will be held on Friday, with interment in Langdon ceme- tery. Death of Miss Mary Nolan.—The death occurred on 'Monday, Nov. 14, at the home of .her ninee, Mrs. Tomas culliton, 947 Colborne St., London, of Miss Mary 'Nolan, in her 88th year. For 28 years she lived in Stratford doing practical nursing and had lived. in Seaforth for the past 13 years. She was a life-long member of the C.W.L. and League of the Sacred Heart: _sur- viving is a sister, Mrs. Jas. Ryan, of Watson, Sask. Tire funeral was held from the W. J. Cleary Fun- eral Parlors on Thursday morning to St. James' Church for Requiem Mass, and thence to St. Michael's cemetery, Twp., Tw, for inter- ment. Rev...T. P. Hussey officiat- ed. The pallbearers were, Gordon and Frank Reynolds, Jas. Kelly, F. Maloney, Lawrence Ryan -and. F. Nolan. • Former Seaforth Resident Pass- es.—A native and long-time resi- dent of Seaforth, George Henry Howes. 60, of 115 McClarye Ave., London, died Friday, Nov. 11, in St. Joseph's Hospital. Mr. Howes was in the dray business in Sea - forth until he retired 18 years ago due to ill health. He moved to London five years ago and was ac- tive in Salvation Army work. Sur- viving are his wife, Mrs. Elizabeth Howes; two daughters, Mrs. Bert (Mary Whyard), London; Mrs. William (Dorothy) Sylvestre, Min- now Lake; two sisters, Mrs. James (Dora) .Grimoldby, Edmonton; a brother, John Howes, Seaforth, and three granddaughters. Service was held Monday at 2 p.m. in the Jas. M. Carrothers & Son funeral home Northside United Church.—Rev. D. A. MacMillan, Minister: 10 a.m., Sunday School and Adult Bible Classes; 11 a.m. and 7 p.m., Rev. Reba Here guest speaker. A cor- dial welcome to all services, First Presbyterian Church. -10 a.m., Bible Class and Sunday School; 11 a.m., "Christ and the Chiudren". Sacrament of Baptism; 7 p.m., "Confident Living." 8.15 p.m., Y.P.S. Fireside.—Rev. D. G. Campbell, Minister. McKillop Charge, United Church. —Rev. George Kersey, B.A., of Hespeler, will preach on this charge next Sunday; Nov. 20. All members and adherents are cord, ially invited to hear him. The con- giegations are called by the com- mittee on pastoral relations to meet together on Sunday evening at 3.30 in Cavan Church, to consid- er a matter of importance touch- ing our whole charge. Rev. W. A. Gardiner, of Egmondville, will be present to assist bhe pastor in pre- siding at this meeting. Mr. Gard- iner is secretary of the Huron Pres- bytery. The Official Board is ask- ed to meet at 8 p.m. to confer with Large assortment of— • OCCASIONAL' TABLES • COFFEE TABLES • SEWING CABINETS • BOOK CASES • H.ASSOCKS • TRI -LIGHTS and • TABLE LAMPS. See Our Selection! — $140 holds any j)urobase till Christmas. INT[PJIAIIO Table loveliness in the giftishewill cherish for. years —we offer her favorite pattern. Pine Tree Prelude Endhahtrese 'NERAL SFRI%l. L' 13. ,` Nightt and Sundays 65 �Wy yYlityy.yy,+y Ol''l rAo /'`f ke-to-You Seta .$18.75 and up.' Savages' Se diary Gifts ' FINE CHINA 14r 0, a oath * Tauu;ars`i+.Bnttd #ko'n;; t�e�7es, t 4ialae4 iI1 q 1'd,; ' l t;o h•; pdtfa dixl'l#M the etc! .r old modern danGiUu , �gl11,Sht 10401:03 ;ohiF 1' uc'X'' yr'e�olt�ewfor' or 1p4ade whioh'wvas wan 1$4. titkihcenr; :174.j.1-10.4444, Ave..:. illi d4fa. T11a'R tiecond'°prize - was : a ear h t ,-'yvlile i e�`t. taa W1rS. edlt't'e'Ii oath, R.R. 7,• S .M..ry..,., : C1o,6e `batldmnaste , donut' ed a inert val'ned at $24, and.;was 10,11' Vo i by' Azt' : itamans,' t Witon, Lions -Park Setting For. C.B.C. Story Tho ,OBC broadcast has selected a story.: for its regular Canadian i iNov. Story Hour on*: Friday night, 'No . y g h 18; that was ,written on a bench in Seaforth bions Park. The writer of bins story;.,required a . park sett and selected 'the • Idons", Park for the ',purpose, Those who tune in to this pro- gram may get a passing glimpse of themselves as others eee them, and at the same time may be rather pleased by, the compliments to the Park, according to the - author of the story. The Late Miss Agnes Govenlock. —'Miss Agnes Govenlock passed away in Scotto Memorial Hospital qn Wednesday, following an illness of three weeks. Miss Govenlock underwent a major operation, on Sunday, but failed to rally. She was born on the Govenlock home- stead on the Noah Road, daugh- ter of the Iate Mr. and Mrs, Robert Govenlock, and was in her - 81st year. For twenty-five years- she was a member of the Civil Service at Ottawa, and prior to that *as a milliner and served in the store of• the late Edward McFaul, and also follovd'ed that profession in New York City. Surviving are a broth- er, J. .M. Govenlock, and two sis- terss Jean and Nora Govenlock, of Ottawa. Miss Govenlock received her early education in Seafortli and was a member of Northside United Church. The funeral will be 'held from the G. A. Whitney Funeral Chapel on Friday at 1.30 p.m, with Rev. D. A. MacMillan officieting. Interment will take place in -Fair- view cemetery, Listowel. LOCAL BRIEFS • Mrs. Alex Cardno, who spent some' time with her sisters, Mrs. J. B. Thompson, left on Tuesday for her borne in Winnipeg, Miss Evelyn Cardno accompanied her as far ae Toronto, • Miss Bess Grieve, of Chatham, and Miss Margaret Grieve, of Dres- den, were week -end guests of their Sunday DINNEF COMMERCIAL HOTEL Every Sunday frem 5 to 7 p.m, R. A Full Course Diluter wiI1 be served at'iY l'; Phone •ydtir : politEYierlt liO E,.:>227 Margaret, of Woodshall, Batley, England, were guests of their cous- in, Miss Marian Watson. • The Catholic Women's League will hold a Christmas Fair and afternoon tea on Saturday, Dec. 3. in St. Tames' School Hall. Bazaar and, Afternoon Tea in Parish Hall St. Thomas' Anglican Church held a successful bazaar and af- ternoon tea in the Parish Hall on Wednesday afternoon when the various )booths did a flourishing business. Mrs. H. Colbert supervised the afternoon tea. Others in charge were: Aprons, Mrs. W. R. Shaw; candy, Mrs. Wm. O'Shea; home baking, Mrs. Ada Reid; produce, Mrs. A. W. Moore; mystery booth, Mrs. Raymond Nott. During the afternoon Mrs. Chas. Cunningham, of Mitchell, render- ed piano selections. The affair was sponsored by the Ladies' Guild, and the amount raised was more than $200. ZION Canvassers Named For Community Centre Mr. and Mrs. Norman S•tanlake and son and Mrs. H. Workman vis- ited on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Britton. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smith, Stratford, on Sun- day. McKILLOP . Now On Sale—Booklet, "Tribute To a Tree." Proceeds for Com- munity Centre. Price 50e, at Beattie Bros. 5c to $1.00 Store.— (Adv.). NOW l?'i,AYJNG - TH4J :S,, FR1,'.',$AT, :.,_• 1N G.INEC9 .i3OR 54. *. " TOR LST '' . NH I$ A..,.. RtU ...: OF .; with GENE AUTRY and';His Fraalouat kl4rse f.'9; HAM,1'ION" Re • sure:to see ;dour favorites 1n Ghie� .tiluii1ng' Westti'1L MONDAY, TUESD,i V, WEDNESDAY ,•Adult•Ehtertainntent � 4 ROAD HOtT—SE .'• with 7..i IDA LUPINO CORNEL W1L,.DE CELESTE .HOLM RICHARD, WIDM:AR•, Por your most exciting event in .pictures yinv w -W Want to 'see `this .dramatic entertainment,. NEXT -THURSDAY, FRIDAY,SATURDAY I I t~0 {0 bQ " TAKE, ME OUT TO THE RAILId GAME' y' With FRANK SINATRA ESTHER WIL•1.,1AMS ; G540:.• LLY` Energetic, Sprightly Amusing Comedy -Romance —,.one of'MiO:M.'a' gay Technicolor Musicales. COMING: In Technicolor "APARTMENT FOR .PE GY" GI . _ ;WILLIAM HOLDEN JEANN'E :GRAIN EDMUNDGWENN While the building of the Com- munity Centre goes on apace, the drive far funds to "finish the job", is now in full swing and will cul- minate with the Feather Party on Dec: 7. Results thus far are good. The committee has' completed the lists of canvassers. Aecording to C. T. Sills, they, to the best of his knowledge, are correct. The committee urges everyone to greet the canvassers with a smile and. to do the best possible when he knocks at your door. Canvassers for • Seaforth are (first named . being chairman•) : North Goderich St. to South side of James St. and intervening streets: Archie Dobson, Lorne Dale, Thos. Wilbee; South Gode- rich St. te, north John St. and west side of Sperling St.: H. E. Smith, John Baldwin, C. M. Smith, Rich- ard Box; south John Street to north Market St.: J. L. Slattery, B. F. Christie; south Market St. to Railroad, Cliff Broadfoot, Jack Stevens, John Muir; Railroad to limts, Albert Baker, Gordon Muir, Alain Dale; north James St to south Centre St,: Bill Hart, Har- old -Free; North Centre St. to lim- its: Angus MacLean, Geo. Kruse,. George Hays; south Goderich, east of Main St. to Railroad: Ed. Daly, F. E. Willis, Scott H•abk-irk, Frank Silas, Jr.; north Goderich, east of Main St. to south Centre St., Lloyd Hoggarth, Thos. Sills, Frank Case, Jas. A. MacDonald;- North Centre St. to Limits: Gordon Mc- Gonigle, Frank Kling. Canvassers for McKillop: West end, including a portion of Tuck- -ersmith: 1. F. Scott; 2nd and 3rd con., west of Seaforth-Brussels Road, J. T. Scott and Con Eckert; 4th and 6th con., west of Seaforth- Brussels Rd.: Sam 'McClure and Robt. McMillan; 7th and 8th con., ::est of Seaforth-Brussels Rd.: Ken Betties and R. Dolmage; 9th and 10th con., west of Seaforth-Brus- sels Rd.: Wm. Church and Art Alexander; llth to 14th con., west oP Seaforth-Brussels Rd.: A. Som- erville and N. •Schade; East of Sea - forth -Brussels Rd. and'Highway, 2nd and 3rd con.; Jas. McQuaid and V. Lane, Ab. Harrison, -Milton Stew- art; 4th and 5th con: Matt Mur- ray and G. Papple; 6th and 7th con.: R. McKercher and Robert Campbell; 8th and 9th con.: Wil- son Little and Gib. Murray; 10th arid llth con.: Wm. Boyd and Dan Beuermann; 12th and 13th con.: Leonard Leeming and Gordon 11,1c - Gavin; 14th con.: Earl Mills and Wm. Dennis; Boundary will most likely be done by Kelly Dalton and H. Craig. Tuokersmith is being done 'un- der the able management of W. J. Finnigan and Mervin Lane. Hibbert canvassers held an or- ganization meeting Wednesday night and will open their drive in earnest next week. Huliett is being looked after un- der chairmanship of W. L. Whyte. Death of John W. Little' One of the oldest residents of McKillop, John W. Little, passed away at the home -of his son; John, on Saturday, Nov. 12, in. his 84th year. He was born in Meinillep and 'farmed all his life. He was married. in 1899 to Mary Ann Gor- don, who predeceased him in 1937, but 'he is survived by two sons, John,• on the homestead, and Gor- don, of Galt; also a sister, Mrs. William Ross, of Stanley. Mr. Lit- tle was a quiet, unassuming man and' will be greatly missed tin his home. In -religion he was a Pres- hyterikn. •. The funeral was .heidd from the G. A. Whitney Funeral Chapel on Monday at 2 p.m., with Rev. • D, Glenn Campbell officiat- ing. 'lnterrnent was in Maitland - bank 'cemetery. The ' .pallbearers were Joseph Little, P. G Little, Bert McClure, Nelson McClure loss . Gordon and Peter McCowan. The W,A, of Bethel 'Church held -asuccessful eoneert in S.S. No. 9 Schoolhouse on Tuesday evening, when the following numbers were entree; "0 'Canada)" -by the group; duet, Mary Dennis and Clare flack= well, "There's a Pluebird On ,My "W'iildow Safi"; duet, "The Teddy pears' Picnic," Jean a iid',`14tararet Wien; Atiron County Kirit, "Tile Pocks Drive On," shown, by Par - ver -Johnston; .quiz Condileted , by 'Stafiley . k ileti, Laverne; Dodkiii, Wirral, NA*, 11Irs; • oho, Bo3sd, Marlon 11e and Carnietta *- W 644, the result being n ,tie; three lttitd tiers by the choir, "g p Scotch Polka," "We Like Eliza," and "You'll Get Used- To It"; square dance by the school chil- dren; a play, "Three To Get Ready," with Ruth and Beth Boyd, Carmetta McNichol, Norma Leem- ing and Merle Harley taking parf, Following the program a delicious lunch wa§ served. CLorE CARTER'S T1XI • COURTEOUS SERVICE • PASSENGERS INSURED • Phones: DAYS NIGHTS 182 346 -It CE W'INTIlRO' HALL Friday, Nov. 18th Music by the Sbanitocks A'1 11Id ST1 is 500 Danciag..9r$O y 1,80- AUTUMN WPI' Nurses' Annual C'ARDNO'S HALL, SEAFORTH Frida-y, November 9.30 - 1.30 NEIL McKAY AND ORCHESTRA Dress Optional ADMISSION -- $2.50 B Are You Going Formal to the First Autumn Whirl? If'so, let us make your gown complete with a Corsage Corsages can be made of- • MUMS • CARNATIONS • ROSES or • GARDENIAS in colors to go with any'gown PRICED RIGHT AND +MADE RIGHT BY ILEY'S - Florists Flowers For All Occasions ORDER YOURS EARLY IN STOCK Ten -Test Masonite Plywood Gyproc Beaver Board Arborite Ten -Test Blocks • Asphalt Shingles Cedar -grain Shingles Cooksville Bricks Roll: Brick Siding and Roll Roofing , • a;;a•r '• a,- • INSULATION Loose 2 -inch Batts 3 -inch Batts Insulated Siding • LUMBER, SASH AND DOORS Screens made to order CUSTOM MILLWORK Seaforth Supply ,& Fuel Co. PHONE 47 e5pecial �. -Winterizing Prices For all makes of Cars and. Trucks Drive in tomorrow . . . ,let our Service Department tell you about the special prices : for GM*Winterizing, . No matter' how old yottr .car may be it'll pay you to have it Winterized for safe, loW cost Winter operation. • otOrS x►rolet - Oldsinobiile hone. Seif9i, i .Ln A e